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July 28, 2023 31 mins

While many see gossip as something negative and damaging, if done with minimal malicia and la gente correcta, spilling the té to your Primas can actually have good effects on your salud and mood. It’s a scientifically proven fact! Sooo a bochinchar se ha dicho 🥂

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:03):
I'm Honey German. My parents are Dominican. I was born
and raised in New York City. I love sneakers and
I'm a body positive advocate.

Speaker 2 (00:10):
I'm Carolina Bermudez soy nikaa WinCE, but I was born
and raised in Ohio. I'm a wife, a mama, and
a worker bee.

Speaker 1 (00:18):
This is life in Spanglish double chinchi el gossip the
hot tea. Carolina, do you think it's good for us
to consume gossip, whether it be television, magazines or ata
entre familia, colasri masi lasias. What are your thoughts on that.

Speaker 2 (00:37):
Claro Gassi, I think it is essential to everyday life
to gossip, and I'm not being funny. I think part
of being a human is storytelling and it's building community.
I think that, of course you need to know well,

because then then why would you have any interest in
anybody that's in your community unless you want to know
the nitty gritty, the team, the you know, like you
want to understand what's going on in other people's lives
because that's part of what being human.

Speaker 1 (01:13):
Is, and you know what's created is like I love it.
I do it with my sisters, with my primas muchacha.
It could be hours of gossip sessions. But I don't
really publicly put it out there because gossiping it's always
gotten a bad rap and it's always associated with like
either being a mean girl or like just not being

a good person period. But bochinchando is good for you, Like,
scientifically it is good for you.

Speaker 2 (01:40):
How do you know this? You did the research? How
is gossiping good for us? Because I actually was just
going off of my God.

Speaker 1 (01:48):
But now great, there's research that indicates that there may
may be a chemical basis for the bonding benefits of gossiping. Specifically,
they say that engaging in God that triggers a spike
in oxytocin, which is it's a hormone that intimately builds

you up with good feelings and just positive human experiences
like empathy, like that type of stuff. It's so crazy
that gossiping would bring about these good feelings.

Speaker 2 (02:20):
Well you know what actually Okay, so I need to
correct myself. I need to correct what I said at
the beginning. I think gossiping is good because it is storytelling.
It's a little escape from your own reality. But I'm
not talking about being mean gossiping okay, Like I'm not

saying like, let me just say, for an example, yeah,
I thought, you know, like, I'm not saying like, oh,
did you see Carolina? She looks fat, she's this, she's
got No I'm saying like, oh, did you see Carolina.
She was out the other day and she was doing
this thing for E and then she I'm talking about

that kind of not personally attacking gossip, because there is
a big difference.

Speaker 1 (03:09):
There is Carolina. But I'm guilty of doing that. Just yesterday,
a guy I know posted a picture and I forwarded
it to three people that know him too, and I said,
did this guy get a tummy tuck and fake abs
and girl? The responses I got all the tea on

the plastic surgery I needed it. I was like, I
was like, did he get the.

Speaker 2 (03:41):
Girl? Yes.

Speaker 1 (03:42):
My one friend, who was kind of like chummy chummy
with him, was like, I am gonna call you and
tell you exactly how these abs came to be. I
had questions. I'm sorry, Caroline, and I didn't do it
to be mean spirited. I was just curiosa took over
myself because I needed to know I do it.

Speaker 2 (04:03):
I'm sorry, not at a Jane, Oh my gosh, it
took over. No. No, Well see that's the thing is
like I gossip, Like, for example, at work, we're constantly
talking about oh did you see this? And did you
see that? That's not my gossip style. My gossip style
is not to attack people or to bring people down.

I think my gossip style is to know what the
f is going on? Okay, Like, I think there's a big,
big difference there because you know, gossip can manifest itself
in so many different ways, and I think that gossip
can actually bring people together. You know that famous meme
that's on social media. It's like you're the coworker that
you used to hate, but now you both hate the

same person. So now your best sies because you like
don't like the same person and you talk about them
Like That's the kind of gossip that happens like when
I'm at work. But I do think that there's definitely
like detrimental gossip where you're like bringing people down. And
I've seen that a.

Speaker 1 (05:00):
Lot with me and my brimas Carolina. It gives us
it's like relax, you know, it's entertainment, It's it's an
informal situation. But we can do it for hours and
we enjoy it and no one gets hurt behind it.
But we'd be like vit so ail like we're not

hurting anyone. We're just you know, talking about what we
see and we enjoy it and it bonds us in
a weird way.

Speaker 2 (05:28):
Well no, definitely, like and I think that because you
know the same people, it keeps you connected. But also
like there's something to be said about information. And one
thing that I do say about gossip, it's like you
can learn from other people's mistakes and from what they
did that you don't want to do, you know, Like
so for example, like my sister went through a really

really terrible divorce and it wasn't that we were gossiping
about her. It's that me and her friends we were
like talking about like her situation, what she was going through.
And you know when you get those kinds of like
I don't want to say lessons, but it does help
you navigate through life. You know, you do learn from
other people's situations or their mistakes so that you're not

in that same situation. Do you know what I'm saying? Like,
I know that that's kind of like a roundabout way
of saying it. But like, gossip doesn't necessarily always have
to be about tearing people.

Speaker 1 (06:22):
Down, of course not. It's like, let's say I have
a cousin and she brings a Dominican guy from dr
and they're in New York now, and then he turns
around and just like, Oh, I don't want to be
with you anymore. But she has this paperwork that says
she has to financially support him for ten years. Like, yeah,

guess what, Carolina a lesson learned for the single primas not.

Speaker 2 (06:54):
Exactly it's a.

Speaker 1 (06:56):
Little gossip session, but lesson learned. You're responsible for this man.
I think it's ten years financially if you bring them
all over here.

Speaker 2 (07:04):
Oh that is wild, but yes, yeah, how would you
know unless somebody told you about it? So there there's
like a theory about gossiping. And it's like you can
be talking about someone, not against someone, And I think
that's a really really great point to bring. Like so
for example, like you guys were talking about your one
freemaur or whatever it was, you weren't talking against her

saying like gehtupid, you know, like you know, like she
should have known better this all this stuff. No, what
you were saying was about the situation and it wasn't
an attack on her personally, which I think.

Speaker 1 (07:41):
Yes, girl, what we're going to do with this man
were shovels at what we need to do? You need
to get my push icy mask. We won't walk this man.

Speaker 2 (07:48):
I'm just joking anyway, Oh my gosh, No, honey, is
the person a call? No? But that's why I'm saying.
I think that it's something that brings you guys together.
But it also is something that is a bit of
a learning curve or a learning lesson so that people
can understand if they were God forbid in that situation,
like how to navigate that or how to move forward

and what steps to take. Like gossiping is everywhere though,
like it doesn't even matter even if you're not at work,
Like because there are certain people who go to work
they don't even interact with their coworkers. They don't want
to hear none of that mess. They're like walking and
clock me out. Oh, they don't want any of it.
But like, then you can't escape the neighborhood gossip because
then you're gossiping about the person who doesn't pick up

the poop after their dog. Do you see what I mean.
So it's like there's no way to kind of escape
it unless you are truly a hermit and antisocial and
don't want to talk to anybody about anything.

Speaker 1 (08:40):
Now that's a fact, because it's like I went outside
the other day and I met one of my neighbors
for the first time, and the first thing I said
is what's really good with the people to my right?
And he was like, Oh, they're just weirdos. They don't
talk to nobody. I'll be he had years. There was
a little bit of gossip, but I was like, Okay,
they're not mad at me, they're not discriminating me. They
just weirdos and they don't come outside and they don't talk.

And you know what, that little bit of gossip made
me feel a little bit better well.

Speaker 2 (09:05):
And also not only that, now you know how to
deal with them. Now you're not going to take it personally,
Like you said, you don't think that they're mad at
you or that they don't like you. Now you're probably
not going to go like too far out of your
way like you were before trying to like buddy up
with them, or you know what I mean, because now
you know they just like to keep to themselves. And
there's nothing wrong with that, but at least now you

know how to like follow through on that relationship.

Speaker 1 (09:30):
Thanks to my gossip be little neighbor to the front
and to the left who tells me everything about everyone.

Speaker 2 (09:36):
Well, see, you need those people in your life. You
need the See. What I like to do is I
like to latch on. Okay. So it's like the person
who is the busy body and has all the info.
I like to just strap in and go along for
the ride because I'm like, you're doing all the dirty work,
like I just want to receive it. I just want
you to tell me all about it. I'm not trying
to do any kind of like investigative reporting.

Speaker 1 (09:58):
You don't have to do it.

Speaker 2 (10:00):
I don't have the time for it. But what I'm
gonna do is I'm gonna hitch a ride on you,
and I'm gonna I'm gonna figure out what you know,
everybody's got going on. There is a big difference, though,
between gossiping and venting, okay, And I think that a
lot of people get these two things kind of mixed up,
and you gotta be careful who you gossip with and

who you vent to and we'll get into that, yeah,
after the break, all right. So before we went to commercial, honey,
we were discussing how you gotta watch out. There's a
big difference between gossiping and venting, and then you also
have to be aware of who you are gossiping and
venting with. So, for example, event is like a rant. Right,

you're just letting it. I thought, that's not allowable, Like
you're just letting it all out right, and that can
be your feelings. I'm sorry, go ahead.

Speaker 1 (10:57):
That is the most dangerous thing to do, Carolina, especially
in a work environment. You know what I tell everybody
I work with, Please, if I care about them, please
be careful who you vent to. Please, I beg you
bent to your family, bent to your friend. Do not

vent to anyone in this building that we stand in.

Speaker 2 (11:22):
Oh yeah, because that bent it's gonna spread like wildfire.
That's that's yeah. You have to be very careful about
who you vent to.

Speaker 1 (11:30):
I am a person that receives a lot of phone calls.
People love to vent to me, and one thing that
I pride myself, Carolina, is that stays with me. You
could tell me anything You'll never hear honey said this.
You'll never hear honey said that. But sometimes people call
me be like, oh my god, let me tell you
about such and such, and they start telling me things

that I'm like shocked. I'm like, and how do you
know this?

Speaker 2 (11:53):

Speaker 1 (11:53):
They were venting to me for like an hour. So
not everyone you vent to is going to keep that
information to themselves.

Speaker 2 (12:00):
Right, Well, then that's where you messed up, not you,
I'm saying, that's where the person messed up. They did
not choose the right person to vent to. So that's
for example, like you were saying, it's like vent to
your family. I vent to my friend who lives in LA.
She doesn't run my same circles. She knows zero people
that I work with. She knows everybody because I've told

her at length about everybody that you know what I mean.
So it's like, so she can follow along.

Speaker 1 (12:26):
He knows the characters.

Speaker 3 (12:28):
Exactly, exactly, so she knows all of the characters all
of their traits, so that when I do tell her
a story, she can follow along and she knows exactly
what I'm talking about.

Speaker 2 (12:40):
Safe person to vent to. You know, I am a vault.
If you tell me something, I am not going to
tell anybody else. But like, for example, Greg t my
co host, not a great person event to he's got
loose lips, he is not bright. And by the way,
I'm saying these things fully knowing that I said these

things to his face. That's the other thing too, It's like,
you will never hear me gossiping and saying something about
a person that I haven't said to their face, because
that is another thing. It's like, if you're gonna be
an adult, like you got to own what you say,
and you got to mean what you say, and if
somebody calls you out on it, be like, yeah, I
said it. That's how I feel about you, you know

what I mean. That's where I feel like gossiping can
go wrong because a lot of people love to run
their mouth, but then when they get caught on it.
So I didn't say.

Speaker 1 (13:28):
That, oh they gonna lie me, They're gonna lie right.
One thing that I like about gossip, Carolina is that
it has allowed me to identify who are my allies
and who are who can possibly beat a threat. I
know who I can speak to in confidence, whether it
be my primas. I have like probably thirteen primas I

know which partima I could talk to and it's never
gonna get out. I know which friends I can talk to.
I have some friends that are gossipings. I've had friends
tell me, oh so I told us such what you
did with this, And I'm like, why are you updating
people on me? And to me it comes up as
a form of gossiping about Oh no, I didn't do
bad intentions because I told this person about that you
did this and that you bought that, and I'm like,

please refrain from doing that, and that person I refrain
from sharing a lot of things with it, despite how
much I love them.

Speaker 2 (14:22):
Well, that's something that actually is a famous line of mine,
Like that's not my story to tell. Like if people
want to talk about you going out and buying things,
like maybe you put something on the grammar or what
whoever they got the information, if they're going to come
to me and ask me about it, I always like,
that's my famous line, Like that is not my story
to tell. Like if she wants to tell you about

her new door shoes, like ask her about it. Even
if you and I had a conversation, do you understand
what I'm saying? Because it's like there's a lot of
people that love to run and tell your business when
it's not their story to tell.

Speaker 1 (14:55):
Boy, dude, they and it's like, don't update no about me,
let me do it myself. That is one of my
biggest pet peeps. When I run into somebody and they're like, oh,
such and such told me you moved here. Oh, such
and such.

Speaker 2 (15:11):
Told me you bought your story to tell.

Speaker 1 (15:15):
Told me what have I hate that, Carolina, And you
know what, I will call you out and be like, hey,
I saw such and such person. They told me that
you told them what town I moved to. Please don't
do that anymore. Oh I didn't think it was about yes,
your gossip and asked ways it's affecting me because it's
affecting my privacy. And if you don't have nothing in

your life to talk about, don't bring me into your bocina. Please,
thank you and goodbye.

Speaker 2 (15:41):
No, totally, That's why I say. It's like, if there's
something like, for example, if you got like a crazy like,
that's why I said, like you got I'm making it up.
Do your shoes. You got this person you've been loving
and you've been like looking forward and you put it
on stories and somebody calls me and says, and I'd
be like, that's not my story to tell. You got

to call her. She is so excited about it. Boom.
I just avoided well because I'm not gonna gossip about you.
You're my friend. Do you see what I mean?

Speaker 1 (16:14):
It's like I do. I feel like one of the
number one things that people in my circle gossip about
Carolina is Oh my god, I'll be like, I am
not pretty to everyone's plastic surgery journeys. D m her

be like, did you go to Miami? Did you go
to d R? I feel like it's a running thing.
I guess now because of social media and plastic surgery
is so normal. I feel like people always d m me, Hey,
you think, what do you be? The number one question? Oh?

You think this was a gastrink. I'm like, I don't
know what's wrong? You amaze?

Speaker 2 (17:03):
No, it's so true. But wait, you know, I think
you brought up a really good point because on social like,
you can't hide things anymore. If people are putting out there,
see I can, They're out there like, there's no denying that,
Like you put that out there, So of course people
are gonna ask and want to hear the story.

Speaker 1 (17:19):
But if you just upload a picture your captain, don't
say new titties, don't gossip Teta's girl. And if you
must know DM me and be like oh Colombia and Miami.

Speaker 2 (17:38):
Right, Like, you don't have to go around me and
ask everybody that knows me in my circle? Why not
come straight to the source, which, like, which brings up
another thing because I feel like gossiping about friends and
neighbors that's a whole other level of gossip than like
celebrity gossip. Like for me, I feel like celebrity gossip
is so innocent because number one, I'm never I'm not

the type of person to comment, Like if the New
York Post puts up a story, right, let's say Tom Cruise.
New York Post puts up a story about Tom Cruise,
and I'm like, oh, we think of Tom Cruise. I thout.
You know this is I would never write a comment
underneath unless it was something nice about a celebrity. Do

you know what I'm saying?

Speaker 1 (18:24):
Well, you're one out of a thousand, my queen. Let
me tell you this, because these celebrity gossip comments are us.

Speaker 4 (18:33):
Yeah, they're brutal, and I know that you actually got
in the game, like you are, well, you work for
digital for iHeartMedia, but like you had your own profile,
which a lot of people don't realize you had something.

Speaker 2 (18:45):
I mean, I don't know, am I making up the
number hundreds of thousands of followers? Like how many hundreds
of didn't you have? Like close to ridiculous number.

Speaker 1 (18:53):
Yeah, I was probably like three hundred thousand followers on
Instagram When I was brought to iHeart. I was brought
in as Honey German, celebrity news gossip blogger. I had
my website, I had my social media, and it was
pretty much like, come here and do the same thing
that you do for yourself, and come do it for
power one oh five to one. That's how I was
brought into the building.

Speaker 2 (19:14):
But you were doing but you were doing your own
I remember you used to put it a little on
top of the like on top of it, so like
so people would steal your content and things like, yeah,
you were doing like I was doing that, Like I was.

Speaker 1 (19:26):
Doing listen, I was doing TMZ. I was on the
Angie Martinez Show as a celebrity news correspondent from the
first day I was in the building, like that was
my jam. I was known, I would breaking news, I
was putting the tea out there. That was my thing, Carolina,
for like probably like eight nine years, that was my thing.

Speaker 2 (19:46):
But then a lot of these celebrity gossip columnists and
people are really kind of moving away from it. And
there's like a whole big movement about why gossip is
bad for you, and how celebrity gossip has gotten so toxic,
and how people are trying to, like, you know, find
a different way to discuss their favorite celebrities. And I
do want to ask you something about whether or not

you think the social media aspect like totally killed that
for a lot of people. But we'll get into it
after the break. So, honey, we were discussing about like
celebrities and celebrity gossip, and a wave has happened where
I've just noticed, like there are so many actresses and
singers and performers and artists that are completely giving up

social media. Like before they used to even have a
fence toa and now they're not even bothering with that.
Like Selena Gomez is the biggest one that comes to
mind for me because she's consistently one of the most
followed people on social media, and she's made statements people
on how like it's just so toxic, Like she can't
read comments. Her team has even started to like monitor

not started, They've done it for years, but they had
to start monitoring her social media. Yeah, they gave her
a phone without the apsoluded on there. Like, do you
think that celebrity gossip took like a major turn?

Speaker 1 (21:07):
It is one of the reasons why I scaled back,
and even though I still consumed it, I no longer
wanted to be known as a celebrity gossip reporter, blogger,
or writer. And it is because with Instagram came the
freedom for people to be toxic, just vile, just disgusting,

against kids, against celebrities, and my comments section was just
people fighting each other and you know, just negativity. Then
I started to have to filter the comments and delete
the comments, and then there was bigotry and racism, and
I was like, Yo, what am I doing here?

Speaker 2 (21:46):
Do I then you're associated with that, you know, like
if you don't police it or if you don't monitor it,
then people think that like then it's cool to speak
on those things in that manner. On your page and
you don't want that.

Speaker 1 (21:58):
Yeah, My page was just dangerous, toxic. You know. There
was homophobic slurs, there was racial slurs. It was just like,
I don't want this to be my claim to fame,
my legacy. That's what That's not what I want to
put out in the universe. I enjoyed it before Instagram

and Facebook and TikTok and everything became so toxic against celebrities,
and then I slowly scaled back, and then eventually I
just never posted celebrity news again. Every now and then
I'll post something positive or if I see a cool video.
I struggled with being able to post positive celebrity news
because it doesn't always happen and it's not really what

people want to consumes.

Speaker 2 (22:42):
So sad.

Speaker 1 (22:43):
So I just said, I'm just gonna fall back, you know,
like I'm just gonna leave the celebrity gossip blogging to
other bloggers. There was a gossip blogger. Her name was
Nicole Bitchy, and she was one of the ogs of
this celebrity Oh wasn't she like betches or something like that. Yeah,
she just one day she shut out the site. She
flipped it into a positive website. You know, it was

like it was like Press Hilton, Nicole, Bitchy Me, TMZ
Media Takeout, like we were like the Circle. And one
day Carolina she said, I'm out of here. I don't
want to do this no more. This is just not
fulfilling in any way, shape or form, and she left
the industry and she does positive content. And that's same
man goal that I took because of how vile these

comments are. And the Bochica is fun, but when it
gets dangerous and some of these celebrities they feel like
they don't want to live anymore because of what they
read in these Bocinica posts.

Speaker 2 (23:40):
Well, that's why I was That's why I was saying
too about like the comments, Like I know this guy
I used to read delist it all the time. He left.
He decided that he wasn't gonna do it anymore. Prez
Hilton went through Press goes through these different like it's
really hard to kind of put your finger on it
because there are times where he's like said that he's
not going to speak negatively about people and then goes
back to it and then he's not and then you know,

so like I think that like Perez has gone through
many many different like evolutions, through this whole like gossip train,
which he was. He was one of the real ogs,
and credit where credit is due. He was out there
doing things before anybody even knew about blogging and you know,
putting up celebrity gossip and stuff. So I do give
him a lot of credit. But now I met him.

Speaker 1 (24:25):
I met Perez one time and I said, you are
my dad, and Wendy Williams is my mom. And he
had such a good laugh. Shout out to him. He's
a Kubano, he's one of ours, and he just had
such a good laugh. But thinking back at it, Wendy
was toxic in her ways. Poresz was toxic in his ways.

Did I really want to.

Speaker 2 (24:46):
Be seeing that? Yeah?

Speaker 1 (24:48):
Yeah, I said, no, I'm gonna sit down. I'm gonna
go back to my original parents.

Speaker 2 (24:54):
No, You're like, Okay, you were a great mom and dad,
but now I want my birth mom. You know, I
feel like Perez too, gets a bad rap because it's
like everybody lives a life, right, and what you were
doing ten years ago, you probably wouldn't be doing that
same thing now now that you're ten years older. You
know what, I mean, so I think that like people
were really really hard on pres because he was really

really hard on celebrities. But I definitely think that he's
gone through it.

Speaker 1 (25:19):
He was the og of this. There was not you know,
there was no Shade Room, there was no Baller Alert,
there was no there's no guide, there was no podcast
or anything like. There was no face. We had, uh,
what's the magazine, the National Acchoir. We didn't know the face.
We had people magazine, We didn't know the face. Perez
put his face out there when he spoke out against

these celebrities.

Speaker 2 (25:42):
So of course, yeah, no, definitely, And I feel like
he was one of the first like disruptors, if you will,
of the industry because everybody would always go to like,
for example, like page six. A lot of people don't
know that Perez started page six to sixty six, so
that was like, as you know, And I actually I
met him. I feel like I met him when I

started in Miami in two thousand and three. Oh no, no, no,
when I moved to New York. I think we like
reached out to each other a couple of times via email,
and then we met when I moved to New York
in two thousand and five and just seeing how he
he got sued by page six for trademarking, if I
remember correctly, So this guy has been through it, you know.

So like if you want to talk about gossip, like
he made gossip his profession something that he loved and
something that he loved to like read into in the
celebrity ass angle, and like I made quite a great
living for himself and his family. You thank goodness, you
know what I mean. So it's just like there are
different ways to gossip. But like what I was saying
to you before, I have never felt compelled. I may

think it in my head, oh my gosh, get s
boopy that, you know, like whatever, like because like a
lot of these celebrities are doing just dumb things all
the time, you know, But I would never take it
upon myself because that's my name, and that's also me
putting out negativity in the universe. I guess, like when
I'm I'm saying is, I can think it in my head,
but I'm never one of those people to like comment
underneath on social media or to make somebody feel even worse,

you know.

Speaker 1 (27:09):
And you know what, Carolina, I look at people a
weird way now when I see them commenting negatively underneath
like a celebrity's post, because you know, when you follow
somebody like that comment is like at the top and
it sticks out. I'm like, oh wow, you're over here
commenting on Cardi's new surgery. You're weirdo, right, No, that's why.

Speaker 2 (27:28):
That's exactly why. And then if like we follow the
same people, then you know that I liked that post
and you see that because I'm verified it might be
up near the top. Then hell yeah.

Speaker 1 (27:40):
And I being toxic and this celebrity's comment, somebody be like,
you'll be here trying to contribute to this person's demise.

Speaker 2 (27:47):
No, and that's the reason why I have made a commitment,
like and this was not even something that was like
for any reason. I'm only here to spread light and goodness,
like if somebody's having a baby, congratulating shits, Oh my gosh,
the baby's beautiful. Like I know Beyonce is not gonna
see me commenting on Roomy and Sir Carter, but like
I'm putting love out there, you know what I mean.

Like I would never be one of those people to
be like, ooh, it looks like blue Ivy is getting
well whatever. The people are just off people.

Speaker 1 (28:16):
People are nuts, and I've made that a point. I
don't comment on social media unless I am being positive,
encouraging and loving. So we're on the same wavelengths for once,
Carolina for sure, no, and.

Speaker 2 (28:29):
We're gonna keep it going. But you know what, like
here's something I want to leave everybody just with like
a little note, you know, because you're gonna find people
in your life that you know, you might be chill
with them, you might be buddied up with them, and
you guys can like get together and tell stories and stuff.
But always, always, always watch out for the person who's
telling stories about everybody, because that person is going to

be telling stories about you. And that's the person that
I do not gossip with. I can hang out with
that person if they're going to tell me, you know, X,
y Z about this person whatever, but that's exactly the
type of person that I would never you will not
find me gossiping with them because I know that whatever
I tell them, it's going to be repeated, and it

may not be repeated accurately. Do you feel me, like
you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 1 (29:21):
Yeah, it's just on Hank they they gather information. And
when somebody comes to me and they're telling me gossip
and gossip and I'm like, who are you talking about, Oh,
my cousin's friend's cousin, I'm like, nah, this person is
wild and got mental problems. I am never telling you
anything about my life. So I second that statement, Carolina.

Speaker 2 (29:44):
Yeah, just watch out for the people that are that
are knowing too much about everybody else's business, because then
that means that they are going to be letting other
people know your business. So that's why I said, it's
different like venting and gossiping. Like I will vent to
my closest closest friends and family because I know it's
a safe space. And I can feel a certain type
of way at three o'clock today and I can feel

like a totally different way tomorrow at seven am. And
I have that freedom because these are people who love
and protect me, and I feel like I can trust them,
you know. But like, definitely look out for the people
who are always telling stories about everybody else, because they're
gonna be telling stories about you. Boom. The more you know,
there you go, Ima will and most Gus. That's it.

And on that note, you know what, guys. Hit us
up at l spanglish. Let us know what do you
guys think about this whole thing, Like, is gossip really toxic?
Or does it bring your community together? We want to
know how you feel about it.

Speaker 1 (30:41):
Hit me up on a Gram. I am Honey German.

Speaker 2 (30:44):
And I'm at the Real Carolina and we'll meet you
guys back here next week, So make sure you join us.

Speaker 1 (30:52):
Lifense Banglish is a production of Life and S Banglash
Productions in partnership with Iheart's Micufuda podcast network.
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