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April 24, 2024 19 mins

Welcome to "Embracing Vulnerability," where your host, Ennelih, takes you on a fascinating journey of self-growth and discovery. Listen to candid conversations about soulmates, love, friendships, past experiences, and the unique importance of vulnerability. Ennelih recounts her life stories, subtly teaching valuable lessons about deep emotional connections, healthy friendships, and breaking stereotypes. She shares how a deep-rooted connection with her best friend surpasses time parameters, suggesting a different perspective on the traditional understanding of soulmates.

Delve into Ennelih's deeply personal experiences, from her struggles with allergies to her brave confrontations with dark aspects of her past. Through her narratives, you will gain insight into self-love, personal well-being, and embracing your history. As Ennelih unpacks the concept of soulmates, the significance of being present, and being a good listener becomes evident. This emotional exploration offers valuable active advice on understanding oneself better and aligning with a healthier, improved version of oneself.

In a transparent and inspiring gesture, Ennelih takes you through her health and fitness journey, acknowledging the rollercoaster ride it often is. She candidly shares her practical steps, such as diet adjustments, fasting routines, and incorporation of less harmful products, thereby fostering personal accountability. Her stories, fears, determinations, and tactics serve as an inspiration for anyone seeking to improve their health— a true life tale that seesaws between discipline, patience, and commitment.

In the episode's climax, Ennelih advocates for connection, understanding, and building a network of aligned thinkers. Her stories vouched for more openness, empathy, and support, urging listeners to do the same. If you find a piece of yourself in Ennelih's vulnerability, join her in subsequent episodes and together, embark on a healthier life trajectory.

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Episode Transcript

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Good morning and welcome to Embracing Vulnerability. I'm your host, Emily.
I hope everyone is having the day that they deserve because sometimes you can't
really be telling people what kind of day to have and we're trying to take more
accountability for the things that we say.
So have the day that you deserve. Beloved, have the day that you deserve.

Thank you so much for everything that you have done for me.
Oh, but Annalie, what have we done for you? Well, you're listening and you're
downloading the episodes.
That's what you're doing for me. You're letting Podbean know,
hey, we like her. We like this podcast.
You're leaving likes and you're leaving comments. It's letting Podbean know

that this podcast is to your liking.
Thank Thank you so much. Thank you so much for reciprocating my love from me to you, from you to me.
You know what I mean. Today, I want to talk about soulmates. What is a soulmate?
According to Google, the definition is someone who you feel deeply connected

to, but not in a dependent or needy way.
So does that mean my man is not my soulmate? Because I am working on not being
needy and clingy with him. but you know who I don't feel needy and clingy with?
What I can share on this topic is I have experienced what it's like to deeply

love a friend and they reciprocate the love in whichever way they feel it.
In middle school I had a best friend and she was my everything.
We sadly parted ways from each other. It hurts but I know that everything happens for a reason.
You know who I I don't feel clingy and needy with?
My bestie. I met this girl seven years ago and don't clock me for the time because

I feel like I've known her my whole life.
So it's difficult for me to keep track of how long we've known each other because mind you,
time does not necessarily equal quality and it doesn't necessarily mean that
you should hold on and that relationship should be stronger because of time.
Time doesn't necessarily mean the relationship is strong for anything in that matter.

So I met her seven years ago. That's the idea that's coming to my brain.
And again, don't check me for
that time frame because it feels like I've known her from my past lives.
We are so similar that my man met her first than me.
And he told her, I think you would get along great with somebody.
And that somebody was moi.

I know she already has a BFF from her high school years, but that got nothing to do with me.
I speak so much about this girl. my mama
done told me she's your safe place i
pause to think wow my mama listens to me when i talk she recalls what i tell
her in confidence she really called my bestie my safe place that's how you know

the woman is using her active listening skills because i have never once in
my life uttered the words to my mother,
hey, my bestie, Sirua, is my safe place. I have never said that to her.
That has never come out my lips. So my mama knows how to read between the lines.
She knows how to read between the lines.

She sees how comfortable I am with this person. She sees I can be myself with this person.
She sees I can be spiritual, goofy, funny, serious around this person.
I can be entirely myself. I can be hateful if I want to be hateful,
jealous if I want to be jealous.
All of my emotions are in display when I'm with this person.

And I know that that's how it is because something about her energy and my energy
is connected in a way that is almost a little bit gay because I don't know how
to describe the fact that she brings the best out of me. She She makes me want to do better.
She makes me want to take it a little bit further with myself and have a fresh

commitment with myself because I see how she is with the people that she loves.
And I see how she works on treating herself.
So the fact that I see her improving herself makes me want to improve myself as well.
You know, those are the kind of friendships that I'm telling you guys to have.

Model after good friendships.
You should model your friendship out of other friendships. I'm not saying copy and paste.
I'm saying take the good from anything that you see and model that behavior. That's what I'm saying.
What is the role of a soulmate? For me, it's just being present and using active listening.

She has been through horrible things. and i
think to myself wow i wish i
would have met her sooner so i could be her band-aid very gay right you're gonna
have to keep it moving and let's be i'm trying to be vulnerable okay disclaimer
is about to get hella gay up in here i want to be a one-size-fits-all,

onesie band-aid and cover
all of her wounds i want to kiss all her
wounds and cuddle with her in a cabin in the woods away from the world staring
at a running lake and nature is that's okay i don't care i don't give a thing
that's too gay you know why i don't care about that because the summer of 2023 was,

how do I say this?
It was such a stepping stone. It was such a transitional.
We just got deeper. I'm not sure how it happened.
And these moments cannot be planned.
These moments are not, this is, it's kind of like love, right?

So when you go out there looking for love, nine times out of 10,
you won't find it. Love just happens, right? This is what's happening with my soulmate.
In the summer of 2023, I told her something that I hadn't told anyone else.
And I told myself, if I could tell my bestie, my soulmate, that I was touched

when I was seven years old, and I told her the story of how I got touched,
that's what transitioned into this.
That's what transitioned into a podcast. Because I said, if I can be vulnerable
enough with my soulmate, what is stopping me from being vulnerable with other people?
That they're going to shame me. That they're going to point at me.
That they're going to be like, oh, she was such a, what is the word?

Jezebel in the Bible. She was such a Jezebel when she was 13 up until she was 21.
I don't really care what you think about me experimenting when I was younger. Dating lots of boys.
I don't really care that you know that the reason why I was sleeping around
is because I didn't love myself enough or respect myself enough or value myself

enough to dedicate myself to one person and then creating a beautiful bond with that person.
The me that's talking to you now is not who I was when I was 13 or was 21.
I have transitioned out of many places.
It's almost like Like, you see how they say, don't quote me on this. I'm not a scientist.

I'm not really big on science or math. I'm being vulnerable and transparent to let you know this.
I'm not going to sit here and act like I'm the most smartest person in the world.
I feel like I've heard we only know 5% of the ocean. If I'm wrong,
correct me. But that's such a tiny little number.
I feel like that's how we treat ourselves as people.

We only know 5% of ourselves, and we need to do the work to get deeper into
ourselves, to understand ourselves, and love ourselves, and value ourselves,
and create the habits to align with a better self.
If this girl was to propose to me, friendship-wise, buy me a ring,
and tell me to be her soulmate, I would say yes.

I'm going to tell you guys, the next few months might be challenging for me
to record because I'm dealing with allergies.
And right now, I'm having my throat itches so much, I'm drinking water,
I'm pausing the recording so that I can cough, chewing on hall mints or whatever

they're called to try to soothe my throat.
And sometimes my throat is going to sound like,
I'm losing my voice like it's scratchy because I'm going to it.
My eyes are watering right now.
My nose is runny. I don't know if it's the pollen or the dust.
I don't know what it is, but I have allergies, guys.
I've been diagnosed with allergies.

After my big age, I have allergies now.
I really hope they're temporary or seasonal or whatever they are because, oh, my God, I'm trying.
I want to end this episode so bad
to just if i could grab my nails and shove it down my throat without throwing
up and scratch my tonsils i would do that that's that's what i feel like doing

but i can't because i have gag reflexes unfortunately i don't i'm not a hundred 100% a throat goat,
so I am unable to reach back there without gagging.
So let me try to go through this episode.
Mr. Body, Mr. Tonsils, Mr. Allergies, please give me a break.

I need about 10 minutes of a break. After that, cough away.
After that, cough away.
Do your allergy reactions the way you need to do. Give me a break right now, please.
So like I was saying, yeah, sometimes you got to talk to yourself.
You got to talk to your body. I'm talking to my tonsils, Mr. Tonsil, Ms.
Tonsil, Mrs. Tonsil, however you want to call yourself. Give me a break for

right now. I just need 10 minutes.
Sometimes the episodes are going to be shorter depending on my allergies or
anything that I might be going through.
You guys know that I'm seeing my gynecologist right now. I'm seeing the specialist
because I'm working towards getting surgery to prepare myself to not have more

children because I want to be able to have unhinged sex.
I want to be able to lay on the rug, on the bed, on the couch,
and have sex without worrying that I'm going to get pregnant.
TMI, we do TMI up in here. We share too much information over here.
I know that I be saying you shouldn't say some things online because it lives

online forever this is my vulnerable space I get to say what I want right here
I control myself what I say outside of my podcast but in my podcast I'm gonna
be yapping to you guys I'm gonna be yapping I'm gonna be saying stuff.
So when I told my soulmate that I had been touched as a seven-year-old child
and that there's a possibility that there are memories inside my brain that

are locked to keep me safe and
I'm working on myself to understand myself more than 5% like the ocean,
trying to get deep inside myself so that I can unlock childhood memories because
it's not normal for me to have a dory brain.
It's not normal for me to be so forgetful. so
I'm drinking the vitamins I'm doing the 16
and 16 a fast going to

sleep getting six hours minimums of sleep I'm trying
to eat cleaner with products from the groceries
that have five items or less I'm eating less bioengineered snacks I'm doing
the work I'm lowering the sugar intake I'm doing the work guys I'm doing the
work because I want to get to know myself I want to be better for myself.

I want to be healthy for myself.
And I can't be out here preaching to you guys, oh, be better,
do better, this and that and the third while I'm over here treating myself like
garbage. We cannot do that.
I'm out here trying to keep myself accountable. And if I recorded it and I said
it, I have the right to tell myself,

hey, didn't you tell these people to sleep more and and eat cleaner didn't you
say that so what we're doing about that i'm looking into.
Brands that are less known because usually the
brands that are less known that are mom and dad
shops or whatever the smaller business brands usually

they have ingredients that
are less yes they are less harmful for
us so recently i
started making myself smoothies i
don't i'm gonna share this with you i'm gonna keep it a buck i do not like berries
i don't like berries and i'm forcing myself to eat berries because i'm trying

to live a healthier life the reason why this came about was because for some
reason the way the universe aligns itself is because i've been working on my
mental health for a year,
my brain immediately started working the idea.
Hey, you know, just putting this idea out there.
There was a little meeting in my brain where my brain cells got together and said, listen,

if this woman got her
mental health and is getting her mental health on track and
she's doing her routine and she's doing what she said she
was going to do and she's keeping herself accountable and she's reading books
and she's journaling and she's coloring and she's treating herself kinder let's
sprinkle in there some kinder way for her bodies let's sprinkle in there a little

bit of healthy eating i love vegetables i love broccoli cauliflower lettuce.
I'm good with vegetables. My problem is berries. My problem is fruits.
I'm not a big fruit eater.
I will dabble in some melon or bananas. That's about it. I'm not a big fruit
eater. And I understand that fruits have natural sugars.
So we also have to be careful with that. So instead, I'm also not a big milk drinker.

I'm more of a cheese girl. I love cheese. Cheese is a problem for me.
I'm able to admit that. I'm a cheese addict and I ain't going to do nothing about it now.
I ain't working on cutting cheese out. Not right now. I'm not doing that. One thing at a time.
So I'm working on eating cleaner and I just made myself a berry and banana smoothie with coconut water.

The ingredient for the coconut water only had one ingredient. It said coconut on it.
So I took it. I'm trying to buy products that are not bioengineered and don't
have more than five ingredients in them.
So I made that smoothie and I drank it for two days.
I'm drinking cucumber water because they're saying that experts quote unquote

say that drinking plain water doesn't help with thirst.
You should drink water with electrolytes and cucumbers help with electrolytes.
So I'm dabbling into like lime water, cucumber water.
I'm not peeing as much as I used to because they were saying,
if you're just drinking plain water,
you're just going to to be peeing it out and it's not going to have anything

in it for you so i'm buying more water staying hydrated trying to be the best
version of myself and i'm losing one pound every week i'm working towards losing more pounds,
And it's a transition. I'm working on it. I'm working on it.

I'm not there yet. But for now, I'm tracking it using my blackboard.
I'm tracking my fasting period.
It's almost time for me to... Well, not almost time. At noon,
I have to eat. And today, I'm going to eat quesadillas.
Tortillas. Put a little bit of butter on the pan or comal, how they say it in Spanish.

And put the tortilla on
there put the cheese on there that's what i'm
gonna eat today quesadillas with my i'm gonna
eat quesadillas with a smoothie today for lunch thank you so much for listening
i hope you guys are trying to improve your life i hope you guys find a soulmate
and i don't think soulmates are only in a relation how do i explain this i don't

think soulmates are only people who you date and marry.
I think soulmates can be a friend.
Anyone who you truly can be, you're 100% authentic. Mind you,
I've known my husband for 18 years.
I'm not saying I can't be 100% my authentic self with him, but there are certain
things that we don't agree on because of the way that he was raised and the

way that I was raised that we just can't seem to get on the same page John.
So instead of arguing with him, I just went to my soulmate and it's all better.
We just exchange ideas with each other and implement them in our lives in order
to improve ourselves and improve our relationship with others.
I know that the summer was a great time for me.

I spent a month in her life and I really do hope that she's able to get into
something that improves proves how busy her life is. Her life is so busy, guys.
I lived that month with her, that summer, and I was like, this cannot be it. This is not it.

I hope that she's able to find something that releases some of her responsibilities.
Something or someone, you know, because we don't have the same support system.
She doesn't have the same support system that I do.
So I understand and I'm empathetic towards everyone who doesn't have a village

to help them with things going on in their life.
And I hope that everyone is able to connect with more people,
find more people that align with their ideas, and start building their village.
Start building your village.
If you don't have one, start building it. I promise you there's someone out
there who has similar thoughts as you.
You just have to look for them. if how vulnerable

i have been with you today has helped
in any way please download the episodes and
follow me for more you see how i'm struggling i'm struggling i am struggling
guys it's these allergies the allergies are making me feel let me try that again
if how vulnerable i have been with you today has helped you in any way please

download the episode and follow me i put out new new episodes every Wednesday and Friday.
I also have live audio on Monday and Tuesdays in Spanish.
My podcast is available now on Spotify, Amazon Music, iHeartRadio,
Player FM Listen Notes, Samsung Podcast, Pop Chaser, Boomplay,
Deezer, and Podcast Addict.

I am growing through every experience. I hope you are too.
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