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March 18, 2024 • 31 mins

Take a journey with us in a unique episode of the ever-fascinating 87.9 WKMU podcast as we celebrate our one-year anniversary and delve into the strange and unheard tales from around the world. We pay homage to our supporters while sharing intriguing stories on history, current affairs and beyond. Our charming radio personalities, Blue and Sky, will be your guides on this captivating auditory journey.

Inspirational stories meet exciting mysteries as we discuss the awe-inspiring tale of Paul Alexander, who defied all odds in his battle against polio. We'll also delve deep into the controversial world of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs), sparking intriguing debates on their existence and government transparency.

Uncover the spine-chilling stories of corpses discovered hidden in everyday places. This episode takes you on a rollercoaster ride through the shocking mysteries of our reality. We also explore the fascinating psychological phenomena known as the Mandela Effect, prompting discussions about the nature of memory, the possibility of parallel universes, and the fabric of our very own reality.

Join us in this enticing journey punctuated by retrospection, extraordinary realities and our constant quest for truth.

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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You are now tuned in to your number one radio station.
87.9 We interrupt this program for a special report by WKMU.
Staten Island, New York. park

good morning earth it's time to get
up if you recognize this voice it's me blue and
it's me sky and today's a very very special
day here at wkmu because we are celebrating our
one year anniversary as podcasters
and uh we still

feel like newbies which is really funny because we're one years old but it feels
like we're like it's like week one yeah it's a couple months into it yeah so
I just we just wanted to give a shout out to some special people who helped
get us here who helped support us encourage us inspire us,
and you know big shout out to Bitches With Beards Daniel and Max we love you
and another special shout out to Dom he's been a listener since day one we really

really appreciate that and if you've been listening in every week or just found
us we also like to thank you too for give us a good chance.
To get a part of your lives yeah Yeah, like, you know, you didn't have to click
on us, but you did. And we're thankful that you're here listening.
We got some really great stuff going on today. Yeah, we got some strange and
wonderful tales. Yeah, it's been a weird week.

I've been, you know, news-wise, current news-wise, old news-wise.
Because if it's, what is it?
If it's history, if you've heard it, it's history. If you haven't, it's news.
So we love to tell the news and tell the history here. Yeah,
so we got some news and then we got some history.
Yeah, so we're just going to get right into it, right? Let's get right into it.

Paul Alexander, the man who spent 70 years in an iron lung.
Paul Alexander contracted polio in the summer of 1952 when there were about
21,000 cases in the United States of America.
They considered this an epidemic. That doesn't sound like a lot.
Right, but I don't know. There was a lot less people back then, too.

Yeah, maybe. I don't know. I thought, you know, COVID. We lived through COVID,
so it was like everything else seems like
really small compared to that i guess but polio i think because
it would affect the people and it was affecting kids it felt like a bigger thing
so yeah so when i'm going paul i know that people like to use the last name
to be like respectful but i like using people's first name i don't know so when

paul's mom took him to the hospital doctors looked at him and they said that
there was nothing they could do for him and left him on a gurney in the hallway.
Really fucked up he's like you're like you're done that
reminds me i'm gonna waste my time i wasn't i was playing kickball in
a handball court in my public school and i tripped
and went through the fence head first and i split my head
open and they pulled me back through the fence because i was

hanging up a good maybe 10 feet in the air because there's a drop off and they
put me in the hallway with an ice pack on my head and left me there for a little
bit oh my god we wound up suing so thank you for my father's tv when we got
older wow luckily the doc another doctor Doctor saw him and decided to reanalyze him.
They rushed Paul into an emergency tracheotomy, which was to suction out any

congestion in his chest.
Paul survived polio, but had lost his ability to breathe on his own.
He was paralyzed from like the neck down, basically.
He had to live the rest of his life in an iron lung. The machine pushes air
out, which makes a patient inhale.
And the machine fills up with air to make your lungs exhale.
It sounds like a kind of like a vacuum kind of thing.
Yeah. And when it sucks in, it has no choice but to blow the air in and then suck the air out.

Yeah so the machine helped him breathe but because
paul was a true badass he actually trained himself and
through physical therapy i'm gonna leave
that in at the door it's been annoying so paul
being a true badass he trained himself to be
able to breathe on his own for at least three minutes like between
physical therapy and also you know training himself in those

muscles yeah it was pretty crazy 180 seconds and
so he went on to finish high school without actually ever
attending a class and then he got into the university of
texas where he studied law and became a lawyer as well
as a guinness world record so this guy is stuck in a bed and he's
done more with his life than i did yeah yep and and me much much worse he's

done more than a lot he doesn't have a podcast so he wrote a book though so
that was cool yeah how do you even go to like did they bring an iron lung into
the thing or by that time he was able to breathe on long instances off of it.
Maybe they kept it in the background for him just in case he needed it i know
when like he went to court they put him in a wheelchair but i think besides
that he was stuck on this lung.

And uh at age so at age eight
doctor said paul wouldn't survive many times the
other and there were many times where the power went
out and neighbors had to run over to help pump his lungs oh yeah like
a generator like one of those parts like it's not a generator but you're basically putting
your own force in there yeah that's nice everybody like no we
don't want your son to die they're like the lights and they all ran over

imagine like once the lights flicker yeah they're like
oh let me go right over yeah because i don't
know community i would i would help that i would have ran for paul too he
sounds mad cool so he knew he was destined for greatness
and nothing ever stopped him thank you paul alexander rest
in peace yeah he was in an inspiration i'm gonna really remember
him for a really long time because i suffer from asthma

sometimes and i'm like let me not do anything and it's
like he never let that stop him let's hope
he doesn't need the iron lug in heaven he's uh
floating up there he's with the angels now yeah so
blue on march 8th the defense department's all domain anomaly resolution office

has released a report on ufos so they're saying that there's no evidence that
ufos have any threat to our national security but they also say that's That's
because there's no evidence that UFOs really exist. Right.
And they allegedly tested supposed alien tech, interviewed witnesses,
and yeah. They said that, yeah, that's all just nothing.

Now, what I don't get is that you got the Navy people, you got,
you know, civilians all seeing things, all taping things.
When they say stuff like this, they're saying, like, they don't think it exists.
But I thought the government wanted to be more, like, open about this stuff.
And they're like, oh, we're all being open. It's nothing. nothing it sounds like
what you've been saying for the last 60 70 years i don't
get it sometimes they say there is something and sometimes they say there isn't anything so

i'm that's really confusing to me i think it's confusing because there's two
i think there's two types of government officials well three those that don't
care those that want to know because they don't know so they want the government
to tell them and those in the government that do know and they're like you know
what we don't want you to know so we're just going to keep saying it's nothing.

Maybe they think the amount of information they have is
really insignificant so they're like trying
to tell us like oh it's nothing because if they if we know that
there's this tiny piece of alien stuff you
know like we might go crazy off that little tiny thing but
that's all we have that little tiny thing yeah you put it in
with the crop circles to the crop circles there was there's some that are

completely fake some show you how to done then they try
to blame it on these two british guys that they did all of them
and it's just really weird i think the cia
actually is hiding stuff about the crop circles so it
seems like it's like one of those things like bigfoot i don't
necessarily believe in bigfoot there's not a lot
of video evidence about them and there's no like foot tracks

there's no hair no dna so i think
people trying to lump like oh bigfoot and loch ness monster
in with aliens as one of those things though even though people see they're
not real but we don't know what they are we're not seeing the aliens they're
you're saying that there's definitely ufos out there's definitely stuff flying
around those guys that we don't know what it is so it just seems a little weird
just to be like yeah it don't exist yeah do you think after all this time after

this year of going into this stuff do you think there are things that we don't know in the sky,
The thing is, is after all this research, I don't think that we're going to find aliens in the sky.
So anytime you see something weird and you're like, what is that?
I don't think that we're going to really see it in the sky. It's just not.
That's just where I stand a year later of us doing all this.

But what about all the videos and the pictures and like, I mean,
there's some really good looking, like, what about that Navy film where they
see the thing and they call it Tic Tac and it's in the far, far away and then
all of a sudden just shoots off?
Yeah, I mean. i mean there is a water aspect too because you see a lot of these
are diving so i think also what you kind of mean too is like well i won't find
the answer in the air we might find the answer in the water yeah and if we do

see something in the air they're like momentarily had left water or whatever
only 10 that's what i think five to ten percent of the ocean has been.
Surveyed so much so that they're constantly they just found 100
new species i think off the coast of new zealand because all
these places aren't getting looked into which is funny because we used to nasa's
first goal was going through the ocean and then all of a

sudden they're like you know what let's stop that we're going to space now yeah no
and then the guy that he would the inflict and insubmersible
or whatever he started by the titan guy yeah he
started as like an air guy he wanted to see all the
air stuff and he's like you know what actually i think i should do
move down to the water maybe and that's when he switched his research
yeah he could have yo he could have been on to something and

they they you know theory like yeah they blew
him up because cause of it i don't know i don't know because there were like other
people in there that i feel like were innocent like that 19 year old
kid you really think the government after all those like we're not these are
not conspiracy theories that some of these stories are true like the cia one
those are true stories the cia does hurt its own people and the government hurts
its own people to do what they want to do yeah so you can't really put it past

them to get rid of some people oh he's a billionaire who cares i'm gonna get rid of him,
Yeah, exactly. Like, I don't know if it's like he knew too much or they were
like, you know, but you're advancing too quickly on this. Like, I don't know.
I don't know. It could be just his curiosity killed him, but it could be like the CIA or something.

So earlier you said that if you haven't heard it, it's news.
And if it has, it's history.
So today we're going to do a little bit of a today I learned.
So this is something like this is news to us. So we're going to talk about it. Yeah.
So this story is a couple years old obviously we've
been prepping you guys for that but i wanted to share this one
because it fucked me up it truly kept me up a few times this week

so let's get into it so a
body was discovered behind a freezer in a closed down supermarket
in iowa they believe the person fell behind
there got stuck and because the freezer makes so much noise no one would hear
it if a victim happened to be yelling but it gets more fucked up the body got
stuck there for 10 years didn't they do something like that on superstore where

that creepy guy they did yeah i wonder if that was inspiration because it's from there in st louis.
Illinois missouri which is kind of like close to
some maybe like someone heard the yo they could have yeah and they took they
didn't oh they mistook him for halloween decorations and stuff
i love super oh my god it was messed up i think it's cracking my at
least my top 10 maybe my top yeah superstore is really good i think

about it all the time a lot of people haven't seen it though which is like sad
because it's a little like when you worked the first season it's
a little weird and then once you realize the characters are
funny and and stuff like i didn't like the first season i
i stopped watching after like the second a couple episodes in the
first second season but then when i re-watched it with you i absolutely like
loved it yeah we watched it like four times since then yeah we it's a staple

in our house like uh background yeah we're weird we okay i'm gonna put this
on you because this is definitely me but i have like a rotations of tv shows
that i will constantly watch all the time we got community big bang theory modern family.
Superstore and what's the last one fraser sometimes
like i think the fifth one always alternates to what

i want to be watching around but i usually watch those shows constantly
oh scrubs scrubs i feel like friends would be on
the list if friends was like more easily available which is
funny i used to love friends as a kid because you know in new york when
after the 10 o'clock news with jack mcafree and connie tongue
yeah i think that's their names it's been a while and
you know afterwards at 11 o'clock i'd be either seinfeld then frazier seinfeld

frazier or would also be our friends frazier like there was always a mixture
of those three shows so i would always watch but like as an adult i don't enjoy
it as much as i used to yeah which is really weird but you were saying tension nah so tangent,
This guy was stuck behind a freezer for 10 years. Change it much,
much. Sorry, that was another thing from community.

That's one of those running jokes I got stuck in my head. All right, go ahead. That's one.
So this guy was stuck behind the freezer for 10 years.
But what makes it even crazier is that that guy, the body belongs to a man named
Larry Eli Murillo Moncada.
Larry Eli Murillo Moncada. That's weird.

That first name does not match the last name who was an ex-employee
of the no frills supermarket so he used to work
in that spot little where he died about little
what do you mean little calls itself the no frills supermarket yeah maybe oh
maybe so yeah like he got stuck behind the freezer was there for 10 years and

he happened to be an ex-employee those three things was like Like,
what? Like, what's going on here?
Yeah, don't go behind weird stuff at your job. You might never come back out. No, so let me backtrack.
In 2009, his family reported him missing after he ran out of his house with no shoes, no socks.
He didn't take his car or nothing. Yes.
It's not like he was working then and he happened to fall back there.

No, he wasn't even working that day. He was off that day.
Yeah, his family said that he was acting irrationally, maybe because of some
medication he was taking.
Investigators believe Larry thought something was after him,
so he went to a familiar place to hide.
Got stuck in the 18 inch gap between the wall and
the freezer employees of the supermarket said there was always
a weird smell by the freezers and like i said before it was

noisy over there too all right now you're messing me up
because you mentioned this earlier but then i thought of another one you were
talking about the the woman who got caught elisa lamb elisa lamb that sounds
eerily similar to that it does and it also sounds eerily similar to the kid
who got stuck in the roll-up at his school oh my god you're right like this
is becoming a thing like people are like Like dying.

In weird. Being found in like weird locations. And then they say that it's self-inflicted.
And there's always like some kind of medication behind it.
That's so weird. For you that don't remember, what's her name again? Elisa Lam.
Can you tell these people what we're talking about? Well, let me just finish
this part right here. The supermarket eventually closed in 2016.
So for seven years, Larry was there rotting away before the supermarket closed.

Remember how supermarket had a weird dead smell too?
And then it was three years after that that they found his body.
And then still three years after they closed. Yeah.
It's fucked up. And then so this story really reminds us about Elisa Lam.
Because in january 2013 elisa lamb
checked into the cecil hotel that's in california on skid
row yeah cecil is it cecil yeah and

um people said that she everybody pronounces
it differently house than houston whatever it's not
house in texas that's all i'm saying okay that's texas
you're in new york we do things a little differently around
here apparently apparently so we're not
even high guys this is like a semi-sober recording right

now just so you know i'm just in a good mood so she
checked into the cecil hotel and like i guess she had like roommates they was
i don't know what kind of stay situation she had going on but she had roommates
in her the room she was staying in and they eventually kicked her out they were
like she's acting weird we don't want her in our room so she had a single room
by herself and um before Before she went missing, there was an elevator recording.

This probably, our listeners probably know what I'm talking about now.
The elevator recording of her acting weird in the elevator.
Checking to see if anyone's following her, playing with the buttons. Yeah.
Standing in the corner like someone's watching her.
No, so yeah. So she was reported missing by her family, I guess.
And no one really knew what was going on with her.
And so like 19 days later, people were complaining a lot about like the water

pressure, the water smelling weird, looking like a weird color.
Yeah. So they went up to the water tank, and that's how they discovered her body.
So if you want to find out more about this story, you can go to Netflix.
They have a great documentary. It's a little anticlimactic. It's good.
It's good. It's really good. I really liked it. It's like a three,
four-part show, and it's really good, and it goes into a lot of detail.
It really freaks you out about what happened to Lisa Lam.

And, you know, we think the stories are similar because she probably thought
somebody was after her, too, as she also went into hiding and accidentally died.
So I guess we won't. I just realized this won't be a today. I learned it could
be what's keeping me up from the past or something like that.
Well, maybe we'll fine tune it.
But like, we'll definitely come
up with a new name for it. But because of that, I actually have my own.

And I recently found out that there's a theory that could be possibly true.
True so one of the things
that the expansion of the universe is going on right now
is that it's actually speeding up so if you remember everyone we believe that
the universe started with the big bang which is a giant explosion that pushes
out everything because there's nothing to friction it it's you know keeps going

you know eternally but speeding up sounds weird because after explosion,
that initial thrust doesn't give you extra thrust you know once you you know
start flying out there so why are we speeding up some theorize that we actually
live in a giant ass black hole.
Because there's an event horizon and the edges of

the universe that we can't see past and we know stuff is
there we just can't get past there and the theory is
that it's because we're sinking into a black hole and the
whole universe our whole universe is just in a that's how
big the black hole is it takes up the milky way
and everything that we know of so far and the
reason reason why the universe is speeding up is because we're

getting closer and closer to the center of the black hole
so as you start spiraling faster down the
black hole the things on the edges seem to go farther and further
away and slow down even go faster even though it's
really us who's doing it so to know that there's all
these black holes and our whole universe could be what if that's the
parallel universe and every parallel universe is just in a
black hole that and then then there's little black holes in our

it's just it's just really freaky like it
actually actually answers a lot of things that you know scientists wonder
you know i don't think a lot of scientists believe it but it's just like.
One of those theories is like like does that mean we could
potentially at one time just be blinked out existence because we
we fully went into the black hole it's weird
will we be conscious when that happens also anytime we

talk about black holes i feel very like congested like claustrophobic
like yeah like it freaks me out like planets and stuff out there in the deep
space like it's black and you just see this one thing and you see like a thing
going around it it's really creepy i'm disturbed so our last story is going
to be about a tiktok at a dime lifting and we're calling nicole because you know that's her name.

You didn't like that joke at first. Yeah, because you sent it to me through text.
I was like, what the hell are you even saying right now? There's a guy on TikTok
that goes, oh, there was a carpenter. We'll call him carpenter.
And he went on our job interview and he was killed. Everything was nice until.
Yeah. He goes, we'll call him this because that's, you know,
she's selling cookies. So no, that's her name. Anyway, tangent for nothing.

She starts some TikToks about the Mandela effect.
And for those that don't know, do you know what the Mandela effect is? Yeah.
It's like basically a group of people sorry did you want to answer oh i was
gonna say it's like you swear that it was it's like this but a lot of people
like they're not gonna know it i never remember it being that way it's actually
about wait is my memory even real a big group of people,

sharing what they call false false memories and some of the famous ones that
you can remember are we have fruit of the loom fruit of the loom which we're
going back together to a second,
berenstein bears yeah i say berenstein i actually was like i didn't know these
bears Bears were Jewish.
And to find out later on, they're Berenstain Bears. And I'm like,

well, that makes more sense than Jewish bears.
And then we have Star Wars. Everyone always says, Luke, I am your father.
He only says, I am your father. Well, before that, he actually says, no.
Oh, yeah. I am your father. Now, I feel like people who saw the movie back then, we know that.
But as a young'un who was born after those movies...

A lot of my references come from like Black Sheep, where there's a scene in
that movie where it's not Black Sheep, Tommy Boy.
He's going across America with Chris Farley and he goes into a fan.
He's like, Luke, I am your father.
So I think a lot of us have that false memory because of scenes like this where
they kind of play with the lines a little. Right, right.

But there's also Febreze where there's only one E, not two. I could have sworn there was two.
They lying. I think we got it for Febreze. is here actually and
i think this one is just because the person is the pronunciation of
it how fast you say it sex in the city and everyone
just thinks it's sex in the city which i think sounds better do they
i do remember i was looking up sex in the city stuff and

i'm like i can't find anything it's like babe it's not sex in the city it's
sex and the city yo that's funny oh okay one
of my mandela effects is that movie shazam or whatever
with that guy there's a movie you know
about the one with sinbad sinbad yeah they're like
that that movie that was never a movie no it
was shack shack yeah but they always thought it was him

in it and i feel like i remember that too but that movie
never existed apparently i didn't know that with sinbad so
we're gonna go into the she goes into the fruit of the loom one where that
there's a cornucopia yeah like for those that don't know
that cornucopia is that little horn thing that the fruit of state in
i actually asked him like i think this one is
real too because i remember vividly asking my

my mom hey what's that thing around the fruit and she had no idea so i
never knew what it was i didn't even know it was cornucopia so whenever
i was like oh there's no cornucopia at first i was like they fucking
with us they definitely there's some government shit testing right
now well see the thing with this is she actually said that she was like you
know i think you guys did have the cornucopia and the company denies that there

ever was and then to prove their point they actually sent out a timeline of
all their designs logos to show hey there's no cornucopias.
So nicole finds her friend claire sends
her a picture and she finds up like two or three like a few pictures that
have the one that we all remember yes and eventually

she starts getting mad because she thinks that the food of the loom company
is gaslighting her you know she found she found ads that that make reference
to the cornucopia it said something like the cornucopia of workers like why
would you use the cornucopia if that's not something you do yes and then she
She keeps diving and diving into it.
And then she eventually finds out that the Fruit of the Loom people were poisoning

millions of Michigan citizens.
I don't know. I wrote it down. I don't know why I'm having trouble thinking of the words.
But it's in the 70s. And it happened. And people still today are showing signs of this poisoning.
So she's posting about this. So now this is now more recently she posted a video.

This was just like last week or two.
She posted a video saying the food in the loom is having her account canceled.
They also are going to sue her for trademark infringement because she sells
merch with a cornucopia with food in the middle.
And then she puts like slogans around it. And her whole argument now is,
if it's not your design, why are you suing me for it?

So then even further. Yo, I like this Nicole, girl.
Even further in the conspiracy theory circles let's talk about the u.s government behind this,
that they're trying to see how far they can get away with misinformation because
if you follow the show you know that this country is always
misinforming us to keep us out of the loop like we have no

idea what the real country is like because you don't unless you have money we're
just we're stuck in the and everyone's like oh you're so conspiracy no
if you look around there's no real freedom like everything even
like state to state it's getting taken away i'm fucking 40
and i got gray in my beard and i look sort
of my age and i still get id'd i remember

yeah they're saying id no more and it's like wait what i'm still getting id'd
like yeah they're saying the law now is like 35 and under you get id'd for some
fucking reason 35 no it's fucked up i think it's stupid also what you're talking
about with the fruit of the loom thing and how they're They're gaslighting her.
I feel like it's probably true because the birds aren't real thing that was

created to see how many people would believe.
Oh, yeah. Birds aren't real. Like how many people can be manipulated by this lie?
I think it's the same thing because it's not about even birds.
I think they said it wrong, too. I don't think birds aren't real.
It should have been the caption.
The caption should be. Are we in a simulation?
Like, is this a glitch? Because birds aren't real.

And it's like, well, you know, they're saying the birds are like videotaping us. are surveilling us.
That's what the birds are. Or being like a video game-esque thing where it's
like flying just to make it look real.
No, they're saying the birds are not real because the birds are actually surveillance
cameras watching us. That's a little too conspiracy theory for me.
Well it's not real it was like a made-up thing to

see how many people would jump on this bandwagon and it's crazy yeah it's interesting
because i've been in the research i've been doing for mandela effects there
seems to be seems to be and that could be wrong there seems to be a drop off
of mandela effects finding like new ones after 2009 and before 2019 so i did a little research,
and there was this kid that we actually talked about him in another episode but

it was a while while ago i don't think a lot of the listeners that we have now even
know of it but there was this kid max laughlin he was
kiss it kid genius and he did a youtube video
where he thinks that the cern super collider which is in austria everybody this
is editing sky and i realized made a couple of mistakes i meant to say after
2019 new mandela effects were found again and it It was not in Australia, Austria.

And I'm a little mad at myself for making this mistake because in Big Bang Theory,
Leonard took Penny to Switzerland, which is where it's located.
And yeah, so I got that wrong, too. All right, let's get back to the show.
It's underground. ground and what it does it's a it's like 15 miles
around and it takes particles protons and
other things and smashes them against each other at the speed of light basically re

redoing the big bang effect to
see what they can learn from it so this kid is
saying that when they did that we were ripped from our
reality and pushed into another one a
very similar one but enough that was
is different that people are seeing these things like
the bearish stain bears and and you know

you know the fruit of the loom and all this other stuff and it's because
we're not in the same dimension anymore then to find out in 2019 they shut the
hydron collider down for for maintenance now 2019 was when we started to get
our some new newer mandela effects
and like what if now this This is going into like a what if episode.

What if, Bailey, I need you to pay attention to me. I'm listening.
I know, but I need you to pay attention to me.
What if, when they changed the equipment, upgraded it, it kind of stopped that
flow of not having any new ones because it kind of maybe put us in a new dimension again.
Now, right now, officially, it hasn't been run again and it's going to be run soon.

So for the last four or five years, there's been no colliding.
But who's to say that they're not doing that and maybe they did it again and
ripped another hole in the space-time and created more of these Mandela effects.
Or maybe the government is just doing it to fuck with us because they like to keep us under a veil.
The more we're looking at our phones, our phones are made to keep you swiping

so you won't go and do some of the stuff.
We're not necessarily lazy because we're lazy. It's lazy because we're too distracted.
That's true. You know what I miss? and i keep telling people this
commercials no well i guess technically part of
it i miss tv schedules oh yeah you do
keep talking about i miss having something look forward to on like
tgi fridays was the best i go

to school week friends at school you know my
mom worked friday night was the family we get
together order chinese food pizza whatever make our special meals
and then sit down watch boy meets world family matters
your full house like all the different ones that went through
the through the years i miss that because it
gives you structure it gives you like i get so distracted

in the house because i have so many different i have a computer video games
hulu netflix youtube we went to the bookstore to get books i didn't read those
books because i'm overly stimulated and unless we take the time out and actually
give yourself like you know give you like meditation read a book for an hour
it's great meditation you know maybe it's not for you but like definitely for
me i need to start doing that because i'm feeling like today we woke up super early,

for us anyway because food industry people don't get you know we don't go to
sleep until 2-3 o'clock in the
morning yeah we got up at like I got up today anyway at 8 I got up at 10,
I got up at 8.50 I was gonna say it was more like 9-9.30 it definitely was oh
yeah I think I got up at 8.50 you're right so just be mindful out there.
Alright you know what that sound means yeah it's time to go alright y'all it

was a pleasure thank you for joining us on this very special episode I wish
we could give you more information but we just ran out of time.
You know, please follow us on Twitter.
Oh, yeah. Twitter, we're at WKMU Radio Pod. We're on Facebook.

Blue Sky. No E. No E. Please, if you made it to the end of the video,
maybe we should do this at the beginning, too. But please like, share, comment.
It really, like everyone says it, but it really does help out because when the.
Programs, like the apps we use, realize people are doing this,
they'll recommend us to more people.
And we would love to get a little bit more people in here. because if you enjoy

it, maybe somebody else will enjoy it.
Yeah, we just want to keep you guys informed and inspired and a little creeped out.
Alright, we get it. We hear you. Alright, everybody. It's time to go.
We'll see you guys. Please check on your friends. Check on yourself. Check on your family.
And everyone deserves love. Even you. Even you. And us. And us.
And everybody. We love you. Alright, bye. Bye.

This has been a WKMU production. Signing out. This concludes our broadcast day.
Good night, and God bless America.
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