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April 16, 2024 39 mins

Navigating Magic, Healing, and Integration: A Conversation with Meg Hansen

In this episode of 'Practically Magick', host Courtney Pearl, a pagan folk witch, card reader, healer, spiritualist, Celtic priestess, teacher, artist, and mystic seeker, is joined by guest Meg Hansen. They begin by pulling a card from the Goddess Power Oracle deck, receiving a message about the importance of going with the flow of life. Meg discusses her journey of healing from liver failure through meditation and various healing modalities, emphasizing the importance of sound healing. The conversation delves into the significance of balance in one's life, the role of a mystic, and the power of integration work in healing. Meg shares her passionate involvement in volunteer work, particularly with cancer survivors and bereaved mothers, highlighting the impact of giving back to those in need. The episode also touches on navigating personal challenges, such as feelings of exclusion within family dynamics, and the importance of communication, self-introspection, and understanding one's story. The episode wraps up with information on how listeners can connect with Meg and Courtney’s upcoming events focused on healing through art.

00:00 Welcome to Practically Magick: Meet Courtney and Meg 00:34 Oracle Card Reading: Embracing Goddess Energy 01:22 The Significance of Flow: A Message from the Universe 04:34 Meg Hansen's Journey: From Liver Failure to Mystic Guide 09:15 Exploring Mysticism and Integration Work 11:55 Balanced Soul: Finding Harmony in Healing 14:45 Embracing the Witch Within: A Magical Identity 17:13 The Path to Becoming a Magical Person 19:02 Volunteer Work and Giving Back: Meg's Passion 20:37 Volunteering and Healing: A Journey of Compassion 23:33 Exploring Personal Connections and Volunteering Passions 28:07 Navigating Family Dynamics and Inclusion 30:59 Embracing Inner Work and Storytelling 34:30 Connecting with the Community and Upcoming Events

#PracticallyMagic #SpiritualJourney #HealingWaves #MysticSeeker #OracleReading #SoundHealing #GoddessEnergy #HolisticWellness

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Episode Transcript

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Hello and welcome to Practically Magic.
This is Courtney Pearl.
I'm a pagan folk witch, card reader,healer, spiritualist, Celtic priestess,
teacher, artist, and mystic seeker.
I've been discovering true andreal magic in the world and I
would like to share it with you.
I'm joined today by Meg Hansen.
Say hi, Meg.

See, I'm going to formally introduceher in just a moment, but we're going to
pull a card to start our episode today.
Meg Hansen [00:22.925]
Ride The Wave MediaPodcast Network [00:29.87]
And she's going to help us read this card.
And she's a bit familiar withOracle decks and things too.
So we're going to pull a card from...
Today I am using the GoddessPower Oracle deck because I have a

goddess with me as a guest today.
And I feel like we have a lotof goddess energy between us.
So I'm going to use this deckto pull a card for today.
And I am going to...
Imagine that this card is being pulledfor the episode we're about to record
and for any audience members who may belistening who need to hear this message

today, we're gonna trust that this isthe message you are meant to receive.
So the goddess that I'vepulled today is Rhea.
And just to describe this goddess inthe picture, she is painted with blue
on her face, on her lips, in her.
She has white flowers in herhair, which is interesting.

I just had a client in a Reikisession that was traveling.
She was going to be going abroad.
And I said, for some reason, I seeyou with white flowers in your hair.
She was going to Cambodia,Thailand, and things like that.
So maybe this has a connection to that.
I just had this vision of herwith white flowers in her hair.
And I did actually tell herduring that session that...

she was going to be challenged a biton this trip that she was going on,
that there may be some things that comeup, but that she was gonna need to go
with the flow and the experience of it.
So the fact that this card has the wordflow as the meaning behind the card, I
think that might be significant somehow.
Maybe that's the message we all neededto receive from the universe right now

is kind of entering a period where thingsare about to get a little bit easier.
Meg Hansen [02:16.78]
Ride The Wave MediaPodcast Network [02:21.227]
things, you're kind of on this rideof life and some of it you have
control and some of it you don't.
So being able to just kind of ride theflow and the waves of life, getting
aligned with the path you were meantto be on and trusting it to take you

where it needs to take you is kindof the message that I'm getting here.
Meg, what do you think?
Does that sound?
Meg Hansen [02:44.33]
Yeah, we're in this crossroads ofexistence right now where we have been
thrown all of these different obstaclesthat we've been trying to get through.
And we're now in a state of being ableto flow with our natural being and

with the universe and trusting theuniverse that everything's supposed
to flow in the right direction.
So I love that card.
Ride The Wave MediaPodcast Network [03:05.866]
Yeah, yeah, I did a meditation oncewhere they were kind of putting you in
the water of a river and you're justsupposed to kind of like float along with
the river and see where it takes you.
And, and I think it's kind of my entireexistence to heal that part of myself that

doesn't allow myself to go with the flow.
It seems to come up a lotfor me personally is I'm
the one over there paddling.
like crazy in this river.
Like I want to go over here and Iwant to go over there and I want to,
you know, control what's happening.
And I want to, and I always end upgetting bit in the butt because I'm over

there trying so hard to make life happeninstead of just letting life happen.
Meg Hansen [03:53.641]
Controlling it.
Yeah, we need to surrender completelyis what we need to be doing.
Ride The Wave MediaPodcast Network [03:57.577]
Rolling it.
Ride The Wave MediaPodcast Network [04:02.953]
I think that's going tobe my constant message.
My constant healing work is let goCourtney, stop trying to control

it, stop trying to make it happenand like trust the process.
So maybe that card was just for meor maybe it was just for everybody
who needed to hear it today.
All right.
So to formally introduce Meg, she is...
Meg Hansen [04:18.665]
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Ride The Wave MediaPodcast Network [04:27.464]
here today because we do a lotof similar work and I wanted

her to talk on her experiences.
So let me introduce Meg Hansen.
She's the owner of Balanced Soul 8Intuitive Mystic and Integration Guide.
She's a Reiki master sound healer.
That's how I met her and she'strained in right reflexology
breath work and currently inthe Kundalini teacher training.

So welcome.
Meg Hansen [04:58.151]
Thank you.
Thank you.
Happy to be here.
Forever a student.
So I'm taking all thecourses I can possibly take.
Ride The Wave MediaPodcast Network [05:05.735]
I totally get that.
And I don't know if you're the sameway, but every time you experience
something new or different and thatreally impacts you, you just go,
oh, I have to learn how to do that.
I have to learn how to incorporate that.

And where I first met you was whenyou were doing sound healing sessions
or whatever you refer to it, butdoing them at the park and doing
them here in our local community.
And I was like, I had so manypeople come up to me and be like,
Meg Hansen [05:14.311]
Mm -hmm.
Ride The Wave MediaPodcast Network [05:33.991]
I see people out there layingon their mats in the park on

this, right there on the grass.
You should go join them.
And I was always like, I have little kids.
I have to figure out a time when I can go.
And I always wanted to go.
And I finally made it to one.
And I was like, I need to meet thesepeople and introduce myself and a little
bit about how we connect with each other.
So tell me a little bit about your...

kind of awakening journeyinto this role as a mystic and
into this life that we live.
What led you to this magical life?
Meg Hansen [06:10.501]
So about four years ago, I had gotten thenews that I went into liver failure and
I had to dive deep into why and how I gotinto that state at such a young age of 36.

And so, I just started this journey ofmeditation and I realized through my
meditations that there are stuff buried.
inside of me that needed to be seen,needed to be healed, needed to come
out and loved and all of that stuff.
So through that and learning how tomeditate just started this trajectory

of learning all these differentmodalities of what's going to help me.
Sound was my very first modality.
We're all a vibration.
Ride The Wave MediaPodcast Network [06:45.189]
Meg Hansen [07:04.196]
Right now I get to say that I havecompletely normal liver functions.
They gave me six months to live.
And so now I am four years later livingthe best life I can possibly live and

enjoying every moment of it, helpingothers find their true essence and their
true selves and all of those turmoils thatother people have buried themselves that
need to be seen and witnessed and loved.
Ride The Wave MediaPodcast Network [07:15.108]
Mm -hmm.
And there's so many different ways togo about doing that, but sound healing.
Well, I just, I love allof them for all their own.

ways that they get to a person, howthey can like awaken something in you.
And I myself, I do drumming, butI don't do the sound healing.
I'm not a certified sound healer,but it's like, that's exactly
like what you said, vibration.
We are all vibration, we're all energy.
And so being able to tap into that,that particular way, I mean, people

are just like, people who don'tnecessarily speak the language of
energy healing and mystical things.
Meg Hansen [07:46.084]
Mm -hmm.
Ride The Wave MediaPodcast Network [08:12.835]
I, you know, I have so many peoplecome to me and like, I had amazing
experiences in a sound healing,like just being present in that.
And yeah.
So, and that's an interesting pointto make too, that so many of us

get into this work because of suchdifficult things we're experiencing.
Whether it's a, like a healthjourney type thing, something
that comes up that goes, Hey,
You might want to makesome changes in your life.
Time to wake up, time to do somethingdifferent or personal crisis.

It's so many different ways thatthat can come about, but so many
of us get into this work because weourselves are brought to a point where
we're like, I can't live like thisanymore or something is drastically
going to have to change for myself.
So talk a little bit about.
Meg Hansen [08:44.002]
Time to wake up.
Meg Hansen [08:52.002]
Ride The Wave MediaPodcast Network [09:11.81]

What does it mean to be a mystic?
And I know it's really hard to pindown a title or to label ourselves.
I myself have a really hard time withthat, as you can see from my intro.
I have like a list of things Icall myself because I'm like, I
don't know how to relay what Ifeel that I am to other people.
So talk about what it means to be amystic and what is integration work.

Meg Hansen [09:22.849]
Meg Hansen [09:30.753]
Meg Hansen [09:35.521]
So being a mystic is connectingto your higher self, to your soul
purpose, to the divine and Godconsciousness that we're all a part of.
There's different modalities that youcan use to connect through meditation,
through Kundalini mantras and mudras.
Breath work is a great way.

There's earth medicines that canhelp you connect that way also.
It's just connecting to thedivine being that you are.
we are all divine beings.
And so what I do is I help peoplewhen they're in their time of need

or if they're on this path, they'renot going with the flow, they have
reached this crossroads of life.
I help them integrate these bigobstacles that might be in their way.
Listening is the best way to helpsomebody else integrate because they
have the answers themselves And so whenyou are able to give them their own

power back is when they connect theirhigher self and their divine being
Ride The Wave MediaPodcast Network [10:39.007]
Mm -hmm.
Ride The Wave MediaPodcast Network [10:47.103]
Yeah, perfect.
Yes, and integration workin all those modalities.
Even as we call ourselves healers orI hesitate to use the word healer.
Like I said, it's hard to labelourselves as what we do because I'm

not seeing myself as somebody who ishealing someone else or that I have
any like extra special something.
Meg Hansen [11:12.734]
Ride The Wave MediaPodcast Network [11:14.783]
that someone else does not alreadyhave the potential to do, but just
that the gifts are in awakeningthemselves and awakening what they

are healing themselves, right?
Meg Hansen [11:25.919]
Yeah, that's why I like guide a lot betterthan a coach or something like that.
It's guiding you back to seeing your trueself and your true essence of a being.
Of your soul purpose, it'sconnecting back to your soul.
You're a soul having a human experience,not a human having this crazy experience.

Ride The Wave MediaPodcast Network [11:29.599]
Mm -hmm.
Ride The Wave MediaPodcast Network [11:48.638]
Right, exactly, yeah.
Yes, and I love that you callit integration work, especially,
and I wanna touch on callingit your business balanced soul.
I originally, meeting you didn'tlike connect that right away.

It wasn't until later that I kepthaving the word balance come up
in my work over and over again.
in whether I was doing it with clientsor with myself, I kept having that come
up as like balancing the masculine andfeminine energies, balancing the root
and crown energy centers and like whatthat means to balance in every way.

Like it comes up over and overin all these different ways that
it's like, oh, there it is again.
I'm just needing more balance.
I need to be more balanced.
Meg Hansen [12:29.149]
all the chefs.
Ride The Wave MediaPodcast Network [12:47.005]
And then I, I don't know, it wasthen that I went, oh, she calls
her, her work balanced soul.
That's perfect.
That's exactly what it is.
Just over and over and over again.

You're getting imbalanced andyou're coming back to balance
and coming to new awarenesses.
And it's just like overand over and over again.
So talk about whatbalanced soul means to you.
Meg Hansen [12:58.716]
Meg Hansen [13:10.524]
So balanced soul, this actuallycame from a friend of mine as I
was going through my journey ofhealing my liver and all that stuff.

And she saw a difference in me andshe's like, well, you're balanced now.
Like you have thisgreat essence about you.
So I feel like you shouldincorporate that somehow into your...
business name and itresonated so well with me.
And like you said, itis all about balance.

It's about balancing themasculine, the feminine.
It's about balancing this 3D life ofcraziness that we live plus our higher
selves lives and balancing everythingthat comes in to our existence.
Yeah, I think thatexplains it pretty well.
So, and I have the eight because eight'smy number and I'm like, I have to

incorporate that and that's the infinity.
Ride The Wave MediaPodcast Network [14:05.786]
It is.
I love that too, because Ilove, I love the number eight.
My number is four.
Four comes up for me so often.
So for me to connect with that,it makes sense to me that those
even numbers are balanced.
And my husband's always like, thenumber seven is his lucky number.

And I'm like, okay, that's fine.
But I don't get that.
I don't understand where seven comes in.
Meg Hansen [14:08.282]
So, yeah.
Meg Hansen [14:14.842]
Meg Hansen [14:23.578]
Meg Hansen [14:28.986]
I'm sorry.
Ride The Wave MediaPodcast Network [14:34.426]
as lucky, I just can't feel that.
I don't resonate there,but that's just me.
That's just how I operate.
And we talk about titles andI know like, I refer to myself

as a witch on this podcast.
And already that makesme kind of hesitate.
Like, is that, you know, doesthat fit or whatever it is?
And what are people, what areother people gonna think when they
hear witch or what do other peoplethink when they hear healer or?
I get really caught up in thatbecause I'm not exactly sure
how to fit that just right.

Yeah, own it just right.
And so I guess in starting thispodcast, I just kind of decided,
okay, witch, we're going with it.
We're gonna just take thatboat and ride with it.
And I was recently learningabout the Welsh word swinrig,
which just means magical persons.
Meg Hansen [15:08.185]
Own it.
Meg Hansen [15:17.049]
Ride The Wave MediaPodcast Network [15:26.649]
And for me, again, I want to reiterateover and over again as much as possible.

I don't think of myself as any moremagical or any more like gifted
necessarily than anyone else, butjust that I would like to help
facilitate or guide how peoplesee the world in a magical way.
And so in the world of energyhealing, in the world of sound

healing in that vocation,
How do you think ofthat in a magical sense?
Or before you started your healingjourney, did you see the world as magical?
And then how did that shift for you?
Meg Hansen [16:08.791]
Yeah, you know, ever since I was young,I felt there was different, there

was something different about me.
I wasn't sure what it was andI could have gone on the path.
Well, I probably went on the paththat I did go on because I was
scared in a way of what that meantand what society's thoughts were
about that and that kind of stuff.
So I was hiding my true essence, I guess.

So I've always loved magical work.
I've always felt magical.
I call myself a witch.
I call myself a goddess.
That's what we are.
In past lives, I'veconnected to being a witch.
And so, which has a bad bad stigmaand it shouldn't have a bad stigma.
It's a beautiful way of being.

You're connected to the earth.
You're connected to.
the solars, you're connected toall of it when you are a witch.
Ride The Wave MediaPodcast Network [17:13.911]
Yeah, and I think it's one of thosethings where if someone wanted to
connect with that, I think that thatwant is already an indication that

they are capable, if that makes sense.
So when I think of myself as giftedin any certain way in the magical...
Meg Hansen [17:26.101]
Mm -hmm.
Mm -hmm.
Ride The Wave MediaPodcast Network [17:35.446]
being able to be a magical person, Ithink it's just the want to connect
with that that begins that practice.

And the only gift I have thatmaybe is inherently different
than anyone else is the want.
So if there are people that arejust like, I don't get it, that's,
yeah, I don't have that or whatever,it's like, well, that's okay.
That's not for you, that's not.
You know, you're not, you don'thave the desire in that way

until maybe something happens.
Meg Hansen [18:09.877]
Right, until they go through thatlittle path of what the hell.
You have no choice but to dip into that.
Ride The Wave MediaPodcast Network [18:18.133]
And then it's like, maybethere's more to the universe.
And that's all it takes.
I mean, it takes like onereal shift or invitation.

I call it an invitation when it'slike something happens and you're
like, oh, I've just been invited.
Meg Hansen [18:29.908]
Mm -hmm.
Yeah, that's a beautiful way to put it.
It's more gentle than slapping the face.
Ride The Wave MediaPodcast Network [18:40.949]
It's usually what itfeels like though, huh?
It does.
It feels more like you're beingslapped in the face with it.
I know that's how it felt for me andlife is like, someone needed to smack me
across the face and say, Hey, guess what?

The way that you think life is orthe way that you're going about it
is not necessarily how it works.
And here's a, here's aninvitation to see it differently.
Oh my gosh.
So let's talk a little bitabout your volunteer work.
And I have such.
Meg Hansen [18:59.7]
Ride The Wave MediaPodcast Network [19:08.756]
such respect for you and the dedicationyou put into volunteer work because it's

something that I haven't done enough ofyet in kind of growing this for myself.
I've been in the throes of raising tinyhumans, which is not an excuse, but still
just a like phase of life that I'm inand going, how do you know, how can I
incorporate more of that into my intomy work, being able to volunteer and to.

Meg Hansen [19:30.676]
How do you fit?
Ride The Wave MediaPodcast Network [19:36.147]
Because when you're going through a lotof things like Reiki training and I'm
sure sound healing certification and alot of the things we do, that is kind
of belabored over and over again of theReiki masters teaching us and saying,
you cannot just do this as a vocation.
It has to be given a certain amount too.
There needs to be, you know, puttingit out into the world and offering

your services to people who need it.
And I have found small and littleways to do that here and there.
But I want you to talk about how likesome of the volunteer work that you've
done, you're really passionate about.
Meg Hansen [20:12.498]
Okay, yeah, I am very passionateabout the volunteer work that I do.
I was gifted from my Reikimaster, who is now my mentor.

She was volunteering over at theCancer Survivor Wellness House,
and she was done with that calling,and she asked me to take the torch.
And I took that torch, and it has beenthe most, I've been there for a year now.
So I help cancer survivors.

ones who are still going throughtreatment, who are just completely lost
in their journey of what do I do now?
Like, my whole life, my whole family'slife, everything is completely changed.
And so what I do is I volunteer,Reiki, for the cancer survivors and

their caregivers two times a month.
Ride The Wave MediaPodcast Network [21:04.177]
Meg Hansen [21:10.512]
And it has just been the biggestblessing I have met the most beautiful
human beings through that program.
I'm grateful.
I'll probably be there foreverbecause I love it so much.

And then I also volunteer for theTaylor Hagan Memorial Foundation
through their bereaved mothersretreats for holding space for
moms who have lost their children.
being able to give back to thesesouls who have gone through the most

horrendous things that you couldpossibly go through, to be able to
hold and cradle and love them in theirmost vulnerable state and in their most
time of need is one of the greatestblessings that has been part of my life.
I'm fortunate enough enough.
I'm fortunate enough thatmy children are all grown.

And so I'm able to give as much timeas I possibly can give and a beautiful
husband who I quit my nine to fivejob saying, I'm just gonna go do this.
And he's like, all right, whatever.
So he supports my crazy antics.
And so I'm blessed that I'mable to have the time to go and

volunteer because it is a lot oftime and it is a lot of dedication.
And I have the support systembehind me that allows that.
And so it's just been anincredible, beautiful journey.
So if any of the listeners are in the SaltLake area and they have for one lost a...

and they know of a momwho needs some healing.
I know this beautiful foundation aswell as anybody who is on a path of
cancer and it's all free of chargeand so we volunteer our time and
space and nurturing those in need.

Ride The Wave MediaPodcast Network [22:57.678]
Ride The Wave MediaPodcast Network [23:22.382]
That's amazing.
And just getting connected withan organization like that, that
you can offer your services, offeryourself, offer whatever you can give.
I am excited to get into that world.

I myself would love to, well, thebereaved mothers is something that
I would be very passionate about.
My mother -in -law lostthree of her children.
Meg Hansen [23:51.277]
Ride The Wave MediaPodcast Network [23:51.597]
and she has since passed, but my publicname Courtney Pearl is in honor of her
because Pearl was her favorite gemstoneand her birthstone and Pearls are

really, really sacred to our family.
So just using that name, my reallast name is Earl, which was her
last name also, but I thoughtit's so pretty to be called Pearl.
Meg Hansen [24:03.628]
Thank you all.
Ride The Wave MediaPodcast Network [24:20.717]
and to have that be an honor of her.
But I think doing that work forbereaved mothers in honor of what she

went through and every mother thatgoes through something like that, that
would be a personal connection for me.
And I have always wanted to, ifanyone out there listening knows
how to do this, I would love to getconnected with volunteering at a NICU.
My sister worked as a nurse in theNICU and I had my babies in the NICU

for a little time and I thought,
Meg Hansen [24:20.78]
Ride The Wave MediaPodcast Network [24:50.509]
just the heaviness of not being able tobe there with your baby when they're in
there and being able to do some reikiwith those babies and hold them when
they can't be held by their own mother iswould be such a passion project for me.
So I'm hoping to be able to like carveout time in my schedule to do some

volunteer work and help with that.
So maybe this is a good startfor me to be like, I just yes.
Oh, that would be awesome.
Meg Hansen [25:13.419]
Yeah, I can connect you too.
Ride The Wave MediaPodcast Network [25:17.965]
That would be incredible.
I'm always putting it out therebecause I'm never sure exactly how
that would work to be able to do that.
And I have another friend who does, shedoes like sound healing in, it's kind

of like hospice or like homes wherethey're terminally ill patients there,
you know, and she does like drummingand working with patients that are
at the end of life, end of life care.
Meg Hansen [25:38.347]
Meg Hansen [25:46.987]
Ride The Wave MediaPodcast Network [25:48.429]
Yeah, an end of life doula, as I justmet an end of life doula, which I think
that work is incredibly sacred as well.

Meg Hansen [25:54.219]
that has been in my radar too.
I could probably fit that in somewhere.
Ride The Wave MediaPodcast Network [25:56.491]
Yes, oh, isn't that, how canyou not be fascinating with that
and try to connect with that?
I had the experience when I wasfirst learning, you know, at first
kind of stepped into the world ofoffering Reiki and Reiki healing.
And I had a neighbor whose son had cancerand he was a couple months to live.

She had him in her livingroom on a hospital bed.
They were just kind oflike caring for him.
He was only 29 when he passed.
And because he was just down the street,I was like, I would love to come any
time, you know, I can step away frommy kids for 30 minutes at a time and go

do some drumming and some healing work.
And that was one of the most transcendentexperiences of my life, to be with him.
He was having a lot of fear, obviously.
I mean, it's a very...
very uncomfortable situation to bein, to be like, I'm looking at the
end of my life at such a young age.

And just to be there with hismother and him during that
time was incredibly powerful.
And I only say this because thatwork and that time of life is, to me,
is a portal and is a sacred space.
And I feel honored to bein that space with someone.

Meg Hansen [27:21.419]
Well, good.
I love that.
See, you do voluntary work.
You don't need to be hard on yourself.
You're perfect.
That's, yeah, that's perfect.
That's awesome.
Ride The Wave MediaPodcast Network [27:23.144]
So and it goes.
I know, like I said, it's been like littlethings where I'm like, I can do that.
I can do this much.
And that's all we can do, right?
Like we do what we can at the time.
Well, and I didn't prepare youfor this, but I do like to include
a question from a listener ifI have any that have popped up.

And if anyone out there listeninghas questions they would like to
write in, please do because I love.
I love hearing from you.
I had a question.
I call this a question from alistener, but I'm going to be honest.
This one is just a question I came acrossin a group chat that someone was asking.
And so I thought this would bea perfect one to highlight and

to give some feedback about.
There was a woman who was writingin about her experience with her
mother -in -law and sisters -in -law.
Uh, she'd only been married forabout eight years, not very long.
And she, her mother -in -lawand sisters -in -law would
always go do things without her.
And she was just really upset about it.

Cause she would find out on social mediaor things like that, that they would
post pictures and be like, Oh, we allwent out to eat or we all did this.
And she was like, is it, is it me oris it strange that she's, she asked
her husband to, to let them know like.
She would like to be includedwhen they go out and do things.

She doesn't have a lot of friends inthe area and they all live close by.
So she was like kind ofasking, what should I do?
How do I navigate this?
Or am I expecting too much to beincluded because I'm not an actual
daughter or that I'm like an in -law?
So what would you tell a personin that situation if they

were struggling with that?
Meg Hansen [29:16.587]
This is funny because it'slike a real -life scenario.
Ride The Wave MediaPodcast Network [29:21.064]
And I only bring it up becausethis person was asking advice.
Otherwise, I'm always like, a lot oftimes people just need to sit with it.
They just need to talk about itand they just need to sit with it.

And I know for me, I said all of thefeelings that you're having about being
excluded in this are valid, right?
Meg Hansen [29:36.587]
Meg Hansen [29:45.451]
Yeah, 100%.
So, I'm the sister, I'm not thesister -in -law, I'm the sister
with my sister and my mother.
And if my sister -in -law iswatching, I love you and adore you.

The same thing happened, andwhat I would convey is that
maybe it's not done on purpose.
Maybe it's because...
Ride The Wave MediaPodcast Network [29:58.44]
Ride The Wave MediaPodcast Network [30:12.712]
Mm -hmm.
Meg Hansen [30:15.563]
They have just their kind of bondand speak up, speak up and say,
hey, I feel excluded from this.
So what happened is my niecehad come to me and was like, why

don't you invite my mom to things?
Cause it really makes her feel bad.
And it just broke my heart.
And it's like, it is not done on purpose.
We just have these traditions ofgoing to family lunches and stuff as
just us girls and never thought to.
Ride The Wave MediaPodcast Network [30:25.704]
Mm -hmm.
Meg Hansen [30:44.971]
At least it wasn't in my radar.
So, yeah, that's all fixed now, butstill that situation has happened for me.

So, no.
Ride The Wave MediaPodcast Network [30:47.528]
Ride The Wave MediaPodcast Network [30:56.808]
That's perfect.
I didn't even like prepareyou for this question, but you
have a personal experience thatbrings a really good point.
I think that it's importantfor people to know.
And I always say this to likemy art students when I'm talking
about, when I say I'm, when Italk about writing a spell, I say

making a spell is just a story.
That's all it is.
You're making a story and you'rewriting it how you want it to be.
So you have to be so super carefulabout what stories you're telling.
And especially when you're tellingthem about yourself, right?
Like in this situation, don't assumeill intent or that they purposely

blocked you out, but they might justhave their own stories, their own story
around this getting together, going out.
And it...
Meg Hansen [31:30.283]
Mm -hmm.
Right, right.
Meg Hansen [31:41.195]
Meg Hansen [31:53.259]
Ride The Wave MediaPodcast Network [31:54.28]
actually doesn't have anything to dowith the sister -in -law being excluded.
It's just their story.
So first of all, being careful about that,being careful about what story are you

telling about yourself in this scenario?
What story are you making upabout them, about yourself?
You're putting on yourself.
Meg Hansen [31:56.107]
Meg Hansen [32:06.059]
Meg Hansen [32:11.883]
All the stories.
Ride The Wave MediaPodcast Network [32:15.912]
all the stories going on there andrewriting that story to be maybe
just, oh, they do their own thingand they didn't mean to exclude

me and that's just what happened.
And if it's expressed, like I wouldlike to join you, please include me.
And that doesn't get fixed.
They do continue to exclude.
I feel like that is again, one ofthose like invitations, one of those
moments where you get to go, okay,

Meg Hansen [32:31.275]
Yeah, yeah.
Ride The Wave MediaPodcast Network [32:46.568]
What do I believe this means about me?
What sort of inner work do I need to do?
Because we get, we get bumped upagainst all of these things all
the times where we want to controlwhat's happening with other people.
We would like to be included there.
We'd like them to change.
We'd like them to invite, but if theydon't, then it's really just up to me to

do the work on myself and go, how do Itake control of what I do have control?
Meg Hansen [32:52.235]
Maybe there's something else there.
Ride The Wave MediaPodcast Network [33:17.192]
and then how I get my.
Meg Hansen [33:18.955]
or what I'm feeling, or maybe there'ssomething, maybe there's a reason why
I'm not being invited, or maybe there'sa reason, you know, maybe there's a
reason they need their time together,or I don't, yeah, there's, that's just

internal work that you gotta do, and thatintegration crap that's always hard to do.
But yeah.
Ride The Wave MediaPodcast Network [33:30.824]
Ride The Wave MediaPodcast Network [33:38.792]
All that good work that we tryto help clients or help ourselves
with is just now let's look inward.
It's super not comfortable.
It's not always easy or itsometimes bumps up against our

very sticky parts of ourselves.
But yeah.
Meg Hansen [33:45.194]
Meg Hansen [33:58.123]
and it doesn't feel good sometimes.
It's like, oh, this is dirty.
This is mucky waters.
I don't like the mucky waters.
I need the flow.
I need the flow of easy.
It's easy and grace.
Ride The Wave MediaPodcast Network [34:06.6]
Ride The Wave MediaPodcast Network [34:12.168]
Very true, yeah, that iskind of like the muckier is.

That was really good though, thankyou for giving your insight into that,
even though I didn't prep you for thatquestion, I think we did pretty good.
So if anyone's listeningin that situation, they may
find that to be helpful.
And, you know, get ahold of Meg orme to do some inner work if you need
to, and that's what we're here for.

So speaking of that,
Meg Hansen [34:18.539]
Pick up.
Ride The Wave MediaPodcast Network [34:39.432]
Let us know how people can find you.
What are your contactpoints, your socials?
Meg Hansen [34:44.957]
Okay, so my Instagram, I have twoInstagrams, well I have three, but a
personal one and then two business ones.
So I have BalancedSoul underscore eight onInstagram, as well as MysticSoulHealers.

That one is for retreats that we hold,me and my beautiful best friend, mentor,
who's been on this path with me for thefull time that I, four years, pretty much.
went into my sickness orbeing cured of my sickness.
And so her and I have the Mystic SoulHealers and that's on Instagram as

well as my Facebook is just Meg Hansen.
I have a website but I don't want toshare that right now just because it's
not a good website and I need to fix it.
Ride The Wave MediaPodcast Network [35:26.504]
Okay, yeah, I totally understand.
Websites are always a little bit ofa work in progress for me personally.
The technology behind that.

So Meg Hansen on Facebook and balancesoul underscore eight and Mystic.
Meg Hansen [35:39.965]
Yeah, yeah, not a fan.
Meg Hansen [35:54.173]
Mystical Healers.
Ride The Wave MediaPodcast Network [35:56.2]
Okay, and I will put that as well asthe links to the organizations that you

volunteer for on my blog, on my website.
So listeners know that I always do ablog post on my website for each episode.
And so if there's any additionalresources, anything that we've referenced,
anything that you might want to look into,and her social media and how to get a hold
of her, I will put all of that on my blog.

on my website, whichis prism -healing .com.
And you can find the tab at thetop that says blogs so that I'll
have all my blog posts there.
Next week, I'm hoping our episode, I'msaying hoping because I keep planning
for it and then sometimes things change.
But I hope next week our episode is gonnabe on intuition, the subject of intuition.

And so as we're getting ready to closethis out, I'll just let you know that I
want everyone listening to you is magicin your everyday life to strengthen
relationships, heal, prosper and thrive.
I want you to look formy events coming up.
I have a healing through art atthe end of the month and a workshop

that is an emotional processin a healing painting class.
And once a month I do have a kidsworkshop that is heart art smart.
I think is what it's called.
I always kind of have to stop and thinkabout what it's called because it's
a hard one to say, which is for kids.
So I should think about that.

But that's a workshop for kidsto kind of work through their big
feelings through art and get an artexperience in making their heart smart.
And of course, anyone can contact mefor sessions, intuitive card reading
sessions, Reiki healing sessions, oremotional processing sessions, which Meg,

you always have a spot for if you everwant to try out what I have to offer.
I offer that to everyhealer that I come across.
Come try what I have going on.
And any of the workshops that Ihave going on too, you're welcome
to come anytime you wanna try it.
Meg Hansen [38:12.189]
I have been to an artworkshop and I loved it.
So I highly recommend that.

Ride The Wave MediaPodcast Network [38:15.272]
Yes, that's right.
You did.
That was fantastic.
Oh my gosh.
And I love it when my fellow healerscome, those that are kind of in that
world and kind of understand how it works.
And when they come to one of my workshops,I'm like, oh good, you will totally
understand what's happening here.
I won't seem like the weird onewho's like, what color is your fear?
What color would you have that come out?

And yeah.
So anyway, so.
Meg Hansen [38:30.845]
Meg Hansen [38:36.733]
Ride The Wave MediaPodcast Network [38:44.168]
Anyone listening who wouldlike to write in can go onto
my website or my social media.
I'm on Instagram atprism underscore healing.
I'm also on TikTok at prism healing,which is kind of a new thing.
And please be kind to me becauseI am not a TikTok person, but

I'm kind of figuring it out.
So I am there.
If you'd like to see some ofmy more weird stuff, that's
what I use TikTok for is the,
The stuff that the people inthis realm would maybe understand
a little bit better, but yeah.
So that's it.
I would like to thank Meg forjoining me today and our community

in Daybreak that supports us andseeks us out for their healing needs.
And I'd like to thank Ridethe Wave Media, Just Blaine.
and the team for editing and workingon these episodes to make us sound
smart and beautiful and awesome.
And I would also like to thank DaybreakTreasures Boutique for featuring me

as an artist and sponsoring my events.
And go make some magic,witches and wizards.
Thank you very much.
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