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April 17, 2024 31 mins

The Tip In Maple Leafs Podcast Episode 209   Coming up on this episode

- The Leafs have lost 4 in a row going into the playoffs

- Bring on the Bruins!

- Auston Matthews doesn’t get 70 but can you really complain about 69!

- All this and more coming up on Episode 209 of The Tip In Maple Leafs Podcast 

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Episode Transcript

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Hey everybody, welcome to the Tip-In Maple Leafs podcast, episode number 209.
And coming up on this one, the Leafs have lost four in a row going into the playoffs.
So what the fuck? Bring on the Bruins. Austin Matthews, he doesn't get 70, but he gets 69.
And as a man who's only had a few 69s in my day, I can say that is incredible.
All this and more coming up on episode 209 of the Tip-In podcast.

Hate to say we told you so, guys, but let's be serious here,
Chad. We have been calling for quite some time as we saw Austin inching a little closer to 70.
We're kind of called our shot here. We said 69. That's perfect.
No more, no less. That's right where you want to be.
And that is exactly what happened. But some big time concerns for me heading

into the playoffs. Let's hit the intro.
Traverse coming up, sends it in, they score! They score!
Holy mackerel! They score! The Leafs have won it! They're going to the second

round! Do you believe this?
Holy mackerel!
Well, welcome to the Tip and Maple Leafs podcast. I'm Chad. I'm Dale. And here we go.

The season is over.
Matthews is stuck at 69 forever. That's the number it will be in the record books.
And the Austin Bruins Are our first round opponent There's a lot going on Yeah,
well, of course, for sure So, yeah, man, we might as well just Austin off the top, right?

So he doesn't get it, I mean Last night in Florida, tonight in Tampa Bay,
not gonna go nuts on the games but he obviously
had plenty of opportunities to
get it he did just wasn't in
the cards couldn't happen and just right at the end of this one
when there was still a little bit of hope left i'm not even talking about

the taveras goal but as their power play common with like five minutes left
what does tj brody to decide to do just let it rip from the point scores for
the first time in like 130 fucking games or something ridiculous and they They
could have gone to the power play there and gotten Austin the chance.
But anyway, just when it rains, it pours for TJ Brody. Because you know Austin's

looking at him being like, really, man?
Like now you're going to score? Yeah, like now. 130 games, I'm one away from
70. But you're not even going to give me a chance on the power play.
And like, I'm sure Brody didn't think that puck was going to go in the fucking net. Obvious. No.
He hasn't scored in forever. No, I know. No way he thought that. No.
But look, so he doesn't get to 70. but 69 which we love it like you said it'll

be in the record books forever 51 of those 69 goals,
even strength goals that's got to be the most impressive thing about it like
51 even strength goals out of the 69 goals but i mean i don't know what can
you really say about this guy like,
is that the career high for him or could you see him being like no i'm gonna

i'm i'm gonna do 70 one of these next couple seasons i'm sure that's in his
mind there's no way that this guy is
walking away being like well that's you know that's the peak of my career
no he's the type player where now he has a goal for
next year yeah yeah to 70 yeah like i
mean honestly it is a little heartbreaking to be like you're right there you're

right there right like it's one goal away two games to play like it's not 60
he didn't end up with 66 or 67 like he was right there yeah so that it's It's
disappointing, for sure.
Like, it is disappointing, but... But at the same time, it's incredible. Oh, absolutely.
We've said it so many times on this podcast, but to have a Toronto Maple Leaf

player that is that elite at goal scoring is ridiculous.
I haven't seen it in 69.
69. I haven't seen – no one's popped 69 in the back of the net since Mario,
I think, in 92, 93 or something crazy like that. So we're talking 30 years here.
Yeah. It's absolutely incredible.

Incredible season by him. Like, just absolutely incredible, really.
And i'll just tell you one thing too like this
just one thing sticks out in my mind okay i know
specifically one goal he got called back remember that bertuzzi offside goal
i forget who they were playing but bertuzzi was at the far side do you remember
what i'm talking about yes like i forget who they were playing that game but

it was an absolute sick goal down front down front so So do away with that bullshit.
And he does put 70 in the back net. But anyway, or one of the 25 posts that he hit this year.
Oh, you're looking at 80 goals, 75, 80 for fun, for fucking fun.
Yeah. Think about how many. That's another thing, too. Like he literally hit 20 plus posts.

I think he led the NHL in posts and crossbars.
That's crazy, man. So even when he's not putting it in, he's still sniffing
right around it, which is great. But tonight, he had that great play where he
bounced off the guy and recovered the puck and sniped it off the crossbar.
Yeah. He had his chances. In Florida, he had his chances. In Tampa tonight, he had his chances.

Yeah. It just wasn't in the cards. No, no. Fuck.
Yeah, it does suck. Anyway, so anything else on Matthews or just,
hey, what can you say, man? Incredible and hopefully...
We'll see in the playoffs he breaks the leaf record for most goals in
the playoffs yeah wouldn't that be nice wouldn't that be nice so anyway
69 we love that that's right where it stands that's absolute perfect kind of

what we well we called our shot let's be serious here like i don't think any
other podcasts out there were calling their shot on that one while we were calling
it for quite a while quite a while
it's funny i've been listening to like podcasts and and radio shows and
stuff and all of a sudden they're all coming out with these 69 jokes
about awesome ather city 69 and oh

that's a sweet number ha ha ha and they laugh and i'm like you
guys we've been talking about this since november
okay that's right that's right
before the calendar even flipped to the new year
we had this puppy peg to a t so we were talking 69
long before anybody else was talking yes we
were yes we were so i love that and anyway man

okay so we'll go congratulations to austin
matthews whatever still obviously incredible so
hopefully he can yeah like you said just go on a tear in
the playoffs because we are gonna need it but lost four in a row like you said
off the top going into the playoffs i do not love that and they pretty much
got the fucking blores doing the doors blowing off in in florida in the second

period like what the fuck was that man they give Give up 31 shots in the second period.
Wallets in five or sort of a four spot in the second period,
but 31 shots in the second period alone after what was a pretty good first period in Florida.
And then tonight shots were 29, four.
Okay. Well still 32 K 30. But I mean, whatever.

The shot attempts were probably through the roof like they
probably got 50 pucks at the net and 29 made
it to the net like when florida put the pedal down it was like
one of these team gearing up for the playoffs wanting to
win in the division and the other one's just kind of floating around out there
looking lost and i saw a lot of that again tonight i
know they caught up tonight and the score was so five two
lost to florida six four lost to

tampa that score is flattering i think like i
didn't think the game was that close uh tampa
controlled like tampa played like well we're getting
ready for the playoffs here and the least i did i just i just didn't
see that did you not kind of feel like the last couple games the leafs
have been off trying to get matthew 70 i know but like how about like i know

they're meaningless games and you don't want to get injured and all that but
like do you not want to amp up the energy level a little bit going into fucking
game one like well i thought did you not think in the first period against florida
yes I was like, okay, they look good.
And the six periods since, or the five periods since, have been bad.
Terrible. Well, as soon as Florida came out and started playing the way that

the Cougars can, that was it.
Like, Toronto was like... A part of me watching that was kind of glad that they
got the Bruins, because I was like, Jesus, I don't want any part of this in the first round.
Like, for sure. 29-4 getting outshot in the second period? No, no, for sure.
You don't want that shit. no and we'll get into boston in a
second here but i just want to say like do you think this is

like i don't want to blow anything out of
proportion here i don't want to whatever i'm just kind of my feeling
and just what i'm the vibe i'm getting and just watching the games and all that
like does it look kind of like they're going into the playoffs like a wounded
animal to you or you think that's a stretch like they haven't played well they
lost they haven't played well and they don't look good but can't can't get a

save no matter who's no matter who's in that If we were doing a Bruins podcast,
would we be saying the same thing? I think so.
So would we? Because they lost. Like, they basically got shelled by Washington
and Ottawa. At least the Leafs lost to some good teams.
Like I hear you, but like, like I was saying, like meaningless games down the stretch here. Sure.

Like the last two specifically, cause it really wasn't, you know,
they were still fighting for positioning depending on what was going on like
a week ago. Yeah. Tuesday, they could have picked their opponent.
They beat Florida. They know they're going to play Florida. Sure.
So like meaningless games or not the last couple of games, whatever in Florida,
but like, just again, to reiterate, like playing hard and trying to get ready for the playoffs.

Absolutely not. I didn't see it. I saw two teams do that these last two games
and the one team, the white team.
No, not interested. Like, no, thanks. We'll just, we'll get ready on Saturday night. We'll be ready.
Okay. Well, all right. And they might be in playoff form.
It just, well, they're in perfect playoff form. I don't think I would read too

much into it, but why are the other, why was Florida so interested in winning
the division and playing hard?
Why was Tampa meaningless game tonight? Tampa outworked them all night long.
I don't know why I like, I can't answer Florida. I thought it was flat in the
first and then turned it on and the Leafs had no answer for it.
And tonight I think they, everyone was just trying to get the game over with

without getting injured.
And everything was get the puck to Austin, but they weren't thinking about anything.
I know Chad, but you like the playoffs or I understand that,
but I feel like you could do both. Yes. Do that. Get the puck to Austin,
but play hard in the process.
Play like you got to up your intensity.
Like it looked to me like Tampa was like, Like we got Florida on the weekend.
We better fucking play hard here. Like I don't, to me, there's no excuse to

like, I know it's a meaningless game, but you're amping up for the playoffs.
You need to like, you got a pretty big juggernaut waiting for you down the road in Boston there.
You can't, you can't go in with this or you're fucking dead.
You're going to get swept four straight.
If this is, if this is their game plan, forget about it.
It's not their game plan. And you know, and I get what you're saying.

Like it looked bad and they went, they looked like dog shit going into the playoffs.
I get that. But at the same time, go back and look at playoffs before.
And I bet you'll find teams who walked into the playoffs like this.
And when I'm runs, like, I don't think it really matters.
I think when the puck drops on game, one of the playoffs, I don't think it really matters.
Everything changes. Everything changes. No, I like Boston went in last year,

hadn't lost fucking more than two games in a row all season record breaking.
They lose four straight after having a three, nothing leap.
Maybe it'll be the opposite this year, but anything can happen.
So what I'm saying is Boston didn't look good going in.
Toronto doesn't look good going in. I know something's got to go.
Something's got to give. We'll see game one.
It was like three games in. You'll be like, Oh, you won't even talk about these

two games. No, I know that.
So, well, maybe we'll see how the goaltending shakes out. I'm going to get a
touch on the goaltending in a second here, but like, so what do you think?
So, you know, Boston loses to Ottawa.
That surprised the hell out of me. I thought there's no way.
I thought the result of the Leafs game would not matter because I thought Boston
was going to fucking win, but they lost and Florida wins and away we go.

We're going to Boston on Saturday.
Do you believe in the conspiracy that they lost on purpose?
I was talking about it last podcast. guys you know i remember me saying
talking about at the end i was talking about i wonder if boss
because they lost their last two games going in i mean they lost like
like not in boston style no no shots
on that tons of penalties just i
do i do believe that of course man if you're a fucking

bruins there's no part of me that thinks that they didn't
secretly in the back of their head like i'm sure they went out and they were
trying they're professionals but i know in the back of their head they're like
well if we lose we get the the leafs wait who the who they've done done nothing
but own yeah playoffs and regular season why the fuck would you choose tamp
yeah like we we go out and beat ottawa tonight we're gonna get the lightning but if we lose.

We're going the leafs are coming in like they
probably went into the dressing room at intermission saw the
second period on in the leafs the leaf game and they're like all right florida's
gonna win the division let's let's blow this let's get toronto it wouldn't surprise
me it wouldn't to surprise me now with so what do you think what do you think
of the matchup are you glad it's Boston instead of Florida because it looks

that way right now I'll tell you this I've been thinking about this all day.
Because after seeing that Florida, I said that after watching that second period
against Florida, I was like, Jesus, I don't want any part of this.
On paper, Toronto looks like probably they have a slight edge over Boston,
but I don't think it matters who the Leafs play.
I think it matters about the Leafs. Yeah, because they were heavily favored

against Montreal and they got beat.
They lose all the time when it comes to the playoff. So it doesn't really matter.
Boston's a really good team. Florida is a really good team. It doesn't matter.
What matters to me is this leafs team
are they ready to win yeah it
doesn't matter i i agree it doesn't matter who you play look you go
like not all this like they're all the series are

the matt first round series are set in the east but not
all in the west but if you go through them there's no
there's no easy out like they're sure would i rather be
playing washington or the islanders well yeah of course but like
there's no easy out like edmonton's gonna end up playing and
probably vegas in the first round and like like good good luck
there like who would you rather have the bruins or vegas in the
fucking first round yeah the bruins like there's winnipeg

gets colorado or vice versa colorado gets winnipeg
like one of those incredible teams are going to be fucking gone right away so
it is what it is but they were i i was looking today we were talking about like
one versus eight compared to the format they do it right now the east would
if it was one One versus eight, it would have been exactly the same.

So... One versus eight, everyone would get the same matchups.
That's interesting. It only worked out that way because...
Because the carolina was ahead of florida
so i don't did they who won the metro the
rangers yeah they did i don't think carolina it's so
it's it's done right the rangers are playing washington carolina is

playing the islanders that's what it is i'm pretty sure the rangers are the
president's trophy winners yeah but because like because carolina was ahead
and the metro was so soft it kind of all evened out the one v8 kind of all worked
out that way but But if it had have gone a different way, you would have had
a few different matchups, but not many.
So, yeah, everyone complaining about the we complain about it, too.

The wild card. I don't like it just because you play the same fucking teams every year.
It'd be nice to once in a while throw in a Carolina or something like that.
But it's always Boston or Tampa or Florida.
I think this is just to get off topic here briefly for a second.
We'll get back to Lisa in two seconds here. but to take
i've been hearing a lot of talk lately the last couple days too about how

like the nba is doing like play-in games
to get the final two spots at the wild
card in baseball those games are very exciting like
i i the blue jays have played in a couple it's it's super suit well it used
to be a one-off but they've made the wild card a two out of three now but in
the nba same deal they were doing like one-off like wild cards last night and

tonight like i I think that the NHL needs to get on board with that, man.
Think about how exciting that would be. Instead of placing.
So like you lock up your division, right? So like the top three teams in each
division, but then those last two spots, you take the four teams and you're
like, all right, we're going to play off. Yeah. I think that's for sure. A hundred percent.

I would have it be the, have it be seven versus whatever.
Yeah. Like not seven. Then you're, then you're fighting just to be in the playoff series.
Like seven set like the final four teams that
are like the two wildcard teams that would get it and then the final two
teams that would finish right below them so seven play the four
the four teams outside of the playoffs seven play ten eight play nine in a one-off

and whoever wins those one games fucking gets in i just it would just be more
like is it fair to the teams that actually got the wildcard well like i guess
not but it would just make it more exciting to have like here's a couple of
meaningful games just before the playoffs start.
I don't know. I think the NHL needs to fucking really consider that.
And they're going to be expanding.
It would give the wild card more...

Yeah more excitement to it because right now all the
wild card is is okay the two next
two teams with the highest points that's right so now
wild card like the definition of wild card is
like it's a wild card you don't know who it's gonna
be that's right you could have that 10th you could have that 10th
seed so you're gonna have like you steal a wild

card dude it's a 32 team league and that's gonna expand to
probably 34 within the next couple years within the next five years
there'll be 34 teams for sure i'd be okay with that no doubt
in my mind so then that gives 10 teams from each conference
a chance to get in so if you're sniffing around 10 you
could still fucking get in and go on a run i think that they need
to adopt that i think they're stupid yeah it would be crazy in hockey

like i know in basketball and baseball a
lot of the times the teams that win the wild card don't really do anything
sometimes in baseball they go on runs and basketball doesn't really
happen they usually get shelled in the first round but in
hockey you're right that 10 10th seed oh
yeah could have had some injuries or something in the start of
the season they get that wild card spot and they've

upset the first first round and move on it could
totally happen in the nhl that'd be awesome i'm game for that let's uh let's
write a letter to jerry yeah well i don't know jerry i think jerry needs to
get the fuck out of there once daily takes over maybe we can get some of these
things cooking but anyway so back to boston like yeah i don't know what do.

You think overall here like just what are your overall thoughts
like you're so you're we're in agreeance we're both glad it's
the bruins and not the panthers at least to
start yeah i don't i don't think the leafs are playing like
i said it doesn't matter if they're playing the bruins the leafs are playing
against themselves that's what they're playing against they're playing against
their playoff ghosts but it still is all the pressure on them but it is a better

matchup though it just is on paper well it's just like this season they got
completely shelled by boss They can beat Boston.
They might not. They haven't once this year. They might not, but they can.
They can. If they bring their A game and they play the way that they can play,
I believe they can beat Boston.
Even with their A game, I'm not sure they can beat the Florida Panthers.

This year in the regular season against the Bruins? Yeah, I know. They're 0-4. I know.
Their power play was atrocious. Their penalty kill atrocious just against the
Bruins goals. Goalies were bad.
Like nothing. I know on paper they have the slight edge, but nothing really
points to they're going to win this series.
No, no. It's just like, you're going to have to gut it. Like it's going to be a gut feel.

And like right now I'm on the fence. Like I kind of think it is a coin flip.
I thought that way every time they played Boston. So, you know,
I'm not sure I can handle another game seven and TD garden. I'll tell you that.
It's coming. coming probably but maybe not maybe not
man maybe they maybe this one doesn't go
seven games like i could see the leafs getting pumped here
but i could see the least beating them in six games so

like i just i'm just not sure there's so many different variables like i'll
go i want to touch on the goal i don't want to go too long here but i do want
to touch on and look guys we'll be back with a full playoff preview slash prediction
show on friday night once once everything it's all set All the matchups in the
West have not been set yet.
Chad and I are going to kind of do a bracket, fill out like who we think is

going to win on the first round, second round, pick a cup winner, the whole nine yard.
And we'll also throw in a little added bonus of who we each think should be
in the Leafs lineup to start game one in Boston on Saturday night.
But the goaltending, man, like this has to be the biggest concern without a fucking doubt.
None of these guys can stop a buck right now. Not one.

Like there's goals going in on everybody like
per jones he hasn't played in two fucking months he comes
in tonight and just forget about it not even close looks like
the guy looked like the guy forgot how to fucking play net yeah wall
just i don't know what happened like i don't i don't pin the loss in florida
on wall but he could have like there's saves you gotta make there oh my god
well could you imagine wall after that second period remember in the movie slap

shot when the goalie has like a seizure coming into the dressing room that was
probably wall coming in after the the second period last night.
Like facing that many fucking shots in 20 minutes. It's crazy.
I don't put that loss on wall.
No, but there's goals there that shouldn't have went in, right?
Yeah. And same with Samson off, right? Samson off the last, his last two starts,
Detroit, New Jersey. Looks like he fucking forgot how to play.

So how can you be confident going into game one, which it's going to clearly be Samson off.
It has to be. They have no choice other than if Superman, Matt Murray throws
his fucking cape on and comes out of nowhere, which they're clearly not doing that for game one.
It's going to be Sammy. that's just what it's going to be to
start i don't feel good about any of these guys i

don't feel good about any no no it's it's
probably the biggest the biggest concern going into the playoffs
like i know there's i know there's
question marks up front there's huge question marks on the back
end oh god but the goaltending is the biggest question
mark it not what the hell are you gonna do if
you can't stop a puck that's true none of the none

of the defense and the what they
do up front it won't matter if you're down three nothing
10 minutes in it won't fucking matter so well
yeah you can't get a save no you're fine and
i'm not no team has ever won the stanley cup
with mediocre oh my god dude my eyes are
going to be glued to 30 number 35 on saturday night like what's he what's he

got what's he got is he mentally fucked again or is he going to be able to play
because i'm sitting here right now on wednesday night and i don't have the answer
to of that you know what it's going to be it it'll be does he make a save or let in a goal first.
If he makes a big save i bet he settles in and everything's okay
if something squeaks by him in the first five minutes it could be a pretty quick

series what's your quick what's your what's your gut what's your gut tell you
i'm a goal attending uh i don't know because it is yeah it's hard to call but
playoffs like i said it always it's something just different about it.
You can get to game one and all of a sudden guys who sucked all year are great.
And I heard a lot of guys being interviewed in the past week,

old NHL players, everybody's, everybody's doing the rounds, getting the calls.
And they all say the same thing that the playoffs is like a breath of fresh
air. Cause everything gets wiped to zero and you get to start fresh.
Yeah. And maybe that maybe Samson office is like, all right,
everything that happened in the regular season, you know, I'm at zero wins,
zero goals against average.
I get to start fresh. Let's do this. so i hope so but

at the same time like i said a squeaker could go in and his his mental toughness
is not that tough so do you think no it's not so do you know it's not at all
so do you think the leash is potentially gotten a little bit longer on samson
off because now keep doesn't trust wall,
either like he doesn't i don't think sheldon trusts any of
them right now so no i think there's a little bit but i think

wall i think like samson off has been given like i
don't think wall was was given a fair shake no i agree like i
think he needed a little more time to get back because before
his injury he looked really good and then since he's come back he's kind of
just played fiddle to whenever samson off whenever it's a back-to-back or if
samson off was faltering a little bit yeah so samson off is going to be the

starter for game one oh yeah of course and he i don't think anything will change unless he's really bad.
He might be pulled by the fucking second period. Maybe, yeah. Worst case scenario.
I mean, that is the worst case scenario. He lets in four on 10 shots. Guess what?
Joseph Wall starts the second period like 100 fucking percent.

You can't keep rolling with that.
You can't keep rolling with that shit. But at least you have a backup.
Like, I know Wall hasn't played great, but at least you have a backup where
you could roll the dice on him and he could take you somewhere.
Right. Like, at least it's not like a fucking backup.
You know, at least you don't have like Curtis McElhinney. Like,
I loved Curtis McElhinney, but he's not going to win you three playoff rounds.

No. And if he comes in and he lets in a four spot and they get the fucking house
blown over, ain't nothing.
Marty Jones is coming in. And you got to seriously consider like,
I don't know if I can, maybe I go back to Samson off for game two,
but if it happens again, then that's probably it.
You got to go to Murdoch, man. I'm telling you right now. Now you say.
Matt Murray, put your Superman cape on from 2016-17 and get in here.

You're going to live or die with this fucking Matt Murray.
Well, depending on how it shakes out with the other two guys slash three.
I was thinking, okay, maybe Jonesy can come in and get it done.
Well, I don't think that anymore.
You think if Matt Murray had a play tonight, he would have not let in six?
I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.

I think we're getting ahead of ourselves. he's the only one we
haven't seen so no we're getting our head ahead
of ourselves but yeah let's give samson off a chance yeah and
see what happens in game one yeah but it like that's
gonna make or break it like if he if he does not bring
his a game or b plus at at best they're
they're dead they won't win the series i think a more likely

scenario that will happen is that samson off is fine like maybe he's not playing
out of his mind but good enough good he's good enough And what's going to happen
is the mental breakdown and toughness between the guys who have done this before
is going to blow a gasket again.

And lose. They're going up against the Boston Bruins. They're going to be in
Boston Gardens. The fucking buildings are super loud.
Pasternak's going to be popping goals in left and right. Pasternak loves to
play the Leafs. Marshawn loves to play the Leafs.
Are Matthews, Marner, Nylander, are these guys going to show up?
Are they going to show up?
We can put all the blame on Samsonov, but what if Samsonov actually gives you

good goaltending, but the other guys just don't show up?
I hate to say it, but it's very likely because that's all we've ever seen.
That's all we've ever seen. Yeah. So is that not more? That's probably the more
likely scenario than the goaltending lets you down.
It is absolutely time for that to change.
I think that's the purpose. Perfect way to end this one here,
Chad, just because that, that you're, you're a hundred percent,

like obviously a big time concern in net, but a huge concern again,
will these, I was going to call them kids.
They are still kind of kids. No, they're not kids, man. They're growing up.
They're growing up mid twenties, whatever late twenties.
Like are these guys finally like the
guys you just said marner matthews kneelander specifically
like are they ready are they finally ready to be like it's our fucking time

now we are not like to have the machuck or kachuk mentality to have the mckinnon
mentality of like just we're not blue we're gonna win we're not we're not losing
period like we're we're not losing so So, yeah.
Are they going to have, because Boston is going to play, and I'll just say this before we go.
Florida plays like Florida skates. Florida plays fast.

They play in your face. They fucking, they're a dirty team. They're a grindy team. Yep.
Boston will not play that way. You're not going to get into a run and gun high
tempo game. They are going to clog the neutral zone.
They're going to grind you down. Sure. They're going to get in your face.
Do you have the toughness to still

score goals when there's no fucking ice out
there will you have that because you
haven't the past few years so let's see we
are going to find out on saturday nights cannot
wait cannot wait friday night
we're going to do a podcast it'll be uploaded friday night
so you can listen to it saturday yeah before the

game and it's we'll have we'll have it up or we'll have it up around like
eight o'clock on friday night something like that so check it
out listen to it saturday it'll get you all pumped up for the playoffs and
then we'll be back after every playoff game whether we do
it after the game or the day after there will be a podcast in
between every playoff game so for the tip in maple east podcast don't forget
to follow us on social media at the tip in maple east podcast on facebook instagram

and youtube tip in podcast on tiktok tip and pod on twitter email us tip and
podcast at or you can You can just message us on Instagram and Facebook
because we get those two.
And until Friday's playoff preview and the Leafs versus Bruins round five.
That's right. They've played four times right in the last like 10 years.

Like going back to the game we never want to talk about, 2013?
Yeah, I think this will be the fourth time.
Oh, this is the fourth time? They played them two years in a row, a couple.
After the Washington series, they played them, and then they played them again
the year right after that.
But they haven't played them since then, I don't think. Okay,

so this is round four. All right.
Anyway, I'm Chad. I'm Dale. And we will.
Yeah, guys, thanks for watching. Thanks for listening. Please like this video
on YouTube. Please subscribe to our YouTube channel.
It really helps us out, and we would really appreciate it.
And we will be back for a playoff preview prediction show on Friday night.
So please join us for that. We'll give you our predictions on every series and

predict a cup winner, the whole deal.
Oh, man. Saturday night. Can't wait. Go Leafs go. Holy smokes.
Leave your thoughts down below, guys. We'd like to know what you think.
Leafs going to do this or not? what's it gonna be what's it gonna be well they're
gonna do it we'll catch you guys later catch you later so.

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