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May 9, 2024 44 mins
Nude cruises. Florida Man. Things I Know. Sports on Tap with Dennis Glasgow from 1190 iHeartSports DC. Be sure to subscribe. 
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In its earliest days, the majorfunction of radio was news. Going on.
Here, you're beautiful, let everybodygo. Why don't you put on
a show and charge it? Mission? Okay, so I would say something

with music. I'm Tommothy, nowyou're talker. It will be a show
for everyone who loves music and murder. Come on, Chap, we gotta
take show to dude. Showtime.Are you ready? I'm ready, your
baby ready? Job? Good morningnews, DC's Classic Rock Big one hundred

and six twelve Jackson here and HappyThursday. A little bit closer to the
weekend. Here a mini camp Ithink rookie mini camp for the Commanders this
weekend. Dennis is gonna be outthere and get all that covered for I've
been contemplating. I've got plans thisweek, and yeah, I can't get
out of them. I've got somethinggoing on this week and I just can't

get out of him. I wasthinking, maybe I can get out of
it and go to minicamp. Notgonna happen. It is Thursday, and
we have tickets for the Dave MatthewsBand to get. Today we're gonna have
some more tickets to give away fortraining. R E. O Speedwagon.
We'll continue with the big word ofthe week and we have a chance to

win Aerosmith tickets tomorrow morning. ThingsI know, sports on tap, Florida
Man, all that coming up thismorning? Am I forgetting anything? I
think that's it. Dan Quinn wasyesterday. I was yesterday. Maybe that's
what I'm thinking. We are justkind of running together. Well, they
trying to get Jayden Daniels on theprogram, and we'll make that happen.

We're just trying to nail down atime and a date so it to your
new QB. I was gonna sayQB one, but we don't really know
that yet. We anticipate, wespeculate to assume the t B QB one.
I think there's pretty good chance ofit. But we'll try to get

him on the errand see how hefeels about coming to Washington, DC and
the commanders. All right, whatuh, let's take a break here.
We get a little bit of alate start this morning because of our computer
system, which did something flawless.Computer system, it did something funky and
then Crash always acts like super surprised, like I got watch and I said

to him this morning, I'm like, dude, it blows me away that
you are still surprised every time whenits up because it does something stupid every
day. Yes it does. Letwe say technology is awesome. Look,
I love it when it works.When I feel like half the time it
doesn't work, whether it's Wi Fior your phone or computers at work,

I just feel like half the timecrap doesn't work. And whenever he does
something like that and you say somethingto somebody, they always give you the
same response, Yeah, put ina ticket, that's what they like.
I don't. I don't know howto put in a ticket because I don't
know what it did, like,I don't know, I don't know where
to start explaining it. That's that'slike an ongoing joke here. I'm sure

everyone that works in an office,you know, you've got the strange,
quirky things that happen around here whenanything anything goes wrong. Put in a
ticket and you're like like a yougotta go fill out a form and it
sends it to engineers and god knowswhere they're at San Antonio or something,
I don't know. Do they callyou asking you questions about it? And
I never have those answers because Idon't know because I'm not an engineer,

right, or they'll What they'll dois they'll get back to you, like
at four o'clock in the afternoon whenyou're on a walk or something. Hey,
you got time to sit down?Look, can you sit down in
front of that microphone you're having aproblem with? Is that at four o'clock
this morning? No, it's butwell, okay, well let's try tomorrow.
It's like, oh God, herewe go. It's just an ongoing
thing. Every company's got its quirks. The ticket, dude, I get

like a shiver every time you saythat word. Put it in a ticket?
Is it our boss? Any anytimewe complain about anything, did you
put in a ticket? My buildingdoes that now? Yes? Oh my
god. Someone there was dog poopoutside the garage door. Yes, so

I went. I told the colsiers. I'm like, hey, h and
I took a picture of it becauseI was sure there's a there's a big
pile up poopy outside the door.I put in a ticket. I'm telling
you, so I don't have todo that. Yeah, my building does
that too. I tried to complainabout something not too long ago, and
they're like, you need to usethe app, Like you're right in front

of me, I'm talking to you. I have to go upstairs, open
an app and write you a message. Yeah, you're right here. Sure
to include a photograph. Here's thephotograph. Oh my god. Yeah,
it's funny. Yeah, all rightto six sixteen. Back in a flash.
You're listening to DC's Classic crack Hits, Big one hundred, DC's Class

crack Hits, Big one hundred.Sarah Smith. We're gonna have Samara Smith
tickets to give away tomorrow morning,seven thirty when we wrap up the big
Word of the Week. A littlebit later this morning, some Dave Matthew
spand tickets. Hey, age thirtyseven, that's the age when the average
person starts to feel aches and pains. That's when they hit you thirty seven

thirty seven. I had a friendthat's I don't know where he got it
from. He says he saw iton a daytime talk show or something where
he refused to like make that soundwhen he would like bend over to pick
something up or when he was gettingup off the ground. He said,
you know, as like oh yeahright. He said he's saw some health

guru saying that you're you're you're feedingyour brain that, so your brain's got
I know, there was a whole, the whole thing behind it. So
he's like, so you got it. You just gotta like not make those
noises. He's like, you knowwhen you were when you were twenty,
you didn't make that noise when youbent over. He's like, so he's
like, you can't tell your brainouch this hurts or ouch this is uncomfortable.

Uh but yeah, thirty thirty seven, if you're thirty six right now,
hang in there, buddy, it'scoming. You'll be making those man,
You'll be waking up. You'll startsaying things like, oh, my
back hurts. I've been thinking oflike all the ways that I've hurt my
back, and like like every timethat that, I want to explain how

I heard it. It's like,well, the skydivinger's noise, I got
up, Yeah, I got up. Knees, those are things that start
to hurt too. Oh do youknow what I heard myself saying the other
day, it's going to rain.Oh god, feel my knees. Oh
my god. Those words came outof my mouth and I instantly shut it.

Yeah, that's that's old man speak. Oh wow. Yeah. A
new poll found the average person startsto fill those agges and pains at about
thirty seven years old. That's whenthe back starts barking, knees start to
ache and back wasn't actually the topcomplaint. The top three spots where Americans

have just kind of aches and painstheir legs, neck, and shoulders.
Oh dude, from me, it'sshoulders, but that's from jiu jitsu.
Like I've tore the labor them andboth shoulders separated. One of them tore
the bicep tenant on one side,Like it hurts when I wake up in
the morning, like to it takesme a good hour to be able to

like lift my arms. It's crazy. Sucks, But you know, I
went to the PT route on thelabor terrorist, right. My doc was
like, look, it's like fortypercent of the time fifty percent of the
time physical therapy works. He goes, I can go in there and fix
it tomorrow, but then you haveto deal with to recovery. He's like,

try, so he's always big ontry the physical therapy first, And
that sucked. How long did youdo that? Oh god? The last
one took like six months. Yeah, before it was and they never get
better. It's just like eighty percentNow it just hurts a little less.
Yeah, and it hurts to sleepon it, yeah, all the time.

But I did that to myself.I don't feel like that's an age
thing. It was just, youknow. Activity Twenty eight percent of Americans
said they deal with some sort ofchronic pain on a daily basis. Damn,
my hand hurts. What my handhurts? Try using the other hand.
Twenty two percent of us would giveup social media to feel fewer aches

and pains. Eighteen percent would giveup cheese. How did that end up
in a surveytion? Hey, ifyou we can tell you your knees won't
hurt anymore? Would you give upcheese? Like, oh, that's a
random question? Uh? Twenty fivepercent would give up coffee? No way,

no, let me hurt. Notgo without coffee. Hmm, it's
cheese cheese? Who thought ask himif they'll give up cheese? Is cheese
that much? You know? Thecoffee question? I get like, would
you give up something you use everyday? You know? What about cheese?

How about cheese? That just seemslike an odd question. I don't
know all right. Things I knowcoming up just around the corner. It
is six thirty five. It's DC'sClassic Rock, Big one hundred, DC's
Classic Rock. It's Big one hundred. Go your own way. There's Fleetwood,
Mac Kids six forty nine, Jacksonhere time four things. I know.

You know what I know? Catssuck. I knew that cats are
jerks. I learned that before today. We're just having a conversation. Ill
fear, but cat. Look,I know there are cat lovers out there.
The cats are jerks, man.You know, it's like, you
know, they understand you when youcall them, but they're not gonna come.

You know that they're probably smarter thanyour dog, yep, but they're
not going to listen to you.They sit on the other couch next to
you. They don't they don't actuallycuddle with you unless they're cold, but
they'll sit on the other couch withthey're back to you. You call them,
you can see their ears go upand their their head will turn,
so you know that they hear you. And then they just turn back and

like yeah, yeah, yeah.Cats are like that girl that won't text
you back yet. My cat getsunder my feet now and I'm cooking that's
terrible. I've almost dropped the potof boiling water multiple times. Oh,
that's I've said that before. That'show I'll die. I'm gonna I'm gonna
trip over my dogs. They liketo get under me when I'm going up

and down the stairs. And dude, it's like sketch. A couple of
times, I've almost eaten it andI'm like, yo, dude, you
can't do that. Let's see whatdo we got for today? We you
know, this kind of touches onwhat we I think it was yesterday when
we were talking about the fact thatis it Montreal and Toronto are further further

south than Seattle, which blew meaway. And then I looked at a
map and I was like, oh, I guess they are. Huh.
Yeah, the bottom of Ontario,Canada, is actually parallel with northern California.
So the bottom of Ontario is thatthat's how far it dips down.

It dips down to where it's parallelwith the top of California. Crazy.
I don't know why. It sticksin your head a certain way and then
you look at the map and go, oh, I think we just never
think of the US as being flatacross but is not y. Hey,
dude, careful, you don't know, man, you don't know. Could

be? Could be a flat earth, could be, could be a flatter
earth. I do love I lovegoing on those sites and on those like
Twitter accounts and stuff. I lovelove reading all the people going off on
how the earth is flat. Ijust get a kick out of it.
When lions are mating, they doit between twenty and forty times a day,

so much so that they basically don'thave time to eat, and they
stop eating during that period. Ifeel forty times a day. Damn,
that's a day. That's why they'recalled the kings of the jungle. I
guess four presidents tried to get nominatedfor a third term but failed. This

was obviously before the twenty second Amendment. It captain presidents at two terms,
so they all failed. Interesting,don't think I ever paid attention to that.
Grant failed at a third term,Grover Cleveland failed at a third term,
Theodore Roosevelt saying Woodrow Wilson, allof them went for third terms but

failed. And finally, it isillegal. Maybe laughed this worrying, and
I don't know why it is illegalin Ohio. To use Santa Claus and
ads for alcohol. And I waslike, oh wow, because around CHRISTMASI
I'm sure, yeah, and you'llsee Santa drinking a drinking a bourbon.

Anybody needs a drink, right.I don't know who decided long ago.
That's probably a really old law,but you cannot use Santa Claus and ads
for alcohol. I bet it hassomething to do with the relationship towards kids.
Oh yeah, do you know whatI mean? I assume that when

when you said it. Yeah,it's gotta be right, because that can
think of any other reason for it. All right, it is six fifty
three coming up in the seven o'clockhour, will give you a new letter
for the big Bird of the week, your chance to win aerosmid tickets tomorrow,
dang it, and Dave matthews Mantickets up for grabs a little bit
later. That break over there.No, I have this coffee mug.

Maybe you can figure it out.I have this coffee mugg. See this
right? Yeah, okay, becauseit just went everywhere. See that lid,
Yeah right, it's kind of aweird lid doesn't clamp all the way
down in like most of them.It's kind of a shallow one, right,
right, So it clicks on likethat, right right After a while,
it just decides to blow off byitself. It's like those dolls we

heard about yesterday. You just heardit. And it happens all the time.
I'll just be sitting here and thelid goes and then it splashes coffee
everywhere. I'm like, why isit to deal with this thing? All
right, we'll take a break careand we are back to it, and
I gotta clean this mess up.Back to it just a few It's a
big one hundred. DC's Class crocket. It's a big one hundred. There's
police every breath you take. SoJacksonay, I was reading about this all

nude cruise that's gonna depart Miami nextyear, all nude cruise. How do
you get a spot on that?Well, here's the thing. Have you
seen the kind of people that takea cruise? That's true? Once you
think about that for a minute.I've been to a nude beach too,
So I guess you combine those twothings and yeah, okay, you know
what, but I'll pass. Ido wonder if like a nude cruise,

I'm sure I would attract a completelydifferent clientele than the average cruiser. I've
only been on one cruise in mylife because it was just one of those
things I never had the desire todo. And then it became like,
all right, well, I shouldat least try it once. I'm good,
I don't need to do it again. It was adequate, like you
know, but I know some peoplelove them, right yep. But it

reminded me. I've got a friend. He lives down in Austin now and
I just recently saw him in thelast year or so. I was down
there and hanging out with him,and I hadn't talked him in the years,
and he was working. Once COVIDhit, he lost, everybody at

the company he worked for lost losttheir jobs. Basically, they made cuts
and cut everybody out. But hewas telling me the story about he went
to an interview and it's like graphicdesign, right, art, photography stuff
for this company. Didn't really saywhat the company was, it said travel
agency or something along those lines,but he said, I you know,
I went in. I was sittingin the waiting room waiting to go in

and chat with somebody, and Inoticed that all the pictures on the wall
were of naked people. He's like, tastefully done, but everyone was naked,
and he's like, I was like, why there's everyone? Nick turns
out he gets in there interviews forthe job, gets the job. Turns
out it's a nude cruise company,right, So that's all they do is

book nude cruises, nude excursions.And I was like, wow, I
was like, what was that like. He's like, dude, was He's
like, I made flyers and socialmedia posts and you know, did stuff
for their pamphlets and brochors, andit's like new. I was like,
is that a big business? He'slike, oh yeah, he's like and

he's like the thing is He's like, it's typically much smaller boats. That's
why this is probably in the news. Is this cruise out of Miami's it's
going to be like, I think, a full sized cruise ship, right.
So he says they're typically smaller boats, and he's like, and they
would try to do like four orfive excursions a year and try to make
them really interesting, like one wasin the Mediterranean, one was down to

you know, in the Bahamas.One. He's like, try to mix
up. He's like, but smallerboats. He's like, but the cool
thing about it was about twice ayear I got to go on one.
He's like, so, you know, everybody that works for the company would
get to go on these. Iwas like, so's so he went on
won in the Mediterranean. He's like, dude, it was. It was
pretty awesome. He said. Itwas a smaller one where there's only like

twenty twenty five thirty people on theboat. He's like, everybody's naked all
day just He's like, interesting people. Man, He's like, it's it's
the strangest thing in the world becausethey don't they just go about their their
business and interact just like they wouldany other day. They're just nude.

And he's like it's weird because youknow, they're just being normal people.
They just don't have any clothes on. Do they all carry like little pillows
around to sit on or is therea flask? No, that wouldn't that
be like, yeah, a towelor something. Yeah, yeah right,
But uh so he went on andshow me. He was like, dude,
it was. He's like, itturned out to be one of the

best jobs I've ever had. It'slike it was amazing. And he's like
in twice a year. I gotto take these nude cruises and he's like,
it was weird at first, andhe's like, in I really started
to enjoy them. And then COVIDhit and he's like and the owners of
the company, because it was asmall company, came in and said look,
and they were all like, weknow, what are we going to

do. Nobody's taking cruises right now. They're certainly not taking nude cruises,
so we're gonna have to let everybodygo. So he lost that job.
But I was like, that soundscool, man. I try it.
I try it a cruise, Yeah, I try it. I try it.
Yeah. I don't know if i'dwant to do one of those like
monster boats, like a full sizecruise ship, like I think the one

they're talking about in Miami here,But like the ones he was talking about,
they're like smaller. Like he said, one time they did one of
the riverboat like cruises. It wasnude, and he said there was another
one that was like a giant yachtalmost it was only like twenty people.
I say, I can't imagine it'sa huge business, right, but nude,

I try I'd do a nude cruiseon a yacht with like thirty other
people. Yeah, why not?Come on, life is short, have
some fun. Yeah, I gottafigure out because I think they're still in
business. I think they made acomeback after COVID. So did they have
activities on the on the nude cruise? Like I think? Like I think?
So, you know, assume thatthere's a pool in a bar.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, it'slike a regular cruise. I'll text him
later this morning and uh get thecompany name, because then we can go
check out their website and you'll seewhat I'm talking. We should, we
should we you know, we coulddo the show from there a nude cruise.
Yeah, oh hell yeah. Seenow you're thinking right now, you're
doing new job. This is fantastic. Thinker, come up a brilliant idea.

I like to say, you approachedthe boss with it. Let me
know how it goes, all right, suggested we got this idea, well,
just un broadcast on a nude cruise. Been asking for more social media
posts. We got something for you. Yeah, although I feel like Dustin
would be like cool, Yeah that'swhat he'd like. Yeah, we should

do that. Uh seven fifteen.We'll take care some business here we've got
the big word of the week.We'll give you another letter this morning,
coming up at seven thirty. That'sgood for aerosmith tickets tomorrow morning. Right
here in Big one hundred DC's ClassicRockets, Big one Hundred's Big Floyd hat
you, he's got that lining aboutthe worms in You're in Your Brain.

I didn't read the story, butyou see RFK this morning said something about
years ago they found a worm inhis brain. I did I read the
story. What did it say?It had eaten part of his brain and
then died. I mean, thisexplains a lot. But so kid,
apparently this was said back in twentyten. He was going through the divorce.

Okay, so it was a longtime ago. And so the worm
story came about from my understanding asa way so that he would have to
pay less alimony, because if hehad like a screw loose for lack of
a better term, then he wouldn'thave to pay as much. So the
docter went on record saying that theworm ate part of his brain and then

the worm died, but because ofthat he was not capable of earning as
much money, so he should payless alimony. That was head around.
I know that was the bottom lineof how did he get a worm in
his brain? So is it justmade up? Was it really just a

story completely made up? It doesn'tseem like a story that was completely made
up. And my understanding was thatwas that was the official medical report,
okay, and then because of thathe had but the reason that is public
during the divorce, and that wasso diminished you know, mental capacity there,
so he won't be able to earnas much, so he can't pay

as much animal right, and thenhe runs for present right affect that I
noticed in the headline it said somethinguh you know, tagged it with although
today he is one hundred percent.I'm like, I'm so confused, I
think then I was like, I'mnot even gonna read this a warm,

eate part of my brain. ButI'm good now. That is odd.
Oh, before I forget, thereare rumors swirling everywhere that we may see
a Talking Heads reunion. How coolwould that be? I think it's the
drummer Gotta forget his name. Franceis his last name. He posted something

on like his Instagram or Twitter thatsaid will be back of something. I'm
paraphrasing something along those lines, andso the rumors started to spin that we
may see a Talking Heads reunion.I don't know if you're a big Talking
Heads fan, but they do.They were groundbreaking. That would be flipping
amazing, it'd be so cool.Uh just thrown it out there. Who

knows, Maybe we'll see If anythingdevelops on that front, we'll let you
know. And I also saw thismorning they got the cost of the rebuilding
Baltimore one point nine billion to rebuildthat bridge. Would you ever think that
a bridge costs two billion dollars?That isn't that that's just mind boggling,

right, And then if you everlook into how much money a billion actually
is, it'll blow your mind again. It's a lot of money. One
point nine billion. You're gonna haveto use that bridge federal funds or something,
because if Baltimore had one point ninebillion dollars laying around, they'd get
out of Baltimore, they'd leave.But I know, I'm from Philly.

I know we're not We're not anybetter the only one that you're the only
one that's got a leg to standon. You can say you're from DC
and everything. Well, I meanyeah, but you know, fairs a
bit better, I mean compared toBaltimore. Yeah, Fair is a bit
better on the reputation front when itcomes you know whatever, friends come to

DC, go walk around, right, and here's what they're always like.
It's so clean. Like, no, that's called normal. It's because because
these other cities are dirty. Thatone part. Yeah, well, you

know, every city's got it's gotits neighborhoods. It's good ones, it's
bad ones in between ones. Thereis going to be an Office spin off,
a mockumentary about a Midwestern newspaper.I'm actually pretty excited about this.
Peacock is going to do a spinoffof The Office, which I love that
show. I thought it was fantastic, and uh it looks like, uh,
you'll have that kind of same mockumentaryformat and will take place in the

same universe the the doc menary crewthat immortalized Under Mifflin's Scranton branches in search
of a new subject when they discovera dying historic Midwestern newspaper and the publisher
trying to revive it with volunteer reporters. Sounds pretty cool. No word on
if any of the characters from theoriginal Office will make an appearance, and

it's still in very early stages,doesn't have a title or release date yet,
but production does begin in July.So it's going to be that same
crew that did The Office now they'vegot a new documentary they're doing. It's
going to be on a newspaper,a failing newspaper that seems I could be
pretty good. That's pretty good premise. I like it, you know,
in the Midwest and volunteer reporters.It's awful. Yeah, so that that

is not far fetched. Yeah,I've seen I've seen radio ads like that.
Well, that thing is with newspaperman. Everything went digital. You
know, that's a tough business.To keep a print newspaper alive in this
day and age is impossible. Imean, I guess they're trying some of
them, but you know, Iwould I would guess that the majority of

their their profits or operating expenses digital. Like it's all digital, just like
I get everything in my email now, Like you know, I get everything
in my email now. I getto DC newspapers in my email. I
got Philly newspapers in my email.I don't pick up a newspaper. How
long has it been since she pickedup an actual newspaper forever, man forever,

maybe here, I'll tell you whenit was the Daily News in Philadelphia,
and I don't think he works thereanymore. Right, They had a
great sports reporter. This guy wasfantastic. He was just witty, funny,
awesome, wrote the best headlines ever. They were always super clever and

super witty. And so the frontpage would be the front of the paper
when you flip it over, theback page would be the sports would be
like the sports, a sports pictureand his headline. And I would pick
it up every day to see whathe wrote, because he was that funny.
He was. He was fantastic.And I was talking about him on
the air one day and his daughterheard me and she called and she's like,
that's my dad. She's like,he would be thrilled to know you.

I'm like, dude, he's awesome. I love him. He's the
only reason I pick up a newspaper. That's it. That's the last time.
Yeah, And it wasn't I yearsago, God, ten years ago,
I wasn't even Yeah, I wasn'teven opening the paper. I was
just picking it up to see whathe wrote his headline. That's it,
just because it was always some sortof play on words, right, you
know. Let's speaking of words.Let's give you a letter for the big

word of the week and your chanceto win Aerosmith tickets tomorrow. Here we
go, the big word of theweek on Big one hundred. Today's letter
is the letter D. The letterD. D is in David, D
is in Donkey, D is inDonkey basketball. You tell me think about

that. I laughed. I didn'tknow that was the thing. If it's
a thing, Donkey back basketball isthe thing the letter D and tomorrow will
complete the word Arismet tickets up forgrabs. It is seven thirty eight DC's
Classic Rock Big one hundred. We'llgive away those tickets right now. One
eight hundred four nine three one doubleoh three. We'll take caller number five
and we will set you up withtickets to ce Train and Rio Speedwagon.

Big thanks to Live Nation as always. That's one hundred four nine three one
double o three trained Ario Speedwagon.Want them give us a buzz yours good
luck from Big one hundred, DC'sClassic Crock. He's a Big one hundred,
Sweet Home, Alabama. Did yousay he was from Jacksonville? Yeah?

I was singing that song. Chrissays, the guy from Jacksonville.
I was like, really, he'sfrom Jacksonville, Florida. Skin it up
from Jacksonville. Well that's Florida.Yeah, why is he singing Sweet Home
Alabama? That's the million dollar question. I just had this in front of

me, and because we're having issueswith I should tell that story real quick.
We have like a service that kindof combines all of the news around
the world in one place, right, so that we can go get it,
so you don't have to scour newspapersand websites and everything. Right.
That is kind of designed for peopleon the radio. So it just puts

everything in one place and you havea log in for it. And they
called me yesterday and said, heyman, we're seeing multiple IP addresses logging
into your account. And I said, well, I said, you know,
I said, Crash probably does itfrom home and the station and I
do it from home. I'm justlike, that makes sense. Probably we're
probably logging in for multiple He's like, no, I'm seeing stuff like New

York City and Mount Laurel, NewJersey, and Ashburn. Therese capitals of
the Ashburn people. Again, they'rejust probably looking for porn. Well these
stays, we're gonna have to explainthat again, Ashburn, And I said,

I have no idea, and sothey just you know, gave us
new passwords and stuff. But I'mlike, how does something like that leak?
Like is that a hack? Andthen who would even want that?
Like it would serve no purpose toanyone other than somebody that wants like all
the day's news compiled in one place, right, Like what would be the
point? Yeah, I can't thinkof anything that anyone would use it for

outside what we do with it,right, But they're using it somebody's you
know. So it's just been draggingme crazy over the last like twenty four
hours going, you know, andit's like, all right, well,
if I got hacked or something andsomebody's got and maybe one of those hackers
was randomly a radio or news person, it just makes no sense. But
then I start, you know,radio people wouldn't be capable of hacking.

No, we're stupid, Come on, And then I was like, well,
if I got hacked or what elsedo they have? And it's just
been making me crazy trying to figureout how something so silly leaked and that
someone's actually several people are actually usingit. I don't can't figure it out.

It is time once again at eightthirty three. I'm gonna go with
this one. I had another storythis morning, but this reason I brought
up the thing we were just talkingabout is because I've been having issues with
it and I couldn't find it.But I got another one back up here.
It's Florida Man, Florida Man Man, eight thirty four. Good morning.

This was a little while ago,but I don't think we talked about
it. Florida Man decided to pulla super Bad. He had a fake
mclovin license plate on his motorcycle.How funny is that there's a movie where
a guy's got a fake, fakeID right by super Bad to buy booze,

and he's showing it to his buddiesand it's a fake driver's license from
Hawaii and he put his name onthere is mclovin, McK loven. Anyway,
this guy probably wouldn't have got himinto too much travel having a mcloven
license plate on his motorcycle. Butapparently he decided to go on a high

speed chase through two counties involving apolice department Sheriff's Office and the Florida Highway
Patrol. Thirty year old Jesse Riverafrom Plant City, Florida, was on
a red motorcycle with a mcloven licenseplate at about twelve fifteen in the morning,
going one hundred and ten miles anhour through a forty five. When

you're doing one hundred and ten,doesn't really matter what the speed limit is
you're at I like the way theyalways put the speed leg. Yeah,
like just so you know he wasgoing this much. He's doing one hundred
and ten, doesn't matter. Imean if it were a school zone or
something, then it might mix it. A trooper from the Highway Patrol pulled
up behind him, turned on thepatrol lights and siren, and he turned

around, looked at the trooper andthen decided, I'm out of here.
Mcglovin gone. And they tried torun his plates, didn't work, m
says mcleven. They finally they finallygot him. Trooper was able to his

bike stalled or something went wrong andthey were able to jump out of the
patrol car and grab him and hewas arrested for charge or arrested and charged
rather for fleeing law enforcement officers,high speed chase, YadA, YadA,
YadA, YadA. It goes onand on. But just the fact that
he did not have a license,the bike was not licensed, and he

had a fake plate made, saidmcleven. Hilarious, that's a great movie.
Oh it is who's in that?It's U. It's Michael Sarah,
Michael, that whole group. Yeah, Michael Sarah was and I couldn't remember
Michael Sarah. And is it isit Seth Rogan? Is he in that
one? Yes, Seth Rogan?And so if you've never seen that,

it's and you're just looking and that'sthe one scene that jumps out and I
don't know why that's so memorable,but it just says mcloven because they're all
around him in all. I thinkthat like the fact that he would go
through so much trouble to make thisperfect like fake, to get this perfect
fake ID and then he's there wasno first name either, No, it's

just just mclovin. And it waslike, dude, you just ruined it.
Who's gonna believe your name is mclovin. I could have been the best
scene from any movie from the twothousands. If you haven't seen it.
It's an easy watch, definitely oneyou can just you know. It's just
silly, but it's hilarious. Imet a girl one time named Sarah Freelove,

no lies, her name was yearsand years ago. Was having a
party at my house. A bunchof people stop buying. This girl came
over Sarah. She said her namewas Sarah, and then somebody said tell
him your last name. She's like, free Love. I'm like, get
out of here. It's like,your name is not free Love, and
she's like it is. I'm like, let me see your driver's license.

That was her name. Yes,that was that guy. I was like,
I don't believe you. I thinkyou just tell people that know her
name was Sarah Freelove. Yeah,yeah, all right. It is eight
thirty eight Dennis coming up with Sportson Tap just around the corner, and
we're gonna have a chance to winsome tickets to see the Dave Matthews Man
before nine o'clock this morning. Stayclose. It's Big one hundred DC's Classic
Crockets. Big one hundred. Stillhaven't fund what I'm looking for? Is

you two Jackson here? Good morning, Dennis. I don't want to talk
about gambling. Well, let's talkabout gamb You know one time when you
started the show, you did notgamble at all. Why now I'm saying
I don't want to talk about itbecause you made me a degenerate gambler.
Does missus Jackson know that you're adegenerate? Well, she's busted you a
couple time thousand she she does?Now, yeah, like she listened to

the dumb show, she does not. Here, I got a story for
you. So, as you know, there are podcasts out there, many,
many podcasts. Apparently Molik neighbors whoplayed at LSU with Jaden Daniels went
on the Pivot podcast with three xnflers that also have TV shows and all
that kind of stuff and told themoff and oh, yeah, I've got

a bet with Jadeen Daniels, myex teammate, for ten thousand dollars,
about who's going to be the offensiverookie of the year. And he said
this out loud on the podcast.So Jaden on Keishawn Johnson's podcast the other
day, all these kids are goingon the podcast how fun Everybody talk as
much as you want and confirmed itand said, yeah, but he shouldn't

have set out that out loud,but yeah, it exists, that that
does exist. I have a feelingnow the NFL and the Commanders are now
going to get involved. And bythe way, I know this has benign.
I do not gambling gambling on anapp, but it's still gambling.
And this is the thing that youand I have talked about last year when
I introduced you to Tim Murray,who's our gambling, he's he's a degenerate

out of all of us at eason. About now that the NFL and all
the other pro sports have opened thedoor to gambling, we've seen athletes get
busted for doing it, suspended fora full year, a bet between friends
and and you know, I don'tI know, I get that, but
then it does it escalate and howmany people are doing it? And this
is what the NFL doesn't want toget the cows out of the barn on

this one. Man. I mean, it's it's so what would you do
in this instance if I were who, if you're the commanders or the commanders,
I'd be like, hey, don'tthrow dollar figures on stuff. Tell
them you keep it to yourself.Well, they can say, oh,
I bet I'm a you know,a six dinner dinner. But remember I
told you I used to be butis that gambling? Also, I used
to be in uh Ranjawarski, famousEagles quarter back quarterback, right, and

a lot of TV stuff. Yeah, so I was in his his survivor
pool with a bunch of people,okay, any talk of there was no
talking money. Everybody said marshmallows.I used to think it was the silliest
thing. Yeah, and we gotall right, remember pot this year is
twenty seven thousand marshmallows. And you'relike, marsh, why do they keep

saying marshmallows? Like you finally putyou into it again. I was like,
I guess, yeah, I know, but uh yeah, but I
know what. It sounds benign forthese kids to say this, But here's
a deal back. A long timeago, the NFL did a rookie symposium
where they talked about everything about drugs, alcohol, what to do with your

money, and gambling and which isstill one of the biggest no nos in
sports. But now that their partners, it's a little bit different. You
still can't do it, especially onsite, and there's so many rules to
it now that there's a lot ofgray area with this about what support you
can bet on, can you doit off the facilit grounds, all that
kind of stuff. Just know thatyou should completely stay away from him,

and that they've talked about it outloud on a podcast. I'm just telling
you, man, I wish theiragents would have got them say listen,
whatever you do on all these podcasts, don't talk about gambling at all.
I think even if it's a friendlybet, don't I think it's silly.
It's just a bet between friends.Well, I'll tell you who's not gonna
think it's silly. I know theNFL, and this is going to become
viral. I guarantee it. Iguarantee it. Well, if you keep

talking about it, it is.Yeah. Well it's been on the National
Show this morning, this program,not just the rink way more listeners than
that. It just doesn't bother youat although, no, not at all.
Okay, not a tiny bit.Now, if they were saying they
were betting on games or or somethinglike that, yes, that would bother
me. Yeah, a bet betweenfriends who's gonna win the Rookie of the

Year. They could have easily havebeen for a six pack or dinner.
I just don't think it's It's justthat they said they put ten grand on
it. So I don't know whatthe difference is between having a bet between
you and I as opposed to getin on an app and do it right.
Here's what I would say. Wewere joking. There's no they did
not get on an app. Thereis no money sitting in a pot anywhere.

They were joking. I think thatsomebody's gonna ask them to probably say
that or apologize. It's never happeningagain. We were just joking around.
We're buddies. We you know,in college we used to bet twenty grand
on yeah you know, yeah,who would And of course both hosts from
both podcasts, Well, it's reallynot a lot of money for you guys,
now, was it right? Well, that's not the point. How
many how many people around here aredegenerates. We have a handful in the

buildings. Yeah, I know,you got to there's some leadership that has
some issues and some staff members thatdo have I wouldn't say a problem because
I don't know they're well enough tosay it's a problem. I mean a
problem. I mean, oh,yeah, there's there's a handful in this
building. Yeah, they get togetherto the I've heard there's a text thread
that I'm not. I had nevergambled a day in my life until I

until I came here. Thanks toyou guys and those guys down the hall.
They've got that, like iHeart managementmoney to bet. Yeah, yeah,
well I'm not probably probably like theirtheir very own app made by Mercedes.
There's some very intelligent gamblers down thehall. You know who wants to
get into gambling a little more,doesn't know anything about it. He's kind

of like you about a year ago. Is your boss? Oh? Really
direct boss? Oh? I thoughthe did bet he he has, but
he doesn't know what he's doing rightat all? Right, Well, I
learned from you guys and Tim Murray. Yeah, Tim's the man. Yeah
yeah, So I'm gonna get withthe Boss this summer and get him ready
for the fault because football is reallythe only sport you should gamble on it,
right, Yeah, it's the onlyone I feel comfortable gambling. I

I do gamble a little bit onboxing, right Yeah. The Vegas has
got their hooks in the Jackson.By the way, your National's lost to
the O's last night. So thatI came as a serious though as crash.
I came in this morning screaming.Dennis is right, crowds are getting
bigger too, and NAT's park,which is great. Good, that's great,
So I'll good all right, thankyou all guys, thank you.

Good one. Uh let's give awaysome tickets State Matthews Band up for grabs.
What have we learned on the showtoday? What do we got for
a question? Florida man on ared motorcycle led police on a high speed
chase. What was on the motorcycle'slicense plate? Love it all right?
Three? One double ow three?Good luck from Big one hundred DC's classic
rock Big one hundred. We havetickets to give away with What have we

learned on the show today? Goodmorning? Who's this? This is all
right? Tony? How are youthis morning? Doing? Awesome? Man?
How about you? Pretty good?Pretty good? Bud? So,
we were talking about Florida man andhe had something on his fake license plate.
What did it say? Mclo tickets? You got it, man,
mclovin. We're gonna set you upwith with tickets see the Dave Matthews man.

All right, awesome, sounds good, awesome, all right, you
betman. Hang on the line andwe'll get you set up all right,
all right, mclov and me sometickets. Man, I love it.
It's DC's classic. And we'll havesome more of those to give away tomorrow
morning. It's a big one hundred
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