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May 8, 2024 18 mins

In this engaging episode of 'Embracing Vulnerability', host Ennelih speaks candidly about the challenges of maintaining work-life balance and finding inspiration from unorthodox sources such as anime quotes. She shares her struggles with workplace dissatisfaction, providing a relatable account about the reality of being stuck in undesirable employment due to practical circumstances.

Ennelih insists on the importance of personal growth in a job environment and urges those feeling stuck to consider transitioning if personal development is lacking. She shares her own aspirations for a better work-life balance and her ongoing search for employment that meets her family's needs.

The episode takes a lighter turn as Ennelih discusses her love for anime, recommending 'A Sign of Affection' - a soothing romance anime. She also includes humorous insights from her daily life, allowing listeners to connect with her on a personal level. Despite the challenging circumstances, Ennelih maintains a positive outlook, emphasizing work challenges are not permanent.

Embracing Vulnerability: Life Analogies from a Green Thumb

This episode of 'Embracing Vulnerability' dives deep into the intrigue of everyday life, as host Ennelih shares stories about nurturing plants alongside personal life experiences. Demonstrating a mother's dedication, Ennelih underscores the joy her child finds in caring for plants, which in turn, has become a beautiful bonding routine for them.

Highlighting her experiences of grappling with intense stress due to unexpected life transitions, Ennelih likens this to her plants' cycle of survival. Her openness about these struggles makes it a relatable episode for listeners navigating a similar path.

Ennelih shares the importance of maintaining healthy habits and making proactive lifestyle changes. With anecdotes about her family's shift to a low-sugar diet, she subtly reminds us of the small challenges in life which lead us to victory. The episode concludes with a motivational message on resilience and proactivity, underlining the strength of human endurance and perseverance. Tune in to listen to Ennelih as she narrates her vibrant journey of embracing vulnerability.

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Episode Transcript

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Today, thank you for tuning in to Embracing Vulnerability.
I'm your host, Anneli. Today, I would like to read an inspirational quote from an anime.
What are you so hesitant about? It's your dream, isn't it? It's right in front of you.
And you're wavering? You gotta be reckless. And take whatever you can.

And Tomoya Okazaki from the anime Clannad.
Now, mind you, I personally don't care about Clannad.
But a good quote is a good quote.
And I identify with any affirmations that help me reach what I want to reach.
And in life, we have to be able to get inspiration from something.

It doesn't matter what. It could be the movie Frozen.
It could be anything. anything literally any quote
that anyone has ever said could inspire you to wake
up and try your best and keep going and
push forward again personally i didn't like the anime clan ad but some of my
loved ones did and they recommend i watch it but i didn't like it but i'm the

type of person that thinks let me not knock it until i try it remember the wicked
witch of the west last episode,
this is another mini rant about work.
The new supervisor, who isn't so new because she's been here almost five months,
is starting to get stressed out with the jobs.
And I'm saying that in my opinion. I'm not saying she's told me this.

That is my assessment of the situation because she was very on top of everything,
very on point, not so forgetful at the beginning of her her job.
She has forgotten to do supervision for my performance twice.
The first time I reminded her, the second time I said, no thanks.
I'm not her calendar or her clock to remind anyone of anything.

I only have to remind my patients of their appointment, but that's in my job description.
Everything in my job is urgent and immediate.
The projects get started and most of them don't get finished because of how
dysfunctional this job is.
I asked for another raise back in January 2024.
I made sure my performance was at 100% across the board and we are now in May

and I have not received an increase in my salary.
I am hoping to be out of here when my son enters kindergarten because he will
finally have an eight-hour school schedule.
I would like to update My beloved listeners that I have applied to over 30 jobs
since December gotten several rejections in the email and I've gotten four interviews.

The rejections do not stop me because I have the mindset that the worst that
an employer can say is no.
I had to decline those four job offers because they didn't match my family schedule.
We are not putting our son in a daycare. I will sacrifice myself a little longer.
I am excited to finally see the light at the end of this tunnel.

I've learned so much in this job, but I am ready to transition elsewhere.
We should not be in a job that more than two years, we are no longer growing as a person.
I know I've said before that in a job, you're not growing mentally,
physically, or virtually.
Or financially, you shouldn't be there. But I understand the circumstances of

life makes us stay in a place that we don't want to be.
Like in my case, I don't want to be in this job, but the only thing that keeps
me here is the flexibility.
At the beginning of any job, we learn so much, but this has come to an end.
At this point, I am on autopilot in my job.
The lights are on, but no one is home.

Everyone is underpaid, including the doctors. So a lot of the employees involve
themselves in fraudulent activities to get everything that needs to get done to be done in one day.
Recently, they had to return $180 million to the state for billing non-quality service.
This company is about quantity and they have the care quality team,

but I'm sure they were hired to make things look good on paper.
Okay, that mini rant is over. I'm done
with that I'm done with that update I'm still in this
in this job that doesn't bring me
any joy for the sake of having the balance in my home for that sake I will always

sacrifice my time and my finances for my loved ones temporarily this is not
forever that's what I try to tell myself to keep myself moving forward,
to keep pushing forward, to make myself not quit,
to make myself not curse somebody out.
Because my patients are great. They're lovely. They're nice.
The problem is the management in this company. The higher-ups, they're a mess.

And I'm saying a mess to keep a PG, to keep it cordial,
because that's not a word other people will
describe in indeed when they search this job but i
promise you i promise you boy as
soon as i as soon as i'm
done with this job i will give you guys the name
of the job i will give you guys the name of the job and i will let you know

the review that i submitted on indeed for the job because i promise you i'm
submitting a review on indeed i tried to submit one two years ago and indeed
rejected it They're saying it wasn't following the guidelines of the platform, which is BS.
Which is BS because I was only saying the same thing that everybody else.

All the other comments about that comment are the same.
I mean, all the other comments, all the other comments, all the other review comments.
Thank you for your patience. English is my second language. All the other reviews
about this company on Indeed are the same as the one I put.
This company is rated a two star and is rated a two star for a reason.
You cannot be messy, unorganized, and also underpaid people.

Pick a lane. That is wild. That is insane. This company for sure does not value
its employees and doesn't, if they would treat us, that's what I'd be saying.
If they would pay us better we would be able to put up with all the bs but they don't so,
i said mini ran over and i kept talking lord have

mercy mini ran over over for real for real this time the recommendation for
day for today is an anime called a sign of affection a sign of affection it's
a patient healing and mediate anime that follows romance it's the calmest and
most reassuring show I've ever seen this year.

The main character Yuki is a deaf college student who runs into.
Isuomi on the train they're both
at the same school and have a mutual friend now
thank you for your patience because i
am butchering this name but you can find this anime
on country roll i'm not really sure what

any other platform you can find that on but it's on country roll i've
told you guys before that i love comedy i
love romance and i in anime i enjoy
gory content in anime i'm not
into horror like horror that gender that
gender that gender jesus why popcorn

reading can i say popcorn reading is
popcorn talking is that a thing well i'm
butchering my words thank you for your patience i'm trying to say and
i don't remember what i was saying i'm trying to say
that i'm butchering the name
of these characters thank you so much for

your patience but if you type it in on any search
engine that you use you type the anime a
sign of affection and it should tell you which platform it might be available
on other than Crunchyroll I'm not sure if it is available anyone else I mean
anywhere else but like I said I've mentioned before that I'm not into horror

I used to be into the genre of horror when I was younger but I'm not.
Into that anymore if you are into that no judgment everyone
has their taste i have
my taste and i stand by them i love comedy i
love romance and i love gory things in anime in
anime that's my recommendation for this week
i am trying to see if there's

anything else that i'm forgetting for example
today i'm noticing that the shirt that i'm wearing the the neck the thing the
circle on the neck what is very high is a very high shirt so I put a clip the
microphone and it's very close to my neck is very close to my double chin is

giving suffocation by microphone.
And nothing, that's a new discovery I just learned about this shirt that I'm wearing.
I'm also washing clothes. I'm also working.
And I have to step out two BJs to get some seltzer water.
Oh, update on the mini cherry tomatoes. The mini cherry tomatoes have right

now about eight tomatoes.
And one of them is finally turning red.
My daughter is really excited. She was like, mom, why you didn't tell me that it was turning red?
I was like, girl, I told you every morning before you go to school. go check the plant.
I've told you this before. I wasn't going to mention it again.
I know every morning I get up and I tell them good morning.
Most of the time when I can, I let them know, hey, I'm stepping out. Take care of each other.

I talk to them a lot. I talk to them so much. I talk to them before I even brush my teeth, bro.
Do they like my hot breath? I don't know. I also ordered a new planter.
I'm so excited. I can't wait for the planter to get here. I know
I ordered it perhaps on Thursday or
Friday and it's Monday that I'm

recording this and it's supposed to be
released on Wednesday but I'm
recording this on a Monday right so I ordered the planter on Thursday perhaps
and I'm checking day in and day out if the planter is It's already out for delivery
because I already want to start
recording that my plants on May 7th made two months and I'm so happy.

I'm happy that they're living, they're thriving and they're not surviving because they are living.
There's a difference between living and surviving.
And right now, I'm going through what my plants are going through. It's wild.
There's this transition so big happening behind the scenes in my life that it
gave me a headache for three days.

I was stressing so much because it was something unexpected.
It was something out of my control.
And you know me, I'm a miscontrol freak. freak
i'm always telling god please give me the
ability to let go of things
that i cannot control and to not let things out
of my control stress me it's i slept at least

i slept my normal six hours those three nights
even though i had a massive massive headache i've been
drinking my cucumber water to help
with the electrolytes and whatever fancy stuff cucumber
water does i'm doing my best i'm still doing
my one percent every day i have to
report to you guys that those three days

of a headache because i was stressing out i'm not sure how much outlets i completed
i know for a fact that i didn't read i didn't journal i didn't color i don't
even know what happened those three days with my life outside of that unexpected
transition that entered my life violently
it entered very violently i can't wait to update you guys

on what this situation that i'm going through is i
am unable to release any information because i'm waiting for something to get
approved then after it gets approved then i will go ahead and shout it out and
scream it at the top of the mount everest scream it at the top of my lungs the

transition that stressed me out out for three days.
But on Thursday, I would say, you know what? Shake it up.
Shake it off. Shake it off. Shake it down. Do whatever you need to do.
Do some jumping jacks. Touch your toes. Look in the mirror. Splash some water in your face.
Do something. But we're not doing this no more. We're not wallowing in despair. I hear you.

I hear you stress. You are telling me I'm not prepared. pair.
You are telling me I didn't see this coming.
You are telling me we have to do a lot in the next two months.
I understand that. I understand that I have a lot going on. I understand that
there's a lot on my plate.
Thank you, stress, for letting me know. Thank you for the three-day-long meeting

of letting me know that when things come unexpected in my life, I'm just like.
I'm trying to paint a picture. I'm trying to describe it. But what I did do,
though, I'm going to say this.
It wasn't the most outlet things.

I don't know if that's a phrase. But on May 1st, I said, I'm still going to
measure my blood pressure.
I didn't want to because I was
like, my blood pressure is going to be high because I've been stressing.
But I say, you know what? I'm going to drink my water. oh
I've also I'm gonna
stop I did do my outlets it was my

bare minimum outlets I'm gonna say because the intermittent
fasting is part of my outlet and I've
been doing intermittent fasting for 100 days
now so I'm still doing
the intermittent fasting even I'm not
saying it right Jesus it sounds so weird I'm still
doing the intermittent fasting even when I

was in vacation in the city that week in
spring break I still was eating at noon eating in
scheduled hours I did eat
late a couple of times but it wasn't an everyday thing
I still got back home and
I placed myself on the scale and I

told myself I'm still doing a good job I'm still
doing a good job I'm still drinking the water I'm
still lowering the sugar intake it's gotten
so wild that even my
husband has lowered the sugar intake my daughter and my son for some reason
the universe aligned this so that my husband decided oh I'm gonna lower my sugar

intake as well and I didn't suggest it to him he just did it on his own and
then my daughter is kind of struggling she's like like, oh, I want to have soda.
It's not fair that you guys decided that you're lowering sugar intake, so now I got to suffer.
I was like, you're not really suffering because you and your brother get juice in school.

Both of you guys get juice in school. They give juice in school.
I went to school in the United States of America, so I know that they give juice
in school. So technically, you're not out of sugar.
And as well, I'm pretty sure kids bring snacks to school.
I'm pretty sure you guys share snacks so you're not entirely out of sugar calm
down i know that sugar is addicting to all of us i'm not saying this is easy i'm saying.

That I made an executive decision as the CEO manager of this house,
that we were no longer going to drink soda in this house.
And if we do drink soda, it'll be one soda per week.
One soda per week. So my daughter had her quota already.
She had her quota for the week yesterday.
She wanted Taco Bell. I took her to Taco Bell.

She got Doritos tacos, Doritos local tacos, or something like that.
And she got a Baja Blast. She got her soda for the week.
I told her, I'm like, I'm not a monster. I am not a monster.
I'm just buying healthier snacks because I'm on a journey.
And like I said, in school, you still get your sugar intake and I'm buying you,

you guys are, I'm buying snacks for you guys and they still have sugar.
The snacks have sugar. They just don't have the same amount of sugar as they
used to and i just haven't been buying the same stuff i switched to a lot of
alternative snacks a lot of alternative snacks the snack closet or whatever
we call it is pretty empty guys it's pretty empty i've been doing a lot of vegetables and,

i have bananas and berries for my smoothies i actually next week or maybe not
next week sometime this weekend we're gonna buy more bananas we're gonna buy more foods for the food.
Football. And that's what we on.
That's what we on. I'm trying to do better with my health for myself.
And once it's been, it's already a habit. It's already a habit.

And I'm very proud of myself.
I'm very proud of myself and I'm going to continue to do the work on myself. So I'm.
Even though I was stressing out those three days, I still, I still,
you know, I feel like I'm mixing.
I'm mixing the days. I'm mixing the days, but I did do my intermittent fasting,

which is part of my outlet.
I did sleep the six hours, which is part of my outlet.
So I did my default
autopilot outlets but
it's still a habit in me it's still
a habit in me and I'm gonna continue to do my best
I'm gonna continue to do what I can what I'm allowed to do what I know to do

if I've one of what I have been today with you has something in a way please
download the episodes and follow me for more I put out new episodes every Wednesday
and Friday I am also doing live sessions every Monday and Tuesday in Spanish.
Los lunes y los martes hago transmisiones en español.
My podcast is available now on Spotify, Amazon Music, iHeartRadio,

Player FM, Listen Notes, Samsung Podcasts, Podchaser, Boomplay,
Deezer, and Podcastare.
Y si, the outro is not outroing today.
I am going through every experience. I hope you are too.
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