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April 25, 2024 29 mins

On the latest Off the Edge with Cam Jordan podcast, Lions All-Pro receiver Amon-Ra St. Brown joins Cam hours after agreeing to a 4-year, $120 million contract extension with the Detroit Lions. He shares with Cam why becoming the NFL's highest paid receiver is an "honor," but also how it's winning not money that still motivates him. He also talks about why he feels the Lions are setup for sustained success under head coach Dan Campbell and general manager Brad Holmes. And, Amon-Ra shares his journey of growing up in Germany has shaped the person he's become, and how his family prepared him to handle the big stage. 

The Off the Edge with Cam Jordan podcast is a production of the NFL in partnership with iHeart Radio. 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:05):
Welcome on in.

Speaker 2 (00:06):
I appreciate y'all tuning in to Off the Edge with
Cam Jordan. I'm super excited to sit here with the
pro bowler, with the man who's made a name for himself.
I mean, already has a phenomenal name. Amamra same brown
yeah man. From a fourth round pick to big payday today,
it's all last because it ain't no more funny money.
That fourth round is a he he that that that

big bag just came through because we're not gonna drop
their numbers because we all seen it.

Speaker 1 (00:30):
But I love it for you. First of all, congratulations
on all your success.

Speaker 2 (00:35):
You know, you first got drafted to Detroit and Detroit
was struggling, and now y'all just hit a whole NFC
championship game. I needn't know what that what that new
money feel like. It ain't even hit the count yet,
so I ain't felt it yet.

Speaker 1 (00:48):
I haven't felt nothing yet. It's just still in the air.
I mean, I don't have nothing. But now I'm super thankful,
grateful for everyone, you know, the whole Lines organization, Shela Ford,
I mean, Brad Holmes, Mike Disner, Saws and everyone involved,
my agent, my family, my coaches, my teammates, everyone. I

wouldn't you. I wouldn't be here without them today. So
I'm just super thankful. You know, this time three years ago,
I got drafted around this, you know, around this time,
and to be here now, drafted in Detroit kind of
like a full circle moment for me. Absolutely, you had
you have some dogs, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2 (01:26):
At the time, Galla Day was going crazy. Marv Jones
before he returned, it was going crazy. You came in
a young buck and you know, my boy, I'm great,
great friends with my guy, Marv Jones, you know, a
great dude. You know he went to my college, know
since he was a jitterbug, and so he was like, Bro,
he's really gonna be the next one to see you blossom.

Speaker 1 (01:46):

Speaker 2 (01:47):
It's been amazing, been amazing. Uh you talk about just
you know, being the Pro Bowls together. Uh, had had
a chance. I told you really had a chance to
sit down with with with your pops. He was telling
me how you you know, lived in Uh you used
to go off and live in Germany. Does that feel
like you knowing that the world is so broad, does
that help you really hone in like you can travel whenever,

but help your phone hone in on football or did
that get you away from football? What does traveling abroad
do for you? You know, I was kind of That's
something that I was used to growing up. Like a
lot of kids, I feel like growing up, they did vacations,
but they would go to like Colorado, they'd go to
Lake Harves, so I've never been there in my life,
go to like these legs whatever. Me and my family

they would go, we're going to We're going out the country.
We would take cruises all the time, like almost every
year go to Germany, go to Europe. My mom's from Germany,
so we'd be there every summer as kids. So for me,
for our family in liver cruising next to Cologne. For
our family, like traveling was getting out the country far away.

For a lot of kids that I grew up with,
they were just like they're growing, like I said, to
the lakes whatever. So it was normal for me, Like
every summer I was in Germany, we'd take cruises to
Saint Thomas, to Mexico, why whatever.

Speaker 1 (03:00):
It was. So that was part of you know, my
dad and my mom, they that was part of their thing.
They want us to travel and see the world. And
as a kid, that's all I really knew and I
was used to it. So when I was traveling, you know,
when I was in Germany the summer, it was just
like another home for me, like a second home. My
grandparents were living there, so we stayed at their place,
played soccer there, different sports whatever. It was even worked

out there. My dad was still back home in California
doing his thing, working whatever. He'd come visit to. But
it mostly just me and my two brothers and my
mom and then my grandparents. But it was awesome. And
we went to school in Paris for when I was
in third GA first semester. That was great. Got to
experience that whole thing. Uh, their culture is a lot different.
Still play soccer, yeah, everything, basketball, played basketball going and

also not in France, not in Germany. Obviously it's not
as big there. But when I was back home playing
all those big though, yeah, it's getting bigger, a little bigger,
but doing all that stuff I was. I mean, I
feel like, looking back at it, like I was, really,
I'm grateful that they did that for me because it's
tough to do. Man, it costs a lot of money,
and my parents didn't have the most money in the world.

They were still you know, working and whatnot. So just
showing you all the world. Yeah, definitely, learning different languages.
I think that also opens your brain up a different way,
different way of thinking. So, man, I'm blessed to have them,
you know, do that from when.

Speaker 2 (04:22):
Yeah, man, look I've got I've got a sister that
lives in Hamburg, Germany. Now her husband is it was
a German football player NFL player. Yeah, so you know,
they've got a couple of kids out that way, and
it's like like they're getting a completely different experience whether
they're playing soccer or dancing or whatever. It's not what

we're used to. So last year I took the kids.
I was like, first of all, Cleveland game was too
damn cod How you play in Detroit, Like, y'all have
indoor doors, but y'all practice.

Speaker 1 (04:52):
Where indoors to for you have a home game with indoors.

Speaker 2 (04:55):
Yeah, but during training camp out it's April, fam and
we're in sweatsuits right now, it's still cold. Anyways, I
got grip I got gripes. I got off the plane
in shorts and a T shirts. I said, I think
I think I picked the sweater. It's eighty five in
New Orleans, it's ninety some degrees in Arizona, my gripe.
But anyway, so like, you know, just this traveling bit.

We played Cleveland last year and I got so cold.
I said, yo, baby, pactic bags. She's like, what is
like soon a season of We're gone Gone, moved to Spain,
been a month out in Madrid, a month in Barcelona.
Homeschool and the kids, and I'm like, we should have
put them in school there because then they really like
would have been forced to learn that little cerebral cortext
would have had to open up.

Speaker 1 (05:33):

Speaker 2 (05:33):
So I mean, it's it's great to just see how
you know that can happen because again, you got an
older brother. I met your older brother some years prior.
You got a younger brother that's gonna be upcoming soon.
Like that, that legacy push for you is clearly deep
in the family.

Speaker 1 (05:46):
Is definitely just growing up, you know, with the type
of parents parents that we had. My dad was super
into the sports, you know, pushing us.

Speaker 2 (05:57):
Also shout out to the middle children.

Speaker 1 (05:59):
By there, he's actually the youngest, the youngest, Yeah are
you Yeah, I'm the youngest. The middle is usually the
best child, never, but I guess the youngest always the
young The youngest is the baby. The youngest gets to
learn from the oldest, Yeah, but gets baby the entire time.
So you're not really scratching claw to try to win.
Everything that was okay, but no having like the parents

that I had. Mean, my dad was at all my
I don't think he missed one game of my life,
whether it was football, basketball, soccer. Maybe one because he
was working, but he came to every event, was coaching
me before the game, after the game, during the game.
Coach used to hate him. He was whistling during the game,
tell me what to do. Coach used to get mad.
But I was used to it. Man, I'm gonna be
a listen to my dad. Whatever he tells me, I'm
gonna do. You heard him through the coaches do the

coaches whatever was. I'm looking over the coaches over time,
so I'm looking at my pops. I got you about
he does. Sometimes you know, I'm like, damn, my dad's
over here, young and like I'm just trying to play
fun whatever, and he's over here coaching me at But
I mean looking looking back on it, Like I see now,
I see younger kids, I see other dads doing I'm like,

I already know how he feels like. He's probably like, damn,
my dad's here again. But like that's the type of
dad you want. Like a lot of kids wish they
had a father in their life like that. So I'm
glad he was, you know, a part of my whole journey.
I mean, he's he was a bodybuilder himself, so he
knew what it looked like former mister Olympia he was.
I mean, bodybelding is a solo sport. There was no
team in it, so he had to do everything on

his own, eat, workout, trained, sleep. His whole regiment was
just himself. He had no help from, no coach, nothing else.
So he knew what it looked like to put the
work in and he kind of instilled that on us.
And then my mom she was, you know, making sure
we're on top of our school with homework, test taking
the essats in different languages, learning different languages, reading books
on the wad of school whatever it was, learning vocab words.

If we want to go out, we gotta learn a
certain amount of vocab words. So she was honest about everything.
So it was like two heads boom. I got my
dad over here, my mom over here. But for me,
like I said, it's all I know's what I was
used to. It's the life I lived. And now it's
just like I get a you know, be this grown
or think I'm growing twenty four year old that I

feel like, you know, they shape me to a good
human being.

Speaker 2 (08:10):
Okay, okay, man, I just need to know, like, you know,
if your dad was mster Olympia, are you does that
even allow you to be a foodie? Like you've been
counting calorie since like day one.

Speaker 1 (08:20):
To see the people actually always ask me that, like
what do you eat? My dad actually lets to see
whatever you want. Like growing up, it was like you
can have really whatever you want. We just got to
make sure we get enough protein in our system. But
other than that, like we want ice cream, go ahead
have it. Because our body types are kind of different
than most, it's hard for us to gain weight. Like
we can eat whatever we want, we won't gain weight.
We have to make sure we have the right amount
of protein, lifting weights, make sure we're geting at least

four meals in a day.

Speaker 2 (08:43):
So in terms of lifting waste like you believe in
religiously lifting weight? Are you a meat head?

Speaker 1 (08:48):
Like? Are you are your a gym rat? I feel
like you can call me a gym ro. I don't
feel like I'm a gym rat, but my team is
probably will tell me I'm I'm in. They're lifting weight.
It's crazy, but I mean, for that's it's the life
I live.

Speaker 2 (08:58):
I'm on the other side, I don't really wait you
hate I gain weight. I gain w easy. Like so
Pops played tight end for thirteen years for the Vikes, right,
he's six ' five. Moms is like five seven, so
I get the shoulders from her side of the family,
like uncle's six two sixty three, but they wide as
they are tall when I was younger, Like in my
mind they were huge, right because they were thicker than Pops.

So I'm just looking like, all right, I'm just the
best both worlds. I got height and with and you
sit there like, dang all, everybody's talking about way, protein, creatine,
whatever you want. I'm not on. I'm on, Like, yeah,
I'm on water and running. But that's like my life
is the opposite. I'm like, they're like, can you lift
my teammates to tell you, like, if I lift spearingly,
I'm here to really run, Like if I can't get

more cardio in, I'm really not happy.

Speaker 1 (09:43):
Let me know how my brother's left in when you
see him, probably let me know if he's getting it in. Okay, okay,
you know he says in Chicago he was one of
the strongest. I'm over here throwing up this way. I'm
all right. Oh he was talking talking crazy. Okay, Now
I said, now I got someone in New Orleans. I
can keep an eye on you. I know what's coming
from it.

Speaker 2 (10:00):
So and so don't he might be the strongest already,
like we got she, we got She She Shahid, and
then we got Chris Ove No, no fast, That's what
I'm saying, track baby.

Speaker 1 (10:08):
So he might be the strongest stuff soft rip. Yeah,
maybe on his squads. You know, he's six five, so
he's not trying to go all the way down like
those reps don't don't those don't count. He's going like
half reps on a squad, Like I don't care how
tall you get your down, like all the way down.
So do you guys, do you have you had a
pound for pound contest? Yet bro, I mean he's I'm
strong than him on bench bench press, So I squat

more than him, he's gonna be I do I curl
more than you? Who cares about a curl? Like? You
can have stronger biceps? Go ahead, I squat more, you
have bench more than those are two? What else? Well,
the main lift? I don't deadlift, No para clans, not really,
no no power cleans. And if we did those, I
feel like so so maybe the curls is part of
the three minutes conversations. Want to man.

Speaker 2 (10:52):
So you know, you come in young, and you clearly
built a core. They're building a core racket. They extend you.
They just extended a big p like knowing that you
have that core intact, knowing that you have Aaron Glenn
over there, knowing that you have Dan Campbell over there.
Solid guys. Look from when you started to now Dan Campbell,
what is Dan camp third year?

Speaker 1 (11:11):
Third year came in We came in together.

Speaker 2 (11:12):
Right, So like third year, all you know is like
how to grind that that'll either shift your mentality or
make your mentality.

Speaker 1 (11:20):
And it seems for you in major mentality.

Speaker 2 (11:21):
When I'm thinking about that, it's just like what propelled
you guys to go from what you were not this
last season, but two seasons ago to what you are now.

Speaker 1 (11:30):
That's a great question. I mean, I think for us,
like we went through so much. I mean, when I
first got there, it was, you know, a bunch of
new guys, new head coach, coach Campbell and he.

Speaker 2 (11:40):
Came on talk about I'm about to fight kneecaps.

Speaker 1 (11:42):
So far. They all told me when I got DT,
have you seen then interview of your coach? I said,
what interview? The bodykneecaps? I know, idea what they were
talking about. I haven't seen it. Like I just got drafted.
I'm just happy to get your right. I'm just happy
to be here. Like I didn't watch any Detroit football
going up. They want on my TV, they weren't shown.
So I was just like, now I haven't heard of it,
and I finally whatever. But when we first came in,
it was, like I said, everyone was new. Jared just

got traded. They got rid of a bunch of guys.
You know, new coaches come in, they get get rid
of their old guys, try to get their new guys
in whatever. And I just remember looking at the ross
when I got drafted. It was because I want to
see who you know who was in the room. It
was me Tyroll Williams. I don't know if you remember
who he is. He played with the Chargers and the Raiders, Brashaw, Perriman, Quintes,

cephiz Khalif Raymond, who still us to this day. He's
a beast. So we actually came in together. He's still there.
And then who else Tom Kenny's and our practice squad,
Victor Bolden.

Speaker 2 (12:37):
How long can a guy be on a practice squad?
I've always wondered this. I like guys being practice squad
like for like eight years now, and I'm like.

Speaker 1 (12:43):
Bro, how long can you just be? Anyways? Yeah, so are?
I mean I look at the Ross. I don't know
any I really don't know any receiver on the on
the team. I mean I've heard the guys, but no
one that I really know. I probably knew two players
from the from the roster, Jared Goff and I think
DeAndre Swift. The rest had no idea. So I come in.
I'm like, I'm just trying to, you know, make some plays.
I'm trying to get on the field do whatever I can,

and I can I didn't know anything about the league.
So I was a rookie coming in and a lot
of people are telling me, like, this is not what
it's supposed to look like. It's supposed to be a
little different, like whether it's practice, whether it's the plays
were calling, whatever it was, And I didn't know much.
I just came in and was trying to make plays,
get on the field in any way that I can,
and so we stuck with it. We ended up winning
three games my rookie year. The first game that we

actually when I caught my first touchdown against the Vikings
like a game winner walk off. It was crazy. That
was our first win. S life flegs. Yeah, crazy, first win, this,
that and the other. We only win three games three
thirteen to one. My rookie year. We ended up drafting
was Aiden Hutchinson. We get Jamison Williams, a bunch of
other guys in that class. Like, okay, we got some

pieces now, same coaches for the most part. Ben Johnson
off with the cordinator, took over halfway through the season
kind of, and then he was finally promoted to the
offensive coordinator my second year. Then we go nine and
eight that year. We ended up you know, we started
winning six and then started winning games were crazy, the
crazy almost made the playoffs. Were like before we played
the Packers the last game of the season, We're like, if

the Rams, it was Rams Seahawks, we needed uh Rams
to win. Seahawks end up winning.

Speaker 2 (14:12):
You guys played what was that like the Packers at
the end of the year last year and like ended
up losing it.

Speaker 1 (14:17):
We beat them, beat him.

Speaker 2 (14:18):
So I think I think we needed the Packers to
win and they tricked it off it. No, we ended
up like y'all beat them and we like squashed our hopes.
So Packers didn't make it.

Speaker 1 (14:27):
We didn't make it. We squashed their hopes. But we
ended up nine to eight. Pretty good season from when
we came through thirteen to one, no doubt. And then
so we can kind of tell as a team, like
the we're getting better every year, pieces are coming together.
Then we had another good draft that last year, you know,
Jamior Gibbs, the Porta Brian branch, that whole class was good,
got some pree agent guys, and then shoot Man's the

MCY championship last year. But I mean, I feel like
now going into the next season just the NFC Championship game.
It took me like ten years to get the NFC
Championship game.

Speaker 2 (14:54):
Yeah yeah, so, I mean, so the early success is
its wondrous it.

Speaker 1 (14:58):
Is, but like you never know, you might not ever
to go there again. That's what you know. Coach told
us in the locker room at the end, at the
end of the game, He's like this, realistically, if I'm
being honest, we might ever be here again. And that
kind of hit home for me. It's like, I mean,
Jared's been to one Super Bowl and he hasn't been
to one one yet and he did that like early
in his career. So I mean the Bengals, they just
went to the Super Bowl, but they haven't been back yet.

So you never know. In this especially in the NFL,
it's so hard to do certain things back to back.
That's why you look at teams like the Chiefs and
teams are always winning like it's dynasty. It's crazy like
to do that. So we understand that that's going to
be hard to even you know, get to the playoffs
or get back to what it was. But we feel
like we got the guys in our roster on our team.
In the locker room the coaches to do it again.
But we just gotta we gotta go up and harder

because the target on backs and even bigger facts.

Speaker 2 (15:42):
No, no, for sure, you think about you know, the
surgeens of Jordan Love and your division. The Chicago Bears
traded for Keenan Allen in your division, Keenan who was
one of the best route runners in the game. If
you want to watch technique work on what a route
runner is, you're up there. He's up there, buddy from
Denver who just got traded. Young Buck has Jerry Judy

has nice routes when he acts right. But you just
you just look look at like that realm, that division
got that much tougher. Do you still see your guys
at the King of the Hill? And then you know,
let's not you know, let's not forget the Minnesota Vikings,
who who knows what they could do?

Speaker 1 (16:21):
If I'm being honest, Yes, But like you said, there's
so much happened this last offseason. I mean, like I said,
Keenan Allen, Boom, DeAndre Swift with US went to the
Eagles now is with the Bears. Bears probably get Kleb
Williams on the draft Vikings, who knows they're going to
the quarterback. They got Justin Jefferson. They got pretty solid defense.

They believe that they got Aaron Jones too. Packers got
Josh Jacobs at running back, Jordan Love at quarterback. They
got young white eyes that I think are crazy at
Green Bay. They're all really good. I love watching them play.
Their defense is stingy. Got a young, young DB's crew
in Green Bay. So I think our division is won
the best, especially with what happened the last off season.

But you never know what happens on And then they
paid you right, and they paid me. But that's besides
the point man.

Speaker 2 (17:09):
I mean, I mean, you taught your top receiver and
they paid you as the highest the highest paid receiver,
which means the Lions organization values you at that peak.

Speaker 1 (17:19):
So you can't talk about everybody else with to talk
yourself like. I just want to know.

Speaker 2 (17:23):
I said, good job on the contract extension. But to
be the highest paid at your position, what does that
feel like?

Speaker 1 (17:28):
I mean, it's cool, it's it's definitely, it's a it's
an honor, it's a blessing that you know the Lions
were willing to do that for me. They see me
have that value. But let's not forget we got guys
coming up. Justin Jefferson is about to get paid, no doubt, Chase.

Speaker 2 (17:44):
No, we're about tomorrow. We're about today. We can we
can't count. We can't count for tomorrow.

Speaker 1 (17:48):
I mean day. Right now, you say highest paide wide receiver,
we say, Omar, there's dude's coming up. Dude's coming up
for some big extensions. So it's cool, definitely cool. Like said,
I'm blessed, I'm honored.

Speaker 2 (18:02):
Wait a year A step my question.

Speaker 1 (18:03):
I love that.

Speaker 2 (18:05):
Stay tapped in. We'll be right back.

Speaker 1 (18:21):

Speaker 2 (18:21):
Just you know, you entering that podcast era which we've
talked about you and your brother podcast. They had the
Quarterbacks TV show. Whatever I heard you're on the receivers
version of the Netflix show Receivers now right, they pivoted,
they came. You know, they were talking about doing a
defensive end thing.

Speaker 1 (18:39):
What receiver after? I don't know, Greg, would be great
to see you know that timeline probably after Probably I
have a question for you, d N Is that different
than outside linebacker? Absolutely? I don't understand the difference. What
is Miller outside linebacker? Is he's an edge rusher? What
is Michael Parsons edge rusher? For sure, he's not an
outside linebacker. Do you think he can do it? And

does do you think? Do you think Mica and aid
and are similar talents in terms of what rushing the
passer in terms of down.

Speaker 2 (19:09):
Second down, and third down. To be defensive end, you
normally have to do both.

Speaker 1 (19:14):
I mean Ones is Ones just heavier, so one can
do what once faster and ones not as fast. So
one can do what set the edge and the other
the other. They both can rush the passer, so they
can both set the edge. I'm glad that they had
to m hm. So I'm trying to think of someone
like hmm, Miles Garrett. What is he defensive end?

Speaker 2 (19:39):
Absolutely he will can't He'll go to a two point
but he puts his hand in dirt and you're still
You're still afraid.

Speaker 1 (19:44):
Of So what makes you outside line making rest of
the defensive end?

Speaker 2 (19:47):
Well, that depends if you drop and coverage more or
if you just rush up the field.

Speaker 1 (19:50):
There's a lot of guys that just rush up you dropping.

Speaker 2 (19:52):
Coverage every three or four games. But where am I?
Where are my hand in the ground? And if can
you slide into can you be a four?

Speaker 1 (20:01):

Speaker 2 (20:01):
I can you be a five?

Speaker 1 (20:02):
So you said mother's outside linebacker. Absolutely, he's not dropping.

Speaker 2 (20:05):
The coverage, not anymore. But all he is is what
he's pass rushing. Yeah, is he holding that edge like that?

Speaker 1 (20:13):
You can run? You can run towards his edge? Can
you run towards mind? Absolutely not. But it's just so
like when it comes down to get a contract, like
what are you you rather be? What gets paid more?

Speaker 2 (20:26):
Probably an outside linebacker might might be a little bit more.

Speaker 1 (20:28):
Really your t J t J. Why is like.

Speaker 2 (20:32):
Nick Boss right there? Might he might have ed who's
the highest paid edge rusher right now?

Speaker 1 (20:37):

Speaker 2 (20:40):
That's a defensive end right there. But we get classed
up in it, and there's a difference between outside linebacker
and defensive end.

Speaker 1 (20:46):
Yeah. I mean for me, it's just like they're both.
I mean it's like that slot yeah right right, So
as a slot merchant, I get it.

Speaker 2 (20:57):
Yeah, Like there's there's things that you can do that
like you know, if you look back at it and
you looked at a you know, whatever, whatever your bigger
receiver is, can they do the same thing?

Speaker 1 (21:07):
I see?

Speaker 2 (21:08):
So it just depends on your role, Like you may
be able to do it all. Some guys can't. You
can get flex to a Y or get flex to
a Z, go in and flex to a slot like
you can do whatever you need to do. Me I
can do. I can do it all and have done
it all. I can drop in the coverage and running
with a tight end. Would prefer to do so to
show the wheels I do.

Speaker 1 (21:28):
I do enjoy it. Now.

Speaker 2 (21:29):
Do I want to get sticky with a receiver, Absolutely not?
And do I want to be exposed in zone coverage?
Absolutely not.

Speaker 1 (21:35):
So I'd rather just be a franchise tag. You'd rather be.
Franchise tag is the one that gets paid more, which
is what the d N currently.

Speaker 2 (21:44):
I believe the d N for a while it was
outside linebacker.

Speaker 1 (21:46):
And who's who decides that the teams?

Speaker 2 (21:48):
That's a great question. I've never understood that, and I've
never had to worry about that. I've always wanted a
franchise tag and never got it. I never like, I've
never even seen free agency, just like hopefully you will never.

Speaker 1 (21:57):
See free agency.

Speaker 2 (21:59):
I love I love that you know the loyalty runs deep,
you know, like you didn't have to really think about it.
You know you're staying with one franchise.

Speaker 1 (22:06):
I'm sure you know.

Speaker 2 (22:06):
If you said, hey, I want to see what what
the open season looked like, thirty two teams will be
calling you. Thirty one other teams would be calling you.

Speaker 1 (22:14):
You you stok with one? Why Why was loyalty so
important for you? I mean, I really didn't have it.
I mean'm like I said it, I didn't have a choice.
Obviously I was a you got to hear it before
you got yeah. But I think, you know, for me,
just playing on one team, that's something that I always
wanted to do. I feel like growing up as a kid,
like you never know. Obviously it's a business, you never
know what happens. But to be you know, I kind

of have your legacy. If you're lucky enough to have
one be with one team, it just sounds like the best,
the best idea. I feel like that's what most people
want to do, if the situations right, and you know,
Detroit has shown nothing but love. I'm excited. I'm super
happy to be here. The people in the building, the coaches,
coach Campbell, coach Johnson, Antoine Rendo, l my teammates, I'm

just everyone there should go all the way down to
the you know, Tim equipment guy. Everyone is just so.
They're just awesome. They've been great since I've got there.
The fans here are I think the best in the
league compared to you know what I've experienced at USC.
Don't get me wrong, I see is great. But there's
so much to do in l A. You got the beach,
you got Hollywood, you got actors, actresses, the Lakers, the Dodgers,

the Angels. I can go down. There's so many teams.

Speaker 2 (23:26):
Like former former Heisman Trophy winner Reggie Bush getting his
Heisman back.

Speaker 1 (23:29):
We'll talk about that. That's amazing. That's actually great because
now I see has the most hes in college football.
But is that true?

Speaker 2 (23:38):
I don't think Cal has any in the last.

Speaker 1 (23:40):
You guys are get there, we are Aaron Rodgers and
Jared Goff. That's fine, we got we got Kayla. But
can you claim Caleb he was there for two years?
I mean.

Speaker 2 (23:56):
That's can e LSTs you claim Jane Downs? Can you
say that part? Can say?

Speaker 1 (24:00):
I don't know when you.

Speaker 2 (24:01):
Spend the majority of your career.

Speaker 1 (24:02):
Claim Burrow?

Speaker 2 (24:03):
I don't think so in my mind, Joe Joe Burrow,
Well maybe because Joe Burrow wasn't a starter at Ohio State, right.

Speaker 1 (24:10):
Can Ohio State claim justin Fields? Yeah, all these dude
is transferred. It's transferported against real murky. I'm just a
little guy, so I really just looked like an outside
looking at you. I didn't transfer either. It's like, like
you can really get I feel like one year. Maybe
it's iffy if you're like just one year at the school,
but if you two years and more.

Speaker 2 (24:28):
Two years or more, so if you split it down
the middle.

Speaker 1 (24:30):
At least two years there, if you run away.

Speaker 2 (24:32):
From the school that you felt like didn't show you
enough love, that means that you can claim the other school.

Speaker 1 (24:37):
I think so, especially if you didn't play, like right
for sure, if you didn't play, but if you play,
It's like Jay dam has played out a su and
then one for three years and then dimmed for two
claim both. I feel like, but he's gonna claim where
he did better, which he was.

Speaker 2 (24:52):
Still he still claim.

Speaker 1 (24:55):
It's cool. Fine, it's like going.

Speaker 2 (24:58):
But at the same time, like it's like sort of
if you were in high school and you said did
two years when high school went to the rife of
high school for two years, which high school do you
claim same thing to me, high one more better.

Speaker 1 (25:10):
All that matters is winning.

Speaker 2 (25:11):
At the end of the day, NFL is a winning business.

Speaker 1 (25:14):
That's crazy.

Speaker 2 (25:16):
Loyalty, loyalty, loyalty, all right, So, uh, of course draft
coming up asap. I just want to know, what do
you think that Detroit Liones are picking up in the
first round? Unless because your draft class, no matter what
what round you go in, your draft class is predominantly
judged upon by your first round. What do you think

y'all doing day one?

Speaker 1 (25:40):
I can't I can't tell you. I have no idea.
The needs people would say it would be receiver, edge corner.
I guess two good.

Speaker 2 (25:49):
Edges in the former first round pick he was he
was solid?

Speaker 1 (25:57):
Was he with the Saints Davenport? We got him, you guys, Yeah, yeah,
we just picked him up. But just that's what I'm saying, Like,
that's a solid edge anyways. But yeah, that's what you know,
that's what the people say you might need. So but
I didn't say what the people say. I want to
know what I'm not. I'm not in the dribt room.
I don't know.

Speaker 2 (26:13):
I'm gonna just throw what what I think years in
my mind the Saints gonna pick up a tight end,
but realistically, the Saints have never traditionally picked up a
tight end or a quarterback in the first round, so
I know we're gonna probably pick up a officer lineman, which.

Speaker 1 (26:26):
Is a whole Jimmy's gone, Jimmy, Jimmy, Yeah.

Speaker 2 (26:29):
I think he's about to canoe across the uh the Arctic. Yeah,
but he's going on a four MANU pad little mission
across the Arctic.

Speaker 1 (26:42):
It's wild.

Speaker 2 (26:43):
And we still got Juwan Johnson and we have and
we have Taysom Hill and we have but I hear you,
but there's you know, in the first round, there's a
guy from Siriga that they swears, you.

Speaker 1 (26:53):
Know the next one.

Speaker 2 (26:54):
He's nice, That's what I'm saying.

Speaker 1 (26:56):
He's nice. So you never know.

Speaker 2 (26:58):
But in my mind, they're like, I would love for
them to snag a top two because then you put
a thirteen personnel with Taysom Hill, Juwan Johnson and this
new tight end Rock Bowers, who do you guard?

Speaker 1 (27:09):

Speaker 2 (27:11):
Whatever that is, They're probably gonna go off with the
lineman and I'm yeah, what else? Alignment are just.

Speaker 1 (27:16):
A waste of life? Like what you mean? You need
a lie, a.

Speaker 2 (27:19):
Waste of life. In the first round. In the first round.
In the first round, I want to be excited.

Speaker 1 (27:24):
I want to be like, oh my god, you want
to we got a game changer you want We've never
been like, ooh, he's a game changer. You want to
be excited to win games? What's important both to be
excited one day or to win games.

Speaker 2 (27:33):
I would like to be electric for the rest of
my life by winning games. Yeah, but you can find
a great office lineman in the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth,
seventh round, receiver.

Speaker 1 (27:42):
In the third. Facts, fourth round. Facts, come on, bro, facts,
these are these are also facts you want to you
want like a four to two guy? Huh? This this class.

Speaker 2 (27:52):
Spurs you about your forty. You threw four two out?

Speaker 1 (27:54):
You clean, didn't runner four two?

Speaker 2 (27:55):
Okay, we're not even going to ask them what they for.

Speaker 1 (28:00):
My forty was slow?

Speaker 2 (28:02):

Speaker 1 (28:02):
No? It was a four or five four one? Okay?
So who's faster?

Speaker 2 (28:07):
You were?

Speaker 1 (28:07):
Reconnens, he would tell you's faster? Okay, cool, I'll give
it to him right now. We were to raise I
think you're taking for sure if your gay speed race me,
screw the forty race me I want to see it.
I'm ready faster. If you had to raise me out,
run faster than it's like, if there's an actual competition,
I'm ready.

Speaker 2 (28:26):
It's USU man. I appreciate you tapping in, Bro. I
know you got things to do. I appreciate you taking
some time sit down and and chill with your kid.

Speaker 1 (28:33):
Appreciate you. You know I'm gonna have to pay it back,
pay for Bro.

Speaker 2 (28:36):
I look forward to what you're going to do this
this upcoming season and you know everything beyond. Congrats again
on the contract and to many more Pro Bowls and
All pros. And I say super Bowl, but like two years,
three years, because then I'll be officially retired for sure.
After three years, I gotta be and then you know
you could have your run. I just need one, hang,
I need one play in the mornings right now.

Speaker 1 (28:57):
We gotta get that. Yeah, I need that. You can
have it a couple of.

Speaker 2 (29:01):
I'm on Ross, Saint Brown. I appreciate you for tuning
in and tapping in with me, giving me all these nuggets, Bro,
from All Pro to a Pro Bowler to now the
highest paid wide receiver in the NFL. Thank you for
coming and blessing the pod now. I also want to
thank the listeners for tuning in. I'm asking for a
five star review. I need, I need to know that

you guys are gonna go ahead and tell your people
about the pod, like, come on, It's off the Edge
with your boy, Cam j so you know you've been listening.
I need you to tell you your listeners to be listening.
I need to tell your friends to go ahead and
tune in. I need to tell your family to pete
what we're doing over here, because in my mind, there's
no other way than to leave a review. Follow us
on the Apple podcast, the iHeartRadio app app, or wherever.

Speaker 1 (29:45):
You get your podcasts. Come on, It's off the Edge
with Cam Jordan's
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