All Episodes

January 17, 2024 31 mins

Does Fred deserve to get answers on a current situation? 

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Guys, we got meetings on meetings today, which means we've
got some extra time and maybe we have the words left.
I'm not sure. So no one should feel bad for us.
But let's do the tangent right now. It's the tangent
with the bread show.

Speaker 2 (00:11):
Giving me all this we couldn't talk about on air.

Speaker 1 (00:14):
I complain about the tangent, not because I don't want
to do it because I'm out of words after five
hours of talking. But I realized that's our job. That's
all we have to do, and so nobody cares. Nobody cares,
and they're like, you know, talk monkey talk is what
they say to me, say something funny or at least
attempt to, and so that's what we're here to do.
I have a question for all of you, and I

feel like maybe it's been discussed on the show before,
but let's talk about it again.

Speaker 3 (00:38):

Speaker 1 (00:38):
So there's a woman that we have discussed in the
past that somebody was trying to set me up with. Okay,
a woman that someone's trying to set me up with,
and she has not made it easy, right, has not
made it easy at all, Like you know it was. Hey,
here's the introduction I think maybe you remember this this story.
A friend of mine was like, hey, you should meet

my friend. Yeah, And then the friend doesn't live here,
and I reach out to a friend with the pursuit
and the friend was basically like, hey, look, i'll be
in town in like six or eight weeks and if
I have time, i'll call you. That's basically, and I'm paraphrasing.
It wasn't quite that stern, but it was kind of like,
don't call me, I'll call you.

Speaker 4 (01:18):
The plain lady. Yeah, she works in aviation.

Speaker 3 (01:20):

Speaker 1 (01:21):
So then she finally came to town and there was
a little back and forth, like she was out with
her friends and I see on her story that she's
in town, no call, and I'm like, that's kind of
messed up. So I texted. I texted the person who
set us up and was like, what is what is it?

Speaker 3 (01:34):
What is she doing? Like is she not interested?

Speaker 1 (01:36):
Or like am I supposed to just keep trying because
at some point, like I feel stupid? And it turned
out they were all sitting at a table together.

Speaker 2 (01:42):
Oh no.

Speaker 1 (01:43):
So then becomes this conversation where like she was showing
her friends what I had texted was she had texted
and there was a little bit of a difference of
opinion of how it was to be interpreted, but the
bottom line was basically, I'll let you know when I'm around,
and she didn't do that, but we did wind up
going out.

Speaker 2 (02:02):
Oh, oh, you did okay.

Speaker 1 (02:04):
Well because eventually I was like, look, but this, I
don't know, let's call the miscommunication. Let's at least meet
you're in talentce me and she basically gave me thirty
minutes on front of another obligation that she had. I
literally met her at this and she was meeting up
with some people. So she was basically like, you can
come thirty minutes early and hang out with me, but
then I'm going off to do my thing.

Speaker 5 (02:24):
Literally, it sounds like a pity thing, like honestly, like
it's it wasn't it.

Speaker 2 (02:29):
Sounds like a pity like, oh I feel bad.

Speaker 3 (02:30):
It wasn't great.

Speaker 1 (02:32):
But then but we met and then I thought it
went pretty well, and so did she, Like we vibe.
We kind of talked through what hey, look, this is
kind of how what you said came off, and she
was like, well, this is kind of why it was
intended to come off that way. And then we talked
about like she doesn't live here, so you're seeing other people,
or like what's your interest level? And she's like, I'm
not seeing anybody in the interest levels. It's good. And
then we texted after that, and then I sent a

bunch of food to the airplane so that when she
to leave there was like dessert on the plane that
I sent.

Speaker 3 (03:03):
Yes, very sweet, trying to be thoughtful, you know whatever.

Speaker 1 (03:06):
And then she's like, well, I'm you know, this was
a mid December and she's like, why I am traveling
until then?

Speaker 3 (03:11):
But I'll let you know.

Speaker 1 (03:12):
I'll give you a call early January when I have
my schedule and we'll set up a time to see
each other. And it's the middle of January. I have
not heard from this person. I suspect that there's another
guy involved. I suspect she met somebody, which is fine whatever,
But I mean, you know, I did ask that question,
like I'm not going to pursue somebody who's also on
the on the verge of being with somebody else, right like,

and I think you kind of know that. I feel
like maybe I was like a nice b option and
now she's disappeared because she's got somebody more serious. That's
what it feels like to me. I kind of just
wish she'd said, like, yeah, I am kind of seeing
somebody else and you don't live here, but you know,
let's see what or something, But don't tell me I'm
going to text you the first week of January and
tell you when I'm going to see you again, and

then not do it.

Speaker 3 (03:54):
Like that's kind of fucked up to me. I just
say nothing.

Speaker 2 (03:57):
She just seems like she's busy, like I don't think
there's another But.

Speaker 1 (04:00):
It's like, honestly, it is not hard to shoot somebody
a text or a follow up or make some form
of effort.

Speaker 3 (04:07):
It's not that hard.

Speaker 1 (04:08):
And I get that this girl's hot and in demand,
and I get there a lot of men, especially in
the industry, that want to be with her. I'm sure,
but I'm I'm gonna sound like a like a like
a feminist.

Speaker 3 (04:18):
I'm gonna sound like I'm standing up for myself.

Speaker 1 (04:20):
I deserve a little feedback, like I'm not a fucking schlub,
Like do you like? Yes, I do like you. You
can play the game. I can pursue you, and you
know that I'm interested and I should do more work.

Speaker 3 (04:31):
Than her.

Speaker 1 (04:32):
I agree, but you can give me something back if
you're interested. And if you're giving me nothing back, it
means you're not that interested. That's fair, isn't it. Nothing
I'm getting nothing, there's zero follow through.

Speaker 3 (04:42):
There's no effort. She's not interested.

Speaker 6 (04:43):
Why would you cons tells you.

Speaker 7 (04:45):
Upfront, it wouldn't be in the effort until January, right,
and we're still in January.

Speaker 1 (04:48):
Yeah, well we're more than halfway through January, just half.
I'm sorry, but like, give me something, give me something.
I can't just keep pursuing and look, not that I
don't think she's not worth it, but I just can't
keep pursuing somebody indefinitely with nothing in return. Like at
some point I feel like it it speaks to what

I think my value is, and I'm big on my value.
These days show some of you, some of you know why.
There's another situation too, But the bottom line is I'm
not getting fucked with anymore.

Speaker 3 (05:21):
Like I bring something.

Speaker 1 (05:22):
I bring something to the table too, and I get
that like no one needs about me, nobody, but but
I can only I can only do so much before
it's like, okay, you gotta feed this, like make it,
make me understand that you want to be there, but
what But.

Speaker 5 (05:36):
At the same time, it's not like you're sitting on
your thumbs, not going on other dates and not hooking
up with other women. It's like, well, what is the
matter if she doesn't text you back till next week?

Speaker 1 (05:44):
You know what I'm saying, Well, basically it's been over
a month. So the answer is she's not interested.

Speaker 2 (05:48):
She's a busy person, she's a pilot.

Speaker 3 (05:51):
Dude. If I text how often is she home? Who knows?
You know?

Speaker 1 (05:54):
If you if you met Jess, your wife, and she
said I'll text you and set up a time to
see you, and.

Speaker 3 (06:01):
A month later you don't hear anything. You're not married to.

Speaker 5 (06:05):
Her, she'll never date it. Yeah, she literally said that.
She said she'll never date me and we're married with
two Did you go a month without talking after that? No, exactly.

Speaker 4 (06:14):
They both live here though, yeah I live.

Speaker 1 (06:16):
It's a.

Speaker 3 (06:18):
I mean, I'm not asking for a fucking zoom call.

Speaker 1 (06:22):
I'm not asking I'm not asking for I'm asking for
a little a little bit and forth. And sometimes I
think you've got to read the room. You got to
read the room. And I've been on the other side
of this. I've been the guy who, like, I don't
not like you, but I like someone else better, and
so I don't necessarily want you to go away, but
I also am not You're not my primary option.

Speaker 3 (06:40):
I've been this guy.

Speaker 1 (06:41):
I've put people in this spot before and eventually they
go away. I don't blame them. In fact, I'm kind
of hoping they would go away so I don't have
to have the conversation. But I guess I would much
rather this person had just been like I did meet
someone boom, Then I stopped thinking about it, and then
I wonder should I be pursuing anymore?

Speaker 3 (06:57):
Because I do think this.

Speaker 1 (06:58):
Person's worth pursuit, But I've also been the guy to
bang my head against the wall for months.

Speaker 2 (07:03):
So then just text her if she's worth pursuing, because you.

Speaker 3 (07:07):
Don't know one doing that. But here's the reason. Okay,
what is it?

Speaker 7 (07:11):

Speaker 2 (07:11):
Just bad with communication?

Speaker 1 (07:13):
Can't want to say something? Please speak some logic here,
because this guy is making excuses for behavior he would
never put up with. Yeah, Kiki's like this is wild.
Can you you usually have the soundest of the minds?

Speaker 8 (07:25):
Okay, Well, first I would like to ask you, like,
why do you feel like she's worth pursuing, Like, what
is it about her?

Speaker 3 (07:32):
I don't.

Speaker 1 (07:32):
I think she's pretty. I think we have common interests.
You don't know where that the aviation thing is cool? No,
you're right, I don't. The aviation thing is a cool
thing to share. I really do lean into that. I
think that she travels a lot. I think you know
she's talking about she was talking about maybe living in Chicago,
so at some point, but like, I'm also not somebody
who can maintain a daily relationship in at least in

the beginning, Like it's got to build up to that.

Speaker 8 (07:58):
Yeah, because you might be building her up like in your.

Speaker 3 (08:00):
And I am famous for this.

Speaker 1 (08:02):
I am famous for wanting the thing that I can't have,
and then once I acquire said thing, I realize it
was never the right thing. And I mean, and I
use the word acquire lightly. I realized we're not acquiring people.
But I am famous for chasing after the No.

Speaker 8 (08:17):
Yeah, And I think also, like you know, timing is everything,
so like you hear, I mean, there's so many stories,
anything could happen. So like you're chilling, you're still going
on dates. She might be doing the same. I don't
think it's like some a bridge that you need to burn,
you know what I mean? Like what if it's not
the timing is not right now right? But you can
check in in a little bit, like why do we
need answers right now?

Speaker 1 (08:36):
I think the reason is I'm somebody who a long
time ago in my life used to take no as no,
Like I was timid with especially with women and professionally otherwise,
Like it was like, hey, here's my question, do you
want to go out with me? No? Or like do
you want to go out with me? And when really,
if I pushed a little harder or pursued a little bit,
I might have gotten I might have gotten more out

of it. But I was like, okay, no, and then
I would just cower. And so you know, fast forward. However,
many years later, decades later, I tend to not take
no for an answer like I tend to and I
honestly attribute it to some of my success because if
everybody who told me no, if I accepted their no,
So I guess where I'm at is is weird crossroads
between is this and know because the person's I'm interested

and won't let me down easy? Or is this to
know because they want to be chased harder. Is this
to know because it's impossible or is this I don't know?
And so there does come an expiration point where it's like, Okay,
I'm beginning to start to feel that my value is
being degraded by chasing after this person. Like at some
point I'm worth being chased two And I know that
sounds like so self help empowerment, but like, I'm not

a schlub, and I know what's out there. I also
know that because she's told me about the jackasses that
she's dated and they're fucking losers, and so it's like,
you're dating losers. I'm not a loser. You claim that
you're you wanted to see me again. So then I
push and push and push, and then only at some point,
I'm just like it becomes a little offensive at some
point because you're like, okay, like I'm now like I

really put it out there and and you clearly are not.
At some point you I feel like if you're you
should say to somebody, I'm just busy and I'll get
to you, or I'm just not interested. At some point,
I think you if somebody is pushing, then at some
point you have to say that.

Speaker 8 (10:21):
I mean, big tim chase Kiki for years and years
and years, and I've seen that work out too. I mean, obviously,
don't like, you know, show up at our house in
the middle.

Speaker 5 (10:28):
Of the night, right, don't show up on a booking
a flight on whatever airplanes he's going to be on.

Speaker 8 (10:32):
You do this, but sometimes it's just a timing thing.

Speaker 7 (10:36):
It is a timing thing. And then I also want
to ask you, do you want to date this woman
or do you just want.

Speaker 3 (10:40):
To hit it?

Speaker 1 (10:41):

Speaker 3 (10:41):
I want to I want it to date.

Speaker 7 (10:42):
You really want to date it.

Speaker 1 (10:43):
I wanted to date if I trust me, if I
want to just get laid, yeah, you know, I don't
think do you think I think it goes without saying
that just getting late is not hard to do, right,
And I can find that right in my own backround.

Speaker 4 (10:53):
Some man, right, he's got an in the back house.

Speaker 1 (10:58):
They out there, they're cold right now, they're trying to
come in. They're trying to come in because I'm trying
to get Pilot in there. I'm saving a spot for Pilot.
I don't have to watch my sheets again, you know.
But they're they're cold, and this chick doesn't give a shit.

Speaker 7 (11:10):
Yeah, you don't let go of the hose until you
lock it down. But yeah, some man just they see
a woman and they pursue her because they just want.

Speaker 2 (11:15):
To have sex with her.

Speaker 3 (11:17):
Then it's done.

Speaker 7 (11:18):
So maybe you know that could have been her thought.

Speaker 1 (11:20):
But the sex is I'm sure would be wonderful, but
it is secondary.

Speaker 3 (11:23):
It is it is you.

Speaker 5 (11:24):
Think you could date this woman like that is gone
all the time and travels and you'd be secured.

Speaker 1 (11:29):
With ib you if she'd put in five percent effort.

Speaker 3 (11:33):
You know what if she just.

Speaker 5 (11:34):
Hits you up randomly February first, you're still gonna talk
to her.

Speaker 3 (11:39):
So there's twofold here. First.

Speaker 1 (11:43):
Honestly though, like I know most people in this room
have been on the other side of this. At what
point do you just cut your losses because you wonder
if you can if you're really being respected, Like I
begin to wonder, does this girl Like part of me
thinks that no is what she needs to hear, Like
part of me thinks she needs to know that I'm
I'm moving on because like I because this is bullshit,

like just say yes or no or to whatever.

Speaker 3 (12:06):
Yeah, because I got value in this too.

Speaker 8 (12:08):
Yeah, I will say, there's like nothing sexier than a
guy who handles rejection. Well, there was a guy who's
like pursuing me for a long time and finally came
out and asked me out. And you know, I like
was sad because I had to you know, like I
would just wasn't into it and I had to say no.
And I think he's cool, but like he handled it
so well that it kind of like made me almost

change my mind and be like, wait, am I attracted
to you? Because it's so rare that women like rejected
dude and they don't like fucking go crazy on them
or like act weird or you never get to talk
to them again. It changes your whole relationship.

Speaker 1 (12:42):
That I would do much better with this Kalin if
she just said, hey, I met somebody else I'm that interested.

Speaker 3 (12:47):
I really would. But what are you gonna do.

Speaker 1 (12:48):
I'm not gonna argue with you at that point, You're
telling me where I'm at. You're you're you're confirming to
me that my pursuit is no longer valuable or necessary.
And I would say, okay, now at this point, if
I find out that I've been strung along because there
was somebody else that was more important. I'm going to
be annoyed, but I'm not going to tell her that
I'm gonna be cool because I first of all, was
a setup and I don't want to make the other

person look bad. And second of all, I think it
could have been handled differently. But look, I believe that
that I believe that the person I wind up with
will be pursued by me and will know their value
by me in the way that I approach them. But
at some point that person has to give me something.

Speaker 2 (13:27):
So why don't you just exer? Why don't you just
text this woman?

Speaker 3 (13:29):
Text? I'm the only one that's been texting, so but
then you.

Speaker 2 (13:33):
Get your answer either way, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 1 (13:34):
Okay, well there's another option, and this is that whole setup.
That whole setup was just to bring us to option
number two, so that.

Speaker 5 (13:41):
Not on the edge.

Speaker 1 (13:43):
So there's three of them, right. There's there's a married
woman and she's the one who set me up.

Speaker 5 (13:48):
Oh, let me finish this story together.

Speaker 3 (13:51):
Yeah, So they were all three together.

Speaker 1 (13:53):
There was another girl who was dating a guy, and
then there's the single girl and they were all hanging
out together and they're all pilots, and it was the
married woman's idea. And even she's like at this point, going, hey,
look I don't necessarily agree with I don't know what's
going on, but I don't think she probably does, but
she's like, I don't necessarily love how this is all
shaken out, but you know, maybe cut your losses here.

And she never said that, but like, I get the
impression she knows something else is going on anyway. So
the other single girl, oh no, is now singleship. She
was in a relationship, now she's single. So here's what
I'm thinking, Petty Freddy, Petty Freddy, Here's what I'm thinking.
I take out who's also very pretty. I'm sure she's wonderful.

I take her out. I rocket, I pull out all
the stops. You know, we go on some wild, crazy,
awesome date. I hit it, I kill it. You know
what I'm saying, Like I put my best effort in,
you know, and then it gets back to the like
you know what I'm saying, Like this dude, this dude
was rad like you should have. Now everybody wins here

because the middle girl gets a rebound because I'm sure
she's not looking to jump into something else. She just
got out of something, so, you know whatever, and she
gets a nice night with yours truly, and it also
accomplishes hey homegirl like that. You probably should have secured
the bag on that because it was not bad, you.

Speaker 3 (15:16):
Know what I mean. Why don't we think of that idea?

Speaker 5 (15:19):
Yeah, they and then they fight. They they they're not
friends anymore. Then your one married friend that you're friends
with is not friends you anymore.

Speaker 1 (15:27):
You're ruining everyone's day, girl number one. Girl number one
is not. She probably would be. She'd probably be happy
if if I hooked up with her friend, because now
it's like that's over. Girl number one doesn't give a shit.

Speaker 8 (15:39):
Sir, you just told me not to go out with
a guy that I thought was a nice guy but
I'm not attracted to, because that would be using him.

Speaker 1 (15:45):
I didn't say that I was. I just said you
just missed it. I just said this woman's very attractive.
She is attractive, you know.

Speaker 8 (15:50):
But I'm saying, you told me not to go on
a date with someone that I knew I wasn't into,
because that would be wrong.

Speaker 4 (15:55):
And this is the same thing.

Speaker 3 (15:56):
I need to say.

Speaker 1 (15:57):
It wasn't into her, She's just she wasn't an option
at the time, and she isn't the person I was pursuing.

Speaker 4 (16:04):
So it wouldn't be to make the other one jealous.

Speaker 1 (16:06):
Because that would that would be an excellent component giving.

Speaker 2 (16:13):

Speaker 3 (16:15):
But here's my thing.

Speaker 1 (16:15):
I don't know that I'm using her if she's using me,
because I don't know that she she just got out
of a relationship. Who's to say she even wants another relationship.
You use her, so she tells her, but you're not
he But listen to me, how is that being used?

Speaker 3 (16:31):
Let me tell you something.

Speaker 1 (16:32):
If women want to use me by rocking me every night,
but by all means rock me, you hear the world,
they can explode. Okay, look we're whiteboarding here.

Speaker 3 (16:54):
There are no bad ideas. There are no bad ideas.

Speaker 1 (16:56):
But you're gonna tell me nobody in this room has
ever smashed a close confidant or associate, an associate with
the person that you actually liked with, the person who
you were, who you liked you were trying to get
back at. You're gonna tell me you've never smashed someone
close to the scene simply so that it gets back
to them at a revenge. You've never done that.

Speaker 6 (17:16):
I have never done that.

Speaker 3 (17:20):
Do not normalize that animal. You act like that's so uncommon.
I think people do this.

Speaker 6 (17:27):
I would not smash someone that I didn't actually have
feelings for.

Speaker 2 (17:30):
And I'm doing it just to get back at somewhere else.

Speaker 3 (17:32):
That is wild. I don't think it's that uncommon. Now,
I'm not saying I'm going to do it.

Speaker 2 (17:36):
It's wild.

Speaker 3 (17:39):
It is a wild trade. I'm not gonna do it.
But don't think I didn't didn't come into my mind.

Speaker 5 (17:42):
You're gonna your message with pilots, your friend pilots.

Speaker 2 (17:50):
The pilot doesn't want you on this flanet.

Speaker 1 (17:52):
They fly for rich people. They fly for rich people.
They don't they I'll never be on any I ain't
know how to eat their girl. Okay, I can't even
pay to like look at them, look at the damn thing.
They can't even pay to charge of battery on the thing.
So no, I'm never gonna get on there. Pl I
just thought you coming in my mind, like you know,
you know what I'm kind of in. I'm kind of

in like why are you messing with me?

Speaker 3 (18:15):
Mode? And I kind of want to know. I want
I'm in big time.

Speaker 2 (18:17):
You don't even know that you're messing with you.

Speaker 1 (18:19):
That's what I'm doing. I would bet I will bet
you twenty dollars right now. By the I'll buy everybody breakfast.
By the end of today, it will be confirmed that
she's dating somebody else. I guarant fucking tea. How are
you going to confirm the friend's going to find out?

Speaker 2 (18:32):
I want you to. I want you taking that back
right now. Text this woman right now.

Speaker 3 (18:37):
What's going on.

Speaker 1 (18:38):
I'm not going to because the middle the middle person,
I'm going to fuck them. I wish you would. She
could tell me about it. But the setter Upper is
like retirement is like now I want to know, Like
the Setter Upper is like I don't know what's going
on an find out like at this point, I don't
know what the deal is.

Speaker 8 (18:55):
Are you sure that you actually want to date this woman?
It's not just about her rejecting you.

Speaker 3 (19:00):
No, I did, But now.

Speaker 2 (19:04):
It's like I bought this woman food for her plane.
I want to answer.

Speaker 1 (19:10):
I feel like I say shit, and then you say
something totally different, like this isn't sinister.

Speaker 2 (19:15):
It's it's also going to make you look like a
I don't know.

Speaker 3 (19:18):
The revenge plan was fun. To think up. I will say,
but like, if.

Speaker 5 (19:21):
You have, if you have the friend that you know,
go to this woman and ask about like it's I
don't know it's giving.

Speaker 2 (19:27):
I don't know what it's giving.

Speaker 1 (19:28):
But no, but the friend, the friend set it up right,
so the friend is like the married one and we
talk about, you know, different stuff. She commented on Instagram
posted my this morning, I said.

Speaker 2 (19:37):
Woman, either did I talk? She's showing your text messages.

Speaker 3 (19:40):
To the end of the woman can I speak?

Speaker 4 (19:42):
Apparently not?

Speaker 1 (19:45):
And this this woman's like whatever came of that? And
I'm like nothing. She's like, well, what was the plan.
I'm like, well, I know she was traveling until like
early January, and the plan was I would hear from
her when she had a schedule for this month. And
she's like, and you didn't. And I'm like no. She's like,
now I want to know why.

Speaker 3 (20:02):
You know. So she's doing it on her. I did
not ask her to do it, okay.

Speaker 1 (20:06):
In fact, I would have basically told her not to,
except it doesn't matter if she's gonna do it anyway,
So it doesn't matter.

Speaker 3 (20:11):
I don't. It's over.

Speaker 1 (20:12):
This girl's not interested, and it's okay that she's not interested.
I just wish I knew because it's one of those
things where as a guy, do you keep pushing because
is this person just being difficult or like, is this
person just not used to being pursued by decent people?
Or is this person not fucking interested? And you're right,
it has transitioned into combined with some of the other

stuff I've been going through. No, you're not going to
devalue me. No, I do bring something to the table,
and I deserve a little bit of effort from you.
Like it definitely is is. I'm willing to admit that that.
It has a lot to do with it. So it
is transitioning into don't tell me no mode. But that's
not where it started nor where it has to be. Yeah,
you know, I mean give me another thing, was I
wasn't asking her to do anything like just tell me

where you're going to be, tell me what you're doing.
I'll figure out how to get to you. I'm not
asking this person to fly here. I'm not asking this
person to do anything that they're already take take days
off nothing, I'll do all the work. You just have
to tell me when and where and if you don't
do that, I gotta think you're not interested.

Speaker 8 (21:12):
Yeah, I mean, what about a light pursue, Like what
about put her on ice for a couple of months
and circle back.

Speaker 3 (21:16):
I think that's where we're at, you know, because then.

Speaker 8 (21:19):
You don't like ruin, you don't burn a bridge. You know,
you just never know like who you're gonna be.

Speaker 6 (21:23):
Should not pursue her friend unless you like her. But
if you're doing it just at her revenge.

Speaker 3 (21:28):
Then I think it could be.

Speaker 1 (21:29):
I think it could accomplish two things.

Speaker 3 (21:34):
I'm not a user. Here's the thing. I'm not a user.

Speaker 1 (21:36):
I wouldn't do it in this hypothetical unless that person
were comfortable with the terms. But what like, I'm not
gonna I'm not gonna go pursue her friend simply now.
Granted that's you know, revenge is.

Speaker 6 (21:48):
Is bad ideas and brainstorming, but that's I mean, you know,
if we're going if we're going for a big impact
on you know, revenge.

Speaker 1 (21:53):
But I don't think this woman deserves any revenge for me.
She didn't really do anything wrong except like you could
just tell me to stop. That's fair, I think, because
otherwise I'm gonna wonder now I'm going shit, Should I
work harder at this?

Speaker 3 (22:06):
Like? Should I try harder?

Speaker 1 (22:09):

Speaker 3 (22:09):
More effort?

Speaker 6 (22:10):
Right, thank you the effort.

Speaker 3 (22:14):
Well, then what was all this back and forth about.

Speaker 6 (22:16):
I just don't want you to go for her friend
out of her bag and break that girl's heart.

Speaker 1 (22:20):
Well, first of all, I don't think I'm bring anybody's
heart out of here. Second of all, she might like.

Speaker 4 (22:25):
Him, and then what if she likes it?

Speaker 3 (22:28):
Well maybe I don't know.

Speaker 1 (22:29):
In my mind though, it was like, oh maybe maybe
I dated somebody cool slash. She tells her friend, Hey,
thanks for fucking that up, because dude, put it down.
You know what I'm saying, Like, you know what I mean?
Hey he stood on business?

Speaker 3 (22:41):
Yes he did.

Speaker 5 (22:41):
And then what if that said girl that you're trying
to pursue goes hits you up?

Speaker 2 (22:45):
Be like, hey, let's get together.

Speaker 3 (22:47):
I'm not a scumbag. I'm not a scumbag.

Speaker 2 (22:49):
But you're not with the other girl.

Speaker 1 (22:51):
Ah? No, if I were, if I know, if I
were to take if I were to complete a mission
and move on to the friend, then at that point
I've burned it down. Okay, All right, now I understand
how it could sound that I'm using the friend to
get back to the other one. And the only way,

the only way it would be a use situation is
if she were using me too. I'm not out here
pursuing people simply for an ulterior motive. Yeah, No, I
don't want to do that. That's shitty.

Speaker 3 (23:21):
I'm not.

Speaker 1 (23:22):
That would be me doing something very similar to what's
being done to me. Is like, oh, I'll feign interest
over here only until this one. But I wouldn't hate
an all star performance from your boy that got reported back. Now,
that is not the worst thing that could happen.

Speaker 3 (23:37):
Wow, Christy Kiki.

Speaker 1 (23:40):
If you passed on a guy, Let's say you passed
on Big Tim, okay, and then Big Tim's like fine,
and then Big Tim meets your best friend yes, and
dates your best friend, and your best friend comes back
and is like, I know it didn't work out with
you. You weren't interested, but like this dude's awesome, Like he
treats me well, you know, he's swinging, like he's he's
very generous in bed, Like the guy's a good guy.
There's no party. It would be like, eh, maybe I

fucked that up.

Speaker 7 (24:04):
No, because you're with my best friend, which means you
were not the right guy to start, and you're with
my best friend because you want her to report that
back to me, which is your whole theme of what
you're trying to do, which is.

Speaker 3 (24:17):
Wrong, which is, let's be very clear.

Speaker 5 (24:20):
He also got that power. She could get big timp
from her best friend if she wanted to.

Speaker 7 (24:23):
I would never sleep my best friend, Maria. Yes, no,
you can't.

Speaker 3 (24:32):
All right, I'm not gonna do it. It's a tangent. Guys.

Speaker 7 (24:35):
I'm let her future, whoever she ends up with, that
she's gonna think about.

Speaker 3 (24:40):

Speaker 7 (24:41):
I should have gave that guy a chance because he
treated me so nice, he was so persistent, he was
a great guy, he was a gentleman. He didn't overdo it.
She's gonna think that regardless. That's how I moved. I
was trying to do No, no, no, no, you're trying to.

Speaker 2 (24:55):
Manufacture that it's gonna happen naturally.

Speaker 7 (24:58):
Get her friends to carm sure.

Speaker 3 (25:03):
I never said I was gonna do it. Yeah, I
said it's an option.

Speaker 1 (25:08):
And I do like to sit around and think about
sinister things sometimes, So.

Speaker 3 (25:15):
Can you give me a little grace here?

Speaker 1 (25:16):
I'm thinking about the sinister thing I have not done,
nor will I do the sinister thing.

Speaker 7 (25:22):
Well, the plan was very detailed.

Speaker 3 (25:24):
Yes, I spend a little time thinking about it.

Speaker 7 (25:27):
Yeah, yeah, it sounds well thought out.

Speaker 1 (25:29):
I have lots of time on my hands, and I
spend time thinking about lots of things. It doesn't mean
I do any of them. It's just my job to
vocalize them, which oftentimes gets me in trouble. Let's be clear,
if you've listened this far, I'm not going to do that,
your friend.

Speaker 3 (25:42):
I'm not.

Speaker 1 (25:44):
There's a lot of assumptions here. There is one assumption
that she would want to. The other assumption is that
it would make any difference. We're not talking about real
life here. This is a fantasy, and it's fun to
think about how you would get back at people. Don't
tell me that you don't go home. I've said don't
tell me one hundred times and you tell me I don't.

Speaker 4 (26:06):
No, I do think fucked up thoughts.

Speaker 2 (26:08):

Speaker 1 (26:08):
To me, this is no different than when you leave,
you know, a confrontation of some kind and go home
and think and think of all the things that you
should have said. That's what this is. This is really
me going. I want this girl to know that she
is missing it, and here's the way I could do that. Now,
I'm not going to do that because it does involve
using essentially another person, and I don't like that because

I don't use people. Ye.

Speaker 8 (26:34):
No, the biggest flax, like Kiki said, is just like
doing less because you stick in someone's mind, like people
always circle back to things, and especially if you were
like the.

Speaker 4 (26:42):
Cool guy who didn't do that much like you, the
thing you did.

Speaker 8 (26:45):
Was baller with the food on the plane, Like she's
gonna have that memory, like, don't give her anything else
to have, you know, and she's I guarantee. They one
thing about them, they always come back thread stay with me.
They are every single person circles back.

Speaker 3 (27:00):
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (27:01):
I realize I'm being very sensitive the last few months
on this whole value proposition thing.

Speaker 3 (27:06):
I just you know, I don't know.

Speaker 1 (27:08):
It's like, why do you think, why do certain people
think they can act that way and then claim they're
interested because she could very easily just say I was
never interested, I'm not interested. Stop calling me whatever now
now I'm just bitching. But otherwise, what I don't want
is if you just tried a little harder, like no, no,
I tried hard.

Speaker 4 (27:27):
No, I've been there.

Speaker 8 (27:28):
I mean, I've questioned my worth a lot, you know,
and it's a difficult situation. But people are assholes, like
you know, and.

Speaker 1 (27:37):
I haven't always been perfect either. I've, like I said,
I've been on both sides of this, and so maybe
I don't know. I guess is there a lesson here?
I'm not sure, but really that's what it comes down to.
It's like, you don't have to like me, but you
can at least respect the fact that I'm trying to
like you and and just tell me no.

Speaker 4 (27:53):
Yeah, it's yeah.

Speaker 8 (27:55):
It's hard for some people, though, to have those conversations,
you know.

Speaker 4 (27:57):
That's why so many people ghost.

Speaker 8 (27:58):
Yeah, you know, it's just more well for people to
avoid things, which I am not down for. I'm an
over communicator, but it is very difficult. I've been known
the ghost, you know, and I think that's why people
do it. It's just an uncomfy conversation that people don't
want to have, you know.

Speaker 1 (28:12):
I think I just need to work on my little
sensitivity these days, my little sensitivity to uh, I'm just fine.
I think it's a couple of unique situations that caused
me to think differently about you know, well, not only
how I treat other people, but how I expect to
be treated. I thought that was a pretty detailed idea

I want to around.

Speaker 7 (28:34):
I mean, you had the bait planned, what he was.

Speaker 8 (28:37):
Going to wear.

Speaker 3 (28:37):
You were never going to do it.

Speaker 4 (28:41):
He was going to rock her world.

Speaker 6 (28:43):
If it would have guessed you up in here would.

Speaker 3 (28:47):
Right now.

Speaker 1 (28:49):
But I mean in my fantasy land, like for that
girl to be like, man, I can't walk today. This
dude crushed it like he was relentless. I had to
beg him to stop stuff.

Speaker 4 (29:00):
Yeah, I always talk to my friends like.

Speaker 1 (29:01):
I've never I've never had more orgasms in a row
in my life. Thank you so much for being an
asshole to this guy, because thanks to you, Thanks to you,
King Kong over here. I mean, in a perfect world,
that's how it goes down, just like that. So breakfast
on you tomorrow.

Speaker 3 (29:19):
Oh yeah, what happened to that? I guarantee something else.
I've been playing this game. I am a.

Speaker 1 (29:29):
Veteran, I'm a season professional. I've been playing this game
for so long. I just it's in my bones. I
know what people are doing. I know what people are
doing because I've done it. It's like, you know other
people that I'm not doing that. I'm like, you're doing that,
and then you're right, I am doing that, right. I
know the game you cannot play a player, and I

am registered in the Association players.

Speaker 3 (29:58):
I'm a car carrying member.

Speaker 2 (30:00):
The player would be also, but heard about this lady texting.

Speaker 3 (30:03):
Back, because even a player has feelings.

Speaker 7 (30:05):
Sometimes this player has.

Speaker 1 (30:11):
I mean, we're not going to submit this is evidence
to renew my player card, but like, but you know,
deep down, I'm a sensitive guy and I care.

Speaker 3 (30:20):
Deep down, I care.

Speaker 7 (30:21):
That's right.

Speaker 8 (30:21):
Sometimes props on that move though, honestly, that was that
was a cool thing I.

Speaker 1 (30:26):
Tried, and I thought, I thought, wow, we really you know,
no one else is going to do that.

Speaker 4 (30:30):
Why would she meet up with you?

Speaker 1 (30:31):

Speaker 4 (30:31):
You know it's all very interesting.

Speaker 3 (30:33):
You're right, you're right, cool, Yeah, cool?

Speaker 5 (30:37):
Let us know what she says, man, because I'm hungry.

Speaker 1 (30:41):
Yeah, I got ship to do too, all right, there's
a tangent everyone. I wasn't gonna do it ever. Just
for the record, this is brought to you by I
was never gonna do it, but don't. But you want
to lie, motherfuckers. If you're not if you don't, if
you don't tell me that you don't think about ship
like this, that's the moral of the story. Y'all lying
to me, if you tell me you don't think about it.
Thank you, have a nice day.

Speaker 8 (31:00):
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