All Episodes

May 7, 2024 53 mins
Dr Pepper and pickles. Things I Know. Florida Man. Sports on Tap with Dennis Glasgow from 1190 iHeartSports DC. Be sure to subscribe. 
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Episode Transcript

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In its earliest days, the majorfunction of radio was news. Going on
here, you're beautiful, let everybodygo. Why don't you put on a
show and charge it mission? Okay, show, I would say something with

music. I'm comedy, you're talking. It will be a show for everyone
who loves music and murder. Comeon, Chuck, we got it a
show to dude. Showtimes. Areyou ready? I'm ready baby, read
job Wow, good morning, HappyTuesday, six ten. It's big one

hundred. It just got word.I think we're gonna have Dan Quinn on
the show tomorrow morning. That's exciting. That's awesome, dude. We don't
talk to him in a few weeks. Dan Quinn coach the West Ted Commanders
a post draft post pretty flip anawesome draft, which is cool. We've
got some tickets to give away againtoday we'll continue with the Big Word of

the Week, and we have Aerosmithtickets to give away at the end of
the week, So another letter comingaway at seven thirty. I believe we
also have Dave Matthews fan tickets.Yeah, and I know there's another pair
in there somewhere. So Aerosmith,Well, Aerosmith for Big Word of the
week, Dave Matthews, Van Ithink and Ario Speedwagon and Trained. Thank
you. That's what I was.And I wonder if Coach Quinn has had

time to watch that bon Jovi documentaryyet He's forced himself to have time to
watch that. He is a bigJobe fan. I almost forgot about that,
that he's a big bon Jovi fan. That'd be a good question for
him. That's right. Yeah,he likes the jovie. Didn't he request
some? Can you talk to him? He's like, can you play some
bon Jovi? Yeah? Man,we'll play a song. You got it?

So things I know coming up atabout six fifty seven or eight o'clock
hour. Rather, we're gonna haveFlorida. Man, we'll get to sports
on tap with Dennis. And Ifeel like I'm forgetting something this morning.
Maybe I'm just thinking of tomorrow morning, Coach Quinn. I know we're trying
to get Jayden Daniels on the showtoo, so that's gonna happen soon.

I just don't have a time ordate on that yet, but it'd be
great to talk to that kid,see how excited he is we're working on
this week. Yeah, I don'tknow if it'll happen. It'll happen soon.
We'll get him on. We'll gethim on. It's on Dennis time.
So yeah, and I wonder ifhe's in DC yet. I think
so. You think he's here?I think so? Or is he like

wrapping up loosens? Are they doingsomething this week? I want to say
that they have like some sort ofmini camp coming up on the tenth,
So if he's not here yet,he'll be here very soon. But I
think, yeah, there's there's somethingthat I think Dennis is going to go
out and try to get us someaudio and video from that, which would
be cool because that'll be our firstglimpse Jayden out there just kind of practicing
a bit, which would be cool. I'd like to be there for that,

But I got plans this weekend.Damn it, damn it. All
right, it is six thirteen.Will take care of some quick business here.
I want to talk about coming up. A friend of mine was just
telling me about this last night.I didn't know it existed, and it's
it's actually quite sad that it hasto exist. Apparently the new iPhones have
a sensitive content thing that you canset up so that if somebody sends you

a nude, like a text youa nude. It will your phone will
recognize it and blur it so youdon't have to look at it right now.
I say it's sad because this isnot for men. This is for
women, who you know, unfortunatelyreceive the unsolicited you know, d pics
all the time, which baffles me. I don't understand how anybody thinks that's

okay or cool. Well, andit's the number that happens like that's it
blows me away. It blows meaway. But apparently there's some setting.
I was looking for it earlier.Let's see if I can find it that
you can set up in your iPhoneout that will just blur that so that
you can go, yeah, Idon't want that, and you don't have
to actually see it right I couldnot look at it. I would have

to, I'd have to look.Well again, it's not for men,
dude, it's not going to beyou know, for men would be asking
for like photo enhanswers, like smella vision or something. You know what
I mean. This is not formen. Oh, I get that.
This is curiosity would still get tome. Let's just have peaksy Well,

I didn't know, I'll make surethat we start sending you picks. Crash,
I didn't know. Let's take abreak here and we are back in.
Just if you have a big one, if you're listening to Jackson and
Big Walk mornings on DC's classic rockBig one hundred. I think technically I

had that in the wrong spot.Is that what that was? That's what
that was. Sorry, It's likea nice little intro. I like that
from now on. It's kind ofcool. I feel like it's so grandiose.
It is six twenty eight. Itis DC's class crockets pick one hundred.
We're just talking a bit ago aboutthose that the iPhone now has a

feature and I was saying, it'skind of sad that we have to have
this, But it's got a featurewhere if somebody were to like text you
a nude, it can pick upon it and blur it for you.
It's a sensitive content thing that youcan turn off or on on your phone.
Right, we know what this isfor. And you know that always

gets me thinking, like, whydo guys think that's cool? Why did
they? Whoever said, I've notmet a single female on planet Earth that
has ever said, oh yeah,I like those No, no, they
hate it. You're what are youdoing? Well? I often did thenality,

but it's so prominent, it's somany people do it. Like you
talk to you talk to some ladies, especially if they're big on like social
media or something, and you askedthem and they'll be like, oh my
god, my inbox is flooded withpictures, and it's like really, it's
like, oh yeah, NonStop.I mean, obviously it's a big enough

problem to work to where Apple islike, let's create a sensitive content blur
that will pick up on that stuffso you don't have to look at it.
Or here's the story for you realquick. Back, it's a long
time ago. So Sabrina, mywife, and I were joking about that
because you know, we were talkingabout how it was a problem then.

This was a good ten years ago, and so I thought it'd be funny.
I'm like, oh, you knowwhat, I'm gona, I'm going
to send her one to make itlike ridiculous. And so I took this
picture. So I'm like standing likenude, except for like a sock around,
you know, right, like andso and I was wearing a cowboy
hat and like the dumbest post possible. So I thought, yeah, she's
gonna she's gonna love that. That'sgonna be funny and so oh and let

me just point out that alcohol wasinvolved as I was doing it. It's
funny, Yeah, I mean itwas. It was, and so my
when I I'm like, oh,that's funny, that's gonna be great,
and I hit send on my phone, but it froze, like the screen
froze, and then so I justkept tapping it, right, boom boom
boom boom boom boom boom Send.There we go. Done. Oh she's
gonna love that. I'll talk toher in the morning. Went to bed.

Next morning I got up, Ihad like fifty messages on my phone.
So what was happening when I washitting it was I was adding contacts.
So I ended up sending that pictureout to everybody in my contact list
except her. Yeah, I supposedwith with at least with something like that.
It's clear that it's a joke,right, It's clear that it's like

I mean, with the sock anda hat, and it's like, at
least it's embarrassing as it is.At least you can you know, be
like wow, it's being crazy,except that you haven't talked to once at
a remote five years before. Well, that is a picture of you from
your phone. There's no denying thatyou can't do It could have been worse.

Imagine if it were like something reallysensitive that you were sending to your
wife because you had just had theconversation, thought it would be funny to
go watch I'll send her one.Imagine that, like, so count your
blessings because oh boy, I can'teven imagine that. I feel like what

you did, at least you cancome off is just like, yeah,
I'm crazy, look at me.Where the other one? No, you'd
just be I remember the first textthat I saw that was was from my
my ex cousin in law. Dude, what the hell? Right, Well,

here's the thing. I don't dothis. Guys, if you're listening
and you've ever done this, stopimmediately. No one likes it. No
one. And also like think aboutit, Like the female body, that's
a beautiful thing. That's a workof art. Right, the male body

is like it reminds me that Ithink there was an old Seinfeld, like
marshmallow in a microwave. It's likethe old Seinfeld bit where he's like,
the male body is like a jeep. Right, it's not the prettiest thing.
It's it's utilitarian. It gets thejob done right, It's made to
do the job. It is notsomething to you know, gaze at it.

It is not a beautiful thing.Opposite for you know, females,
it's like beautiful. It's like awork of It's like a Lamborghini. When
you're talking about a female, nobodywants to see you're jum dude. Don't
send it, especially unsolicited. Thatblows me away. Right, I can
kind of understand if it's your girlfriendor your wife whatever. Right, that's

between consenting adults. When you sendsomeone unsolicited of like on social media,
that you've never met in your life, what are you doing? I mean,
do you think that for a momentlike that that person on the other
Oh my god, I never knew. Wow, I'm in love with you.

No, it's it's never gonna happen. You're disgusting them. They.
I don't get it. I don'tget it. Clear the dining hole suitor
has arrived. I don't Yeah,I don't get it. I mean I
would love to, uh if ifyou're a female listening, and you've ever
received here's the stake I say.If ever, I say, if when

probably every single one of you outthere has, feel free to call and
tell me what you're think about thosenine three one double three, because I
know it's yeah, and if youwere in my contacts in twenty thirteen,
I know for a fact. Oops, man, I've done that. I've
never done one that bad, butI did. I ruined a surprise party

one time. I felt bad aboutthat. I Texting is or like when
you accidentally text the wrong person becausemaybe you were going back and forth with
like two people at the same time, and you send the wrong message to
the wrong person and you realize andyou go, oh, sorry, that
was actually meant for somebody else,And then you realize how easy it could
have been for that information or whateveryou sent to be kind of sensitive or

something you were sharing with your wifeor whatever. And we were all going
back and forth about a surprise birthdayparty for this friend of ours, and
I responded and with a ton ofdetails, and I guess because I was

thinking of him, I sent itto him directly, to him, all
the details on his surprise party.I send to him now here's the thing.
He didn't have his name in it, and I'm like, oh my
god, I'm so sorry. That'sfor a friend of mine that is planning
a thing for her husband. Ireally tried to play it off, but

it was like his birthday was inthree days. It was you know,
he was like, oh, yeah, no problem. I'm like, god,
dude, I ruined it. Andwhen I asked him, he's like,
yeah, I knew it. Like, yeah, you're an idiot.
But that's not bad. That's youknow, that sucks, but that's not
as bad as you know, sendingmy naked picture to every one in my

contacts lists crash, that's what's up. It takes the cake, for sure.
At least you had a sock onit, It's all I'm saying.
It was a sock. At leastit was a sock, a very big
sock. It's six thirty six thingsI know coming up just around the corner.
You're listening to Big one hundred DC'sClass Crocket is Big one hundred Rock
and Rolls. What's it it istime for? I know it's six fifty

two. Good morning to you,Good morning to you. There it is.
My mouth was stuck You're just youhaving all sorts of problems this morning,
aren't you? Kinds of problems?You're right, it's getting asleep.
You're good. Uh. Did youknow Canada eats more macaroni and cheese than

any other nation in the world,And now I want to know why the
mac and cheese capital of the world. Before Apple bought Siri, it was
originally going to be released as anapp for Android and BlackBerry. Wow.
Yeah, that could have been.Things could have gone totally different way there.

Huh. And I just now realizedthat Siria was a separate thing.
I thought Apple created Syria. Theybought it. They bought it. Somebody
else created it. They bought it, and they bought it before it could
be thrown on androids, I guess, or blackberries. Yeah. The only
Number one song that has the sameword repeated more than three times in the

title I don't know who sits downand figures this stuff out, but it
shakes, shake, Shake, shakeyour booty by Casey in the Sunshine Band.
Are there any other songs that havethe same word repeated three times in
the title? Probably sure there are. I mean, otherwise this stupid stat

wouldn't exist, right, beer ismade by converting the starch in a grain
to sugar, then fermenting it toturn it into alcohol. That means saki
is technically a beer because that's exactlyhow they make it. But with rice.
Huh, didn't know that saki istechnically a beer. Technically Toronto and

Montreal this will blow you away,are both farther south than Seattle. Yeah,
that that confuses my brain. I'mlooking at a map in my head
right and I'm seeing North America inthe States, and I'm seeing where Toronto
and Montreal are. How on earthare they farther south in Seattle? That's

one of those like if I lookat it, you'll go, oh,
I guess they are. But inmy head, no, no, wow.
Now I'm gonna pull up a map. Ripley's Ripley's Believe it or Not,
and Guinness World Records are actually ownedby the same company. It's a
Canadian company called the Jim Patterson Group. You eve been to one of those

tourist traps, one of those Ripley's, believe it or not, I have
seen on the side of an interstatein like Ohio or something the beach like
yeah, man, oh, youknow what. Yeah, I think I
went to one in Myrtle Beach onetime. Yeah, I think I did.
Yeah. Did you pull up amap that's gonna make me batty?
That's just hard for me to it'shard for me to imagine North American map.

Here we are again talking about howlucky we are to have a Yeah,
it is. Wow, that's crazy. It's because the the US kind
of slants, well, Canada kindof comes and dips down. That's why
on the eastern Yeah, on theeastern side of Canada. See, I

just in my head, I imagineit's just being straight across. It dips
down. It dips way down.Yeah, it does. Wow. Yeah,
like up around uh you know,like Buffalo, New York and around
the Great Lakes, it dips dipsway down, which would put Montreal and
Toronto further south. There you go. All right, it is six fifty
six. You're listening to Big onehundred. We will take a break here

and we're back to in just fewGood morning. DC's classic rock is Big
one hundred ploors. I'm sure goingto be a little deaf leopard for you.
I saw something this morning. No, I just popped into my head
I think I was just fascinated byyou know, George Strait, the country
artist. He's about to release histhirty first album thirty one records. Really,

how far back does his career span? I mean, obviously he goes
way back. You know, he'sold school. But I just I just
saw a little blurb and he's gotsomething called like Cowboys and Dreamers. Didn't
say what was coming out, justmade the announcement that he's got a new
record coming out. And I thinkit was because there's a song on there
with Chris Stapleton, you know,which is kind of a big deal.

And it said his thirty first record, and I was like, am I
reading that right? That is flippingamazing? His first album released in nineteen
eighty one. Wow, makes iteven more. See, I would have
guessed he went further back. Iwould take that makes it even more As
if I was talking to a friendyesterday about this about all the things that

UH have have come out and thendisappeared, like things that were supposed to
be all the rage and then vanishedright right, And I think the conversation
started and then I saw something thismorning on it. I was like,
oh my god, we were justtalking about this the remember the the we
started talking about the old I thinkthey were called laser disc. Yeah,

they look like they look like arecord. Yes, they looked like a
record, and that was going tobe all the rage. And I remember
going over to a friend's house andit was such a big deal. He
had a laser disc player and heput these records in there and they would
video quality was better, and Ibet there was cocaine somewhere in that house
too. I'm sure we were kidsprice his parents, but it was like

and I also remember you had tolike I can't remember if we had to
stop it, Like it didn't allfit on one, so we had to
either like stop it and flip it, or stop it and put the second
one in. It's just ridiculous.But then you start thinking about all the
things that you know, like inradio. I don't know if a lot
of people out there will be ableto relate to this one. But there

was something called a dat player,a dat tape. It was a digital
audio tape, right, and thequality was a lot better, and it
was about half the size of acassette and a little thicker. And there
was a period there were every radiostation in the country had and it's how
you archived everything. Like if youwant to save something just before cloud space,
and you know, you put iton a DAT and you save that

that and I have boxes of dats. The players just disappear worthless, right,
they are worthless now. And itwas like, no, this is
the thing. And I remember thething that that kind of came in and
took over for DATS was the minidisc the mini disc players. So now

you had a shoe box full ofthose. Yeah, and now you had
this tiny CD player and you couldrecord on them. So it was really
cool. You take the mini discplayerout and it was like a portable recorder
and we record it on a littledisc. And that was the end of
DATS. And then the mini discdied. I went and tried to because
I was going through stuff and Iwas like, I've got boxes of cool

interviews and all sorts of stuff ondats. How do I get these off?
And uh? So I jump online. I was like, I bet
somebody sells an old Dad player.Probably pick one up. Cheat, No,
no, if you can find one. You know, it's like archaic
now, people you know, theywant like two thousand dollars for them.

It's like, are you kidding me? I saw one on Let's see if
I can see like what they're goingfor now. I saw one on eBay
and I was like, you knowagain in my head, I'm thinking,
yeah, fifty bucks, a hundredbucks some but he's got to have an
old dat player, right, Well, let's see if you can find them.

See I can't even I can't evenfind them. Oh I did.
Here's one for four hundred bucks.All right, that's not bad. I
would buy that maybe maybe you know, I mean, how good were those
shows back then? Well you don'tknow. That's the thing is, it's
like they're just sitting there and you'dgo back and pull everything off of them
and go, oh, that wasa waste of time and money. Why

so I to even do that?And think of some other stuff? The
metaverse that was fairly recently, Facebookthat was going to be the big metaverse
was going to take over everything,their virtual reality stuff. Where'd that go?
Where you Go? Yeah? Ihad already forgotten about it. We
haven't heard about it in a coupleof years now, where you Go?

Or Google was coming out with theirown social network. I remember that was
going to be a big deal.Was say they were going to take over
for Facebook? What was it GooglePlus? Yeah? Oh I had this
friend who was all about it atthe time. You gotta get on here,
you gotta get on here. Yeah, it's gonna be the next big
thing, right, You had yourcircle of friends on that, and I'm
like, yeah, no, andthat the thing is is like you look
at it and go ah, hemight be right, you know. I

remember when my Space was all therage and people start talking about Facebook.
No, you gotta get on Facebook. Facebook. That's not going to catch
my Space. Get out of herenow, now, get it. I
miss my Space? Why I dothree D televisions? Remember when that was
the thing, dude? And thething with those unless the movie was in

three D and high three D quality, it looked like Masterpiece theater. Yeah,
here's what I'm happy is kind ofgone away. You don't hear much
about n f T s anymore unlesssomebody's trying to scam me. I never
understood those, nor did I nordid I, And you know now the
only time I hear about him iswhen I get a you know, an
email from a prince in Ethiopia whowants to buy one of my photos for

an NFT or something. I'm like, what what the segways? That was
another one sees. Remember that wasall the rage. Everybody's going to be
riding these things. They're gonna bea you know, the car of the
future. They're gonna take over.You know, there will be no more
bicycles. Everybody will be on segways. The last time you saw just more

cops. Right, do they stillride them? I don't even know do
they still ride them? The lasttime I was in a mall, this
one. This one's a good thing. I went away. Elestra remember that
they would make potato chips with Elestra, cookies with Alestra. Yeah, that
was like a fat substitute. Itwas a fat substitute, which is far

worse for you. But they hadto put a warning on it, and
it was hilarious. It was thedeath of it. Like almost immediately that
said may cause leaky stools. Therewas some people couldn't process it the right
way, and yeah, it wasnot good. And when that came out

and then the government or whoever,said, well, you got to put
a warning on this stuff. Andyou pick up a bag of chips and
it's like stools. We were like, I'm not buying that, no way,
New Coke. How long did thatlast? There was an outcry on
that one man well that was thatwas that was dumb idea. That was

a weird dumb idea, really dumbidea, and the outcry was just and
it was not that good compared tolike regular coke. If you were a
fan of regular coke and then tryto New Coke, You're like, eh,
what's going on here? Somebody said, I'm reading through people contributed to
this list. Somebody said the Wallflowers, remember the Wallflowers. Oh my god.

It was Dylan's kid, right,You would expect Jacob Dylon to be
I remember when he came out andherebody's like, this is Bob Dylan's kid,
and this is good. He isgoing to be the next thing,
the next thing. He'll be thenext Dylan. He's going to be the
next Dylan. But that just kindof do. And the thing is he's
a talented guy. Talented guy.Wallflowers were pretty good. There was some

talent and winger too, but itjust well, I mean, that's a
stretch. That was. That wasa super group of sidemen talent and winger.
If I put talent and winger inthe same sentence, talent and kip
winger belong in the same sentence.Hey, he was the one who does
that bass riff on. Uh,he's back by Alice, the one singing

about seventeen year olds. Remember they'rejust talking about I remember, she's so
nice? What was the was theother one played Madeline? The one where
he's like, she's only sixteen.Oh, that was She's just sixteen years
old. It's like, oh mygod, dude, into the night stop,

she's just sixteen years old. Peoplesay, alone, I've just gotten
out of my head. It wasin my head all weekend and had finally
gone away, and now it's back. I can't bro there's no reason people
are telling you to leave her aloneyears old. I'd take you Microsoft Zoon.
Do you remember that? It wasn'tthat they're they're m P three player?

Was that? What that was?The Zoon that was going to be
huge. Everybody thought that was goingto take over the That was their way
to compete with the iPod. TheZoon. There's wallflowers, yeah, which
wasn't bad man. Wallfliers were decent, you know, he's no Bob Dylan,
but it was Bob Dylan's kid.It's gonna be a big deal.

He's gonna take over the world.Hit A pretty good voice, though,
what it meant? I haven't heardthis in a while, cheered up Blot
Solon. Remember that's when this lostaround. Man, you know, Jacob
Bill was good. I don't know, I haven't heard this in a while.

Now. They just kind of felloff and that record came out and
they just kind of fell off.Was this their only hit or did they
have another? Which one is?This is one headlight? Yet I was
I think I think it was oneheadlight, one song, one hit.
I think they had one other one, but it was not nearest. You
know, I don't think it didanything. One headlight was was the song

no see this is creepy? Isthis creepy? We were talking about these
old older bands that would like singabout teenagers and young girls and sun This
was a huge hit. How creditbecause we all used to sing this and
we never paid attention. Creepy essixteen years Oh my god, like this

was in every movie. Leave alone? They see the show? Yeah,
bro, you need to leave heralone. I just don't understand, man,
I don't know what love is.All right to be hating. You

can see my face right now.And the thing is, this is a
good song. It's just creepy.Yeah, no, that's not good.
I wouldn't even say it's a goodsong because it's he's singing about a teen
A sixteen year old thought it wasuntil Friday when I pointed out exactly what

it was about. It's creepy.You and Dennis both were like, dude's
a pedophile. Freaky come on,So we used to rock out in the
eighties. I'm glad the eighties areover. Then. I like my women
of age. I would like mywomen to be of age, please,
that would be That'd be fantastic.All right, seven twenty three quick break.

Here we're back to just a few. You are listening to be isten
it to Big. I was gonnasay another word, and I tried to
spin up both words at the sametime. You ever did that. You're
listening to Big one hundred. Allright, let's give him a letter for
the big word of the week,shall we? At STC's classic crock Big
one hundred. Here we go,the Big Word of the Week on Big

one hundred. Today's letter is theletter OH. The letter OH is an
orange as an outstanding the letter OH. At the end of the week,
it's gonna spell a word. Friday, at about seven thirty ish, we
will complete the word know the word. Give us a buzz at one one
hundred four nine three one double threenot now the end of the week.
This week it's good for aerosmith tickets. Love it and we'll do some Ozzie

now. It's Big one hundred,DC's Classic Rockets, Big one hundred,
Google Dolls. Jackson here seven fiftyand good morning to you. It's a
video that's been floating around TikTok kindof blew up. It. This a
woman going through a drive for andMiss Sippy and it was a Sonic drive

through and she ordered a large DoctorPepper with pickles. Crazy thing about this
is the person that Sonic's like,yep, gotcha liked. Nobody's surprised,
that's the thing. Apparently, Hasanyone ever heard of this doctor pepper and
pickle? Yeah, they just putlike pickle slices in a doctor Pepper.
The clerk did not seem surprised.She noted that the added pickles would appear

on the order as cherries because theydon't have a pickle option when they ring
it up. But apparently ordering adoctor pepper with pickles is normal enough that
the worker didn't seem faced by it, but abnormal enough that I guess you
know, the computer's not programmed toring them up. Oh, I have
a video of her doing this.Yeah, so she gets a large doctor

pepper handful of pickles inside, saysit sounds gross, but don't knock until
you try it. So this ispretty amazing. And she said a lot
of people down south drink this.Ah. Really, this is Mississippi.
Now Mississippi. They are known fortheir good decision making Mississippi. Doctor what

do they say? Says? Somepeople claim Oh, in the comments,
some people are claiming they have hadit before. It is a thing,
and uh, different people call itdifferent things. Some people call it a
doctor pepper pucker, A doctor pepperpucker, that's too much. Someone else
called it a witch doctor. It'sa little easier. I just call it

a doctor pickle, a doctor pickle, right, all right, cut cut.
I kind of won't try it now. I just gotta know. It's
one of those things. I gottaknow, I gotta know. But here's
the thing. If you're just throwinga couple of pickles and the Doctor Pepper
probably does not affect the flavor ofthe Doctor Pepper very much at all,
right, unless you're throwing pickle juicein there with it. So it's really

just kind of a very slight hintof pickle, and then when you get
to the bottom of the Doctor Pepperyou eat the pickles. I don't know.
I'm gonna try today. I'm gonnatry it. I'm gonna pass.
I'm gonna find a drive through.I'm gonna go through and say, can
I have a Doctor Pepper with picklesin it? They all record it and
see what they say if the react. I'm trying to think of where I

would go to do that, Likefind a sonic that's would be well,
anybody with pickles, right, McDonald'shas pickles, any place that has pickles
and uh and doctor Pepper. That'sgonna be the hardest. The harder of
the two is finding the Doctor Pepper. Yea, sometimes it is. What's
the other one that's similar to DoctorPepper? Yeah, it's always like they
either have Coker PEPSI mister pepper,doctor pepper, mountain dew or what's some

counter to mountain dews? Right,No, No, sprite would be like
sprite and seven up mountain dew.There's a counter to mountain mellow yellow there
it is. They still make that. I don't know, but that was
the you know, you got thetwo big companies and they would go back
and forth. They each had theyou know, the same thing with a

different name. Okay, So whenI was in college, I worked at
a restaurant, and so our oursodas you know, they would They're always
like, you know, Coke,PEPSI whatever. We had r C Upper
ten, like it was like thelowest that that was. That was what
we had across the board. Iliked. I couldn't tell a difference,

like I liked. I can't tella difference. My grandparents choose to buy
that all the time. Arc Roy, I think so, I think so
about Upper ten, I think you. I don't know if I ever even
heard of that one. I haveheard of our Sea because it was big
in the Midwest and then down south. It was cherry wine, which I've
seen that they still make that.They still make that cherry one's good and

I actually found some on the EastCoast not too long ago, about six
months ago, bought it. Isit's hard to describe. It's like a
soda. I mean, is itlike a cola? Yeah, colony.
And I saw one of the grocerystores just outside of Philadelphia was selling them
like a what store was that?Because I couldn't believe they had it.

They were selling a four pack ofbottles, like glass bottles of it.
And I was like, oh,yeah, I've seen those maybe doing a
comeback. I don't hope. SoI think I saw them at Whole Foods.
Drink that a lot of a kid. That might be where I got
it. Drink that a lot ofa kid. Because my southern well they
were all Southern, say my southerngrandparents, but cherry wine and my other

southern grandparents, but they lived inthe Midwest. They were from Kentucky.
I used to drink Arcy arc Yeah, man down to Rcy. Yeah.
That brings back members all right.It is just shasta. That was the
cheap stuff. That was the likeyou need soda for like a birthday already,

and there's like fifty kids Shasta.It's like a dollar a case.
Yep. That stuff was garbage.Yeah, it was terrible. We didn't
care when we were kids, though. Nope, nope, good They still
make that I don't know, shastalike it was dirt cheap. Yeah it
was uh seven fifty six quick breakback to in just a few It is
Big one hundred. GC's Classic Crockis Big one hundred ac DC and back

in Black we were just talking aboutdifferent sodas on the market and we got
a call here. Hey, Bigone hundred. I just wanted to let
you know. You guys were justtalking about the cheerwine. Yeah, oh
wait, I said, cherry wine. It's called cheerwine. Yeah, it's
cheer wine. We find it atfood Line here. I live in Locust
Grove, Virginia. They're big infood Line, and also they have a

main distributor down there in high Point, North Carolina where they actually make it
right right, right right, soit is available on everything. But I
heard you guys talking about it,so I just wanted to chime in.
But yeah, that's really good stuff, and it's you said, food Lion.
Yeah, food Line is where wefind it, and we find it
actually in the twelve pack, uhyou know the can Oh cool, my

wife is a big time fan ofit because she's from North Carolina. She's
a Southern girl. Yeah right,all right, man, but it is.
It is good stuff. But Ihad a chime in. I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to take up anyof your time. No, no
worries at all. I appreciate itbecause now I know where to look for
it. There you go, Allright, you have a great day,
are you too? I got tofind a food lion near my house.

Now get some cheerwine. Tell youthat brings back memories, like childhood memories
South Carolina cheerwine. My grandma usedto, well, they feed us like
crap if I think back to it, Oh, like garbage they gave us.
We're kids. Cheerwine. She usedto used to put throw a big
slab of butter on a pop tart. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah,

I mean that's good. Well,now I'm going to have to find some
shasta. My child I don't knowif shasta. No, that's the part
of your childhood you want to forget. Right then, my parents are broke.
They're buying me shasta. Oh mygosh, it looks like it still
exists. Shasta. Just google it. Where can I get it. I
have not seen that stuff in forever, man. I bet you's they made

all kinds of difference. There wascola, every root beer, there was
spread. I mean, they hadeverything, and it was so cheap.
They had ginger ale, Shasta cola, Shasta twist, Shasta, orange,
Shasta grape. I remember the grape. Yeah, the grape, I remember

that. I bet that was notmade with real grapes. No, hey,
look here, you can buy it. Hold on, get out of
here. Okay, you really wantto relive your childhood. You can buy
it on Amazon. Okay, youcan buy Shasta cola on Amazon. You
can buy let's se how much itcosts? Now? So like if you
were to buy a pack of twentyfour, like diet Shasta Cola is one

of them. I see here,yum, Diet Shasta Cola pack of twenty
fours thirty two dollars. God.So, I mean it's still pretty cheap,
not like it used to be.I mean it used to be like
twenty five cents of can right eventhat. I can't even remember what grocery
store you'd buy them at. Butyou'd go and you could buy them loose,

you know, and so you couldget all the different flavors. Oh,
we never had the cans because weweren't that fancy. We'd get the
can bottles, the bottles and soyeah, no, we had the cans,
and I think our parents would gobuy like buy it loose, right,
so they could get all the differentkinds of flavors, and they just

shop ground. I swear to god, they were like a quarter of can.
The bottles were not expected like that. I remember the bottle because my
mom would buy those bottles, youknow, the plastic two liter bottles,
and we'd have we'd always have thosebecause they were like cents on the bottle.
Uh. They make one now calledTiki Punch. This is a new
flavor of Shasta. I guess.I guess it must still be big,

aren't they. Are they a Midwesterncompany? I don't know. Shasta Tiki
punch. And I'll see if theygot any new ones. Cream soda.
They always had that, didn't they. Yeah, they always had the cream
soda and the root beer. I'mtrying to see if there's any other new
ones you you could look at.It looks like you can buy it all
over Amazon. Man, you canbuy any flavor you want. Shasta anybody
try that spiced coke? Yet Ikeep seeing that in the store and I'm

like, what is that spiced?It's Coca cola, Coca Cola spiced.
Not sure what they're spicing it with, but I gotta at least want to
try it. Shasta's out of California. Well that makes sense. They're out
of Hayward, California, and they'vebeen in business for one hundred and thirty

five years. Wow, and makea variety of soda flavors under the brand
name Shasta To And the company drivesits name from Mount Shasta in northern California
and associated with Shasta Springs. Wow. All right, Okay, I might

I might have to order like asix pack or something, just I don't
know. There's something about like reminiscent, going back and something you haven't had
since you were a kid. Youknow. That's pretty cool. It is
eight sixteen. You're listening to Bigone hundred, Florida Man's coming up just
around the corner, Dennison with sportson tap. In just a few it
is Big one hundred. Uh isit doing its thing again or No,

DC's Classic Crockets Big one hundred.It's under the Bridge, chili peppers.
I'm craving a cheerwine. I wantto go get one. Got a fund
a food line, got it.That's what they gotta find Michigan. You
know, that's because sodas oftentimes areregional, you know, like cheerwine is
definitely a Southern thing. You know, I think you know it was in
the Carolinas that I discovered that inMichigan they have fag You ever heard of

that kind of It's almost like ashasta because they make like all the different
flavors, orange and grape and yeah, colon and just about everything. Fago.
I remember seeing somebody drinking that onceago. What the hell's a fago?
It's a Michigan behind you, theDetroit thing? What is that?

Oh? Jay, So that's thattruck that got the bed ripped off on
sixty. What was it doing?They went under a bridge? It was
too low? Yeah? Is thatwhat happened there? Yeah? It's turned
around and just so blowing up.Huh. I bet that shut the road
down for a while all morning.Whatever that comes on your back is always

to it. I'm like, oh, there it is, there, it
is there, it is. Iknow. I keep turning around and missing
it it time. Yeah. Soif anybody's from Detroit, they're probably like
I just said, Fago and they'reprobably going through withdrawals now. Need to
get their FAGO fix. Was sunkissed? Yeah I think so. Yeah,
Yeah, I mean I can seethat can. That was the orange sun

kissed. Yeah yeah, sun kisswas good. I'm trying to think of
any other regional ones or just thingsyou had as a kid and then forgot
about. It's funny, like,yeah, you forget about well, like
when I jumped on and was lookingfor Shasta, that's for you. That's
when I ran across all the otherstuff. I'm like, oh my god,
remember this. Holy crap, whatabout this? You forget about all

that stuff? It is time onceagain for Florida man, Florida man.
All right, hold on, Igotta bring it back up because I had
I had backed out of it tolook for Shasta for you. All right,
here we go. Police officers,you know, they usually typically worry
about people driving cars under the influence, or maybe even depending on where you

live, Florida, boating under theinfluence. Now apparently they have to work.
You gotta look out for lawnmowing underthe influence. I guess you can't
write a writing lawnmower drunk. It'snot a good thing. On May fifth,
this Florida man was charged with aDUI after he allegedly drove his lawnmower

into a police car while he wasdrunk. Oh boy, yea boy.
Why was that police car doing parkedon his yard? Right? Where was
he going with that writing lawnmower?He just I'm going to run down to
the store. I'll just ride thelawnmower. Like, what's going on here?
This is in central Florida, Andyet says it took place outside a

store. Yeah, he was probablytrying to go buy something at a store
on his riding lawnmower. And theyfound Gary Anderson, sixty eight years old,
behind the wheel of the lawnmower andhad run into the police car with
it. He admitted to hitting thecar and the scene he told the officer

I'm drunk, Take me to jail. He'd failed to complete any of the
field sobriety tests and was arrested andcharged with driving under the influence. They
tried to give him a breathalyzer atthe station at the police station, but
he tried to deceive that test,is what they said. Who knows what

he was doing. They finally didget a blood alcohol on him at the
hospital of point two four to one, three times the legal limit. He
was taken to the hospital because hestarted freaking out and claiming that the police
had poisoned him and he thought hewas going to die. So they took

him to a local hospital. That'swhere they got his blood alcohol. Oh
yeah, they also found some cocaine. There's that too, they did.
They ran his license and his recordhere looks like his license, his driver's
license. Yeah, that was anothercharge. They hit him with driving on
a suspended licen because his license hadbeen suspended since nineteen seventy eight seventy eight,

seventy eight. I wonder he wason a lawnmower and he had been
convicted several times of DUI wow eighteight. Dad had a driver's license in
nineteen seventy eight. So we justgot drunk and gun on his lawnmower and
drove it into town. It raninto a cop car. That is very
Florida. I love it. Eightthirty seven. Dennis is coming up with

Sports on Tap and just a Bit. It's big one hundred, DC's Class
Crockets, Big one hundred and DreamontAerosmith's. We're giving away tickets for Aerosmith
with the big Word of the week. Give you a new letter every morning.
It's seven thirty into this week,it's gonna spell a word and you
could score those tickets for Aroosmith.Dan Quinn's going to be on the show
tomorrow morning, seven o'clock about rightfrom Hawaii, taking a little time off.

And we talked to Adam Peters lastweek. Yeah, you're in a
new GM, and now we'll havedan Quinn on to talk about this amazing
draft. I bet he's stoked.He's gotta be, you know, he's
already one of those guys anyway,and we heard all these stories about players
loving to play for him, whichis really accurate and true. But he
just must be elated at the typeof players that they brought it. And

then of course jayde and Daniels.I mean that goes without saying, but
I bet he is really just frostyready to go. Man. Let's do
it. Look on paper, man, they put together something really really special.
Here, we'll see what happened.And Friday he gets to see Jade
Daniels in a UNI with the helmetand the whole deal for three days.
That's when the rookies come in.And that means the draft picks the undrafted

people and then just people that aretrying out for the team. They're all
gonna be there. No veterans willbe there. They might be standing around
hanging out lifting weights. But pads. I don't know if they'll do pads
or not, you know, becauseyou can actually only do so many pad
workouts now with a collective bargaining agreementthe way it is, you need to.
There's there's really not a lot ofhitting good during the summer, believe
it or not good really not.I wrap that kid, but I don't

want. I don't want, andDan is getting hit. But do you
know the byproduct from that is thatmost guys can't tackle anymore because they don't
get in practice anymore. You dosee a lot of it around the league.
I'm talking from the high school levelup now. Yeah, you see
a lot of around the league.Although my kids team, dude, I
could go pick him, I wouldgo pick him up in practice and they'd
be running tackling drills like in thedark, like the sun had gun down,

and they'd have like a spotlight becausethe field they practiced and didn't have
lights, and they'd have a spotlightset up, you know, and they
still be in a circle running tacklingdrills. This is like seventh and seventh
and eighth grade, and they wereout there just I love it and love
it man, and I'm like,whoa geez, all right, hey,
a couple of the things about theCommanders besides the rookie work out. Uh.

I talked to a source yesterday.Yeah, you'd be happy there wasn't
Wikipedia or Google. And the schedulewill either be released probably this Thursday,
but more likely next Thursday. Okay, so we're in a holding pattern.
I also like to strength the schedulebecause I'm just curious because you know the
teams you play against, and weknow the teams are playing against. We
just don't know the dates yet.I got the Here's what I can tell

you. Yeah, we'll probably havethe Giants, the Eagles, and the
Cowboys good call. Yeah, andHome Road I say probably twice. Now
I'm gonna going out on idiots,but I think that's gonna happen. Strength
this schedule last year in twenty twentythree, with Sam hal and no offensive
line, was the eighth hardest schedulein the NFL. We had a tough

schedule, so I mean just alone, as you mentioned, the NFC East
is is just unbearably hard. Good. Now we have the thirteenth hardest schedule,
so it's a little bit easier,but still it's above the mid pack.
So it's gonna be a tough year. When it comes to opponents,
who has the easiest schedule? Uh? I looked at that. I believe
it's the Pittsburgh Steelers. I believethey have the easiest schedule this year.

Coming up. My brother's gonna lovethat. He's a Steelers. By the
way. You know this though,that really doesn't mean a whole dude.
It is the NFL. Anybody canbeat anybody in any given weeks. Bears
beating us last Thursday night on nationaltelevision. You're still you know, your
first game? Yeah, that's thatwas ugly. You're still talking about elite

athletes. Elite athletes, they wantto win all the time, even if
they're out of the postseason. Yes, forget it. There's no easy schedule,
but so yeah, so possibly scheduleThursday, but more likely the following
Thursday, and then I get alook at Jayden Daniels on Friday. Yeah,
I don't know. You probably can'tcome out, but I'm gonna take
photos. We'll get social media up, hopefully some audio, and we are

efforting to get Jayden on the show. I'm hoping by the end of this
week or early next week for youto have a nice little chat with him.
And by the way, I don'tknow if you've seen him interviewed at
length. He's a very nice,well put together young man, good great
manners, well spoken, very thoughtfulabout things, and knows the task that's
at hand and knows the gravity ofit. It's a really big deal,

and he's treating it that way too. But he's he's he's only a kid,
I think, twenty two, twentythree, and he just he has
a sense of maturity for a youngman that you're gonna need at this next
level, because a lot's gonna comeat him, money, fame, and
a lot of pressure. I thinkhe's already got the money. Yeah,
well you definitely, but even moremoney. Yeah, but you know they
come to it now, Yeah,even more money. I was looking at

all his follow him on Instagram.Yeah, and his mom and all his
endorsements. I know. Fantastical,is it though? Yeah? From college
now to the pros. Yeah yeah, But it really truly is amazing when
it comes to Nil name image andlike this what kids can make at that
level, because now we're talking aboutactually millions of dollars. Good Caleb Williams

at USC. I think he madeclose to ten million dollars over the last
couple of years. Well, youknow what the university's made off the backs
of those cost I know, decades. Listen, billions. I'm on the
I'm on the player sallions. Yeah, so I'm on for Nil A little
bit of you know, the horsesout of the barn when it comes to
all these kids going for the nextbest deal now because they have a portal
now where you don't have to sitout a whole season. You can just

say, hey, I want outof USC and I want to go to
Oklahoma now and you can do thatimmediately and never used to have that.
So there's really no penalty for playersnow whatsoever, which means it's harder for
the coaches. But you know what, the coaches are getting a little taste
of their own medicine at the collegelevel, because those guys always go to
the next best job, even ifthey recruited a class saying hey, come

for the next four years, I'llbe here for you. Aga, man,
We'll take good care of you.I'm out of here to Florida for
fifty million. That's happened to mein this business where I'm gone. I've
gone across the country for this nextgreat thing. Yeah. And then the
guy that's for me six weeks later, he's like, hey, Jack,
can you come in for a minute. I need to talk to He's like,
Hey, I'm taking a job inNew York. I'm like, what

the you're what? So good luckwith the next person that probably hates you.
Fort right, all right, thankyou. Hey guys, it is
time for what have we learned onthe show today and your chance to win
some tickets for Let's do Dave Matthews'sband, and what's our question? We
talked about a trend people are drinkingdoctor pepper with this in the South.

They were doing this in the South. That's kind of weird. I do
want to try it, though,I do uh give us about one hundred
four nine three one double O threeif you know, and we'll set you
up good luck for Big one hundredDC's Plastic Rockets Big one hundred, and
we'll see if we can get awinner here for what have we learned on
the show today? For Dave MatthewsBand tickets? Hi, Big one hundred.

Who's this? Oh it's Jerry.How are you? Jerry? How
are you this morning? Good?Hey? If you were listening earlier,
we were talking about somebody putting thisin there, Doctor Pepper. What was
it? It was everyday man.I'll look forward to getting in the car
and driving every morning. Awesome.We love hearing that. Man. Would

you try pickles in a Doctor Pepper? I try anything right. I'm the
same way. It's like I.I mean, it doesn't sound good,
but I try it right. O. Man, we're gonna set you up
to take us to see the DaveMatthews Band. Great cool beans. Man,
I've been looking for the c andDave. I haven't seen him in
about twenty years. There you go, We got you hooked up. Hang

on and we'll get you all setup all right, appreciate it. We
will have some more of those togive away tomorrow morning. Right here on
DC's classic rockets, Big one hundred, I never let you be you so bad
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