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October 26, 2023 47 mins
The Game Preview Podcast presented by Lifelock with Ethan Greenberg and Cynthia Frelund looks ahead to the Week 8 matchup between the New York Jets and New York Giants: 3:30 - The importance of the battle of New York 6:00 - The matchup between the Jets defense against the Giants offense 11:45 - What they hope to see from Zach Wilson in this matchup 15:30 - Exclusive interview with Robert Saleh 30:30 - A game of "Trick or Treat"

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Speaker 1 (00:04):
Welcome back to another edition of The Game Preview Podcast
presented by LifeLock Ethan Greenberg, Cynthia Freeland. You're gonna hear
from Robert Sala ahead of Jets Giants John Polano back
in the fold. Later on in the show as well, Cynthia,
you didn't really get a bye week, but we got
a bye week, So I guess this is probably gonna
be like a little bit of like a teaser question.
But like if you had a bye week, would you

be the type of person to sit back and do
nothing like I did? Or would you be the type
of person to go out and travel and try to
get like a little trip in when you can.

Speaker 2 (00:36):
I think probably i'd be like you and try to
chill out. I'm sad that you guys had so much
rain though, like their rain every single weekend. That kind
of stinks because I would do like a you know,
be a tourist in my hometown. Not like do a
touristy thing, but like, you know, go on a hike
or like go I love some good you know, fall activities.
You guys get leaves that change colors. We don't have
that out here, so I would go and look at

the leaves and just chill and try not to talk
to anyone.

Speaker 3 (01:00):
Turn my phone off. Maybe that would be wonderful.

Speaker 4 (01:03):
That's exactly what I did.

Speaker 1 (01:04):
I mean, maybe nothing like fall activity wise, but more like,
you know, what are places I've never eaten at that
I've wanted to eat at for a long time. Now
that I have the time to do it, let's rock
and roll. I ventured out to Brooklyn. I never venture
out to Brooklyn.

Speaker 4 (01:17):
I did it, but it was great.

Speaker 3 (01:19):
Great. So here we are at Brooklyn. You know.

Speaker 1 (01:21):
Yeah, Brooklyn is uh, not for everyone, but it's good.
It's been good to me in the past. I'll put
it that way.

Speaker 3 (01:29):
Probably loves Brooklyn.

Speaker 4 (01:30):
JP, who loves Brooklyn.

Speaker 3 (01:34):
The guys sitting to your I guess it'd be your right.

Speaker 4 (01:36):
And be my right. John Plana, Yeah.

Speaker 3 (01:38):
J I'm just gonna call him JAU. He told me
he wanted to make a rap album.

Speaker 4 (01:42):
So now he's just j JP on the mic. We'll
get to him later. He can vouch for Brooklyn, Jake
Brooklyn from Brooklyn. I'll be JP from Brooklyn exactly.

Speaker 3 (01:52):
That's that's his rap. Good perfect.

Speaker 4 (01:55):
I think we're onto something here.

Speaker 1 (01:57):
So jets are coming out of the bye week taking
on crossdown rival New York Giants, and I think Jets fans,
you know, it's interesting the Jets are zero and to two
out of the.

Speaker 4 (02:09):
Bye week with Robert Sala as head coach.

Speaker 1 (02:12):
Robert Sala said, I see you putting the handout like
it doesn't mean anything.

Speaker 4 (02:16):
Is that why?

Speaker 2 (02:18):
Well, both of them were coming off paid, they're both
against the Patriots, and you have to remember context two
is not a sample size, make so no who cares?

Speaker 3 (02:27):
Like next, That's how I feel.

Speaker 1 (02:29):
About it, well and next into twenty twenty three, which
brings me to my next point. Like, I think if
you're a fan and you're like, oh, like the Jets
have struggled out of the bye week in the past.
Obviously last season the Jets went oh and six after
the bye, like really left a sour taste in the
team's mouth.

Speaker 4 (02:44):
Obviously the fans too.

Speaker 1 (02:45):
But I think if you're a fan or if you're
a coach Sala and you're on the coaching staff, like
that is very much front of mine. All the players
had t shirts in their locker after the season finale
last year after losing six straight that said finish right,
like finish stronger. Whether that's a practice, whether that's a game,
whether that's a week, whether that's a meeting, it doesn't matter.
This is the first opportunity to come out of the gates.

The Jets are three and three, they're in the mix
of things here. I know early in the year, but
I would imagine that this would be front of mine
for the New York Jets now entering the back half
or close to the back half of the season.

Speaker 3 (03:20):

Speaker 2 (03:21):
I mean, there's a couple of reasons why it's going
to be such a big win. First of all, I
don't think that either the Jets or the Giants want
to be like embarrassed in New York right, Like that
just feels weird. These are two teams that have some
questions if you look past, like past five seasons combined,
some questions in terms of wins and losses.

Speaker 3 (03:38):
No one would dispute that.

Speaker 2 (03:40):
So I don't think you want to be the one
that comes out of this matchup without the W And
I think that the Jets will be sufficiently motivated. And
I know we saw the Giants win last game, but
there's there's still a lot of questions to be answered
on that Giants roster.

Speaker 1 (03:54):
Well, the first one being like who's going to be
like quarterback tyro being like.

Speaker 2 (03:59):
Give me the injury report and actually maybe give me
who is playing, because who's not playing seems to be longer,
like just whichever one shorter?

Speaker 1 (04:06):
Get me that, all right, So let's play a little
game here before we get to the trigger treat game
that JP from Brooklyn will fire up later. My thing is,
is this Cynthia like of the players who have not
played for the New York Giants, Daniel Jones, Andrew Thomas,
Evan Neil did not play last week. John Michael Schmidtz
hasn't played the rookie center for the New York Giants. Like,

how do you power rank the importance of who could
potentially return? I would imagine Andrew Thomas would be one
because he's an All Pro and the Giants offensive line
has been shaky. So if we agree on that, like
who's next on the pecking order.

Speaker 2 (04:41):
I'm gonna be honest with you. You want your quarterback playing.
I understand it's been tough sledding for Daniel Jones. It
hasn't looked great, but remember Saquon Barkley is really the
straw that stirs the drink in that offense. And you
saw Darren Waller be even more impactful getting his first
touchdown last game despite being the leading team the leading
receiver on the team, always a tight end, but has
most receiving yards on the team. So Saque is the

straw that starves a drink in the entire offense. And
with Daniel Jones and Saque together, you're able. Obviously we
need Andrew Thomas, like, let's just do that. But I
think it's you know, people forget, like the substitute value
for quarterbacks is very difficult to find. It's not like
they're just growing on trees and you can go pick
one that's better, right, Like you know, the people like
they shouldn't have paid them. They should have Like that's
not how markets work. And Daniel Jones had a great

season last year. You could only deal with the information
you're given. You can't deal in hypothetical. So Daniel Jones
would be the next the next answer to that question.

Speaker 1 (05:34):
So for as it pertains to Daniel Jones dealing with
a neck injury, as we sit here recording like Wednesday
at mid afternoon, two o'clock, it's been said or Daniel
Jones was on The Up and Adams Show on Tuesday,
the day before we're recording, and he said, like, I
can do everything, I just can't get hit, which is
obviously the thing that's holding him back. And in football,

you get hit, and when you play this Chet's defensive line,
you get hit.

Speaker 4 (05:59):
So we'll see what happens there.

Speaker 2 (06:01):
Yeah, let's let's actually add some numbers to that, because
it's really impressive. So the Jets, the Jets defensive front
is pressuring teams at forty one point nine percent rate.
That's number three in the league. The Giants quarterbacks, so
both of them together have been pressured at the third
highest rate in the league. That's number three. Now Tyrod Taylor.
Ty Taylor takes fewer sacks per game than Jones, but
when Jones talked about being hit, I was like, well,

how many sacks is he taking a game? The number
is five point six. So not getting hit is an understatement,
you know, like, like, yes, you're gonna get hit in
this game.

Speaker 3 (06:32):
Whoever is playing quarterback. It's it's part of it.

Speaker 4 (06:35):
You know.

Speaker 1 (06:35):
What's crazy too, when you think about the first six
games for the Jets, this is the first game that
the Jets will not play a Pro Bowl quarterback like
Mac Jones made the Pro Bowl his rookie year.

Speaker 4 (06:47):
I think it was.

Speaker 3 (06:47):
That's like an asterisk.

Speaker 4 (06:49):
Then five out of the six quarterbacks ll.

Speaker 3 (06:53):
Give you that. I'll give you that, thank you.

Speaker 1 (06:55):
Five out of the six are like premier quarterbacks in
the NFL or very good quarterbacks. Russ Wilson obviously was
a very good quarterback past two seasons. Stats don't back
that theory up nearly as much, but the Jets have
had tough sledding. This is the first game, I would say,
outside of the Broncos game, where the numbers for in

terms of the numbers of the opposing offense and the
opposing defense combined are like very favorable for the Jets.

Speaker 2 (07:23):
Right right, Yes, I mean it kind of matches up
really well with some of the deficiencies in the Giants'
roster and one that I like, I mean look sacks aside,
and the opportunity stopping the run is going to be
really hard for the Giants, especially because if you're looking
at Breestal, he's averaging six point five yards per carry, which,

by the way, the NFL record for a full season
is six point one in case anyone was keeping track
at home. And the real use case of him is
not just when he's actually the ball carrier or actually
the subjects of a pass, but it's what he does
for everyone else because he helps Zack Wilson and stay
on schedule, ahead of the chain.

Speaker 3 (08:02):
So you're not making third and twenty six.

Speaker 2 (08:05):
No one's good on Okay, Patrick Mahomes is actually pretty
good on pen long, but most everyone isn't good on
third and long, so you know you have to factor
that in. And stopping the run has been because all
the Giants want to do is blitz. I mean, what
do we say, like death taxes and Wink blitzing Like
that's things that you can count on. So you know,
the only reason he's not the number one blitzer this

season is because somehow Brian Flores won't stop blitzing in Minnesota.

Speaker 3 (08:31):
So other than that, but just historically.

Speaker 2 (08:33):
Wink is going to blitz you, and that just you
can create run concepts off of that because they know
where the pressure's coming.

Speaker 1 (08:40):
It's such a different philosophy from the Jets and Giants. Defensively,
because the Jets blitz eighteen point. They have a blitz
rate of eighteen point seven percent. I believe that's the
second lowest in the league. And to your point, the
Giants like to blitz.

Speaker 2 (08:54):
And by the way, they get a thirty seven percent
pressure rate without using blitz. That's the Jet the Jets,
so they don't need to. It's a luxury not to
have to blitz to bring pressure. It's a super big luxury.
Then you get to drop seven back and coverage a okay, but.

Speaker 4 (09:09):
Well, yeah you can't do that.

Speaker 1 (09:10):
That's perfect though, because to your point, like this matches
up well for the Jets, because yes, right now, Sauce
Gardner DJ Reid still in concussion protocol.

Speaker 4 (09:19):
Robert Solid did say like probably.

Speaker 1 (09:21):
Going to take up to game day, and then there
was an update from the Beat reporter saying like that
they're taking part in positional drills.

Speaker 4 (09:28):
That doesn't mean that they're cleared.

Speaker 1 (09:29):
But if those guys are cleared, even if they're not,
the Jets have an advantage there, especially if Evan Neil
John Michael Schmidt's and potentially Andrew.

Speaker 2 (09:38):
To every time since the draft, every time John Michael Schmidt,
do you hear do you hear the song in your head?

Speaker 3 (09:44):

Speaker 2 (09:44):
John Jake Jingleheimer Smith everything since the draft. I was
like this kid, I was like, I'm always gonna sing it,
so every time you say it.

Speaker 4 (09:53):

Speaker 1 (09:54):
So, I mean it's it's almost, you know, holiday season.
I think we're like close enough. John Elschmids feels like
he could be good Santa Claus, right, maybe.

Speaker 3 (10:04):
I like it.

Speaker 2 (10:05):
I saw Santa Claus walking on the beach yesterday. So
if anyone wants to know where he is, he's here
in southern California.

Speaker 1 (10:10):
Well he's taking his you know, he's taking a vacation
right before it's busy season for him. But don't do
you think Andrew tomm Let's say Andrew Thomas does play,
or Evan Neil or all three of those guys.

Speaker 4 (10:24):
Isn't this still advantage jets?

Speaker 3 (10:27):

Speaker 2 (10:29):
I don't all due respect to them as human beings.

Speaker 3 (10:32):
They haven't.

Speaker 2 (10:33):
Even when they're all they've all been out there together,
it hasn't looked great.

Speaker 3 (10:36):
And Evan Neil talked.

Speaker 2 (10:38):
In the third person a couple of weeks ago, like
Evan Neil blah blah blah, and I was like, oh,
you know things are bad when we're already it's like
week four and he's talking to a third person, so
it's and I like him, Like coming out of Alabama,
I had really high marks on him. So and Andrew
Thomas dude, like, the concepts have to match what you're doing,
and they didn't have Saque, So you have to remember

it's a lot harder to run with Matt Brida than
it is with Sakuon Barkley as it turns out.

Speaker 4 (11:04):
As it turns out as one might expect.

Speaker 1 (11:06):
And for the Jets, though, I think if you're a
fan and you're just kind of like briefly analyzing this game,
going back to the Wing Martindale blitz scheme and stuff
like that, I think that a lot of fans have
like a little bit of a concern because you were
talking about sample size earlier. Well, Zack Wilson has a

small twenty twenty three sample size, which obviously looks better
than last season, but he struggled at times against blitz
heavy teams in the past. So this is a team
to your point, that blitzes a lot of the time. Like,
how do you how do you counteract what Wing Martindale
does and what he wants to do. And if you're
a Jets fan, like what do you hope to see

from Zack Wilson out of this game? That'll make you think, like,
you know, what things have really changed for Zach Wilson,
and let's buckle up and let's you know, let's rock
and roll for.

Speaker 4 (11:58):
The rest of the season.

Speaker 2 (11:59):
You know, sometimes people use the word he's a system
quarterback as like a in the pejorative, right, So it's
not a good thing to be quote a system quarterback.
I would argue that every quarterback is a system quarterback.
It just depends on what the system is. And I
think that the opportunity here to really allow the coaches
to do their job and execute what is asked to do.

I don't think they're sitting there being like, we're going
to have him throw seven twenty plus air yard passes,
We're going to rely on one to one matchups way
outside with their no, they're going to create an opportunity
here to first, in the first you know, the scripted plays,
they're going to do some things to figure out like, Okay,
what are their tells for this blitz in this game?

Speaker 3 (12:39):
What are they trying to do? Right?

Speaker 2 (12:40):
So in the scripted period, they're going to use strategic
runs and strategic quick passes to try to understand the
fundamentals of this blitz in this game that they've come
up with. Now, then you go forward and you say,
stay on schedule, follow the system. The system is there
for a reason. Nathaniel Hackett knows what he's doing. This
is a good system. So I'm not again not using

it in the pejorative I would even argue Patrick Mahomes
is a system quarterback. Tom Brady system quarterback, So be
that system quarterback because you know what's coming for you.
You know that some of their most talented players do
not lie in that secondary. So get those nice matchups
where you're gonna have it because you got this guy
who's really good downfield. Actually got multiple guys who are

really good downfield, but you got this one guy who
you have some good chemistry with happens to have the
same last name. Like, get him in open space, allow
him to run, catch and run all day.

Speaker 4 (13:31):

Speaker 1 (13:31):
I'm excited to see how the Jets respond to this
bye week because i know I'm kind of bringing a
full circle here, but based on the way last year
ended and the lack of the amount of personnel changes
in the offseason, like this taste of sourness and bitterness
probably still remains throughout the locker room.

Speaker 4 (13:52):
And if you're CJ.

Speaker 1 (13:53):
Mosley, who's one of a number of team captains, but
he is like the captain of the team, like I
would imagine very much so that this is going to
be a focal point and a point of emphasis throughout
the week that no matter how fast the Jets thought
they wanted to start, they need to start faster into
the back half of the year.

Speaker 2 (14:13):
Yeah, and they need to make their adjustments on like
the one thing that the defense could always look I'm
not suggesting that this Giants offense is a world beater.
We haven't seen that, but they do have a coach
who has a proven track record of making good in
game adjustments, Brian Dable. If you look back to with

Josh Allen, what he was able to do in second
halves has actually been an improvement.

Speaker 3 (14:38):
Not every coach can say that.

Speaker 2 (14:39):
In fact, there's a couple of teams down the road here,
well one specifically where sometimes the adjustments aren't great and
it hurts them, especially against the Chiefs. I don't know
what I'm talking about here, but obviously, but ultimately it
becomes a problem, but that's not Dabell's game plan. He
knows how to adjust, so that's where the defense will
get a little bit of the wrinkles in full, especially

if you see like a sake one situation where things
start to come together for him.

Speaker 1 (15:04):
Yeah, it'll be interesting to see basically how both teams respond,
because it does feel like the Giants are figuring or
if they've started to figure some things out, although they've
only scored twenty three points total over their last three games.
Just something to keep in mind, even though they did
beat the Commanders last week at MetLife Stadium, final score
fourteen to seven. But for more on this matchup, let's

actually hear from head coach Robert Solo with Eric Allen.

Speaker 5 (15:30):
The last time we saw you was in that locker
room after you guys upset the Philadelphia Eagles. He told
the team, you guys inspire me. Why does this team
inspire you?

Speaker 6 (15:43):
You know the amount of love and appreciation I think
each other that each player has for one another, The
position groups, the units the team, the way the offense
supports the defense and the defense sports the offense, and
the way they both support special teams, and the sacrifice
they've made for one another. You know, the second that
was made in the back end last week being short
corners and safeties playing nickel and players playing out of position.

We had veterans gun running gun around special teams and
just everyone just putting themselves out there. You don't do
that unless you just have an appreciation and love for
your teammate. And uh and you know, you're as you
watch it unfold and and mind you this all happened
like on a Saturday, the day before the game, and uh,
you know, so it is an inspiring group and how

hard they work, how much they love this game, how
they approach each day, how much energy they bring to
the building, and you know, and then you you you
bring all that together and you just look back at
the six weeks of all the different challenges that we've
been presented with, and everyone's presented with challenges throughout the year,
but just uh, unique to us, and you just it's

they're they're they're a great group.

Speaker 7 (16:54):
Is a double edged sword in terms.

Speaker 5 (16:56):
Of going into the buy. You guys win two consecutive
games and then you got to take a break.

Speaker 6 (17:03):
Now, you know, I felt like we needed it. You
always want through buy a week a little bit later.
But at the same time, you know, you look at
the schedule coming up. You know, globally, you don't want
to look you want to keep it day to day, right,
But globally, we've got a Sunday night game, a Monday
night game, a Friday afternoon game, a Thursday game. So
we got a wonky schedule coming up with all these
short weeks, long.

Speaker 7 (17:22):
Weeks, and and we needed this bye.

Speaker 6 (17:24):
Week one to to kind of just get fresh and
get ready for the for the second half of the season.

Speaker 7 (17:29):
And two, I think everyone needed to kind of hit
the pause button after this. You know just how how
wild these first six weeks were, from.

Speaker 6 (17:40):
The ridiculously emotional roller coaster of Week one to adjusting
the offense on the fly, and all the all the
noises around this organization or in the first three weeks,
and and now all the pats on that like it
just we just needed to step back and just take
a deep breath and watch football for watch how a
weekend of just watching other teams play, and and I

felt like our guys did a good job approaching it.
I think our guys did a good job just kind
of taking a deep breath and hopefully we can attack
the second half of the season.

Speaker 7 (18:12):
You're a family guy.

Speaker 5 (18:13):
How much do you enjoy that Sunday being able to
go to a few of those games with your kids?

Speaker 6 (18:19):
Oh? I love it, you know, because my son, both
of them, they my two oldest, they usually play at
six o'clock and eight o'clock on Saturdays. Well, we're in
night meetings before the game. My third one plays at
eight in the morning or a nine in the morning.
But we're in day meetings here, you know, on Saturday.

So you know, I don't get to watch them very often.
I'm usually facetiming trying to get updates. But to be
able to go watch them play, you know, it's a blessing.

Speaker 5 (18:48):
So how do you just thee schedule? He said, this
is your third year here and you're trying something new
each time.

Speaker 6 (18:55):
Yeah, you know what the key is to keep them
not just physically fresh, but mentally fresh. And it's probably
one of the things I learned a year ago.

Speaker 7 (19:02):
You know, you're you know, there's a there's a mental
exhaustion of.

Speaker 6 (19:08):
Where the day just can't feel long and it just
feels redundant and you and you lose the juice and
energy of freshness mentally and emotionally, and so you're just
trying to find that balance. I thought in year one
we finished strong, but physically I thought we got a
little bit beat up. Last year didn't feel like emotionally

we finished the way we wanted. Uh So this year obviously,
and you know last year we just got beat up too,
so on the offensive side of the ball. So we're
just trying to find that balance of of how can
we stay both emotionally mentally or all three trilogy if
you will, but emotionally, physically and mentally uh fresh.

Speaker 5 (19:49):
What do you think about Tony Adams making that play
at the end of the game, and how much confidence
did you guys have in him throughout the off season
because a lot of people came up to me and said,
you're not even playing it any preseason snaps.

Speaker 7 (20:01):
Yeah, No, I'm with you. He's uh, you know, I've uh.

Speaker 6 (20:06):
I don't want to compare him with Quincy, but I'll
compare his story to Quincy in that he's he's, you know,
like Quincy, young kid has tremendous physical traits, a really
good head on his shoulders in terms of his preparation
and his mindset, his ability to grasp and understand both
defensive and offensive football. And and he's young, so he

he's going to need reps.

Speaker 7 (20:31):
He needs time and uh. And it's not all going
to be high.

Speaker 6 (20:34):
You know, like Denver he misses a tackle and there's frustration,
and then Philadelphia he balls out in the next game.
You know, there's gonna be some ups and downs, just
like Quincy had in his first year. But you know,
if you stayed disciplined and you continue to coach him
and you continue to give him reps, he's going to
have a chance to be something special.

Speaker 5 (20:50):
We talk about how cool this roster is all the time,
but when you think about guys like John Franklin Myers,
who is a waiver claim. You mentioned Quincy a waiver
claim in twenty twenty one, And we talk about Tony
Adams making this key play at the end of the
game in Week six against the Philadelphia Eagles. He's an
undrafted free agent. How about Exavier Gibson now undrafted free

agent who potentially can get more opportunities with you guys
offensively now we've seen him shine on special teams.

Speaker 7 (21:19):
You can throw huff in there. Yeah, drafted free agent.

Speaker 6 (21:21):
There's a lot of guys, but credit to them, credit
to Joe and his staff and finding these guys.

Speaker 7 (21:25):
You know, but.

Speaker 6 (21:28):
Xavier Gibson, you know, he's his approach to the game
is like a five year veteran, you know. I mean,
he is locked in. He's the way he approaches the game,
the way he approaches his body, the playboat practice.

Speaker 7 (21:42):
You know, he's he's a really really cool.

Speaker 6 (21:44):
Young man, and you know he is going to get
more opportunities, and he's electric with the ball in his hands,
and you know, he's he's got he's got a ways
to go. He's got refine his his route running ability
in the slot and all that stuff. But you can't
refine it unless you're getting those reps. And the intens
to help him get is to make sure he's getting
those reps to continue to develop and become the player

that we think he can be.

Speaker 5 (22:06):
How good has the special teams unit been throughout the
year and how much do you emphasize emphasize hidden yards. Yeah,
you know, for my money, you have the best kicker
duel in the National Football League, and your coverage units
have been outstanding. And we've seen what x has been
able to do as a returnment.

Speaker 6 (22:22):
Yeah, those hidden yards are are enormous. Mosteed's been punting
the heck out of the football. You know, we talk
about backed up opportunities when you can pin a team
inside the ten yard line, when you flip the field like,
those are big, big, big yards in terms of one.
From a defensive standpoint, we look at it as a

turnover if we can force the three and out, because
odds are you're getting the ball at the logo offense
should score, you know, and you know, so you look
at those opportunities and the way the special teams unit
has been both punting the ball and returning the ball,
and then obviously z has been fantastic kicking the ball.

You know, it's those hind yarded yards are are incredible.
You know, it's you know, I always give the analogy.
I'm like, well, you know, if you're the importance of
the gunner and the punter and the returner in the
return game, I've always said, you know, let's go into
a game. For example, you kick the ball off, team

takes over at the twenty five yard line, you go
three and out, They punt the ball, Xavier catches it,
and he returns it about ten yards.

Speaker 7 (23:32):
We get up three and out.

Speaker 6 (23:36):
Morsteaed punts the ball, puts his foot on it. They
got to fair catch it because our gunners are ripping
and rolling on the outside, they catch it. We do
that exchange twice. All of a sudden, they're taking possession
at the ten yard line, but we're taking possession at midfield.

Speaker 7 (23:48):
It's like, well, what the heck happened? They're both gone
three and out.

Speaker 6 (23:51):
Those are the hidden yards that people never really recognize.
And when you have gunners the gunners we have, and
the punter we have and the returner we have, you
can gain yards just by having that simple exchange all
the way down the field.

Speaker 5 (24:04):
How about the discipline your team continues to show in
terms of yards. I think you're the third least penalized
team in the National Football League. And with that being said,
on the other side of the coin, you probably should
be getting a couple more calls as well.

Speaker 6 (24:18):
Yeah, you know what, there's a couple of things we
got to clean up. You know, I've always argued that
there's there's three types of penalties. There's the presnat penalties,
which is a focus issue. There's the Internet penalties, which
can be aggressive or non aggressive penalties. You always want
them to be aggressive penalties. Aggressive penalties are okay. The
non aggressive penalties are the ones where you're just not

clean with your technique, you're lazy with your footwork, and
you force yourself.

Speaker 7 (24:42):
Into a penalty.

Speaker 6 (24:43):
And then it's the post snat penalties, which are the
unnecessary roughness, the tauntings, the undisciplined penalties, if you will,
And so you're always trying to challenge the ones that
you've got control over.

Speaker 7 (24:54):
You have the control over.

Speaker 6 (24:55):
Focus, you have the control over discipline, the aggressive and
non aggressive penalties. Sometimes that happens, and that's okay. But
we got a good group in that regard, and you know,
we're never we got to earn our stripes with getting
some of these calls. I think we haven't had a
rough in the passer call since I think it was
twenty one, my first year here, which is fascinating with

how liberal they've been with calling penalties on or rough
in the passer penalties with everybody else. But you know,
if we keep being aggressive and we keep making the
name for ourselves, keep it in that respect, maybe we'll
get a few calls.

Speaker 5 (25:32):
What about this week and how interesting the matchup is
because you've always talked about your respect for Wink and
the way they approach defense is so different than you.

Speaker 7 (25:42):
Yeah, I watch them and I'm like, I'm in awe.
I'm like, how do they coach all this?

Speaker 6 (25:48):
Because you're expecting to turn on the tape and say, Okay,
they got one hundred different defenses, They're going to have
free runners everywhere, and that's not the case.

Speaker 7 (25:56):
You know, they've got body and a body. They're in
their zones.

Speaker 6 (25:59):
The pressures get into the quarterback there, they know exactly
where they're supposed to be. They're aligned properly. You don't
see people running all over the place.

Speaker 7 (26:07):
They're very sound.

Speaker 6 (26:09):
It is a very well constructed defense, and he does
a really nice job coaching it. And you're right, it's
a complete opposite of what we are. We are four
men rush and just play zone and they're bring the
house as many times as possible, and they'll play zone
behind it, man behind it, they'll four men rush. They
do a little bit of everything, and it's and they
do a really good job with it. And over the

last few all season, really they've been playing at a
very high level. You really got to ignore the stats
when you look at them, the raw data. You really
got to look at at their playmaking ability and the
things that they've done. They've especially the last two weeks,
they've made it very, very difficult on offenses. They made
it difficult on San Francisco, they made it difficult on

the last Buffalo, they made it difficult on Washington. They
got a good football team, they're doing a really nice job.

Speaker 5 (26:57):
You said, offensively, you think you're really close and you
move in football, So now it's just converting in the
red zone.

Speaker 6 (27:05):
Yeah, you know, we talked about it. It's the last
you know, Kansas City, I felt like we performed well
in the red zone the last two weeks.

Speaker 7 (27:14):
We've gotten there nine times, only got in once. And
you can argue those because Philadelphia let us score or
they didn't whatever, it was only they know.

Speaker 6 (27:23):
But at the end of the day, you know, when
you try to divvy it up and you're trying to
figure out why, well, you know, what's the why. How
come we didn't get it? How come we weren't able
to punch it in. It's a little bit of everything.
Denver felt like we could have been a little bit
better as coaches in terms of the way the scheme
we draw We drew up the aggressiveness at which we
called the game, and on the flip side, when you

get to the Philadelphia game, felt like we could have
been cleaner with regards to execution. The penalties kicked us
out of it. We had some.

Speaker 7 (27:51):
Opportunities to score and it didn't happen.

Speaker 6 (27:54):
So it's a little bit of everything right now, and
we just were getting there and that's the positive part.
The key for everything else is going to be how
do we punch it in? And that's going to be
consistency and eliminating self inflicted wounds quickly.

Speaker 7 (28:08):

Speaker 5 (28:08):
I know you guys are going to be prepared for
whatever quarterback they throw at you this week, but can
you talk about the emphasis takeaways in the offseason and
how that has come to fruition here early in twenty
twenty three.

Speaker 6 (28:23):
You always emphasize takeaways. You don't want to live off
the takeaway. You know, there's things that we've got to
do better defensively to not live and die by the takeaway,
because it's right now. In the three games we've won,
we've had plus three or three or more takeaways in
the games.

Speaker 7 (28:40):
We haven't.

Speaker 6 (28:40):
We haven't been able to take the ball away. And
you know, you want to be a dominant defense with
or without takeaways. And now with that said, takeaways forever
in the history of football as the greatest indicator between
wins and losses, and so you're always going to emphasize them.
You always want to take the ball away. You always
want to make sure that you know, offensively you're finishing

with a kick. You're either punting the ball kicking a
field goal, but you never are kicking an extra point.
You never want to finish any other way or defensively,
you know, we always joke you don't.

Speaker 7 (29:12):
You don't want them to finish with a kick.

Speaker 6 (29:13):
You want to finish with the ball somehow, every play,
every technique, everything we do is designed to take the
ball away and uh, and sometimes it works and sometimes
it doesn't. But you know, we continue to put pressure
on a quarterback and we can generate leads or keep
the games close, and where teams feel like they have
to press to make a play, we feel like we
could take advantage.

Speaker 5 (29:32):
Of what do you think the atmosphere atmosphere is going
to be like this week? You guys have played so
well at home, but either the way seed.

Speaker 7 (29:40):
I don't know.

Speaker 6 (29:40):
You know it's gonna be it's gonna be interesting. You
know You're it is the Giants, and i'd imagine that
it's still gonna be a Giants crowd. I'm sure some
Jets fans are gonna sneak in there, I hope, But
it's my first Jets Giants experience, true one, and I'm
looking forward to seeing what it's like.

Speaker 7 (29:57):
Thank you.

Speaker 4 (30:00):
Up, Jets fans.

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dot Com. That was EA coach Sola. This is the
Game Preview podcast presented by LifeLock. As always, now it's
time round of applause. JP from Brooklyn.

Speaker 8 (30:37):
What's going on? Guys, what's going on?

Speaker 9 (30:39):
I'm a little on edge right now, all this spooky
stuff in all the Halloween vibes.

Speaker 4 (30:44):
Did you have a nice bye week?

Speaker 8 (30:45):
I had a fantastic bye.

Speaker 1 (30:46):
Good Cynthia JP from Brooklyn went back to actually his
actual home, the Rock.

Speaker 3 (30:53):
Woo, what'd you do up there?

Speaker 8 (30:55):
Home cooking again? Another shout out to Kathy Polano. Yeah,
it's two.

Speaker 3 (31:00):
Pilano is the star of this.

Speaker 4 (31:02):
Mathew Pilano might have to make a cameo if she might,
she might.

Speaker 8 (31:07):
Yeah, her Bakedz's gonna make a cameo.

Speaker 4 (31:09):
Okay, fair enough, Oh for sure.

Speaker 2 (31:10):
I feel like Thanksgiving episode, we got to get the
moms in because Marianne Freeland will want to say hello
as well.

Speaker 1 (31:16):
That's that's fine. Terry Greenberg would say hello. She would
not cook anything, nothing, She would bring nothing to the
spread like that. That would not We don't want that.
We don't want that at all, because if Terry Greenberg's
in the kitchen could be a question.

Speaker 4 (31:32):
And I love you, mom, but you you know it's true.

Speaker 8 (31:35):
She's bringing good vibes and that's all we need.

Speaker 4 (31:37):
All she needs, all we need is good vibes. She
can definitely help with that.

Speaker 1 (31:41):
So let me ask you this, John Polano, it is spooky.
You're gonna have a spooky segment.

Speaker 8 (31:47):
I got a little bit of a trick or treat
spooky segment.

Speaker 4 (31:49):
Okay, yeah, I'm ready. You ready, Cynthia? Are you ready?

Speaker 3 (31:53):
I'm ready?

Speaker 8 (31:54):

Speaker 9 (31:55):
Do you see the Halloween decorations coming up in La?
Are you seeing all that stuff?

Speaker 3 (32:00):
Yes? There are.

Speaker 2 (32:01):
My neighbors especially have some. I'll take some pictures really
scary Halloween stuff. Like my neighbors are freaks.

Speaker 3 (32:08):
I think, I don't know.

Speaker 2 (32:09):
I'll send you guys some pictures. It's it's actually pretty
terrifying some of the stuff they do.

Speaker 4 (32:15):
Like the thing you have, Gordy.

Speaker 3 (32:17):
I know, Gordy saves me. He doesn't like it either,
he barks at them.

Speaker 1 (32:20):
Okay, hey, let me ask you this before we start, Cynthia,
what is your favorite Halloween candy?

Speaker 2 (32:28):
It's really tough. I mean, I love a good kit
Cat moment. Probably, like I like the menu. You know
they make those like special ones with like white chocolate
and whatever for Halloween.

Speaker 3 (32:37):
Yeah, so that's I like that a lot.

Speaker 2 (32:39):
But I'm kind of like, I'm also kind of a
traditionalist when it comes to it. So Reese's pieces, the
little one, you know, the little bags or the peanut
butter cups.

Speaker 4 (32:47):
Oh yeah, I think I'm team peebee cups.

Speaker 8 (32:49):
What about you big butter fingers guy though?

Speaker 4 (32:52):
Okay, yeah, I think three Musketeers isnak is like an X.

Speaker 8 (32:56):
Factor, absolutely, you know what I mean?

Speaker 4 (32:57):
Agreed, you can't sleep on ite Musketeers ever.

Speaker 8 (33:01):
Is a glue guy.

Speaker 1 (33:02):
Yeah, it is a glue guy. You might not know
that you needed a three Musketeers until it's gone.

Speaker 4 (33:06):
You know what I mean.

Speaker 9 (33:07):
Yeah, you're ruffling through like yeah, you're going through that
Halloween candy like later in the season, like later November.
You're like, I don't really know if there's anything good
left in here after you've picked off the top, But
you hit that three Musketeers.

Speaker 4 (33:19):
Is it fair to say?

Speaker 1 (33:20):
Is it fair to say that a three Musketeers is
equivalent to Michael Carter the second?

Speaker 3 (33:26):
I would agree? I like that. That's a really good
thank you, a really good analogy.

Speaker 4 (33:31):
Thank you. All Right, I'm done with the candy talk.
I'm getting hungry.

Speaker 8 (33:34):
All right, let's do some trick or treating here.

Speaker 9 (33:36):
Okay, So for this segment coming off of Week six
by there's a lot of stuff that's kind of up
in the air, Like we have some takeaways, we have
some storylines early on in the season.

Speaker 8 (33:45):
But I just want to see if you guys think there.

Speaker 9 (33:46):
Are more tricks meaning they're not totally true, they're a
little bit false, or are they treats? These are real
things that are going to affect this Giant Jets matchups.

Speaker 8 (33:54):
That sound good?

Speaker 4 (33:55):
Yeah, I'm ready to roll.

Speaker 1 (33:56):
All right, are we gonna like, are we both doing
the same like trick retreat or are we going to
ping pong the trick retreats?

Speaker 9 (34:03):
I think you both should give an answer, Okay, all yeah, yeah,
all right, awesome. So first we're gonna talk about the
Giants defense, and Cynthia kind of already hit on it,
where their run defense hasn't been super great. They're giving
one hundred and thirty seven yards per game, which is
six number six in the league, and they're giving up
ten rushing touchdown which is number three in the league.
But over the last two weeks they've only given up
twenty one points. They've given up just over two hundred

yards rushing over the last couple of weeks and just
what you're hearing from inside the Giants facilities is they are.

Speaker 8 (34:32):
Playing a little bit better.

Speaker 9 (34:33):
Cave On Tibadau has five and a half sex this
year at one and a half last week. Are you
buying that this Jets defense is getting a little bit
better or this sorry, this Giants evens get a little
bit better? Is Breeze Hall still gonna undress them on Sunday, Cynthia, Can.

Speaker 2 (34:46):
It be both a trick and a treat? Because I
do think they're getting a little better, But I also
think that Breesehall.

Speaker 3 (34:51):
Is gonna have a massive day. Okay, So I like
it tricks and treats for me?

Speaker 4 (34:56):
I like it.

Speaker 1 (34:57):
It's like getting the Three Musketeers. And uh, I don't
know what what what would trick? But like what would
what would a trick.

Speaker 4 (35:06):
Be in terms of a Halloween bag like.

Speaker 8 (35:09):
A candle and apple or like tooth brushes back in
the day.

Speaker 4 (35:14):
You got toothbrushes.

Speaker 8 (35:17):
Before. Yeah, what it's horrible is going on here?

Speaker 3 (35:21):
Get t pe later, you know?

Speaker 1 (35:24):
Okay, First of all, is Cynthia, is this a Midwest
like your trick trigger treating in the Midwest?

Speaker 4 (35:29):
Right Detroit? Like in Michigan. Rochester is like the midwest
of New York.

Speaker 3 (35:34):
It's right. I'm like, it's East Lansing, Michigan, not.

Speaker 1 (35:37):
East Lancing, fair enough. But you're getting floss, you're getting toothbrushes.

Speaker 4 (35:43):
What is going on?

Speaker 8 (35:45):
I don't know, man, I don't And what kind of sick.

Speaker 1 (35:48):
Parenting is that you cannot be given toothbrushes? If you're
a dentist, you give a peanut butter cup and you say,
here's my card. When you have a cavity, you don't
give the toothbrush.

Speaker 9 (35:58):
Rux used to get pencils from teachers too. What teachers
would give us stuff that would like help contribute in
the classroom.

Speaker 8 (36:04):
But I digress.

Speaker 4 (36:06):
Okay, that is heinous. I'm offended.

Speaker 8 (36:08):
All right, let's get Ethan off this tree.

Speaker 4 (36:10):
I'm offended.

Speaker 9 (36:10):
So you both, you're both saying treats for both the Giants.
Defense is improving.

Speaker 1 (36:15):
I'd defer to Cynthia on this because she knows more
than I do about like the axes and o's and
what's going on. But like statistics alone, and like watching
the Giants a little bit on the bye week when
I'm watching Red Zone. Shout out Scott Hanson, Syracuse, Alum,
that's right, baby. I think that when you take a
look at the Giants defense, like they had pieces and

they they like they won a playoff game last year,
and obviously they're not playing at the level that they
played at last year, I think that they're better. I
do think that this is a good matchup for Breese
Hall based on what Cynthia said earlier.

Speaker 8 (36:47):
So treats for everybody. Treats yea love A good treat,
all right, awesome?

Speaker 9 (36:53):
Moving over to the Jets offensive side of the ball,
I think everybody's noticed Zach Wilson's improvement on the field,
be that Chiefs game that Sola mentioned where they start
to open up for him.

Speaker 8 (37:03):
You've seen that improvement.

Speaker 9 (37:04):
But I mean, statistically, fifteen percent better conclusion percentage, passer
rating up twenty points, and of course we're two to
one in our last three games. Are you buying these
Zach Wilson's improvements or are they more of a trick
for you?

Speaker 4 (37:17):
I don't think it's a trick.

Speaker 1 (37:18):
I think that you really do see like stats alone, right,
like throw them out the window when you watch the
New York Jets operate on the offensive side of the football.
The way that Zach operates scans the field remains in
the pocket is not what you saw last year with
the team. So to me, that's why it's what it's

a treat, right, Like, I think it's true. I think
that what you're seeing is actual improvements, even though the
numbers aren't like top fifteen in the NFL, Like, the
numbers aren't great, But roberts Holl will be the first
one to tell you, like, it's not all about the
box score and the stats, and the way that the
Jets want to play football doesn't lend itself to Zack

Wilson throwing for three hundred plus yards like in the
games that he's done it, Like last year he threw
for i think over three hundred and fifty against the
Patriots at home and the Jets lost that game. Like
that's not the Jets recipe for success. So that's why
I'm going treat.

Speaker 2 (38:16):
Yeah, So I'm completely in alignment with you. So as
a person who like my career is like numbers, it's
not that they're prescriptive and one hundred percent, it's that
they help directionally tell us things. So the reality is
is when you're looking at Zach Wilson's numbers. Look at
the number that it shows how many pass attempts per

game in wins versus losses to be more balanced, fifty
to fifty Around there between run and pass is where
Zach Wilson becomes.

Speaker 3 (38:44):
Really effective and efficient.

Speaker 2 (38:45):
So when you're looking at like who cares about like
Patrick Mahomes throwing for three hundred is because other teams
also throw for three hundred against it, because they know
that Patrick Mahomes get score in fifteen seconds or thirteen seconds.

Speaker 3 (38:56):

Speaker 2 (38:57):
The truth is is that you want to be balanced
run back. Look at Jared Goff last week, the Lions
were one of the most balanced teams in the entire league.

Speaker 3 (39:04):
They get trounced. They didn't even throw.

Speaker 2 (39:06):
I think they threw like, I don't know, on eleven
or sorry, eighty nine percent of passes last game because
they had to. So it's not necessarily that the explicit
numbers tell you everything. It's the context around the numbers
that informs the decision. So sure like that, I don't
care if it's only fifteen percentage points higher and completion
percent that's a massive increase if you take it in
the factor of okay, how many first downs are we getting?

Speaker 3 (39:29):
How what are the things that.

Speaker 2 (39:30):
Are actually causal to success meaning wins, or what are
the things that are just correlated with it?

Speaker 9 (39:35):
You mentioned those things that are correlated to winning. That
kind of brings me into my next one, and it
definitely involves Zach Sala was talking Monday about that red zonefficiency,
which I feel like he gets asked about every single week,
and obviously they're.

Speaker 8 (39:46):
Last in game.

Speaker 3 (39:47):
It definitely does I read the thing. I'm like, man,
stop asking the same question.

Speaker 8 (39:51):
It's ridiculous.

Speaker 9 (39:52):
Yeah, but obviously they are still lasting conversion rate touchdown
conversion rate at twenty nine point four percent. But he's
talking about He didn't say it was better. He said
they were feeling better about it. They needed to execute better.
Are you buying what he's selling in terms of is
this is this a treat? Are we gonna play better
in Nathaniel Hacket's gold zone against.

Speaker 4 (40:11):
The get gold zone old zone?

Speaker 1 (40:13):
See the like the the gold is a treat, you know,
like as most of the red that would be a trick.
So that's I like calling it the gold zone. I
would say, the way, what is the question, like will
they play better in the in the gold zone moving forward.

Speaker 9 (40:28):
Yeah, especially against the Giants, who are they allow fifty
eight percent of their red zone trips for opponents end
up in the end zone, which is the twelfth worst.

Speaker 1 (40:36):
Yeah, I would say I would lean treat because the
Jets definitely have like the skilled players to convert touchdowns.
And not to mention like this is gonna sound they're
just gonna come off worse than than it means to be.
But like the Jets are close to the bottom of
the league in red zone like that, it can't get
much worse. And I do think that it takes time

to learn. As you know, obviously in the whole off season,
once Aaron Rodgers was here, like this was Rogers' playbook,
it was his offense.

Speaker 4 (41:07):
Now you're catering things, you still have to learn it.

Speaker 1 (41:10):
Robert Sallis said, like even if Aaron were still starting
quarterback at the Jets, like it would take time to
get everyone on the same page.

Speaker 4 (41:16):
I think a bye week helps that.

Speaker 1 (41:18):
I think the strength of schedule will help the Jets
in this scenario.

Speaker 4 (41:22):
Granted they still do play some good teams. Overall, I'm
going treat.

Speaker 3 (41:28):
I'm with you on that.

Speaker 2 (41:28):
I'll just add another layer of context here that sometimes
you have to look at the strategy and say, it's
actually smarter, given all the things you just mentioned, to
kick the field goal in the in the red area
than it is, or sorry, the gold zone, than it
is to then to necessarily try something that won't work,
like you want to set yourself up for wins.

Speaker 3 (41:47):
So the truth is is, given.

Speaker 2 (41:49):
All of those factors that you talked about, adapting the
offense for the guy who you weren't planning to be
your starter, adapting some of the new pieces that came
in from other teams all.

Speaker 3 (41:58):
Of the time, that that takes well.

Speaker 2 (42:00):
Factor all those things together, and sometimes maybe in beginnings
of seasons it's smarter to just take the three and
not worry about the touchdowns. So the truth is is,
and you see some of these people with like you know,
fourth and fourth down attempts like outside of the gold
or their own red zones, other team's red zones, right,
So it's like at the end of the day, it's
it's all a little bit that it's a little bit

too specific. But I do think that the ranking will
go up because I think they'll they'll get better and
specifically in this game. I do anticipate more touchdowns than
kicking field goals.

Speaker 4 (42:33):
Sweet, I love it.

Speaker 3 (42:34):
I love it.

Speaker 8 (42:34):
Do you have time for more we got?

Speaker 4 (42:36):
Well, yeah, let's do that. This is the closure. This
is the Mariano Rivera love trick or treat.

Speaker 8 (42:41):
Yeah, I don't know about that.

Speaker 4 (42:43):
I'm about Billy Wagner. Yeah, there we go, Billy, but
he blew out his knee, so maybe not Billy Wagner.
Billy wag love it, love it.

Speaker 9 (42:52):
So there are two things that have not happened this
year which could definitely happen this weekend. Quinn Williams has
yet to can to sack. In his press conference, I
believe Monday, he said he would trade Quincy Williams his
brother's two sacks and give him his interception. So he
wants he wants to sack really, really bad. And this
Giant's offensive line that you guys talked about has been
susceptible to that so far. What also hasn't happened is

Sauce Gardner does not have his first pick. Obviously, he
missed some time with concussion, so maybe not a fair
number of reps.

Speaker 8 (43:20):
Trick or treat.

Speaker 9 (43:21):
Those two will be getting the first in those two
categories this weekend.

Speaker 1 (43:25):
Oh, you're really putting us on the spot, huh. I
think I think I'm gonna go trick and treat. I
think one of them won't happen, And with Sausa's status
up in the air still, I'm gonna lend they. Even
before you asked this question, I thought, Cynthia that this
would be like a prime game for Quinn Williams, with
or without your guy John Michael Schmidtz, because he I

think this is an advantage Quinn Williams, like he's obviously
played some tough offensive lines, Teams game plan for him.
But if the Giants strength of their offensive line is
at left tackle, and obviously Andrew Thomas has not played
in the last six games, we'll see if you play Sunday.
But if this is a game, to me, this is
a game where like the All Pro defensive tackle for
the New York Chats to add over ten sacks last season,

this is where you make your name or this is
where you make your statement. Should I say, and I
think that this is definitely a Quinn Williams sack game.
Love it.

Speaker 3 (44:23):
I'm with you with I completely agree.

Speaker 2 (44:26):
So two things, Quinn Williams has twenty six pressures, which
is actually and you've had your buy so he ranks
fifth at the position. So amongst defensive tackles, he is
the fifth highest, fifth most pressures. But the reality is
you have a buy in some of those other teams
have it, so number one, that ranking is a little off.

Speaker 3 (44:43):
So still top five even with the buye.

Speaker 2 (44:45):
Second, sacks are fickle, but interceptions are even more fickle
than that. So when you're looking at interceptions, there's a
couple of things that have to happen, and number one,
they kind of have to throw the ball to your receiver.
If I were game planning for Daniel Jones or Tie Taylor,
likely Ty Taylor, I'm not throwing it into Sauce's coverage.
So the chances of him getting an interception just go

down because with the ball's thirty yards that way and
isn't gonna come to you. So it's not it's not
that you know he's not doing well or whatever. It's
that's that's putting some respect on his name, right, So
I'm with you. I think it's a Quinn Williams game
for sure, and I'd like to see an interception, But
I don't. I don't think they'll be throwing into his
coverage very often or often enough to earn an interception.

Speaker 1 (45:28):
How about this Pilano tips and overthrows Quinn Williams tip
Sauce Gardener interception double treat from the Game Preview podcast.

Speaker 4 (45:36):
How do we feel about that?

Speaker 3 (45:37):
What if we do a reverse? What if we did
a reverse?

Speaker 2 (45:41):
What if Quinn Williams gets the interception and then we
see Sauce Gardener with a sack?

Speaker 4 (45:46):
Yeah, if that happens, none of us. We all deserve toothbrushes.

Speaker 8 (45:50):
That would be a trick for everyone.

Speaker 4 (45:53):
That would be it would be like.

Speaker 1 (45:54):
A sour Patch kid first or sour then they're sweet.
This would be a trick. Then it would be a treat.

Speaker 8 (46:00):
I'm here, what is nuts?

Speaker 1 (46:02):
Yeah, that would be and and for what it's worth,
big Sara Patch kids, guy, Sour Patch Kids better than
Sara Patch watermelon.

Speaker 4 (46:09):
I stand by whoa whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa whoa.

Speaker 8 (46:12):
That's that's so wrong.

Speaker 4 (46:13):
No, it's not. You get variety color for me. Yeah,
well okay, but see that.

Speaker 1 (46:17):
But Cynthia's point is why I like Sour Patch Kids
more because you get variety watermelon you just have the
watermelon like.

Speaker 4 (46:25):
I like to have different.

Speaker 8 (46:28):
Yes, I want one big bag of reliable.

Speaker 4 (46:31):
Have you ever heard of sour Patch big kids?

Speaker 7 (46:34):
I have not.

Speaker 8 (46:35):
Wouldn't they just be sour Patch adults.

Speaker 4 (46:37):
That's what I thought. Yeah, or sour Patch like teenagers.

Speaker 9 (46:40):
Yeah, definitely.

Speaker 1 (46:41):
So someone told me about it during the bye week.
I've never seen them before, but now I'm on the
hunt hopefully Halloween. I hope you John Plano JP from Brooklyn,
and you Cynthia Freelan, Yeah, JP from Brooklyn and Cynthia
Freelan and Hermosa Meach courtesy of East Lansing, Michigan.

Speaker 3 (47:00):
Sounds real tough.

Speaker 4 (47:01):
Yeah, real tough. Yeah, real real tough.

Speaker 3 (47:04):
You know.

Speaker 1 (47:04):
I hope neither of you get toothbrushes. I hope you
have all the candy that you want and deserve. And
everyone listening, I hope you have all the candy you
want and deserve. Halloween's a great time, particularly if you
have a sweet tooth like me. And that is how
we wrap up the Game Preview podcast presented by LifeLock
Jets Giants Sunday, one o'clock, and we'll be back next
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