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May 2, 2024 6 mins
The Traveler's Championship at the TPC River Highlands enjoyed June 17th - 23th
Phyllis Lobo is the Marketing Director and Outreach Coordinator of Linens of Love and shares how you can support their mission through Birdies for Charity with The Traveler's Championship! Listen to our interview below and get connected to Birdies for Charity!
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Ihart Community is proud to be apart of Birdie's for Charity at the Travelers
Championship at the TPC River Highlands.It takes place June seventeenth through the twenty
fourth, but now through the endof play, you can make your donations
to Berdies for Charity sponsored by WebsterBank, where every donation fifteen percent is
earn on every dollar donated. Thanksto the generosity of Webster Bank and the
Travelers Championship team, Tailor and herteam are making sure our charities are well

taken care of. Now. Oneof these charities on the line with us
is Linen's of Love and I'm excitedto have their marketing director and outreach coordinator
on the line with us, PhyllisLobo. Hi, Phyllis, Hello,
Thank you so much for having me, of course, and thank you for
being here. Now. Tell usall about the mission of Linens of Love

and how you help the homeless inthe New Haven community. Well, basically,
we're sort of like a niche organization. We supplement the efforts of local
shelters and agencies that reach out andhelp the homeless, and we work with
many of the shelters where there arepeople who have spent a lot of time

there and who then eventually are transitioninginto their more permanent homes. And what
we do is we provide what I'dlike to call comfort items, sort of
items that kind of get overlooked whenpeople are being placed. So we provide
sheets, blankets, comforters, toiletriesof every kind. And then we keep

We're limited on space, but wekeep a small supply of kitchen items,
small appliances, anything that we thinkthat could help somebody settle into their new
home in a comfortable way, ina way that gives them a sense of
dignity. And also that by doingthis, we feel we're letting them know

that somebody cares, that somebody lovesthem, and we're thinking about them and
how we can and make their transitionbetter for them. It sounds like such
a beautiful, beautiful organization, nojudgment, making everyone feel that someone matters,
giving them some comfort when they thinkthey have lost everything or that no

one cares. This is incredible.It's everything that community Access stands for.
And you know, fill us toyou, your team, your volunteers,
everybody who makes your organization go round. I just applaud you because you know,
it's the little things that sometimes peopledon't think about. And then it
takes organizations such as yours. Theseextra dollars from birdiees for charity, the
extra fifteen percent the money that isgoing to be earned through this is truly

going to be impactful for your organization. Tell us how tuly, yeah,
tell me about this and how importantlyit is. We have a crew,
a small crew of volunteers workers whoare really what I call smart shoppers,
and we go around and with ourtax exemption form, we go into stores

and we try to find the bestbuys on as many items that we need.
And while we do have drives wherewe collect, like for example,
at some of the local churches,they'll have a Christmas tree drive and ask
us what we need and then peoplewill donate the requested items, which will
be usually Linen's blankets, comforters.But during the year we run out of

our supplies and so we have torestock, so we use people's donations in
a smart way. We go outthere and we get the best buys we
can, and we work with differentstores who they've gotten to know us by
name, and they actually smile whenthey say U's coming. It's really it's
kind of like everybody gets drawn intothe web of the good work that's being
done. And what's amazing is wealso provide for homeless shelters like we provided

for the Columbus House Wallingford winter Warmingshelter for men for men, and we
were able to give them brand newitems for the beds for these men who
have no place else to go.And so we're working not just with We're

working with the shelters where there arehomeless people who are being taken care of,
but also with those trying to makea new start in life through these
other agencies where they get a differentkind of support than we give. And
where can people follow you on socialmedia or online to make direct donations?
And I know right now your linkis going to direct them to Berdies for

Charity, so it earns an extrafifteen percent of every dollar. So where
can people go find you Linens ofLove dot org and they can email us
at Linens of Love at gmail dotcom. Fantastic, Yeah, any small,
large donation, whatever someone wants togive and feels moved to give,

We're truly appreciative. And all ofthis information can be found at Mycommunity access
dot com as well as if yougo to Travelers Champion dot com you can
click on Berdi's for Charity, lookfor Linens of Love and make a difference.
How easy is it being a partof Birdie's for Charity? Tell us
because I know people always wonder,so it's super great. Yeah, it's
easy, right, Yeah, it'sreally easy. Like you give kind of

like this great like guidance on Okay, here are some tools for you as
the organizer, and it's just beenreally helpful. Not being a super huge
techie person, I've been able tovery easily navigate what needs to be done
in order to get us up andrunning with Bertie's for Charity. I forgot

to mention that we also supply andone of the original reasons for the foundation
is we supply for veterans. Andrecently we made a visit to the veterans
the VA Hospital in West Haven andstocked their resource center i should say resource
closet with toiletries of all kinds andit's really great this how they work it.

If there's ever a veteran at theVA Hospital who's in of basic supplies
toilet trees. They also do havelike undershirts, underwear, socks for them
when they're in the hospital. Thisresource room provides for them and then they're
allowed to come back every month andchoose one of every item they need.
Once they're in the pipeline basically ofthat resource room, they're able to have

again these important items that sometimes areoverlooked provided for them. And we're super
excited because we're able to help stockthat all right. Phyllis Lobo is the
marketing director and outreach coordinator of Linensof Love. You need all the information
about them online at Mycommunity access dotcom, or choose them as one of
your charities of choice for Birdies forCharity sponsored by Webster Bank, Visit Travelers

Championship dot com. Thank you forbeing on iHeart Communities. Thank you for
having us. We really appreciate it.
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