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November 30, 2023 41 mins
The Game Preview Podcast presented by Lifelock with Ethan Greenberg and Cynthia Frelund looks ahead to matchup between the New York Jets and Atlanta Falcons. 1:30 - The return of Aaron Rodgers to the practice field 7:00 - Why Cynthia likes the Jets' chances against the division-leading Falcons 9:15 - What Tim Boyle is seeing in the Falcons defense 11:45 - Exclusive interview with Jets head coach Robert Saleh 23:30 - A game of Mad Libs to preview Jets vs. Falcons

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:04):
Welcome to another episode of the Game Preview Podcast presented
by Life Block. Week thirteen Jets Falcons. We got Robert
Salah in the house. He caught up with EA earlier
this week. Cynthia Freeland in the house as always each
and every week, Cynthia, Nice to see you.

Speaker 2 (00:22):
Happy post Thanksgiving. I'm still full, how about you?

Speaker 1 (00:25):
Yeah, I'm still full. I'm just raining in the leftovers.
And uh, I'm my bank accounts hurting because Black Friday.
You know, I had to guess some gifts for the holidays.

Speaker 3 (00:37):
And job for you, I didn't do anything.

Speaker 4 (00:39):
Oh, come on, you didn't.

Speaker 2 (00:41):
I think I bought some stuff on Cyber Monday. I
cannot stand going on.

Speaker 1 (00:47):
Oh wait wait wait, okay, no, I okay, I did
online Black Friday shopping, so okay, it's like, okay, yeah,
I'm not going in store for anything.

Speaker 3 (00:57):
No, no, there's no Like.

Speaker 2 (01:00):
I don't think you could pay me enough. Like people
are crazy. I don't understand it.

Speaker 1 (01:04):
What percentage of your shopping for the holidays though, is
done after this weekend?

Speaker 4 (01:10):
Or are you like a last minute gift? Ten?

Speaker 3 (01:12):
Nice, I'm not a last minute gifter.

Speaker 2 (01:14):
I just like I like, I hate searching through like
mountains of I have to like really be in the mood.

Speaker 3 (01:19):
And I don't know I had a whole family here.
I don't know.

Speaker 2 (01:22):
I just like I'm not a big shopper. Okay, so
ten yeah, ten percent. Okay, we're not doing great yet.

Speaker 1 (01:30):
But let's loop this into the Jets News of the
week and will play a percentage game? Is your ten
percent a higher or lower number than the percentage that
you believe Aaron Rodgers will play a game in the
twenty twenty three season because the Jets have activated his
practice window, which means I have twenty one days to

decide if he will be on the active roster or not.
Even if he's on the active roster doesn't necessarily mean
that whole play. But I'm curious where do you put
that percentage in relation to your shopping percentage?

Speaker 2 (02:04):
About the same, I mean, and maybe a little better
for Rogers, Like why would you activate him into that
twenty one day window if you weren't at least really
considering it? Right, And I like very much believe that
this week will be a win against the Falcons, which
it's not the biggest playoff hopes, but it keeps the
door open, and it opens the door just a little

bit more. And I think that if there's a chance
to make the playoffs, I feel like that percentage goes
way higher because Aaron Rodgers is a competitor.

Speaker 3 (02:34):
He wants to be on the I cannot believe it.
First of all, we have to say happy birthday to
him because he has got the big four handle. Birthday
on Saturday.

Speaker 2 (02:42):
That's amazing, Right, you're forty years old, You're coming back
from an achilles in record time.

Speaker 3 (02:48):
Watching him walk, you wouldn't know he had it. Now.

Speaker 2 (02:50):
I'm not a doctor, so I like can't diagnose someone's gait,
but my naive eye seems to think, like wow, like
what an amazing saying feet like forty feels ancient in football?
You know, does John want don't even understand like what
forty means? Like is he I don't know if he's
like I.

Speaker 4 (03:10):
Don't know if he knows what twenty five means?

Speaker 1 (03:12):
You know, I say twenty five, it's more like twenty seven,
you know, like when when maybe you're waking up on
a Sunday after going out with your friends not the
same yeah, And like look and everyone doesn't Everyone doesn't
want to believe it, but it happens. Look, there's a
lot of there's not a lot of certains in life,
father time certain and undefeated, undefeated. But I will say,

just in terms of Rogers, a couple things. The fact
that he's practicing, even on a limited BASI, I mean,
that's just crazy. We're talking about seventy nine days after
rupturing his achilles. He's practicing. He's in a red contact
uniform behind me on the field somewhere, or non contact uniform.
That's probably pretty important. I think everyone picked up on that.

But look, I think that what he's doing is crazy.
And for the Jets, like to your point, like there's
a couple different groups of the fans. I think there's
a group of the fans that's like, you know what,
maybe you'll rattle off a couple wins Falcons, Texans. Maybe
you go one and two in your next three. That
third game is in Miami, which is a difficult game

for even if the Jets had Aaron Rodgers, let alone
a backup quarterback starting that game most likely. And then
they have three games all win a ball Commanders at
home at Cleveland, and who's going to be playing quarterback
for the Browns at that point and then finishing up
at New England. Like, I believe that there's a group

of positive thinking Jets fans out there who are like,
you know what, three weeks without Rogers, you skate by,
maybe you win two out of the next three. Then
with Aaron Rodgers potentially in the lineup, you end up
nine to eight. Like, I know that would be almost preposterous,
but it's a real positive way to think about it.
But and also, like talk about Hollywood, that would be

Hollywood ending.

Speaker 3 (05:04):
That would be such a Hollywood ending.

Speaker 2 (05:06):
But here's the other thing too, I think there's a
lot of value in having Aaron Rodgers be there for
evaluating like what's going on with the wide receiver group
around him?

Speaker 3 (05:15):
What are the O line needs?

Speaker 2 (05:16):
I feel like, you know, we say these like silly
cliches like he's a coach on the field, but he
is kind of a coach on the field, right, Like
he can tell you which of the olignemen are doing
the things that project well for next season given what
he'd like to execute. So there's a lot of value
to him being out there, even if he doesn't play
a game. So the Jets fans should be positive kind

of either way because knowing what how someone practices, how
they are evolving in their trajectories, like what's going on,
Like you know, you guys are right there and you
still don't even know exactly how it feels to be
on that field and understand like what it's like, what
it feels like to be behind that center and those
and that alignment, you know, like it's it's that's type

of thing where his experience and that ability that will
help like even Joe Douglas going into free agency and
then into the next season and the draft and all
of these things getting kind of refining like a little
bit more of this, a little bit less of this,
Like that's very helpful.

Speaker 3 (06:15):
So regardless of if it actually.

Speaker 2 (06:18):
Becomes this Hollywood ending like it is a really positive
thing for the Jets for twenty twenty four because you're
having this opportunity now to build it with this Like
remember all last summer we didn't know what is it?

Speaker 3 (06:30):
Are they just gonna go do like they did, you.

Speaker 2 (06:32):
Know during free agency and stuff like you kind of
spend a bunch of money on Aaron Rodgers figured out
that and of course Green Bay was, you know, doing
what Green Bay did dragging their feet to like make
it whatever, and you didn't get a chance to build
it as well as.

Speaker 3 (06:45):
You can create the foundation this season. So I think
it's positive like all around.

Speaker 1 (06:49):
In terms of Jets Falcons. Now Tim Boyle is under center.
We know that you had said earlier, Cynthia, that you
like the Jets chances in this game.

Speaker 4 (06:59):
What makes you say that.

Speaker 2 (07:01):
Well, number one, momentum isn't real, but psychology is. And
the fact that Aaron Rodgers brings some hope to this
team creates an opportunity for Garrett Wilson to be inspired.
Not that he hasn't been playing inspired, but you know,
we all can use a little extra edge, a little
extra inspiration.

Speaker 3 (07:17):
Breeze Hall. That's really the difference maker in this one.

Speaker 2 (07:19):
To me, it's the fact that that Falcons defense, which,
by the way, they have a good defense this year.
It's weird to say that because sometimes you think Falcons
defense not a thing, but.

Speaker 3 (07:27):
They really refine their defense.

Speaker 2 (07:29):
Jesse Bates was a great addition for them run game though.
Breeze Hall's ability to impact the game, that's going to
be great. But also again it's kind of like this
little bit like hope goes a long way, and I
can't quantify that, and as a math person it sounds crazy,
but it's that that really makes a big difference. And
who's to say that the Jets defense pick six why not?

Speaker 3 (07:52):
You know, like that could be the game changing play
in this one.

Speaker 1 (07:55):
Oh my god, I have to stay live on air,
and you know what, I think I survived. I think
that is almost worse. You know what's worse than sneezing
on a podcast or on a live show is when
you think you have to sneeze and then it goes
away because now you.

Speaker 3 (08:10):
Make that face You're like, yeah, now I now, I
just feel.

Speaker 1 (08:13):
Like I'm like a dog. I'm just like scrunching my
nose a little bit. I mean, okay, I don't know
what that means in terms of if that's a sign
for this Sunday, but you know what, I think that's
a positive sign for I don't know why, but anyway,
here's where we're at. I agree with you in terms
of the Falcons defense because like you don't really talk
about the Falcons defense historically over the past couple of years,

especially with Arthur Smith there. But to your point, a
lot better and Desmond ritter Cynthia. I was looking at
this six and one at home, only one win on
the road this season at Tampa Bay. His touchdown and
interception ratio in totality, I guess it's not even a ratio.
It's like he has one touchdown on the road and
two picks. So this is a favorable matchup for the

Jets defense in my opinion, as long as they can
take care of the ground game, because statistically that is
the mismatch in favor of the Falcons.

Speaker 3 (09:06):
Yeah, I do think that.

Speaker 2 (09:08):
Like when you watch the Falcons game and you watch
the last week's game, that one was interesting they I
think because it was the Saints and that's like their
rival and this whole thing. Those games mean a little
bit something different, right, like you have it with AFC
East rivals, but when you know someone you know an
opponent so well. And remember the defensive coordinator from the

Falcons came from the Saints, name's Ryan Nielsen. He instituted
that safety heavy look like all of those weird. Like
if you look at their breakdown of coverages and how
they line up, they're pretty evenly split between like you
know this type of zone, this type of man like
they you don't really know what you're gonna get from them,
which has historically helped the Saints, but now it's helping

what's going on in Atlanta. So that's a good thing.
Not great for Tim Boyle. That makes it a little
bit harder to diagnose what's going on. But they don't
have a reliable pass rush in the same way that
the Jets have a really reliable pass rush, So that's
going to be very interesting. You're getting kind of Desmond
Ridder with a decision to make has not been making

great decisions. When it's when there's no decision, he does
a much better job. Watch those completions. You're like, oh,
but it's it's his first read or whatever. Right when
he has to make some decisions, it gets a little
bit more dicey. So that's the and it's kind of
the opposite for the Falcons. If Tim Boyle, you have
just enough time to hand the ball off to Breese
Hall or do some tricks with maybe maybe we don't

care Wilson up in the backfield, who cares right, like
good a running play like I don't care, don't care.
The day flowers came out here in Los Angeles and
ran that right on the charter, So it happens right.
So that's the type of thing where I think like
a little bit of a little bit of tricks will
will help out a lot.

Speaker 1 (10:50):
Yeah, I'm interested to see what the Jets do to
your point, just maybe they get a little bit of
a jolt with Aaron Rodgers not even practicing, just being
full time around his teammates, being in the meeting rooms,
things that we're not privy to.

Speaker 3 (11:03):
An extra coach on the field and.

Speaker 4 (11:05):
An extra coach in the meeting room too.

Speaker 1 (11:06):
Absolutely, I'm curious to see what the Jets seem looks
like if they look at a different and I think
the biggest difference for me could be upfront, where that
the unit has consistently been shuffling, supposedly hopeful getting McKai backedon,
back in the mckaye backton, McKay Beckton back in the fold.

Speaker 3 (11:23):
Wes Schweitzer returns to practice, back in the field.

Speaker 4 (11:26):
Oh, I see what you did there. Very nice.

Speaker 1 (11:29):
So Tim Boyle could have a more sturdy offensive line,
probably a new combination for the Jets regardless, but something
to keep in mind as we record here on Wednesday,
afternoon again. The Jets play Sunday at one o'clock. For
more on this matchup, Let's hear from EA. Let's hear
from coach Solid.

Speaker 5 (11:46):
What's it been like Kevan Aaron Rodgers Beck in the building?

Speaker 6 (11:49):
It's been great.

Speaker 7 (11:50):
You know, his veteran presidence, leadership, his thoughts, the pranks
he plays on everybody, it's all.

Speaker 6 (11:58):
It's great to have him back.

Speaker 5 (12:00):
How about his football knowledge? How much does he impress
you with the way he consumes ball and the way
he talks ball.

Speaker 7 (12:06):
Not gonna lie to you, I'd be disappointed if it
wasn't what it is. He's played quarterback for so long,
he's i mean, let's face it, almost the same age.
Obviously he's much more athletic, but you know he's, uh
he's got the knowledge of a football coach and with
the ability to still play the game like a like
a youthful man. And uh so he's he's he's got incredible,

an incredible amount of knowledge.

Speaker 5 (12:33):
I know he hasn't been out there on the field
since those four steps against the Buffalo Bills, But what's
he been like as a teammate here? The way he's
come back and now he's going to be back with
you guys until the end of the season.

Speaker 7 (12:45):
I think it's great, you know. I think the way
he's fighting to get back and I get you know,
there's a narrative and people pushing agenda on how they
want to portray what he's been doing. I think it's special.
I think it it It shows how much he wants
to be a jet I think it shows how important
it is to get back here. I think it shows
how much he cares about the sport of football. I

think it shows how much he cares about his teammates,
his coaches, the organization, the city, all of it.

Speaker 6 (13:13):
Is there a little bit of I want to prove
the world wrong.

Speaker 7 (13:15):
Of course there is. But that's what makes them special.
That's why he's a Hall of Famer. He's that chip
on his shoulder of being a late first round pick
when he thought he'd be.

Speaker 6 (13:26):
Top five has never left.

Speaker 7 (13:29):
And I think everyone, especially the young guys, can learn
a lot from him and that mindset to drive to
prove a lot of people wrong.

Speaker 5 (13:40):
What was your message to the guys when they got
back in the facility on Monday.

Speaker 7 (13:48):
You know, I think when obviously, when you're not things
aren't going the way you want. You can get frustrated,
you can start pressing to make things happen. In the
reality is, the focus needs to just be doing what
you do best, having an identity, controlling what you've got
control over, and and just being dominant every time you

have a chance to be on the field. And you
know the result has been while the intent is right,
there's a lot of guys pressing and losing the identity
that makes them special. And so just reconnecting to that
and challenging guys to improve over these next six weeks
and to show that we are getting better and to
show that we can fix mistakes and to show that

we can compete from a play to play basis and
show that we can we can string together some wins too,
you know, But the focal point is on us challenging ourselves,
challenging each other, challenging our challenging everyone in the organization
to find a way to get better and to reconnect
to the identity that makes us all special.

Speaker 5 (14:49):
How much do you think that resonated with the guys,
because I think they were coming out of the locker
room the other day saying that, hey, listen, he said basically,
make these the last these six games the best six
games of your life.

Speaker 7 (15:03):
Yeah, that's the message, But how do you make them
the best six games of your life? It may not
be the best game this week, may not be next week,
but if we continually reconnect to who we are and
refocus on the details and just stop pressing just offensively
from a schematic standpoint, let's get more consistency in terms

of what we're trying to accomplish defensively, Let's reconnect all
the detail that makes us special with regards to tracking
and tackling, eliminating dumb penalties, especially the post net ones.
Just there's so many little details from coaching and playing,
and I feel like if we do that, we'll continually improve,

especially with so many young guys who are playing on
the offensive side of the ball. I mean, it's I
think it's been one of the it's exciting, really exciting
to have all these young guys playing because I think
it's going to prove to be a benefit later. But
these young guys are getting valuable playing time and it'll
be exciting to see how good they can get.

Speaker 5 (16:03):
What do you want to see from Tim Boyle? Start
number two?

Speaker 7 (16:06):
I want him to take the things that he did
well in the game last game against Miami and build
on those. Obviously, learn on the mistakes and find ways
to eliminate those. But you know, he did do a
lot of good things, and to build on that and
just really just find a way to get better and
distribute the ball when it needs to be distributed.

Speaker 5 (16:23):
Eight all lines starting combinations in eleven games. How difficult
is it for any team? Because everybody talks about up
front that imports the continuity.

Speaker 6 (16:36):
Yeah, you hate.

Speaker 7 (16:40):
It's not an excuse, it's just a fact, you know.
It's it's like the silent play, you know, and when
the old line gets hurt, because it's not part of
fantasy football, nobody really notices. And but you know, I've
I've been very vocal that everything starts and ends up front,
both offensively and defensively. And if those guys are humming,

you're gonna be pretty good. If they're not, it doesn't
matter who you have around them. You can have a
Hall of fame back end, but if that D line's
not humming, it doesn't matter. You can have Hall of
Fame skill guys and quarterback, but if the big boys
up front aren't aren't doing their job, or if there's
no continuity and there's guys popping in out of the lineup,
you're gonna be in trouble. And and you know, we

love the five we have. I think they're very talented
young men.

Speaker 6 (17:24):
But there's a.

Speaker 7 (17:26):
There is continuity, there is nuance to play next to
the dude, next next to the man next year and uh,
you know, to just get a chance to get those
guys to play together for multiple weeks at a time,
it would be freaking awesome because I do think that
they would get better and prove to be a really
good old line.

Speaker 5 (17:44):
What's impressed a most about rookie center or rookie offensive line?
And Joe Tipman, it started the year for you guys
at right guard. Now he's taken over the center duties.

Speaker 7 (17:54):
He's been great, He's gotten better every day. Ot As
obviously came in. They usually those college kids. They get
in here in their fish out of water right and
training camp comes in. It's the first time that they
touch an NFL alignment, if you will, and it's like,
holy cow, you know, the amount of every single guy
is stronger than the next guy, you know, and it's

different than coming from a Big ten school where you play,
you know, some small town Division one to the lay
school or whatever it is now. But everybody is the
best player they've ever played in their life, and so
there's an adjustment. And you know what's exciting about him
is going through training camp and watching them through the
Cleveland game. Then Carolina really thought he took on a

whole nother step, and that for me is when I
got really excited about the potential in him. And he
got his opportunity to start at guard after the second week,
I believe, and he got better and better, suffered the injury,
bounce back, jump into a new spot. He's been getting
better and better, and I think he's going to be
a really darn good football player for a very.

Speaker 6 (18:57):
Long time for us. He's an exciting, exciting Do.

Speaker 5 (19:00):
You like these matchups? It's a December game. You guys
are Northeastern team and you're taking Atlanta, who's obviously comfortable
playing inside.

Speaker 6 (19:10):
Yeah, I don't know. I never really.

Speaker 7 (19:14):
Atlanta plays a style of football that travels. It's run
game and defense. You know you're in special teams. You
always argue that your run game, defense and special teams
They always travel, doesn't matter the venue, doesn't matter the weather,
it doesn't matter the team. They will travel from from
a venue to venue, and from city to city, and
from climate to climate. And so we're we've got a
really tough opponent coming in. They run the ball really well,

and you know it's it's going to be a battle.

Speaker 5 (19:40):
But you got an advance. It's got a report on
the quarterback, Desmond ride from here are days down there
in Mobile where you guys were coaching in senior bawl.

Speaker 6 (19:48):
For sure.

Speaker 7 (19:48):
I love Desmond. He is, you know, coming out of
the senior ball. I was like, this dude's got kind
of like that in factor, you know, like he's a
super talented he's got a tremendous mindset, tremendous confidence. Quick
story on him. I think we're somewhere in the middle
of the fourth quarter. I think we were down to

score if I remember right. And walked up to him
and said, you're ready for this big drive and he
said we're going to score.

Speaker 6 (20:17):
And we went right down. We scored. He walked out
the field and he said, I told you.

Speaker 7 (20:21):
I was like, this dude, he's The whole week was
just fantastic and just working with him and this was
really excited to see where he would end up. And
when he ended up in Atlanta, it's quick to tech
text Arthur and said, he's going to be.

Speaker 6 (20:34):
Your favorite player, buddy. Yeah, yeah, he's been. He's awesome.

Speaker 5 (20:38):
B Jon Robinson, he exploded last week. How are they
using him in that offense?

Speaker 7 (20:44):
He's an explosive back, super talented. They're starting to ramp
up his his his usage. But he's a three down
back inside, outside, he can line up at receiver, he
can run inside the tackles, run outside the tackles, he
can play in the in the past game, he's he's
pretty dynamic.

Speaker 5 (21:00):
How about them defensively, starting up front with Kalas Campbell, Yeah,
ageless when he's fifty, and then how about Jesse Bates
in the back end?

Speaker 7 (21:09):
For sure, the ageless. Wonder they they've they've improved a
lot on the defense. I think they're doing a really
nice job. They play fast, they play aggressive, they're good upfront,
they're good in the back end, very instinctive, they're sound
and what they do and you know they're they're they're
they're playing very good football.

Speaker 6 (21:26):
Thanks coach, thank you.

Speaker 4 (21:29):
Heads up Jets fans.

Speaker 1 (21:30):
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This is the Game Preview podcast presented by LifeLock John
Polano Back in the House, JP, what's up, dude, This
is just.

Speaker 8 (22:06):
Like my favorite part of the week.

Speaker 9 (22:08):
I get to hang out with you Jets expert, cooking officionado.
I get to hang out with Cynthia, just all around
statistical genius, fellow running expert.

Speaker 8 (22:18):
It's just a marathon runner.

Speaker 9 (22:20):
I just get to learn so much in this like
twenty five minutes again to spoth of you guys, it's
just the best part.

Speaker 8 (22:25):
Of my week.

Speaker 1 (22:25):
Oh wow, that makes me feel the sides game day
besides game day. Yeah, I was gonna say, there needs
to be something else involved there anyway, Pilano, what do
we have?

Speaker 4 (22:35):
What do we have cooking this week?

Speaker 9 (22:37):
So we did this a bunch of weeks ago, but
we're gonna bring break back out the mad libs.

Speaker 8 (22:42):
We're they're a little bit shorter this time, a.

Speaker 9 (22:44):
Little bit less context, kind of just let you guys
cook with your expertise a little bit.

Speaker 4 (22:48):
Okay, I'm game, Cynthia.

Speaker 3 (22:50):
That sound good to you obviously.

Speaker 4 (22:52):
All right, let's ride.

Speaker 9 (22:53):
All right, First, we're gonna tart with the Falcons offense.
So Falcon's head coach, Other Smith has kind of gotten
a bad rap over the last nine, ten eleven weeks,
even going back to last season, where they have all
these top weapons like Titan Kyle Pitts, like running back
be John Robinson, like wide receiver Drake Rund and all
these really highly drafted guys. And before I even share
the mad lib, Cynthia as like our national correspondent who

sometimes talks these people, knows these people. Is this a
real thing or is this just a Twitter concept that
Arthur Smith is depriving these really good players of the ball.

Speaker 8 (23:31):
I don't ever, do you ever?

Speaker 4 (23:32):
Oh, Cynthia, Yeah.

Speaker 3 (23:33):
No, is it better? Is it better?

Speaker 8 (23:36):

Speaker 3 (23:36):
It's it's weird that it turns off on it. So
all right, sorry, we're back here.

Speaker 2 (23:39):
So two things you need to know about Arthur Smith.
Number One, he's actually really funny when you're around him.

Speaker 3 (23:45):
I did not know this, Like, he's super super funny.

Speaker 2 (23:48):
I did East West Shrine Bowl last year and the
Falcon's staff was one of the staffs that did it.

Speaker 3 (23:52):
Was Falcon staff and Patriots staph Yo.

Speaker 2 (23:54):
That was a lot. But Arthur Smith was very, very funny.
Number Two, he doesn't care out your fantasy team.

Speaker 5 (24:01):

Speaker 2 (24:01):
I know that it seems like you'd like to have
like Bajeon Robinson, just absolutely go ham. And it's weird
that the first deep touchdown reception that Bjeon had because remember,
if you go back to Texas film, he was a
receiving weapon too.

Speaker 3 (24:15):
He's like a reverse Deebo Samuel.

Speaker 2 (24:17):
So the first time that there's only been, by the way,
two running backs who have scored deep touchdowns.

Speaker 3 (24:21):
Those are twenty plus are yard touchdowns.

Speaker 2 (24:23):
Bajeon's second one, SAQ one was the first one back
in week like one or two or whatever.

Speaker 3 (24:28):
So it's just it's weird.

Speaker 2 (24:30):
But also you have to remember they have to like
do what's best for their team, and Bajeon's still a rookie.
People kind of forget that because they drafted him so
high in their fantasy like I need him to perform.
But you still have Desmond Ritter. They had some weird
concerns about what's going on at their quarterback position. They
did they have to do what they believe is best
for their team, So he doesn't care about your fantasy

team is really what it wills down to.

Speaker 9 (24:54):
That's kind of rough because I have bejon in a
lot of fantasy leagues, but.

Speaker 3 (24:57):
I know you should have listened to me first.

Speaker 2 (25:00):
So because I knew after Eastwash Fryan, I knew they
love Tyler Algier and power this year is working.

Speaker 3 (25:07):
Run in the A gap people.

Speaker 2 (25:09):
That's what's been working this season against the way the
defensive fronts have been trading in and out so much.
Back to old school SMA smash mouth football, that's what's
been working.

Speaker 9 (25:18):
WOWD So that might fit directly into the madlib. I
have to read it off here for you guys. The
Falcons are The Falcons offense is at its best, which,
by the way, the Falcons are averaging twenty four and
a half points per game over their last couple of games.
After they hadn't eclipsed it, they eclipsed twenty points like
twice in the first seven weeks. So the Falcons are
at their best when blank on offense has the ball
in their hands. What would you guys say? And ethan

for you? This is also like who in your mind
scares you the most?

Speaker 4 (25:45):
For Yeah, I under way? Can you repeat the mad lib?

Speaker 9 (25:48):
The Falcons are at their best when blank has the
ball in their hands on offense.

Speaker 4 (25:52):
All right, Cynthia, you go first.

Speaker 2 (25:55):
I guess my answer would probably still have to be bijon. However,
I would you'd also add in I need Caleb McGarry.
That's there, look O, line matters right when McGary has
a great game that allows all the running.

Speaker 3 (26:09):
Backs to work and the pass catchers to work.

Speaker 2 (26:11):
Drake London works way better when he has just like
a beat more time, right, So I would say probably bajon,
but only if also Tyler Algier is working and also
just the enough des been rider to get the ball
to Drake London.

Speaker 1 (26:25):
Yeah, I agree with Cynthia here for a couple of reasons,
Like from from my perspective, as like someone who doesn't
pay as much attention, like nationally, you take a look
at the numbers just in terms of matchups, the Jets
have the second worst rush defense in the NFL. The
Falcons have the fourth best rushing offense in the NFL.
And Robinson is a huge, huge, huge reason for that.

He's eighth in the league in rushing and he's dynamic.
You mean, if you follow any football person on Twitter,
it feels like every Sunday you're watching Robinson shake miss,
make it guy, miss put a guy on skates. And
I think from from the Jets perspective, like their defense
matches up well with pretty much every offensive skill player

at receiver and tight end. And like I said, the
rushing defense has been the kryptonite. So to me, if
the Jets can contain Robinson on Sunday, I think they'll
be in a good spot all right.

Speaker 8 (27:22):
And just for people a.

Speaker 2 (27:23):
Little easier to contain Robinson when you can, they don't
have like you know, I think of like the Dolphins
game and you have to worry about Jalen Waddell and
Tyreek Hill and whoever else they throw out there, right,
Whereas in this game, I mean outside of Drake London
and maybe Kyle Pitts, who are you worried about?

Speaker 9 (27:40):
Yeah, it's fair as a pass catcher, that's fair for
people who don't know. Bijon has seven undred and three
yards rushing this year, three touchdowns, thirty two catches for
two hundred and forty yards and three touchdowns. So despite
all my disdain for Arthur Smith this year in terms
of fantasy stuff, he still has had really good production
and still been really valuable, especially with the two touchdowns least.

Speaker 1 (27:58):
And as someone who who has worked for the Jets
for a couple of seasons, Kyle Pitts's first touchdown came
against the Jets in London. I remember that was like
a big thing, like Kyle, but finally gets in the
end zone, happens to be against the Jets, and it
still did not happen in the United States of America.

Speaker 6 (28:16):

Speaker 8 (28:17):
That's rough. That's rough, right, Yeah.

Speaker 9 (28:19):
I want to kind of parlay this into what you
were just talking about with the Jets.

Speaker 4 (28:22):
We don't know what parlays are.

Speaker 8 (28:23):
We don't know parlay I connect connect the dots with.

Speaker 3 (28:26):
Them to speak in French, to speak French.

Speaker 9 (28:31):
Well, I can't speak French, but we're going to connect
the dots here, and I want to go straight into
the Jets run defense because that's kind of what also
one of my met libs was about. Obviously, the Jets
defense is allowed one hundred and forty eight rushing yards
over the last three contests, but in their wins, they're
only aver They're only giving up one hundred and one
yards per game. So definitely, the positive run defense is

equating two victories. Even as you are a guy who
has boots on the grounds here and obviously I am too,
but you're the expert. I have the Jets in the
last three weeks struggled to defense run.

Speaker 4 (29:03):
It's a good question.

Speaker 1 (29:05):
I mean, so it's the last three games where the
Dolphins the Raiders missing one. But regardless, I think the
answer is playing with a lead. Well, I think that
from a Jets defensive perspective. The only time we've really
seen the defense kind of like unlock and truly unlock

was late in the game against Denver, and obviously that
was the Quincy Williams sack and then sack force fumble.

Speaker 4 (29:32):
That was scooped up from Bryce Hall.

Speaker 1 (29:34):
Like the Jets defense in the second half of that game,
playing with a little bit of a lead and not
like a big one, a minor one, was able to
really start to get after Russell Wilson in that game.
And I think that when the Jets defense and their secondary,
their back end is so good, but when you're playing
from behind, teams are going to run it on you,

and overtime that wears on you. And over time you're
playing from behind, you have to start to take shots.
In the passing game, maybe you're I don't know what
the numbers are, but I imagine you're three and out.
Likelihood increases, which means less rest time for your defense,
which means more tired in the run game. I just
think it's like kind of a perfect storm. And I
know that doesn't answer the defense question specifically, but I

don't think it's a simple question. I think the answer
to your question actually is on offense.

Speaker 9 (30:22):
No one hundred percent agree, and I kind of that
leads to the mad live But for both of you,
Blank will help the Jets slow down the Falcons rush attack,
which you already hit on their their numbers, and forced
quarterback Desmond rad Or to throw against the Jets top
six secondary in both touchdowns and yards allowed.

Speaker 8 (30:38):
So who would you guys fit into the spot?

Speaker 9 (30:40):
Who is a priority to kind of regrab the rope
because the run defense was good at the start of
the year, yet it had its its gaps. But maybe
as things have kind of gone down the road here,
as you've described, they've struggled. So maybe I'll start with
Cynthia Ethan looks like he's really deep in thought.

Speaker 2 (30:54):
No, I mean, like I agree with everything that you're saying. Also,
I just have to point it out, like I think
it's like Bills, Raiders and Dolphins. The Bills offense isn't
their problem and the Dolphins offense is pretty incredible. So
that also can make your defense not have as great
of numbers when you have like a pretty like two

of the kind of premier offenses. I mean, the Dolphins
put up seventy on the Broncos, so let's you know,
remember that.

Speaker 3 (31:23):
So but ultimately, I think to.

Speaker 2 (31:25):
Answer your question about stopping the run, I'm actually gonna like,
like I'd like to say it's someone along the line
that's gonna be a run stopper, But I think I
gotta go with Quincy and maybe even maybe even like
Bryce hu Huff being like running at Desmond ridders, so
he can't doesn't have time to think, right, So my
answer is probably a combination of both of those two.

Speaker 1 (31:47):
You know, it's funny. I was gonna say Quincy too,
because it feels like I think most people, if you
were to ask most people this question, I think most
people would be like, oh, Quinn right, like all pro
interior defensive tackle, like and I understand that. But if
you want to talk about like injecting a little bit
of life into a team, Quinn's capable, absolutely, especially in

the run game. But it feels like in the beginning
of the year Quincy just was coming out of nowhere
to fly through a gap, deplete a running back, do
the uppercut celebration, and like that to me is infectious
because let's say it's first and tent. Quincy does that
on first down, it's second and thirteen, then what.

Speaker 4 (32:28):
Do you do? All right, let's say you run it again.

Speaker 1 (32:30):
You're probably in third and long, and then in third
and long against this Jets defense. To Cynthia's point, then
you get Bryce Huff as Baldi calls him the Bugatti.
You start to open up the garage, the Bugotti starts
to hum a little bit, like that's the recipe, okay.
And I think Cynthia is like making a face because
that has to be about the nickname, right I I.

Speaker 2 (32:51):
Just it is and I just every time Baldin is.
I love when he like has his finger out here
and he's like the Bugatti and you're like your fingers
pointing in it?

Speaker 4 (33:02):
How do you think?

Speaker 2 (33:04):
You know?

Speaker 1 (33:04):
One of my favorite photos of Baldy, and one of
my favorite things about him is that he does the
Baldy breakdowns like in life situations, not even football, Like
he'll be doing it like in the Atlantic Ocean doing
stuff under the water where he's like breaking down fish
and whatever.

Speaker 4 (33:21):
There's a photo of Brian Balding or standing next to
a surfboard trying to put like what what people would.

Speaker 1 (33:26):
Do like the the hang ten yeah, hang ten, thank you,
but it's really like a north South compass situation because
the pinky is just right down.

Speaker 8 (33:35):
It's hang noon to six yeah yeah.

Speaker 4 (33:38):
So it's just he's incredible.

Speaker 8 (33:44):
He's the best. He's the best.

Speaker 2 (33:46):
I love Baldy, like he's so much fun to work with,
but that finger every.

Speaker 4 (33:50):
Time, it's so crazy. I don't even remember what we
were talking about.

Speaker 8 (33:56):
It's all good. We can roll on. How much time
do we have left?

Speaker 4 (33:59):
We got a couple a right.

Speaker 8 (34:00):
I want to talk about the Falcons pass rush. Is
that okay with everybody?

Speaker 4 (34:03):
Yeah? Absolutely? You drive this ship.

Speaker 9 (34:05):
Because for those who do not live under a rock,
the Jets obviously have a new starting quarterback into Boyle,
as you mentioned off of the top. But for those
who have not been ping a ton of tons of
the Jets, he's been under fire. Seven sacks in their
first matchup that he started against the Dolphins. That's fifth
most for a quarterback in a game this year, behind
his good friend Zach Wilson, who had eight a bunch

of weeks ago. And it doesn't get any easier with
them playing the Falcons this week with the ninth highest
pressure rate in the NFL. So Arnold Epagett, how do
you say Arnold's last name? The Falcons pass rusher Epicicetti
at Bickeetty leaves the Falcons with four and a half sacks.
But I kind of want somebody that has been a
catalyst for this Falcons pass rush that is not named Arnold.

Speaker 8 (34:51):
Do you guys have something for that?

Speaker 1 (34:53):
I think Cynthia would be more to answer this question,
But you know, I can have my you know, thirty
thousand Bates.

Speaker 4 (35:00):

Speaker 3 (35:01):
Jesse know that I'm gonna pick, I'm gonna pick a safety.

Speaker 2 (35:03):
But I think Jesse Bates why because this guy is
doing just crazy things helping. Like you know, aj Terrell
is on the outside, he's a corner, he's doing well.

Speaker 3 (35:13):
Younger guy.

Speaker 2 (35:14):
The fact that you have the middle of the field
is such a problem for opposing quarterbacks gives just an
inch more of time for that pass rush to be
very helpful.

Speaker 3 (35:24):
So while I.

Speaker 2 (35:25):
Don't necessarily like it's that Saint's philosophy, right, the safety
needs to be like just absolutely soul crushing. And that's
what's been That's part of what's been helpful is the
secondary working with the front to just get that beat
more time. Because it's not like they have like this
world beater in terms of like like when you hear
the names of these guys.

Speaker 3 (35:45):
Like we don't even barely even know how to pronounce it, right.

Speaker 2 (35:47):
It's not like you're sitting here being like, oh, there's
Miles Garrett, and there's Quinn Williams and like these are
not names that we talk about. And there's Chris Jones, right,
Like these are guys that are like, oh, there's like
it's working together, right, but it's really to me, I
think that Jesse Bates is a straw that starts a
drink here.

Speaker 1 (36:04):
You're absolutely right in terms of the names. I'm just
looking at their sack leaders. Kalaias Campbell and Bud Dupree
both have three. You're like, oh, I know, I know
of Kaleis Campbell and Bud Dupree.

Speaker 4 (36:14):
Arnold Ebikeetty.

Speaker 1 (36:15):
I mean, if you're doing play by play for this game,
shout out to Bob was Shoes in ESPN Radio. If
you're doing whoever is actually calling the game, you got
your work cut out for you. Arnold Ebiketti, David Anyamata
three and a half sacks for the Atlanta Falcons. Then
you get your Kalaias Campbell and your Bud Dupree. That's
all that, Honestly, That's all I have to add in

terms of the smad lib.

Speaker 9 (36:38):
No, it's good to share all those names because I
think those names do need to be mentioned. But I
love Cynthia's point about Jesse Bates. I mean, the guy
seemed like kind of an underrated signing from Cincinnati when
he left, and he's just been absolutely fantastic.

Speaker 1 (36:48):
One thing, how about this Troy Anderson, the Falcons linebacker.
I'm almost positive played like eight positions in college. He
was like the quarter, the linebacker, the running back, which
is just like incredible. I think you went to Montana
State something something like that. So yeah, yeah, that's that's

all I have to add there.

Speaker 9 (37:10):
All right, all right, all right, last one, last one,
And this is I think this is one of Ethan's
just favorite things about the Atlanta Falcons. Obviously the game
will be played at home at Medlife Stadium, but say
we were going on the road to Atlanta. One of
the best parts about Mercedes Benz Stadium that Ethan particular
likes is the Chick fil A located on the inside
of the stadium.

Speaker 1 (37:30):
Closed on Sunday Sunday. You have to respect sticking to
your guns there. That is a company rule. And you
know what, that is just incredible that in a in
a stadium where that seats thousand, seventy plus thousand people,
you could be reeling in moolah. If you opened one location,

a single one, a single one in the stadium, they.

Speaker 3 (37:59):
Stick understand why they I'm like, why why do you
put that in there?

Speaker 2 (38:04):
Like if this stadium is primarily used for football and
you are wasting that space, I don't get it.

Speaker 1 (38:11):
Thursday and eye football, though, you best believe that place
is bumping, yeah, bumping.

Speaker 9 (38:17):
What's the question though, Cynthia and Ethan are going to
Chick fil A and they are ordering.

Speaker 8 (38:23):
Ooh blank, ooh. I will leave it as a blank blank.

Speaker 4 (38:27):
Well, Pilano shut the laptop.

Speaker 1 (38:29):
Fun fact, for those listening, the first ever location upset
place that Pilano was talking about was founded outside of Atlanta,
which is why we're here and which is also why
I did chicken tenders for my cooking video this week.
But well, for Cynthia and I, or do we have
to order the same thing?

Speaker 3 (38:44):

Speaker 1 (38:45):
Oh okay, I didn't know if it was like a
you know, we needed to agree upon something.

Speaker 8 (38:49):
I think you should order for each other.

Speaker 1 (38:50):
Actually, oh okay, if I'm ordering for Cynthia. If I'm
ordering for Cynthia, I'm thinking that it's one of two things. Cynthia's,
to my knowledge, is a very clean eater or tries
and tries to be when applicable, So that eliminates anything
with a bun unless it was a full cheat day.

But I'm gonna go with the eliminate for the bun.
So no sandwich, no nothing. Now here's where it gets interesting.
There are grilled chicken options, but I'm thinking, you know what,
Cynthia likes to eat clean.

Speaker 4 (39:24):
She also likes to have a good time. She's a
very joyful person.

Speaker 1 (39:28):
Therefore, spicy chicken nuggets or plain chicken nuggets, a little
bit of breading could be worse, could be better. Dip
those sobs in. I'm gonna just say Ranch that I
don't know. Am I like on brand here?

Speaker 3 (39:45):
I think you're good. The spicy for sure thinks spicy.
I don't know.

Speaker 4 (39:51):
The mic did it again?

Speaker 3 (39:54):
Is it better now?

Speaker 9 (39:54):

Speaker 3 (39:55):
I don't know why. It just turns off. Anyways, I'm
gonna figure.

Speaker 2 (39:58):
This out, but I think you're spicy is the way
to go for me always. I love a good spicy situation, and.

Speaker 3 (40:04):
I'm with you.

Speaker 2 (40:05):
I like the Ranch to like counteract it. But I
love all sauces, all sauces, so that's good. But for you,
I would go breakfast.

Speaker 3 (40:13):
I would get you.

Speaker 2 (40:15):
I would get you the breakfast chicken, like the classic,
like you know, with the fried chicken on the breakfast bun.
Because it just feels like a good like you had
a f and fun night out with your friends, and
you know this is like something you wouldn't necessarily do
for yourself. So I think, you know, like the morning
one is really good with like the egg and the chicken.

Speaker 1 (40:34):
Oh man, Okay, First of all, that's a great call
because when I was in Las Vegas for the Pro Bowl,
I indulge in a breakfast burrito from this place and
it changed my life. You're talking tots in the burrito,
You're talking nuggets in the burrito. I've not been able
to stop talking about the burritos since. But I haven't

had it since, and I love a couple blocks away
from one. So this weekend, maybe I'll enjoy myself a
nice Friday night Washington, Oregon and then get a little
breakfast brito in the morning.

Speaker 8 (41:06):
Love it, absolutely love it. That's all I got.

Speaker 4 (41:08):
That was great? Soy was that was a good pull.

Speaker 1 (41:11):
That was a good pull, and just out of curiosity
since I mentioned Washington, Oregon and you're West Coaster.

Speaker 4 (41:18):
Where do we side right now?

Speaker 3 (41:22):
Gordy's a husky, so we're gonna go wash.

Speaker 4 (41:25):
Okay, you know.

Speaker 1 (41:27):
That is the perfect way to end Week thirteen. A
little husky, a little Chick fil A, a little bit
of everything. You got Aaron Rodgers in the house. You
got Robert Salle in the house. That's how we end
the Game Preview Podcast presented by Lifeblock. We'll be back,
same time, same place next week as the Jet prepare
for the Houston Texans.
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