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March 5, 2024 16 mins

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Embarking on an entrepreneurial journey is like riding a rollercoaster with the highest of highs and the most challenging of lows. I pull back the curtain on making the leap from real estate to the coaching world, sharing the raw and unfiltered realities of being the solo force behind a burgeoning business. As we navigate the complexities of CEO, CFO, and every role in between, I recount an enlightening coffee meet-up with a former colleague that reshaped my perspective on delegation and the dangers of comparing my fresh start to someone else's seasoned success. 

This episode is for every woman and mom entrepreneur who has ever felt the weight of their dreams on their shoulders, offering a blend of empathy and actionable wisdom for thriving in the business world.

This deep dive is less about the destination and more about the transformative power of the journey itself. I emphasize the significance of grand aspirations and the critical role a supportive partner plays in bolstering and challenging you as you reach for your dreams. We go into the intertwined relationship between self-image and success, advocating for the necessity of taking calculated risks and embracing the full spectrum of feedback.

Join me for a heart-to-heart that not only motivates but also emboldens you to evolve into the very best version of yourself, proving that personal growth is the ultimate prize in the quest for our goals.

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With Gratitude -

Angie Gerber


Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
All right, today I want to talk to all the women
mom entrepreneurs out there.
Well, and if you're a male andyou're an entrepreneur as well,
that works too.
But I want to talk aboutsomething that I came across
recently and I think it'simportant to really kind of

point out what is so obviousthat a lot of us miss it,
especially in the beginning.
And I know this is somethingthat I just went through and am
kind of going through with mycoaching the business I'm trying
to start and just being able topour into other people and help
So I thought you know, that'skind of what I do is come on on

here and talk about my hurdlesand failures, feedback and, you
know, be pretty vulnerable andhonest with what I'm going
through in the attempt and thehope that it will help someone
out there who's listening tothis.
And I went through this in myreal estate career and it wasn't

until I got together with forcoffee with a friend that she
pointed it out and, yeah, I wantto come on here and share it
with you.
So let's say, you're starting abusiness and for me it was real
estate 10 years ago and nowit's a business where I can help

and intend to and do helppeople get from where they are
to where they want to be, removethe blocks and really hold the
space for people women, men youknow it's mostly been women,
which I appreciate because I amone.
And being a real estate agent,you know there's a lot that goes

with that.
And now doing this thing we callcoaching, and what happens and
what one of my past businesspartners said so well, is that
let's take real estate, forexample.
When you get a real estatelicense, you in the state of
Minnesota takes you 90 hours.

You go and you pass a nationaltest in a state test and, boom,
you're a real state agent.
And the truth is that those 90hours really I mean it's been a
while, but I can say with justabout certainty it does not
teach you how to set up and runa successful real estate

business, and I know for me, Ihad a huge fear around that.
So I actually the only reason Ijumped into real estate is
because I had a team that I wasgoing to jump on and join and
they're going to teach meeverything which happened and in
it happening that way, you know, you have your broker split,

you have your team split.
So I learned tons.
I wouldn't do it anydifferently and you pay a lot.
You pay a lot for the learningwhen you choose to do it that
And I know Alex Hermosi says youknow, first you need to learn
and then you need to earn.
So take your hits in thebeginning, you know, don't earn

as much maybe, but get all thatknowledge and that's.
That's kind of that is what Idid with real estate.
I learned quite a bit before Iever started earning the quote,
unquote big bucks that all thesepeople think real estate agents
make out there.
Truth be told, it's not as muchas you think and it's really,

really hard job.
You have to be a therapist, youhave to deal with emotions high
and low.
You have to deal with everysingle type of person out there
on the disc profile.
It's crazy, and yet you reallyneed to have a servant heart to
do it.
So in starting your business, orif you have, I mean think about
it, think about how to get backto my business partner, my past

business partner.
What she said is that you CEOs,for example, they go through
the ranks.
Let's say they start in thewarehouse, in shipping, and
maybe moved to customer service,maybe then outside sales, and
then they get a sales managementjob and then maybe from there

they get, you know, a CEO job.
They move up through the ranksto get to that top spot and in
real estate, and when you'rejust starting your own business,
you are the CEO, you are theCFO.
I mean, you are the marketing,you are the sales team, you are

the owner, you are theeverything.
And we're not all wired thatway and we're not good at
At least I know I'm not.
So that's where you got tostart thinking about leverage,
and in the beginning of so manypeople's new businesses,

whatever it is, you know fundsare typically tighter, so you
have to wear a lot of hats andyou have to do a lot of other
things, and I encourage you indoing that.
Really take a moment and thinkabout what you can or need to
give away first and leverage out, because it does matter.
And bringing it back to mycoaching business this last year

, when I hired Bob Proctor'sbest student, who is now on his
own to be my coach tens ofthousands of dollars to work
with him Trying to replicate hissystems, you know, in order to
build this amazing businesswhere I can help people and pour
into them and impact and makewaves in this world.

And, the truth be told, it'snot many waves being made.
You know, I'm definitely makingan impact here and there, but
nothing like I intend to.
And the truth is is that thegentleman I hired is on year 18
of doing this of you know, inmany of those years he was right

next to Bob Proctor and then hewas his best student and then
he was his business partner.
So, first and foremost, don'tcompare yourself to anyone else
out there, because we are all indifferent spots and at the same
It's really difficult.
It's really hard to start andrun your own business, whether

it be a coaching business,something in healthcare, you
know, a real estate.
All of this because you have toplay so many different roles
and if you're anything like me,you're not good at many of them.
Like I, just want to show upand coach.
And the woman who I gottogether with for coffee you
know that's what she said she,you know, had run a really

successful real estate team andit's a lot of work and unless
you have a huge amount ofcapital upfront that you can
dump into your business and getthe ads going and pay for all
the marketing and get a salesteam on the phones booking you
sales calls, and you know peoplecalling out.
I mean, you're doing it all andit's not easy and, to be quite

honest, I'm not good at a lot ofit.
I don't understand salesfunnels, I don't understand SEO,
and that's a big part of whyI'm not much further along than
I once was and I'm not gettingthe results that I want to get,
and at this point you know.
Then what do you do?
Do you go out and hire evenmore, even though you poured

into the CRM and you poured into, you know websites and all this
So I want to give anyone thispiece of advice If you're just
starting out, really plan yourbusiness.
Don't necessarily let yourpassions get ahead of yourself

or take you away, because thereis something about being a
business owner and putting onthat CEO hat and really coming
from a strategic standpoint andunderstanding all the different
compartments and departmentsthat go into a business to make

it run and to make it runsuccessfully.
So think about that.
Think about if you are runninga business or if you're in real
estate or if you're anentrepreneur.
Have you had that all laid out?
Do you understand what thatlooks like?
Do you have buckets of whereyou're going to put what

And plan and think what you'regoing to do and what the next
move is.
Where is the most impact goingto hit right away?
Instead of just putting systemsin place because that's what you
think you have to do, much likeI did, like I encourage you to
really think where is going tobe the biggest bang for your

Where should you be puttingwhat money you do have to put
into your business?
Where should that go?
That's going to get you themost clients upfront, and it
wasn't until I started talkingwith a business coach and really
dissecting this that I wish Iwould have hired one in the

I wish I would have reallyunderstood what this looked like
and had some better direction,and that's what I do for people
that are stuck and that they'reblocked and that they're getting
in their own way.
So I'm shifting a little bit.

I'm learning.
I'm failing every day, becausethat's what my coach tells me to
do, and that's what he does islook for a way to fail every day
, and it could be a big one.
It could be a very small one,but if you're not getting
comfortable, being uncomfortableand getting the feedback and

then going at it again, thenyou're most likely not moving
very far at all, because it's inthe uncomfortableness that the
growth happens.
And another thing I wannaencourage you to do is find
Find someone who believes inyou more than you believe in
And if that's not a partner, aspouse, a parent, a friend, that

truly and genuinely believes inyou and sees what you can't see
in you right now, find thatperson.
Even if you have to hire them,I would hire them.
I mean, I know I just talked toone of the women that I coached
last year and she, in eightmonths, has created something

she just didn't even think wasan arms reach.
And I always sought for her.
I always held that space andthat energy for her to come into
And that's what you wanna do.
That's what you wanna do withyour business or with your
dreams or with what it is thatyou intend to do.
You should be thinking bigenough where you don't know the

So who can you partner withthat can truly hold the space
and see you in the glory alreadyand in the goal achieved.
It's so, so, very important.
And because you're not gonnahave the belief, you're more
than likely you're gonna have,like I said, connect to your

goal and feel it and you will goup and down and get into the
right vibration and on the rightfrequency to feel your goal as
if it's here and done.
But there's gonna be periodswhere you don't have the belief
or you need to be talked off theledge or you need someone to
come in and remind you of whyyou're doing this, and remind
you and fill in blanks and giveyou a piece of advice or give

you a different perspective ofhow to think of something and a
way to go about something.
And that's what's been done forme.
So I just appreciated it somuch.
And you know I'm not.
I'm not without my faults andmy failures and my feedback.
And I think it's so importantthat we not only express and

celebrate the wins but we talkabout where it didn't go right
and where I wish I would have,or if I could do over Not
sitting there, not sitting inthat low energy or anything like
that, and taking the feedbackso that you can move forward and
make different decisions andmake better decisions.

So I encourage you, if you arestuck or if you are just don't
have that person that will holdthe space, you know, reach out,
if not to me, to someone,because we all need someone to
help us along this journey.
And if you don't have a coachor a great mentor, you know,
let's talk, let's see whereyou're at and if I'm the right

person to help you because thisis what I do, this is all I want
to do.
I pour into it so much and I amso appreciative of the clients
that hire me, because it trulyis an honor and I'm so grateful
to go along the journey of thesewomen and watch them go from

where they are to where theywant to be and come from their
goal in the aha moments and thewins and just hearing them say
that my voice is always in theirhead, or this word or that
thing, and just the awarenessthat's been created, because we
all need awareness and we allneed to know that we won't get
to our goals from who we aretoday and it's in the becoming

of who you become once you getyour goal.
The goal is just a side effect.
The gift and the real reward isin the growth and who you
became and what part of you andwhat version of you you left
Because the self image is sovery important, because you
won't ever outperform your selfimage and what you think and you

feel on the inside.
Your results today are a directreflection of your past
thinking and your past selfimage and what you think you
deserve or don't deserve.
So go out there.
Go out there and fail forward.
Get the feedback and share itand learn from it and let's just

do this together.
Let's be stronger together andlet's get from where we are to
where we want to be together,because you're worth it, I'm
worth it and we've got this.
Thank you.
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