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April 29, 2024 62 mins

Welcome to an electrifying episode of Albuquerque UFO UAP Explorations. In this episode, our guest, Nancy Thames, takes us on a fascinating journey as she recounts her experiences with extraterrestrial and interdimensional encounters that have not only reshaped her life but also spurred her pursuit of existential truth.

From her earliest encounters with otherworldly entities, her time aboard an extraterrestrial craft, to profound wisdom gained from interdimensional elders, Thames shares her captivating life story. This episode aims to expand your understanding of the universe and break the boundaries of our perceptions of reality.

Delving deeper into her personal narrative, Thames talks about her lifelong bond with a female gray extraterrestrial. She explains its deep impact on her everyday life and family, particularly her sons who also seem to have unique interactions with these celestial entities.

She passionately speaks about the interconnectedness of everything in the universe, the societal structures disrupting this cosmic symbiosis, and the importance of recognizing and respecting this bond.

As the conversation takes a turn towards discussing worldly issues and celestial concerns, it ends with her reasserting the power of feminine energy in creating a future where love reigns supreme.

In this episode, expect to delve deep into the theme of interdimensional communication and humanity's future. Join us for a profound exploration, as we summon a vision of a future that is hopeful, enlightened, and interconnected.

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Episode Transcript

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Welcome to Albuquerque UFO UAP Explorations.
Today, we are going to have a transformative journey through the unknown and
the unexplored as we connect with Nancy Thames,
a trailblazer in the field of alien disclosure. closure.

This promises to expand your consciousness and challenge your perceptions of reality.
We're privileged to have Nancy share her incredible story,
which began in the corridors of the Department of Defense and led her to profound
encounters with interdimensional and extraterrestrial beings.

These experiences not only changed her life, but also set her on a passionate
quest for truth and openness in what she firmly believes is a pivotal time for disclosure.
Nancy is more than a witness. She
is a visionary and a voice for those who seek

to understand the greater significance of extraterrestrial
contact through her platform time
for disclosure comm she advocates for a shift in perspective from fear to enlightenment
encouraging a dialogue that views these encounters as peaceful transformative

interactions with beings who guide us toward a broader cosmic understanding.
Nancy will delve into her personal encounters, share the profound insights she
has gained, and discuss the impact of these experiences on our collective destiny.

Prepare to be enthralled as we explore themes of unity, spiritual awakening,
and our role within the vast galactic tapestry.
Hey, Nancy, welcome. I'm so glad you're here. Thank you. I'm very happy to be here.
That's great. Yeah.

I love the introduction. That was wonderful. Thank you.
Well, I honestly try to get everyone to, you know, to understand who our guests are.
So it's important to set the stage and to tell the story of who we're speaking with.
And you have an incredible, incredible backstory and an amazing,

amazing sequence of experiences.
So why don't you tell us a little bit about who you are and what happened?
What's opened the door for you, Nancy?
Okay. Well, my name is Nancy Timms, and I am a lifelong contactee with interdimensional
beings and positive extraterrestrials.

And my first conscious Conscious memories go back as far as about two years
old, between two and three.
And all throughout that time, it was very playful, fun, and I was not the least bit scared.
It was, I looked forward to it. And when I would mention it to my mother and
father, I would say that there's little beans were in my room.

And they would say, oh, that's silly. You had a silly dream.
Go back to bed. That's silly talk. Don't talk like that.
So this went on until I
got older and when I started to
get say elementary school age and
throughout that time frame then I would

mention it more and my mom and dad would they were
they didn't think it was fun and cute anymore so they
would tell me do not talk about this
so you know because I was really big into Girl Scouts really big and we would
go to church some and we would be involved in different things and at school
they would say you cannot talk about these type things people have literally

institutionalized family members you know.
So they just really discouraged me talking about it and so for lack of a better
word i just learned that it kept peace within the family and that my own family
really didn't like to hear about it A little bit of it was okay,

but if I was on and on about it, they didn't want to hear it.
I learned to suppress it.
Then as I got older, I started realizing that it wasn't just my family, but truly family.
I saw things on television, would see books or things like that.
And as I got to about junior high age, I realized that a lot of people's interpretation

of extraterrestrials were scary, very scary.
So I figured out that you just could not talk about these things.
I grew up in Tennessee in the South with pretty much a Bible Belt.
And this was just something that people in that in religious communities definitely

did not want to talk about. So I just kept my mouth shut.
So, you know, this continued on throughout my life.
And so it wasn't until I got into my 20s, moved away from home,
became a wife and started continuing to have these experiences.
But then at that point, then I started exploring, looking at bookstores,

trying to do a little research.
And I quickly figured out that most people were embarrassed to even be caught
in that part of a bookstore.
You'd walk up on them and they'd make an excuse like, what am I doing here?
I'm in the wrong place. You know, so I was like, wow, this is really crazy.
But I did realize at that point that my experiences were very different than

what a lot of people were experiencing.
And that was very confusing for me.
And so it made me very fearful for a pretty good while.
And my experiences with the extraterrestrials, It took a change in the fact
that I've always had the ability to sense that they were coming.

I can feel a frequency change within me, and I know that I'm fixing to have
an experience with them.
And so because of that, I would keep my eyes closed and I would really kind of dread it.
And I would keep the covers up kind of like over me. and
so I don't know if they were telling me telepathically or

if I was just doing this on my own but when they would
come I would always have three grays
that would come and I would feel their presence and then I would feel the covers
come off and then I would feel they would hold a scanning device and take the
scanning device and run from my head all the way down to my feet and my feet

all the way up and it did not touch my body,
but I could feel it as it, you know, I could feel my body have a frequency vibrational frequency.
Feeling as they were doing this and then
after a few times of that happening then I
would feel that my body would start to float up off
the bed and when this would happen I would open

my eyes and look down and see this was physically happening to me this was not
an out-of-body experience it was not a dream it was my bed was empty and we
I would look over and I would be holding the hand of what What I now know was a female gray,
and she has always been with me, I know now, since birth.

So she's accompanied always by two other grays, and I don't really interact
with them. They're just with her.
But the female, she would be holding my hand, and then we would proceed and
go up through a door or window or through the attic.
And I can remember getting up through the attic and looking around and seeing
insulation and seeing things that my family had in storage.

And I was like, how in the world is this happening? This is bizarre.
And, you know, she would pretty much at that point ignore. She didn't answer anything.
And so that's kind of how it was for a while.
And so this continued on. And then eventually, as I got older in my 20s,

I became a mother and I had two young little boys.
And I was on a vacation at the Marriott Hotel at Key West in Florida.
And I woke up. I felt that they were coming. Extraterrestrials or interdementals,
I felt that they were coming.
So I raised up and looked and these were not the same grays that come from me.

These grays were three feet tall, and they were wearing robes and high collars.
And when I stood up in the bed, one approached me to kind of nudge me down on
my left side and told me telepathically.
This is not about you and basically had me lay down.

And then that was a male and he put me in a sleep paralysis.
I was fully awake, but I could not speak and I could not move.
So then they proceeded to take my two young sons and I witnessed my sons having
their first experience. And that scared the daylights out of me.

And that upset me more than anything because I had never, ever envisioned in my mind that happening.
And at the time, I was devastated. And I asked the children.
I eventually went to sleep.
And the next morning when I woke up, I looked over and they were safely in their beds.

And so we all went to eat breakfast at the restaurant at the hotel.
Tell and I asked them if they had any dreams
or anything they'd like to talk about and they
did not have anything they wanted to talk about they had
no memory of it so I left it alone you
know there was no reason to bring it up but when I got home
I was still upset and so I sit down on my floor and I meditated and I with full

intention asking them please explain to me what in the The world is happening
because this is not just about me anymore. This is my children.
And I want to know what this all means.
So it didn't happen immediately, but the grace did come back.
And the female took me.

They took me aboard a craft and they took me before a group of elders.
And these elders were the interdimensionals. and they were of different races, many different races.
And they took me before them and I asked them and then they explained to me
that I had made a decision before my birth of being here as a human being.

I had made a decision to come here and to be a part of.
This process, and that I was here, and I would understand it as I got older.
They could not tell me everything at that time, other than I had made an agreement
to be here, and I was here for a reason to assist humanity,

and they showed me a vision because I told them I had no recollection of any
of this, and they showed me a vision, and I saw myself sitting and waiting,
and I saw myself as a interdimensional and as a going into my soul or my essence
going into like a fetus and so they

showed me all this so i left it alone there was a lot of it that i just did
not understand at that time and they told me that they would be coming to see
me throughout my life and as i got older i would understand it more and that's
basically what has happened as i've gotten older
and I've realized to have more.

When I started having the fears and anxiety, what they would do is touch me
on the forehead and put me in a trance-like state.
I was fully functional, but it took away all my fears and anxieties.
So that way I could continue on with what they were wanting me to learn. And.

Minus all the anxiety and struggling around, you know, like humans would normally
do. Right. Fear involved.
So I did learn, though, that if I wanted to retain a better memory,
conscious memory of the whole event, because when they put you in that trance-like state,

when you come back and you wake up, your memories are fragmented.
And you're just like all these little puzzle pieces and you can't put them all together.
So I realized that I had to face my fears and learn to understand more about
what was happening to me and have a better understanding of the purpose of it all.

And it didn't happen overnight. It took me a while to get used to it because
for me, it wasn't what they look like.
It was the frequency exchange we
are in a 3d world and we're
at a very low vibrational frequency their frequency
is much higher and they're vibrated a

higher frequency so when they were standing over
me running the device back and forth they
were changing my frequency from a.
Human frequency to match their frequency and
that's how i was able to travel with them
hand in hand and go up through the roof and they
would craft and get me

through a ceiling or window or whatever but once
i got on craft i really didn't see that the rays
anymore once i could get on craft that's when
i'm around the interdimensionals and some
tall grays some positive reptilians millions
humanoid looking extraterrestrials so
and for me when i

will have telepathic communication with these
three grays that come to get me i found out that
they are a hybrid type gray that the interdimensionals and the tall grays made
because they don't really like the density here on earth so they created this
type gray and tweaked in their dna so that they could do the legwork for them.

And they basically, they're the ones that come and get contactees and do the
legwork, taking them back and forth to craft.
And then also they're the ones that always bring me back home.
Oh, that's interesting.
I know that other people have talked about that, about seeing different kinds
of entities in their encounters where maybe the small grays were, like you're.

You know, the ones that are meant to do the grunt work, so to speak.
It's true. And I know that she is a reddish brown color.
And I know now that there are many, many different races of grays,
many different colors, many different heights.
A lot of them have different facial features that you'd have to really see before

you would really even notice it. But that particular female gray that I'm bonded
with, she's been with me since birth.
And she's always who comes and gets me and takes me. Yeah.
Does she have a name? Has she given you a name? I consider her loving and we're very close.

Yes. She's mother-like to me.
Yes. I have a bond, a loving bond. And when we're standing waiting to get transported.
I run my fingers through hers and she does mine. And I touch and rub her skin.
But when she's telepathic with me, when she talks to me in my mind,

I cannot sense whether she's male or female. Right.
And there is no inflection in the voice that I hear.
But when I'm on craft and I'm around the tall greys and the other extraterrestrials,
when they talk telepathic to me, I can sense male and female.

I can distinguish like male, female, and I can sense inflection.
Like if they're trying to be commanding or if they're trying to be a little
bit funny, you know, that I can sense inflection and it's it's very, very different.
But I do know she is biological, but she's just very task oriented and she doesn't

have the emotions or. Or, oh, golly, she's just like very task oriented.
And she comes across as being robotic, but she's not a robot.
She's just, she is what she is. She's just, I don't know how to explain it.
But yeah, it's really strong.

So those are so many experiences you've had since childhood.
And that's like a lot of people who have had encounters. I mean,
my first encounter that I remember was when I was seven years old,
and then I've had multiple since then.
So, and my experiences mimic yours in many ways, which is super interesting to me.

And I'm wondering, how were you able to integrate this with family life,
with work life as you got older?
Did you talk with others about it? Was this something you kept to yourself?
I talked to my sister about it. My sister has had some experiences,
not to the intensity that I have, but she definitely does.

And that's one thing beautiful about these positive extraterrestrials and the interdimensional is,
I know my two sons have interactions, and my oldest son had full experiences
like I do and gets downloads.
My youngest son, he's not quite there yet, but they don't push you.

It's like everything is there, and it's available, and you can take it as far as you want to go with it.
They don't force this on you, but you do know, you're very aware that it's there.
Yeah. So, and you're very aware of the love and things of this nature.

And, you know, but I know that they, for me, I mean, I'm, I'm 63 years old and
it took, it did not happen for me overnight.
And if you had asked me 20 years ago, if I was happy with what was happening to me,
my answers would probably be a lot different
than they are today right one thing different

for me is about two years ago the interdimensionals
gave me a kondalini awakening
wow when that happened they
pulled me was in the bed asleep and they pulled me straight up and i'm sitting
upright right in the bed and my head tilts back and i get these electrical really

it's not that's the closest word i can think to call it but i really don't know
what it was like the surges of energy.
Would come down through my crown through the top of my head all the way down
to the base of my trunk of my body and then go back up and then i would fall

backwards and then They pulled me up again and do it. And that happened like three times.
And it scared me to death.
I had no idea what that was. I didn't know what was happening to me. It scared me to death.
And I didn't even tell anybody about it for a while.

But what happened was they were opening up my subconscious to my human consciousness
to give me that little extra nudge I needed because I'm a type person that,
But for me to talk and be able to do what I'm doing now,
I needed for my consciousness to open up and answer my questions and for me

to know where this information was coming from,
you know, to put the pieces together.
So they finally just, I guess, they opened me up. And so then it was just like
there's tons of information.
And most of my questions that I didn't I didn't know, but they finally I could

piece them together and everything makes sense now that I go back.
And I understand that it was a beautiful thing that I see my children being taken.
They could have easily have done that. And me, I never know.
But they let me be a part of it because there was something significant to that

that I didn't understand at the time, but now I do.
That was the way of letting me know that.
There's more of us involved in this and all this is for a reason and all this is enlightenment.
And this is all part of humanity's evolution.
This is part of us reaching higher consciousness and becoming understanding

who we are and looking within.
And because now I know and I started looking within because I wanted to know
the Nancy, the true Nancy, the Nancy was to come here and be here on Earth. Right.
From what I understand, we all chose to be here.
So we need to look within and remember the reasons for our being here.

And then when we start realizing who we truly are, not what we've been programmed,
the world around us has told us to be.
Right truly are then it is
so beautiful it is so beautiful and we have
an understanding of who we are our place here

on earth our place in the cosmic realm and
our place as far as the future for our future
generations so it's a beautiful thing
so i do know that all
of us made a choice us to be here and that
in my opinion we are the
disclosure humanity is the disclosure we

will when we finally reach our higher
consciousness which we are all working at now we're in
headed towards the fourth dimension heading into it we will come to realize
that we it does we don't need the government to tell us anything we're going
to already know these things because our consciousness is going to be in our
awareness of the world around us and our place in it is going to become so obvious to us.

We are the disclosure, in my opinion. See, I really like that approach.
That's super interesting.
And you've answered kind of Live Light's question here about,
you know, is there a message for humanity?
And I really like how you're saying that it, you know, that That we are the
message itself. We are the message.

And they have showed me basically everything on our planet.
When we were created, everything that we ever needed to sustain our lives was placed here.
Everything that we needed was.
Medications, food, air, all these things, we are all connected.

Everything is connected and we are all one. So we have lost our connection,
not by, say, personal choice, but because of the programming of our society.
But basically what they showed me is our planet is alive. It's a living, conscious being.

Our air, our water, our plants, our trees, all of the animals are living, conscious beings.
Yeah. And our universe is a living, conscious being. All planets are a living, conscious being.
Everything is alive. Everything is connected as above, so below.

You've heard that. Right. Because what happens to one happens to all and it's experienced by all.
So when we start playing around with nuclear technology, not only could it wipe
us out, but it disrupts the balance of nature. It would disrupt our planet.

It would disrupt and ripple into the universe and would affect all creatures within the universe.
And they are not going to let that happen. And we've never been intelligent
enough to understand our connections and our place and the importance of us
in our connection to the cosmic realm.
But we are learning. And I'm here to help people understand we are all connected

and what we do affects everything.
So once we realize who we are and we take our place and we realize that these
old program ways that society has manipulated us into,
we're a slave to a system.
We're born and given security numbers. We work nine to five, slave work.

We are given pharmaceutical synthetic drugs that our bodies aren't even meant to metabolize.
You know, so everything we ever needed is placed here on Earth.
So our governments and the elites or whatever, cabal, black cat, dark, whatever,

are holding on to all this technology because they want to keep humanity dumbed
down because we are easier to control and manipulate.
And they are making money, mega money off of us.
And they don't want us to reach higher consciousness because we will realize
that these old ways of living, all these things are breaking down.

Our banking systems are breaking down.
You know, some of our religious aspects are breaking down.
Our technology is becoming so great that, you know, Our banks and things cannot
keep up with our technology and things are breaking down.
But we are reaching higher consciousness.

And as we become more aware and realize that we need a new way of thinking,
a new way of living, and realize that we've been manipulated and it's time to change.
Our world is changing. Our planet is going through an ascension and is reaching
higher consciousness, and we are, too.

And it won't happen overnight, but it's happening as we speak.
And your fourth and the fifth dimensions are not physical places.
These are higher levels of consciousness, and we are headed to that.
That's where humanity is going. We are at an evolutionary pivotal moment in

our stage of evolution to where we are waking up. And guess what?
Our planet, all the plants and trees and all these things have been waiting on us.
All the extraterrestrials, interdimensionals, all beings throughout the universe
have been waiting for us to reach this beautiful, momentous moment and point.

And come to the realization of who we are, how unique we are, and our full potential.
There's things in our DNA that are not even fully activated because of our food,
our air, our water have toxins in them.
Right drugs are synthetic there's plastics

and everything these things yeah at
our news and media it's all negative negativity
all these things are done to keep us from progressive to a higher level of consciousness
and that's changing yeah so solana has asked here that that she has heard that

ETs will never allow a worldwide nuclear war,
and have they given you any information about that?
Absolutely not, because what happens here affects not only us,
but our planet that they love, all the animals, all the innocent bystanders.
They had my son and I go meet some indigenous tribes in Mexico,

because we forget, living here in America especially,
about all the innocent bystanders on
this planet that you know if
two governments start a nuclear war think about all the innocent animals all
the innocent plants and trees that are all living conscious beings think about

all the innocent bystanders there are indigenous people that don't even know about right,
So they're never going to let that happen, you know, because it will ripple
into the universe because they are our family.
What happens to us affects them.
Yeah. One thing I've noticed is that there are so many women of our age,

you and I around the same age, and so many of the women in my UFO group are,
we're all around the same age.
Maybe a little younger, maybe a little older. but you
know we're all 50s 60s 70s and and
it's so interesting how we are
kind of carrying this torch right now and we're
we're almost like birthing this new world into existence I think that with our

our knowledge and our experiences I think there's just a lot of feminine energy
around this what do you think absolutely it's it's pretty from what I understand there's others like me.
And like I said, people don't remember, but all of us made a choice to be here.
We all wanted to be here for this momentous time.

And we're all here to help wake the rest of the world up and to help raise the
vibrational frequency to help people raise to a more positive,
better human being by being more positive.
I don't even have my TV on as far
as like listening to news and things like that yeah i don't

ever you know because it is everything is
done intentionally to keep us humanity separated
right every all of these powers that be that have manipulated us know that once
we all become together as one there is no stopping us there is no stopping us
so you know we are just beautiful beings and we have so many

things to be happy about and so many beautiful things to
to enjoy about our lives yes you
have to spread it to the our families and
our families to around other people and it will be just like the common cold
it will it's such a beautiful feeling to have higher frequency and to vibrate
at a higher frequency it rubs up rubs off on other people and they want to be

like that and it will expand just like the common cold.
It just keeps going. And that's what's going to happen. And people will raise their frequencies.
And what I would try to do when I first realized it.
I mean, normally, I mean, we cannot help what we were taught and programmed

and learned growing up. Right.
But we can change our behaviors about it. You know, so if I have a negative
thought, I replace it with a positive thought.
Yeah. So instead of running around thinking, oh, it's a crappy day,
I'm going to think, well, golly, it's a wonderful day.
We're going to play in the rain, you know, turn it into something positive.
Positive and start teaching your grandchildren, start teaching your other family members.

And I promise you, they will pick up on that frequency and want to start doing it.
And they'll start. It feels good.
It really does. It does.
It does feel good. I like Brad here has left us a nice comment.
The sacred feminine has been suppressed too long.
And I think that's so true. I mean, we grew up in the same era,

you and I. And, you know, when we were young, we didn't have as many choices
as young women have today.
And we had to fight our way, you know, to get any little piece of real estate
we wanted, whether in a career or even in our family life or in partnerships,
you know, with men or other women,

whatever we chose, you know, it was just always kind of clawing our way to the top.
And I think women today and people of all genders and however they choose to
express themselves, they have more options now.
And I think that that's part of all this enlightenment that's happening.
Yes. Yeah. Well, we have that loving, nurturing, I don't know,

it seems like women have less of an ego.
Could be wrong. Sorry, guys out there.
Yeah, I know. But, you know, we have a lot of interesting, you know,
but I think you're right.
Yeah. And I do know there's so many people, and I think we're all here for a
reason. Yes. We are all part of disclosure.

Yes, we are. All of us. humanity is the disclosure
and it's because we are waking up and i
can answer another question for you the reason why the
positive extraterrestrials in the interdimensional are
here now is because of us because when
they took notice that we are starting to reach higher
consciousness they started coming into our

galaxy in great numbers in big
motherships and when that started happening the
low this lower rim of extraterrestrials of
the negative nature now i don't i'm not
saying that they are not demonic but they are
are i would say self self-serving

no they did not care about any other race
but themselves they were here doing their agendas
and there are humans like that right so and they
did trade-outs with government for genetic
research search and of different things and what people call
abductions so in their
eyes they didn't think they were doing anything wrong because

it's like when our biologists scientists go out and tag an animal in the forest
or take a blood sample and tag it that's what they felt like they were doing
when they were doing this but they didn't care how humanity accepted that either
so when When they did that,
they were pretty much excommunicated or considered rogue races.

And they were not part of the collective consciousness of the interdimensional
and the positive extraterrestrial by them deciding to do this on their own.
But when they saw that we were starting to wake up and they started coming in, they asked,
And until these lower rim extraterrestrial stop, stop, you know,

stop your research, stop what you're doing to humanity, leave them alone.
They are waking, and this is a different ballgame now.
So a lot of them did leave the planet, but some are still here,
and they're fighting tooth and nail trying to hang in here because they have
worked with the black cats.
The really rich elites that keep

us using fossil fuels keep us using all
these toxins and all these different things
that they've done to keep us dumbed down but all of them know that their days
are about over you know they know right right they're still fighting but a lot
of them have stopped and left but there's a few still here and that's why we

have that war going on because that That is a distraction.
Anything to keep humanity in fear and keep humanity separated because they want
us to be scared of these positive interdimensionals.
They want us to be scared, you know, and not trust them.
But they are not here to take over and they are not here to control.

They are simply here to assist and watch over and help us to make the right
decisions with our technology because they are a billion years ahead of us.
And they have seen many beings throughout universes, and there's more than one universe and galaxies.
They've seen other ones destroy themselves, and they don't want that to happen to us.

So they want to assist, not take over or anything like that.
They want to assist and help us so that we can use our technology.
And they have shown me visions to where we can use our technology.
They explained to me technology is a man-made tool. Keep it as a man-made tool.

We use our intelligence, our higher consciousness, and we stay in control.
Do not turn it loose with just the wrong group of people. Do not just turn it
loose and let it operate on its own.
Use our intelligence and we keep it as a man-made tool and use it to benefit all of humanity.

And they showed me visions of how it will change our lives and how we can learn
to live longer, have longer extended lives.
We can have lives without poverty, lives without disease, all these beautiful, beautiful things.
And we should already be living like this, really.

But because of how it turned out and we were manipulated, technology has been
set on. But those things are going to change now.
Yeah. So do you have any advice for someone who hasn't had an encounter,
an experience that would like to have this kind of relationship with interdimensional

beings or other extraterrestrials?
So what can someone do who feels like they're on the outside?
I meditate with pure intention. And when I say that, I make sure when I,
for me, it would be just like if I'm having a prayer or I'm like,
it's like a meditation and pure intention,
meaning my focus is all on them.

And I make sure that there's nothing to plug my mind with, like hearing other
things. And I say, I want my subconscious to give me more information.
I want to know my true self. I want as much information as you're willing to give me.
I want face-to-face interaction with you.

And these things happen.
It may not happen just like that.
Because they're not just sitting up there waiting for us to say, hey, come on down.
You know what I mean? The universe operates and stuff.
And I don't flash lights and say, yeah, I'm sure you're just waiting on me. You know what I mean?

They're not here to show off. They're not here to...
Prove anything they're not like that so but
if you're they they they're very aware and they've
told me they hear everything i say they
have come immediately but eventually
they did yeah yeah that's

yeah because i we have a group um
within our group that goes out to the foothills of
the the sandia mountains on the first saturday of
every month and they do a deep meditation and
they feel this connection with each
other in connection with all of our human
family and they also feel a connection with our cosmic

family and they often will have an experience well that's because you're you're
creating a frequency that exuberates they can see that they could they can sense
and feel that they know when that's happening so that's a good thing i,
would love to do that i have not done that i just do it on my own and then yeah

i do it with pure intention and you know so it's basically the same thing but
that is the same thing yeah absolutely yeah so yeah they know they they know
they know everything they know everything.
Yeah. So here, Robert brings up an interesting point.

And he says that humankind's weaponization of religion against knowledge has
been the reason for us being 1800 years behind in our advancement and an existential
threat to our existence. So what do you think about that?
Do you think that because I've heard I've heard some contactees talk about how
how religion was kind of a response to trying to understand having encounters.

And so they replaced, you know, I'll tell you what I know. Yeah. Tell me. Yeah.
What do you know about? I don't know everything, but I'll tell you what I do
know and what they revealed to me.
They all have, extraterrestrials and interdimensionals all have soul.
And they all believe in a creator source.

Creator source is neither male or female. And it is the highest frequency.
And it's over, it has created everything.
All universes, all galaxies, all these things.
And so our
versions of god and

religions those are all man-made things so that is quite different from their
creator source we have to understand that what was what humans did and came
up with served a purpose at that time.
And not everything was right, not everything was wrong, but it served a purpose.

And it doesn't matter whether if it was like the real deal or not, it served a purpose.
And it got us to where we are today.
That's what matters, is where we are today.
It got us here, And now it's time for us to move on and understand we are not

alone in the universe and we've got a lot to learn.
And there is a creator source and there's beautiful things ahead of us.
And we they have souls. We have souls.
And we just because our life ends here on Earth, our souls go on.

We are basically immortal. mortal. We move on and have other experiences.
We are all here, energy beings, having a human experience.
And we have so much to look forward to. And they want to show us how we can
enjoy our lives here better without all the wars, without all the poverty, without all the.

All these horrible diseases and all these different things. The human experience
was not supposed to be like that.
This should be a beautiful experience.
They want to show us how to enjoy every aspect of aging, extend our lives,
and have the most beautiful, loving, wonderful lives.

And in the futures, we will have jobs that we choose to be a service to ourselves
and to the rest of our society.
But it's the things that we love to do, not things that we have to do to put food on the table.
It will not be like a slave system.

We're kind of like enslaved to a broken down system.
And all these things need to change. So, yeah, beautiful things ahead of us.
It's just beautiful, beautiful. I agree with that completely.
I think that that's our future, that we have an amazing future ahead of us.
I think disclosures already happened in a way that, you know,

that those of us who have had experiences, we know what we know.
And people who maybe haven't had experiences
or don't realize that they've had experiences that
have been following this they know what they know too and and
we're all kind of pulling the rest of humanity along with us i i feel yeah it's
like there's a job right now the way i understand it we are by like for myself

they have me vibrating at a higher frequency and i'm sure you are and And I'm sure other people are.
So our frequency as we come together, it starts to raise the rest of humanity
and they will pick up on it.
It may not happen as fast as for some people, but it will happen.

It will happen. Yeah.
Yeah. I think so, too. Mm-hmm.
So what else can you tell us about your experiences that maybe surprised you in some way?
Did you get a message sometime that you thought, wow, that's so incredible,

so different than what I might have been expecting?
Well, when they instigated for my son to go to Mexico, we went up to these mountains
to meet this indigenous tribe called the Zapotecs.
And they're also called the People of the Clouds. and when they got me up there

on that mountain i figured out real quick that the three that come for my son
are not the three that come for me and they will not take us at the same time because.
I would be so worried about what he's feeling, what he's experiencing, that I would lose focus.

And same for him. So they will not take us at the same time.
So we figured that out. But I also, the main thing is when, for me,
when they came for me, they took me outside and they took their hands and went
like this and said, everything is alive.
And we were in this very dense forest. and they

showed me visions of the trees and the plants all
talking and and a tree was laughing at
me and i was like and i was
and i asked the interdimensional why are you laughing
at me he said he's laughing at you because humans run around chopping them down
yet you don't realize that they provide the air that you breathe to live and

say right and you know they're laughing even because you don't understand or
appreciate what they do for you.
So that for me was, you know, there's so many things that we take for granted.
And for me, too, you know, just working and doing our thing.

We forget about all these innocent bystander people,
these innocent people, People, these people that are in the country where they
are being, they're bombing each other and they're being,
you know, they're innocent bystanders and they're being, losing family members and things.
Yeah. You know, it's, we don't need to live like this.

And we have to change. We have to.
We're in a pattern, not learning from our mistakes. And we have to wake up and
realize it is time for some change.
It's new ways of thinking and new ways of living. And it's time to start. You know, it's time.

Yes. And so for me, it's just, you know, and I think a lot of us,
we already know these things.
We know these things in our heart. We know these things in our soul.
But because of the programming in
our day-to-day lives working nine to five you know
we just forget it so for me

it was a wake-up call and and
remembering who I am in my place and I think that's what's going to happen with
everybody is just for us to go wow yes you know I see I see now you know what
I've been overlooking and you're not it's not things that we would do on purpose is just.

The way that our style of living and our style of thinking got to learn to change
and think about things, you know.
Yeah. Yeah, definitely.
And so where do you see your journey next? Are you still having encounters?
Yes. Yes. All the time. And every single night I have my meditation with them.

And I ask for, you know, for more information and more experiences, more face to face.
And so, yeah, my goal is to reach all of humanity, not just,
you know, because this is not about me.
This is not about the United States.
This is a worldwide phenomenon. This is about all of humanity all over the world.

My goal is to reach as many countries as I can.
I would love to go before the United Nations or something of this nature,
you know, and I want to reach all of every organization I can and put out good, positive information,
help clear up some misinformation.

A lot of people just really don't understand that there's more than one race of grays.
Right. More than one race of every single race.
There's so many different ones. And when they say some are negative,
that doesn't mean they're demonic.
It just means they are self-serving within their own kind and really don't care

about helping other kind.
But they're not warlike. So there's a lot of misinformation that's out because
people have made a lot of money off these type things, making books, movies, movies.
It's very true. Very true. And so, you know, as disclosure flows on out,
a lot of these things are going to surface and a lot of truthful things are

going to come prevail over some of these false things.
So, you know, my goal is to put as much good information out there, positive information.
And, you know, I don't know everything. I don't pretend to know everything,
but I know that they are loving beings and they're here to help not take over.

And they're not here to do any harm whatsoever.
And if they wanted to, that would have happened a long time ago.
Yeah, agreed. Agreed. They have been with us since the beginning of humanity.
It's in our pictographs going back thousands of years. They were billions.
Their craft are living conscious beings.

That's another thing. Their craft are living conscious beings.
So when their pilot gets into the craft, the consciousness connects with the craft of the pilot.
And they simply think where they want to go and bam, they go.
Where our technology is over here or, you know, in this computer or whatever,

they have such a high consciousness level.
That is the technology. Wow. I mean, it's amazing.
So Liv has a question. Nancy, what would you like for each of us to do going forward?
How can we help the Earth and the Galactic Federation?

We need to be positive. We need to be positive human beings,
be the best human beings we can be.
And understand that these things, we have to be patient. We have to understand
that these things will not happen overnight, but be patient and be persistent with being positive.

And we're going to have to be a forgiving nation.
We're going to have to forgive our government for the wrong decisions and the
things that might have happened over the past 80 years that this was suppressed.
Rest and we're going to have to look at it as
that things were done and that

is in the past and we have to go
from here and make the right decisions from here
on out and forgive and
understand that what for whatever reasons decisions
when were made there's nothing
we can do about it now and there's no reason to pass judgment
be a forgiving human beings and

let's just move on and make the world better you
know yeah lana's pointing out
what an exciting future earth has and
when you talk about all this i feel it i can feel your energy that yes we are
we are really moving into the light we are moving into a greater understanding
of each other and our planet and our place in the cosmos and it's beautiful

and don't blame people for what what we believed in the past, it sold us well.
It got us where we are. And now this is it. This is our future.
So I'm excited. I just think it's the most wonderful time to be alive and be
a human being. And we're all a part of it.
And that's why I say we are all the disclosure.

There's no question. We are the disclosure. I love that. And I'm going to think
about that going forward.
I am disclosure. You are disclosure.
Absolutely. That is a really cool way of, you know, kind of conceptualizing this.
Instead of waiting for some, you know, man, man at a podium pronouncing,

we are not alone, you know.
Well, I know they're not alone.
And you have to understand, they are reaching out and using people like me.
We are reaching and they want to reach humanity.
Yeah, that is who we can count on. Right. People in government are only temporarily there.

We are here, you know, and we're in great numbers. When we all come together,
there will be no stopping us.
So that's my goal is to continue. What they want is to reach all of humanity as much as possible.
And everybody should do their part and just try to be good people and encourage people.

But we cannot force people into this.
Everybody is on their own spiritual path
and we have to let them you know do
this as they want you know right wish me and
they don't expect all of us to just wake up overnight
it's just we just have to be patient yeah yeah so so morphixius has an interesting

question here are there any unexpected cosmic events coming because i've heard
some rumors from other the contactees that certain dates are being thrown around.
You have to understand, for me, when I see stuff like that, that's what sells books.
That's what sells certain things. So I question a lot of things like that.

I'm not saying that it's not true. I'm just saying that I don't know.
And I don't know everything.
But no, they have not. I know that there could be a little mishap.
But if that were to happen, and I don't know why it would, that they would be here quickly.
To sort it all out and you know for example the first ones that we meet face to face here on earth,

we have to be careful and make sure that it is
the right ones you know right but i
don't know i know that they would not allow it to manifest into anything because
they're we're being closely watched they are watching us they are and i'm not
talking about one race There's many different races that are around us,

and they're in our skies.
The problem is we live in a 3D world, and so we rely on our five senses.
But there is life going on all around us, but we can't see it because we're in a 3D world.
But as we reach higher consciousness, our awareness will start to open up,

and we'll start seeing them more because they're not hiding from us.
They are in our skies and they are in our galaxy.
Our galaxy is teeming with life. And they may not live,
a lot of them live on ships and a lot of them may not live on the planet surface
like we do, but every planet up there, I guarantee you it's got life on it.

Yeah, and I think, you know, you bring up here in the 3D world, we're kind of,
Stuck behind our five senses. But then we also have a number of people,
a number of us who have had contact experiences or who have had training in
things like remote viewing who are able to break through just the five senses

and have a kind of a greater understanding and a greater ability to see what's out there.
So I think the numbers of people on the planet, human beings on the planet,
who are able to sense what's out there, that that number is growing and that's
helping us reach a greater awareness.

As we all reach that, we'll start seeing it more and more. Yes.
Yeah. But our scientists already know that plants are living conscious beings.
They know that plants can communicate. They know that the frequency of water
can change to different vibrations and frequencies.

And the molecular structure totally changes. So our scientists know all these things.
It's just not known mainstream.
But as we reach our higher consciousness, we're going to all start to realize
a lot more. And that's going to be beautiful.
It is going to be beautiful. I completely agree. Agree.

So where can people find out more about what you're working on and get in touch with you, Nancy?
Sure. My website is And then my Facebook group is
We have never been along.
We are the disclosure.

So I belong to a lot of other extraterrestrial groups. So you can pretty much
find me anywhere on Facebook. book.
So, yeah. So, you know, and I try to do a lot of podcasts and.
I'm available for anybody that will have me. I'll gladly be on their show and
talk about these things.

It is my life mission, and it's very special and important to me.
And I absolutely love it. And I feel very thankful that I get this opportunity
because I finally know who I am, my purpose in life, and who the true Nancy is.
And I'm happier than I've ever been in my whole life. And it's just a beautiful thing. Yeah.

Well, you can, you can tell how happy you are and just that cosmic radiance is shining through.
You can see it inside and out with you.
Yeah. I love it. Yeah. And I thank you so much for coming and speaking with us today.
I really appreciate hearing, hearing your stories and getting kind of that confirmation

for myself that all the things that I've experienced that someone else has had similar encounters.
It's there was a purpose. it was there was
a purpose for it all that's right a beautiful
purpose that's what's so amazing yeah it is well thank you very much and you

hold on for a second and i'm gonna say goodbye to everybody thank you so much
and um nancy i'll be with you in a second and goodbye everybody love you.
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