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May 9, 2024 15 mins

Are you looking for ways not to be disappointed this Mother's Day? Do you want your family to give you a great Mother's Day and need ideas on how to make this happen? Welcome to today's episode of the Front Parking Spot Podcast, where host Jennifer Bosma, a Christian children's book author and former teacher, shares her insights and wisdom on ways to make your Mother's Day great.

The episode begins with Jennifer reflecting on her experiences with Mother's Day, reminiscing about the contrasting traditions surrounding the occasion in her family and that of her husbands.

Her family of mostly girls treated Mother's Day as a special occasion, showering their mother and grandmother with pampering and love. However, in her husband's family, the day's significance was lowered due to the composition of the all-male family. This led to a certain level of clash in expectations when Jennifer began her own family and looked forward to Mother's Day.

Drawing from this personal experience, Jennifer shares five helpful tips to ensure mothers will not be disappointed come Mother's Day.

She emphasized the necessity of a heartfelt conversation with the family about Mother's Day expectations. She suggested giving them a list of activities that would make the day special and letting them choose.

For mothers who like receiving gifts, Jennifer advised them to let their families know about their preference. She also stressed that mothers should accept and internalize the compliments, messages and tokens that families offer.

Lastly, she spoke about the importance of planning an activity a mom desires to do for herself on Mother’s Day, be it indulging in self-care or executing a long-planned project.

Finally, Jennifer ended the podcast by reminding all mothers of their exceptional role and the blessing that is motherhood.

Subscribe to Jennifer's website at

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Follow Jennifer on Instagram @frontparkingspot

Looking for a book for the next baby shower with the "bring a book instead of a card." request? Order a copy of Jennifer's book, I Know the Plans at:

Christian children's books for all kids! — Jennifer Bosma

Thanks, Moms for listening and please share with others! Have an Ephesians 3:20 day as your go for the Front Parking Spot in your life today!


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Episode Transcript

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Hey there, moms. Welcome to Episode 23. Today, this one is near and dear to my heart.
This is five ways not to be disappointed this Mother's Day. Listen in.
Hello, moms. Welcome to the Front Parking Spot Podcast. I am so glad you're here.
I'm Jennifer Bosma, wife, mom, grandma, former teacher for 23 years,

and now a Christian children's book author and your podcast host.
Are you a faith-based mom trying to live out a Christian life for your family?
Do you want to learn more ways that you can have power over your child's spiritual growth?
Inside this podcast, you will find tried and true ideas to grow in your faith
and be the best wife and mom you can be.
So listen in as you're cleaning up, doing the drive, or matching that sock,

and be encouraged to know that God has his front parking spot set aside for you.
Well, this weekend is it. It's Mother's Day. I know Mother's Day probably brings
a lot of of different emotions to you.
Hopefully they're good ones, but a lot of moms have some issues that aren't
so great and you have some memories of past Mother's Days or maybe you've lost your mom.

But I am going to be talking today about how to have a really great Mother's Day.
When I was teaching, I would tell my students, okay guys, it's Mother's Day.
Of course we would make the cards.
We would try to do something that they could bring home, but I never really
realized or knew how these actual cards would get home if they'd be all messed

up or crinkled in their book bag or whatever.
But I always would tell my students, boys and girls, this weekend,
it's really not about the gifts.
It's about what you can do for your mom, whether it's making her bed or making
her a breakfast or unloading the dishwasher or cleaning your room.
I would give them all kinds of tangible ideas of what they could do for Mother's

Day because I know those are things that I really wanted when my kids were small.
Now, my kids are all grown now. So my mother's days, I really want to defer
to my daughter, who is a very busy mom with three kids, and she is knee deep in motherhood.
And I really, so I'm talking to you moms, the ones that have all your kids at

home. You're really busy.
You're just wanting a break, and you just never seem to get it.
Well, I was really thinking about this and how you can have a great Mother's
Day, and it came up with a couple ideas.
I have a theory. Now, when my kids were small, my husband was raised in a home
that really didn't do a lot with Mother's Day.

They were an all-boy family, and it wasn't like a big deal. I mean,
maybe they would tell their mom, Happy Mother's Day, and then run out the door and do whatever.
But, and my mother-in-law didn't really need that kind of validation,
or she just kind I don't know if that was how her heart felt,
but she would kind of allude to that.
Like, oh, it's no big deal. Just do your thing. Mother's Day is no big deal.

So my husband's family heard from growing up that, well, Mother's Day aren't really a big deal.
So they kind of didn't treat it as a big deal.
Now, flip side, in my house, Mother's Day was a huge deal.
We treated my mom and grandma like royalty. I did everything for them.
I'd try to make a breakfast. I would just do everything I could to make it the

best Mother's Day for them.
So when we got married and I had kids, my expectation was my Mother's Day would
be like the way I gave Mother's Day to my mom and grandma, like really special.
Now, however, my husband came from the family that, like I said, it wasn't a big deal.
So right now you can see the conflict.

And it wasn't that my husband didn't care. He just really never had that experience
on how to really take Mother's Day to the way I had my expectations of it to be.
So those are some things I want to talk about today.
And I've come up with five really great ideas.
Now, before I go into the five ideas, moms of boys, I'm talking to you right now.

If you are, my husband was a family of boys, as I mentioned before,
but if you have sons and maybe Mother's Day isn't a big deal to you.
Maybe in your house, your mom didn't make a big deal about it.
So in your mind, it's no big deal. But if you have sons.
Consider making it more of a big deal. Consider of letting your boys treat you

like royalty and give you, you know, some extra special time to yourself. Because you know what?
As a mother of sons, you are teaching and training your sons to be the husband
that their future wife one day will really appreciate.
So even if your family didn't make a big deal of Mother's Day,
and you don't think it's a big deal, please try to train your sons because I am a mom of all girls.

And in my household, I mean, to a girl, it's a really big deal.
So this is just something for you to consider. But let's go back and talk about
five ways that you can really have the best Mother's Day that you want to have.
Number one, before Mother's Day even happens, okay? Today, you're listening to this podcast.
You have a couple of days before Mother's Day. Start a heartfelt conversation

with your kids and your husband about Mother's Day.
OK, share your feelings and desires by telling them how you envision the day.
OK, newsflash, kids and husbands are not mind readers.
All right. They're not just going to subtly pick up on it unless they had a
teacher who kind of planted a seed like I try to do with my students.

But you need to really tell them how you vision Mother's Day.
And I like to tell people too that even
if your Mother's Day happens this year and it's not what
you expect like the next day tell them okay
next year guys let's do this but so if it
doesn't happen you can always bring it up to them after the fact but right now
it's before the fact hopefully hopefully you're hearing this before Mother's

Day bring up to them kind of how you see it and how your feelings on Mother's
Day in the past maybe weren't like kind of let you down a little bit because moms, you do so much.
And just so you know, anything that your family does for you can never equate
to all the work and blood, sweat and tears that you do to be the best mom in your house.

So just know that to try to get that comparison, like to try to get the equity
in their actions towards all the work that's not going to happen,
because you just do so much.
There's like no way they could show you their intense appreciation.
But first of all, so stage one, step
one is to engage in this heartfelt conversation on how you view it to be.

Number two, okay, give them suggestions of what you would like.
Say, well, these are some ideas of what I would love this Mother's Day. It could be sleeping in.
It could be like have your kids empty the dishwasher. It could be doing no housework.
Have them fold the laundry.
Have them match those socks that you could be doing right now.
It could be, since Mother's Day is always on a Sunday, what about this?

What about if everyone gets ready for church on time without any drama? drama.
I remember when my kids were small, it seemed like church mornings were the
absolute busiest to get out the door.
And then everyone, the tensions would get high because you're running late and
then you're just feeling like, oh, you're forgetting something.
You know, what about on Mother's Day if your kids just do it without any kind of drama?

Also, what about a home-cooked meal? What about if you, instead of going out for dinner?
Okay, Mother's Day is always just jammed packed and you usually can't get a reservation.
What about if your husband just makes or your kids make you a homemade dinner?
I don't know if you're like me, but whenever anyone makes me dinner,
it always tastes better than the dinner I make myself.

I mean, it could just be a salad. Like their salads are always better than mine.
Don't know what it is. That was just a random thought.
But if your kids or your husband made you dinner, oh my gosh,
you don't have to deal with the rush of crowds, getting in line,
reservations, you know that that's all of them working together,
making you a meal with such a blessing.
So whatever you want them to do, kind of give them like five,

six, seven, however many ideas you want, and then tell them,
okay, these are some of my thoughts.
Kids, husband, surprise me. Whatever one of these kind of feels makes you think,
well, I can do that for my mom. Then have them do that one.
That is a great way because you've thrown out some ideas. All of them are important
and you think are good ideas. Then let them pick.

You don't need to micromanage which one they pick, but just give them some ideas
and then they'll that will kind of get them started in thinking and then they
can make that idea their own and really make it special for you.
So that is a great way. You can do this a day before Mother's Day because usually
these are things that don't require any money.
It's basically their time and their energy and their work.

All right, and okay, some moms are really into gifts.
Now, for me, I'm not into physical gifts. More when I'm a busy mom and when
my days were, you know, when I was home and we had the full household,
I really just wanted them to help me with the work around the house or things that I was doing,
even just weeding the garden, something simple like that.
But if you're one who really likes a certain gift, like, oh,

I'm gonna ask for this for Mother's Day.
Okay, make sure, now, when you hear this, it may be a little bit too late,
but these are things that you need to let them know beforehand and
you can even tell them if you didn't think
of this and you know they're not going to give you anything and gifts are important
to you tell them the day before mother's day and have them order it who cares
if it comes a couple days late but if you are into gifts make that vocalize

that as well and the other thing number four is when your family gives you a
compliment or when they give you a little note on a handmade made card.
Take that compliment for what it's worth. Don't don't push it down to idle conversation.
If they say you are the best mom ever in their card, read that and let that

soak in moms, because your children are giving you sweet compliments.
And they're saying it in the words that they know how to say it.
Don't just blow those words off. Really stop and hear them say,
oh, I love you, mommy. You're the best mommy ever.
Let that feed your soul. Don't just dismiss that.
And if your husband says, you're, you know, you are just such a great mom.

I can't believe I married such a great mom. Let that compliment sink in.
We're so quick. And I am like this too. When I get compliments,
sometimes I just push them aside. I'm like, oh, they're just saying that. And you discount them.
Do not discount your compliments that your kids give you, whether if they write
it in a card, whether if they say it to you.

Really listen and let that just soak into your heart and make you a happy person
and really, really take their compliments at that face value that they really
feel that about you, mom. That's really good.
And the other thing, plan something. Number five, plan something you want to
do for yourself that day, whether it's to run Run to the store or run to the

grocery store or go shop for a new dress.
Or most recently, when my daughter moved, she just wanted an hour to clean her
closet or to organize her closet. Maybe you want to do that too.
Maybe there's something that's been bugging you or a project that you just want to do.
So tell your family, hey, on Mother's Day, I want an hour, two hours or whatever. I want to do this.

Maybe it's to go walk at the river by yourself.
Whatever it is, guys, don't, moms, I should say, not guys, don't forget to just
kind of think about what you want and tell your family, hey,
I want to do this for Mother's Day.
Or maybe it's, you know, even just to go into town and get a coffee.
I don't know what it is, but you know what it is. So please make those ideas

known to your family of things you want to do.
As you can see, moms, this is all about communication.
Like I said in the beginning of the podcast, No one's going to read your mind.
Talk to them beforehand about things you would love, and then you're not going
to be upset or your expectations won't be dropped, you know, won't be minimized.

Because moms, what we would do is, and I know I would do this for my husband,
on Father's Day, I would just do everything for him that I wanted done for me.
And then if you don't get that back on Mother's Day, sometimes it can create, you can get spiteful.
And it's just human nature. But if you talk about it beforehand and really communicate
and pray about it, that your words are heard, then you're going to have the best Mother's Day ever.

And it's just really a blessing because moms.
You're a mom, like you are a mom, whether you're an adoptive mom,
whether you're a foster mom, whether you're a regular mom with multiple kids,
whether you have one child or 10 children, you are a mom. And that is such a blessing.
It is such a gift outside of salvation and eternal life with Jesus.

Being a mother is the best gift that God can give us.
And that's the way he designed our bodies to be fruitful and multiply. apply.
So remember this, moms, as you're getting ready to celebrate your Mother's Day,
I just, I am praying that you have those heartfelt conversations with your family
and really talk to them about your desires,

because then you will not be disappointed and you will have a Mother's Day that
you just love and you will be blessed and you'll just have a lot of fun with your family.
And another thing, moms, don't forget to look back on the pictures of when your kids were small.
You've done a great job. Remember when your kids were born, other than a few
great books out there on parenting, you really didn't have much.
You'd had the Lord late nights when you're rocking that baby,

but you've come a long way and you've learned a lot and you are a great mom.
Do people make mistakes?
Of course, all of us have made mistakes in our parenting, but we learn from
those and we become better.
And with God, he'll help us to make even our mistakes turn into blessings.
And you are a great mom. And look at all the time because the years go by fast,
but the days can go by slow.

But just look back in pictures and really see how far you've come as a mom.
And finally, let's remember the Proverbs 31 woman, especially verse 28, 29.
Her children stand and bless her. Her husband praises her.
There are many virtuous and capable women in the world, but you surprise them all, moms.

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there. God bless.

Love to connect with you on Instagram at Front Parking Spot,
on Facebook at Front Parking Spot Mom Community, or my website at
Have an Ephesians 320 type of day, mamas, and be encouraged as you go for the
front parking spot in your life today. God bless.
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