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May 1, 2024 19 mins

Welcome to an emotive and humorous episode of "Embracing Vulnerability". This audio delight is a fascinating observation of mother-daughter dynamics, affording you a glimpse into the heartwarming bond between Ennelih, our charming host, and her pre-teen daughter, Liz. From everyday disagreements about eating habits to comical commentaries on music and pop culture, this episode is a delightful journey through their evolving relationship.

Filled with lively banter that gives way to moments of understanding and acceptance, the episode propels forward through some interesting perspectives on parenting. Ennelih reveals her parenting strategies for raising a pre-teen, and encourages Liz to express herself freely. This honest interplay between mother and daughter rounds off with a fun cross-generational chat about Liz's favorite animations and shows.

What makes this episode truly special is how it magnifies the shared camaraderie behind the trials and tribulations of a Millennial mother and Gen-Alpha daughter navigating a rapidly evolving world together. Explore a myriad of vibrant topics from the benefits and drawbacks of modern streaming platforms to the twists and turns of school life. In an endearing twist, listeners are also treated to amusing anecdotes about grandma's relationship with technology, and playful diet debates. Teasingly interspersed throughout are references to popular TikTok audios.

This light-hearted episode doesn't shy away from deeper themes. It explores the complexities of friendship and trust, reflecting a relatable, unscripted, and genuinely captivating bond between mother and daughter. The episode beautifully harmonizes the humor and candor of parenting, making it a must-listen for anyone seeking a dose of hearty laughter, honest exchanges, and the spontaneous joy of shared human experiences.

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Episode Transcript

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Hi everyone and welcome to Embracing Vulnerability.
I'm your host, Anneli. Here is my guest.
She is a queen, a beautiful girl who came into my life and made it better,
even though we fight all the time because she's a preteen, so we have an attitude now.

But I am nice enough to tell her I'm sorry when we argue.
Stop believing. Here is Liz. Yeah.
Welcome, Liz. How are you? I'm great. You're great? Yes, I'm great.
I'm glad that you're great.

I'm glad that you are great like the food.
I'm not a picky eater, but my mom says I am. I eat every fruit.
I eat every vegetables besides garlic
because i think garlic i don't think you're a picky eater
i just think that you get bored of eating the same
food well yeah it's not a picky eater you can't eat
rice beans and chicken every day like your daddy daddy i

do at least for three days but then after that i'm like your
brother as well he he used to want to eat rice
every single day now he doesn't want to eat rice every sometime he'll tell
me no no no i have
an oliver impression because he's always with me and he always he always
i feel like oliver is like this is the girl that gives me food every
day it's not it's not like oh this is my sister no you can't

really say his name too much but then he's gonna come in here and then
be doing what he'd be doing my baby brother that we're not supposed to say he'd
be like i don't even think he thinks of me as his sister he probably just he
probably just sees me as like oh it's the girl that gives me food because i
beg her for it how do you feel about your brother the first day you met him
i felt excitement and i I also felt like.

Baby fever because all of it is so cute on the
youtube channel that my daughter and i got banned from there
was a cute video of her introducing her brother
to the world and she was six years old
and she was like and this is my titi and
this is my brother and this is my youtube
channel no we are on tv something like that

it was oh yeah because it was a it was a snapchat filter her
yeah so or chat snap your brother was
super tiny and then you didn't even you didn't
even want a brother you wanted a sister yeah but
i learned to deal with them but then i got a sister from my
dad's side like when i was nine so i
hate her though anyways that's not nice we're not

gonna stay here we're not gonna stay here and bully
people she's just a preteen guys she didn't
mean that she didn't mean
that because then if this gets a million views i
doubt it if she gets a million if we got a
million listeners guess who's gonna hear this audio
oh no not the dad exactly you need

to retract your statement ma'am
guys i didn't mean it bro that was like
i'm doing an apology for saying the end yeah somebody pull.
Out the violin she's mr crabs in the spongebob episode with the world's smallest
violin insert here she's a preteen so she's very vocal about her feelings so

we think it's valid bro tell me why the baby daddy's over here talking about some.
I don't want you listening to ariana grande because i was singing i was singing
um i think i was singing the one with the ring which is like the seven rings
i think i was singing that one.
And then the baby daddy was like, I don't want you singing that around me.

So then I backed up and I went to the kitchen just like a couple feet from them
and I started singing it.
Okay, yeah, I understand that there are some rules. I don't care.
Like, it's literally a song. It's not like I'm going to, like,
so, like, Ice, not Ice Face.
I'm pretty sure, like, Cardi B was talking about, like, she only acts like that
on camera. She's not, like, actually.
No, I understand that. That's the thing.

Famous people make their own content. Right. But it's the parents' job to allow
their kids to watch that or listen to that or not.
Because I know some parents like to blame famous people. at all but
she wants to be strict in her own world and her persona but
like she lets me listen to music that probably other kids don't
i have a lot of things other kids don't and i'm very grateful

for it because like a lot of kids have very very strict parents
and my mom lets me listen to songs that
not many kids get to listen to the way
i see it is my child doesn't say bad
words and i told her
she can say bad words with her friends she
can't say them around me or her father i see them so much i'm pretty sure i'm

pretty sure i probably slept up a couple times around you no you haven't i haven't
heard you once you didn't hear me but i did you asked me oh can i say this and
i will depending on how upset you are i would say yes or no but i know.
That i've told you that you can't
say certain words because the thing is
in some parts of the world yeah in some

parts of the world some words some words are
not bad words in some parts of the world there's a lot of cultures where
they say a lot of bad words quote unquote but to them it's not bad words because
every culture is different for example the word by now for dominicans means
person place or thing you could
use by not in any sentence Oh pass another by now pass me the thing Oh.

I want to eat baina. Person, place, or thing. But in some countries, baina is a bad word.
So that's why I tell my daughter, you can say bad words with your friends.
Just don't say them around any adults because a lot of adults don't agree with
children saying certain things.
And I respect that. And I don't want you to ever be, ma'am, we're not doing ASMR.

Asmr i don't want you to ever be in an uncomfortable conversation with an adult
where they would make feel like you're a bad child and i'm a bad mom because
that's what they will feel great child,
that's what they will feel that i'm bracing
you on some type of half gentle parenting because i do
scream at you every every parent screams at
their kid no some parents don't scream at their kids it's giving

neglect some parents might feel like i'm bracing you
on some hippy dippy stuff off because i allow you to have your emotions and
i allow you to disagree with me i should agree to do all the time like when
you say that your podcast is like nice and you say they're gonna get mad at
me for hating on you mom i'm your number one hater and i always will it means
her life because she's my sister's number one fan but she's my number one hater what,

make it make sense somebody please yeah make it make sense if you were in my
life for 10 years to maybe 50 was in my life for that year okay first of all
first of all first of all ma'am.
It wasn't only 50 grandma was in your life too yeah but back then back then back then,

It was a struggle financially, and that's something that I don't need to discuss
with a child because it's not something you need to be worried about.
We have to restart. Why?
I want to restart. We don't have to restart. What do you want to talk about?
Restart. The microphone? Restart. So apparently we have to start over because

my daughter said that my podcast is boring and we need to give it a little bit more pistache.
So you're going to take over. What do you want to talk about? Take three.
Anyways, my name is Liz, and I am a child. I am, can I say my age?
Yes, you can say your age.
I'm 47 years old. And I love food.

My pronouns are her, she, because I love food. Uh-huh.
That's the pizzazz you was bringing to the table? Yeah.
Interesting. What is your definition of pizzazz?
Make sure the microphone is not off. it's not okay because you little miss a
generation alpha so what pizzazz pizzazz.

Chowder what was the episode i don't remember when they were cooking and it
was like a little monster that kept growing and growing is it that one no i
don't think it's that one,
but mung did turn it to pizzazz i think before he was using i think he was using
bread i think I think Chara was supposed to use a specific ingredient.

He grabbed something different by mistake.
Yes. And that thing was like fungus or mold, and it kept growing and growing.
And like, the cute monks told him, don't touch anything there.
And then he got distracted.
Oh, that's a good topic. What are
your favorite cartoons that you watch on streaming platforms like Hulu?

I think it's just Hulu that you've watched. Where did you watch Attack on Titan? On Hulu, right?
Teen Titans Go? Teen Titans, you watched it on Hulu.
You don't like Teen Titans no more? I still watch it from time to time.
Okay, so what are your favorite cartoons?
Not like favorite, favorite. Okay, what are some cartoons you enjoy that you

feel like you're going to laugh if you watch it?
Probably sometimes Chowder because Chowder is always saying something dumb and
doing something dumb, especially when they dished out the truffles.
Or like who they're like but when ruffles hit
it hitting one of them as usual you have
grown a lot because you used to watch the powerpuff

girls i don't know if you remember that i don't watch the powerpuff girls anyways
but i still watch peppa pig you because peppa pig
is disrespectful no it's not yeah she she stayed
roasting her dad so i roast my dad too it's just well no peppa pig is not disrespectful
peppa pig just be talking back like and her brother doesn't talk that much but

yeah because he's like feeling his autism or something you used to you used to watch.
That's your laboratory i've been wanting to
watch that because i don't know where to find it and they keep taking it
off hulu and putting it back on hulu yeah that's because those
platforms they have to sign a contract they have to pay the
owners that made that so they could run it for specific amount of time and they

have the right to sell it to whoever they want they can sell it to netflix paramount
whoever what else you got miss pizzazz bag cool sucks yes she hates her school,
yeah my school is my mom hates the school too yeah and i want to leave some
elementary schools and some middle schools don't have the best staff i would

say the mess i just dropped my mic Yeah, she dropped her mic.
But we don't have to get into details with the school because I am praying and
hoping that she goes to a better school.
And if she doesn't go to a better school, at least in the next school that she's
going to, I don't want the same students.
That were associated with her in the past school. The thing is.

Some problems arise. And the school doesn't really follow up with it.
And I'm sick and tired of all the time. I have two friends in school.
And I don't think I need any more. Because if you have more than one friend.
It's like you don't know who's telling who something.
Or like what's going on. Like one close friend is better than a lot.
Having friends and loved ones is a lot of work.

Yeah. It's a lot of work. Because you got to build trust.
Yeah. Yeah, because, like, it's like me and Guillermo, because we've known each
other for a long time. Shout out to my bestie. Oh, Lord have mercy.
And we're always, like, we're always on the phone, your stupid stuff,
always getting grounded for doing stuff. You get grounded all the time, too?
Uh-uh. Uh-uh. Uh-uh. Uh-uh. Right.

We're both stupid. Twisted tea.
So, I do not, I am not responsible for the things that my daughter says.
I just want to make that clear before y'all come for me and cancel me.
She's a preteen so she won't say some pizzazz heroin age chlamydia.

See what i'm saying yeah see what i mean i can't this is not even scripted we're
just talking over here i don't even know what to name this episode what should
we name this episode heroin and it's Clooney.
Girl, please somebody come get her. I guarantee you if you say any TikTok audio,

she knows what it's about.
What's your favorite TikTok audio right now? Or one that you like if you can remember?
The Big Back one you kept playing. Big Back, Big Back, Big Back.
It just kept coming up on my For You page. That's a parody to the Dora song. Yes, it was singing.

Please don't sue me. There's a content creator who sells houses.
And he be showing people the houses. And he talks like Gen Z.
Wait, but what happened to that one guy that said, born in a house that I'm
in a house? Does he know that he doesn't have to be born in a house no more? He probably does.
And nobody's heard from him. And that came out in the pandemic,
right? Yeah. Yeah, a lot of us were born. I know you were born.

All the children around the world. I remember this one. All the OGs remember this from Likey.
Oh my God, are you guys twins? We're actually not twins. We're sisters.
Not Likey. There was Likey. Grandma had it.
So I was like, oh my God, I have to download that. That's really cool because
it had a heart on it. Let's talk about your grandma.
Tell me how my daughter's great grandmother, which is my grandma,

is way more hip than grandma.
Grandma doesn't have TikTok, but your great grandma does.
And she knows everything that's going on with the famous people.
You ask her a question about the presidents or the rules. They don't really
care about the presidents.
Somebody bring Obama back. I'm just giving you an example that your great-grandma's

very hip. She's down with the times.
Your grandma is not into. And also sometimes when my grandma,
like not the great-grandma, but my grandma, she'd be like, no,
no, no, don't put that in her sandwich.
Because she just made me avocado toast. but then
grandma would be like yeah they always
used to say that grandma is very into diets

and health so she always wanted want
to see super extra healthy which i don't blame her because she wants us to live
a very long time but i'm saying i'm very respectful to my grandmas because i
know i'm probably not gonna have a long time with them left yeah my daughter
is very blessed to have her grandma and great-grandma alive. Great-grandma is 73.

73, and she don't got no cane, and she be going up the stairs.
How many flights upstairs? Like, 10.
This is the fifth floor. Yes, but we have to go up like, two. So many.
My grandmother is 73, and she has no cane, no walker, no wheelchair,
and she goes up and down five flights of stairs every single day.

Grandma can run. she'd be going up and down the stairs every single
day for that lottery ticket i want to be like her
when i grow up i want to have her energy she has a lot of
energy she has that og grandma energy she's funny
and she cut people booty oh oh no
yes she does she will make fun of people in a
heartbeat like you can i already know i can

imagine grandma in high school she's really smart you know
one time i was doing like this like i was like trying to clear my throat and
you know what she said to me she said that's the grease that's coming up your
throat and i thought she was lying and she's not lying there's a person who
knows nutritional facts about food and he looked at the cereal,

the the pop tarts the chips they all have canola oil in them they all have some
type of oil in them okay so i'm gonna act like i know what canola oil oil i'm
just saying in oil grease grease he said that.
He says the guy says that when we that phlegm doesn't exist I heard Oliver but

I'm trying to finish can I finish my thought,
we're not doing the ASMR I don't care this is not your podcast this is my podcast,
people are going to want to see me you're a host you're a host here so behave
accordingly thank you very much aren't you the host you're a guest Yes, you're a guest.

So can I finish my sentence, please? Oh my god, guys, she slipped up.
Make fun of her. Yes, everybody throw stones at me.
She doesn't want to hear the fun fact that grandma taught me that I thought
she didn't know what she was talking about. It's okay. Ain't nobody want to hear about no oil.
Okay, fine. Nobody want to hear about no oil. What do you want to talk about?

No, we don't cough on this podcast.
Somebody edit that. I'm the editing team and I'm not editing that out.
I don't even know how to edit most things.
I just give it to the AI and the AI does whatever it wants to do with it.
Anyways, what I'm going to talk about. Mr. AI, please edit that call.
Okay, we're not going to talk about what just happened. FBI guy on my phone,

please edit the call. Oh. Oh.
Anyway, so. What are some closing remarks? Because we've been talking for 18
minutes. Nobody cares. We gotta go. Let's make it 20 for the people.
Okay, we got two minutes. That's what I'm saying. We gotta go.
What are your, what else, what's
your last thing you want to say before we say goodbye to the people?
If y'all want to see me again, blow this up.

Yeah mom stop laughing at
me no i want to see more of me oh my word so if y'all want to see me again i
want y'all to upload this not the marketing yeah not the marketing strategy
thank you baby you're so smart parent so i'm a millennial and she's a tell me
why tell me why on my report card.

Respecting your peers i don't even
get a three i'm not really sure why they
grade that anyways but because i probably i
probably got that because the day before they submitted report cards i
pushed this kid because he kept pushing the ball
to the flooring and like forcing himself to get points so anyway i got a little
violent anyways a safe violence she didn't get suspended or anything she's gotten

suspended before why because some kid was saying something to her only my daughter
got caught saying something. I was telling my daughter to defend herself.
No, actually, because people thought that I was trying to jump him when literally,
I remember roast battles.
They used to be a big thing. I was like, we're going to have a roast battle.
Apparently, you can't have roast battles, but apparently, that's something that

happened three years ago. Yes.
It's dead and gone. Thank you. No, don't nobody want to see you.
Yes, they do, bro. Bye everyone Blow it up This is my daughter Liz Now can I
say my outro So I can let these people go,

If how vulnerable I have been With you has helped in any way Please download
the episode and follow me for more Then Do not blow on the microphone,
I'm not inviting her back No no okay okay I'm sorry I put out new episodes every
Wednesday and Friday My podcast is available now on Spotify Spotify, Amazon Music,
iHeartRadio, Player FM, Listen Notes, Samsung Podcasts, Podtaster,

Boomplay, Deezer, and Podcast Addict.
I am growing through every experience. I hope you are too.
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