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April 24, 2024 38 mins

The Tip In Maple Leafs Podcast Episode 212  Coming up on this episode

- A pivotal game 3, the Leafs played hard but lose it 4-2

- Huge game coming up on Saturday night

- Big time power play problems for the Leafs 

- All this and more coming up on Episode 212 of The Tip In Maple Leafs Podcast

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Everybody welcome to the tip and maybe least podcast episode number 212
and coming up on this one a pivotal game three the leafs played
hard they gave it to her hard but they lost four two
and they go down to one in the series huge game coming
up saturday night i mean it is a must win i think
big time power play problems for the leafs all this and more coming up on 212
of the tip it interpussy podcast we might have a big time semen problem on our

hands we're gonna break it all down right here let's hit the intro.
Matthews a shot scores,
Austin Matthews has hit 69 it's never sounded so sweet.

Hey everyone, welcome to the Tip It Maple Leafs podcast. I'm Chad.
I'm Dale. And I am sad to report we are coming to you tonight after the loss.
Tough. I wish it was different. I wish the Leafs were up 2-1 right now because
I felt like, Dale, you'll agree with me, that game could have went their way.
I felt like the game was going their way for the first half.

It was right there, man. It was right there for them to fucking take,
and it just slipped away.
Way i don't know exactly what happened here
well i have a decent idea of oh
for five on the power play we'll get to that but jesus
christ it was right there for them to take man they they look really good at

times in this game and then at other times it was just defensive lapses maybe
a soft goal or two definitely one not gonna pin it on sammy here but like there were some
things that went awry and there were
some really good things but yeah you're right man like this
was like they could have had this game they could have

had this game but now they're in a fucking hole 2-1
not the end of the world by any means but i'm
gonna tell you right now i am gonna tell you right now
they lose on saturday night and this
fucking series is over there's no way way
they are beating boston three fucking straight
games it's not happening now we are in must win territory wrong i mean no no

come on man no you're not wrong statistically you're probably right that they
can't be boston three games in a row but if you take it one game at a time anything can happen.
Like, if you lose Saturday, you win game five. Okay. You come home.
You somehow find a way to win game six. You force a game seven.
Anything can happen. I mean, even in 2013, when they were heavily underdogs,

and we all know how that ended, they were down 3-1 in that series,
and they had them 4-1 in game seven before the debacle happened. Anything is possible.
Okay. But. I like that. I like that. But this series is definitely.
Like, it's going back and forth.
It is i think the leafs will win saturday and then

they may lose game five like it's going six or seven but
here's the thing man i don't think boston is beating
toronto in this series i think toronto's beating themselves
in this series i think they're the better
team they've been the better team five on five they can't.
Get their power play going and they're making a few stupid
mistakes defensively that are winding up in the back of their net

power play big time problem them we're gonna get that i and
i totally agree oh for fucking five on the
power play tonight are you kidding me in the playoffs
with fucking 13 million dollars
11 million dollars 11 million dollars
you can't fucking bury one on
the power play what what what are

we what are we what is this the fucking twilight maybe
if they add one more 11 million dollar player to
the power play oh my god get serious and
the dude that is not playing knee lander if
this fucking guy doesn't play on saturday i want
a refund i want a fucking refund on the
whole fucking contract like it should be in the

fucking fine notes at the bottom
i want a refund i don't know
what's up with this guy is it something with his head it must be
is it a concussion protocol is it like i'm migraines I'm
hearing something I'm hearing all this shit okay
and that's all fair like if I rocked a
concussion I didn't see him get smoked so is it a concussion is it did he all

of a sudden have migraine start coming on I don't know what the deal is with
Neil Leonard but I'm telling you right now if this fucking guy cannot play on
Saturday night I want a full refund of 11 and a half million dollars for eight
fucking years on this fucking guy.
I did hear that, I forget who was saying it, that there is like a protocol in
place of seven days if you have a head injury. Okay.

And he's kind of, if you look at the way it goes, it's like day two or day three, you can go on the ice.
Day four, you can go on the ice for practice. Day five, you're cleared for contact.
He's kind of following along. Have you seen him on the ice?
Yeah, he's smiling, laughing. It's all good out there for fucking 88.
Like no worries it's all fucking good how about go out there and help your team

win a fucking playoff game knee lander what the fuck are you doing man okay
if it's protocol if it's protocol,
and say it just come out and say it be like look he he needs to take a week
off i don't understand the whole you know he might play tonight we'll see because
you know what it's just getting fans

riled up like you asking for a full fucking refund
on the contract but i
agree i agree i remember like i remember
back in the day you'd watch playoff games guys would get basically they would
get their head taken off they would go sew it back on in the dressing room and
they'd come right back out this guy's fucking skating at practice no show no

show at game time i i just Just don't like the optics of like skating around morning,
skate, skating around off days out there, talking to the coach,
skating around, doing loop de loops like Pat Quinn used to love to do the old
loop him and Rick. What was the other assist?
What was his assistant coach there with that? Quinn Rick?
No, you know what I'm talking about? Yeah, you're putting me on the spot here.

Well, his name was Rick. Anyway, I can't Ricky Rick Rick. No, not Rick.
Anyway anyway oh dog.
Always talked about pat quinn being like little loopy
loop here boys no problem and but but kneelander like.
The optics the optics right it's the optics here.
Man it's the opposite like what the fuck is he.
Doing out there he's all smiles like he's

starting to fire the puck he's not wearing a
no contact jersey but yet can't help
the fucking team can't can't play can't
take a fucking ship can't help the team win in a
massive fucking pivotal game three everyone knows
how piv like can you just i mean for the
amount of time they're playing nick robertson you might

as well just sit nylander on the bench and just have him play
power plays he could have got a good 10 minutes tonight and
he might have scored a goal oh god
the power play we're gonna get
to that anyway i have to move off nylander before i have
an absolute like i might have a stroke or a heart attack on air
right now so i have to move off of knee lander because

it's just driving me i think if you
had a stroke our fucking views would go through the roof so if you
can do it it no i'm a live stroke
on youtube no no all right i'm cool
i got my chi with me i'm all good i'm all
cool but i'll tell you right now last
thing on knee lander if he does not fucking play on saturday night
if he does not play on saturday night

you want a full refund fun undo the contract undo everything and fucking send
this guy fucking packing elsewhere because you know what okay like and i don't
know what it is if it is a head injury or some type of concussion or migraines
like i understand those are serious things.
But we don't know we don't know all we know

is he's skating at practice and not playing in
the game does doesn't look like he's having a rough time out there at morning
skate doesn't look doesn't does it look like that to you no he looks fine so
what the fuck are we doing here i don't know fuck are we talking about the most
important series and me in all of these guys fucking careers

and he's just like i don't know
maybe i know well not tonight not tonight once
the playoffs are over once he comes back we'll probably find more
details out but until then let's get into
this game well before we get into the game because
i'm gonna get into the game hard but i gotta
go to the modern talk first chad what did you think

of all like all i after a huge
win in boston game two matt the austin
matthew show just i've watched that gold back
a hundred times it's incredible it's one
of my favorite leaf schools of all time ever but this fucking guy mitch marner
okay and you were talking a lot like you you noticed it right you were like

hyper sensitive sensitive to it last time on the podcast i didn't get that much
into it like i was like oh oh, I was just so ecstatic that they won and whatever.
But you were talking a lot about Marner last time, last podcast.
And I was just like, kind of, he was bailing on plays.
Yeah, he was. I guess I didn't notice it as much as you did.
So I was kind of just like, yeah, okay. Like whatever they won, whatever.

But when I went back and watched it again, I was like, oh shit,
Mitch. Like, yeah, no, not the best.
He has just been getting fucking ripped to shreds everywhere you look.
Look, there are some people in the media standing up for him,
but he's been getting heat leading up into this game.
What do you think of that? And what did you think of his performance tonight?

Both of those things leading up to it, leading up to it. And then how he ultimately played.
I don't think the Toronto media is always the thing in the Toronto star,
the cover where Simmons.
Well, I read the article and it wasn't that bad.
It just basically talked about how he needs to step up his game.
Which is accurate. Yeah, it was accurate, but the cover where it's like Mitch's

equipment, but he's not in it, and it's the Invisible Man.
That was a little much, I thought. But they're just trying to sell newspapers.
Not far off. Not far off, I don't think. But you know what?
Go to any of the big markets in the NHL. Hang on one second.
Guys get shit on all the time.
Hang on one second. Are you saying he wasn't invisible in Game 1 and 2?

No, no, I'm not saying he wasn't invisible.
I think to have that on your cover, you're just trying to, you're just trying
to get people talk about your paper.
Like the image and the headline. Okay. I understand that, but that doesn't dispute
the fact that where the fuck was this guy in game one and two.
Oh yeah, for sure. And that's what I talked about in the last podcast.
Well, that yeah, they won the game, but when I saw him bailing on the plays,

I thought it just, it, it bugs me because everybody in the playoffs,
no matter what happens, once you touch the puck, you're going to get hit.
It's just the way it is in the playoffs. And he just won't do it.
No, No, he won't. He just bails on it. Unless he has time and space,
he just bails on it. And then there's other guys.
Like, I feel like Domi and Bertuzzi, their games elevate when it gets like this.

And Marner's kind of goes down.
I thought he would have a big game tonight. I do think that the play on the nice goal was good.
But at the same time, I saw him bailing again on plays.
And I hated, absolutely hated Sheldon Keefe trying to get him going by taking
Bertuzzi off the top line and putting Marner out there because you're fucking with the chemistry.

And if Marner wants to get it going, get it going on your own time.
Don't mess with the team. We were texting back and forth throughout this game
and I thought it was absolutely ridiculous.
He did it like four times. I thought it was absolutely ridiculous at times that
he took Bertuzzi off that line and played Matthews with Domi and Marner to try

to get fucking little baby Mitch fucking cooking.
Like, you need to play with fucking the big boy here, 34, to get cooking.
Like, get fucking serious. I don't think. Get cooking on your own, Mitch.
This is the thing. I don't think it has anything to do with Marner. It's Keefe.
Keefe, like a lot of coaches, if you go back and you look at like Chicago.

Chad, listen to his comments in the media in the last two days. Sheldon Keefe.
All he's been talking about hyping up mitch marner how
that's what i'm saying how well he's played well what do
you what do you think the fans are fucking stupid we watch the games
too what i'm saying is that you not you the
coach no i know but that's what i'm saying the coach is taking that
approach he's trying to get marner going by building him

up in the media giving him time on the top line by talking
bullshit yeah but like different coaches
have different ways of of handling things if you
go back i remember i think it was the 2010 stanley
cup run with the chicago blackhawks and i still remember this
joel quenville patrick wasn't going
that guy can yeah he knows how

to grab a crotch but he
had patrick came playing on the fourth line because patrick
came just wasn't going so it's like a different approach you
could do it that way you could be like mitch i'm moving you down the
lineup because you're not playing but keith has gone with the opposite
and i get it he's like we need mitch if
we're gonna win this series we need marner to go and it makes sense.

So he's trying to do everything he can to get it going so
i know people are gonna be like oh mitch you need to
be on the top line it's the coach that's the that's
the approach that he picked okay well it didn't pan
out tonight well in three games like i
i i think marner was he had a beautiful play okay
you'd have a beautiful play on the sure a little bit

better but not nearly like not
not even close not even remotely close
to being the best player on the ice like not
even remote fucking close no the people that would.
Thought that i don't know the people that were like
oh he's gonna have a beast mode of a game i knew
it wasn't gonna happen because it's never gonna happen are we

at that point it's never gonna happen or it
still might happen it could happen in a different series
but it's not gonna happen in the boston series well what
the fuck if they beat boston you think it's gonna happen in the florida series
when's it gonna happen i don't know like like who do they have if it's a different
style of play boston takes away all your time and space and what were the shots

on goal halfway through 13 13 okay fair but what florida's not gonna like think think about
who's who think about who's going to be waiting here if
they get if they are able to get past oh yeah no it's not getting fucking easier
and then what if it's the rangers or the hurricanes and then what if it's vegas
or it's colorado like it's not getting easier no it's not easier either you

show the fuck up in the playoffs or you don't and this guy has a history of.
He doesn't like let's get real he just
doesn't no i i didn't i hate fucking simmons
with the sun the article i hate all that
shit but there is truth to it like
he's come on man like when chicago

was winning their cops with taves and caner like guess what
caner's a small guy but when it came
to playoff fucking time he was like it's go
time it but he wasn't show it's show show patty was
patty came at the beginning he wasn't and
quenville pushed him down to like the fourth line until
he learned shit if i want to get back into

the game i gotta do that how many years not 10
not 10 no but he did it right at the beginning
of his career we're talking 10 years i know
but what i'm saying my point was is that keith has taken the
approach instead of doing that instead of being like all right
we're gonna try someone else up here he's like i'm
gonna do whatever i'm going to give you more ice time like

the fact that i know they killed one penalty in the
first period and he's a penalty killer but the fact that he had two more
minutes than awesome matthews at the end of the first period drove me nuts ridiculous
because i'm like he's not going and matthews was the best player on the ice
in game two it's ridiculous what can you do i don't know like i don't know what

you can like i know keith is trying like i understand he's trying to.
Get it going i understand that and i do understand that but
you can't fucking what's the saying you can't
force a square peg into a round or whatever what's
the saying you can't force a square peg into a
round you can't you you can't you can lead a horse to water but his cock will

always be bigger than yours that's right that's exactly right so like that's
exactly what i was trying to say there like you look like either either you
have it or you fucking don't and it to To me, it's just like, you don't.
Sorry, Mitch. You don't. Can he come out flying in game four and fucking lead

the way and all that? Well, I hope he fucking does.
And if it's not game four, then game five back in Boston. I hope he fucking
does that. But do I expect Mitch to do that?
No, absolutely fucking not. Well, he's giving you no reason to.
No, fuck no. And I hope he does.
And like, I'm not out on Mitch Marner as of right now. But I'll tell you what,

if this goes south fast and he doesn't really contribute anything in this series,
I am when we come on here, if they lose.
You want a refund? I'm going guns blazing on 16 guns fucking blazing.
Cause I am not happy with his fucking play.
He wasn't effort, whatever, anything.

He wasn't, he wasn't great. Like he, he had a good play tonight.
I don't think he was at his best, but like you said, a great play. Great.
But like you said, it was better than game two. He was more noticeable than
game two. So let's take baby steps here, but we got a, we got bigger problems.
I know, I understand that, but just one quick thing again. And that's where
Nylander's missing, too.

Because if you have Nylander, you have someone who can take the pressure off
Mitch or someone else that you can go to, especially on the power play.
God, nobody can shoot it but fucking Matthews. And you know who has a great shot?
Nylander. Wish he was out there. Anyway.
Just last thing I'm going to say on Mitch, and I'm just going to backtrack it
to the Chicago thing for a second.

And like when tape like i just i'm comparing matthews
and martin to taves and caner okay like when
they were winning their cups in chicago they were
both taves and cane flying what why
the fuck like patrick came small dude
yeah but playoff time
he elevated his fucking and

he did he elevated it maybe it's
just like he looks lost he looks lost like he elevate wouldn't be a word i would
describe mitch marner in the fucking playoffs not even close not even fucking
close the playoffs like i said the playoffs are a beast you're gonna get hit

every time you touch the puck.
You're going to like Matthews is Matthews is laying hits out there,
but you're going to get hit every time you touch the puck.
You're not going to get the time and space you get in the regular season.
You're not going to be able to like dangle it around for five,
six seconds, waiting for an opening for a pass. You're going to have to move quicker.
He just hasn't adapted yet.

I don't know yet. Yet it's fucking, we're going on 10 years.
I know. Well, I mean, he's, it's not like he's been pointless since entire time.
He's had, he's had good games in the playoffs.
He just can't string together a good playoff run he's that that's it he's never
taken the fucking bull by the horn and been like i'm taking this fucking thing

over like patty cane did like taves did in chicago patty cane did in chicago
matthews looks like he can do that.
Marner looks like no he's not even anywhere
fucking remotely close to that anyway all
right whatever whatever we'll move on we got bigger
problems do you want me to break it down yeah we got a

big semen problem is what i would say a big time scene tell
us about it it's a problem semen is a
huge problem i'm not calling him swayman anymore
it's just i just think it's a massive semen problem like i
understand like for those of you watching right
now or listening to think i'm like don't know who fucking plays that
in boston i do i know his name is swayman i
just want to start calling him seaman right now i think we got a

huge seaman problem in boston i think
that's a huge problem like he's a hell of a fucking goaltender and
it's not like the didn't have their opportunities and like
you said like off the top i think the least played a good hockey game they could
have won this game but they didn't and that is just a reoccurring theme to me

that i am fucking sick and tired of win it oh for five on the fucking power
play i'm I'm going to break it down quick here, Chad.
Give me your thoughts as I go here quick. We're already fucking 20 minutes.
And give me your thoughts as I go here. Okay, ready?
Game opens how do you take a fucking
penalty in the first minute of

the game at home benoit right over the
fucking glass trying to clear the puck okay is that.
A little nerves i i think it i think that.
Is like nerves okay i'm not gonna shit on
benoit because i think he played pretty well whatever but
and they killed the first the and they kill it off all
good and then edmondson i thought

he had a huge game huge block to save a
goal yeah in the first period but
again the least were over two on the power play in
the first period the physical play by the leafs late
in the first period was incredible i loved it
but it was scoreless after
one so there were some good things there and some not

good things and whatever scoreless after one going
into the second period i felt pretty good about it at that
time did you not oh my god yeah that's
what i said the first half of the game i thought toronto
was the better team boston was lulling them into this defensive hey
we're gonna win a one nothing game or whatever but i thought physical
physically the leafs were the better team and i

just felt like had the power play been clicking
it could have been two three nothing and toronto was
in complete control of the game the the edmondson
safe like that oh the eminence save was awesome yeah fucking
samsonov was standing straight up looking oh yeah feeling that puck was going
in the net a hundred fucking percent it was a great great save go to the second

the ben wath thing i know like first minute in right like what are you doing
like i i thought he settled down and did end up playing a really solid game first.
Home playoff game here in toronto and he just yeah some nerves
i think you're right some nerves and he flicked it over the glass i i
do understand that but anyway we go to the second period marner gets
it to nize great play in front

of in tight in front of the net love that one nothing
least ridiculous non-call i'm
sorry like absolutely ridiculous non-call on matthews behind the net and again
bertuzzi with getting fucking he's starting he's really mixing it up with marchand
big time and the calls aren't going bird's way right now they're just not going his

way, but they never will when it comes to Marshawn. But that call, I'm sorry, man.
If, if I've ever seen like interference, interference, if I've ever seen an
interference call in my life, it was that play on Matthews behind the fucking net.
Like, how do you not, how do you not call that? The ref was right there in the corner.
How Eric, how do you not call that man? Like, let's be serious.

How do you not call that? I think, I think.
Like, it should have been called a penalty, but I think in the ref's head,
he's thinking, well, I've given the Leafs three power plays to Boston's one.
You know, I'm going to let them play. Okay. Well, you got to.
Okay. But then by not calling that. I don't like that mindset.
Because, like, call it. If it's a fucking penalty, call it. I don't care what

ratio it is. Call it if it's a fucking penalty. I agree.
He was staring right at it.
Matthews looked at him like, are you fucking nuts? But you know what?
I thought that kind of changed the tide of the game, the whole ref thing,
the Marshawn Bertuzzi that should have been played dead, and then Boston ends up scoring.
I thought that did change the tide of the game, but at the same time.

I didn't feel like Toronto lost control after that.
Well, I'll tell you what. I think, so after the non-calls, the two that I thought.
On Matthews and Bertuzzi, but specifically the non-call behind the net on Matthews.
Like you could have taken both marshall number
two of course exactly exactly a hundred percent

no question about it but the matthews call outrageous in my
personal opinion should have been a fucking interference call all fucking
day long anyway boston comes back and
scores to make it one one and i'm sorry this goal
here sammy soft one short side
i'm sorry like he had he i don't
think he played bad in this game but this particular goal to

make it one one soft goal short side am
i am i wrong on this no it was a soft goal
he didn't play bad but when when seaman sorry
when swayman seaman whatever i don't know what you want me to call
him well i'm starting to call him seaman because i just when he's
uh anymore when he's playing like that
sammy needs to be better he was good tonight

he was good enough to win the game that's a tall task task
i'm not asking him to be better than swayman seaman but he's got to he's got
to elevate his game a little more like game two i felt like he was he elevated
his game tonight i felt like he was just he was solid but we need more than
that yep and again like this don't disagree so anyway Anyway,

one goes in on Sammy soft goal,
short side one, one after two Leafs over four on the power play after two periods.
Bruins score early in the third on the power play to one Boston Leafs go to the power play again.

Cannot fucking get it done over five on the power play for the fucking Bruins.
Sorry for the leafs riley gets it
to bertuzzi it looked like a tip in i i just
i'm not in the mood to do just the tip it wasn't a tip but
it was close it was close but anyway oh for five
on the power play for the leafs for two riley did

get it to bertuzzi and bertuzzi tipped it
in kind of whatever to make it two two and i'm thinking okay
here we go let's get it to ot and let's see how
this puppy plays out well all of a
sudden bruins come back marchant roof sit top
fucking shelf three two bruins late
they had an empty netter four two

boston wins game three and they
lead the series two games to
one going into game four saturday night in
toronto overall thoughts on all
of that before i go to a couple quick things before we
get the fuck out of here yeah i'll say
this the i thought the leafs could have won

this game they played good enough to win
this game i know marner wasn't as
great as everyone wants him to be my biggest thing
my biggest takeaway from this game was boston's defense.
Was better than the leafs defense after they tied
the game 2-2 boston came in
lilligren had the puck he could have

just done on a simple slide it around the boards or
either way he had both sides open he
got tangled up he fell boston scrambled
got the puck marshall gets it shoots it in it's three two i don't like that
no like i don't like that the leafs defense can't just make those simple plays
at the correct time to keep the game in their favor yeah anyway yeah i would

honestly lilligan's got to come out he has.
To come out for who i don't care who at this
point i'm ready to go brody back in oh dude you think
he would do a fucking any better lilligran is
he he's just he's tossing pizzas up the ice he cannot make a pass he he's just
brain dead out on the ice watch lilligran no no awful i i i've been i've i've

been watching i think the only reason that he that he's in there is because
he's He's right-handed,
and he is, like.
But like say that's giordano giordano's clearing
that puck you're still talking to yeah yeah yeah
okay no i i think there will be a
move made going into game four whether it's brody or.

I think lilligrant does come out i i personally think.
It's like like i know he shoots right but he's just you
cannot trust no he can't he can't handle the
puck he can't pass the puck no he's not
hitting he's not physical he's getting knocked off the puck what is
he doing i i am absolutely terrible absolutely not
opposed to to bring in or to take in

lilligran out but i don't necessarily want to
see like brody being the guy go back in okay like
gee i i'd go i don't because brody's the
left-handed guy who can play the right side that's the only reason i
say well who cares i i would go with geo i would brody's played
like shit all season long i would geo like i
mentioned like before the playoffs even started like i

think this guy's got a fucking fire a fire burning like
just put fucking geo in there i think he might be able
to get him and edmondson as your bottom pair geo and
edmondson like let's just do a veteran bottom pair and i
know like brody's a veteran too but brody's played
like shit all season long why don't you just do
geo and edmondson and see how

that goes yeah and and to just pile on
top of that for a second i thought edmondson tonight was
really good probably their best assessment and
i and i thought labushkin like not a picasso by any means but i think this was
probably his best game since he's been traded back to the leaves i thought labushkin

made some decent plays he was strong on the puck he was making some i don't
know am i am i reading that wrong i thought.
He was good he got the job done yeah everyone
seemed to play a pretty decent game riley had a decent game
mccabe had a decent game yeah but lilligran you
just can't make those plays like you you you

can't have a defenseman out on the ice against the boston bruins
who coughs up the puck because they capitalize on mistakes
better than any team in the nhl 100
fourth line line
really good again like how good is that fourth line
fucking looked fourth line's great doer i
can't remember the last time you put a fourth line out on the ice that

bangs the shit out of the other team and you can also trust like they're out
against a pasternak line and reeves is just fucking pounding people left and
right yeah but they but but they lost they they ultimately lost and you know
i guess we're three games into a series i know but the next like Like Saturday's huge chat.
I guess the last thing I would say to you before we get out of here is, is this.

I know i've been calling him seaman whatever because
i just i can't stand the bruins and i don't like this guy but listen the truth
is with swayman he's an incredible goalie you'd think there's any chance they
go back to all mark here or you think that would be that would be insane right
yeah he he hasn't lost the leafs all year he's given up two goals or three goals sorry.

To the Leafs in this playoff series.
They're going back to Swayman. I will say this, though.
I think Swayman's beatable, but you've got to change your game plan a little
bit. You know what I mean?
You've got to change your game plan. Like Nye's tip, you've got to go high on
Swayman, and you've got to be in tight.

That's how you've got to do it. This was the last point I was going to make
here, is that go to the net hard and make Make it difficult for this guy,
because I don't think they've been doing enough of that.
Do you think that's an accurate assessment or no? I think they're trying.
I think Boston's defense is doing a great job at boxing them.
Well, okay, fair, but get inside, go to the fucking net, get inside.

Get to the blue paint, get in front of this fucking guy and make it more difficult on him.
If they cannot do that on Saturday night and they go down three, one in this series.
I'm sorry, folks, yeah and go high
on go high on swayman matthew said to
hit the crossbar taveras hit the crossbar tonight yeah

like he is beatable but you've got to get the puck up high
yeah like his low game man
his pads you just cannot beat this
guy along the ice hell of a goal counter oh he's awesome
he's he could be the the reason that
this series ends quick if it does i hope not
it would be a tight series where the Leafs just can't score

a goal on Swayman yeah the Leafs have been in every game
like I know they're down to one right now they could have they could
be up to one for sure like forget game one whatever the Leafs could be up there
I don't want to say should they could be up to one right now but I'll do you
know just I'll end it on this chat they have trade Marner for Swayman in the
offseason nope nope not saying that but they need to go to the net much harder

every fucking line and they need to make it way more
difficult on this fucking guy in net for boston big
time way they need to just they need to make it way
more difficult and last thing i'll say and i'll give the last word to you is
look just i hate to say at least fans but this is the truth saturday night this
is it this is our fucking hockey season on the line right here if they win on

saturday and get a split here two two okay go back to boston we'll see what
happens then it's a best two or three.
If they lose on Saturday night.
I'm sorry. This series is over. There's no chance, in my opinion,
Chad, that they beat Boston.
If they're down 3-1 in this series, they're not beating them three straight. That's just how I see it.

We'll see what happens. But Saturday night, Saturday night, a must win,
in my opinion. I'll be the ray of sunshine.
I think even if they lose Saturday night, there's always a chance that they could win this series.
But to me it feels kind of like
they have to win saturday night but i will say
this to all the people listening i know everyone feels

down that was a game they could have had that slipped away but
let's look at some positives all right they're gonna
make some changes kneelander is going to
play saturday night he fucking better the power
play is not gonna be completely ghosted
this series it will score and you

sure you sure about that you sure about that
swayman is beatable okay let's
not forget that the best goal scorer in the league is on this team he didn't
have his a game tonight he had his a game in game two and then marchand i felt
like came back tonight and had a little bit something to say about that yeah
matthews will be ready for game four kneelander or hopefully we'll be ready for game four.

I think it's going to be a long series. People get ready. Buckle in.
Anyway, for the tip of Maple Leafs podcast, don't forget to follow us on social
media at the tip of Maple Leafs podcast on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
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And until Saturday after game four, I'm Chad.

I'm Dale. We will guys. guys got to
have it got to have it in my
opinion on saturday night thanks for watching on
youtube guys thanks for listening on the audio podcast if you're listening out
there on the audio podcast please like this video on youtube and please subscribe
to the youtube channel it helps us it helps us out so much and we really really

appreciate it we're trying to bring you great Great content here throughout the playoffs.
Man, Saturday night, it's going to be wild. Two days off.
Saturday night. Can't wait to see what happens. Got to get that game.
Got to get that game. Got to get that game. All right, guys.
We'll see you then after that game on Saturday night. I cannot wait to see what

happens. We'll catch you later.
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