All Episodes

March 28, 2024 41 mins

Gooooooood Morning Earth!! It's time to get up. Venture into the tragic story of the real-life nightmare of the Baltimore boat crash which left an indelible mark on the life of the missing workers. Coupled with that, the podcast unveils the details of incidents involving highly influential figures like Dans Schneider, shedding light on their questionable actions and controversial life events. Exposing the darker side of entertainment, this episode is an insight into the seldom-discussed subjects.

Engage with the distressing series of incidents encapsulated in the four-part documentary. Explore the shrouded world of child grooming, exploitation, and abuse which has remained hushed for far too long. This revealing series is bound to shake your perception of the so-called glamorous world.

This podcast episode brings attention to the dubious aspects of various celebrities from the music industry. It presents a full-fledged discussion on Diddy’s house raid and the unsettling narratives that followed. Dig through an array of perplexing incidents and the ceaseless rumors surrounding the death of Biggie. The episode concludes by emphatically stressing the importance of fostering a compassionate, unified society, subtly hinting at the potential threats lurking behind every corner.

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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You are now tuned in to your number one radio station.
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Follow us. We interrupt this program for a special report by WKMU.
Staten Island, New York. Good morning, Earth. It's time to get up.

I'm your host, Blue. And I'm Sky. guy
and today we're going to do things a little differently we're going
to go a little off course to we usually do strange and
wonderful i mean these are all strange and wonderful yeah but
they're not the same they're not the same as we normally do these are
strange and disturbing stories going on this week yeah and yeah and uh we can't

not not talk about it and we had another episode actually lined up we're going
to do uh we're going to re-watch beetlejuice and then uh talk about it since
it's coming out this year and i actually went on twitter and i promoted that
like Like, yeah, we'll check out. And I'll be like, this is it.
Now, because like this week, if you've been keeping up with everything,
a lot of weird stuff has been coming out.
And so and it's just been on our mind all week. All we want to talk about are these topics.

So we're going to get into it today and kind of keep you guys informed on what's
going on in case you haven't heard it.
Well, you heard it and you just want to hear our take on it and our jokes. Or if you're like me.
Yeah, if you're like me, I like to hear the same stories from different people.
I don't know why. I've heard the same story like four or five different ways.
Yeah. But sometimes you get more information because somebody will have information you didn't know.

That's true. Oh, they looked at this and the other person didn't think that
was important. Well, I definitely, yeah, I definitely listen in hoping.
I just drooled a little bit.
I definitely listen in hoping to learn something new. A lot of the times we don't though.
Yeah, so let's just get right into it. So, yeah. We'll hope you learn something new.
And just a little, I guess, a heads up for people. I guess they call it spoiler

alert. What do they call it?
If you're sensitive, like, oh, be careful of this episode.
It's called the trigger warning. Oh, trigger warning. This episode does involve
murder, sex crimes, violence, and other disturbing things.
And acts against, you know, the younger, more vulnerable folks.
And if you're not ready for that time to shut us off and if

you're too high just listen to us later it'll be fine so
let's get into our first story so of course
we're gonna start with the baltimore maryland boat
crash because that happened like a day
or two ago and it was weird because i you know you wake up
in the middle of the night kind of check your facebook and you see that a
whole bridge was collapsed yeah and they had

video of it like the dude like literally started recording
that's i don't know if there was more recording i think
they saw you know the boat kind of not in the right spot because
you know anytime we see a boat it's like is that gonna fit is that gonna fit
so first off if you look at the video that they're showing they actually
see what looks like a fire in the background what happened was their power went
out yeah and uh they couldn't steer so they tried to get like tugboats to come

back and move them but they did get their power back but it was too late and
the it was actually building in smoke because it's like a short like It came
back fast. It just kind of overpowered everything.
And yeah, it was just too late. Yeah, if you see the video, it's like the boat,
the lights are out, then the lights come back on, then the lights go out,
then the lights come back on, and then it's like, I think it goes out again,

and then it's already crashed into the bridge.
In case you didn't hear this, a shipping container left Maryland's dock and
went underneath the Key Scott Bridge, and about five minutes before it got there,
it started to lose power.
Three minutes before it hit, it started sending out warnings.
The police got the bridge gone.
Didn't let anybody else onto the bridge but like a minute
or two before it crashed they realized there's people on the bridge yeah doing

like maintenance and stuff and i think you said they were all like immigrants
from south america yeah something that the news doesn't mention is that a lot
of them were from mexico guatemala el salvador and honduras so you know it's like.
What's fucked up is like there's a lot of issues right now with immigration
in america i guess we've always had an issue with immigration but

it's becoming like a little more tense yeah hold
on it's just you know so it's like for these
immigrants to have been killed kind of keeping maintenance of these bridges
that is actually a really important bridge like people are freaking out and
they're saying that this might be like a global crisis because this bridge got
knocked down yeah because they have to redo the way they think of shipping and
bridges no just in general no no Stuff that passes through the bridge.

Exactly what I just said. They're fucked up. But from the 1980s,
since 1980, engineers have been saying that this bridge cannot take any kind
of hit from container ship planting, like just like a little edge on the side.
And I thought that that too was like.
Why make it just enough strong enough to be
held up why not backup supports they always
do shit like that though like a lot of like construction people everywhere

like they just kind of half-assed shit don't they do at your job too
where it's like you find things that can be mistakes and like
oh this is gonna be a huge problem for us and like yeah we'll deal
with it when it comes here yeah yeah i do mention things a
lot at my job but that's like you know the customer service like
it's not as serious as a fucking bridge construction like
but it definitely they really shouldn't you know that's like uh we brought

this up in another episode the apple store on like 19th street
in manhattan like there's this giant staircase in this
when you walk in there's this big staircase apparently there's screws missing
on that staircase and it's like nobody cares because
you know nothing's wrong right now i think
that's definitely the american culture that's like
to half-ass stuff yeah well not even half-ass like you

know there's gonna be an issue and like you figure it out.
And then you're just like you know know what let's just leave it and maybe it won't happen and
then 10 15 no and then you know you put
the immigrants to work on the bridge because you know whatever
like it's a high-risk job and they're gonna bring them out
because that's what america's also overnight too and we
don't know if these were legal immigrants i think the the immigration problem right

now is not that we have immigrants coming in it's that there's so
many coming in legally illegally right no
but i'm just saying basically is hey if you want to come here come through
come through normal so we can give you your social security number
we could get you part of the system and no
one's saying that these people were illegal though i'm just saying the
fact that they were immigrants is important to the story yes

because we always need on them about was that there's an
immigrant issue in america right now and what i'm saying is i
think that big thing of it is because it's illegal immigrants we don't know
what the status of this is so it's it could be fair to say hey maybe they were
out there because they're illegals and they just wanted somebody to just you
know americans don't want to work hard i wasn't making that connection that's
what it sounded like on my end and i I don't know if you listeners will pick

up on that. But on my end, it was like, oh, they were immigrants.
So that's why they were out there. No, I'm saying that we like to talk shit
about immigrants, but then they're the ones doing these high risk jobs.
Oh, that's always America.
I think that it's important to the story to know that these people came from
another country and they're helping us, you know, survive.
And if you know American history, they're the foundation of America.

But if you know American history, then you know that this is a foundation that
we've always had. Whether it's Chinese people building the railroads in California.
Irish people coming over, Italians.
When we first started this country, it was basically British people.
I guess yeah then people started to immigrate over and then
like they call white people but white people in those

places didn't call each other white people they weren't like oh you're my brother no
you're italian you're irish you're polish you're this so stay away from me i'm
in my irish neighborhood stay in your italian neighborhood and yeah and then
eventually at one time they're just like you know what you know you're all just
white like you're all just white they just lumped everybody but it is sad because
eight people were actually in on the bridge two Two were found in the water.

Did they forget about them? Like, I just don't know. No, they knew about them,
but they left them up there. You got to remember, this happened three minutes before the crash.
So that's not a lot of time. Oh, shit. We need to get the bridge.
So someone's like, oh, let's clear off the bridge. Let's get cops there.
So, you know, how do they even get cops there in three minutes?
Like, you really have to.
So then it's like, oh, we got this. Did they at least give them a chance? Like, I don't know.

Enough of a chance that two survived. i mean i don't
think anything was done maliciously or by accident or
they just they just didn't have time they're basically three
minutes and three minutes right now we've been talking for seven
minutes and i'm honestly i'm half the time was trying to get you know half the
time it was someone trying to get somebody off and they there's actually recordings
of somebody being like hey we have people on the bridge you should talk to the

foreman get them off the bridge until this you know it's just it just really
bothers me a little bit like i feel like Like, if they weren't immigrants,
if they were, like, American-born or whatever, like, I do wonder if we would have did more.
I'm not trying to start any issues by saying that. It's just me saying,
like, I wonder if they would have did something a little bit more.
If they would have been more, like. Nah, they had no time.

Like, even right now. Hold on. Even right now, there's still.
On the bridge when they found out.
There's, like, no time. Even right now, there's four bodies still in the water
that they're going to halt looking for.
They're, like, they're pretty much dead. We just going to wait.
And I wonder if they would have, if this was an American man,
if they would have been like, no, we need his body.
The family needs it to, to grieve or whatever.

Of course, they're going to look for it. What they're saying right now is it's under rubble.
It's under a ship. It's probably in a car. It's probably loose.
And it probably washed away in the river, in the ocean. And it's probably not
there. I just wonder if they would have... See, I think that's part of the problem,
though. Like, when people are trying their best to save somebody,
you've still got people saying, well, did they do what they could do? I'm wondering.
I think that that's an okay thing to do. Yeah, to a point. But this is...

There's little recordings of
people saying, hey, you got people on the bridge. We got to get them off.
Three minutes is not a lot of time. Okay. You can't even get off the bridge.
I understand that there was no way of saving them.
I'm talking about now, about looking for their bodies. Like, would they?
I wonder if they, you know, if it was different, if it would have been the same
thing that they would do. No, of course they would. No.

One, what kind of PR nightmare would that be?
Oh, you didn't look for the brown people? You got your white people up,
but you didn't get the brown people? Yeah, but it's not like it would really
be that bad. It's a stretch.
I think it's dangerous to be going underneath collapsed bridges and ships with
divers looking for people.
And it's like hey maybe we should clean this up a little bit because at this
point it's like the titan thing all over again they're dead they're not gonna

find them right now titanic because wasn't there like a fire on the boat too on this cargo ship,
like that before it crashed into no that's the smoke everyone thinks it's fire
it was just a smoke from the power turning back on and with the lights flickering it looked like fire,
But they didn't have control of the ship for like a good five,
ten minutes. And then they started putting warnings out.
Yo, I wonder how terrifying it must be. Because the people on the boat,

or whoever was witnessing this. Everyone on the boat survived too, by the way.
Right, so the people on the boat, they already know what's going to happen.
You know, they probably know those three minutes.
Well, they don't know they're going to hit the bridge. They're hoping they're
not going to. But they notice that they're starting drifting over.
Yeah, imagine how terrifying.
Even like in the Titanic. And the captain can't do nothing. Yeah. You can't turn it.
Right. He was like to play, please. everybody please get the engines back

we need the engines on go go imagine being in your high shelf
stressful work and somebody wants you know replace napkins like
get the napkins this lady's going crazy for fucking napkins i just
want to get the damn you know it'll be somebody's life
it's like it's so much more intense like please i don't
want to be the captain who kills people i don't
want to be the captain who knocks over a bridge yeah like

let's do and it's not like oh i don't want somebody to think badly no
you just don't want to feel that internally like how you
do you think he's sleeping tonight yeah and and
you know it's like well it's not his fault well i don't know that ship had a couple
of what is it inspections and two of the times they had to shut them down because
they wasn't fit for traveling so again it sounds like the titan thing where

something doesn't it's not properly working but we're gonna keep going until
it breaks down and whatever happened happens and we need to stop that,
and then next up on the list blue maybe
watched something on netflix and it was
was it netflix i believe so it's on hulu no wait no i don't know i feel like

netflix is known look it up real quick i'm pretty sure it's netflix but i think
i'm assuming you all know what i'm talking about that nickelodeon i guess they
didn't call it the nickelodeon documentary but it was basically the nickelodeon document a documentary.
It's on Max. Oh. And Hulu. Oh, wait, no, it's on Max. It's on HBO Max.
I just assume Netflix is always like the documentary stuff.

It's called Quiet on Set, The Dark Side of Kids TV.
So I guess they might do a couple seasons and maybe talk about different networks.
Yeah. Maybe go hit up Boy Meets World. Because the first one. And the Disney channel.
Yeah, so they talked about Nickelodeon. nickelodeon they briefly talked about
disney because some of the abusers

from nickelodeon got jobs at disney so that
was like really weird and um yeah the documentary
really exposes a lot of things that we didn't know and
it was hard to watch just because i grew up watching these
shows and then now hearing that these
are all perverted jokes that they made these kids do i like
like they were ignorant towards what they were doing but it's

still fucked up and they were being taken yeah and also how they
were treated like behind the cameras and then you've seen them
like oh everything's great and then you know to know that internally they're
just yeah they're sad they're you know they were abused
taken advantage of and then they still had to smile and go
to work because their families depended on their money too
like it was really fucked up like this is all

legit but dan snyder we've all heard like
inklings about his foot fetish and all these his other
things honestly he he is deeply perverted he's definitely out there i thought
he was involved in more of the creepy gross stuff that some of his co-workers
got in trouble for like i'm a little surprised they didn't go further with him
well they didn't right i think that there was more to tell with the dan schneider

thing i think he did more than what the documentary said just an opinion.
Yeah like they couldn't find out what he did because he hid it because amanda
binds she didn't want to be a part of it and i think if she would have came
in and said a couple things i think we would have found out more stuff just
so we don't get sued okay oh but yeah i feel the same thing all of our opinions
thank you go form your own opinions everybody but i feel you because,

look at how what was his name drake bell look how
he was like after he got his assault he was like dan schneider was there for
me he you know so it feels like he very much like latched on to a couple people
and just like i don't want to say brainwashed because maybe they're not brainwashed
Maybe behind Dan Schneider's weird feet jokes and coming on girls'

faces jokes that, you know, maybe there is a loving person down there.
And, you know, that's who it is. But it also looks like you have to look at
the other things that this documentary showed.
Makes you wonder if he didn't groom these kids to be like, oh,
no, I'm good. You know, whatever I do, it's OK.
Like, it's OK. I do it right. I think what was wrong with Dan Schneider is that

he knew that the kids didn't know what they were doing. and what he did was
maybe groom all the adults around him.
Everybody was terrified to disagree with him or not do some of the things that he wanted.
So like i think so i
don't know if he necessarily groomed the kids i think that
he took advantage of their ignorance and and

then what he so for example i don't
know there was a joke made and um the he told
the adults in the room not to explain the joke to the kid and
to make sure that nobody explains the joke to the kid yeah otherwise
and it's like that's fucked up that's yeah he's
like you know manipulating them and stuff
and then the adults in the room were also scared to

lose their jobs so they were like fine we're not gonna you know
what i would also notice too with it is that they definitely he picked favorites
there and that really like really affected like other kids on the show like
he wasn't they weren't one of his favorites there was one kid who came on and
says yeah childhood actor he became an alcoholic and i thought you You know,

this one I don't get because I'm a little confused,
but this was like, oh, I became an alcoholic because I could get no more jobs after this.
So it's like, so wait, you don't have a problem with Dan Schneider,
Nickelodeon, anything like that. You just couldn't get another job.
So you became an alcoholic.
You can't blame that on Nickelodeon because you couldn't get another job.
Okay. I think you misunderstood that guy. I don't think I misunderstood.

So please tell me, how did I misunderstand him? What did he mean?
I think that he was traumatized by the jokes that they were making when he realized that they were.
Yeah, it is. you need we'll re-watch the whole thing because i think you're
literally he was only put on no he was only put on he
was only put on camera twice and each time he didn't say
that anybody did anything wrong to him they did though one time he he was said
that he wasn't one of the favorites and they made him dress like a fetus no

that's a different guy okay that's a different black kid sorry you can't tell
the difference i guess i'm pretty sure it's the same no it's not it's not but
because that one kid yeah he had a beard but this kid was a little chubby anyway Anyway,
I definitely feel like some part of it is Dan picked his favorites and that
pissed other people off.
But he also did weird stuff more with his friends.

Like like you said without people knowing so like
and then you let these pedophiles on the show and then they kind
of like you know maybe they didn't know but then they sent
them somewhere else they sent them to another network they sent
one of the fucking oh you touched one of my kids all right so i think because
he did it there's no proof that he physically hurt anybody all he did was come
up with these perverted jokes i think nickelodeon loves those perverted jokes

because they got people to view the show like it got adults into it who were
also perverted because Because apparently America has a huge problem.
I mean, I know it's not just America, but I only know what's going on in my country.
Well, America is a little bit more jaded when it comes to sex stuff.
It's more open in Europe.
There's actually less sex crimes and alcoholism in Europe. Right,
but America is like— They introduce the alcohol sooner, and they introduce sex, and it's not taboo.

Here, it's so taboo and like, ooh, don't do it. It makes us feel ashamed.
And when you start feeling ashamed, when you're so ashamed, you do things that
you don't— We were young before.
We always remember that one person we slept with we were ashamed of but we did
it because we were in a spot where we're lonely sad upset and it's like a weakness
it's like we need to be loved.

Okay now i'm saying that america has
an issue with like being perverted towards
children oh yeah yeah but that's part of i think because we're so told not to
be sexualized and stuff that yeah because you shouldn't sexualize children exactly
i'm not saying against children i'm saying in general i'm I'm saying these people
who work with children kind of like then fold that into that because it's and

then look what he did. Don't tell the kids because it's taboo.
Right. So it's just I'm not almost saying is it just is all weird.
Like America is in general. Like Nickelodeon liked it because Americans were
tuning in to see the perverted jokes. Yeah.
And so Nickelodeon loved Dan because Dan got the viewings. And what Dan was
doing was what America wanted to see and hear.

And now that it's a more open PC culture, everyone now is like, oh. That's terrible.
But y'all tuned in every week. And then I think that they, maybe like America
wasn't really. Again, but these are kid shows too. Kids don't know what's going on sometimes.
They just see a kid show. Right. So I think that what America found more entertaining
is that the people they got to perform these acts didn't know what the acts meant.
And I think America thought that that was even funnier.
You know what i'm saying if you remember at the end of the documentary dan snyder even

says too like yeah there were other adults in the room who
proved it no no oh not even in a room he sent these skits
up to the headquarters of nickelodeon they were
like oh foot choke funny right come on the
girl's face oh it's lotion funny you know oh rubbing this
girl's feet funny it's like he's basically saying
yeah maybe i was wrong and but like but americans

there's more people wrong too yeah tuning in like there's so
many people still tuning in keep doing what you're doing because people love it
exactly exactly and you know like creepy yeah
even at my job i have a manager right i
have a manager she's an asshole she's just a dick to everybody and her boss

won't get rid of her they're like well you know she keeps everybody in line
and you know we're making money so i'm not gonna get rid of her and it's fucked
up it's like we're all being abused and we all all just deal with it because
we all need a job it feels like nickelodeon at my job honestly.
And you kind of have to just be nice and play nice
because it's your job well it kind

of goes we were talking about with the the boat too with like america's culture
to know that there could be things could go
wrong and instead of setting up things to
stop the things from going wrong they just let it go until you know the build
up you know the bridge crashes until the building falls down so like somebody
gets blown up and then it's like all right well i guess we'll fix it now yeah
and it just seems like yo you could have did this in the 90s like right away

like this is weird you know okay maybe we could keep some of these jokes in but you gotta stop.
Flashing little girls in bikinis and showing their
feet off like yeah i just don't get why i had to be
kids performing the jokes yeah and then you got
people like one of your friends who we watched this movie about girls dancing
oh yeah there's this movie that came out in france and it's about these like

14 girls like 12 years old yeah don't say teens they weren't dancing for like
it's like a dance competition kind of thing and then the girls are doing weird
stuff like twerking and all this camera zooming in on their butts twerking they're
12 years old like And like.
Yeah, they were wearing like just the most minimal clothing and stuff.
And everybody was talking about this film. So I wanted to check it out.

And the whole time I'm like cringing. Yeah. Watching this movie.
So weird. It felt really disgusting.
And maybe it's because I am American and America has a fucking problem.
And we should not be showing these little girls on the TV.
And my friend who he was the one that put it on, he came over, he put it on.
And he said that he doesn't think that it was a big deal because it played in

France and the girl's parents approved it and so it's okay for us to watch it
because all the adults said that it was all right and I'm like, no, it doesn't matter.
Us consciously have to protect children even if their parents are not protecting
them, we need to protect them. Parents are known for not protecting their children.
I had to stop being friends with that guy. Didn't he say something about being

attractive or something like that?
Didn't he make some kind of... I think he did say something. Yeah, I had to walk away.
And then, you know, later on, he admitted to me that he would do stuff with
a 12 year old if the mom said it was OK. And that made me feel really disgusted.
Like, that's not OK. I don't give a fuck if her parents approved it. It's not right.
That little girl doesn't know what you're doing to her. Like, it's not cool.

That's the pervertedness. People like, oh, if somebody OK'd it, it's OK for me to do it.
Like with the building, the bridge falling down. Oh, someone OK'd for us not
to fix it. OK, so we're not going to fix it.
Yeah no it's true at some point like where does your morals step in do you have any morals.
So if you want to ruin your childhood and hear
some disturbing stories check it out what is it called again on quiet on

set okay four four four part episodes was
it yeah but another thing about the on set thing
what i everybody talked about dan schneider dan schneider but
there were other guys there doing fucked up things like one
of them sent a nude to one of the little girls he would
exchange numbers with them they went into his house and
there's like a whole bunch of child porn in there and stuff and then.

I think that guy went over and on to work at
disney too and so i don't
know the that show really revealed a lot of things that we didn't
know was going on and um his name was john handy and
then there's brian peck he it was a you know
it was revealed that he was abusing drake bell this
whole time and it was really sad it's

hard to watch it's hard to listen to and i know drake
bell had his own things going on um but how
do you i don't like this is the problem with
power and the movie like industry has
lots of power just like the music industry which we'll get into next and it
seems like with these power power absolute power corrupts absolutely
they feel like they could do whatever they want no one's

gonna tell them why and they know what they're doing is wrong and they know
that most people won't let them do it so they're like hiding it but they
have enough power with like these children who are vulnerable because
they don't necessarily know what's going on they don't know if they can talk out and
these are the the people they spend all their days with because they're at school there
they work there you know they do like three hours of
school there then they go to work like you know that's how so like

boy meets world used to do that they used to do three hours of school and they would
do like five hours of recording or some shit like that but it's just it's it
makes sense now because i whenever i see a picture of drake i always looked
like why does he look so sad and now it's like you know now we know why he looks
so sad sometimes yeah i feel bad for him and i feel bad for his family.

I really hope that the celebrities that wrote
letters kind of defending brian peck
hoping that he would get less time or whatever like oh yeah that
was weird i really hope they come forward and apologize i think
that's the least they could do well drake bell's actually met at will fidel
and writer strong who played eric
matthews and sean hunter on

boy meets world because they sent letters like that and they won't apologize right
and it's like at the time maybe you know let's be honest we
all know somebody who even if they got like a busted for
drugs or something like that it's always oh i didn't think they could do that because
no one really thinks anybody they love would do something like that so it's
like hard for people to understand that so they're like oh well obviously you
didn't do that let me show support but after like oh so much evidence came out

and he's saying yeah he did and like people like don't want to apologize it's
like you know how alone you made that kid feel like he he came out and said
like And then I was just like,
let's take the pervert side over the kid side.
Yeah, I think that Drake Bell is a very strong person because anybody else would have not.

Been here for that like they would have taken it to their grave and they would
have had a short life especially like like in my opinion it's also harder for
a male to come out yeah like he i just hope like he has guardian angels protecting
him i don't know for sure but that's how it feels and,
i hope the best for him i know that like he

might have abused somebody but i still think
that a lot lot of abusers were abused themselves and we need
to just break the cycle well let's not let's not
say well great bell is abused and as far as we know i know right now
he he doesn't have any victims like yes
maybe there's a little extra push that way because that's what you learned and
you know you're because anytime you have trauma it stunts you so if you have

trauma at 14 you kind of keep your 14 year old mindset sometimes right that's
why we need to protect children like i can't stress that enough let's protect
children and women because i don't know i don't know boys Boys and men.
I don't know if you guys remember, though.
We did a What If Vince McMahon Had a Hit List, and we talked about his sex trafficking.
Now, P. Diddy was sued by Casey. Do you know Casey? She's a singer. I don't know. Me and you.

It's just me and you. Oh, that's her? Of course. That song's the best.
I love that song. So, apparently, she's suing, no criminal charges so far, but she's suing P.
Diddy for raping raping her and then
giving her off to sex workers and other people kind of
like he would beat her and abuse her you know what's really right her
make her keep a gun so she would feel like uneasy all the

time yeah you know what's crazy when i was a kid i'd forget what grade i was
in so i don't know what year this was but i saw casey i was at like my we was
going to like a school trip to like a theater and i saw casey at a store like
a deli and she looked kind of weird like she didn't look She didn't look happy and stuff.
And now hearing this, it makes me wonder if that was the same time frame where she was being abused.

Well, she just got abused and she just went out for a sandwich to get out for dinner.
Yeah, I just wonder what was going through her head. My whole life,
I was wondering what she was thinking about that day that I saw her.
Yeah, and they raided his house. I don't know what they're looking for. They raided two houses.
I think they're trying to find pictures or videos or contacts,
some type of evidence of sex trafficking. Yeah.

And, you know, so that, you know, Diddy came out that they raided his house
and all my co-workers were talking about it.
So I was like, you know, I got to do a little research. And like,
it just turns out that Diddy, his whole life was doing shitty stuff.
There's been stories about everybody throughout the years and no one believes them.
I don't know. But like Usher, I don't know if y'all heard this.

Usher came out that when he was like 13, he was staying with Diddy for a year in New York.
And during that time Usher saw a lot
of shit that maybe he shouldn't have seen like a lot of adult content and
things like that and there was somebody else who stayed with Diddy and said
that Diddy made him do shit and like with a man and said that you know oh this

is the industry does shit like this like this is normal and I don't know if
it was Usher or someone else but they were like that you know you could walk
into a room and there's somebody fucking there or Or there's somebody,
there are people having an orgy or whatever.
Like, just kind of always, like, just a really high-sexual thing.
But, like, don't do it while there's a kid just walking around.
I don't know. Yeah. If that's what you want to do in your house,

don't have a kid around to be exposed to that. That's just fucking weird.
And I don't know why they thought that was okay.
And then, you know, with Diddy, there's, like, this, like, conspiracy theory that he killed Biggie.
He signed Biggie and then ended up killing Biggie. and they every thought it
was an east coast west coast situation but i think maybe it has to do with biggie

it's also i mean he killed helped uh tupac too yeah although they got the they
arrested somebody for that i don't know what happened to that that kind of disappeared
off the radar right maybe we should look into that i'm trying to look for because i got a.
Tweet twitter tweet what do they call those tweets right an x an x i wish i
could find it so i can tell you the guy's name but he's basically said what

if p diddy is the black epstein,
like he's past he's old now they don't really need him and they got a new generation
that needs to come in and he's still trying to he's still taking up too much power and too much money,
and you know before you say oh it's conspiracy theory can't
be true music industry is money it's always
about ripping off their people so if they could throw

some shade at somebody like oh you're taking up millions and
millions close to billions of dollars from us like then
we need to get you out so we could get somebody in cheaper so we
could pull more of that money for us right like they're
trying to get him out of the scene and look at
it bill cosby like he
got too old guy get rid of him he was the king of the comedies in the 80s then

you got epstein himself oh who's that the one what the epstein contribute to
society besides being a fucking pervert just money like he just had money like
me people needed money i don't know i don't know and then there's a There's
a second lawsuit at least, and this one is actually...
Who was this? His manager, Rodney Jones. $30 million. And he has a list.

And the list includes Stevie J. I don't know who that is.
This one says a redacted name of a Philadelphia rapper who dated Nicki Minaj.
And I think, just opinion, that I think this is Mac Miller's brother, Meek Miller.
What? Yeah, you know Meek Miller. He's Mac Miller's brother, right? No.

It's Meek Mill. A black dude. Oh, Meek Mill. Mac Miller, a white dude who died.
Why can't black and white people be related? I have a black cousin.
Yeah, right then, for shame. These guys are not related. Then why do they have the same name?
They don't. Meek Mill. Oh, Bill. His name is Meek Mills.
Meek Mill. So we think that's him. And then there's a Grammy award-winning R&B

singer who was in trouble with law enforcement after assaulting a Baja millionaire.
Baja. Hmm. That's Rihanna, right?
No rihanna's from barbados yeah but she she was all there's evidence that she
was the one who got in trouble she she assaulted a baja billionaire she's not
baja it was a bahayan millionaire someone.

Assaulted a millionaire a billionaire uh-huh and
what they were named in this also but their name got redacted so
a lot of people think that this is actually rihanna and it's
redacted because she's too big because you got other people in here i don't
even know young miami i don't know who that is prince
al harry he's in this bishop jakes what

is this a lawsuit against diddy and these people
because they helped him make the
money and they they basically you know
they they prospered over all the bad stuff
he was doing they all prospered off and he
even named casey ventura is
that who that the other one is casey cassandra is her.

Real name yeah but casey ventura is her last name
ventura yeah i think it is so apparently he's
saying they're suing her part of it too because she benefited
from all this so she's saying she only benefited because she
was put in a position to to be used around
and i don't know if she couldn't get out she was afraid or you
know oh she you know she really wanted to be a singer you know those

were the jokes in the day too oh you you're gonna sleep with your weight to the top and
it's like those aren't jokes people are really and they're
not even choosing it's like no you're fucking me i don't care what you
say you want to make a video you're fucking me and it's crazy yeah that's disgusting
yeah and there's a couple more people i never i don't know smoky norfolk fahim
muhammad the forest taylor and jose cruz so there's also that he there was apparently

his plane was flying to the caribbeans but he He wasn't on it.
So I don't know why his plane was like, are they taking other people?
Do you think he put money on the plane to send it over so if he runs, he has cash on hand?
Probably. He probably is on the run. They were saying that he's probably in
hiding now over this shit.

It's just crazy so let's maybe you're
right maybe we should change it's time to start changing america's
culture yeah this this thing
where we don't fix anything until it's broken which is
part of the reason why these people are getting sex trafficked
because people know what's going on and it's
like well if it's nothing and i guess you need somebody to

say hey this is happening but like when that happens they push it
on the rug too so it's this whole thing first of all this is
is why i think america is run by a secret organization because
the music industry or anyone with money all
act the same way they all get caught up in the same bullshit
it's like they're getting like and if
you were running a secret organization that controls the

country when you give the power to these people who
are making you billions of dollars and like oh you're no
longer needed you're you're taking too much of my money it's time to get rid of you i'm going to
tell everybody what you did because it's it's just always comes
out and you would think oh well people coming out every
year saying something they've been coming out for years saying something why
all of a sudden like oh now we're gonna do something about it because the

powers and be was like i'm not gonna do anything yet not gonna do anything yet
all right now i gotta get rid of them it's too much so you know let's let's
be mindful of our weaker people i'm not saying women are weak but we're all
vulnerable especially sometimes in sexual ways women like me okay perfect example.
Me and blue were walking the dogs blue pulled off

a little bit and i went to the store to get something and i came out
and i was sneaking around hiding from the dog so they wouldn't
see me and i'm hiding behind this pillow and a woman comes up he goes i'm just
doing this because i'm a woman i had to check do you know this guy yeah so i
was with the dogs and sky was creeping up on us and the lady saw i saw sky too
so i knew what was going on as well and i guess the lady saw that But I was also like,

you know, trying to hide from Skye. So she's like, hey, are you okay?
Are you all right? And I was like, oh, yeah, like that's their dad. Like, don't worry.
She's like, oh, you know, just woman to woman. I wanted to make sure you were okay.
And I was like, okay, yeah, thank you. Thank you. Whatever. But I don't know.
I left feeling like, you know, I'm glad that she looked out for me. But it felt very weird.
Like, I don't know, white woman saviors type shit.

Well, what about that guy who almost beat him in Brooklyn?
Yeah, me and Skye were arguing. arguing this was in the beginning of our relationship
uh we were a little bit toxic,
and and yeah we were arguing outside the projects
this guy's like hey do you need help well first let's back
up a little bit because we were screaming in the street and i
felt bad because first of all she was being very hormonal

so hormonal my family when she stormed out the room my family
asked if she was pregnant and so we get
outside and she's crying and she's throwing a fit and i'm feeling terrible so
i want to give her a hug that's how i like oh shit you
feel bad give i'm gonna give you a hug how she deals
with stresses don't fucking touch me yeah kind of wait till i cool down i'll
come then give me a hug yeah i'll hug you don't hug me so i'm hugging her and

she's pushing me and i'm like you know get off me so this guy's like do you
need help i'm like yeah the guy drops his bag he didn't drop his bag he turned
around went to the fence put the bag down and like opened it i think,
No, I don't think he opened. I think he just dropped the bag.
And then that's when you was like, you tried to yoke him up.
Yeah, I jumped on him. And I was like, no, leave him alone. Leave him alone.
I begged Sky not to hurt the guy.

So much so that I pulled back to punch him and she grabbed my arm so I wouldn't hit him.
And before you were like, Sky, you're an animal. You should be locked up.
This guy, people don't know about this. The guy was huge. That guy was mad tall.
Yeah, he was like six foot four. Yeah.
He looked like he worked out. But the problem was that I'm, what was I going to say?

I wasn't gonna beat him up because he was gonna help you
i was gonna beat him up because you can i don't know
people can't tell from my accent but i grew up in neighborhoods
where you look out for yourself and i'm from where
if you turn around and put your bag down you're going in
the bag for a weapon or you're gonna turn around
and punch me in my face like because if you're trying to

calm someone down you don't need to put your bag up sir can you calm down like no he
meant to attack me so i attacked
him before he could and i yoked him up on the fence big ass
dude i lifted him like on the fence and i went right
back to punch him in the face and then i was just like no it's
my conscience i just can't do it i was like oh no it's it's blue
she's holding my arm and then then she's like

then she goes to the guy he's like please sir i'm sorry i shouldn't involve you
can you just leave us alone we don't really don't have a problem and then later
we found out that we were on the citizens app like somebody was looking for
me for assaulting you when i wasn't even stopping you i was fucking saving you
and you were saving me and we were fighting and it's just crazy anyway we've
gone to couples therapy since then and things are a little calmer oh,

oh man okay um you know what time that means you know that sound means at times
we have to get out of here we're gonna run you can find us on twitter um i hate rushing like this.
It's what keeps me up no it's not it's radio.
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Especially because a lot of
you, I've noticed, are coming back to listen to us. So you must like us.

You like us, don't you? let us grow like
like comment like tell people about us we're like especially you
know if you're enjoying what you hear if you're not whatever just listen to
anyway i don't care but yeah uh you know um please
check on your friends check on yourself check on your
kids please look out for those who need help
and it's not just women and children there's some men who are not

as physically or mentally as strong as others and they
need help to being protected yeah so it doesn't
it's not not about gender or how old you are every one of us have our own vulnerabilities
that can be taken advantage of not everybody is 100 bulletproof it's true so
if you see like bullying i see it in the street i don't like it i try to stop
it so i understand why that guy stepped in because i've gone to fights because

i've seen bullying between family members or even strangers,
it's not cool so let's just look out for each other this country could be way
better if we stop worrying about skin color and how much money we have and just
realize that the person next to us is just like you. They love somebody. Somebody loves them.
Saying that, everyone deserves...

What the fuck? Well-functioned? Let's go stand at the door again.
Alright, we'll see you guys. Everyone deserves love, even you. Bye!
This has been a WKMU production signing out.
This concludes our broadcast day. Good night and God bless America.
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