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February 14, 2024 28 mins

In this episode I’m sharing how I manifested a move to Dubai, why I started manifesting in the first place and why we should all be manifesting as part of our daily practices especially as ADHDers.

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Episode Transcript

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.999Welcome to the ADHD and Alchemy podcast with your host, Paula Hurst. 2 00:00:05,829.999 --> 00:00:10,310 I'm here to be your guide as we talk about spiritual and holistic practices.

Mindset, meditation, and manifestation.
This podcast is for conscious ADHD women.
.999And I'm here to help you to rewire your thinking and block your limiting beliefs, and become less scattered and more in control of how you show up, And move forwards with intention. 6 00:00:31,399.999 --> 00:00:33,909.999 Now let's get into the episode. 7 00:00:33,973.332333333 --> 00:00:47,328.333333333 In this episode, I'm sharing how I manifested a move to Dubai, why I started manifesting in the first place and why we should all be manifesting as part of our daily practices, especially as ADHDers. 8 00:00:47,328.433333333 --> 00:01:00,733.333333333 In 2015, me and my family made the move overseas to Kuwait, but before we went, I said to my husband, I I only want us to be there for five years and then we'll move to Dubai. 9 00:01:01,463.333333333 --> 00:01:08,93.333333333 And this was a message I kept repeating over the time we were there, because I really felt a call to Dubai. 10 00:01:08,833.333333333 --> 00:01:16,283.332333333 And you know what, we moved to Dubai exactly four years and 364 days later. 11 00:01:16,723.332333333 --> 00:01:32,828.332333333 So pretty much exactly five years after we decided, right? So we also moved to a four bedroom villa that was almost identical to the one I had on my vision board. 12 00:01:33,388.332333333 --> 00:01:39,528.332333333 And this is what I'm sharing about in today's episode, but first a little from home. 13 00:01:40,898.33233333 --> 00:01:47,138.33233333 So this week I'm sharing what I've been doing with my clients as it links to this episode. 14 00:01:48,38.33233333 --> 00:01:54,608.33233333 I've been running a manifesting workshop, which is a three week workshop that breaks down how to manifest. 15 00:01:55,328.33233333 --> 00:01:58,918.33233333 We go through intention and why it's important when manifesting. 16 00:01:59,578.33233333 --> 00:02:06,518.33133333 We shift limiting beliefs and blocks, all of those that might get in the way of your manifestation and. 17 00:02:07,228.33233333 --> 00:02:14,198.33233333 I guide people to learn, to use their intuition when taking action as ADHDers. 18 00:02:14,218.33233333 --> 00:02:21,238.33233333 We're highly sensitive people, which means that we're more in tune with our intuition and I'm deeply intuitive. 19 00:02:21,358.33133333 --> 00:02:24,758.33133333 So one of the things I like to do is really get people to understand. 20 00:02:25,243.33133333 --> 00:02:39,213.33133333 What intuition is and how to use it, because of my background in hypnosis practices and my love of the brain, I teach a mix of neuroscience and blend it with a mix of spiritual practices. 21 00:02:40,143.33133333 --> 00:02:43,503.33133333 And I have to say, my clients are loving the process. 22 00:02:44,73.33133333 --> 00:02:45,183.33133333 I've had many messages. 23 00:02:45,953.33133333 --> 00:02:53,903.33133333 I've had messages to say they can't stop thinking about what they've learned and that they never thought of manifesting in this way before. 24 00:02:54,313.33133333 --> 00:03:03,173.33133333 I just love teaching people to use their most powerful resource, which is their brains and energy in a whole new way. 25 00:03:04,683.33033333 --> 00:03:10,883.33133333 Manifesting is simply directing your thoughts and actions in order to bring about what you want in your life. 26 00:03:11,503.33133333 --> 00:03:14,813.33133333 And yes, there can be many serendipitous moments. 27 00:03:15,418.33133333 --> 00:03:20,618.33133333 But it's not magic, nothing drops into your lap after spending some time visualizing. 28 00:03:21,508.33133333 --> 00:03:24,818.33133333 You will get opportunities that seem to have come out of nowhere. 29 00:03:25,28.33133333 --> 00:03:34,68.33133333 And yes, you will be surprised at how you decided you wanted something, and then it just appears, but there is no magic involved. 30 00:03:34,398.33133333 --> 00:03:38,28.33133333 It's just a magical process and that's why I love it. 31 00:03:39,198.33133333 --> 00:03:42,118.33133333 So let me give you an example of a small manifestation. 32 00:03:43,778.33133333 --> 00:03:49,98.33133333 So when manifesting, I always like to have a couple of big manifestations that I'm working towards. 33 00:03:49,628.33133333 --> 00:03:53,978.33133333 And these are the things that, you know, I really have to do the work. 34 00:03:54,458.33133333 --> 00:04:01,548.33033333 And what I mean by that is looking at what may be blocking me and removing those. 35 00:04:01,728.33133333 --> 00:04:22,28.33133333 Blocks, which are beliefs, right? You're limiting beliefs, looking at those things, looking at what, where I might be in scarcity, in a scarcity mindset, right? So I look at those things and I'll make the changes I need to before my manifestation can come through. 36 00:04:23,108.33133333 --> 00:04:29,768.33133333 And I'll spend some time looking at the beliefs I have around the thing I like, I'm bringing in. 37 00:04:30,388.33133333 --> 00:04:42,638.33133333 Like, do I actually believe deep down at a subconscious level, I can have this or be this? And then do the work to change my beliefs, right? At a subconscious level. 38 00:04:43,718.33133333 --> 00:04:44,858.33133333 But for the little things. 39 00:04:45,543.33133333 --> 00:04:48,893.33133333 Really, I generally just need to pop them on the list. 40 00:04:48,893.33133333 --> 00:04:52,103.33133333 And for the most part, they somehow show up. 41 00:04:53,113.33133333 --> 00:04:58,903.33133333 Like when I needed to change my phone, I just put an upgraded iPhone on my list. 42 00:04:59,593.33133333 --> 00:05:12,148.33033333 And I was a bit nonchalant about the phone I wanted because really, so long as it was a phone that worked and it was an iPhone, so I know how to use it I really couldn't care less about the model, the size, the color. 43 00:05:13,498.33033333 --> 00:05:18,718.33033333 Anyway, so I put that on a list and then a few weeks later, there was one sitting on my desk. 44 00:05:18,718.33033333 --> 00:05:46,368.33033333 I kid you not! So I messaged my husband and I asked him, why is there a phone on my desk? And he said a colleague had just upgraded and asked if he wanted to buy the old phone, and he knew that mine was getting old and I needed a newer model with a bigger memory so he just bought it and like, I was just so surprised at how that happened, right? He had no idea that I'd put that on my list because I don't share my list with anyone. 45 00:05:47,788.33033333 --> 00:05:50,8.32933333 Well, in fact, scrub that. 46 00:05:50,128.33033333 --> 00:05:53,838.32933333 I share my list with one person, one person only. 47 00:05:54,18.32933333 --> 00:05:56,528.33033333 And this is a friend we manifest together a lot. 48 00:05:57,458.33033333 --> 00:05:57,718.33033333 So. 49 00:05:59,178.33033333 --> 00:06:11,818.33033333 I'm always surprised by my manifestations, even to this day, even though it's a daily practice for me, even though I'm constantly consciously manifesting, it still surprises me the way things turn up. 50 00:06:12,838.33033333 --> 00:06:15,998.32933333 I know the thing that springs to mind right now is a massage. 51 00:06:16,48.32933333 --> 00:06:29,948.32933333 This was very fairly recently, I wrote down that I wanted to have a massage after doing a workshop I was going to be doing because it was a live workshop and I'm empathic and. 52 00:06:31,63.33033333 --> 00:06:37,453.33033333 You know, no matter how I protect my energy, I always tend to feel quite drained afterwards. 53 00:06:38,533.33033333 --> 00:06:42,363.33033333 So I knew that afterwards a massage would be really good for me. 54 00:06:42,373.33033333 --> 00:06:43,333.33033333 So I wrote it on the list. 55 00:06:44,193.33033333 --> 00:07:03,993.33033333 And then I can't remember how long, maybe a week after I had a message from a friend of mine to ask if I wanted to have a free massage because she works for a company and as, and that company was about to launch a range of massages. 56 00:07:04,588.33033333 --> 00:07:05,648.33033333 I couldn't believe it. 57 00:07:06,358.33033333 --> 00:07:12,948.33033333 So, of course, I said yes, and of course I booked it for just after I was, doing that workshop. 58 00:07:13,938.33033333 --> 00:07:21,778.33033333 So, one of the things here is that I don't manifest just to have what I want when I want it. 59 00:07:22,388.33033333 --> 00:07:32,158.33033333 I use manifestation to continually direct my life in a way that keeps me on track with how I see myself fulfilling my purpose. 60 00:07:32,258.33033333 --> 00:07:43,228.33033333 Because I'm very purpose driven, everything is about fulfilling my purpose, right? It's about having a purpose, fulfilling it, and feeling fulfilled. 61 00:07:44,938.33033333 --> 00:07:49,628.33033333 So I'm using manifestation to help me with my purpose. 62 00:07:50,38.33033333 --> 00:07:56,998.33033333 And my purpose is helping others, right? It's helping others bring more joy, more happiness into their lives. 63 00:07:57,978.33033333 --> 00:08:04,708.33033333 And one thing I know is the more you do it, the more it just becomes natural to you. 64 00:08:05,278.33033333 --> 00:08:11,928.32933333 It becomes natural to just put the things you want or need on your list and allow it to come through for you. 65 00:08:11,928.32933333 --> 00:08:25,708.32933333 I first learned about manifestation when I had my own like multi level marketing business, I went to a conference and people spoke about manifesting and using it and they talked about the secret. 66 00:08:26,398.32933333 --> 00:08:36,8.32933333 Now I'd read that book a while ago and I gave up because honestly, I thought that it was just as simple as deciding what you wanted and believing that it would come. 67 00:08:36,718.32933333 --> 00:08:38,648.32933333 So I made a mistake. 68 00:08:38,968.32933333 --> 00:08:47,318.32933333 And it hit me big time, the mistake I made, which is a little embarrassing now, but I'm going to share it anyway. 69 00:08:48,438.32933333 --> 00:08:57,428.32933333 I went on my weekly shop with my husband, Greg, and I remember I was manifesting 75 pounds. 70 00:08:57,858.32933333 --> 00:09:03,528.32933333 And I really believed that it was just going to appear, right? Somehow, some way this money would just appear. 71 00:09:03,528.32933333 --> 00:09:08,688.32933333 So when we went shopping, I was just happily putting things in the basket and just. 72 00:09:08,788.32933333 --> 00:09:18,498.32933333 You know, shop, shopping a way used all of the money we had for, I don't know, the week, the fortnight, whatever, but I used it all. 73 00:09:19,248.32933333 --> 00:09:26,808.32833333 And then I was really shocked when that money didn't show up to save me because I really thought it would, because I really believed it would. 74 00:09:27,458.32833333 --> 00:09:28,498.32933333 But here's the thing. 75 00:09:29,298.32933333 --> 00:09:38,288.32933333 Looking back now, I can see exactly where I was all wrong after studying manifestation over all of these years. 76 00:09:38,588.32933333 --> 00:09:44,38.32933333 I know that we manifest from our deepest beliefs, our subconscious beliefs. 77 00:09:44,798.32933333 --> 00:09:57,178.32933333 So those beliefs that are just fleeting, passing conscious thoughts, I thought would do the job, but actually. 78 00:09:57,533.32933333 --> 00:10:08,643.32833333 What we need is an authentic desire and subconscious beliefs, right? The subconscious beliefs to, to bring it through. 79 00:10:09,663.32933333 --> 00:10:30,713.32933333 I honestly believe right now that in order to really bring through like big manifestations, it needs to be at a soul level, like you need to desire it at a soul level, and it needs to be a part of your soul's purpose or you know, something to do with, your path, your journey here. 80 00:10:30,973.32933333 --> 00:10:35,843.32933333 It could be to do with, you know, karmic lessons. 81 00:10:36,753.32833333 --> 00:10:43,113.32933333 But right back then I did it all wrong and I blew all of our money. 82 00:10:43,123.32933333 --> 00:10:46,963.32933333 And right now it's just crazy to me, but I did it. 83 00:10:48,3.32933333 --> 00:10:49,843.32933333 Anyway, let's get back to the story. 84 00:10:49,843.32933333 --> 00:10:50,953.32933333 So I. 85 00:10:52,253.32933333 --> 00:11:05,63.32933333 I watched the movie, like after being at this conference, I watched the movie this time and I also got my husband to watch it and he thought it was all nonsense. 86 00:11:05,93.32933333 --> 00:11:11,73.32933333 But anyway, something about it just made me want to do it, like really learn it and really get it. 87 00:11:11,503.32933333 --> 00:11:13,193.32933333 So I started buying more books. 88 00:11:13,193.32933333 --> 00:11:39,323.32933333 I started following YouTubers and I started to meditate as I noticed that was the one thing they were all doing and I knew it had to have a link and with kind of wishy washy effort, I had wishy washy results, but I did have results and manifestation never let me go because I was having some luck with it. 89 00:11:40,748.32933333 --> 00:11:48,548.32933333 And then in 2015, when my kids were little, my husband got a job in Kuwait in the Middle East. 90 00:11:50,8.32933333 --> 00:11:52,668.32833333 But back then we had so much debt. 91 00:11:52,678.32933333 --> 00:11:59,658.32933333 We were definitely living paycheck to paycheck, right? We had to borrow quite a lot. 92 00:11:59,668.32833333 --> 00:12:07,998.32933333 Like at the end of the month, if we couldn't get through the month, we had to borrow, you know, lend money from people, from family. 93 00:12:08,968.32933333 --> 00:12:12,383.22933333 We had to lend money from family in order to get through the months. 94 00:12:13,633.32933333 --> 00:12:26,183.32933333 So my husband took the job, but before he got that job, he had applied and was, you know, a front runner for a position in Dubai. 95 00:12:26,543.32933333 --> 00:12:29,873.32933333 So I'd been looking at Dubai and I loved the sound of it. 96 00:12:30,413.32933333 --> 00:12:36,503.32933333 I thought it would be perfect for us, but now I realize that that wouldn't have been right for us right then. 97 00:12:36,843.32933333 --> 00:12:45,3.32933333 Because we didn't have the money to really enjoy a life here is, you know, it's, it's an expensive city to live in. 98 00:12:46,33.32933333 --> 00:12:54,343.32933333 So I told my husband, we'll go to Kuwait, but after five years, I want to be in Dubai. 99 00:12:55,623.32933333 --> 00:13:01,3.32833333 That would give us time to clear our feet, you know, that would give us time to put some money in the bank. 100 00:13:02,423.32933333 --> 00:13:09,853.32933333 And so we left and we went, we moved to Kuwait on August the 19th, 2015. 101 00:13:10,973.32933333 --> 00:13:16,913.32933333 During this time we did our thing, you know, we just, I had a little job. 102 00:13:16,933.32833333 --> 00:13:20,943.32833333 My husband was working and that was when I began to get into business. 103 00:13:20,943.33033333 --> 00:13:24,963.32933333 I created my first business, Transform with Paula, and it started to grow. 104 00:13:25,713.32933333 --> 00:13:29,393.32933333 I was seeing clients online and I've seen them in person as well. 105 00:13:30,623.32933333 --> 00:13:35,193.32933333 I was growing that business through word of mouth and things were good, right? Things were okay. 106 00:13:36,453.32933333 --> 00:13:40,383.32933333 I was bringing in a fairly decent income from my business back then. 107 00:13:41,183.32933333 --> 00:13:43,583.32933333 And also manifestations. 108 00:13:44,723.32933333 --> 00:13:47,943.32933333 At the time I needed more space to see my clients. 109 00:13:48,863.32933333 --> 00:13:52,763.32933333 So I decided I was going to manifest an apartment. 110 00:13:53,173.32933333 --> 00:13:57,263.32933333 And this is when I really decided to test myself to see if it would work. 111 00:13:57,693.32933333 --> 00:14:00,973.32833333 I'd already said to my husband, you know, I think we should move. 112 00:14:00,983.32933333 --> 00:14:02,873.32933333 I think we should get a better, bigger space. 113 00:14:03,93.32933333 --> 00:14:05,963.32933333 It would be great to have a space where I can see my clients at home. 114 00:14:06,553.32933333 --> 00:14:06,923.32933333 Right. 115 00:14:07,63.32933333 --> 00:14:12,103.32933333 So that I could start taking more people in, helping more people and. 116 00:14:12,643.32933333 --> 00:14:14,333.32933333 He said we couldn't afford to. 117 00:14:14,943.32933333 --> 00:14:18,103.32933333 So I dropped it and I put manifestation to the test. 118 00:14:19,413.32933333 --> 00:14:23,183.32933333 Friends of ours were living in the same apartment block of, uh, as ours. 119 00:14:23,753.32933333 --> 00:14:26,33.32933333 And their apartment. 120 00:14:26,473.32933333 --> 00:14:28,603.32933333 It was just slightly bigger than ours. 121 00:14:28,643.32933333 --> 00:14:40,533.32933333 It was a different layout and it had a room that could be used as an office, like somewhere that I can work somewhere that had enough space for me to see clients at home. 122 00:14:41,763.32933333 --> 00:14:43,463.32933333 So I started visualizing it. 123 00:14:43,703.32833333 --> 00:14:54,238.32933333 I knew that place inside out, because like I said, We had friends of ours living in the same apartment, right? These are all identical apartments. 124 00:14:55,78.32933333 --> 00:15:03,338.32933333 So I was lay by the pool, you know, as the kids played and I would visualize, I would be in my bed at night. 125 00:15:03,368.32933333 --> 00:15:09,718.32933333 I would visualize, I was constantly doing inner work anyway, because it was really. 126 00:15:09,993.32933333 --> 00:15:26,343.32833333 You know, doing a lot of personal growth, I was meditating, I was just feeling like I was living there every day when I walked around my own apartment, I would walk around like I was walking around that apartment. 127 00:15:26,783.32933333 --> 00:15:32,503.32933333 I would hear my kids, you know, shout to me from the rooms, I would really get deep into my visualizations. 128 00:15:33,473.32933333 --> 00:15:40,863.32933333 And then one day I was lying by the pool, just, you know, lying there the kids playing. 129 00:15:41,208.32933333 --> 00:15:46,478.32933333 And my husband walks up beside me standing over me and he says, I've got a surprise for you. 130 00:15:46,508.32933333 --> 00:15:50,618.32933333 And I'm like, okay, he said, we're moving. 131 00:15:51,8.32933333 --> 00:15:52,598.32933333 We've got one of the apartments. 132 00:15:52,738.32933333 --> 00:16:04,658.32833333 And I'm like, what do you mean? What apartments? And he told me that he just decided that he should go and inquire as to any, whether any of the apartments were available. 133 00:16:06,63.32933333 --> 00:16:11,923.32933333 And two were available so I could choose which one I wanted. 134 00:16:12,343.32933333 --> 00:16:13,983.32933333 I was like, so shocked. 135 00:16:14,3.32933333 --> 00:16:15,333.32933333 I was so surprised. 136 00:16:15,623.32933333 --> 00:16:25,423.32833333 It was a little while after it was about three months after I'd originally, um, asked him and, you know, he had said we can't afford it, but. 137 00:16:26,508.32933333 --> 00:16:28,468.32933333 You know, I guess he'd done the numbers. 138 00:16:28,468.32933333 --> 00:16:35,558.32933333 I'm not sure, but it came through and it ended up that we were fine there. 139 00:16:35,598.32933333 --> 00:16:36,408.32933333 We could afford it. 140 00:16:36,418.32933333 --> 00:16:42,628.3293333 We did move, right? So that was the first one that was a pretty big manifestation. 141 00:16:42,638.3293333 --> 00:16:44,768.3293333 so I continued to work on my business. 142 00:16:45,98.3293333 --> 00:16:52,128.3293333 Then in 2019, I really started to think about the Dubai thing because we were four years in by now. 143 00:16:53,98.3283333 --> 00:17:03,968.3293333 So we went on some trips to Dubai and each time we went there, I'd bring a little something back, like a bought, a key ring back. 144 00:17:04,488.3293333 --> 00:17:05,358.3293333 So it had Dubai on it. 145 00:17:05,358.3293333 --> 00:17:07,548.3293333 So every time I opened my door. 146 00:17:08,523.3293333 --> 00:17:11,813.3293333 I was like thinking that I'm opening my door in Dubai. 147 00:17:11,833.3293333 --> 00:17:15,253.3293333 I was really took the visualization up. 148 00:17:15,303.3293333 --> 00:17:20,213.3293333 Like, you know, I, I, I did as much as I could to visualize being there. 149 00:17:21,633.3293333 --> 00:17:28,313.3293333 I started to change my wardrobe in Kuwait, it's a very modest conservative country. 150 00:17:28,323.3283333 --> 00:17:30,263.3293333 So you had to wear long sleeves. 151 00:17:30,293.3293333 --> 00:17:34,823.3293333 You had to make sure that whatever you were wearing covered your knees. 152 00:17:35,373.3293333 --> 00:17:36,223.3293333 So I bought. 153 00:17:37,498.3293333 --> 00:17:45,318.3293333 A sleeveless dress, but I brought a pretty expensive sleeveless dress because I knew that we were going to be moving to Dubai. 154 00:17:45,358.3293333 --> 00:17:48,808.3293333 And I believed like, I just really believed. 155 00:17:48,808.3293333 --> 00:17:50,438.3283333 So I was like, I'm going to buy this dress. 156 00:17:50,438.3293333 --> 00:17:51,298.3293333 And I bought it. 157 00:17:52,338.3293333 --> 00:17:56,848.3283333 Um, I started clearing out as I was clearing our house. 158 00:17:57,508.3293333 --> 00:18:07,558.3293333 Chucking out things that we weren't going to take and I started buying things that I'd like to take, right? So I was doing all of that work. 159 00:18:08,768.3293333 --> 00:18:15,298.3293333 I started speaking to schools in Dubai, like we were literally moving this really soon. 160 00:18:15,628.3293333 --> 00:18:21,908.3283333 I told them we'd be moving the next year, even though I didn't have a clue that we'd be moving yet. 161 00:18:22,368.3293333 --> 00:18:24,898.3283333 And I put in the applications for our kids. 162 00:18:25,443.3293333 --> 00:18:40,103.3283333 I was visualizing regularly, I visualized getting out of bed in the mornings, going through my day, I would take the kids to school, I would have someone to come over and do yoga with me in the garden, because I knew I really wanted to do the garden, we were living in an apartment back then. 163 00:18:41,153.3293333 --> 00:18:51,103.3293333 And, you know, I would be working for myself, then Greg would come home, we'd eat dinner together with the kids, you know, all of the things. 164 00:18:51,678.3293333 --> 00:19:03,968.3293333 Then the pandemic hit when the pandemic hit, first of all, I thought it was great because I had all the time to work on my business instead of having to go to work. 165 00:19:04,418.3293333 --> 00:19:05,318.3293333 So that was good. 166 00:19:05,758.3293333 --> 00:19:11,168.3293333 But then during that time, my daughter wasn't having a great time. 167 00:19:11,168.3293333 --> 00:19:12,388.3293333 She started to have panic attacks. 168 00:19:12,388.3293333 --> 00:19:16,178.3293333 She really had a bad time when the pandemic hit. 169 00:19:16,188.3283333 --> 00:19:24,108.3293333 So my husband suggested we went back to the UK because of course we were, we were in an apartment and it's hard to be inside. 170 00:19:24,613.3293333 --> 00:19:33,643.3293333 All that time during lockdown, right? No garden, no balcony, no windows that opened properly because we lived on the 15th floor. 171 00:19:34,603.3293333 --> 00:19:36,733.3293333 So I decided, yeah, we'd go back. 172 00:19:36,743.3283333 --> 00:19:39,483.3283333 I would go back, take the kids back to the UK for a bit. 173 00:19:40,443.3293333 --> 00:19:40,943.3293333 And. 174 00:19:41,988.3293333 --> 00:19:48,178.3293333 When we left Kuwait, the day we left, I had a feeling like this was it. 175 00:19:49,388.3293333 --> 00:19:51,918.3293333 I didn't really know that there was nothing in the pipeline. 176 00:19:51,918.3293333 --> 00:19:57,258.3288333 So we didn't say bye to friends or anything really. 177 00:19:57,258.3288333 --> 00:20:01,388.3283333 We didn't like, you know, leave like we were leaving, leaving. 178 00:20:01,438.3283333 --> 00:20:05,708.3293333 We were just simply going away and we'll be back after the summer, like we did every year. 179 00:20:06,958.3293333 --> 00:20:26,68.3293333 But that wasn't to be, so what happened was we went back to the UK and we were back for maybe, I don't know, a few weeks when Greg said that his boss had asked him if it'd be up for moving to Dubai. 180 00:20:26,78.3293333 --> 00:20:27,573.2293333 It was an idea he had. 181 00:20:28,893.3293333 --> 00:20:36,473.3293333 So he told me that, and I was like, you are kidding, like, you know, of course you told him we were up for it, right? And of course he did. 182 00:20:37,233.3293333 --> 00:20:58,753.3293333 Then, just things started moving, right? His senior boss spoke to him about it, and they said that There's a potential move for us in the January, but of course I wanted the kids to start school in the new year, like in a new school, in the new school year, which would be August. 183 00:20:58,753.3293333 --> 00:21:13,958.3298333 So we kind of needed to move things on a little bit, right? So I had started to look at, you know, what we could do between now and January, like where they could go to school, if we would need to go back to Kuwait, um, or stay in the UK for a bit and all of those things. 184 00:21:13,978.3298333 --> 00:21:17,178.3298333 And then I remembered that actually, no, I was losing faith. 185 00:21:17,238.3298333 --> 00:21:18,588.3298333 I'm manifesting, right. 186 00:21:18,818.3298333 --> 00:21:23,198.3298333 And I was manifesting a move and the move would, I said, five years, which would be. 187 00:21:23,458.3298333 --> 00:21:28,688.3298333 The August, so, so I just decided to wait and see what happened. 188 00:21:29,658.3298333 --> 00:21:33,148.3298333 Then we got a definite yes, a definite yes, we could go. 189 00:21:34,118.3298333 --> 00:21:54,518.3298333 And all the boxes were, you know, getting ticked before you knew it, they brought the date right back and booked our flights for August the 18th, which was four years and 365 days later, uh, after we'd moved to Kuwait. 190 00:21:55,88.3288333 --> 00:22:02,288.3298333 So five years minus a day, right? It's pretty amazing, but that's not all. 191 00:22:03,608.3298333 --> 00:22:10,958.3298333 We were lucky enough to be able to stay at a friend's apartment and we started viewing houses. 192 00:22:11,858.3308333 --> 00:22:13,538.3308333 and also the school. 193 00:22:14,638.3308333 --> 00:22:25,828.3298333 So the school we had applied to and we went to see, when we arrived there, we realized it was the same school we'd seen a few years earlier. 194 00:22:25,878.3308333 --> 00:22:31,668.3308333 It was on the same estate as our friends had lived when we'd stayed at our friends. 195 00:22:32,248.3308333 --> 00:22:39,688.3308333 We had walked around that state, just me and the girls, and I'd said to the girls, imagine if we were living here and that was your school. 196 00:22:40,558.3308333 --> 00:22:42,248.3298333 This was the school. 197 00:22:43,903.3308333 --> 00:22:45,963.3308333 Then we started looking for a place. 198 00:22:45,983.3308333 --> 00:22:53,253.3298333 We looked at loads of villas, but one, I got a good feeling, like such a good feeling the minute I walked in the door, I knew it was for us. 199 00:22:53,793.3308333 --> 00:22:55,413.3308333 So we signed for that property. 200 00:22:55,853.3308333 --> 00:23:02,353.3308333 We moved in and you know, we were living there, I don't know, a couple of weeks. 201 00:23:02,363.3308333 --> 00:23:03,803.3298333 So my friend asked me. 202 00:23:04,328.3308333 --> 00:23:12,768.3308333 If I was interested in doing yoga in the garden, because although she's not an instructor, she's very good at it. 203 00:23:12,778.3308333 --> 00:23:21,338.3308333 So I started doing these sessions with her, giving me pointers and her like really, you know, instructs me doing yoga lessons, basically in the garden. 204 00:23:21,738.3308333 --> 00:23:23,113.2308333 And then I realized that that. 205 00:23:23,293.3308333 --> 00:23:30,43.3308333 Was also something I'd had in my visualization then, and this is the best bit. 206 00:23:30,563.3308333 --> 00:23:38,803.3308333 I looked out of my daughter's bedroom window one day because I wanted to take a photo of the skyline. 207 00:23:39,883.3308333 --> 00:23:42,673.3298333 And I took that photo and I was hanging out the window. 208 00:23:43,303.3308333 --> 00:23:47,303.3308333 And I was like, where have I seen this street before? It looks so familiar. 209 00:23:48,213.3308333 --> 00:23:50,383.3308333 And then I realized it was the photo. 210 00:23:50,393.3308333 --> 00:23:55,133.3308333 It was so similar to the photo that was on my vision board. 211 00:23:55,293.3298333 --> 00:24:00,963.3308333 Can you believe it? Like literally almost identical. 212 00:24:02,28.3308333 --> 00:24:09,528.3308333 So that my lovelies is my major manifestation story and a few minis along the way as well. 213 00:24:11,258.3308333 --> 00:24:14,552.2083844 There's been so many things I've manifested. 214 00:24:15,592.2083844 --> 00:24:17,74.3508333 I manifested a place. 215 00:24:18,249.3508333 --> 00:24:23,799.3508333 With a coach in her six month coaching program. 216 00:24:24,79.3508333 --> 00:24:28,19.3508333 I manifested a free place in her coaching program. 217 00:24:29,289.3498333 --> 00:24:31,139.3498333 Like, there's too many to list. 218 00:24:31,469.3498333 --> 00:24:36,369.3488333 It would be crazy for me to start listing them all out now, but believe me when I say I can manifest. 219 00:24:36,369.3488333 --> 00:24:56,179.3478333 And I've had lots of lessons along the way, but the main one I learned is that you don't need to be in a high vibe to manifest, right? When I first started learning about manifestation, I thought when you needed to be in a high vibe all the time or else it wouldn't come through for you, right? If you're not at that level of frequency, it's not going to come through, through for you. 220 00:24:56,179.4478333 --> 00:24:59,79.3488333 But that just isn't true. 221 00:24:59,839.3488333 --> 00:25:03,679.3488333 A lot of that time, right? During that pandemic year, I was frightened. 222 00:25:03,679.3488333 --> 00:25:04,349.3488333 I was anxious. 223 00:25:04,349.3488333 --> 00:25:05,509.3488333 I was doubting. 224 00:25:06,759.3488333 --> 00:25:08,239.3478333 I was doubting that we'd even move. 225 00:25:09,839.3488333 --> 00:25:19,539.3488333 So my conscious thoughts and beliefs were not always on the, you know, that we are going to move. 226 00:25:20,599.3488333 --> 00:25:23,119.3488333 Some of the time I was really doubting it. 227 00:25:23,129.3488333 --> 00:25:24,659.3488333 Some of the time I didn't believe it. 228 00:25:24,669.3488333 --> 00:25:31,529.3488333 Some of the time I was anxious and frightened, but it still came through for me. 229 00:25:32,929.3488333 --> 00:25:43,629.3488333 And that's because I'd done enough inner work and visualization for my subconscious mind, which is where we manifest from to believe that this was my life. 230 00:25:43,639.3488333 --> 00:25:46,499.3488333 And in doing so, I met with this manifestation. 231 00:25:47,599.3488333 --> 00:25:53,489.3488333 The universe allowed me the manifestation because I did the work. 232 00:25:54,439.3488333 --> 00:26:00,79.3488333 Manifestation is an important piece of work, especially for ADHD people. 233 00:26:00,609.3488333 --> 00:26:03,949.3488333 We've been raised to believe that the world works in a certain way. 234 00:26:04,649.3488333 --> 00:26:06,129.3488333 Which hasn't been the way for us. 235 00:26:06,759.3488333 --> 00:26:11,639.3488333 We cannot, we find it difficult to work with within others guidelines. 236 00:26:11,639.3488333 --> 00:26:14,359.3488333 So we often have to forge our own paths. 237 00:26:15,329.3488333 --> 00:26:17,129.3478333 We are deeply intuitive. 238 00:26:17,619.3488333 --> 00:26:26,189.3488333 So in my opinion, we're the perfect people to call in the things we need, because I believe the universe will deliver. 239 00:26:27,639.3488333 --> 00:26:38,109.3488333 If you need to manifest to make your situation better in order to do what you are here on this planet to do, then believe me when I say the universe will deliver. 240 00:26:38,989.3488333 --> 00:26:43,829.3488333 We are the people who are here to ruffle feathers and to make some changes. 241 00:26:43,829.3488333 --> 00:26:54,799.3488333 So if you need to manifest in order to make yourself more comfortable in the process, or to have the doors open to the opportunities that will allow you. 242 00:26:56,494.3488333 --> 00:27:09,834.3478333 All that you need in order to be who you need to be in order to do what you need to do in order to share your gifts, then please learn manifestation and use it. 243 00:27:11,44.3478333 --> 00:27:14,504.3488333 Helping people manifest is one of the things I now do. 244 00:27:14,924.3488333 --> 00:27:22,514.3488333 So if you want to know more, then look out for what I'm doing on my Instagram and DM me. 245 00:27:22,894.3488333 --> 00:27:27,594.3488333 So we can have a chat and that's all from me this week. 246 00:27:27,594.3488333 --> 00:27:34,404.3488333 I really hoped you, you enjoyed my manifestation stories and I'll be back with more soon. 247 00:27:34,404.3488333 --> 00:27:38,254.3488333 Thanks for listening to this episode of ADHD and alchemy. 248 00:27:38,814.3488333 --> 00:27:40,64.3488333 I'd love to hear from you. 249 00:27:40,449.3488333 --> 00:27:44,429.2488333 You can reach out to me on Instagram at ADHD and alchemy. 250 00:27:44,709.3488333 --> 00:27:57,279.3478333 And one last thing, can I ask you to rate this podcast and, or share it on your stories so that other women just like you can benefit from this podcast? Thanks so much. 251 00:27:57,319.3478333 --> 00:28:01,99.3488333 And I'll see you on Instagram and in my next episode.
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