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February 2, 2024 36 mins

In this episode of Brockmire Revisit, the hosts delve into sports superstitions, personal narratives, and the fascinating world of baseball broadcasting. The conversation revolves around the second episode of Brockmire's first season, "Winning Streak". Listeners get to enjoy a light-hearted debate on winning streaks, superstitions, and peculiarities of different sports cultures.

The hosts leave no aspect of baseball fandom untouched, from the legendary California prunes to the belief that clothing choices can affect a team's fate. They also discuss Brockmire's unique narrative style and a controversial liquor, Sambuca, all of which lead to an engaging debate on baseball broadcasting.

On top of baseball, the episode features humorous explorations into the peculiarities of baseball and relationship dynamics within the show, Brockmire. The hosts dissect how the Frackers' winning streak amusingly intertwines with the protagonists' intimate lives. They marvel at noteworthy comedic moments, like Hank Azaria’s daring nudity, and unique theories around rules in baseball.

The episode spirals into a myriad of personal and team conflicts as the Frackers' winning streak is disrupted by a sex fight, leading to a humorous 18-0 loss. This shift promises transformation and intrigue in future plotlines. Likewise, Brockmire's encounter with women of the night leads to some comedic twists, while his visits to Jules' doorstep reveal deeper emotional layers.

Unravel the underbelly of baseball and uncover a plot aimed at destroying the team for financial benefits. Join us as we analyze the parallels with Major League and await the unexpected entrance of Debbie, a harmless old woman. Anticipate more engrossing discussions only on the "Brockmire Revisit" as we toast to Debbie's retirement party and prepare for the remaining quarters of season one.

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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It's the best i'm so glad we're doing this me too.
Bro i i oh

man i cannot i'm dying with
this episode already oh sweet jesus mother of god got to help me if my parents
listen to this episode i hope they don't i remember the show being raunchy this
one just took it to a whole new level oh figure up the keister,

oh have mercy i'm literally crying right now that's awesome,
we're recording so you know i'll start editing it's okay we're good all right
okay here we go Oh, Brockmire season one, episode two.
Yeah, absolutely. Oh, God. This one is called Winning Streak. Winning Streak.

Yeah. You know, this had some parallels to some movies out there,
right? Like the Winning Streak.
100%. Yeah, the Winning Streak from Major League.
I'm sorry, the Winning Streak from Bull Durham. I was just going to say,
I was like, wait, Bull Durham is the one with the Winning Streak.
Well, yeah, Major League did too with the taking off each piece from the owners.

Well, and we'll get into it. We're getting ahead of ourselves here.
But the banker wanting the team to lose, you know, the major investor wanting
the team to lose so that they could demolish the ballpark.
But we are way ahead of ourselves.
Way, way ahead of ourselves. Way ahead of ourselves.
This one opens in 2014, and he's snorting Coke with a— In Manila.

In Manila with a special lady friend, and he's got a king cake in his hand.
Sorry, king cake. I got king cakes on the brain because of the new brand that
was out from Biloxi. Right?
Biloxi Shuckers have a new king cakes brand, which is fun.
I was just literally was like looking at the on Twitter. I'm like,

whoa, where did this come from?
New brand from the Biloxi Shuckers.
So that's probably what I had on my mind when I said king cake just now.
It was definitely not king cake. No, no, no. It was king snake in his hand.
Yep. And he was speaking, what my subtitles told me was a foreign language.
It just said, Brockmire speaking a foreign language.

It was, I believe the correct one is should be, because it's in Manila, so it's Tagalog.
Hmm. Okay. Listen to you. I know, right? Yeah, I know. I do what I can sometimes
here and there, you know?
Absolutely. Yeah. Super good. By the way, I love your hat tonight.
Oh, thank you. I appreciate that. You like my Cleveland Buckeyes baseball hat.

We both got Ohio going on because I've got my county captains here.
Dude, we, it's like, we just know each other. That's how that goes.
But this one is from Sandlot goods, man. Yeah.
Yeah. I like it. Yeah. It looks pretty good, man. It's a nice looking hat. It's a wool hat too.
Is it? It is. And check this out. Look at the bottom. I could.
Yeah, it's cool. It's shiny.

I could use a wool hat right now. It's freezing right now in my house.
It got up to like 60 degrees. So we turned off the heat.
Oh, it's a heat wave over. It is a heat wave. It's going to snow this weekend.
So 60 degrees feels pretty good right now. Like I'm going out running in shorts
and a t-shirt. Here we come.
So anyway, back to Brockmire here. So we flash forward from 2014 back to the

present day. Present day.
And he's broadcasting a game and there's like 12 people in the stands and they're losing again. Yeah.
So here's my thing, because, you know, like, all right, so he's broadcasting,
but not really broadcasting, right?
Because he's only, you know, he's the PA announcer.
He is like an overpaid PA announcer. How's that?

I think that's fair. I think that's exactly it. However, however,
there has been an improvement.
And I don't know if you'd notice this little piece is that there is now a little
stand holding the cell phone.
Oh that is an improvement i didn't i didn't notice
charles got himself a little uh a little tripod all right

all right i'll tell you just angle it
and then you know so you can see the field and everything that's pretty
good so that gag of him holding the the phone
lasted for one episode yeah that is like yeah there's
like the pilot episode and that's it's like no we can't have you hold this
the whole time the thing that got me in
that scene when they panned the crowd and they you know they
showed the you know the 12 people in

the stands and and you know the the really bored fans one
dude had dragged a lawnmower in not only
dragged it but like broken apart it has this tool nicely set up to the side
right you can see that and so he's like fixing the the law he's working on his
lawnmower during the baseball game all right all right now could he be the guy
cutting the grass in the field and then maybe he's you know maybe he's the grounds

crew he's all All right. There it is.
Let's just go with that. All right. He's the grounds crew.
Because I think that grass is dead. It's been long dead. The grass is no more. Absolutely.
So this episode now gets into superstitions, lucky streaks.
Jules has a lucky shirt. Yeah. Did you see the name? It was the California prunes.

It was the California prunes from the old TV commercial.
Commercial i thought that was good no no i'm confusing it
with california raisins huh no i don't know what the california i don't
know what he was like it's like when my dad was playing which is fine
whatever it is what it is right like but i i you know it leaves me to this question
for you and then we'll go with that yeah are you a firm believer in like superstition

like you know like if in winning streaks and all that like do you believe in
that yes yeah there was no hesitation Yes, 100% yes.
I believe that the T-shirt that I wear affects the actions of grown men on a baseball field.
I just... And I logically...
I understand that it is not true, but emotionally, I just know if I put that

shirt on, they're going to lose.
And then I say, ah, that's silly. And I put the shirt on anyway,
and then they freaking lose.
And so I, yeah, I just think that I think that they're real.
And in this episode, right, like they end up having a drunken hookup,
which you were quoting when we came into this episode. That was,
you know, Brockmire is narrating their sexual encounter.

You know, you know what it was, it's just, and I probably shouldn't say this
because like, you know, I'm at work, you know, and then I'm doing my lunch break and all that.
I, let me watch it again, just so I can, you know, right before we come in,
you know, and do this podcast.
Right. So I'm watching it, not, you know, paying attention.
I have it in the background and all of a sudden I was like, Whoa,
with the finger up the keister. I was like, Oh my God.

I actually jumped the gun on that a little bit. We weren't quite to that yet
because there was the scene in the bar where they were talking.
Yeah, 100%. And Jules is complaining about the fact that they're competing with
what she calls dirt cheap entertainment.
And Brockmire's like, cable? And she goes, no meth. Meth. And then she was like,
well, I got something stronger than that. And he goes, heroin?

Heroin. Heroin. And she goes like, no.
Nostalgia. And he goes like, you're really underestimating the bar.
You're underestimating heroin.
Oh my gosh. And she also, I think she said she, she made it,
she told a story about how she lost her virginity in the visitor's bullpen at a baseball game.
And she had to, she did what had to be done.

You know, it's like, I had to save the team. What do you, you know, what do you want me to do?
I did this for the team, you know, which is great. I mean, it's just amazing.
Like all of this, like the, the conversations that they have with each other,
right. It's just, oh, so good.
Yeah. What, Hey, what, I didn't ask you. What about you? Since this is an episode

about superstitions, are you a believer? Oh yeah. Okay.
Yeah. Yeah. To the point where like this was a, during the season football season,
I'm sorry, I'm going to go into football here in a little bit.
Right. But I also do this. I do this on baseball as well.
Yeah. If I put on right before I'm about to watch the game, if I put something
on like, like like a hoodie, that's like the team's hoodie or the hat.

Yeah. And they're losing.
Yeah. I quietly go up to my room. Uh-huh.
I change. I change.
And I come back downstairs and dress totally different. See,
this is, this is to me, to me, it's like the movie Palm Springs where it's like,
it's everything happens in 24 hour increments and, and it resets after 24 hours.

So like, if I'm, if I'm like sifting through my t-shirts looking for which one
I'm going to wear that day, if I touch one of the bad luck t-shirts,
then I've done it. I've, I've, I've already done.
Yeah. Yeah. I've brought on the, the, the bad junior.
I'm just going to say the same thing. You brought the bad juju.
So I have to be like careful even. And then when I, if I go to,

I always like to wear Philly's gear when I go to a Philly's game.
If I, if I'm wearing Philly's gear, I have to wear an odd number of Philly's things.
And so it cannot be like a t-shirt and a hat. T-shirt and a hat's two.
Can't do it. It's got to be a t-shirt and a hat. And then like the,
like a Jersey over it or I, you know, something that makes it an odd,

it's got to be an odd number.
This is why when I went to the World Series, the World Series game that the
Phillies won 7-0 against the Astros in 2022,
I ended up wearing, the t-shirt I wore was an Always Sunny in Philadelphia t-shirt
instead of a Phillies t-shirt.
That genuinely was to keep the things at an odd number, my number of things that I was wearing.

You know, we're grown men here, guys. I just want to put this out there.
All right. This is, these are two grown men.
Jobs, families. Yep. Exactly. Talking about the fact that like,
we truly do believe in superstitions. It is a real thing.
100% believe that it is a real thing. I believe that that shirt combination,

that shirt, hat, Phillies gear combination won the Phillies that game seven to nothing.
Yeah, absolutely. Logically makes absolutely no sense. Yeah.
But we're, you know, it is what it is. you don't like it
that's your problem yep exactly so they
have they have sex yep and and
then the next day they they win

on a sex before but they started drinking sambuca
they were drinking sambuca which is terrible sambuca
is like uzo in greece it's it's just yeah it's a terrible taste tastes like
licorice i hate the taste of licorice i 100 hate it the uh yeah black licorice
i I do not like it as a bad flavor. And so therefore, so is Sambuca.

But the next night, they set up the Frackers winning on a Little League home run.
And Charles, do you remember what Charles asked right before the Little League home run?
No, I forgot. He said, is the winning point at bat?
Oh, yeah. The winning point. I'm like, this is a kid that's never seen,
like you never sat through a baseball game, but no one ever has taught him the

game. is the winning point at bat oh my god.
I still i wanted one of these days i just
want to get one of his like the microphone that he has just so
i can display it on in my office i honestly
think it's an absolute wonderful microphone it's like a total relic
right like this it's it's the one you see whenever you

see like every i feel like every podcast logo has
a microphone in it yeah whenever you see a microphone that's like
that's the one that's in that's the one that you want to yeah exactly yeah exactly
exactly i love it and i'm literally i'm not kidding you i have it playing right
now right into my other screen and and they're the part right after they have

his sex right like and he is just.
Hung over throwing up into the
into the garbage can yeah yeah oh
ranger amy had to walk away during this scene she can't stand watching people
throw up even on tv shows so she had to walk away
yeah but yeah but they decide they
they now have to repeat having sex yeah every

day actually no they didn't decide she decided it
he decided she decided yeah yeah and he
he he had a great euphemism for sex
which i totally loved which he
called it a he referred to it as a conference on
the mound oh yeah that's right that's right
oh this is like the

the one-liners the one-liners is what does it for me
on this show this this part like i remember the show being raunchy but this
like episode two i mean we are in it running full speed here they are they are
they did not mess around they were like oh no just you wait boom here we go
like they kind of prepared you a little bit in like episode one, right.

You know, it's like, it was a, you know, teetering on that and then episode two, boom, here it is.
Get ready because it's coming. So the winning streak is tied to them having sex now.
So, and they keep winning. The frackers go on a, on a winning streak and you
know, it's, there's, there's hilarity.
There's, there's lots of, lots of interesting ways that they, they win games.

At one point, at one point, Hank Azaria is naked and didn't need to see Hank
Azaria's butt, but I guess, you know, they're not need to see that.
Hank Azaria's butt is now part of my, uh, my psyche. And Jules says she has
a rule that, that is reinforced by Hank's area being naked, which is that naked men should never run.

Yep. Should never ever do that. It's just, that's how that goes.
You know, so I, I, I'm 100% on this one. It should, it should never have that. So yeah, I'm with you.
Yeah. Yeah. I'm on, I mean, listen, I won't, I won't even run with a shirt off, let alone naked.
Kids so oh i've done that with it like if it's hot enough

dude no not me i can't it's like because then you got the sweaty shirt and you're
just like yeah yeah then you have a sweaty shirt the sweaty shirt is the price
that i will pay for people not have to watch me run shirtless i will pay i will
take that hit for the rest of the world to not have to watch me run with a shirt off.

Oh my god so like it's funny
because like this show right it goes like you know they're having free was it
free medicine free cough drop yeah drop day at the ballpark right after it's
like you're like i mean it's just like and then you you you they they break
into the guy same guy again,

lawnmower still like you know all over the stands
like he has not fixed this thing i don't know what he's doing
just go buy a new one at this point that's such
a funny running gag through this episode the dude with the lawnmower in
the stands with the with the cigarette and everything and
it keeps like every time hank is here says something he just keeps

looking up with the cigarette up and everything and like oh man the the the
things that happen on this show like i mean they had to spend i wonder how many
times i have to shot that you know what i mean they were shooting that part
right there yeah yeah genuinely yeah yeah i wonder that sometimes like they
must have i mean if it If it were me on the set,
I would be just breaking into laughter all the time. I would be terrible on the set.

I would be the reason they had to reshoot all this stuff. Cause I would just
be cracking up at everything that was going on around me.
I'll say this. There's one part about this that really bothers me about this episode.
Okay. You're, you're our continuity editor here. So we, you know,
you, you, you keep us on track here with this.
So the one thing about this one and they were doing so good.

Right. But they did, they messed up one thing that really bothers me. Okay. What is it?
The balk. Oh, okay. Let's hear it. So if you're going to do the balk, right.
Everybody knows what a balk is, right. You know, it's just the,
the abnormal movement of the pitcher, you know, that may cause a,
you know, the service and you know, what's going on, by the way,

the guy did fix the lawnmower or he just gave up.
Cause then he's drinking beer and enjoying the game, but like he,
he has the hand in with the glove.
Right. And then he just, like, he makes it look so obvious that it really bothers me to this day.
Oh, like it was too much. You are holding a brown baseball right now,
by the way, to demonstrate the ball care. I am.

Is this a souvenir ball from something or is it? Oh, my friend, this is a yard ball.
Oh, it's a yard ball ball. Okay. This is from Sandlot Goods. Okay.
And this ball is actually meant to, for you to, you know, it's like to play
with it, you know, with throw it around.
Own but it doesn't hurt okay it's
soft nice yeah you guys should

look it up i'm telling you all right good yeah from
sandlot goods it's called a yard ball it's like it's a
little pricey i'm not gonna lie all right but it's
super what's pricey that's that's i'm gonna
if you say that's pricey like a normal baseball
is going to be like three or four dollars i'm gonna say that you spent like like
18 bucks on that yeah try double that really

yeah wow it's all handmade hand stitched
oh i see yep all right and they come in different colors different uh stitching
colors and everything so you can pick your own color baseball leather and everything
it's beautiful it is it is absolutely wonderful i bought at the same time i
bought this i've been wanting one too i just threw it in and you probably will
hear the sound but you know i've been using this with i've been using it with mia.

Ah, okay. And then she's been, we've been throwing it in the yard and she's
been catching it. So it's, it's already handy.
It's very good. We had, when I was growing up, we had like, they were like rubber
baseballs that were like, like a little bit softer than, than regular baseballs.
And like, they would, they would all like the first time you missed one and
it hit the street because that's where we're having a catch with on the street. Of course.

It would get like, it would get cracked or scraped or whatever.
And then that was sort of the end of it.
Right. Like, so we had, we had some of these things that would just get absolutely demolished.
You couldn't even recognize what they were so i got baseballs all
over this office i know i love it they're great they're like the perfect size
for just sort of like and of course i gotta have it in here oh
you got the wiffle ball beautiful dude the old school classic
wiffle ball i do i do all right anyway we're getting

distracted yeah yeah we got it but he just like literally does one of these
like oh and drops it like bro you're an actor watch players you know what i
mean part Part of your thing is you got to watch and do your due diligence,
do your research, right?
Look at what, how barking is done. And then like, it just makes it like,

that's the one thing that bothers me.
I know it's like very minute in the whole grand scheme of things.
And it's like, but it's just, as a baseball fan, I look at it and now people
are going to watch this episode and they'll be like, there it is.
Yep. Yeah. The cheesy bark, you know, that's, that's one of those things.
And it was not only a balk, but a walk-off balk.

A walk-off balk, yeah. A walk-off balk. Gentlemen, I've seen everything.
So this is towards the end of
the streak now. You know that something's going to happen to disrupt it.
Yeah, because they're already having a fight about it. They're already fighting about things.
He says the idea that our sex is helping the frackers win baseball games is ludicrous.

You know, we know it logically. We know it. but
then we encounter the banker
turns out Jules has been on some dates yep
and he kind of like that's the first time you start to know it
is that he got like actually jealous yeah yeah he called the he called the ex-boyfriend
he called him the haircut with teeth he said who's the haircut with teeth and

he literally tells us like stay away from me he says I don't like you like Like
we've never been like the first time we met, I was like,
I don't like you. So please stay away. I'm like, all right.
What does he say? He says, nice to meet you. Stay the hell away from me.
Like he just not mess around. Like, he's just like, he'll tell you straight

up how it is. It's just, that's how that goes.
But they, they break the sex streak. And then, and the next night the frackers lose.
That's right after, like right after the fight, after he tells the guy,
Hey, Hey, stay away from me. They have a fight at the bar.
They don't have six in their name. They lose 18-0. 18-0.

My favorite thing about that, the way they lose the game, is that Uribe is batting
and he turns around and he's like, he turns around and he's talking to Brockmire.
He's got his back to the pitcher and he turns around and talks to Brockmire
and he gets a called third strike and he doesn't even care. He just walks away. Yeah.
He was like, hey, he tells Brockmire, hey, you want to hang out tonight?

He just opens up the windows yep i'm not doing anything
because he's not having sex
nope he's done he's just standing there
like with that you know like you know leaning on the bat and at
home plate i'm like okay it's so funny it's
so good he turns out uribe has 13 kids
we learn he's catholic uh does

that believe in contraception that's a sin and and
he he says he how old
is he was the 20 29 yeah he said
he was 29 gray hair over everything you're
like come on dude i'm still trying to live you know that dream of playing baseball
i wish i would have played one season of baseball anywhere one season of baseball

and then like i've even thought about like here in fort collins you know my
buddy Running buddy Chris and I will often talk about,
because we played softball and I play kickball now,
but it would just feel awesome to get out on a field with a baseball glove and play actual baseball.
Try to hit, I don't know what they would throw in these leagues,

like a 60-mile-an-hour fastball or something, right?
That would be amazing to get back out there and play baseball.
There's got to be a way. Right. I wish I would have played one season.
I mean, I know I suck. I'm done.
You know what I mean? That's it. that's not what it's about though no no
not not at all like but it would have been cool to
to just like say hey yeah i

was out there i did it you know put me at second base i
got no arm but i can get to that ground ball i can feel
the ground ball just don't make me throw it all the way across the diamond yeah
i did it yeah i did a tryout once like they had open tryouts back oh yeah back
in ohio i did a tryout for it was the atlanta braves they came to beachwood
ohio not beachwood lakewood Ohio and they had a tryout,

like open tryouts for, you know, for like minor leagues and all that,
you know. Mark Wahlberg is going to play you in the.
Yeah, he will. He will. He will. He will. He's older than me by a lot,
but he will play me. This movie, that movie would be called Edvincible.
Edvincible. Yeah, exactly. There it is. It had no shot.
Edvincible. I, we did, we did catch and throwing, right? We did all the stuff

and then we did the, the sprints.
And then after the sprints, uh, I won this, my, in my heat, but I didn't,
you know, I was not the fastest person and I was not the slowest, but I still got caught.
Well, I love that you went out there and did that. That's the stuff that movies are made of.
And it was, it was, it was a cool experience. And then I went home with my bag,

you know, my bath, my glove.
And I wish I could have seen that. You know, like I had my car,
my Honda, my, my Honda civic at that point, it was a 2000 Honda civic hatchback red.
And I said, I sat in, in my car right afterwards for like, I don't know, 10, 15 minutes.
And I'm like, well, I did it. I tried out. At least I did it.

All right. Well, that's, that's, that's great.
That's I'm, I'm proud of you for doing that. I wish I right now,
the best I can say right now is that I play co-ed recreational kickball and not well, I might add.
You still get out there, bro. I told my wife, I want to play softball this year. Yeah.
That's fun, man. You should, you should do it. I'm doing it too.

We're going to play softball. Let's do it. I'm contacting Chris.
Oh, that'd be so awesome. Softball, let's play softball. That would be so much fun, wouldn't it?
Or even, or even a, like a rec league for like wiffle ball.
Yeah. A rec league or our curb rim media wiffle ball meetup that we're going
to do at a, at a minor league baseball team.

See, there it is. Boom. Speaking of baseball, we're watching a TV show about baseball.
They have a big fight. They don't have sex. The streak ends. Nope.
Brock Meyers hanging out with Uribe. And then he decides this is no fun.
I guess the, the sort of low end ladies of the night show up and Brock Meyers, like, I don't need this.

Technically, they're not really low end of the night. They're like,
they look like they work. They have the blue vests. They look like Walmart employees.
They look like Wally world employees.
Right. That's the thing. Like, you're like, there's, they're saying,
and I'm trying to, like, I, like they have a tag that says hello and then their
name on it. Right. And then the best.
Right. So, you know, and then one of the girls tells, tells,

I was like, I'll ask you, you look like my stepdad.
Okay, cool. Hold one second, please. You go see your rebate.
And then tries to put the, the, you know, some guidelines, some rules of,
you know, obviously there's going to be a lot of things going on in this episode,

like in this, in this evening.
Right. You know, there's already a lot of drugs going on.
There might be, you know, some sexual intercourse and then you're here,
it goes, listen, if I'm in and something happens, it happens. Okay.
So he's already like, it is what it is. This episode got real dark.
I'm like, and I'm sitting there and I'm like, Hmm.

Yeah. Oh yeah.
I don't, I, Hmm. Yeah.
You know what I mean? Yeah. Yeah. That was, that was actually kind of wild and hilarious.
I loved it. I thought that was so funny, but, and then, and I guess I don't,
you know, I don't know what drug it is that you wipe on your teeth or put on
your teeth, but Brockmire took that drug.

Yeah. She put it on his teeth. She put it on his teeth. Yeah.
And then, and then he says, nah, I don't need this. And, and he's not,
next thing you know, he's knocking on, on Jules's door.
Yep. and and he says to
her i wrote this one down because i because
i like it this is this is you know
one of the one of the things that you know that the where

they turn they turn from the the raunchy humor to and to something kind of sweet
he says to her you see the world for the shit pile it is and that just makes
you shovel faster and and then he says baseball makes you want to exist exist
you make me want to live and i was like that's i don't entirely know what it means

but it was sweet well you know he saw he
was on this whole quest of you know suicide yeah right
yeah that's right and then for her for him sorry not for her him to i don't
even know where that came from but that's a new pronoun it is thank you let's
add it to the list so for him to you know say that that's actually pretty cool

right i'm like all right all right we went from like like super dark and raunchy to like.
All right, we're trying to get to the, you know, the, the, the,
the bromance, the romance, you know, comedy kind of thing. Yeah. Yep.
Yeah. It was, you know, it was, it was poignant and it was, it was lovely.
So, and then, you know, we cut away from that and we're at the closing scene

of the episode and we're back with the banker and it becomes, it becomes clear that.
That this guy wants the team to fail. And then that's now all of a sudden we're in major league.
We went from, we went from the, the winning, the sex related winning streak
of Bull Durham to the, to the plot point of major league where the,
the, the financial investor, the owner of the team wants it to lose.

Because they want the land, right? They want the land. They want to tear the stadium down.
They want to tear the stadium down. And then the fact that like,
they have, this is such a, like the, the Pennsylvania shell corporation,
by the way, it is called. That's right. That's right. The Pennsylvania shell.
Yeah. Just sounds so evil. It does. Doesn't it? And then they're all,

they're all in a, in a big conference room with their suits and everything.
And one woman. Well, two, there's two, but the older one, there's two of them.
There's one that's like to the left that you really don't see,
but then you see the older older woman, Debbie, Debbie.
All right. Nice. Debbie. And then they're talking about the retirement party
because she's retiring and then they're shooting, you know, tequila down her

throat at that point at the end.
They bring in the, the, there's apparently some backstory where there was a
party and, and Debbie was involved with the margarita man.
They're like, you remember the margarita man and the margarita man come in and
they're all doing tequila and they zoom in on the the plan to tear down the

morristown frackers ballpark.
Yeah and i now you now we've set right
we we're we set now what the who the
good guys are who the bad guys are we set what the plot is
of this whole season yeah obviously the
the first one that you see is that she's trying
you know jules is trying to save the team brock meyer is there calling

the the game she called him like you know it's like no i hustled you
right that's right but now you
now you start getting you know now we start peeling the onion
here it's like all right there's more to this than just trying to
save the team it's like there's someone actually actively trying to
destroy the team right for the ballpark right we're
we're a quarter of the way can you believe we're a quarter of the way through

season one i know it's only eight episodes eight episodes per per season here
it's it's interesting right does season two season two has only eight episodes
yeah they all have eight episodes it's four it's four seasons of eight episodes interesting yep.
We're almost, I know we're a quarter of the way through. It's kind of like the

fact that like January is over. Like, how did that happen?
2024 just started. We're literally recording this on January 31st.
January 31st in Colorado. There are four hours left in January right now. Two hours here.
Two hours left for you. I know it's late for you. I know it was very late.
I'm doing this, you know, for the content, my friend, for the content.
The content for the rewatch, the Brockmire rewatch. Because it's classic.

It is. It's a great show. You know. It is. my my
wife asked me it's like all right so when when you guys are done with with uh
brock meyer what are you guys gonna watch i'm like i have no idea right now
i'm enjoying this yeah oh that's right he's bounding down that's right that's
right we're gonna do he's bounding down like we're just gonna review every single
one of them it's gonna be great re-watch all the great baseball shows this is

great and then the quantum leap episode of that there were like three or four
quantum leap episodes that had to do with baseball so that's what we should
do we should find you You know,
look at every show that has a baseball theme and watch it. That's what we're going to do.
Dude, The Simpsons. So many Springfield Isotopes episodes.

Absolutely. See, we could go
on and on and on. See, man, this is going to be, there's no end in sight.
Our significant others will have us out of their hair for, you know,
every other week. For the foreseeable future.
For the foreseeable future. future we'll plot
this all out on our trip to jan on our trip
to albuquerque in uh in april we can we got

a road trip to albuquerque coming up and seven hours
of nothing but content baby it's gonna be so good we'll have a seven hour episode
of the podcast imagine if we just just hit play you know record us just driving
through i think there are some podcasts out there kind of like that already
see oh oh that was a shot ed i'm sorry i'm sorry that was snarky oh Oh,

no podcasters we know would do that. No, none whatsoever.
None whatsoever. I wonder what we're going to do next.
Seven hours of nothing but that. No, no. But like seven hours of nothing but
like us talking baseball, sports, life, dogs.
We'll drive down the Vegas strip on the way.

Las Vegas, New Mexico.
There's a Dairy Queen. I think there's a Wendy's. There's a diner that does
really good green chili cheeseburgers. How many lights? Street light.
Oh, it's probably like eight or 10 of them because it's like every other block has a light.
So i'll have to look it up they do have a diner with a really good green chili

cheeseburger though so is that what we're is that what you're saying we're gonna
stop there eat and then keep going
that is usually what i do on my way to albuquerque we'll have to see
what our timing is like but even if we leave at like six in
the morning and get there at like yeah it would be perfect
because we get there at like 11 in the morning so boom it's i'm okay with eating
early yeah this place is great you're gonna love it oh see i'm excited for that

you know the web gets to gets me out of of the house for a couple of days yeah
right right yeah she gets uh what is what is the,
right amount of time for you before you start like like suppose darla says hey
i'm taking mia and we're going to my mom's house for this amount of time what

is the what is the amount of time before you're like okay i'm ready to have
them back it's a good question yeah.
The longest I've been away from me has only been a couple of days.
Okay. Two, three nights. Yeah. I think that's like.
That's the outer limit. I think that, that to me is like. Yeah.
Like, like 60 hours, two and a half days. Yeah.

That's good. Yeah. Right. Because we were talking about this,
like, cause I'm leaving Friday.
Yeah. Saturday morning. We're like hitting the road. Yeah.
And then Sunday afternoon night, you know, we're, we're hitting back or Monday,
whatever. No, no Sunday. Right. Because Monday we're going to be going around your town.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Monday we'll have lunch in Fort Collins. We'll go to Coopersmith's,
get a beer, some wings. Oh, they have good wings at Coopersmith's. Boom.

I'm in for that. Yeah, right in Old Town Square. Didn't you say there was also
a sporting goods store that you wanted to take? I was just going to say,
it's like right across the square.
It's like right in the same sort of downtown pedestrian area.
There's an awesome retro sporting goods store in Fort Collins. So we will definitely.
I'm afraid you're going to drop some money there, Ed. Son of a.

I'm okay with this, though. I'm totally okay with this. Yeah.
All right, we've gotten derailed, and now we're just having a regular conversation.
Did you want to take us out this time, or you want me to bring it back again?
You know what, dude? Just keep going with it.
All right, so this is going to be my thing here? It's your thing.
I'm the one who points out the crazy stuff in this show.

The things that just doesn't make any sense, like the balk still gets me mad.
I know, I know. And then you take us out.
All right, well, that was episode two.
Winning streak. Winning streak or lucky streak? Winning streak. Winning streak.
Lucy, put supper on the stove, my dear, because this ball game is over.

Yeah. Love it.
It's the best. I'm so glad we're doing this. Me too.

Hey, this has been a Curvebred Media production.
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