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February 10, 2024 14 mins

EP #21: Welcome to a special edition of Off the Edge with Cam Jordan! In this week’s episode, Cam sits down with two rising stars in the NFL, Jordan Love and CJ Stroud. Cam starts by reflecting on Jordan Love's impressive 17-point comeback against his team, which happens to be Jordan’s favorite game thus far in his career. Then Texans QB C.J. Stroud joins the show. He talks about how he has been able to quickly earn the respect and trust of his teammates. He then shares what he thinks about Cam Newton’s recent comment, calling C.J.Stroud a "game-changer".  

The Off the Edge with Cam Jordan podcast is a production of the NFL in partnership with iHeart Radio.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:04):
This is camp Jordan here. We are on off the
edge of the podcast. It's more like a brief sitting
down with legendary people. I got my guy, Jordan Love here,
coming out of Utah State, which there's not a lot
of pickings out of there, but you were picked in.

Speaker 2 (00:18):
The first round. Yeah you know that twenty twenty drafts.

Speaker 3 (00:21):
Yeah, yeah, four yeah, yeah, man, you talked state was awesome.

Speaker 4 (00:24):
Man, Like you said, not a lot, you know, smaller
school and not a lot of people coming out of there,
but we got we got a couple big times.

Speaker 2 (00:29):
Got a first round here. Cal hasn't had a first
round since Jared Goff.

Speaker 1 (00:33):
Okay, so you know, I mean I ain't say I
felt like we were a big school and then all
of a sudden, we we sort of you know, we're
fighting back to get back. Yeah, you know, so just clearly,
let's just get my stuff out the way because I've
got grievances, right, you know.

Speaker 2 (00:46):
We we played early on in the season.

Speaker 1 (00:49):
At some point we were up seventeen to zero, and
I was like, oh, we taxing this, We we taxing
the Green Bay Packers never been to Lambo, where it
had been so quiet you could hear pin.

Speaker 4 (00:57):
Drops, bullying and all types of stuff, booing it was
tough environment.

Speaker 5 (01:01):

Speaker 1 (01:02):
Yeah, So I was like, I've never I've never seen
the green turn. You came back in the second half,
ended up beating us eighteen points unanswered. Uh, eighteen seventeen.
I was like, how the hell did we blow this?
And low key my embarrassing loss of the year. Like,
I was like, but to your credit, you came.

Speaker 4 (01:17):
Back that that was my favorite game of the year,
saying no, that makes sense, not that makes sense, but no,
that was I mean you said, man, I think I
think it was motivation here here in Green Bay, be
so quiet in Lambeau, and uh, you know, you get
you get some boos from your home crowd is tough,
so you know you want to step that game up,
and uh, you know we're able to do that.

Speaker 2 (01:33):
Right office.

Speaker 1 (01:34):
You had a couple of bombs in the game. I'm like,
I'm like, ain't no way these prayers getting Yeah.

Speaker 3 (01:39):
Guys making plays out there, man, dudes making plays.

Speaker 1 (01:41):
When you have plays like that, you'd be like on
the deep side, You're like, no, it's a lot.

Speaker 3 (01:45):
He must be living right, man.

Speaker 4 (01:46):
You know, it was a it was a different game. Obviously,
you never want to see anybody get hurt. But you know,
obviously Derek getting hurt right in that game was right
right before halftime. It was tough for you guys. You
never want to see that, but uh, you know you.

Speaker 1 (01:58):
Got to take advantage of everybody is man, what did
y'all say at halftime? Because our halftime was completely different.
We're like, it's time to bury you ever lit your
foot off the neck?

Speaker 3 (02:08):
Yeah, you know yours one?

Speaker 2 (02:10):
What happened the our size?

Speaker 4 (02:11):
Zero points at halftime? You know, it's defense looking at
the offense like, man, what do you guys? Do you
guys gonna show up today like you're gonna put up
some points? And you know, we take that personal. We're
trying to show up for the defense, help those guys out, get.

Speaker 3 (02:21):
Off the field.

Speaker 4 (02:22):
And man, we knew we had to play a lot
better because zero points at half it's not gonna win
you in the games.

Speaker 3 (02:26):
Man. So you know there's a lot of motivation that
in that locker room halftime.

Speaker 2 (02:30):
No doubt that that was my personal gram. Get out
the way. I'm now include that you're clearly here on
behalf of old spices.

Speaker 3 (02:36):
Tell me about it.

Speaker 4 (02:37):
Yes, sir, man' here with old spices to day. Got
a little product in my pocket, new total body Yodurant man. Okay,
if you need to try that out, man, it's it's
a great product man. You know, Yodurant for your piss,
This for everything man, okay, arm pits, toes, everything between,
you know what I mean for for football players especially,
you know, everything in between, everything in between you if

you meet on your toes, man, go ahead, man, twenty
four to seven protection.

Speaker 3 (03:03):
Man, it's the great stuff right there. So it'll help
us out.

Speaker 1 (03:06):
Okay, So so when so now we can get back
to football. You know, love good love, good old spice.
You know, it's just always available. Ready. Oh yeah, look,
good stuff for talking about them little airsolt cans like
it's quick and easy and they got them in the
facility like everywhere everywhere.

Speaker 2 (03:22):
So we need that, Yeah, we need that. Sure.

Speaker 3 (03:24):

Speaker 1 (03:25):
So yeah, so like it was that with our game.
Was that the game that a click for you? Was
that the game that gave you confidence? Because I mean
from from there on out you sort of.

Speaker 3 (03:32):
I don't know about click.

Speaker 4 (03:33):
I think that was a great game for us to
be able to see that being behind it and being
able to put a performance and turn it around and
come back. So that was great. But after that, you know,
we did go on a like a four game losing streak.
So I think just going through that, going through the
growing pains, the adversity, you know, it helped us going
forward to you know, the biggest thing in NFL, you
gotta find ways to win. Everybody's good, right, that margin

for aari slim. So our biggest thing was was finding
ways to get over that hunt. We're in a lot
of close games that we lost and find ways to
win it at the end, two minute drills, things like that.

Speaker 1 (04:02):
So the back third of the season, though, we went
lights out, you know, Presston, Rashan Gary, you know, a big,
big Frank was out there going to work. And then
off the side, you guys started getting stellar. Oh yeah,
So it's it's about the it's about the timing of
it all.

Speaker 3 (04:17):
It is timing.

Speaker 4 (04:18):
You know, you want to get hot at the right
time and start winning at the right time. And I
think it worked out well for us at the end.
But uh, like you said, man, guys making plays. Dude
stepped up. Everybody stepped up, huge man, right.

Speaker 1 (04:28):
It was like and then you, you know, which led
you right, it rolled right into that playoffs where you know,
I was.

Speaker 2 (04:32):
Like, all right, I was like when I played it,
I was like when we played them, I was like,
I didn't. I don't know if I saw it, but
started really clicking in on the playoffs.

Speaker 1 (04:39):
I was like, oh, that first of first playoff debut,
took the Packers to the playoffs and the first year
as a starter, and then you posted a perfect perfect
quarterback rating.

Speaker 4 (04:46):
Almost almost perfect incomple that dropped it off, man, almost perfect.

Speaker 2 (04:52):
I mean, come on, I was I was looking.

Speaker 1 (04:53):
I was like, I sort of looked at you, like
Ben Simmons, like, you know, everybody was calling you a rookie,
and I'm like, technically he's got time on it my
rookie year.

Speaker 3 (05:00):
Well, first year starting, you know what I mean, But
I'll take it.

Speaker 1 (05:02):
Right something like yeah, man, this first year, I was like,
as a starter, right, he's been here for a while,
but okay, you know, so that improved, that improved passer rating,
that bolt clearly, that picks up your confidence.

Speaker 2 (05:13):
That puts you in for a position next year to
really shine.

Speaker 4 (05:17):
Oh yeah, definitely, you know, I think, like you said
at the end of the year, getting on a run
going into the playoffs, first playoff game, being able to
win over a good, a really.

Speaker 3 (05:23):
Good Dallas team.

Speaker 4 (05:24):
Right, So it's gonna have us, you know, put us
in a good spot going forward. You know, we're gonna
work this offseason and find ways to improve on where
we you know, fell short this year.

Speaker 1 (05:34):
I mean, what does uh? I mean clearly talks to
your leadership, But what does that do for? What were
you looking forward to clearly and OTAs creating more whatever?
What are you looking forward to in terms of draft?
What are you looking forward to it to your second
year starting? Man, I'm looking forward to seeing where we're
gonna build this year.

Speaker 4 (05:48):
You know, we had a great draft this last year,
a lot of young guys on our team, and those
guys all stepped up to Huges made big time players
throughout the year. So I'm looking forward to those guys
being able to come back make that year two jump,
because I mean, they did some really good things first year,
and I was like, I was kind of blown away
by a lot of way they played and just being
so young, and so I'm looking forward to those.

Speaker 3 (06:07):
Year two jumps.

Speaker 4 (06:08):
We got a little couple of changes new defense coordinator
coming in, so I'm excited to see who next year
is gonna look like.

Speaker 1 (06:14):
Man, I'm just thinking, like, there's a lot of talent
on your team. Obviously, I'm trying to I'm trying to
poach Franklin, your big No, man, you ain't him, but
we need him. I'm texting him. I'm texting him right now.
We've got the same agent, so just no, I'm like message.

Speaker 3 (06:32):
I'm gonna text him to him, like, don't listen.

Speaker 2 (06:33):
To Cam say he comes for you.

Speaker 1 (06:35):
He is.

Speaker 2 (06:35):
They love you and bad man.

Speaker 1 (06:37):
But you know, I really wanted to ask the last
question because I mean, we had some controversy at the
end of the year with us putting the extra seven
points on the Atlanta Falcons because it's a rivalry game,
needed it. But for you guys, you had some controversy
with uh Jaire Alexander went out to a random coin toss,
which I've never even heard it. Clearly, I've been in
the league for thirteen years and my poss being in

the league for thirteen years, and we've got twenty six
years of Jordan experience, and I still never heard of
somebody like, yeah, I'm a volunteer myself, go to the
coin toss.

Speaker 2 (07:06):
How what where?

Speaker 5 (07:08):
Huh? Man?

Speaker 4 (07:09):
You know, Jayan is a special person He's a unique character,
three unique personality, man, hell of a player. But uh,
you know, uh, you know he does his own thing.
That's that's what he is. That's what he's what he's
known for. And you know, I was on the sideline.
Someone's like, why job out there? I'm like, what's y'all
doing out there? And he's talking.

Speaker 3 (07:27):
Yeah, it was.

Speaker 4 (07:28):
It was interesting, but you know that that's job man.
You never know what you mean. You got to support
your teammates.

Speaker 5 (07:32):

Speaker 3 (07:32):
I love him, man, I love love him. He's a
great player.

Speaker 2 (07:35):

Speaker 1 (07:36):
One of my coaches told me he's like pretty babies,
ugly babies. They're still your babies.

Speaker 5 (07:40):

Speaker 2 (07:40):
That's what a brotherhood is.

Speaker 3 (07:41):
That's my dog. You love him for everything he does,
but you never know what you're gonna get with job man.

Speaker 2 (07:45):
Man, love it.

Speaker 1 (07:46):
Shout out to you much success, apparently, shout out old Spice.
Appreciate you tapping in with the post off the edge
with me Cam Jordan's and hopefully you know he's turned.

Speaker 2 (07:55):
Up from here.

Speaker 3 (07:56):
Yeah, pleasure being here with you man. That pleasure man peak.

Speaker 1 (08:17):
Here we are on off the edge of the podcast me,
your host Cam Jordan, and here I am another legend
in the building and the well legend in the making.
About first year standout, second overall picks for the Houston
Texans and when I was like, oh man, they're gonna
bury this dude at the Houston Texans. Man with you, dimigo,
Ryans have been able to do cultivating this team. Of course,
you know you can't do it alone, but I mean
just the way you were playing, had an opportunity to

play against you guys this year. The leadership, the charisma,
the energy. Hell, you ran out of one of my sacks.
I sat, you ran like fifteen yards out flushed to
the right, Like I was like, all right, kids, got
some juice, tool bro. You said all types of NFL records,
you know, most passing yards in the game by a rookie,
passing touchdowns in the game by a rookie, youngest starting

quarterback to win a playoff game. The stuff that you've
been able to do this year has been nothing but phenomenal.
So I just want to know, like, how is it
that you quickly earned that respect and trust of your teammates.

Speaker 3 (09:09):
Appreciate that, bro.

Speaker 6 (09:10):
You know, I got a lot of respect for you,
man and watch you a long time, so appreciate the
coin words, bro, but really manages. I wanted to come in,
you know, and just show who I was as a person,
you know, and I knew that the football stuff will
hopefully take care of yourself. And you know, I just
really put in a lot of work, you know, just
grinded and made sure that people not only see me,
but they felt me, you know, And I think that's
more important to building that trust. And I wanted to

be natural and once I once I became a leader
on the team, I knew the football stuff will take
care of itself. And you know, it's been a blessing
to have a great year like you did. But I
couldn't do it but on my teammates, you know, with
all my coaches, you know, without the Houston Texans organization
and the fans you know.

Speaker 3 (09:43):
So it's been a blessing.

Speaker 1 (09:44):
Yeah, winning Offensive Rookie of the Year, bringing the jew
season every time you touched the field. And then speaking
of you know that energy, tell me about what you're
pushing today.

Speaker 6 (09:52):
Yeah, So I'm here with C four you know, I'm
been working with C four all the way since n
I l man my first n IL deal. Yeah, been
a little process with these guys, and you know it's
been a ball. This relationship has been great. I'm here,
you know, representing them and I've been taking their products
and you know it helps me. And then you know
them days when you day fifteen and training camp, you
know you need an extra source of energy.

Speaker 3 (10:11):
You know C for is right there for the help.

Speaker 6 (10:13):
And I'll take the protein powder, the energy drinks, and
then I'll take the pre workout as well, and you
know it all helps me. And you know it's NSF certified,
so the league approves it and you know that's it's key,
yes past fact. So it's been a blessing work with
these guys.

Speaker 1 (10:26):
Man, Man, that's awesome to hear. I got teammates that
take C four and late like, yeah, this is the
good stuff. I don't know what good stuff is. I
still don't do take any caffeine, Like, I don't do
any any like pre workouts, no cop that way. But
one day I keep up staying one day where I'm
like maybe thirty five facts.

Speaker 6 (10:40):
You know what I'm gonna head down way, you can't
do it too much, but like when you really need it,
I think that's when you best take it, you know.

Speaker 1 (10:46):
Yeah, Hey, So the only other question I'm asking you know,
Cam Newton, you know another quarterback who's wont the MVP before,
quarterback who played ten plus years in the league called
you a game changer?

Speaker 2 (10:55):
Does that title hold anyway for you?

Speaker 3 (10:57):

Speaker 6 (10:57):
For sure. You know, I know you got a lot
of screwtiny but I think like calling guy's game changer
game managers. But you know, at the same time, you know,
Cam has the right to have that opinion because you know,
he's been one of the best quarterbacks in the league
that we've ever seen. So for him to call me that,
you know, it's an honor, especially the first year. You know,
something that I hold myself, uh, you know, at a
high at a high standard, you know, making everybody around

me better. I think that's what being a game changer
is is, you know, making everyone around me better and
making plays.

Speaker 2 (11:24):
Absolutely. What are you looking forward to next season?

Speaker 6 (11:26):
I'm looking forward to winning, you know, I want to
you know, hopefully, I really wanted to make it to
this game this year, and you know, we came up
a little short, but you know, I'm excited to line
up again with my guys next year and you know,
just to build more chemistry and just get more wins.

Speaker 3 (11:38):
And you know, but it's a long process.

Speaker 6 (11:40):
Got to attack ot all season training camp and you know,
learn from our mistakes and you know, make everything right to.

Speaker 1 (11:46):
A to a blue of reds and first black and
goal super Bowl next year. Appreciate you tapping in.

Speaker 3 (11:50):
Let's do that.

Speaker 2 (11:51):
Yeah yeah, yeah yeah.

Speaker 3 (11:52):
Don't hear you too hard.

Speaker 2 (11:53):
I gotta get you back much.

Speaker 4 (11:56):
Blessings, Broo Brot, keep back.

Speaker 7 (12:05):
A step.

Speaker 5 (12:31):
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