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January 3, 2024 40 mins

EP #16: Happy New Year! It’s the first episode of 2024 of the Off the Edge with Cam Jordan podcast, and Cam’s coming with interesting New Year’s resolutions. One, is to make the playoffs and Cam breaks down what it will take in Week 18 for the Saints to make the tournament. Cam recaps how the Saints beat the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in Week 17 to keep their playoff hopes alive, and he previews their matchup against their rival Atlanta Falcons. Cam weighs in on Lamar Jackson’s MVP candidacy and throws another player’s name into the mix. Cam also gives Pittsburgh Steelers coach Mike Tomlin his flowers for continuing an unprecedented streak of winning. And Cam’s former teammate Trey Hendrickson stops by to talk about his passion for hunting QBs, the time Sean Payton told him to gain weight, and being a late bloomer. Plus, Cam swears off curse words.

0:00 start of show

0:30 – Cam teases show topics

1:08 – Cam recaps Saints Week 17 win over the Buccaneers in

4:38 – Cam on Jonathan Abram’s performance

5:57 – Cam on Saints scenarios to make the playoffs

7:25 – Cam on Week 18 matchup vs Falcons

8:42 – Cam on Lamar Jackson’s chances to win MVP

10:04 – Cam in Mike Tomlin’s milestone for not having a losing season

14:03 – Start of Trey Hendrickson interview

14:45 – Trey on his 17 sacks so far this season

15:27 – Cam and Trey on being teammates with the Saints

16:41 – Trey on fights with veterans in his rookie camp

19:35 – Trey on why this season is “special” despite the Bengals missing the playoffs

23:12 – Trey on how he’s still improving his game

23:49 – Trey on whether he’s chasing the sack title this season

24:50 – Trey on Jake Browning playing well this season in place of Joe Burrow

28:07– Trey on his evolution as a pass rusher

32:05 – Cam and Trey on team comradery

37:28 – Cam gives Trey his flowers as a fellow defensive end

39:03 – Cam on his New Year’s resolutions

47:48 – end of show

**NOTE: Time codes are approximate.

The Off the Edge with Cam Jordan podcast is a production of the NFL in partnership with iHeart Radio.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:05):
Appreciate you guys tuning in. This is Off the Edge
with Cam Jordan me your host, So thank you for
tuning into our episode at twenty twenty three. It's now
twenty twenty four, and tell your friends about us, you know,
off the average. We got them guests, We got the
host with the most. Everything that we do, we do
real bib, we do, real loud. We do with everything
that we got. It's gotta be fully committed into this thing.

So this episode, we're gonna get into the Saints beating
the Bucks. We're gonna talk about our playoff hopes, our hopes,
our dreams are aspirations. We're gonna talk about you know
who we're interviewing this week, my former teammate, a dog,
a guy who's tied with the lead lead for sacks
in the NFL defensive end edge rusher, Trey Henderson. And

we're also gonna get you know, just the thoughts on
the New Year's resolutions. If you guys believe in a
great you know, we talk about it. I may bring
up a resolution or two. We'll see what happens. So
stick with us, stick with us. Thing that we do
we do a big This is Off the edge. Tune in,
all right, so let's start it off. Look, Week seventeen,

you know, our sixteenth game, we got we got to
five hundred. We had to beat the Bucks. We had
to go to Tampa Bay fly down. It was warm,
it was the weather was great. You know, Tampa Bay
treated us really well. Walked in, walked out with the
with the w It takes all eleven, you know, on
both sides of the ball, and both sides of the ball.
Got it done, I mean judiciously, if you shout. We

started off on on offense, and offense scored on the
first drive. Car takes the snaff, middle of the pocket.
Froze caught far side, touchdown, Joe Wann Johnson second straight
Week four touchdown. That's the Saints converge on a third
and goal, and that's what you want to do. Take

the ball, drive it right down their throats. Now I've
learned after the game. That was when you know, that
was the first time this season that office court on
the opening drive, and I say, hey, seven points is
a lot, and we can do a little with the
we can do a lot with the little. We do
the most with a lot. So you know, we took
the lead and really never looked back. Defense took over
and I think the first series was three and out.

So you started fast on both sides of the ball.
Been preaching this all year. Start fast, we can get strong,
We get strong. You finished strong, come on, you know,
and had tattoo sacks, could have had four. Brian Mazee
somehow got a face mask penalty off of a sack,
but he grabbed the top of Baker Mayfield's head, pulled

a scout back, you know, and they said it was
a face mask. I was like, no face mask is
you know, in front of the face, grab the mask, mask,
may have to shake, could possibly hurt the player's neck.
That was not the case. He grabbed the top of
the helmet, top of the dome, that's the top of
the helmet. Anyways, they called a flag and that wouldn't
be the only you know, discrepancy we had for refs,

you know this past game because after the game they're
starting left tackle Wurfs had commented about a late hit
put on on Baker Mayfield took another late hit right
and you guys have had that against the Saints. Are
you tired of kind of what goes on after the
whistle there with them.

Speaker 2 (03:20):
Yeah, I am ninety three. Did it last first game? Right?
And tire Matthew did this game any striping of the refs?
And he didn't. But that's part of football.

Speaker 1 (03:31):
Bake's a tough, tough guy, tough bastard.

Speaker 2 (03:33):
Yeah, chuck it on. I don't know. I can't say
anything else.

Speaker 1 (03:38):
And I'm confused on that because it's not a late hit.
It was a great hit. The tyre Matthews, you know,
in the in the red zone, comes down, hits Bacon
mill Mayfield in the chest as he's you know, after
right as he released the ball, Like that's what you're
supposed to do as a defensive player. You're supposed to
hit quarterbacks. So I'm just confused. You know, flag was

thrown and I'm not sure why other than to make
the game more exciting because you know, he had scored
on that play, but the receiver had already been out
of bounds, and if as receiver gets pushed out of bounds,
he can't be the guy the first guy to touch
the ball. That's just is what it is. On a
scrambled play where Baker Mayfield had got out of the
pocket and was running towards pylon or and had to

you know, settle for a great throw to a wide
receiver that had re established himself back in bounds. But
that's just it. You can't re establish yourself in bounds
on that type of play. You know, it was a
smart play by our defense. But when I talk about
Jonathan Abram, you know, he had sort of been inactive
for the most part of the year. I think he's

seen some playing time, but this game he made himself known.
He came in talking, talking heavy, and this is the
game that he wanted. You know, he wanted a chance
and opportunity to show what he could do. And he
got it on the field and showed out interception forrest fumble,
stunt coming seized his throat, intercepted. Jonathan Abram has it.
He had the force fumbled before he's got the interception. Now,

could have had a sack, fell off of a sack,
you know, like could have had one, could have had
filled every stat line on the sheet, you know, five tackles,
TfL there was. He had a hell of a game.
My dog Jonathan Abram was out there eating or a
guy from the silp went to Mississi State. You know,
playing up the Raiders came over to us. You'd love
to see a guy uh capture the potential of each

and every play and he lived. He lived that game
like I love. I love this type of success that
he had. And you think about the Bucks offense, I mean,
they're pretty much shut down the first the first let's
call it what it is, first forty five minutes, three
quarters of the game, and then that that last quarter
they were trying to sling you know, they're trying to
play catch up and threw some prayers up that were answered,

and that's just you know, the end of the game,
the Bucks. Bucks get left with the l and we
left with the w as we needed to to keep
our playoff hopes alive. That's what we needed. You know,
I wish I could sit here and say, you know,
we would have won the Rams game and then this
game and then the next game. We would have easily
had our destiny in our hands. We don't have that anymore,

you know, we have we had to beat the Bucks.
Beat the Bucks. We have to beat Atlanta to have
our playoff hopes some you know, be answered. We have
we have prayer, we have playoff prayers and I would
love them to be answered this year. You know, all
we need is a chance, a ticket to the dance.
You know, if you can get a ticket to the playoffs,

you crazy things can happen. You know, we could turn this,
turn this into a phenomenal story. And you know, I
think as we sit currently, we beat Atlanta, green Bay
has to lose to Chicago, which Justin Fields is electric
right now. And then Seattle has to lose to the Cardinals,

which Kyler Murray just put you know, put a team
last week on his back end and carry him to
a victory. So you know, there's there's there's two possible
routes that we can go to win. I'm just saying.
But to be clear, we have to win. Bucks have
to lose, or we have to win Seattle and green
Bay have to lose. It's that simple. We got two
we got two chances at this. I'm not sure. All

I know is we have to focus on what we
can focus on, and that is to win this game.
So going in the week eighteen versus Falcons hate Week,
you know, hometown hate week, they got to come to
us and we gotta lock the doors behind us, put
our pads on and get get ready. You know, we
gotta go get ready to go to war, and we
have to play harder. We have to bring more intensity.

We have to bring the crowd with us, because when
Saint's Nation is rocking with us, we are the loudest
stadium in this nation. And that's gonna affect the offense
in various ways. That's changes the snap count, changes up,
the way they communicate that you know, can can get
office alignment offic the linemen like cattle like. It gets
some antsy where the crowd going crazy and the office

lineman can't see these checks and can't hear the quarterback
trying to talk to them. They could possibly jump off sides.
And if they jump off sides, it's a puzzle for us. Saintination,
I need you this week. You have to be able
to be there. You have to be able to corral
and love and be a part of this adventure that
we're gonna go on, This this battle that we're gonna
go on, it's gonna take all of us. I don't

need everybody from Saint Nation in the Dome on Sunday
screaming at the loudest. We need everybody. It's gonna take
not only the eleven on the field. It's gonna take
the sixty eight seventy thousand fans that are gonna be
in the Dome on Sunday. Let's get this win. Let's
do it together. MVP premarily a quarterback one position, like

sometimes you see running back. I don't know if there's
ever been a defensive end edgresser. You know, it's just
it's just what is a receiver?

Speaker 3 (08:59):
Maybe well, if you look at the history MVP, it
should just be QVP, MQVP, most mv QP.

Speaker 1 (09:09):
There we go, and most valuable quarterback position because you know,
Lamar is playing his behind off, his dairy are off,
probably gonna win his second MVP. But you say, who
else will be there? CMC And I hate to say
CMC because he's a Stanford guy. But he's a great kid,
great man, you know, great running back, he's a hell

of a player. Christian McCaffrey is doing his thing. But
Lamar is the game changer the way he he's been
electric this year. Now unreal. He put up his years
from his year, his stats from his last MVP not
even the similar. They're probably better this year. Like, dude,
just is what it is. You know, he's the best

quarterback playing this year, hands down. Yeah, that's that's that
I blame. We're not gonna talk about anything anything else.
That's that's that we're in fact, we're gonna move on
and give a shout out to you know, Lamar being
in that uh in that AFC and that division over
there with with the Steelers. We got to give a
quick shout out to Mike Tomlin as well, just to

throw one out there, you know, for to give people
their flowers. That people need their flowers. You know, Mike
Tomlin clinched his seventeenth straight season without a losing record.
As long as he's been a head coach, he's never
had a losing record. I don't know if you know
what that means, but that's something to put your hat on.

You know, when you when you're part of a fan
base and you want to root for your team and
you your team has a bad season or you know
your team is it's like, we need to find a
way to win. You do know one thing, if you're
a Steelers fan, you don't even know what it's like
to have a losing season. You get you you have
a standard, and your standard is quite high. Win have

a winning season, be beyond five hundred. That gives you
a chance. So add a lot of things, playoffs, you'd
win your division. Sometimes you can win the division with
a winning season, just barely a winning season. You know,
the Saints have a chance to get to have a
winning season. Go nine and eight and go nine and eight,
have a possible chance in playoffs. That's a possible chance
to win the division. So that that just speaks for itself.

That's amazing. I don't know if I've ever given a
clap on camera, but you know, a clap on the podcast.
But we're gonna give a clap to Mike Tomlin for
his accomplishments. And now, you know, we'll talk about uh,
you know, we talked about MVP. Let's talk about dp
O Y and who should be a Defensive Player of
the Year candidate Trey Hendrickson. I'm not gonna get out

his birth name because I know his birth name, but
it's not Trey, but Trey Hendrickson, anything is possible. When
you guys come back, we're gonna start talking to my guy,
edge rusher, Trey Hendrickson. I appreciate it. We're back on

off the edge with me, Cam Jordan, your host. I'm
just so excited I get to bring in one of
my favorite teammates of all times, a guy that then
left me and went to the Cincinnati Bengals is now
seventeen sacks and with the chance to get to twenty sacks.
I hope he goes for it. I hope he gets it.
He's it's doable. You know what three saton game, it
is all it takes. We're talking about a pro bowler.

Should be an All first team All Pro this year.
There's nobody playing better than him. Should be a Defensive
Player of the Year selected winner. But you know what,
we'll get there. My guy Trey Henderson sitting that Bro,
I looked it up. I was like, fifty nine sacks.
I feel like in the next couple of years, can
we talk about that hunting sack talk? Bro? Seventeen sacks
this year? Nobody. I feel like nobody's talking about it enough.

And I'm always gonna give flowers to my guy, Bro,
how did you get here this fast?

Speaker 2 (12:53):

Speaker 1 (12:53):
You know, seventeen, we talked, we talked about thresholds. You're
right there, bro.

Speaker 4 (12:58):
Uh seventeen you know I'm in it's it's you know,
it's a team game more than anybody. Good coverage and
good rush equals sacks. If I could do it by myself,
I think I'd be in a tough spot. Uh, it
takes all eleven. So I'm blessed to be around a good,
good culture guys, Uh, guys that want to win, and
you know.

Speaker 2 (13:15):
The personal success is a byproduct of that.

Speaker 1 (13:18):
MM. Yeah, I see what you did there. A nice
side step there, side set, double side swipe. Some would say,
you know, bro, you came into the league. When you
came into the league, road was it was me you,
Marcus Davenport, alex okafor you know, and guys were like,
you know, a couple years later, they're like, guys, where

the trade hits come from? You've always been that dude,
bro so on pass rush, you know. Any anytime we
used to practice againstach other, we used to give ourselves hell.
Like we would give each other better looks than sometimes
we would see in games from offensive linemen. You know,
we would clean each other's clocks for like, no lie, like,
you know, like we would go after it.

Speaker 4 (14:00):
Evidual with Ryan was definitely a It's definitely physical, you know,
and that was something that we both kind of embraced
early on, and getting better was something that we did
every day.

Speaker 2 (14:10):
So I mean, it was it's something that I look
back on. I'm blessed to have happened. You know. I
got to learn a lot of.

Speaker 4 (14:15):
Things early that I think guys had to figure out
on their own. I was also healthy being in the bullpen.
You know, that's a product of you know, Sean Payton
bringing in the right guys. It was just always talented,
like you said, Alex before Marcus Davenport, you obviously, and
then even George my rookie year.

Speaker 2 (14:33):
You know, there was guys that have been in that league,
in the league for.

Speaker 4 (14:36):
A long time, and you know, savvy vets that knew
they were doing well.

Speaker 1 (14:41):
I remember when we first drafted you, Bro, I had
no idea what I was getting into with you. We
drafted you, and before I even met you, we heard
about you rookie count your rookie camp. You're going against
some vet was like eight or nine years in the league,
and you're like, what do you even doing? Like you
I heard the story about you, Bro, Like got in
a fight with him and was like, what have you
been doing here? You won't even be here by time

season begins. This dude was like eighty nine years. I'm like,
I'm hearing about this in the locker room. I'm like, oh, oh,
this kid, this kid guy, Okay, we got a fighter.
And then that that first.

Speaker 4 (15:13):
I made the roster. Yeah, so I mean he proved
me wrong. I showed I didn't really know much. But yeah,
it was always scrappy. You know, you gotta you gotta
fund for yourself. Looking back, it was it. It's something
that you have to have that chip on your shoulder,
you know. I I embraced people that like want to
kind of get after it. I've seen it my fair share.

Speaker 2 (15:33):
You know.

Speaker 4 (15:33):
Year seven, I was still scrapping with Orlando and OTAs,
So it's.

Speaker 1 (15:39):
That's who it was. Yeah, football, big offensive tackle. But
he's like three forty.

Speaker 2 (15:46):
My great guy by the way. You know, it's like
you don't know that two weeks into camp. Yeah, you
say a couple of things to him.

Speaker 4 (15:53):
It's like, man, you know, week seventeen, great guy, great
football player, Orlando Brown, great person.

Speaker 2 (15:59):
You know like that back it's like, eh, but it happened, bro.

Speaker 1 (16:06):
I to this day, I don't think i've seen anybody
getting more fights. In one training camp, it was it
was you like a top tier alone every other day
until like even the coaches were like, all right, Trey, relaxed.

Speaker 2 (16:20):
The truth hurts and somebody's got to tell the truth.

Speaker 1 (16:23):
No doubt. He used to say, send them people like, Bro,
send it, and I'm like, oh, he's going for today.
But I used to I used to love love it,
like I'm gonna remember those like for the rest of
my life. There's a few fights that you always remember
them like yours, and call Mete is gonna be one
of them, you know, Siel Mete is gonna be top tier.

A guy named r Johnson.

Speaker 2 (16:48):
You know that was for shadowing the.

Speaker 1 (16:52):
Brown Steelers situation in our.

Speaker 2 (16:54):
Whole Uh yeah, in the north.

Speaker 1 (16:58):
But hey, you've you've grown so much from there, Bro,
Now you know now you like you're you're a leader
in your own right.

Speaker 2 (17:04):

Speaker 1 (17:05):
I love just watching even though you know from afar, Bro,
you hear me texting like go get the twenty, bro,
Like I want you, like I went to all the
success for you. The way you're pass rushing, the way
you get after it, like I have nothing but the
highest respects for everything that you do. I love it,
like you're like you're like a real edge rusher, like
you talked it into the two existence. Bro. Yeah, I
just anyways, that's just I'd love to give you flowers

any chance I can get. But how would you describe
Let's let's get into the football so we can get
that part over so I can ask the questions I
want to ask. But how would you how would describe
this season? Like I've through through ups and downs, so
you know your years in the league. Now, how would
how would you describe this one compared to others?

Speaker 4 (17:46):
Well, this season's special because you know, you know, when
you have a guy like Joe Burrow go down, I
think it's something that he puts a little bit more
emphasis on the players around and you know, puts emphasis
on the guys that need to step up.

Speaker 2 (17:58):
You know, the DJ Reader.

Speaker 4 (17:59):
Is the same and Hubbards, you know, the guys in
the back end, Logan Wilson. You know a lot of
those guys took it upon themselves to be that. You know,
you're never going to fill those shoes. It's it's Joe Burrow,
but you know it was something that was a big
emphasis on the team to come together and rally behind
Jake Browning to kind of make something out of the
season and we have a fighting chance to have a

winning season this week. So it's big, but it's full
of adversity. You know, football is. If everybody was healthy
and everybody was you know, if it wouldn't be the
game it is. It's a game of adversity and how
you overcome it. So I think it's just one of
those years. It's tough. You know, six years I've been
playing before this, six years, six years I won the division,

So this is unfamiliar territory for me. But I'm blessed
to experience it. You know, it's a it's a humbling thing. Uh,
you know, not only making.

Speaker 2 (18:52):
The playoffs, but I've hosted the first game every year.

Speaker 4 (18:57):
So yeah, it definitely it's definitely gonna drive that hunger
and fire inside me for next year, for sure, no doubt.

Speaker 1 (19:05):
I mean, I'm I'm right there with you. Like in
terms of just as a personal success, you know, like
used to a standard like never have I ever not
had seven sacks you know in the season since like
my rookie year, sitting at two. I'm like I'm a
run stopper, this last six weeks. Like I've never been
injured to the point where it had affected play, and
so it's yeah, it's humbling for sure. Well like everybody,

whether you like to or not football and can be
very humbling, you know.

Speaker 2 (19:39):
But I remember you talking when I first came in
the league.

Speaker 4 (19:42):
You know, you were you probably hit the quarterback one
hundred times and you're at seven sacks. It's like people
look at it seven, but I mean there was you know,
you're so many times twenty five.

Speaker 2 (19:52):
You know, it's a different season. If he holds the
ball for half a second longer.

Speaker 1 (19:55):
Absolutely, bro, Like what I tell you, like, this all
comes full circle. The ones you miss, they come back,
you know. The ones you get close to you'll finish,
like you know, just come full circle. Like take it easy.
Like this year, I've had two taken away from penalties.
I've had you know, one they gave to Carl Grandison
and I was like, that's not mine. I was like okay,
and I was like, you know, it's like the other
four that I've fallen off off. I'm like, and that's

a ten sax season, or that's on a good year,
that's a ten sax season. And on a bad year
apparently two Okay.

Speaker 4 (20:26):
You know, injuries are a huge part of it, battling
through that. I broke my wrist. Last year, I had
eight sacks. You know, it's one of those things that
not everybody reads into the seasons. They just see the
statistics at the end. But you know, it's half a
second longer. That's an eternity in football.

Speaker 1 (20:41):
So absolutely, you know that you got to make it count.
That's the final bind and reach that could make it happen.
And that's you know, that's why ed rushers are are
a premium. You know, that's why you're one of the
best there is. You know, you're sitting at seventeen. Who
just think about if you'd be like, oh, those ones
that I was close on, if I would have finished,
I'd be sitting at twenty three the one I fell
off of that, you know, like you always think about

the ones you miss. But you you gotta, you gotta,
you know, you gotta be accepting towards how to get better.
What what can I do to improve the game? And
speaking of that, what what can you do to improve
your game? Because this point, bro, you're you're I'm gonna
say the best edge rusher in the game right now.

Speaker 2 (21:19):
Well, that's very that's kind, you know, that's very kind.

Speaker 4 (21:22):
But I mean there's a lot of guys that you know,
you watch tape on other players, you pick up things
and all that stuff.

Speaker 2 (21:28):
But uh, for me personally, you know, I think there's
room for improvement.

Speaker 4 (21:33):
Every year there's plays that I left out there, there's
close ones that I had. That's the that's the thrill
of the hunt for the next one. Always kind of
motivated for the next one. And uh, it's kind of
one of those crazy things. Sacks are the greatest stat
in football, and I'm chasing them.

Speaker 1 (21:48):
Facts, So you so you're you're not really chasing this
sack title.

Speaker 4 (21:53):
This is I've never been one to really, like I've
said it for three years, I don't look at stats
where I'm at because you know, if if you know
Robert Quinn was rushing the way he was a couple
of years ago, he'd be at twenty. You know, there's
there's guys that have been in that I'm personally having
a race with myself. You know, I have I leave
it all out on the field and then I can
say last year eight sacks was the best I had

in me, And after this Browns game, I'll look in
the mirror and say, that was the most I had
in me. And if if it's the league lead, if
it's third, if it's fifth, if it's thirty second, it
really doesn't. It's the best I did. And I can
hang my hand on that season in and out. So
it's always nice to be, you know, considered in the
best or first place. All those things are nice, but

those are a by product of wanting to win and
the intensity that I've had.

Speaker 2 (22:41):
You know, I've played with for a long time.

Speaker 1 (22:43):
It won't it won't affect your process. That's a part
of a hunt. He's like, just I don't want more.
I said, you boy, you talked about Jake Browning, and
I clearly don't know much about Jake Browning, But what
is it like, you know, him keeping the season alive
and sort of step into that role because you know,
I took for I didn't take for granted, but having
Drew brees my entire career. Until you didn't, you didn't realize,

like when you're playing with the great, you don't know
what it's like. And then the next you know, one
of those years we had like three quarterbacks. You're like day,
consistency is key and greatness is greatness, and consistency equals elite.
So Jake Browning steps to that roll with guys. So
having to get to custom to a new quarterback not
named Joe Borrow after having so much success, I haveter
been to a super Bowl. After winning ac you know,

titles year after year after year, and now you got
Jake Browning? How do rally? How how is it possible
to rally? And now that you've got you know, kept
the season alive, how does that happen?

Speaker 2 (23:38):

Speaker 4 (23:38):
I think what's special about Jake that not a lot
of people know is he had highs and votes you
know back in college. You know, he led Washington's has
some pretty special seasons, you know, and that being your
conference in college, you know, it's a isn't that right?

Speaker 2 (23:53):
Is that yours? And yeah?

Speaker 1 (23:55):
Well good the good old yeah, the good old pack,
which will be no more after Yeah.

Speaker 2 (23:58):
Yeah, I was always you know, I mean I had
competend this.

Speaker 4 (24:02):
I didn't really I didn't dabble in the power of
five schools, but uh but yeah, no, he was.

Speaker 2 (24:08):
He's led an impressive charge.

Speaker 4 (24:09):
You know those statistics spoke for himself, and I got
to see a different side of Jake than not a
lot of people saw. He was my scout team quarterback
for three years or two and a half, and you know,
seeing his process, the way he talked to our defensive coordinator,
going through what this quarterback looks like and being able
to emulate them at a high level, giving us the
best look possible. And you know there was sometimes he

dice us up and you'd kind of look at it.
It's like this is our one defense, you know, and it's, uh,
it's one of those things that we.

Speaker 2 (24:37):
Knew he could play. We knew he could play at
a high level.

Speaker 4 (24:40):
We were happy for him when he made the fifty
three this year and no way were we thinking we
were losing Joe.

Speaker 2 (24:45):
But you know, it's football.

Speaker 4 (24:48):
But you know, when we got we could rally behind
him because we knew, we knew his process, we knew
how hard he wanted, he wanted it, how hard he works,
you know, and him going in there into Jacksonville winning
that game, Uh, you know, beating the Vikings and overtime
coming back, those are special things, special things that I
think he'll remember forever. We have a chance for a

winning season, which is something I don't take for granted either.

Speaker 2 (25:12):
So you know, there's a lot to play for this week.
But good dude, he's definitely a leader of men.

Speaker 4 (25:18):
Uh He's somebody that not a lot of people knew about.
But a couple of years people be talking about him.

Speaker 1 (25:24):
I mean probably not a couple of years because these
Joe Burrows coming back and then you know.

Speaker 2 (25:30):
No, I know that's a couple of years. Yeah, he's
gonna even be back like he's our guy. Like, but
you know he's gonna get a chance.

Speaker 4 (25:38):
He's you know, I see a lot of guys that
have similar walks as he did.

Speaker 2 (25:42):
Garner Minshew. You know, he's made made a name for himself.

Speaker 4 (25:46):
You know, I can see that being a very similar
road as he kind of has to earn it. We
played another guy, uh case Keenum, you know, very similar,
gets an opportunity, makes the most of it. Uh So
they'll be once he becomes a free agent, they'll be
people calling his name.

Speaker 1 (26:04):
Oh for sure, that bro. Okay, So just look at
your career, bro. The way the way you took off, Bro,
there was there was you know when you started off,
you you came in like Bro, if he just lets
me get on the edge, I'm gonna win. And then
you know, you had your your your year of I'm
just gonna get on this treadmill, run my ass off
and got skinny on us, and then you came back
and put yourself on the map your third year and

took off your fourth year for the tune of what
what was it? Thirteen sacks? Thirteen and half sacks? Your
fourth year? Bro, how did you like, how did you
know or when did you know that you were going
to be a force to be reckoned with in the NFL, Because,
I mean we had those talks youngers. You're like, bro,
I could just do this if they just let me,
and then you get your opportunity and shine. But when

did you really know that? You're like, I'm yeah, I'm
CON's work.

Speaker 2 (26:53):
I'm uh possible.

Speaker 4 (26:57):
I've been blessed. I've been blessed to the whole situation.
You know, I've had good people in my corner. But
I always looked in the mirror and knew I could
do it. You know, there were things I think Ryan
made us write it down. I wanted to be a
multi ten sack, you know, guy, I wanted to be
a pro bowler.

Speaker 2 (27:11):
I wanted to do great things. I wanted to play
in the super Bowl.

Speaker 4 (27:15):
You know, there's things that you know you have to
you have to believe it to achieve it. I'm a
firm believer in that, and even when I was drafted,
I knew I'd be a starter in this league. It
was just a little bleak playing behind great defensive ends
like you Alex starting and then next year drafting Marcus
in the first.

Speaker 2 (27:33):
Round, first round.

Speaker 4 (27:36):
I don't know why. Yeah, and were my best friends,
so I love him. But it was one of those
things you kind of have to look in the mirror
and you don't know how, you don't know when, you
don't know why, but you just believe it.

Speaker 2 (27:47):
And I would write it down.

Speaker 4 (27:48):
I have notes on my phone in twenty eighteen that
was going to be a pro bowler when I was
wearing a hat and on the treadmill.

Speaker 2 (27:55):
I'm a firm believer. If you don't have faith in it,
you know, And.

Speaker 4 (27:57):
I put my faith in the Lord and Savior Jesus
Christviously you know that, but you know it's something special,
that belief.

Speaker 2 (28:06):
No matter what, it's just something good to have.

Speaker 4 (28:08):
And I think every player should believe in themselves to
the max and uh go get it.

Speaker 1 (28:14):
No doubt. Well, I just love to see that transformation
because I remember you having like like bro, you and
Manti tal was out there having those those like deep talks.
I was sitting there like, don't lose this weight, tray
this defense movie, in our defense, in our sans defense
back in what was that twenty seventeen, twenty eighteen, It's
like you got to stop the run first. You got

to stop the like the Moniker, the Moniker of our
team was like, stop to run and have some fun.
So if like if you didn't play off for a second,
like you had to earn third, like third was never given.
It was like the earned privilege, which was now.

Speaker 2 (28:49):
And that was one of those things.

Speaker 4 (28:50):
You know, went from two hundred and eighty pounds drinking
milk at night because Ryan said mask kicks, but you know,
and UH bought that looked in the mirror at two eighty,
I was like, man, I'll be playing three technique here
pretty soon if I don't so then I just started running.

Speaker 2 (29:07):
So that whole off season I was running.

Speaker 4 (29:09):
Twenty eighteen came around, I weighed two fifty five So
I lost thirty thirty pounds, thirty five pounds, and I
remember going into Sean Payton's office and he's like, you
know he played defensive end in this league, right, I was,
I guess, sir, He's like, our defensive ends weighed two
seventy and yes, sir. He's like, I don't know how
you're gonna put fifteen pounds on. But he's like, good

luck and walked out of the room.

Speaker 2 (29:34):
I was like, yeah, it wasn't my smartest idea. I
looked great, I felt great.

Speaker 4 (29:40):
So it was one of those things where I was like,
these things are trending nicely. But got to meet my
wife that off season, so at least something worked. So
Alisa was a huge help, and you know, getting the
weight back on, she cooked for me, and you know, inevitably,
twenty nineteen, I got to get back in the rotation.

Speaker 2 (30:01):
And uh, you know restless history.

Speaker 1 (30:04):
You know, look in New Orleans defense would go to
dinner every Thursday. Do you guys have that over there
in Sincy?

Speaker 4 (30:10):
So I brought that kind of over here in some ways,
you know, it was more like the defensive line. We
couldn't get everybody on board, you know, Vaughn had his dinner.

Speaker 2 (30:19):
That he brought over with the DVS.

Speaker 4 (30:21):
So it was more a position specific thing, but uh,
you know it's we wanted to make it our own things.
So starters absolutely started starters and it's trinkled down so
it's been I've adapted some things.

Speaker 1 (30:34):
Yeah, yeah, get the group together, bro. I feel like
even even like now we've we've as a Saints team,
we've transformed from like defensive dinner every week to now
defense dinner every other week. Defensive line position whatever hangs
out in between those weeks on Thursdays. But like the
defensive line is, it's sort of fun now, Like you know,

you play credit card roulette to finish these dinners off,
and that's always intriguing. You know, brings a little bit
more fun to the game when you don't have to pay,
Like a steak steak dinner hits better when it's not
your money.

Speaker 2 (31:08):
You know, it hurt when you get caught though, Hey.

Speaker 1 (31:14):
I got lucky, I got I got cut on on
a text Mex night. I got caught with like you know,
like you know, you gotta steak dinners. Absolutely, you gotta
you go to sushi. You know, sushi nights, Sushi Knight's
gett expensive and like I got caught on a text Mexic.
I was like, this is it? No, no, no, I take that,
thank you, like hopefully this is the only one for
your things.

Speaker 2 (31:34):
And then that's.

Speaker 1 (31:38):

Speaker 2 (31:38):
It's different.

Speaker 1 (31:40):
You're upset, but you're like you weighing it against each other.
I did, Okay, do you guys do rookie dinners because
you know, we got our rookie dinner coming up, and
I'm excited.

Speaker 2 (31:49):
Yeah, we don't we do rookie dinners.

Speaker 4 (31:51):
Uh, Miles has been great, so it's gonna be pretty
easy for him. It's gonna just have the guys together. Yeah,
it's a camaraderie thing. It's not gonna be more of
the you know. So it's something that he's done great.
He's been on everything. You get snacks for everybody, bringing
waters for everybody. You know, he's a good dude, bought in,
you know, he's a team guy.

Speaker 2 (32:11):
You know, he came from a great program.

Speaker 4 (32:13):
Clemson has been at the top of the food chain
his whole life, top recruit So yeah, he knows.

Speaker 1 (32:20):
Bro I try and tell people like locker rooms run
on like camaraderie on being built in, Like they're like, oh,
what do you guys do to your rookies. We don't
do anything to rookies. We passed. We pass on tradition,
and a good rookie enhances the room. Like you like, hey,
oh you make the you make rookies pick up pads.

I'm like, I don't make him do anything, you know,
but like did I pick up pads when I was
when I was a rookie? Absolutely? You know, does does
it help? I think in the long run when you
have a guy who wants to buy into tradition, wants
to buy into the program, Yeah, it's like it's like
on our defense and when we do forty updowns before
before the season, you buy in. There's a buy it

Like I don't really know you, so you're sort of
building trust as we go, you know. So our rookie
dinner is gonna happen and it's gonna be great. We're
gonna have a good time and nobody's gonna be overly excessive.
You're not gonna see one of those like you know,
what is it on on on Twitter or whatever? I
saw like the Niners where they like fake the kid
out with a fifty thousand dollars bill and like, yeah,
like come on, like even if the bill, if the

bill is fifty, I would probably eat that. I'm like, nah, bro, Like,
you're not doing that to my guy. We've had, you know,
Brian Raze from Clemson as well as another Clemson guy.
He's been great this year. So we're gonna have a
df beef his dinner and like you know, we're gonna
order a bottle and he's gonna sign it, just like
all my rookies have in the past.

Speaker 2 (33:39):
It's just a tradition, bro.

Speaker 4 (33:40):
You know, no, and it's you know, it's good to
trust those guys, you know, to build that trust, and
you know, if you're taking care of us and like
with snacks and stuff, it's not the end of the world.
It's something that just goes to show that you're on it.
You know, you want your guys to be taken care of.
And then when we run a text and he comes
free and he gets a sack, you know, it's earned.
You know, it's like something I'm happy for him. It's

not like he's out there doing it selfishly. So he's
been amazing. I think most rookies are great. You very
rarely get somebody who's super entitled. So if there's a
process to everything, it's not something where it's like, you know,
you have to like you're saying, it's something that they
should want to to take care of the guys that
have been here, and we've all been rookies. I mean
I probably tried to fight it as hard as I could,

but it didn't work out for me.

Speaker 1 (34:25):
So no, no, if Peyton Turner was the worst rookie
I've ever had in my life, no, you you were,
You were fine. Al Kadeem was al Kadeem probably no doubt.
Al KaDee Mohammed gave gave me and you some some
some some times sometimes. And I love Al I saw

how this off season love al h. But I was
like as a rookie, like he came in like knowing
he was a bet or something. But I think that's
just you know, you just deal with those personalities, but
that's just it, like the person. So now these makes
it sort of fun, you know, like when you when
you have guys come together and building that camaraderie, nobody's
going to just be mess Like you know, you were

my first you were my first defensive end that like
put me in a position of like made me think
about things like, hey, bro, nah me or him? No,
not as all as you try. Just hey, hands up here,
you're my guy, bro. But hey, life, there's decisions to
be made, and every decision has waked on them. But
I mean from from from the beginning of your career

till till now and the next seven years that you're
in continue playing eight years you can continue playing. You know,
I just got the highest highest respect for you, and
I just love the way that you're like you're flying now. Bro.
I'm like, I look, I look on TV, like we
watch the Sack reels whatever every week, and you're on there.
I'm like like, look at him, like he like he
told me, he told me year three, Like he's like, Bro,

he's like, I'm going to go get it, Like I'm
going to be a ten sack guy. Like it's going
to happen. And you've proved everybody wrong or right who's
ever had anything, you know, negative to say about you.
You'd be like, hey, if there's anything negative, you've proved
them wrong. And everybody who was like hey, he's got
tremendous upside, You've proved them exactly what you what you
knew about yourself. So again, appreciate you tapping in on
the podcast. I appreciate you for being my guy. You

know what I'm saying. I owe you a fishing trip
because we didn't get one in last last all season.
It's happening now. Does it have to happen immediately after season? Yes, yes,
I'll be in a boot suit. But you know, it
just is what it is. So appreciate you tapping in
on off the edge with me, my guy Trey Henderson.

One game left. Hopefully it ends up in it at
least a three piece. I'ma I'm gonna call four out there.
He's gonna finish with like twenty one and maybe even
go stupid and get like a six SAT game and
break a record. You know, like I'm just gonna I'm
just gonna throw things out there. But love you, Bro,
Appreciate you for for everything you do for the game,
for the intensity that you bring, uh, the energy that
you've always had. A big salute to you, bro.

Speaker 2 (36:54):
Yeah, I love you. To you, brother, and thank you
God bless you and the family.

Speaker 1 (36:56):
And yes, sir, I now would talk about our New
Year's resolutions. Man New Year's resolutions are never lose again
and never get injured again. I don't know if it's feasible,
So let's give you a feasible, you know, unattainable new
Year's resolution for me this year. This year, I would

like to take swearing off the table, not all of swearing,
but the hard ones, you know, like that the mforts,
the F bomb, the maybe even the B word. You know,
so you know that I'm gonna start off with new
year's New Year's resolutions, but just hinting at it, you know,
because if I say it, then the year's resolution is

is over. Then, you know, wife, you will probably be
super excited that I'm gonna stop swearing, because like in
the locker room, sometimes you bring the locker room home
and then you get you get chewed out, and then
you just be like that S word, you know, I
feel like it's like it is not really a curse word,
like it's a swear word, but like it's just the heart.
I'm I'm gonna start off with the hard curse words

and then move on from there. You know, maybe maybe
it's a bastard, might be a harshurst curse word. You know,
if you look up dictionary. That might be I'm on
offense about that one, but it's just another word for
you know, when somebody defecates. You know, it just is
what it is. I'm yeah, I'm gonna say I'm say
the hard, the hard, curse words gone this year. I'm

gonna be a better man. I got kids. Oh oh
in fact, no, no, I can't do it. I was
gonna say give up red meat, but that's just a lie.
I don't turn down lamb chops. It will never happen.
I am who I am. I could almost get rid
of steak, Like I'm at this point like steak is
not appeasing to me, but I don't turn down like

wag you and like you know when somebody hits me
like an elite. Oh, this is the you gotta try it,
you know, a beautiful burger. You have to try it,
like it's just what it is. I could almost give
up red meat. I might. I'm gonna take a sabbatical
from red meat this year. Won't be won't be eradicated
with a sabbatical. Let's go for that one, hopefully, you know.

So this year, this year's resolution, give up, the give up,
the rough, hard, curse words, and test out giving up
beef red meat. Yeah. So anyways, that's that's my newest resolutions.
What's yours, guys. I appreciate you for tuning in to
Off the Edge with me on my podcast. I appreciate

you guys allowing me to be the host spinning with
my guy Trey Hendrickson. I appreciate my dog, Trey Henderson
for the edge rusher that he has become an edgerencher
he is and in the way he's going hopefully a
dp O Y this year. In fact, I'm gonna put
out there I want to give him an award. M all right,
So thank you Trey for for for hopping on the show, because,

I mean, if you guys know my guy, Trey is
a private guy. You know, he loves he loves his wife,
he loves God, and he loves football and you know
the rest of his family and he sticks to that
phenomenal dude through and through. Appreciate you guys for listening.
Thank you tune in, Tell your friends about it, tell
your cousins about twenty twenty four. It's gonna be a
year Off the Edge of the podcast with Cam Jordan.

Give us a five star rating, leave a review, tell
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the iHeartRadio, Apple, wherever you get your podcasts. Just know
Off the Edge is here to stay. Twenty twenty four.
We don't play, We're gonna participate. Thank you for being here.
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