All Episodes

May 14, 2024 30 mins

During today's show, we talked about leaving your child at home with their dad, songs that are mood killers, and a missing headstone 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
So I want to ask a question because it's happened
to me yesterday, and and I don't think it's just
limited to living in like a big city environment. I
feel like this might be everywhere, and people listen to
us all over the places, listen to us in different
cities on the iHeart radio app all over the world.
And this is my thing. What happens to people when
they get on a bicycle that turns them into a

total gangster? I want to know because I've noticed that,
Like yesterday, for example, I'm standing on a street corner
and a guy like, there's a crosswalk, and I'm on
the cross I'm on the street side of the curb,
so there's a crosswalk straight ahead of me, and at

a ninety degree angle there's a bike lane. So I'm
at an intersection and out of nowhere, this dude comes
screaming around the corner on his rented bike and he's
going about fifty miles an hour. I mean, the guy's
just screaming, big overweight guy with the backpack. You know,
not that that matters, but he's just scream and he goes,
that's a bike lane, buddy. Because I was like, I

guess I was kind of in his way of making
a clean turn into his bike lane, right, you know,
and I sort of just looked at him and he
just goes zooming by of course he's going eight hundred
miles an hour, So like, you know, I guess you're big.
You're big time when you're on your rented bike screaming
at people.

Speaker 2 (01:23):
But like if you go.

Speaker 1 (01:24):
Biking on the lake shore, it's the same deal, like
god forbid, you're too slow, or you pull over on
your left. I've had people scream at me like they're
in the Tour de France. I'm like, dude, it's a
Tuesday afternoon on the lake shore, like there's nothing going
on here.

Speaker 2 (01:38):
Broke for a minute.

Speaker 1 (01:40):
I haven't I own a bike. But honestly, it wasn't enjoyable.
I wasn't relaxed because I go out there and I
realize you've got like real people training for like actual
triathlotes and races or whatever. But those people don't tend
to be the one screaming. It's it's the guy who's
like somewhere between me and the Tour de France that's like,
you know, I don't It's like what if I had

a flat tire? What if I was injured? What if
I'm what if I'm heard? What if im And by
the way, why are we so aggressive? But what is
it with bikers? Bicyclist cycless cyclists? Byclists are very aggressive?
They forget all the rules of the road because they
think it's all theirs. They don't stop at red lights,
they don't stop a stop signs, They just roll through anything,

and they think it's your fault. But like what I
just I'm wondering what happens when you strap on that
helmet that makes you that you've now determined that you
are the king of the of the road. Is it
because you know if somebody hits you? I mean, by
the way, I don't pedestrians have right of way over
every moving vehicle. Yes, so technically if I'm standing in

your bike lane, that's a you problem and I didn't
even mean to. But it's like, why are you so aggressive?
Is it because you feel out of balance? Is it
because you feel vulnerable on a bike? Is it because
you're going fast so you can yell at people and
they really can't at you because I'm not going to
run after you with my little coffee, you know, or whatever.

I don't understand, like why are people so aggressive on bicycles.
I mean, I'll be honest with you. I don't enjoy
riding the bicycle for this race. I just want to
take my little bicycle and go out to like a
nice rural area and just ride my little bike around it.
I don't want anybody yelling at me. I don't want
to have to go too fast or too slow.

Speaker 2 (03:22):
I don't want to. I don't want to. I don't wanna.
I will be honest with you.

Speaker 3 (03:26):
When I moved to the city, I had I had
a bicycle, and you do get aggressive with it because
like there's so many people that they kind of don't understand,
like I don't know, like they they are kind of
in your way sometimes, so it just builds up, like
you just.

Speaker 4 (03:41):
In your way. You're on a bike, right, go around
like I'm a whole car. It's like I will kill you,
and you you think you want to battle with me.
I will, Yeah, yeah, it took me.

Speaker 2 (03:54):
I was not on a bike.

Speaker 3 (03:55):
I don't say it wouldn't be my fault if you would,
you know, if you would hit me.

Speaker 2 (03:58):
Who cares? Who fault it is? Your but I'm just saying,
like you.

Speaker 3 (04:02):
Just get there's so many like especially if there's bike lanes,
like dedicated bike lanes for people, there's cars that park
in there.

Speaker 2 (04:08):
They don't care. That's me yeah right, and that's what
that's you're the problem. Like you're in my you're in
my lane, that's my area. But here's the thing.

Speaker 1 (04:15):
If I'm in a car and you're on your bike, like, okay,
I mean, I.

Speaker 2 (04:20):
Gotta share the road with bicycles. I understand that. I
understand that. I really don't like.

Speaker 1 (04:26):
Yelling at other people, yelling at pedestrians, Like why are
we yelling you're on a bike. First of all, you're
on a bike, okay, and you're on a rented bike.
You're on one of those like sun cruiser, like you know,
like beach cruiser whatever.

Speaker 2 (04:40):
Right, I'm like, so you're not you're not even.

Speaker 1 (04:43):
Like you're not even wearing the bike at attire and
you're not wearing those clicking shoes and all the other things.
So like, don't talk to me, like honestly, you're you
you you're not you don't even own that bike, Like
just stop, you know what I mean, Like you're not
a gangster, you're not at all. Can we also talk
about something else that we're talking about etiquette? Just it's
overall like sort of sharing the world etigum. If you

are walking on the sidewalk, the rules of the road
apply to the sidewalk. Yes, you have to walk on
the right side of the sidewalk. You cannot. Your entire
extended family cannot. Cannot extend parallel along the sidewalk perpendicular
rather along the sidewalk.

Speaker 2 (05:20):
You can't.

Speaker 1 (05:21):
You need to organize your family to be on the right,
the proper side of the sidewalk. Also, if you're turning
a corner on a sidewalk, a blind corner, you have
an obligation to swing out to the right, Yes, the
same way that you do when you're driving a car.
You don't get to cut the corner and then look
at me like I'm the a hole for walking on
the proper side of the sidewalk, and I'm the one goes, oh, sorry,

because I'm just trying to make the corner. I can't
see wach on the other side, and you decide to
cut the corner. No, you got to swing out, you
go around because somebody might be there. The same way
you would in your car. Why and then why are
you're looking at me like I'm the idiot. I'm just
mind my own business, following the rules of the sidewalk.

Speaker 5 (06:03):
Yeah you are.

Speaker 2 (06:06):
If you're going to walk slowly, you gotta walk on
the far side. I know what? Like what? Don't what came?

Speaker 6 (06:12):
I'm no, I had another grade, but you're saw in
this one.

Speaker 2 (06:15):
No, I'm I'm ready to move on. But go ahead.
No you want yours? Go ahead? No, I'm I'll know
I need it. No, I need it. Okay.

Speaker 6 (06:23):
I was gonna say, and just stop going slow in
the left lane on the highway. I just it was
just like Tourette's coming out. I like, I can't. I
can't handle it anymore. If you drive a big truck,
don't be in the left lane.

Speaker 2 (06:33):
Thank you.

Speaker 4 (06:33):
But yeah, where are the trucks supposed to be, because
I know the r right in every lane?

Speaker 2 (06:39):
Where are you supposed to? Don't care anymore trying to
get around you. You're rocks flying off the side.

Speaker 6 (06:43):
You're going twenty miles an hour. I have somewhere to
be and I'm probably late, okay, And then.

Speaker 2 (06:48):
You go around them, you think there's a bunch of
traffic in front of them. There's nobody and they don't
have a care in the world. They have achieved peace
and mental health because I look at them like this
and they're like right, like you nowhere to be listened
to this. Now, that's another thing.

Speaker 1 (07:05):
If you get passed, if you're in the left lane
and you get passed in the right lane, you need
to really assess what you're doing with your life in
that moment, Like you need to look down at your
speedometer and say, okay, now, I will say the other day,
I was going ninety in the left lane in a
seventy hell yeah, helly, and I got passed on the right.

Speaker 2 (07:24):
That's on you. That's on you.

Speaker 1 (07:26):
I don't have to go faster than twenty five over
the speed limit or I think I was probably thirty over.

Speaker 2 (07:31):
I don't know where I was, But now that's on you.

Speaker 1 (07:33):
If you want to pass if I'm already twenty over
and you want to pass me on the right, because
I'm not getting a ticket because you want to go
one hundred, Okay, So if you want to pass me
on a right like that.

Speaker 2 (07:43):
That's on you. Yeah, I'd agree with that.

Speaker 1 (07:44):

Speaker 2 (07:45):
However, fast you go on high with Jason.

Speaker 5 (07:47):
I go eighty okay, But like as soon as I
start the little things that it's going past eighty, I'm like, oh,
I've got to slow down.

Speaker 2 (07:54):
Yes, I don't trust my car. I'm pushing it in.

Speaker 5 (08:01):
We're not going much.

Speaker 2 (08:02):
But I see this all the time.

Speaker 1 (08:04):
I see like, yeah, the day I'm driving and this
dude's going like he's going to speed limit in the
left lane, and so I swing out and go around
him and then get in front of him. And it's
just like, at that point, don't you go, oh, you
know what? I'm actually like, I'm I'm in the zone
right now. I didn't realize I was driving too slowly
for the left lane, and we get over.

Speaker 2 (08:20):
Some people get off on it. They want to. They
have like one hundred.

Speaker 6 (08:24):
That's the only time they can execute any sort of
power or control over somebody else.

Speaker 2 (08:29):
And I'll play that game.

Speaker 1 (08:30):
Why Fred always mad about something other people do?

Speaker 5 (08:33):

Speaker 2 (08:33):
Everyone else agrees with me.

Speaker 1 (08:36):
People shop, you know what are you the are you
the guy in the bike yesterday? Buddy pissed me off.
I was just drinking my little coffee and you know
what I could have taken. I could have taken one
step back onto the sidewalk. I could have, but it
was a crosswalk meet to bike lane. It was a
gray area. And the point is it wasn't that big
a deal. Bike plane, buddy, Really, that's what you're that's

what you're gonna stand on today. You're going to stand
on business for a bike lane. Like really.

Speaker 6 (09:03):
I always just ask those people like are you okay?
Like are you having a bad day? Because why are
you screaming.

Speaker 2 (09:08):
At a street right right?

Speaker 6 (09:10):
And then they always take a set back like oh,
I'm like, yeah, we don't just yell at each other.

Speaker 2 (09:14):
We don't know each other. Why are we screaming? I
just I don't know why this.

Speaker 1 (09:18):
I don't know how this uh this turned into a
just a rant about But we live in a society, guys,
and I just I just I didn't know if the
bike thing was universal. I didn't know if the bike
thing happened everywhere or if it was just, you know,
an urban environment thing.

Speaker 2 (09:32):
But I don't think it is.

Speaker 3 (09:33):
Even when I go to Costco, there's rules at Costco too,
like can't you can't. The first of all, the carts
are are giants, They're huge, But the soul are the
lanes and the aisles are huge too.

Speaker 2 (09:45):
It's the same thing. You gotta be on one side.

Speaker 3 (09:47):
You can't be in the middle looking at both sides
trying to find what you're looking now, Like, you can't
raising looking around like in the middle and you just stop.
A lot of people just stop their cart and then
walk down. I'm like, you just can't leave your cart there,
and it's one side. Time you need to go up
and down. Here is I think when sales we follow

the rules of the road.

Speaker 1 (10:10):
When follow the rules of the road, and if you
don't know what those are, and stay outside right, don't
go outside right, like, just stay in the house.

Speaker 2 (10:19):
Just let somebody else handle it for you.

Speaker 1 (10:20):
Wow, you get a DoorDash situation going or something like
that because I just I can't and you're not a
gangster on a bicycle.

Speaker 3 (10:27):
Those more aggressive to the people that shop for you,
the intact people when they go to when you see
my grocery stores, they are so aggressive.

Speaker 2 (10:35):
Because they probably grabbing a wrong stock. Yeah, they can't
get and they're getting paid. I don't mind that they're busy.
They're busy grabbing whatever.

Speaker 1 (10:43):
I didn't do that, so yeah, and find you know
what they're busy doing, finding the absolute worst.

Speaker 2 (10:47):
Proteos to get you know what, that's what I get.

Speaker 1 (10:52):
I can't complain too much about delivery services because I mean,
like food delivery service. For I get a restaurant, I mean,
the restaurant's responsible. The driver should look and see there's
a few layers here, and I guess the drivers can't
really look in the bag anymore because they're sealed. But
like as far as as going to the grocery store,
if I'm too lazy to go to the grocery store
and you get me a bad banana, then that's on me,

because honestly, I'm too lazy to go to the grocery store.
If I would just get off my fat ass and
go get my own bananas, then I would get exactly
the banana that I want. But if you give me
a bad looking banana, that's kind of on me, you.

Speaker 2 (11:27):
Know what I mean. I think, so it's hard. I mean,
it's kind of you bring me.

Speaker 1 (11:31):
Just if you bring me a kumquat and I ordered
a banana, no, that's not what I asked for it.
But if I don't like the quality of the produce,
then I should get up and go get it myself.

Speaker 5 (11:39):
I agree.

Speaker 2 (11:40):
Yeah, get on one of the bikes like the other.

Speaker 1 (11:42):
Yeah, get on the bike, right down the wrong side,
get out of the way. Scream it everybody exactly. They
brought me coume quash so bike lane, buddy, buddy, I
just I don't know why I've just been bothering me.
I feel much better now. Thank you for listening. Training stories. Next,
it's the Fresh Show. Do you have what it takes

to battle show biz? Shelley in the show Biz Showdown?

Speaker 2 (12:09):
Who wait?

Speaker 1 (12:16):

Speaker 2 (12:16):
Show Business?

Speaker 1 (12:17):

Speaker 2 (12:18):
How you doing? Do it fine? Do it goody?

Speaker 1 (12:21):
Play the game? I'm doing great. Thanks for asking your record.
Eight hundred and eighty three wins only fifty eight losses.

Speaker 2 (12:27):
Very impressive.

Speaker 1 (12:29):
Three straight wins and two hundred and fifty dollars is
the price today? And Diane is your challenger. Hi, Diane,
how you doing?

Speaker 2 (12:37):
I'm great?

Speaker 7 (12:37):
Are you guys?

Speaker 2 (12:38):
Very well?

Speaker 1 (12:38):
Thanks for colling, Thanks for listening. We appreciate it being
part of the thirteen listeners. So tell us about you.

Speaker 6 (12:46):
Well, I'm a mom of too, I'm married, and I
just dropped the kiddos off at school and I'm off
to the grocery store.

Speaker 1 (12:53):
Okay, so to a big day, big day, bed bathroom
beyond it, there's time, thank you.

Speaker 3 (12:56):
They're all gone, Fred, Yeah, what's that bad bathroom?

Speaker 2 (12:59):
You young? Are gone? All of them? Yeah? Oh boy,
where on earth would you go home?

Speaker 1 (13:04):
Good? So, I don't know that was an old school joke. Anyway,
Let's let's play the game here. Five questions. Two hundred
and fifty bucks? Is the price you guys?

Speaker 2 (13:11):
Ready? Ready?

Speaker 5 (13:12):
Okay, good luck?

Speaker 4 (13:13):

Speaker 1 (13:13):
I've been like mister movie quote legally, which I am
not a movie quote guy. I really don't like that game.
I don't know what's wrong with me. I'd like to apologize.
I'd like to make it a public apology for being
a movie quote guy, Diane, are you ready sorry? Katie
Peary's daughter in fiance made an adorable appearance on American
Idol for Mother's Day.

Speaker 2 (13:29):
Who is her fiance Orlando Bloom?

Speaker 1 (13:33):
Rumor has it that this singer's team wanted to pull
the plug on her this is Me Now tour over
poor ticket sales, but she's not having it.

Speaker 2 (13:41):
Name the singer Jennifer Lopez, which.

Speaker 1 (13:45):
NBA player's son was medically cleared to play in the
NBA following his twenty twenty three cardiac arrest Lebron Jay,
which Kardashian Jenner's shapewear brand partnered with the WNBA. Kardashian
and which co founder of Facebook celebrate his fortieth birthday today.

Speaker 2 (14:08):
Mark Suckerbern that's a five.

Speaker 1 (14:10):

Speaker 2 (14:10):
Nice job, Diane.

Speaker 1 (14:12):
By the way, I don't know if it which I
should google this first, but I saw a TikTok video,
did you. I won't say, I'll finish it. Remind me
to finish a five? No, she got a five. Katy
Perry's she is Diane's. Katy Perry's daughter and fiancee, made
an adorable appearance on American Idol for Mother's Day. Who

is her fiance Orlando Bluem Yeah. Rumor has it that
this singer's team wanted to pull the plug on her.
This is me now to her overport ticket sales, but
she's not having it. Named the singer j Lo Yeah,
which NBA player's son was medically cleared to play in
the NBA following his twenty twenty three cardiac arrest lebron
Jane Yeah, which Kardashian Jenner's shapeware brand partnered with the

WNBA Skims and who is Yeah, that's and which co
founder of Facebook celebrates his fortieth birthday.

Speaker 2 (15:02):
Today created a Facebook to Mark Zuckerberg. Yeah, wow, that's true.
Question who's the co found the other guy? Yeah, the
Winkle Vault.

Speaker 3 (15:15):
No, No, Andrew Garfield's character in Yeah, that sounds like
justin Timberlake.

Speaker 6 (15:21):
He's technically a co founder. Yeah, because his roommates at
Harvard helped him.

Speaker 3 (15:25):
Yeah. Yeah, No.

Speaker 1 (15:26):
I saw a TikTok video of apparently allegedly is Mark
Zuckerberg's new boat that he had made. It's like a ship,
it's like a crew, like a little if it's really his,
it's like a cruise ship, like one hundreds of millions
of dollars.

Speaker 6 (15:37):
Is that because Bezos made his own ship?

Speaker 2 (15:39):

Speaker 1 (15:39):
We like, if you're a rich guy, you got to
have a gigantic yacht and you got to have a jet.

Speaker 2 (15:46):
It this is required. I don't get rent a boat.

Speaker 1 (15:48):
I think so too. But anyway, I just I couldn't
believe the size of this thing. Like I don't know
how many people he plans to have on this thing,
but like I couldn't believe the size of it.

Speaker 2 (15:56):
I was blown away.

Speaker 1 (15:57):
Anyway, Diane, that's a tie. You may havelf an extra
fifty bucks, but you got to come back tomorrow for
three hundo. Okay, amazing, all right, good, hang on one second. Good,
I'm glad. I'm glad you stay right there. Tie with Diane.
So we're having her back tomorrow, Shelley, nice job. I
was a little concerned there at the end. Me too,
got me a little worrying on the Mark Zuckerberg question.

But everything's going to be okay, Christis averted your question.

Speaker 5 (16:22):
No, I'm glad.

Speaker 2 (16:22):
I got it.

Speaker 1 (16:23):
Okay, all right, take a deep breath, and we'll have
you back tomorrow. Okay, you can come back tomorrow too.

Speaker 2 (16:28):
How about that. I guess I will. I probably should. Yeah,
I appreciate that. Thank you, love you, all right.

Speaker 1 (16:34):
Good news stories Friend's version waiting by the phone?

Speaker 2 (16:39):
Girl, what is the one? I can't remember?

Speaker 1 (16:45):
I was?

Speaker 3 (16:45):
I was editing like four different ones, a girl, this
is my playlist, that's what I'll say, Oh.

Speaker 2 (16:52):
Girl, this is my playlist.

Speaker 1 (16:54):
Okay, yeah, here is it's probably not.

Speaker 2 (17:00):
Even this morning.

Speaker 1 (17:01):
I couldn't remember which one I was going to. Probably
not even the one. We'll get to the entertainer report
fun fact trending stories on More Fresh Show next. So
my wheels have been spinning since waiting on the phone
from the vault. What would you say should be on
the anti Boner playlist? Because that's what this guy, I mean,
Phil Collins, you know, to try and get it going

and look, I like some I like some strange, yacht
rockish kind of eighties nine pop music. I didn't ask
you reveal, and so it really didn't need any feedback
from you on that. So I admit it though. I
admit that, but it's not going on like Bruce Hornsby's
not coming on when the ladies come over, you know
what I mean. I put on something more contemporary, But

I mean, what would you guys? And I'm just curious
eight five five five nine three five, like you're at
you're you're at some guy's house or some lady's house
and things are about to go down and and this
comes on. And this actually happened to me. It is
a real life story. I was at a woman's house.
She lit a candle, turned the music on, and the
song that came on.

Speaker 2 (18:07):
To take you out? Did she Matuli?

Speaker 1 (18:13):

Speaker 2 (18:14):
Rose and had arm hair too. But it's fine, it
doesn't matter.

Speaker 1 (18:18):
But I mean, honestly, this comes on and like I like,
my man part just went up and entered into my body,
like like it was cold or something. I couldn't perform
under these conditions. I couldn't, So this came on. I mean, what, Kiki,
what would it take for you? You know Big Tim
is trying to get it going, and you know he

picks the music.

Speaker 2 (18:40):
You know, I'm not a music girl.

Speaker 4 (18:42):
I'm not amusing, and I don't know how y'all do
that because you know, I don't pay for subscriptions. So
you turn on my iHeart Radio, it's going to play
a song and it's an adda like I don't want
to care for it, one of them.

Speaker 2 (18:56):
Yeah you got thee when I called you in the
middle of it.

Speaker 4 (19:00):
Yeah, I can't do the music because and then I
feel like I got to stay on beat with whatever
song is.

Speaker 2 (19:04):
You know, that's true, that's true the music.

Speaker 1 (19:08):
If the music's on, I do feel like a pressure
to sort of like be rhythmic with it, which and
I'm not rhythmic. So yeah, they'll turn on no music,
We'll come to mind for it for you guys. If
it came on, you'd be.

Speaker 6 (19:20):
Like, no anything abba, Like I'm I'm.

Speaker 2 (19:24):
Try Sahara sad.

Speaker 1 (19:27):
Yeah, I mean like I would say if this came on, yes, Like,
if this came on, I.

Speaker 5 (19:42):
Just know music except this.

Speaker 1 (19:45):
I'm like, why are we seeing your frogs all the stuff?
Why are we calling this party engagement party or night
before her wedding party? Why am I holding up Kaitlin's
friends like their weekend at Burners.

Speaker 2 (19:57):
Thank you for that. You did your big one.

Speaker 1 (20:00):
I did that worked out well for me, So I
don't know what really, guys, I think.

Speaker 5 (20:05):
For me it'd be and I love Selene, but what
is that one song that she sings for the Titanic
heart will go Titanic thing?

Speaker 2 (20:12):
We're doing it?

Speaker 1 (20:13):

Speaker 5 (20:13):
Really, any Selene.

Speaker 2 (20:15):
Cry, I wouldn't have the sex. I cry, she's my boy.
You just pissed off Trevor.

Speaker 4 (20:21):
I know.

Speaker 2 (20:21):
I'm sorry, Trevor. One of the suits that we like.
He's not doing anything.

Speaker 5 (20:27):
Sad beneath my wings like any of that?

Speaker 2 (20:30):
I cry already? Good pet Middler gets me a little.

Speaker 6 (20:34):
It doesn't Kisses would really get me out of the middle.

Speaker 2 (20:37):
Butterfly Kisses Titanic theme song, couldn't you know this comes on,
I would say any I.

Speaker 1 (20:42):
Would start singing, any Selene's gonna be a problem for me,
or like, you know, I don't know.

Speaker 6 (20:50):
Yeah, oh now, I would just want to do a performance.

Speaker 5 (20:53):
Let's just play this whole thing. Yes to break, thank you?

Speaker 6 (20:56):
So that I cleared an entire bar out when we
put this on the juke box.

Speaker 2 (21:00):
She's in Beauty and the Beast Too. Is the oldest time.

Speaker 1 (21:09):
Yeah, this comes on and I'm like, oh god, you
don't want to make Yeah, I got to go.

Speaker 2 (21:13):
So I've never made love. I wouldn't know what that is.

Speaker 1 (21:16):
Anyway you're doing this, Yeah, this is the oldest time.

Speaker 2 (21:24):
Yes, no, I can't do it, Gavin. Im Hey, Gavin,
how you doing?

Speaker 1 (21:30):

Speaker 2 (21:30):
What's going on?

Speaker 4 (21:32):

Speaker 2 (21:32):
What's up Gavin? What happened with the music? Wow?

Speaker 7 (21:38):
So I don't really do hooked up anymore because of
the exact reason. But the first time that I had
like went out and had up with a check at
the bar and everything whatever. We go back to her
place and you start to get done and she starts
playing Christian rock leg.

Speaker 2 (21:54):
Oh yeah, oh boy, oh yes, yeah you want.

Speaker 7 (21:58):
To confute because I feel like the ironic.

Speaker 1 (22:01):
Almost but I mean Jesus, Jesus loves you even when
you're having premarital sex.

Speaker 2 (22:06):
From what I told, God made us. Yeah, I know
the world or whatever, but I just feel right He's
to do a lot of forgiveness over here. You got
morals changed life.

Speaker 1 (22:18):
Yeah, you might need to give me some of those
titles so I can go listen to that Christian rock music.

Speaker 2 (22:22):
I could use some of that in my life. So anyway, man,
it rely was just a killer. It was very vertical horizon.
Just you weren't able to perform under those conditions.

Speaker 7 (22:34):
I mean, yeah it was. Yeah, I mean you didn't
know you did.

Speaker 1 (22:40):
I mean you made it work, but like it wasn't ideal.
It wasn't an ideal playing field, that's what you're saying.

Speaker 7 (22:46):
Yeah, No, I definitely made it work, but it wasn't.
It wasn't noting Mom was proud of after the.

Speaker 2 (22:51):
No, I hear that.

Speaker 7 (22:53):
Didn't really I didn't say a word acting the whole
thing that shoots.

Speaker 2 (23:00):
Shoot, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 1 (23:00):
Players play and sometimes it's not ideal, but you still
have to power.

Speaker 2 (23:06):
Yeah you do.

Speaker 1 (23:07):
Absolutely, No, It's exactly right, Gavin. You are You're a
true American hero. Okay, have a great day, love you, Yeah, perfect,
Make hold on a second, Hey Mark, Hey, Mark, turn
your radio down, Turn your radio down. Mark, How you doing, bro?

Speaker 5 (23:23):
I'm good?

Speaker 3 (23:24):

Speaker 2 (23:25):

Speaker 1 (23:26):
What's the Anti Boner Jam twenty twenty four playlist? What
will be on there?

Speaker 2 (23:31):
He sweat? Make it last forever? Yeah, well, if you're
with me, then it ain't gonna last forever. So I
can assure you that exactly exactly.

Speaker 1 (23:40):
I need to be a shorter song than that. But okay,
all right, Mark, Yeah, I got it. Thank you. Have
a good day DMX. Someone said, oh, yeah, no I
do music either, Kiki. But I do have anime in
the background. Okay, John Week in the background.

Speaker 2 (24:00):
That's near mind ahead. Yeah, actually you have wake Up
More Fread show next. They talk about it.

Speaker 1 (24:13):
Yeah, they talk better than they sit about it. These
are the radio blogs on the Fread showing in our diaries,
except we say I'm aloud.

Speaker 2 (24:22):
We call them blogs Kiki go okay, dear blog.

Speaker 4 (24:25):
And I don't know if this has ever happened to
anyone else, but it was definitely a first for me
and my family. But over Mother's Day, you know, my
mom had passed on when I was nine. So it's
usually our tradition to go out and visit her grave
site every Mother's Day or every time it's her birthday.
I'm not a big gravesite girl, but my sister is.
And so this year, my sister went out to visit

the grave site only to pull up where mom has
been buried for twenty years and see that my mom's
headstone was not where it should be. So it was
just an empty space.

Speaker 1 (24:59):

Speaker 4 (25:00):
Yeah, they completely uprooted her headstone, which is rather large,
and moved it and so so right, my sister starts
looking around and she notices that my mom's headstone is
now across the way top of someone else's headstone, which
was crazy. So of course, my sister, that's like a

traumatic experience, like you go be on your love on
Mother's Day. Oh my god, yes, and the headstone moved
her on top of another lady. I'm like, you know,
I mean, yeah, there's a lot going on, and yeah,
I had never experienced anything like that or even thought
that that was something they could do, especially without notifying

the family.

Speaker 2 (25:43):
And then why would you do that on Mother's Day weekend?

Speaker 4 (25:47):
Come to find out, there were a lot of other
headstones that were randomly misplaced in that same area. So obviously,
my sister made a phone call that next morning when
they were open, and they immediately put my mom back,
But we went after ye after work yesterday, I left
here to go verify that she was back, and she was,
but other headstones were still displaced, and their excuse or

their reason was that that's normal procedure, that they do
that from time to time, but they just forgot to
put them back.

Speaker 1 (26:17):
Excuse me, I didn't realize they ever moved headstone. I
thought it was there and that's where it stayed.

Speaker 2 (26:21):
That's what I thought. So at this point, I'm like,
you know, I don't know, because they're just moving the headstone, right,
That's what I said. Right, So the grass was.

Speaker 4 (26:29):
Still o regular, right, because I'd be like, yo's just
maybe dig up a little bit to see if the
cask is still there, right like this, It's just so
lile to me that they would actually do that, and
that is apparently normal procedure. So now just has me
rethinking the whole family plot thing, like family is there,

and I'm kind of like, you know, I might just
want to be on somebody's fireplace.

Speaker 1 (26:55):
Here's what I want to know, and maybe somebody could
like email us or dm us and tell us the truth.
Because my grandparents are in what my mom calls a condo,
okay when you know they're dead, but it's a mausoleum.

Speaker 2 (27:07):
Yeah, but it's a mausoleum in a building.

Speaker 1 (27:11):
And then it's like glass and then the front of
the little container like it's like a basically a bunch
of glass shelving and you can put the urns in there,
and then you can put like little pictures and stuff,
and we put like a pottle of Tito's in there,
and my grandfather was a Tito's guy. But my thing is,
I'm like, can you it was expensive, And I'm like,
can you check the paperwork on this because like how long,

right in fifty years or seventy five years or whatever,
like the Johnson and Johnson family mortuary. Can they just
take all that stuff out and then resell all the
same condom? Right?

Speaker 2 (27:43):
It's very popular.

Speaker 3 (27:44):
Like when my mom passed away, that was like one
of the options that my dad was considering. Like they're
like built into funeral homes. It's like a whole section
in the wing and it's just like just Earns everywhere.
And but then like they're like, well, you'd have to
make an appointment if you wanted to. I was like,
I'm not going to make an appointment to come see
my mind, Like no, let's just keep it up the house.

Speaker 2 (28:04):
Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (28:05):
Another thing is this this condo. And the other strange
thing is my grandparents. My grandmother picked the condo and
now she's in it, which is kind of weird because
my grandmother died first. The other thing is the the
condo had a view to the outside, a straight path
view from the little little compartment to the garden.

Speaker 2 (28:22):
They went and put up another set.

Speaker 1 (28:24):
Of development number two over here, they put up another
section right there.

Speaker 2 (28:31):
That's we paid for review. That's right. So I'm almost like,
what happened to the view and that you can't go altering?
People stop after that, that's right. Crazy.

Speaker 1 (28:41):
But I'm just saying, like, you know, in fifty to
seventy five years, almost anybody, pretty much anybody who ever
knew them will be gone, So nobody would know.

Speaker 2 (28:51):
If they just throw all that away.

Speaker 1 (28:53):
And the granted they're not there, but I'm just saying, like,
we paid a lot of money for that I'm assuming
in the contract it's essentially just the least. I'm assuming
at some point they can just get rid of all
of that and then just sell the same space again.
Because what are the grandkids supposed to do at the
Johnson and Johnson funeral home.

Speaker 3 (29:09):
Yeah, that's another big fear of mine too, is they
say it happens a lot like if you obviously have
ashes in an urn and then like you know, it
gets passed down generation generation. But like my great grandkids
are not going to know who my grand like my
mom was. You know what I'm saying, It just ends
up people did. The priests will say that it always
ends up in an attic and people are turning urns
into the church like because they have like they just

lose because they.

Speaker 2 (29:33):
Never knew the person. So it's like, what am I
supposed to do it? I don't know.

Speaker 6 (29:36):
I've gone to see like my great great great Nonah
in Pennsylvania and she's still there.

Speaker 1 (29:40):
Yeah. Maybe I don't know how long they are required
to keep it there though, because there's only so much space.
There's only so much Yeah, I mean if it has
a little funeral, like a little graves whatever, Yeah, what
do they call it where the graves are. It has well,
it has it has like a traditional funeral thing too,
where you can put the cast in the ground, right, yeah,

whatever it has that? What am I thinking of? What
do they call that? Where all that is a graveyard too?
But they built like a target next to it, and
like it was like a Best Buy over there or
something so like there's only so much room. So at
some point, what do they do tear the whole thing down,
build something on top of Probably.

Speaker 4 (30:21):
That's you're not going to put a Starbucks on my mind,
That's what I'm saying.

Speaker 2 (30:27):
Yea name, pay for the headstone. Nobody told you to
move it right right?

Speaker 6 (30:35):
This is where I like my ashes where you guys know,
I bring them all over the place, a little urn.

Speaker 2 (30:41):
I like them right where I can see him. Yeah,
that happens all the time.

Speaker 4 (30:45):
This happens all the time. I forgot to put it back.
You could do that.

Speaker 1 (30:53):
I was gonna say, I didn't know about that. One
apports next

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