All Episodes

May 7, 2024 64 mins

The Jubal Show is on the radio all over the country. They are unafraid to tackle the topical world we live in, and can’t get enough of the drama. Nothing is sacred, and nothing is off limits on The Jubal Show.

Join Jubal, Nina, Victoria, Executive Producer Brad, and Producer Sharkey, and their listeners on a journey through romance, secrets, pop culture, and pranks.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Whatever fun all you hooligans are getting yourselves into today.
Just know I am five steps ahead of all of you.
What are you guys doing to have a blast? Probably
something amazing? What am I doing to have a ball?

Speaker 2 (00:11):

Speaker 1 (00:12):
I'm trying to place all of the US states on
the map in under a minute with one hundred percent.

Speaker 3 (00:16):
Accuracy a geography for fun.

Speaker 1 (00:19):
I really hope you guys are having an awesome time
out there.

Speaker 4 (00:22):
It's the Jubile Show.

Speaker 5 (00:24):
Do you guys remember the Metaverse, Facebook's virtual reality world. Yeah,
it seems like that was huge news years ago, but
it wasn't that long ago. And when's the last time
you visited the Metaverse?

Speaker 6 (00:36):
What that? Yeah?

Speaker 4 (00:39):
Nobody did.

Speaker 5 (00:40):
That's why there's a thread going viral of things that
were supposed to be the next big thing but fizzled out. See,
sometimes failure can be funny. We'll go over right after this. Also,
if there's something you thought was going to be the
next big thing that fizzled out, call us eighty eight
three four three one six one text in we'll do
it next.

Speaker 4 (00:56):
It's the Jubal Show.

Speaker 6 (00:57):
What's that, Johnny?

Speaker 3 (00:59):
You haven't heard?

Speaker 5 (00:59):
The is why people all over town and talking about it.
It's gonna be all the rage. I tell yeah, they're
making three D televisions. Why it'll be like Greta Garbo
is dancing away in your living room, Johnny Okay with
the Times. It's all about three D TVs these days,
except no, they disappeared. It's the Jewil Show that was

the real thing. Yes, hyped up, but it fizzled out.
And nobody has a three D TV.

Speaker 7 (01:27):
But they got those glasses in the VR stuff right,
which also fizzled out pretty much.

Speaker 5 (01:34):
Oh, there's a thread going viral of things that were
supposed to be the next big thing but just sort
of fizzled out. If you remember any call us up
eight eight eight three four three six one, text in
four to one o six one. Google Plus, do you
guys remember that?

Speaker 6 (01:48):

Speaker 4 (01:49):
I do you do?

Speaker 8 (01:50):
Producer bread? As a tech nerd, I remember this very well.
It was Google's answer to all the social network crazes. Yep,
it was supposed to be a social network. They were
supposed to arrive Facebook, but like I don't understand, Like,
if you have a Gmail, then it's like all of
your like Google friends are like now your social network.
But you could just email them.

Speaker 4 (02:10):
Yeah, well no, no, it wasn't actual social media.

Speaker 8 (02:13):
There was a website, yeah, Google Plus, and you can
go to it and do comment on people's stuff and
they post pictures and videos.

Speaker 6 (02:19):
And an app. It's a nice try. It makes sense.

Speaker 4 (02:23):
It went away real quick, which.

Speaker 8 (02:25):
Is wild because they have the biggest they have the
most amounty users ever of anything, right mail.

Speaker 5 (02:29):
Yeah, except their stuff is terrible, Like it's so cool.
Drive is so hard to find anything.

Speaker 6 (02:36):
They keep changing it and yeah, they change it all
the time.

Speaker 4 (02:39):
It's ridiculous.

Speaker 5 (02:41):
How about the metaverse, Facebook's alternate reality virtual space that
was supposed to be huge.

Speaker 7 (02:46):
I have a question about this because my cousin's fiance
purchased a bunch of real estate quote unquote in the metaverse.

Speaker 6 (02:54):
I'm probably not supposed to be talking about this.

Speaker 4 (02:55):
But what oh really, Yeah, people were doing that when
it came out.

Speaker 7 (02:59):
He puts so much an investment in that, and they're like,
this is our future, this is what it's going to be.
So what happened to all the money and stuff that
you put into this not real world?

Speaker 6 (03:07):
Why would you put money into a not real world?

Speaker 5 (03:09):
I thought about it mostly because I was all these
people Snoop Dogg was buying stuff in the metaverse. All
these people were buying virtual real estate in the metaverse.

Speaker 6 (03:18):
But what does that do? You can't actually go live
on it.

Speaker 4 (03:21):
I don't know how it works.

Speaker 5 (03:22):
It was supposed to be huge, Yeah, it was supposed
to be the next big thing, Like soon everybody's going
to be indoors hanging out with their glasses on in
the metaverse and not going an actual outside, which is sad.

Speaker 4 (03:34):
But it went away real quick, fizzled out real quick. Well,
it's like the movie Ready Player one.

Speaker 8 (03:39):
I think that's the goal, right, which, Yeah, there's a
movie called Ready Player one where everybody's just in their
headsets and the whole movie takes place inside the game. Yeah,
but I think that the metaverse thing was supposed to
be more than gaming. But I think it still exists
and people still use it, but it's definitely for games.

Speaker 5 (03:55):
Right, Going over as the read this's going viral of
things that were supposed to be the next big thing
that just sort of fizzled out. Somebody texted in at
four one O six one and said, collapsible phones.

Speaker 6 (04:05):
I kind of like those. I don't know what to collapse.
I've never seen.

Speaker 5 (04:09):
There's like those ones that kind of fold up. I think,
aren't they a flip phone? No, not like an old
flip phone, like the ones that bend in half.

Speaker 6 (04:15):
Oh, like the Samsung bend in half ones.

Speaker 5 (04:18):
Folding phones they still have, they have them, but they're
not thing. Yeah, nobody buys them. I think one of
our salespeople here has one.

Speaker 6 (04:26):
Really, are you sure that's not a flip phone? No,
I'm telling you.

Speaker 4 (04:29):
It folds in half sideways that the other way.

Speaker 6 (04:33):

Speaker 4 (04:33):
The only person I've ever known that actually the second one.

Speaker 5 (04:35):
When they first came out, everybody's like, I'm getting one,
and then nobody got one.

Speaker 4 (04:38):
It's also his second phone.

Speaker 6 (04:40):
I got to talk to him.

Speaker 4 (04:40):
I got an interesting life outside of here.

Speaker 5 (04:42):
Call up eight eight eight three four three six one,
text in four one o six one? What's something you
remember that was supposed to be huge but then went away?

Speaker 4 (04:49):
Hey Deshaun, Hey, what's going on?

Speaker 6 (04:53):
What was up?

Speaker 9 (04:53):

Speaker 6 (04:53):
How are you?

Speaker 10 (04:55):

Speaker 11 (04:55):
It's crazy because this topic right here is my topic
because man, I tried everything. Man, I still do, Like
I'm so optimistic when it comes to like, uh, the
future product. Like the reason why is because I had
bigcoin when it was like two dollars. Guess what I

did what?

Speaker 6 (05:17):
I bought a lot of it.

Speaker 11 (05:19):
Got rid of it. I had a lot of bit.
I was like, oh my, if I can cuss on
the radio, I would cut right now. I had a
lot of bigcoin at two dollars a pop.

Speaker 5 (05:31):
Oh man, I'm always late to that kind of stuff.
It takes me forever to jump on. And then I'm like,
all right, I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna get some bitcoin.
And then I log on there like there's no bitcoin available.

Speaker 6 (05:39):
Some bitcoin held. Bitcoin is still a thing.

Speaker 4 (05:41):
Bitcoin, Oh yeah, on its way to being dead in
the water. Yes it is.

Speaker 11 (05:46):
Yeah, Yeah, you had your work, you had it. But
do you all remember the Microsoft tune? I remember that
the Zoom.

Speaker 4 (05:52):
Yeah, Microsoft's answer to the iPod.

Speaker 11 (05:57):
Man. I bought like I bought like those man ten
of them. I think I still got I think I
still got like three in my closet. Yeah, I could
take a picture of Senate man. I got like three
in the clause to discussed, just in the closet with
the Christmas tree stuff.

Speaker 4 (06:19):
They hiked the Zoom up so big.

Speaker 8 (06:21):
They tried so hard to be like Apple's got what's
an iPod?

Speaker 6 (06:25):
Who cares about that?

Speaker 8 (06:26):
Here's the zoom and it was like half the power
of an iPod and it was never gonna work.

Speaker 11 (06:32):
I'm sorry they got me.

Speaker 6 (06:35):
Did you ever actually listen to it?

Speaker 11 (06:39):
I tried it, yeah when I first got it, but
I was like, it's easy to navigate the iPod iPods.

Speaker 5 (06:46):
Just what about bing It's around, It's around, but nobody's
using me. The only people that use it are people
that work at Microsoft because they have to. And if
you talk to anybody that works in Microsoft, they're always like,
I just binged it and you're like, no, you didn't,
and they're like, yeah, I say that because I have to.

Speaker 6 (07:08):
It's another jubile phone frame day Mornings on the twenties. Yeah,
love me. The Hello way.

Speaker 5 (07:26):
Hello, Hello, hey, hello, hey Hi, I'm looking for Christy.
Hold on second, let me just turn this down for a second. Tom, Hello, Hey,
I was looking for looking for Christy. Hi, Hey Christy,
how you doing. My name's Peede Eakins. I'm calling from
Gato about your sixty seven Camaro.

Speaker 3 (07:49):
Yeah, Hi, how's it going?

Speaker 11 (07:51):

Speaker 5 (07:52):
So yeah, it's like, oh, sorry about that radio, back
out of here. Hold on one second sorry, Yeah, it's
looking good. We should have it back to you about
a week. Why what's that?

Speaker 6 (08:10):
What? I'm sorry, it's hard to hear you. Was sorry.

Speaker 12 (08:13):
What are you like outside or something?

Speaker 6 (08:16):
Can you like going?

Speaker 13 (08:17):

Speaker 11 (08:17):

Speaker 5 (08:18):
No, I mean I can't really pull over right now
because I gotta make it back in time, you know,
because we try to meet our deadlines here.

Speaker 12 (08:24):
I oh, I didn't realize you were in the car.

Speaker 2 (08:28):
Why are you sorry?

Speaker 4 (08:36):
You kep coming on?

Speaker 6 (08:37):

Speaker 5 (08:38):
Think you might give an issue with your radio in
it because it keeps just coming on like that.

Speaker 6 (08:42):
Yeah, what's that? I'm sorry? What are you saying? Huh?
What's that?

Speaker 14 (08:45):
Are you in my car?

Speaker 6 (08:47):

Speaker 5 (08:48):
Yeah, taking it out for a little cam? Yes, taking
it out for a little bit of a test drive.
Everything seems to whoo, everything seems to be fine this
baby hums?

Speaker 2 (09:00):
Why are you driving it around?

Speaker 5 (09:01):
Just wanted to make sure you know, everything was good
to go with the repairs and that the engine was solid.

Speaker 6 (09:06):
So taking it out on the open road here.

Speaker 2 (09:10):
If we're good to go and you've done a little
test to drive, and why do we need to wait
another week?

Speaker 6 (09:15):
You get the car back?

Speaker 5 (09:16):
Well, you know, the test drive was very involved so
I'm I think I'm in the middle of Where are
we right now? We are going through Nebraska right now,
so we'll be back.

Speaker 2 (09:25):
Are you kidding? Are you kidding?

Speaker 9 (09:27):

Speaker 4 (09:27):
Kidding you that we're in Nebraska and I know you have.

Speaker 2 (09:30):
To drive the car to go get the park?

Speaker 10 (09:32):
Are you kidding?

Speaker 15 (09:33):
My car?

Speaker 6 (09:35):
Well, I can't get out right now because we're going fast.

Speaker 5 (09:38):
Oh my god, I want to see if you could
go coast to coast real quick. And yeah, yeah, So
we're headed back, but it should be by the end
of the week if we keep our pace and keep
our schedule.

Speaker 6 (09:49):
But this baby is go down to the mechanic today,
and if my car is not there waiting for me,
I'm going to trash the place and call the car.

Speaker 3 (09:57):
Are you kidding right now?

Speaker 2 (09:59):
This is a vintage car, this is sixty seventy Marrow.

Speaker 12 (10:02):
And I'm trying to keep it in good condition and
keep a mile down.

Speaker 16 (10:05):
And you guys are from joy riding from close to
cars playing.

Speaker 5 (10:09):
Did you say joy riding? It's really hard to hear
you with the top down.

Speaker 6 (10:17):
I'm so sorry.

Speaker 10 (10:18):
Right now, I'm going down there right now, and you're.

Speaker 5 (10:20):
A better beauty coming to Nebraska Oh my god.

Speaker 6 (10:26):
Hello, I think, oh my god, I think she hung up.

Speaker 3 (10:30):
Hey, I think she hung up.

Speaker 5 (10:31):
I don't think she's happy at all that we drove
the car cross country and still whatever this baby is
little bit.

Speaker 4 (10:42):
Yeah, I hit it with the customers, no reason, help you?

Speaker 6 (10:46):

Speaker 4 (10:47):
Oh hey, how you're back my.

Speaker 2 (10:50):
Car back to the shop.

Speaker 3 (10:52):
Now, get my car back to the shop.

Speaker 12 (10:53):

Speaker 15 (10:54):
I have spent so much money and so much time
on that car.

Speaker 17 (10:57):
That is literally everything I do, my all my hours
outside of work.

Speaker 12 (11:02):
That car is my baby.

Speaker 6 (11:03):
Okay, I'm sorry, what what? Hello?

Speaker 2 (11:07):
Of course you can't hear me with the top grown
you're idiots.

Speaker 3 (11:09):
Pull over my car.

Speaker 2 (11:11):
Pull my car.

Speaker 3 (11:12):
Over right now. Of course it's gonna be hard to hear.

Speaker 4 (11:15):
Okay, so we are pulled over now. I think that's
what you said.

Speaker 3 (11:20):
Are you serio?

Speaker 5 (11:21):
Hey, this is actually Doubile from the Jubil Show doing
a phone brank on you and your husband.

Speaker 6 (11:25):
Damon, say you up? Oh my god, he said that.

Speaker 5 (11:28):
Your car's your baby and you've had it in the shop.
I've been worried about it, Oh my.

Speaker 3 (11:32):
God, I have been. Now I don't have an answer
for my car.

Speaker 2 (11:37):
I can't believe I thought you got I really thought someone.

Speaker 12 (11:39):
Was in my car and driving a Closs country.

Speaker 3 (11:41):
You guys really got me. I'm freaking out.

Speaker 5 (11:45):
Wake up every morning with double phone, Franks, It's time
for Nina's what's trending?

Speaker 7 (11:49):
So last night was the met Gala, and there were
three things that were banned and I'm not just talking
about cell phones.

Speaker 6 (11:55):
Anna Wintour band, garlic, onion and.

Speaker 7 (11:58):
Chives from the entire event, and then men, which I
find hilarious because she's got the power to do all
of that.

Speaker 4 (12:04):
She doesn't like fun those.

Speaker 6 (12:07):
I was like, who's she planning on making out with later?
She's like, no garlicing onions.

Speaker 7 (12:12):
Other notable things we need to talk about from the
MET Gala last night. So the theme was Garden of
Time CARDI B I don't know if any of you
saw any of these photos, but anytime you opened social media,
you'll see them today you did.

Speaker 5 (12:23):
I went to all kinds of blogs. I just like
to look at the fashion. I was just scrolling through
images for like two hours last night.

Speaker 6 (12:29):
I went to the eating ice cream.

Speaker 5 (12:32):
I don't look at anything else that goes on in
the world, but I spent that much time looking at
Met galout. What is wrong with ask me about a headline?
I guarantee you I don't know, but I can tell
you most of the met galout.

Speaker 7 (12:47):
How many people did it take Cardi b to handle
her dress?

Speaker 6 (12:52):
I just want to see it. Seven people.

Speaker 7 (12:54):
Her dress was so big and the train was so long,
it took seven people to help her make her way
through that carpet. Other notes, butts were a big theme
last night, so jalas always a theme.

Speaker 6 (13:06):
Well, they're trying to bring the butt crack back. They
are like the little peak of like the little peak
of boo butt crack.

Speaker 7 (13:12):
Jalo's butt was out, Kendall Jenner's butt was out, and
so was Dualipa's. The crack the crack or it was
like a tasteful crack where it had kind of like
a fabric covering that one spot, but there was a
lot of cheek revealed, okay, which I thought was interesting,
like a G string sort of kind of.

Speaker 6 (13:28):
But it was like.

Speaker 7 (13:29):
Coming from the top though like from the back it
would cover it. And so I don't know if that
makes it a little bit different, Although I will say
do Alipa looked pretty great.

Speaker 8 (13:37):
I say I can understand j Loo doing it because
the attention she needs, but I'm disappointed in it.

Speaker 7 (13:43):
Looked great though she looked hers was very tasteful. Hers
was the one that covered the crack, and it was
just like cheek.

Speaker 5 (13:49):
If I were to go to the met gal, I
would have plumber crack and I would also have a
pencil in it sticking out.

Speaker 6 (13:56):
You never know when you need to take a note down. YEA,
too planned that.

Speaker 7 (14:00):
But there is one thing that I wanted to bring up,
and I'm a little bit nervous about this and this
is a little bit serious, but also I'm kind of
curious as what your take is. So last night two
things stuck out. Jessica Biell needed twenty pounds of epps
and salt to squeeze into her dress. So that means
that she's in this bath full of epps and salt
to dehydrate her body to fit into a dress that
was too small for her. Also, if you see pictures

of Kim Kardashian, who look beautiful, but her waist was
not like so tiny, tiny tiny. So now if you
read through all of these blogs and stuff, everything that
was old is coming back again, and I'm just wondering
and kind of nervous about fashion, bringing back the stick
thin look as something that people should strive for, especially
with Ozembic and all of those types of conversations on

the table. So take that for what you will. All
I'm saying is loving your own body never goes out
of style.

Speaker 6 (14:48):
It's not like you.

Speaker 7 (14:50):
Let's not look at these people and think that it's
something that we need to do. Like you got a room,
don't get into a tub with twenty pounds of ebbsin salt.
That's wild.

Speaker 6 (14:58):
Yeah. Really, Ryan Holt didn't like boit clotting. I don't
really loving about it. Because of that, I'm not listening
to you.

Speaker 7 (15:11):
It is in it's fashion, and for some reasons, high
fashion means you have to fit into something that's so
much smaller than you.

Speaker 6 (15:16):
So I don't know. It's fun to watch, but it's
also kind of disturbing, but.

Speaker 18 (15:22):
Is also going to get in trouble because did y'all
see there's video that came out from inside the met gala.

Speaker 6 (15:26):
If you're not just to have your phone, how did
that video get taken? Am Anderson? Did it? Pamily? She
won't be invited back her running through the met Gala
with her dress anyway, So there's lots to talk about there.

Speaker 7 (15:37):
If you'd like to have a conversation about it, you
can always follow us and hit us up at the
Jubile show on a Whole Socials first Day to follow
up powered by the Advocates Injury Attorneys online at Advocateslaw
dot com.

Speaker 5 (15:49):
Bethany is on the phone today for a first date
follow up and she's getting ghosted by a guy named Jeremy.
So in a second we'll call him and see if
he'll tell us why he's ghostinger and maybe get her
another date. But first, Bethany, how long has it been
since you heard from Jeremy.

Speaker 12 (16:03):
It's been a few weeks. I haven't heard anything from him,
and it's weird because I thought the deal went really well.

Speaker 6 (16:10):
What y'all do.

Speaker 12 (16:12):
We went and got dinner, sort of like a happy
hour type thing. We got like a couple of different
plates and stuff. We shared both of them, and I
really liked him, Like we have a lot in common.
We both just recently moved here, we're both originally from
small towns, and we're both really like career motivated and

excited about our job and things like that. So I
don't know. I thought it was a really good match.

Speaker 6 (16:39):
Did you feel like he liked you?

Speaker 12 (16:41):
I thought he did.

Speaker 7 (16:44):
I know, it's a weird question because when you get
so caught up in liking somebody, you're not really paying
attention to if like, wait a minute, yeah, I thought
he liked.

Speaker 12 (16:52):
Me, but I haven't heard from him, so I'm not sure.

Speaker 7 (16:55):
Okay, well I made that a very terrible narrative. I'm
not saying that he doesn't like him. Maybe something happened.
Did you guys kiss it all? Did you hug How
did the day end?

Speaker 3 (17:05):
We didn't kiss at all?

Speaker 12 (17:07):
It was like hugged and second night, but the vibe
was really positive, like we had a really good time.
We were talking a lot, to the point where I
thought we were going to have a second date. So yeah,
I don't I don't really know what happened.

Speaker 5 (17:23):
Is there anything you can think of that might be
a reason that he's ghosting you?

Speaker 6 (17:28):
I don't know.

Speaker 12 (17:28):
The only thing I can think is that, like, I
feel like I definitely ate more food than him. We
shared some plates, and I feel like now I'm kind
of worried that I just like ate a lot more
of the food.

Speaker 9 (17:40):
Is that actually a thing. What do you mean, Like,
do you guys actually like not like that. I don't
know what happened. It's definitely a thing where girls fel
self conscious about it. I know they didn't feel self
conscious about Yeah.

Speaker 5 (17:52):
I hear them feel self conscious, but I didn't know
if to Like, I don't know if I know any
guys that would want to ghost somebody after they went
on a date with them and they ate bunch Like
I find I actually think it's cool because it's like, oh,
you're relaxed enough to just eat a bunch. Yeah, you know,
I would get annoyed, Like if it's go to a
really nice steakhouse or something and then somebody's self conscious
about eating lots of then Nate order a salad because

it sounds like fifty bucks anyway, So it's like, just
go ahead and spend the money on a steak and
enjoy yourself.

Speaker 6 (18:17):
Yeah. So hopefully that's not it, because that would be ridiculous.

Speaker 12 (18:22):
Yeah. So, like he just like walked me to my
car and we said good night and we hugged this
sort of I don't know, there's an implication that he
was going to call a text or something, and I
didn't hear anything.

Speaker 6 (18:35):
Did you reach out to him?

Speaker 12 (18:37):
I did reach out to him. I texted him once
and I didn't get a response. I didn't want to
text him too much because I didn't want to like, yeah,
I don't know Walham or anything. And I really I
just thought you was going to text me.

Speaker 6 (18:52):
Or call me.

Speaker 4 (18:53):
So all right, and you literally have no idea why
he's ghosting.

Speaker 12 (18:57):
Yeah, I mean, it's just like, I guess the only
I can thin give us the food thing. I don't know.
Maybe I was eating too loud or I was like
being too messy.

Speaker 4 (19:05):
Or all right, Okay, well we'll see if we can
figure it out.

Speaker 5 (19:09):
For you'll play a song come back, and then call
him and see if he'll tell us why he's ghosting you,
and maybe get you another date if you still want one, Okay, something,
all right, We'll play a song come back, get your
first day follow up next right in the middle of
your first date follow up if you're just joining us. So,
Bethany is on the phone and she's getting ghosted by
a guy named Jeremy. So in a second, we're gonna
call him and see if he'll tell us why he's
a ghostinger and maybe get her another date if she

still wants one. But before we do that, Bethany, why
don't you catch everybody up on your situation.

Speaker 12 (19:34):
Yeah. So, basically, I went on to date with this guy.

Speaker 3 (19:39):
A week or so ago.

Speaker 12 (19:41):
We had a great time, got drinks, dinner. I thought
it went really well. Uh, we have a lot in common.
I was really into him. He walked me in my car,
we said good night, and I just like didn't hear
from him at all. And I texted him and he
just didn't respond. So now I'm just not sure what's

going on, and I would really like to know.

Speaker 6 (20:03):
Okay, make sure it's not because you ate a lot.

Speaker 12 (20:06):
Yeah, yeah, and I would like to know it's not
because I ate a lot.

Speaker 5 (20:10):
All right, we're about to call him right now. You're ready, yep? Okay,
here we go. Hey is this Jeremy? Yeah, Jeremy with
the man?

Speaker 10 (20:29):
How are you?

Speaker 4 (20:29):
My name is Jewbel and host a radio show. It's
called the Jewbil Show.

Speaker 6 (20:32):
Hi, Jeremy, I'm Nina also on the show. Hi, and
I'm Victoria.

Speaker 4 (20:36):
How are you?

Speaker 19 (20:37):

Speaker 4 (20:38):
I'm no fine, sweet? Do you listen to the show ever?

Speaker 10 (20:41):
I mean, I'm familiar and okay, I.

Speaker 5 (20:44):
Don't know if you're familiar or not with a segment
we do. It's called the first eight follow up. That's
where if you go on a date with somebody and
then you ghost them, that person can ask us to
get you on the phone and ask why you're ghosting them.
And we got an email about you from somebody. Oh, okay,
can you think of it anybody that you're ghosting currently?

Speaker 10 (21:02):
Uh not?

Speaker 6 (21:05):
Have you gone on any dates recently?

Speaker 10 (21:08):
This is this is for Bethany.

Speaker 12 (21:10):
I take it.

Speaker 5 (21:12):
Yes, Bethany at us And then we talked to her
about your day a little bit, and she said, it's
been like a few weeks and you haven't talked to her,
So she's wondering if you would mind telling us why
you're a ghosting her.

Speaker 12 (21:23):
Well, I mean I.

Speaker 16 (21:24):
Had a great time with her. We I really liked
it because we went out, we had food and and
she's she's nice to talk to. But I got really excited,
and so I was starting to show my bros, you know,
like pictures of the night, and I was telling her
about her, and you know, one of them, my guy,
uh Rob, Actually he said, wait a minute, no, I

know who this is.

Speaker 10 (21:48):
I know Bethany.

Speaker 16 (21:50):
Okay, actually I went out with her for a while.

Speaker 10 (21:55):
A few weeks ago.

Speaker 16 (21:57):
I actually went out with her and we ended up
we slept together, and every day afterward she kept.

Speaker 10 (22:05):
Just trying to get a hold of me.

Speaker 16 (22:07):
It was like this constant Hey, what's up.

Speaker 6 (22:11):
And I couldn't.

Speaker 16 (22:12):
I couldn't like get her, I couldn't drop a hint that.

Speaker 10 (22:14):
She would understand. So I eventually text.

Speaker 16 (22:17):
Her on like I don't know, like the third or
fourth day, just to say that hey, we're not a
good match.

Speaker 10 (22:21):
And then then she stopped bugging me. So I was like, oh,
I do not want to get into that, you know,
I do.

Speaker 16 (22:27):
I don't want to wade into any of that.

Speaker 7 (22:29):
Well it sounds like communicating. Yeah, I'm not sure what
wading into that means. But because to me, he finally
nipped it in the butt by telling her what was what.
So really it was his fault that it got weird
if you think about it, So you actually would have
had the power to communicate with her what you wanted
from her, and especially if you were excited.

Speaker 6 (22:49):
Doesn't mean that you guys have had the same situation.
I don't know, I feel a little triggered by that excuse.

Speaker 13 (22:54):
I'm sorry, I guess I just I didn't I don't
want to even get involved with any of that, Like,
I'm not gonna I don't want it to get to
the point where I've.

Speaker 16 (23:03):
Got to send out a text of like, hey, don't
do this anymore.

Speaker 7 (23:08):
I just I know, well, why are you dating? Like
are you dating to be casual or are you dating
to meet someone? So why are you anticipating telling somebody?
I don't want to hear from you.

Speaker 13 (23:17):
I mean, like, I just I want to meet people
and hang out and I want to keep it kind
of casual, which is nice, But I just I'm not
going to be with someone who's gonna be.

Speaker 6 (23:32):
Who wants to talk to you? Are you kidding me?

Speaker 5 (23:35):
I'm sorry, Jeremy, thanks for being honest with us. We'll
also let you know that Bethany is actually on the
phone and wants to talk to you, and she's been listening.

Speaker 12 (23:47):
Hi. Uh Okay, I gotta say, I'm like a little
bit shocked if I what I'm hearing right now, Like
I do, I know, I know exactly what you're talking
about obviously. Okay, so he said he was really nice
at first, we had a really good date. We talked
about going on.

Speaker 3 (24:09):
A second date.

Speaker 12 (24:10):
And that's like kind of the reason I slept with
him and he slept together, and then he just completely
goes to me again, keeps having with me, And yeah,
I texted him a few times we had just slept together,
but I wasn't I didn't text him like crazy. I
literally texted him a couple of times, and then he.

Speaker 2 (24:32):
Messaged back saying he didn't want to see me anymore.

Speaker 12 (24:37):
I yeah, I mean I was bummed.

Speaker 14 (24:41):
Uh. I mean, look, I trust, I trust Robin's judgment
and if it was too much for him, then it's
gonna be too much for me.

Speaker 3 (24:48):
And I got it was not too much.

Speaker 12 (24:53):
I literally texted him like a few times because we
had like maybe a whole passion.

Speaker 3 (24:58):
But I feel like if you trust a lob's judgment
on this one, Jeremy, how.

Speaker 7 (25:03):
Many friends do you have? Like how many is in
your inner circle? And can we have all of their names?
So Bethany knows not to date any single one of
them because you guys have interested in rules.

Speaker 3 (25:13):
I don't.

Speaker 14 (25:14):
Just I think you know we're tight and we like
to make sure that we're all on the same page
about this kind of stuff.

Speaker 6 (25:19):
Your friends are all on the same page about like
how you date.

Speaker 3 (25:22):
Yeah, I mean aren't yours.

Speaker 7 (25:26):
Yeah, they don't tell me who to see and not. Well,
yes they do. Yeah, but different, Jeremy, but different.

Speaker 10 (25:35):

Speaker 3 (25:35):
I think we've worked out a really nice sort of system.

Speaker 15 (25:38):
You know.

Speaker 13 (25:38):
I talk about my date now, well when my friend knows, hey,
don't don't do that, and I'm like, okay, well tight, Rob.

Speaker 6 (25:44):
I go in.

Speaker 3 (25:44):
I talked about what kind of girls to see.

Speaker 11 (25:47):
I trust Rob.

Speaker 10 (25:48):
If he says, hey, that's not that's not a.

Speaker 3 (25:50):
Good one, then like, that's not a good one, you know. Yeah,
I mean look with.

Speaker 10 (25:54):
Us, it's stopped before broads, you know what.

Speaker 12 (25:59):
Yeah, stop before.

Speaker 6 (26:00):
Dogs before listen, Jeremy. I respect your friends circle, but Bethany,
it's time to get out. It's time to go. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (26:17):
I am not about this.

Speaker 6 (26:19):
At all.

Speaker 3 (26:20):
I do not like that mentality from a grown man.

Speaker 12 (26:24):
So I'm good.

Speaker 5 (26:26):
I still have an ashet, Jeremy, would you like to
go on another date with Bethany?

Speaker 4 (26:29):
Will pay for it? Dogs before?

Speaker 16 (26:31):
No, No, I got to listen to the dods.

Speaker 6 (26:35):
All right, you guys. Do you guys bark when you
see each other. What was that dog?

Speaker 5 (26:41):
It was a bulldog, Bethany. I'm assuming you're cool. You
don't want another date?

Speaker 12 (26:47):
Yeah, I would like to never see either of them again,
to be.

Speaker 6 (26:49):
Honest, it's rough in these streets. Jules first day follow up,
Good morning. Can I take your.

Speaker 8 (26:56):
Orders of large black cows?

Speaker 15 (27:01):
Large black?

Speaker 2 (27:02):
Do you mean aventy?

Speaker 15 (27:03):

Speaker 3 (27:03):
I mean he means eventy. Yeah, the biggest one you've got.

Speaker 20 (27:06):
Venty is large, is twenty large is large?

Speaker 5 (27:11):
In fact, cold is large and grande is Spanish for large.

Speaker 3 (27:15):
Venti's the only one that doesn't mean large.

Speaker 6 (27:17):
He's also the only one that's Italian. Congratulations for stupid
and three languages.

Speaker 5 (27:21):
It's almost time for America's favorite trivia game.

Speaker 4 (27:25):
You versus Victoria.

Speaker 5 (27:26):
Your chance to take on our own Victoria Ramirez in
a salacious game of trivia for an awkward date to
a dive bar for trivia night with Awkward Dawn, the
world's most awkward man.

Speaker 6 (27:37):
That's so bad. I love that. I'm done.

Speaker 5 (27:43):
Also, and te paint tickets A calls right now eight
eight eight three four three eight eight three four three
one six one. If you want to play, you can
also dm us at the Jebel Show or go to
the jewelshow dot com if you want to play You
Versus Victoria. And now for rapid fire word association to
see how quick Victoria's brain is working today.

Speaker 6 (28:00):
Not spoiler alert, just fell out of my chair.

Speaker 5 (28:04):
All right, well, here we go. First word that comes
to mind when I say crank that.

Speaker 6 (28:08):
Soldier boy, beautiful things, Benz the Moon, crazy Eddie.

Speaker 21 (28:13):
Uh okay, You versus Victoria is coming up right after this.

Speaker 4 (28:19):
It's the Jingle show.

Speaker 20 (28:21):
What you just said is one of the most insanely
idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in
your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything
that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this
room is now dumber for having listened to it. I
award you no points and may God have mercy on

your own.

Speaker 5 (28:42):
Time for America's favorite trivia game, You Versus Victoria. Your
chance to take on Victoria Ramirez in a game of
trivia for an awkward date to a dive bar during
Trivia Night with Awkward Dawn, the world's most awkward man,
also pit Bull and paying tickets, and let's be today's
contestant for You Versus Victoria Grover.

Speaker 6 (29:03):
What's up, Grover? Grover? I don't think anything.

Speaker 5 (29:10):
Hello Grover, Hello Grover, my old friend, Grover. It used
to be darkness, Grover. Oh, here's something. Hello, we're waiting
for you. Welcome, Yeah, welcome to the show man. Are
you ready to play? Victoria?

Speaker 6 (29:26):

Speaker 4 (29:28):
All right, man, here we go.

Speaker 5 (29:29):
We going to send Victoria out of the studio, and
while she leaves, Grover, the game has played like this.
You got thirty seconds to answer as many questions as possible.
If you don't know one, just say pass, and Victoria
has to beat you outright to win.

Speaker 4 (29:44):
Are you ready?

Speaker 10 (29:45):

Speaker 2 (29:45):

Speaker 4 (29:46):
All right, here we go, Grover. Your time starts now.

Speaker 6 (29:50):
Who was on the one thousand dollars bill? What is
the rarest blood type?

Speaker 10 (30:00):
All negative?

Speaker 7 (30:01):
How much money does the US give its Olympic gold medalists?
When was the first hybrid car invented? How fast is
a lightning bolts?

Speaker 10 (30:20):
An hours?

Speaker 9 (30:21):
All right?

Speaker 6 (30:22):
Got it in, out of time.

Speaker 5 (30:22):
We'll bring Victoria back into the studio and while she's
getting settled, Grover, what's something interesting you would like the
world to know about you today?

Speaker 17 (30:30):
I can't wait for your new song to drop.

Speaker 6 (30:32):
Oh did you tell him to say that. Yeah drops.

Speaker 12 (30:37):

Speaker 6 (30:37):
Do you want me to pay you now? Grover or later?

Speaker 4 (30:43):
Grover? Grover?

Speaker 5 (30:45):
Your phone it keeps dropping out anyway. Yes, my new
song drops on Tuesday, not today, a week from today.
So yes, I'm excited about it. If you didn't know
that I'm releasing music, now, here's a clip of it.

Speaker 6 (30:57):
You're smiling. I'm trying to tell you.

Speaker 5 (30:59):
That, so get it on the fourteenth. You can follow
me on Instagram if you go to my bio. There's
a Spotify follow page if you use Spotify. All right, Grover,

you ready to see how Victoria does?

Speaker 10 (31:23):
I was like, was my train?

Speaker 4 (31:25):

Speaker 6 (31:25):
It is?

Speaker 5 (31:26):
Here we go Victoria thirty seconds to answer as many
questions as possible.

Speaker 4 (31:31):
If you don't know one, just say.

Speaker 6 (31:33):
Pass and what say you meet Groger? Alright, one, that's true,
I say I saw her mouth the words.

Speaker 4 (31:42):
All right, Grover, you can tell Victoria wouldn't go.

Speaker 6 (31:46):
Who's on the one thousand dollars bill? We have a
one thousand dollars Uh, I don't know pass? What is
the rarest blood type?

Speaker 12 (31:54):

Speaker 6 (31:55):
Oh? Maybe?

Speaker 7 (31:57):
How much money does the sorry sorry? How much money
does the US give its Olympic gold medalists? Uh, when
was the first hybrid car invented?

Speaker 6 (32:08):
Hype two thousand and five? How fast is a lightning bolt? Very?
What year did Lincoln sign the Emancipation Proclamation? I know
this one way.

Speaker 21 (32:18):
Way three two on fourteen eighteen. All right, let's send
it over to the storeboard and see how you guys
did with the storeboard producer bhead.

Speaker 4 (32:36):
Victoria got zero. Oh, the floor also got zero, Grover.

Speaker 6 (32:40):
That means you win.

Speaker 4 (32:41):
Congratulations, you beat Victoria. O.

Speaker 5 (32:45):
Those are hard, super hard, and you got Pitbull and
t paint tickets.

Speaker 4 (32:49):
And let's get the answers with Nina.

Speaker 7 (32:50):
Okay, Grover, you're never going to forget this now, President
Grover Cleveland is on the one thousand dollars bill. Yeah, Abe,
negative is the rarest blood type thirty seven thousand, five hundred.
You didn't get the negative part and then you switched
and then you switched it.

Speaker 6 (33:05):
Yeah, but it's still one of them.

Speaker 4 (33:08):
Arguing Victoria, take your loss.

Speaker 7 (33:09):
Thirty seven thousand, five hundred dollars is how much Olympic
gold medalists get. In nineteen oh one, Ferdinand Porsche invented
the first hybrid car. A lightning bolt is three thousand,
seven hundred miles per second. I got that right, and
then in eighteen point in eighteen sixty three, Lincoln signed

the Emancination Proclamation.

Speaker 6 (33:32):
I was close.

Speaker 4 (33:32):
You got the eighteen right.

Speaker 6 (33:33):
I got the eighteen right. I just needed sixty three,
but you started with fourteen. That was just a fluke.
I just wanted to keep rting Hose.

Speaker 5 (33:41):
If you want to play You Versus Victoria, you can
always dm us at the Jubil Show or go to
the jubilshow dot com. We play You Versus Victoria the
same time every single weekday morning, it's time for Nina's
What's trending.

Speaker 7 (33:49):
So Mother's Day is definitely trending because it's this weekend,
and Party City wants to help you give your mom
something special. So we're going to start this trending with
a balloon bouquet for mama. Call right now and you
can win. They've got bookcase for every budget and they deliver.
So if you want this eight eight, eight, three, four,
three one oh six one, call right now and getting
They're actually really dope. They're huge and pretty and Mommy

will get excepted, so.

Speaker 6 (34:14):
Gets excited.

Speaker 7 (34:18):
Swiss it good lie, it's not so Taylor, Swift has
somehow managed to get herself in the middle of the
feud between Drake and Kendrick Lamar. How So, if you've
been following or seeing anything, it's very detailed and I'm
not going to go into what the beef is because
there's a lot of it. But we do know that
Drake and Kendrick Lamar have been going back and forth,

exchanging different disc tracks.

Speaker 5 (34:40):
It's not even really a competition. Kendrick Lamar murdered Drake,
Yeah he really did.

Speaker 6 (34:47):
I mean, we kind of knew that was going to happen.

Speaker 4 (34:51):
Drake came up with another song of him crying because however,
at that point, the.

Speaker 7 (34:56):
Taylor has been mentioned in these songs a few times,
especially from Dre And the reason where this or why
this is getting even juicier is because the Swifties have
noticed that one of Drake's producer credits on the song
six sixteen, one of the dis tracks, is Jack Antonoff,
who is one of Taylor Swift's longtime collaborators.

Speaker 6 (35:14):
So now the Swifties are like.

Speaker 7 (35:15):
Ooh, they're really involved in taking side.

Speaker 5 (35:19):
So are they mad at the Jack anton So? I
think this is Jack Antonoff, guy.

Speaker 6 (35:23):
I don't know. Honestly, I don't really know what it means.

Speaker 7 (35:26):
I just know that the speculation of potential sides and
where this gives juice here. And also because Kendrick Lamar
does have a song with Taylor bad Blood, He's on
that song from years ago, so they've always had a
great relationship, and then her relationship with Drake has been
a little spotty.

Speaker 6 (35:41):
So yeah, I'm confused.

Speaker 4 (35:44):
I think Jack Antonov likes money.

Speaker 6 (35:46):
Yeah, so he's.

Speaker 8 (35:47):
Producing a bunch of songs Swifties, chill, just listen to
the music, hang out in your bedroom, look at your
poster of Taylor Swift, and stop trying to dig into
every time name.

Speaker 7 (35:57):
Her name is specifically brought up in these songs. Though
to chill, I'm not going to chill because these guys
have to put off their album releases for weeks when
Taylor drops songs because they don't want to go up
against her.

Speaker 6 (36:06):
Hey man, So.

Speaker 4 (36:07):
Jack Antonov wants money and Drake wants attention.

Speaker 7 (36:15):
Pickles are having their moment. I think we can all
agree on that. Yes, pickles are having a huge moment,
and now the new trend is people putting pickles in soda,
specifically Doctor Pepper. It's called the Doctor Pepper Pucker.

Speaker 6 (36:27):
So you go and.

Speaker 7 (36:28):
You order your soda and then you order your pickles.
You stick it in there and you get this little
like tart pepper pickle juice thing.

Speaker 6 (36:37):
Yeah, even at what I probably would like it.

Speaker 7 (36:41):
I'm a big fan of picklebacks, so or you take
a shot of whiskey and then you have a pickleback
with pickle juice. It's honestly one of my favorite shots.
So I might be into this.

Speaker 6 (36:50):
That sounds gross. Pickles go with everything.

Speaker 8 (36:53):
Pickles with everything, and they've never not had their moment,
and like Charlie Pooth, they should be bigger.

Speaker 6 (36:58):
No, that is false. Absolutely.

Speaker 7 (37:01):
And lastly, if you're a fan of Yellowstone, this is
super juicy because Cole Howser, the guy that plays Rip,
did hint at the fact that there may be a
Rip in Beth spin off.

Speaker 6 (37:14):
When I read it, I was like.

Speaker 5 (37:16):
I have no idea what you guys did.

Speaker 18 (37:18):
I thought the guy who played Rip was having issues
with like the producers or something bloody.

Speaker 12 (37:28):
I did hear that.

Speaker 7 (37:30):
Too, Yeah, thank you, But now there's hints at the spinoff. Anyway,
great show. We'll see what I love that.

Speaker 6 (37:37):
That's what's trending. It's time to Catch a Cheater. Only
on the Jubile Show.

Speaker 4 (37:43):
Katie is on the phone today for to Catch a Cheater.
She's been married to her husband for eight years.

Speaker 5 (37:48):
His name is Seth, but now she thinks that something
might be going on, so we'll see if we can
help her out. Katie, sorry, you're going through this, but
one of yourselves, what was going on? Why do you
think your husband is cheating?

Speaker 3 (37:58):
I don't know if he's cheating or not. It's it's weird.
We have a very good marriage.

Speaker 15 (38:02):
And we have I mean, I guess we've had a
handful of rough spots, but I mean over the course
of eight Like, well, we were together for eleven.

Speaker 12 (38:10):
Years, so a couple of years before we got married.

Speaker 15 (38:12):
And so there's going to be some rough spots. But
I mean, you know, we we still went out. You know,
we were trying, we were having fun, we were going
to concerts and like, I don't know, we like to bowl,
and I don't know. I always looked at us and
thought of us as being like a really strong couple,
and I don't know, I guess in the last.

Speaker 3 (38:32):
Couple of years we both just started to work more
and more.

Speaker 15 (38:36):
You know, I got this promotion, and we're at work
so much that I guess I kind of got complacent.

Speaker 3 (38:42):
You know, maybe he did too.

Speaker 15 (38:44):
You know, we get home and just eat dinner and
go to bed, and now he doesn't really.

Speaker 3 (38:49):
Want to go out as much anymore, which I mean,
all of this, in my mind is kind of normal.

Speaker 15 (38:54):
Like, you know, we've been together for a really long time,
and he's kind of a Serios's kind of lazy dude,
and I like that about him. You know, I like
being comfy and cozy.

Speaker 3 (39:05):
At home, but he does.

Speaker 15 (39:07):
You know, he goes to see his friend Josh, but
he's like that's been one of his best friends since
high school.

Speaker 3 (39:11):
And I don't think he could be the cheer types
because he doesn't really want to go out and do anything.

Speaker 15 (39:17):
But like I said, things have been different this last month.
So he's going over to Josh's place like twice as
much as he usually does, and I don't know, I'm
wondering what he's really doing at his house. I mean,
I've heard he's complained in the past about how Josh
was like he can get annoying after a while, and
I've hung out with Josh and Death before, and he's

I can confirm that.

Speaker 2 (39:42):
Like, I don't know if we met him now in
real life, like would we be would he be close
friends with him?

Speaker 3 (39:47):
I don't know.

Speaker 15 (39:47):
It's not like he's been friends with him since high
school and you know they've I respect that and I
admire that, and I see, you know, there's a lot
of love there for him, but like, I don't know,
he's a boring dude and he's kind of annoying, and
I I can't think out what doing.

Speaker 3 (40:02):
Over there twice as much as usual. So that's one thing.
And then the other thing that's been this kind of.

Speaker 15 (40:09):
Like huge change is that, all of a sudden Seth
is a workout guy. I probably wouldn't have called you
guys if it wasn't for that. He's working out every
single day for several hours at a time.

Speaker 12 (40:23):
But I don't think he's ever worked out since we
first met.

Speaker 3 (40:27):
And just is he doing it to impress someone? Is
it someone at work? Like he's there a long time.
I don't know. This is not me, Like I'm not
normally an insecure person, and I know that it doesn't
feel good.

Speaker 7 (40:42):
Yeah, I wouldn't call yourself insecure, even though it's like
you're noticing things are changing, and of course that's going
to set off an alarm in you. So that's not
even an insecurity.

Speaker 15 (40:50):
And his appetite is less too now, Like he says
he's not really very hungry.

Speaker 3 (40:55):
When we have dinner, like he had a big lunch
or something like that.

Speaker 15 (40:59):
And like there's never been a time where Seth hasn't
wanted like pizza or Friday, we usually get Mexican dinner,
and I don't know, he's just not finishing his plate,
which is again unusual. And I asked him about it,
and he just said he wanted.

Speaker 3 (41:15):
To get back out of shape, which again totally valid.
I want to support him in that. I don't want
to deter him in any way.

Speaker 12 (41:25):
I'm just nervous.

Speaker 6 (41:26):
Yeah, and then if he's spending more time at the boring.

Speaker 7 (41:28):
Josh's house, maybe he's not Josh's house. Yeah, I'm just
curious is what triggered it. Maybe it's not necessarily cheating.
Maybe it's just he was inspired by something.

Speaker 6 (41:39):
I don't know. Hopefully he's not all right.

Speaker 5 (41:41):
You already told us what grocery store you guys are
rewards card members at. So we'll play a song come back,
and then call him and Bertinnay from the grocery store
and say that every single month we choose one rewards
card member who gets free flowers delivered from our floral department.
We'll see if he sends us to you or somebody else. Okay, okay,
thank you, all right, we'll plays on'll come back, get
your to catch teeter next to catch a teeter if
you're just joining us. Katie is on the phone and

she thinks that her husband's seth of eight years might
be cheating. So in a second, we're gonna call him
and pretend to be from the grocery store that he's
a rewards member at, and say that every single month
we choose one lucky Rewards card membor who gets free
flowers delivered from our floor department, and he's this month's
big winner. We'll seef he sends those flowers to his wife,
Katie or someone else. But first, Katie, why don't you
refresh everybody's memory on what's going on.

Speaker 3 (42:25):
Yeah, we've just drifted a little. In the last couple
of years.

Speaker 15 (42:28):
We both work a lot, and in the last couple
of months, he's totally changed. Suddenly he's going over to
his friend's house twice as much as usual as all
high school buddy, who I think is pretty boring.

Speaker 3 (42:40):
He's told me he's boring.

Speaker 15 (42:41):
And the big thing that's worrying me is suddenly he's
working out every day, which is great. He's looking great,
but he's never been a workout guy. He's eating healthy.
It's just such a sudden shift, and I'm just worried.

Speaker 5 (42:55):
Okay, you ready for us to call him? Yeah, okay,
here we go. Hell, Hi, this is corrible calling from
I was looking for a rewards card member named Seth Seth. Hi,

Please don't hang up. This is not a marketing phone call.
I'm calling to actually tell you congratulations. Here this month's
big winner.

Speaker 10 (43:24):
Okay, what did I win?

Speaker 5 (43:27):
Every single month, we choose one lucky Rewards card member
who gets free flowers delivered from our floral department, absolutely
free on us to anybody that you want. You want
thirty six long stam red roses, a box of candy
or chocolate, and a car to be delivered to anybody.

Speaker 4 (43:39):
That you want.

Speaker 10 (43:40):
Hi, it's very cool, not bad.

Speaker 4 (43:43):
So here's how it works.

Speaker 5 (43:44):
I can take down the information in just a couple
of minutes over the phone.

Speaker 10 (43:49):
Now that it's fine, that's fine, I actually have a
little bit of downtime. It's good.

Speaker 5 (43:52):
All I will need is the first and last name
of the person you want to send them to.

Speaker 10 (43:56):
Okay, same last names my Katie.

Speaker 4 (43:59):
And anything you'd like to put on a card.

Speaker 10 (44:02):
Uh yeah, pretty roses for a pretty lady.

Speaker 17 (44:05):
Love you kid?

Speaker 4 (44:06):
Oh that is I like that?

Speaker 10 (44:08):

Speaker 6 (44:08):

Speaker 4 (44:09):
So you ever you ever cheat on your wife at all?

Speaker 10 (44:11):

Speaker 4 (44:14):
My name is Jubil and I lost the radio show.
It's called the Jebels Show.

Speaker 6 (44:17):
Hi, whole shows here. I'm Nina, Hi, and I'm Victoria.

Speaker 4 (44:20):
And your wife Katie is actually on the phone listening
to this.

Speaker 10 (44:24):
Ah. So this is kind of like a set up
to see and cheating or something like that.

Speaker 4 (44:28):
Is that like a yes, that's exactly what it is.

Speaker 5 (44:30):
We do a segment called to Catch a Cheater, and
Katie thought maybe there.

Speaker 4 (44:34):
Might be something going on.

Speaker 5 (44:35):
So we were saying, if we could catch you by
who you'd send flowers to?

Speaker 2 (44:39):
Kind of flowers? Babe?

Speaker 10 (44:42):
What would you do this?

Speaker 2 (44:44):

Speaker 3 (44:45):
I'm sorry, I just didn't know what to do. You've
been so different this last month. I mean, you're not
the same guy.

Speaker 15 (44:51):
You just you're working out every single day for like
multiple hours at a time, and I.

Speaker 3 (44:56):
Don't know, I just got in my head about stuff.
I mean know, we just I asked you why, and
you didn't give me a reason. He just said you
wanted to be more healthy, which is valid, but like
it's just so sudden, and I don't know.

Speaker 15 (45:08):
You're spending all this time over at Josh is like
double sometimes triple as much as you used to, and
like it's just a like, are you really there?

Speaker 17 (45:18):
I don't know, it's crazy you think that I actually
cheat cheat on you.

Speaker 10 (45:23):
It's pretty cute, but like not really.

Speaker 17 (45:27):
Giving that cheat on you with some like hot hot
lady or something that's not that's I'm sorry, he's definitely not.

Speaker 10 (45:38):
I love you. I wouldn't.

Speaker 17 (45:39):
I wouldn't, But also I guess I should. We should
probably talk about it.

Speaker 10 (45:45):
Something kind of happened to made me, uh kind of
look at my life where I am right now. Ah,
this is uh, this is weird.

Speaker 17 (45:52):
So uh the reason I haven't spend a lot of
time with Josh and he doesn't really want anybody to know,
but you're kind of forcing the hand in this. He's
he's been diagnosed with uh cancer.

Speaker 6 (46:07):
I'm so sorry.

Speaker 17 (46:08):
I've been going with him to bactor visits and stuff,
you know, because he's not he doesn't live near his family,
and we just you know, put him in best friends
for a long time. And doctors are saying that it's
totally tradable and success rates are pretty pretty good, pretty
pretty responsive with how how early they caught it.

Speaker 10 (46:25):
But I mean that's kind of.

Speaker 17 (46:26):
What's going on with him, and you know, he's he's
Josh is really kind of secretive in his life, and
he's like, you know, don't tell anybody. It's very embarrassing
and everything. And I just didn't know what to do.
So I've just really been kind of there.

Speaker 10 (46:41):
For him as he's going through this so he doesn't
have to do it alone.

Speaker 3 (46:45):
I had no idea. I had no idea. I'm so
I mean, wow, but what does that what does that
have to do with you? Like the working out and
the eating, I mean, it's all that.

Speaker 10 (46:57):

Speaker 17 (46:58):
It was when I saw the look in his when
he first told me, you know, he couldn't stop crying,
and I it kind of freaked me out. It kind
of like made me think about my mortality and everything.
And I just as soon as I saw it, I
look in his eyes, I just decided. I was like,
you have to make sure that you're around for the
people you care about. You know, it wouldn't be good

if you know he's going to do this, and you know,
I haven't been healthy. I haven't been you know, I'm
black blax and eating pizza. You know, we always go
out for Chinese, you go out for Mexican food and everything,
and I'm just like, let me just make sure that
I'm here. Let me just make sure that I'm around.
So I really just wanted to be healthier and just

be here for him, be here for you, be here.

Speaker 10 (47:42):
For everybody that I care about. And uh, you know,
it just it sucked too, because.

Speaker 17 (47:47):
I mean I haven't worked out like this in years.
But now that I'm doing it and really focusing on.

Speaker 10 (47:53):
The reasons for doing it, it makes me start to
enjoy it.

Speaker 17 (47:55):
Like I kind of tricked my brain into thinking, like,
you want to do this, and next thing, you know,
it's like I do want to do it, and then
eating right kind of followed. I mean, I know, I
say I don't have an apathet a lot of times,
but I don't. I'm just trying to eat, eat a
little bit better.

Speaker 2 (48:09):
You know, Well, now I feel repairable. Why didn't you
just tell me? Why didn't you tell me any of
those I would have understood completely.

Speaker 17 (48:22):
I'm I'm a little to be honest, I'm a little
embarrassed about it too. I haven't you know, I haven't
done anything physical since way way before the pandemic, and
I just got used to that laxed lifestyle. You know,
we just hang out, and we always just kind of
stay home and hang out, and we've just been in
that mode. And you know, when I Josh's health scare

made me kind of realize that, you know, that's not
a way to live.

Speaker 10 (48:46):
It's just kind of a way to just be. And
I want to I just want to do more. I
just want to be here and.

Speaker 17 (48:52):
Just have a better, healthier life, and you know, not
make a noise every single time I've been over. And honestly,
I think that maybe I did. I didn't tell you
because as Josh is going to the house, trying to
respect his privacy, and then you know, the embarrassment from
him kind of like go overunder me and I was like,
let me just you know, it's like sometimes here improving yourself,
you kind of want to hide from the world and

reappear as a better version of yourself. I should have definitely.

Speaker 10 (49:17):
Told you because you clearly thought I.

Speaker 12 (49:21):
Was you care around for somebody. I'm really I'm.

Speaker 5 (49:27):
Sorry sorry about your friend man, but Katie, at least
you know now he's not cheating.

Speaker 7 (49:33):
Yeah, and I'm glad they caught it early. Everybody's God,
this awakened need for wellness, and I think that's a
great thing.

Speaker 17 (49:40):
Yeah, I mean I keep looking for a side piece though,
Well that happened.

Speaker 6 (49:48):
You know, hear from us again there.

Speaker 4 (49:51):
The jubile shows to catch a cheater.

Speaker 5 (49:54):
Look, I don't know who needs to hear this, but
when the time is right, you're going to find someone
who is absolutely obsessed with you and wants all your time.

Speaker 4 (50:00):
Yeah, and that person will be your manager at work.

Speaker 6 (50:04):
That's the truth. Hey, the world is a judge you place.
Let's be honest.

Speaker 5 (50:09):
Yeah, the second you meet someone, you're judging them and
they're judging you. But one of the most nerve wracking
situations is when you go on a first date because
you have to worry about what they're going to think
of you. Are they going to judge you for the
food that you order? Are they going to judge you
for the way that you talk? Are they going to
judge you because you're in court and you haven't met
this judge yet and you don't know if they're one

of those pants in public? No matter what type judges well,
research or at least the top three things that you're
judged for when you go on a date. We'll tell
you what they are coming up right after this. If
you have any of your own, calls up eighty eight
three four three one O six one, text in four
to one O six one, and we'll tell you what
you're judged on when you go on a first date.

Speaker 6 (50:50):

Speaker 4 (50:50):
It's a double show.

Speaker 6 (50:51):
People get surprised about what I say, but I don't
think they realize that I get surprised bad too. I'm
just as shocked as you are. I said, why would
I say that? Find out what I'm gonna say. When
you do, you will.

Speaker 5 (51:05):
Show Imagine this, You've got a first date. You show
up to the restaurant all jittery like you do when
you're on a first date, hoping to make a good impression.
So you park the car and before you go in,
you check to make sure there's nothing in your teeth.

Speaker 4 (51:22):
So you do that look.

Speaker 6 (51:23):
In the rear view mirror, and then.

Speaker 4 (51:28):
You realize you forgot to put your tenters in.

Speaker 6 (51:32):
What do you do?

Speaker 5 (51:34):
So you grab some pieces of gum that you have
in your car and you insert those into your gum
so it looks like you got a full set of
shiny white teeth. That's probably that your date won't notice. Yeah,
sure enough, you end up swallowing one of them during
the date, and I'll call you back.

Speaker 4 (51:51):
Dating is hard.

Speaker 5 (51:52):
As soon as you go on a date, you're getting judged,
and you're judging the person you're on a date with.
So what are you getting judged on? Well, researchers have
released the top three things that people judge you for
on a first date. If you have any of your own,
call us up eight eight eight three four three one
o six one, text in four one o six one.
What do you judge someone on on a first date?
The top three things though are grammar. Oh yeah, really,

I do judge people on grammar for sure, and I've
been judged on my grammar before. But I have good grammar,
but you said good. I do good with the speaking
most times, most times. But I've been judged on the
grammar before. It's like texting, right, my last relationship terrible grammar.
Not me uh And it was like we first started dating,
it's like good use of the word. They're like, I'm

glad you spelled it right, you know, and the amount
at times it was not spelled right from the other party.
I'm just like, wait a second, it was the one
that can't use their or there. Yeah, but don't you
guys have a problem with the grammar.

Speaker 6 (52:50):
Oh yeah, totally. Not just texting.

Speaker 7 (52:52):
It's how they speak too, like if you're using the
wrong words or if you're like I know that a
lot of people say this, so please don't come out
at me.

Speaker 6 (53:00):
But I seen it. Your what I seen it? You've
seen it?

Speaker 17 (53:05):

Speaker 6 (53:05):
What do you people say I've seen it instead of
I saw it? Oh what?

Speaker 4 (53:09):
I don't hear a lot of people saying that.

Speaker 6 (53:11):
I don't either.

Speaker 11 (53:12):
I do.

Speaker 7 (53:15):
Circle whatever reason I seen it really drives me crazy.

Speaker 19 (53:19):

Speaker 8 (53:20):
The other day I heard somebody say repertoire when they
meant rapport, and I almost.

Speaker 4 (53:25):
Lost my that's hilarious. I almost fell apart.

Speaker 6 (53:27):
I really tried, though they got the rep part right.

Speaker 5 (53:29):
Yeah, that's not enough words meaning something going over the top.
Three things that people judge you for on a first date.
It's hilarious when people are in business meetings and there's
a manager who has horrible grammar and keeps using but
they use like bus words and big words that they
don't know and they use those but they're all wrong.

Speaker 4 (53:45):
It's really funny.

Speaker 5 (53:46):
Those are the only meanings that I like, you have
no idea what you're saying, but thanks for.

Speaker 6 (53:51):
Dropping that word, hoping that none of us know what
it means. Either.

Speaker 5 (53:54):
The other thing that you're judged on when you go
on a first date confidence, that's everything.

Speaker 18 (54:00):
Well, but also like, do y'all ever judge someone on
how they're judging you, like at the entire day, Like
while you were judging me, I just want you to
know that I am judging you on how you were
judging me.

Speaker 6 (54:11):
How do you know?

Speaker 18 (54:12):
Because well, like by the reactions, Like I went on
a date one time and he asked me, like how
many serious relationships I've been in?

Speaker 6 (54:18):
And I did lie because I didn't know what to
say because the answer zero. But like I have to
hold him.

Speaker 4 (54:23):
Well, I want to seem like you've been out there
for a while there.

Speaker 6 (54:26):
Well, then I'm not like I don't know.

Speaker 18 (54:28):
Sir, so I said, oh my gosh, like only like
one serious, serious one.

Speaker 6 (54:32):
He goes serious serious, Like what does that mean? I'm like,
just one serious one.

Speaker 4 (54:35):
My relationship with self.

Speaker 6 (54:40):
Something is really only one. And I was like, what
should I have said three? Like, I don't way, to be.

Speaker 5 (54:47):
Honest, but they do judge on that a lot, like
the amount of people that you've been with, what they
do or like dated seriously, Yeah, I don't get it, though,
it goes one in two ways, either your toxic or
you I've decided not to settle.

Speaker 6 (55:02):
Maybe sure, absolutely, Like.

Speaker 5 (55:04):
I know for me, I've had quite a few serious relationships,
but based on trauma, I was choosing the wrong people.
Thankfully I didn't settle, you know, and hopefully it fix
well not hopefully I have fixed those things so that
I find good relationships in the future. But doesn't mean
that I'm toxic, right, I know I'm a good partner,
but it could also mean someone's toxic.

Speaker 4 (55:24):
So I get it. Whenever the questions asked me if
I'm on a date, right, Like, I'm.

Speaker 5 (55:27):
Like, yeah, I know it probably looks like a red flag,
but I trust me, I've done the work.

Speaker 6 (55:31):
He's not my therapist, if you want to.

Speaker 7 (55:34):
So basically Jubiles saying that that guy was definitely a
red flag, Yeah, slightly.

Speaker 18 (55:38):
And he told me four and I'm like, sir, we
were only like twenty two.

Speaker 6 (55:41):
I'm like four serious relationships. Yeah, that is kind of
a red flag.

Speaker 5 (55:46):
Like, okay, never mind, I think I probably had like
four at that age too, So definitely red flag. The
other thing that you're judged on on a first date
your teeth, really.

Speaker 6 (55:57):
He oh wait anyway? Basically in what way? Like the shape,
the size, the space, age, crookedness.

Speaker 5 (56:04):
It just says teeth. What Okay, does anybody in here
have a problem with teeth? Nobody's like, yeah, if somebody's
got like one like snaggle tooth, sometimes that'll be it'll
be distracting. But I don't judge the person by their
teeth most time.

Speaker 12 (56:20):
I have.

Speaker 7 (56:23):
This one right here, I've got two little crookeds in
the front, but I think they're I don't.

Speaker 8 (56:27):
I don't consider that one. I think we're talking about.
It's trying to escape the mouth snaggle.

Speaker 5 (56:33):
Yeah, I think you gave me a hug and then
you also ripped my sweatshirt.

Speaker 7 (56:39):
Was the guy that I used to hang out with.
It had a few crookeds, and my friends would always
make fun of me so bad. They're like, how does
he not cut your mouth when you're kissing him?

Speaker 6 (56:46):
I'm like.

Speaker 5 (56:49):
Inold Yeah, I mean, I like a nice set of teeth.
But I don't think I'm that judgy on it.

Speaker 4 (56:55):
No, not at all.

Speaker 7 (56:56):
I mean, yeah, hey, Natalie, Yeah, I'm what's what do
you judge people on on a date?

Speaker 6 (57:07):
What do I judge people on a date?

Speaker 15 (57:08):

Speaker 19 (57:08):
I don't know if anybody else thinks this way, but
I cannot for my life fan heavy footed people.

Speaker 5 (57:16):
Like say heavy footed people yeah? Yeah, Like does that
mean they just walk loud? Yeah?

Speaker 15 (57:24):
Thank you?

Speaker 3 (57:24):
Yeah exactly.

Speaker 19 (57:25):
I don't know if it's just me and I have
like an extra like entry issue with that noise, but
I cannot. I can't. I cannot put up with it.
It's like too much for my ears. I can't stand it.
It's an instant I don't want to date you anymore type.

Speaker 6 (57:40):
Of steel breaker for me.

Speaker 4 (57:43):
Sorry, we can't date. Your feet are just a little
too heavy.

Speaker 19 (57:46):
Yeah, tell them that because I'm not like mean like that,
but like I just stantly say, hey, uh this isn't
working out.

Speaker 6 (57:54):
Yeah I don't. I don't argue with that.

Speaker 7 (57:56):
I agree. Walks are very important to me. So it's
not just like your heavy foot. It's like where your
legs go and how your foot goes down like that
can look a little.

Speaker 6 (58:03):
Wild in no offense, but it doesn't turn me on.

Speaker 4 (58:06):
Okay, So you also mean don't like the heavy footed people.

Speaker 7 (58:09):
No, how you walk is very a big deal. I
do judge walks really that can make or break you,
Like you could be a five.

Speaker 6 (58:15):
But if you have that hot walk, I'm.

Speaker 5 (58:17):
Like, oh, what does a hot walk look like in
compared to a not hot walk?

Speaker 3 (58:20):
I don't know.

Speaker 7 (58:21):
There's like this little bull legged situation that I like,
like a little bit of, like like you.

Speaker 4 (58:26):
Like a little bow legged situation.

Speaker 6 (58:28):
Yeah, like when the butt's like right up there, so
their legs do this.

Speaker 5 (58:31):
Like a cowboy who just got off of a saddle
who'd been riding horses for a long long time.

Speaker 6 (58:36):
That bab but like a little sam it not that
much because she feels.

Speaker 4 (58:46):
Me all right, thank you very call. It's time for
Nina's what's trending?

Speaker 7 (58:51):
Okay, brace yourself college football because the Snoop Dogg Arizona
Bowl presented by Gin and Juice is coming.

Speaker 6 (58:57):
What this is actually amazing.

Speaker 7 (59:01):
It's but presented by Doctor Dre and Snoop Dogg, and
it's gonna be the first time ever that a college
bowl game is sponsored by an alcohol brand. So this
particular game was originally sponsored by Barstool Sports, but now Snoop.

Speaker 6 (59:14):
Dogg is taking it over and he gets.

Speaker 4 (59:16):
His own bowl. Wo that's cool.

Speaker 6 (59:19):
Yeah, amazing.

Speaker 7 (59:20):
Like December twenty eighth in Arizona, be prepared, Arizona.

Speaker 4 (59:24):
Arizona schools already are party schools.

Speaker 6 (59:27):
It's gonna be a boo smoke all around that place.

Speaker 15 (59:31):
You know.

Speaker 7 (59:31):
I just thought it was cool, So congrats to them
for that new question. Ever since the Tom Brady Roast happened,
people are asking the Internet if Ben Affleck got a
new face.

Speaker 6 (59:41):

Speaker 7 (59:42):
I have seen pictures of Ben Affleck at the Tom
Brady Roast and it doesn't look too different, but they're
saying he's got this melty look to his face, almost
like he went under the knife to get a bit
of a facelift. So when you see the yeah, that's
how they described it, So when you see it, you
can make the decision for yourself.

Speaker 6 (59:59):
But I just think he looks a little bit fresh.

Speaker 7 (01:00:02):
So, yeah, you're looking at it.

Speaker 5 (01:00:04):
Right now, I'm looking at it. It does look different
to me. Does it look melty or just a little fresh?
It looks tight, maybe like his cheeks were pulled back.

Speaker 6 (01:00:17):
Yeah, maybe really.

Speaker 4 (01:00:18):
Melty so much, but yeah, it does look.

Speaker 7 (01:00:20):
J low products.

Speaker 5 (01:00:23):
Yeah maybe he I mean he looks wrinkle completely wrinkle free,
which so that would be botox.

Speaker 6 (01:00:29):
Right, Yeah, I don't know, or a facelift, I guess.

Speaker 5 (01:00:32):
Yeah, interesting, it does look he looks super different to
me for some reason, does he?

Speaker 4 (01:00:38):
Yeah, he really does.

Speaker 6 (01:00:39):
There's also there's no facial like usually beard usually.

Speaker 4 (01:00:42):
He's also maybe that's all he did was shave his beard.

Speaker 6 (01:00:44):
And maybe.

Speaker 7 (01:00:50):
There's a mystery money situation going on. That's real, by
the way Brad I used to it, there's a mystery
money situation popping up all over Ohio, and it's weird
because it's in restrooms, so people are just stumbling upon
twelve thousand dollars whoa twenty five thousand dollars in.

Speaker 6 (01:01:08):
Different public restrooms.

Speaker 10 (01:01:09):

Speaker 7 (01:01:09):
So you hear about vigilantes like trying to do good
things for the community. So is this person like super
moneyman or woman who is or person that's just delivering
money to bathrooms.

Speaker 5 (01:01:20):
That's cool, path I want to take a trip there
just to go in bathrooms and see if I can
find some cash.

Speaker 4 (01:01:24):
It's like treasure hunting, I know. So we can also
probably find all kinds of other things too.

Speaker 6 (01:01:29):
You definitely, you definitely would.

Speaker 7 (01:01:32):
But the bizarre thing about this is the cops have
commented on it, and they've said they've never seen anything
like this before.

Speaker 6 (01:01:37):
This is the first time they've had a case like this.
Is this a case case? It's just money popping up?
So I don't know. That's what's trending.

Speaker 3 (01:01:46):
Jewbles dirty little secret?

Speaker 4 (01:01:48):
Hello, Hello, Hey, what's up? You have a dirty little secret?

Speaker 6 (01:01:53):
I do have a dirty little secret?

Speaker 4 (01:01:55):
Yeay, what is it?

Speaker 22 (01:01:56):
It's actually from when I was younger and going to
the club A lot. Me and my friend went to
a club and I was in the bathroom and this
girl was a lot bigger than me. I'm smaller, and
she asked if she could buy my thong underwears off
of me for five dollars because she met a guide
that wanted her underwears, but she was embarrassed because they

were too big. So the best part is it's like
two in the morning, everyone's leaving the club and my
friend was like, girl, are those your bongs on that
guy's head?

Speaker 3 (01:02:33):
Warm out of the club on his head?

Speaker 6 (01:02:36):
Oh my gosh, that's incredible.

Speaker 22 (01:02:42):
And I really haven't told anybody this, but I guess
everybody knows now.

Speaker 7 (01:02:46):
And you can't underestimate what goes down in the women's
bathroom clubs and bars. It is a sacred place and
that's the kind of interaction to expect.

Speaker 3 (01:02:55):
Yeah, so I made five dollars.

Speaker 5 (01:02:58):
I gave my under retro bachelorette party one time at
a bar. Well did they asked you for it? That
was on the checklist of things they need to get
guys underwear? And it was a very hot summer day,
so I felt bad for them. Thank you for your
dirty little secret.

Speaker 6 (01:03:15):
Okay, thank you, guys. Have a good day.

Speaker 5 (01:03:18):
Hey, what's up. You have a dirty little secret? Yes
I do, sweet, let's hear it.

Speaker 15 (01:03:22):
Okay, that's been quite a while back.

Speaker 3 (01:03:25):
But when I found out my expo was cheating on
me with a friend of marine. I kick them both
out of my house.

Speaker 6 (01:03:34):
And when they went to live at his parents' house,
he had.

Speaker 8 (01:03:38):
A water bed.

Speaker 6 (01:03:39):
I took a and went and bought a big, nice
salmon filet and putting it on.

Speaker 2 (01:03:46):
The cheating element under the mattress.

Speaker 3 (01:03:51):
And yeah, they didn't know what was causing that smell.

Speaker 6 (01:03:56):
He kept saying she needed to take a shower.

Speaker 7 (01:03:58):
Oh yeah, I don't think they ever really figured out
what was causing the flies and the smell.

Speaker 2 (01:04:06):
My gosh, his mom kicked him all out.

Speaker 6 (01:04:12):

Speaker 7 (01:04:12):
One way to get somebody kicked out. That's very creative,
you know. I feel like you get a lot of
creative points for that.

Speaker 10 (01:04:17):
Thank you.

Speaker 11 (01:04:19):
I was young, but I was mad.

Speaker 10 (01:04:22):

Speaker 5 (01:04:22):
Yeah, well, thank you for telling us your dirty little secrets.

Speaker 6 (01:04:25):
That you do. What's that saying? Hell hath no fury
like a woman's score. That's the one. What's your dirty
little secret?
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