All Episodes

May 9, 2024 • 32 mins
Is a hike a date Allison sure doesn't think so. Also would you pay $400 for a pineapple!? Speaking of pineapples, know the difference in fake a real varities of them scored someone Chappell Roan tickets. Fun facts about ticks that make you allergic to meat, and who's the A-hole when it comes to the shared wedding ring bill?
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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This is for you six share ofmy show and this is how you don't
do it. Thanks Lebron, allour friends we miss you. Not really
welcome into your Wednesday program. Let'sget into it first with good vibes,

good things happening in your life.We want to hear all about it.
Reach out to us via the texttwo one six s ninety six five.
Oh, you can call or text. It is the same number. Good
things happening. I'll spread one withyou right now. I got soap in
my eye in the shower. It'sa good vibe. Let me get there.
I was bathing myself today. Sorryfor the visual, but as I

was, I believe I was upscrubbingmy arm. SuDS just crept into my
right eye and I felt it immediately. I felt to burn. I did
learn and this is the good vibethat I can clean my body with my
eyes closed shower. I'm sorry,but you know what, maybe try it.
Maybe it's a skill you can pickup today too. All right,

you get other good vibes you wantto spread, Please reach out to the
show on that free iHeartRadio app.Click the Lord of Red microphone. You
give le me a message. There, we got tickets to see her and
her Missy and Cil Sierra, MissyElliott and Sierra coming it down with bus
and Timbaland tickets at two thirty.I need someone to get Taylor or Jack
Antonoff or post Malone to confirm thatsong was written with it. Some sort

of thought had to go behind thegame. There right sit here on Maya
Show ninety six to five KISSFM.Missy Elliot tickets on the way twenty minutes
from right now. You can gethooked up here on Kiss FM. Good
vibes at all times, good thingshappening in your life. Please tell us
all about it. You can textit in two one six five seventy ninety
six five. Oh you get youriHeartRadio app open. Thank you for that.

Also, you're welcome because it's free. Click the little red microphone.
It comes to me right here inthe studio, Alyssa, what you got
spread the good vibes? Tell mesomething good that happened to you today for
the first time. Hey, yeah, Now you said on the toilet.
How many times does it happen?Not not in a diaper or not on
a toilet? So it has happenedtwice to see and then We've had an

accident elsewhere as well. Listen,boys will be boys, and we will
pee anywhere. I'm sorry you thoughtI was just referring to when you're a
baby. We will still do itas a grown ass adult, so just
be ready for it, all right, thank you. Less than ten minutes
away from getting hooked up with MissyElliott Ticket. She's bringing Sierra and Buster

rhymes with her to Rocking Mortgage fieldHouse right now. Good vibes, so
good thing's happening in your life.Emily's got some force. Emily, tell
me something God, that happened toyou today. For the rest of the
enjoy the weather you got. Yougot off of work earlier. Is this
the normal time you get off?It just got off early? Look at
you? How did you manage that? Did you mess up and get written
up? Oh no, I've beendoing a good job, so they let

me get out early. I loveit. What kind of work you do,
Emily? At a bank? Theylet bank people out early? Are
they like we gave all the moneyaway? Go ahead, Emily, go
spend your rest of your day outthere. I'm making sure everyone's doing good,
so I'm making sure it's I loveit. Keep kicking ass out there.
And by the way, if there'sany extra money laying around at your

bank, you just holler at youboy. All right, that's how that
works, right. I heard thatMissy Elliot tickets two songs from now on
kiss Flip it reverse It is thegame. Jeremiah Show is the show on
ninety six five Kiss FM. MissyElliot tickets are on the line for Color
twelve. It's Lauren in Broadview Heights. Lauren, Good afternoon, haycar all
Laur welcome into the program. Sothis game, fun fact. I created

this game way back when I wasa little baby DJ at the University of
Actor because of missy Elliott's song workit. So it's lasted all these years,
and now we're giving away missy Elliottickets while playing the game. I
don't know if anyone cares as muchas I do. I think it's cool.
All right, Lauren, I've takena song we play here on Kiss

FM. I flipped it. I'vereversed it. You're not going to understand
it right away, but you maybe able to figure it out by listening
to it. Okay, okay,all right, good luck? Give me
title an artist of this song,Lauren, that's a song you've heard on
Kiss FM before. What is thetitle of an artist of that song?
If you're right, you would MissyElliott tickets? Oh idea? And do

you just want to say? What'sthis? What's the first song that comes
to mind? Maybe it'll come outvia osmosis. I'll give you a shot
here. Don't overthink it. Justlet the words flow. Just make sure
they're not bad words that come outof your mouth. Can you play it
again? No, I'm not playingit agaf I oops, I stopped it.

Lauren in Broadview Heights. I sayto you once again, what's your
answer? Told that? Because I'mnot sure? Oh sorry? Two one
six five seven eight ninety six five. Oh guys, guys, what's what
song? Is this right here?If you know the title and artist of

that song, you will be asMissy Allen when she comes to Rocking Mortgage
field House in August good Luck twoone six five seventy ninety six five.
Oh, I said, like Isaid, I don't know what Tojia Cat
is doing right now on Instagram forthe past like a week or so.
But I'm here for because I feellike she's messing with us. So Jeremiah
Show a ninety six five Kiss FMhooking up with Missy Elliott tickets because it's

what we do. We just hookyou up all the time. Twenty one
Savage tickets about an hour from rightnow and then sold out Chapel Round tickets
at four point thirty on the show, just to get that on your radar.
We're still trying to give away theseMissy tickets. It's let's go to
our next contestant. It is Olivia. She's in the ak rody it leve
me good afternoon, a girl.Hey, do we have an audience with

us? Who's who's there? Who'sthere with you? I thought I heard
a laugh in the background. Itis I'm getting my nails done, So
it's my Yeah, what's your nailsstylist name? Ashley? You can shout
them out only if they have kissFM on the speakers. Tell you be
honest with me right now. That'swhy we are calling you. Yes,
shout it out. Where are gettingyou nails done? She has her own

business Green Yep Nails by Ashley,Nails by Ashley and Green. There you
go. Thanks for having us on. We appreciate you for that all right?
Flip and reverse. It's the game. I'm gonna play you this song.
It's flipped in reverse. Tell metitle an artists? Okay? Okay,

Olivia, what song is that?Okay? I feel like it's the
song. It's a lot of what'sthe title of artist? I need the
title of artist of the song?Okay? Waste of Time by Wasted Time
by mo is correct? I'm sorry, Olivia, that's not I believe,
and if I'm not mistaken, Ibelieve she is singing the right lyrics.

I think she's got the title anartist wrong. But thank you for playing.
I appreciate you. Jennifer's up next. She's in north Ridgeville. Jennifer,
good afternoon. Hey girl, Hi, Am I right? I don't
want to know if you know theanswer yet? But am I right?
Does it sound like she's singing theright melody but sang the wrong song?
Correct? Okay? Correct? Oh? She sounds confident? All right,

Jennifer for Missy Elliott tickets, tellme what song this is, Jennifer,
Title and artist is what I need? What is it? It's Feather's Carpenter.
That is right? You were,Jennifer. You're going to Missy Ellie.
Congratulations, friends, thank you somuch. You are so very welcome.

I can't wait to tell your kidsyou said we were muffled there.
It's gonna be an amazing show becauseit's Missy Elliott, it's Bust to Rhymes,
it's Sierra, it's Timberland. Theroof is going to blow off the
place, maybe literally. I don'tknow what Buster carries with them. Awesome,
Jennifer, congratulations, have the besttime in the world. Okay,
thank you so am all right,don't go anywhere. I'm gonna get more
info from you if you want towin Missy Ellie tickets. Will do that

again tomorrow at two thirty right hereon the cher On Maya Show. Another
shot to win at ninety six fiveKISSFM dot com. But don't go anywhere
hookups continuing. That'd be a thousandbucks for you next day, am I.
Hey, your bills win one thousanddollars. We got twenty one Savage
tickets on the way for you onthe chero On Maya Show. It's ninety
six five Kiss FM. After threethirty we'll hook you up with those.

Also all new Ghosted on the Waywith Tucker and Allison. How their date.
Go We've got a hop killer ratokay, Uh, find out exactly
what happened and if we can getthem back to get They're coming up at
three thirty on the show. Areddit has a section called am I the
A hole? You've probably seen ita bunch of times. Normally just kind
of lives where it lives. Everyonce in a while, it makes it

to the news cycles, and thisstory made it to Fox eight and I
did this? What this twenty yearedwoman says her husband did. What he
did was by her engagement ring andis now expecting her to help pay for
it. It's a little broad strugallowed me to get more specific, so
she's upset she's helping to pay forher own engagement ring. She says her

husband bought the eight thousand dollars twocare diamond ring and proposed when he did
that he bought it on a paymentplan. Once they got married, they
merged their finances and she soon realizedthe man was taking money from their joint
account every month to make payment.She says, we've been having some arguments
lately and feels that the ring isa or he feels the ring is a

wedding expense, and it's only fairI contribute towards it. And that's this
one isn't open. It's case thatas a woman of this day, I
shouldn't hesitate to be an equal partner. Not great wording. I hope we
really didn't say it forbade him likethat, because that's not helping him.
So the wife describe her wedding ashaving no frills. As a couple planning
to save for a house. Shecalls her husband's move tacky and explain.

Now he wants her to apologize,She says, I if I know,
and I've been paying for the ring, I would have agreed to buy it.
Mutual consent is essential when a coupleis deciding to invest in an asset
like a house or a car unit. Two yeses on that. I certainly
wouldn't have said yes to jointly owninga ring he was supposed to give to

me as a gift. So who'sthe jerk here? That's the question.
I'm curious what you guys think?Two one six five seven eight ninety six
five zero, Drop a text,give me a call, iHeartRadio app red
microphone boom, leave me a message, because I think and maybe I'm in
the minority. I'm pretty sure mostguys I'm included. My experience, I

put my wife's engagement ring, wasn'teight thousand dollars by the way, Just
by the way, I was justout of college. I put it on
a credit card, and I thinkwhen we finally paid it off, we
had hor finances combined by that point. So in that sense, I had
my wife help pay for her ownengagement ring. But is that such a
bad thing? That's the question Iwant to know, because I think if
you're agreeing to combine your finances intoone, it's going to end up your

helping quote unquote pay for it,or he's paying for it out of his
half, you know what I mean? Are we splitting hairs? Here?
Is it six and one hand halfdozen and the other number? Again,
you can text or call it.It's the same number. Two one,
six, five seven eight ninety sixfive? Zu. Should she be mad
she's having to quote pay for herown engagement ring? Now? Wait,

you want me to say, whatabout Jeremy. He's the Jeremiah Show.
He's funny, he's awesome, he'sso pretty. No, man, I
ain't saying none of that on ninetysix five kiss on that go so the
way less than five minutes from rightnow? Why did Tucker get left on
Red before that? Well, we'retalking about this. It's a story that
ended up on Fox eight from Reddit. Let's get to Luke. Now,

he's in Cleveland, lukeod afternoon.Welcome into the show. How are you
good? How you doing? I'mwell, let's catch everyone up this story
on Fox eight. It's from anam I the a hole post on Reddit
where the wife is upset she's helpingpay for her own engagement ring of eight
thousand dollars because it was on apayment plan. I'm assuming some sort of
credit card, and now that theirfinances are combined, she is technically paying

for that credit card. Do youhow do you feel about this, Luke?
Because I did the same thing tomy wife. Well, my thought
is, when you get married,you combined all of your debt. Is
he then bang for say she hasstudent loans or he has student loans?
Is she worried about for the studentloans because now your debts are now combined.

So once you get married, everything'scombined and you join everything. That
is great point. Yeah, No, I get so he and there is
in the post she puts the wordgift in capital letters, like is she
paying for her own gift? Butis I mean, is it a gift
or is it that's just a partof marriage to get it engaged? Like,
is it technically a gift? Iknow we're kind of splitting hairs here,

but now you know what I mean. Yeah, I mean I bought
I bought my wife's engagement ring outright, but that I saved up for a
long time to be able to dothat. Yeah, So I mean,
but yeah, I mean I thinkit's part of I mean, to be
able to do that. He knowsthat, he knows that this is as
you're like saying, Hey, you'regonna get married. This is the person

I'm gonna be with forever. Soyou yeah, you're both paying for it.
But I don't know if it's agift or if it's part of that
your footing hair. That's quite right, right, exactly, all right,
Luke, Hey, I appreciate youtrying, man, Thank you for listening.
No problem, take care, butall right, Christina north Holmstead,
good afternoon, Hey girl, HeyChristina, we got to do We got

two dudes' opinions here me, ofcourse, with my dumb man opinion.
We also talked to Luke uh So, is is this guy's Is this girl's
husband a jerk for technically having herpay for the engagement ring? I don't
think So, Okay, why giveme the why because I feel I feel
he's not a jerk, but Idon't know if I'm properly articulating it.
So you use your brain, whichis much smarter than mine, to articulate

why you say he's not a jerk. I mean, I say, pay
for half of a water bill,half of a gas bill, half of
a I don't think. I meanyou split bills all around. So why
what's the difference between in the beginning, you combined your finances together. So
just because you didn't know about somethingdoesn't mean it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

It's there. Yeah, well,okay, let me let me jump
into devil's advocate because again, Christina, I am on your side. I
don't think he's a jerk. She'sclaiming this was a gift, and that's
why she finds it tacky. Sheis now having to pay for her own
gift. But can we consider awedding engagement ring a gift. It's an
eight thousand dollars two carrot diamond ring. I get your proposing, but is

it really a gift in the realworld. No, I don't consider that
a gift. Yes, even ifyou gifted a car, like if you
go out and buy your wife acar, or hey, I'm going to
get my husband a car, evenif I went and got my husband a
car. Yes, it's a gift. But we're gonna work together to pay
that car off. Yeah, Ilove it. Well, you know we're

going to make sure it's paid offtogether, that we're together. I love
it. Christina, thank you somuch for chiming in. I appreciate you.
Thank you for listening. Thank you. We'll talk to me day you'd
you buy ee? Bye? Hey, Barb, good afternoon, Hey girl.
Hey so Barbi, you're the onlyone so far and not putting you
out there. You're the only onesaying that this guy is a jerk for
making his wife quote unquote pay forher own engagement ring because he bought it

eight thousand dollars. That's a bigold ring. And then they got married,
combined finances, and now they arepaying for it together. What's your
side here? I get that.But if you're gonna do that, first
discuss it with me, and ifyou need my help to pay it.
I don't need an eight thousand dollarsring. Yeah, well do you want
to miss good? If we're gonnaget married, I don't need anything that

expensive. Yeah. So one andtwo, if we're combining finances, don't
you think there should be something that'sdiscussed that's a big purchase. It is,
it's a huge praise. Well,you always see those commercials of the
guy that buys his wife a carfor Christmas. There's not one guy out
there that's doing that. He wouldget in so much trouble with his wife
if you just bought her a carfor Christmas. Look, I was married

for twenty years. It doesn't happenthat way. I know that. But
I mean, if you're if we'regoing to get married and we're going to
combine stuff, tell me you're doingthis. Yeah, at least discuss it
with me before good point. Yeah, No, I get it. I
get it. So a jerk inthat factor is where you're coming from.
I mean the ring. Trust me, no woman is going to turn down

a two carrot dimon ring. Soyou're saying me. You're saying it makes
it the jerk because he didn't giveher a heads up, like, hey,
I put this on a credit card. We're going to have to eventually
pay for it. Exactly. Thatmakes sense. You had to do was
discuss it. I mean discuss it. It wouldn't probably have been a problem.
Yeah. Well, hey, Barbar, I appreciate you calling in and
chime it in. Feel free todo so anytime. All right, all

right, thanks for listening. We'lltalk to you later. Bye. Right,
all right, let's get you aghost it next? What happened with
Tucker and Allison? Find out afterairplanes on The Jeremiah Show its Kids FM,
and stop staring at that red receiptsand lets the Jeremiah Show find out
why you got ghosted? Now fora famous ghost story, Tucker, welcome

into the show. Unfortunately Alison ghostedyou, but fortunately for us, that
brings us, brings you ghost sowe can try to fix it for you.
Why don't you catch us up towhere we're at with Alison. How
you guys met, if you guysbeen on days? How many? All
that stuff, and then we'll tryto give her a call. Yeah.
Well, first of all guys forhaving me Dan. Alison met a few

weeks ago in the flats. Iwas having a work cocktails and she was
just there with one of my coworkers. But yeah, we text a few
times, set up a date,went on said date, and then that's
a look at you out there meetingpeople in the wild like it's the nineteen
nineties. Right, No, allright, well, let's do this.
I do have to ask this.Anything weird happened on the date that was

like serial killery, Lifetime movie,I guess Netflix documentary style traits that you
might have let leak out, anythinglike that. No, nothing, nothing
comes to mind. Went pretty well. All right, Well, let's give
Alison a call once. You tostay on the phone with me. Don't
say anything right away. Let ustalk to her first, and then at
some point we'll bring you back intothe chat. All right, dude,
all right, Tucker, good luck, sir, thank you? Hello,

WHI is Allison available? Allison?It's a Jeremiah Show ninety six five Kiss
FM. Hey girl, I knowthat is a confusion. Hey, I've
heard it a million times. You'reon a segment we call ghosted. You
left a guy on Red that guy, being Tucker, we're here to kind
of find out on his behalf whyyou ghosted him. We tell us,
sure, because he didn't actually takeme out, didn't take you on it.

He didn't take you on a date. No, you didn't take me
on a date. Okay, that'sinteresting, that's not when he told us.
I'll tell you what what you hangon? I play a couple songs
and come back and then you cankind of tell us what you mean by
that because I'm a little lost.Yeah, sure, all right, let
me go the weekend now. Thenafter Benson Boone More ghosted on the Jeremiah
Show. It's ninety six five KissFM. Neven need a chick? M
want a chicken? Back in?You're ghosted? Apparently Tucker didn't take Alison

on a date. And that's wherewe sit today. Allison's still on the
phone with us. It's a JeremiahShow, ninety six five Kiss FM.
Allison, he said you went ona date. You're saying he didn't take
you on a date. We're kindof can what do you mean by he
didn't? I mean, explain whathappened? I guess, I guess,
well, I mean you could chargeit to semantics, but we didn't.
I didn't really feel like it wasa date. We hung out, but

in no way didn't feel date likebecause we went on a hike, which
to me is not a date.Oh okay, interesting, like we were
we were outdoors with like the middleof the afternoon, and we were all
sweaty and it was hot out,and there were all these animals making yeah,
making noises and wrestling in the trees, and we saw a hawk kill

a rat or something like that.It's a frog something. But it didn't
feel it felt like I get toknow you walk okay, okay, So
that I think we're differing on thedefinition of what a date is. Let
me bring Tucker back into the chat. He's actually been here the whole time.
I forgot to mention that. Sorry, Tucker, So you didn't take

her on. Why did what happenedwith the date? That isn't a date,
I guess, is my question.It was definitely a date. We
went on a hike because you toldme you liked the outdoors, so we
like to be outdoors. Not adate. That's a hobby. A date
is drinks and dinner. You don'twatch an animal murder another animal you didn't

put that on the agenda, Tucker, of things to do witness animal murder.
If you can't afford to actually takeme out, just admit that so
we can find some free, fundate like stuff. But it was not
it's not that at all. I'msorry I didn't take you to dinner.
I was just, you know,trying to think outside the box a little,

not do the dinner drinks thing,maybe something a little different. But
clearly that didn't work. Well,stay inside the box. Next time,
we'll just we'll call that one.And now, so no chance of another
date, Allison, because of thebecause of the hike and the animal murder.
That not doing it for you,that murdering that that small animals and

printed in my memory. Like Isaid, I don't even remember what animally
was, but I do remember therewas death. And I don't like to
take sides in these situations, butit seems like Tucker he was really trying
to be thoughtful, right, andhe was like, oh, you mentioned
you like the outdoors, maybe ahike would be a cool date. I
mean, after hearing his reasoning,nothing, I mean, it doesn't make
you maybe want to try dinner andcocktails with him, it's a no for

me. Well, we appreciate boththe times. Tucker, I'm sorry didn't
work out. Dude, Yeah,I mean, I guess I hate Hawks
now too. I don't know.Are you coasting? Slide into our dms
at Jayshow Radio, and we'll getto the bottom of it on The Jeremiah
Show. Look ups continue on TheJeremiah Show. It's ninety sixty five Kiss
fum this hour at four point thirtyChapel Round tickets. That's a sold out

show at Jacob's Pavilion. But rightnow, let's talk to you Kelly and
O'Leary. She's called twelve Kelly,good afternoon, Hey girl days. What
are you doing today. I'm justgetting off of work. I'm driving home
right now. What are we doingtonight? Any big plans? Were going
not to dinner? Were just havingcocktails on the patio? Talk to me
here. I'm taking a nap.Oh, let's go. I'll love a

little napski around four thirty. That'sperfect. Is that about your commute time?
You'll be on about four thirty heresomewhere are you you crush that nap
and enjoy just knowing that you're goingto see twenty one Savage at Blossom in
a couple of weeks. Let's go, Oh my god, thank you so
much. You are so welcome.Blossom season is upon us. Have you
been shopping for your blossom attire yet? Yep, I have not. Well,

now you got a reason to doso, because you're going to see
twenty one Savage on the twenty ninth. Enjoy that. Yeah, yeah,
thank you. I appreciate that.You're so welcome. Kelly, sit tight
for me. I'm gonna get moreinfo from you. Okay, Okay,
thank you, You're welcome. Bye, I'm saying byes. I'm putting you
on hold on it. Okay,we got more hookups on the way for
you this hour. We're gonna gocommercial free and he'll get but chapelrone tickets

at four thirty other Jeremiah Show ninetysix five Kiss. They can't just see
sit here on my show ninety sixto five Kiss FM. Coming up hooking
up with those solo chapel roam ticketsthat is on the way four point thirty.
We'll go commercial free for that aswell. We've talked about pineapples were
like they were very rare in theseventeen eighteen hundred, so much so people

would rent them to have parties.Well, del Monte has developed their own
four hundred dollars pineapple, a fourhundred dollar piece of fruit that you're going
to eat, so it takes twoyears to grow. Only a few thousand
are being released into the market.It's called a Ruby Glow, a rare
hybrid pineapple features a reddish pink exteriorand comes individually packaged in an intricate or

agami style box. They want fourbills for that bad boy, four hundred
dollars. They're saying it's all justifiedbecause it's only a few thousand of the
are going to be made. Ijust don't know. So it joins the
ranks of other Frankin fruits if youwill, Like we just talked about the

other the other day Monday on theshow Right that broccoli is man made.
If you miss that, grab thepodcast iHeartRadio app where we get your favorite
podcasts, Mini honey Glow personal sizedpineapple, and you have the Pink Glow
pineapple. Am I missing something?Am I just that not rich that?
I don't know? You can getpersonalized Franken fruit pineapples that are like different

colors. I know for me personally, when a pineapple ends up in my
house, it always ends up rottedbefore it gets cut. That's facts,
all right. Stick around Chapel Roadtickets. Sold out Chapel Road tickets on
the line. It's the here onmy show. We're commercial free on ninety
six to five. Kissam. Ihad these for you for the past couple

of weeks because we know you wantto be there. We knew it was
sold out with your hook up station, so that's exactly what we do is
get them for you. Let's getto our first contest and hopefully they pull
it off. I'm pulling for him. I always want you to win.
Color twenty is Matthew and Strongsville.Matthew, good afternoon, welcome into the
program. How we feel it,I'm feeling great today. Sold out Chapel

Roone, I'm well, thank youfor asking. Sold out Chapel Roon.
Come to Jacob Civilian. Are youbumms? You didn't score tickets when you
could purchase them. I was reallybombed. I'm a huge Chapel Roon.
Well, we've got your back nowwe're your hook up station. The game
is really fake pineapple variety. Welearned just a few minutes ago that there
is a four hundred dollars pineapple outthere, Matthew, that exists. Yeah,

that's nonsense, I heard. Yeah. Well, thank you for listening
for an extended period of time.It keeps me employed. Matthew. All
right, let's do this. I'vegot a list of varieties of pineapple summer
reel, some I made up.I'll give you. I'll give you a
chance to get three out of fiveand you win. Okay, So that
means you can miss two of these. Okay, that sound great. A

dramatic music, Matthew, and awaywe go. Realer fake pineapple I know,
right? Or chapel of Ronan ticketsis a ripley pineapple? A real
or fake variety of pineapple? Ripleypineapple, A ripley pineapple. Let's see.
I am thinking that that one isfake. That is real. Listen.

I just googled these, actually,I asked. I heard AI for
them, so I can't really tellyou anything more than the name. But
that is a real one. Butthat's okay, you've missed one. Say
that again. You've got a fewmore chances. How about a more Delonia,
more Delonia or a more Delona.I'm not really sure if I'm pronouncing
that right. More Dolona or moreDolonia your choice there, realer fake pineapple,

a more Dolona. Yeah, butyou're not sure how to say it.
So that's thrown me off. Whatwith your gun? That's a real
pineapple, Matthew. That's correct.That is a real pineapple, Mordlonia pineapple.
Well, that's what we'll call it, all right? You got one,
only two more to win? Howabout it? Roughly pineapple? Is
it roughly pineapple? A real orfake pineapple? Roughly a rough pineapple.

It sounds like it's kind of likea fluffy pineapple, you know, fluffy
pineapple. Matthew, my nickname inhigh school. I think that is a
fake pineapple. It is a fakepineapple. All right, we're doing all
right. We've got to right onemore for the win. Deep breath,
Okay, A giant Q pineapple giantq spelled k e w real or fake

pineapple? Giant q q Q orq k e w is how they spell
it or they don't that it soundsbig. That's got to be a real
pineapple. Oh my gosh, Matthew, that's right, you are. Oh

my gosh, Chapel Roan, You'regonna see her in all her glory.
Now we call Taylor mother. Whatdo we call Chapel? Does she have
a title yet, Chapel. Ithink she is the next Princess of pop.
He's coming for Olivia's title. Ohwow, we've got a battle going
on in Matthew sparking the flame.I love it, dude, Matthew,
you're gonna be it. Sold outChapel aroone. I know your speechless.

You don't know what to say.You're probably shaking. You might have peed
yourself. I don't know. Yes, it's happening. It's a thing.
Oh my god. Congratulations. Thankyou so much, Jeremiah, thank you
so much for listening. I appreciateyou. I'm gonna put you on hold
and get some more info from you. It's funny you said OMG, because
I mean this is this is schedule. I didn't do it. What's Chapel
Roan tomorrow four thirty on Kiss FM. Guys, See, let's be smart

about this. I'm smart, sosmart. It's time to smart you up,
Cleveland. We're not gonna be thestupid people. Anymore with Jeremiah's fun
fact of the day, I seea Michael Jordan. In fact, we're
not going to and I've done toomany. I've done too many. He
still did the shot knowledge nugget foryou, My fellow meat lovers, stay
out of Eastern US and Mexico.What all right? Lone star tis can

give you an indefinite allergy to redmeat if they bite you. They're found
in most of the Eastern US andMexico. They're also called turkey tics or
Northwestern water ticks. I'm sorry Isaid that, rock because apparently I'm moving.
That's what's happening right now. ClevelandNumber one kicks ninety six Kiss FM.

Tip your genius today on the eachOnmia Show. It's ninety six five
kiss FN. Someone who's done somethingso stupid. Anything you've done pales in
comparison. Let's jump across the pond, shall we. I'm not attempting an
English accident. Four men have beencharged with importing a half a ton of
cocaine into the UK after it wasdiscovered in a van parked in the car
lot of a pub in East Yorkshire. The discovery was worth about fifty million

dollars led to the arrest following ajoint operation including involving the National Crime and
Agency, local police, to organizedcrime units and Border of Force. That's
a much cooler name. By theway, they all appeared in court and
had move been remanded to their hearingin June. You've got five people involved

in this wondering why we just parkedin a car lot just hanging out.
It's like being down on West Sixth. It's just a car full of fifty
million dollars in cocaine while they're justin there having pints a Guinness. This
is why I will always say anothergreat reason why they lost the war.

Thank you guys. That's up.Thanks for listening to The Jeremiah Show on
demand. I Love this show.For more, find us on TikTok,
Instagram and more at J Show RadioMondays two to six on ninety six five
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