Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:10):
Hi, this is Chanel.
Hi, this is Stacey.
Hey, nerds, this is Ashley andthis is Fanfic.
Fanatics, we're recording here,we are Happy.
Well, when this episode comesout, it obviously won't be.
But happy New Years Eve, guys.
Yeah, what do you want to endthe year with anyone else,
So welcome back to our threepart conclusion of Me and a Gold
by someone new.
Yeah, we hope you guys enjoyedthe fucking Roller Coast.
That was part two, ending theyear, but Ella was great.
Speaker 2 (01:06):
Speaker 1 (01:06):
I loved having her on
Ending the year depressed.
Yeah, I like that.
Speaker 2 (01:10):
Yeah, and a real low
I mean it's a good fake.
But 2023.
Speaker 1 (01:16):
It is a great fake.
I guess I didn't realize, like,how unlifting it might be to
end on it, but what did we endlast year with?
Speaker 2 (01:25):
It was the auction,
it was.
Speaker 1 (01:28):
Wow, so we picked
dark A.
You fix Germany.
I mean, personally, I wouldn'twant to end the year on anyone
else other than Germany, butthat's just.
I love the auction, me.
I love loves pick up.
Speaker 2 (01:40):
Yeah, but why do we
pick such dark stuff?
Speaker 1 (01:44):
Yeah, you know what
would have been a good one to
end on?
Would have been like Dracomouth or Draco, mouth or an
Yeah, being in love it's sofluffy, that's a fluffy one.
That's why I think that youguys would like a door love,
another historical accidents,because it's pride and prejudice
and has a lot of the greatbeing like similar, being sure
that you would see from more tofind ordeal.
Yeah, yeah, it's great.
Yeah, so it's new with you guys.
Anything new you want to hitbefore we dive into this part,
feeling you're, feeling happyand, in the year, feeling on a
low note where we at in themiddle, well, we can announce
our next thick for, oh yeah,this next month.
Speaker 2 (02:23):
I'm super excited.
Hit it, chanel, it's my.
It's not even a thick, it's abook.
We're doing a book of the month.
It's you again, by KateGoldbeck, which I've already
read and it was like one of mytop reads for for this year,
this past year, and so I lovedit so much.
I was like, guys, we got to doit for our, for our book of the
So, yeah, if you guys haven'tread it, you guys can now read
it with us.
Follow along.
If you have read it, read itagain with us because it's so
I thought it was just a reallygreat.
It's like got fall vibes whichobviously we've just come out of
, but it also is like when Harrymet Sally, kind of New Year's
Eve which we're doing right nowkind of vibes.
you know it's here when Harrymet Sally's a great New Year's
Eve movie, so maybe I'll watchthat.
Speaker 1 (03:09):
I haven't seen it.
I hadn't seen it ever.
Speaker 2 (03:12):
I had to know.
Speaker 1 (03:13):
I watched it for the
first time like six months ago
because you got mad at mebecause I hadn't seen it.
I like, so I'm playing thisagain.
I cried watching it.
Yeah, it's very, you would loveit even because I love
sleepless in Seattle.
Remember you freaked outbecause I hadn't seen it.
Speaker 2 (03:28):
Oh my God.
And it's like my favorite movie.
Speaker 1 (03:32):
It's like rom-com of
all time.
Speaker 2 (03:33):
I think I've not seen
Oh my God.
Sleepless in Seattle.
It's sleepless in Seattle isnumber one.
But when Harry met, Sally is aclose number two.
Speaker 1 (03:42):
I just love Sally in
that movie.
Speaker 2 (03:44):
She's like especially
for the time that movie came
out she's like, like it's aprogressive woman Very much
she's like no hold for the 80sand then also I mean you got our
girl Freaky Sorry, I'm joking,you got our girl.
I'm like, yeah, I'm her new.
Carrie Fisher is like her bestfriend in when Harry met.
I can't believe you.
Speaker 1 (04:09):
Oh, and the wagon
wheel table.
Speaker 2 (04:10):
That's the best part,
she's like everyone thinks they
have taste, but not everyonecan have good taste.
And anyway, their best friendsis not even a spoiler, because
it's been out for forever theirbest friends, harry and Sally,
like their best friends.
They try to.
They like go on a double date,harry, sally, and then they're
two best friends.
And their best friends end uphooking up, which is Carrie
Fisher and this other guy, eventhough they were supposed to be
together together, and they likecross and end up and and so
Carrie Fisher, and now her, likeher husband, the guy in the
movie, he has this like terriblewagon wheel coffee table and
she's like we're getting rid ofit and he's like, no, this is a
classic, it's so great, it'shideous.
He's like he's like I haveimpeccable taste.
She's like, no, everyone thinksthey have good taste, but not
everyone can have good taste.
Like I know some people canhave good taste.
Speaker 1 (05:04):
I know two people who
have really good taste.
Only two to Bob and Chanel.
It's the only about me.
What about that ghost Bre Itried to wear?
The guys would let me wear.
It's the.
It's like this coffee table.
You're talking about Stacy.
She thinks she has good taste.
I wish everybody could see ourstudio slash Chanel's house.
It's just like it's just goodtaste.
The vibe is immaculate.
Speaker 2 (05:29):
I'm telling you it's
because Bob helped me pick out
half this stuff, or if he wasn'there actively like this coffee
for this dining table, buying itwith me, I like sent him a
picture and I'm like should Ibuy this?
Like I'm literally texting himright now and I'm like I hate my
What I need new, like knivesfor spoons.
I'm like where should I buy him?
And he's like telling me thebest places.
I always run everything by him.
Speaker 1 (05:52):
I'm gonna start
running everything by Chanel
that I buy.
She'll just run by Bob.
It's a couple checks, a couplechecks.
Speaker 2 (06:00):
You need a good gay
man in your life to aim in to
her fashion and decor andeverything, because.
Speaker 1 (06:08):
I remember the first
time you took me to one of the
Christmas parties at Bob's oldhouse and I remember walking in
and I was like, oh, this is goodtaste.
I had never actually, you knowlike seen it before.
It's like, oh, this is whattastes looks like.
Speaker 2 (06:24):
I was confused on
what it actually was Like very
good art and like expensivefurniture.
Not even expensive, it's justlike good quality furniture.
Well found, not matchy Like nicepieces I know, because even my
mom I try to tell her about thisLike she's into matchy, matchy.
Like my parents bought a house.
It's been like three years now,four years now, and like my
mom's like very into, likecontemporary, kind of like not
industrial, but like more modern, and like everything had to be
like her favorite colors blueand so every I don't know if
you've I don't think you guyssee my parents.
I don't even think I sent you apicture of her living room.
My mom's living room is my momand dad's living room is nice
and beautiful and very likemodern and stuff, but like
everything was like grays andblue and beige and but it all
matched and like.
And so my aunt, her sister, isan interior designer and one day
she came in and she was like,okay, that's my mom, she's like
no, this is like, it's just notoo much.
She like took my mom shoppingand like got a whole bunch of.
The biggest thing was because,like her, her couch and like her
furniture was fine, yeah, butit was like she had like 20
vases, blue vases, like she'slike okay, no, we have to like
just get some nice like, yeah,just like side pieces like pop
of color, different colors Justand just add some like greenery
and just like very much make itmore homely and stuff.
And when she came in and addedthese extra like final details,
it was so much better because itwas just like straight blue and
then cream.
Speaker 1 (08:13):
You like what you
like, okay.
Speaker 2 (08:15):
It was so funny.
Even I like I couldn't sayanything, I was just like okay.
Speaker 1 (08:22):
So yeah.
Speaker 2 (08:22):
I don't know how we
got on this tangent.
Speaker 1 (08:24):
Oh yeah, Harry Metts
Alley, you again you again.
Speaker 2 (08:28):
I'm going to watch it
Speaker 1 (08:29):
I think, yeah, watch
it tonight.
Oh, my God you got.
Because I'm so excited.
We're just hanging out, we'reordering a pizza tonight and
we're watching a movie.
Speaker 2 (08:36):
That sounds amazing.
The other thing is because ofthis book and also when Harry
met Sally, because we, you know,we went to New York, we had to
talk about you.
Speaker 1 (08:46):
I'm sorry that we
bring it up all the time, but
I'm not joking.
That's probably my favoritetrip I've ever been on.
If I had to like I'm reallysorry, I don't know how we had
the best we lived in a room thesize of a bathroom and we still
had a great time.
Speaker 2 (09:01):
I don't even know how
to describe it, and I ended
every night in my bunk bed withmy headphones on watching
RuPaul's Drag Race.
It was just perfect, it was okay, and actually that's when I
started reading Manical, becauseit was like this time last year
But before Ashley came out, Iwent to Kat's Delicatessen Deli.
It's like the famous Deli andthat's from the movie where
she's, like you know, faking anorgasm and it's such a great
Deli I'll have what she's having.
Yeah, and they referencethere's so many references to
when Harry met Sally, so youneed to watch the movie, so that
by the time, Does it take placein New York City?
Speaker 1 (09:40):
The book, the movie
when Harry met Sally.
Speaker 2 (09:44):
Speaker 1 (09:44):
Yeah, I love movies
with New York City as the
Speaker 2 (09:47):
Yeah, they start in
Chicago on a and then they road
trip to New York City Likethat's literally the first time.
Speaker 1 (09:53):
I've seen bits and
pieces of it, but I haven't like
sat down and watch it foranything tonight.
And come over and watch with me.
We'll get a pizza.
Speaker 2 (09:59):
Oh, that's so good,
because literally I was like oh
pizza sounds really good tonight.
Speaker 1 (10:03):
Come on over.
Maybe, I will, maybe I will.
Speaker 2 (10:06):
The dogs will love it
, stacey, oh man.
Speaker 1 (10:08):
Obviously Day 30 with
Speaker 2 (10:09):
I mean you're, you're
invited to stop it, stacey, I
love your eye.
Speaker 1 (10:14):
She hates that I have
been stuck in the back.
Did you tell Stacey where youmade a reservation for?
Were we gonna or were notsupposed to tell her?
We're having dinner at theSavoy in.
Speaker 2 (10:24):
Don't hit the mic, dude.
That was a Toby move.
That was a Toby move.
You look like Toby.
Right now it's Gordon Ramsay'srestaurant and I don't care
whose restaurant it is.
I'm so excited and it's.
We get to walk through thelobby to get to the restaurant.
Speaker 1 (10:41):
I'm not joking.
Are you gonna wear an Oxfordsweatshirt?
What does an Oxford like?
Speaker 2 (10:45):
a crew neck this just
says Oxford, yeah, okay, that's
what he wears.
That's what he wears.
Speaker 1 (10:49):
That's what in the
chapter it's a big deal is he
Speaker 2 (10:52):
mobile clothing.
We can, we literally cannotwear a sweatshirt.
It's a.
It's a Michelin star restaurant.
Okay Well.
Speaker 1 (10:59):
Jerkham out boy wore
a crew neck and I know what's
anything to say we can look.
So I was like we cannot wearthis is random Cause I was gonna
What about my ghost beret?
So listen, listen.
I started a bucket list becauseI don't have one.
This is like part of likesomething I wanted to do for
next year.
I'm like I need to start.
It's just to note my phone.
I'm like I need to start abucket list of when things come
to me, so like I feel I feelit's ridiculous that I don't
She wants to have taste.
I'm going to put it on herehave Bob's taste.
But I only have two thingsYou're either bored with it or
you have it.
Speaker 2 (11:32):
I don't got it.
Speaker 1 (11:33):
Okay, I think that's
kind of true.
I mean, I don't have a tasteeither, so I say that with the
nicest you need to find people,chanel, who have taste and
they'll help you.
Speaker 2 (11:41):
No, that's actually
Speaker 1 (11:43):
Yeah, you get friends
, I have two.
I only have two things on rightnow the very first one is
I'm starting my bucket list,yeah, so I'm just sorry.
It's part of like what I wantto do for next year and I only
have two on it so far.
The first one is eat at aMichelin star restaurant.
That's the first thing on mybucket list.
I didn't know that was aMichelin star restaurant.
The second one is to learnFrench, and I decided after.
Speaker 2 (12:04):
I was listening to
remain nameless.
Speaker 1 (12:06):
I heard Trish speak
I'm like huh, if I only happen.
Speaker 2 (12:09):
I gotta learn how to
speak French.
Speaker 1 (12:11):
Okay, good luck, but
those, that's all I have.
But that's so fun.
I didn't realize it was aMichelin star restaurant.
Speaker 2 (12:16):
No, we can't wear a
crew neck, and yeah, you can't
wear a crew neck in there, I waslike have okay, have you
actually looked at the menu?
Because then I was kind ofworried because, okay, this girl
only eats burgers atrestaurants.
Speaker 1 (12:26):
I'm telling you,
there is something about
Speaker 2 (12:29):
We went to a French
restaurant in New York.
She's like I'll have the cheese.
Speaker 1 (12:33):
Act like that wasn't
the best cheeseburger you've
ever had.
Speaker 2 (12:36):
You loved it that
fancy restaurant.
Speaker 1 (12:38):
We went to buy the
garage that like steak
restaurant before we would seeRenee wrap.
Ashley ordered a cheeseburgerinstead of the steak.
Speaker 2 (12:47):
So I started thinking
to myself there ain't no
cheeseburger on this menu at theSavoy.
Speaker 1 (12:51):
Chanel, you like that
cheeseburger at the French
It was good, but why?
Speaker 2 (12:56):
would you order it?
But I got the duck and I'm likethis is what you need to order.
Speaker 1 (13:02):
She was like a raw
and moved order cheeseburger.
She's gonna learn.
Speaker 2 (13:06):
French and be like
cheese it's like a twilight.
No, Robert Pattinson says toone.
I think another panther whenhe's like cheeseburger.
Speaker 1 (13:17):
I've never seen the
pink panther.
It's really good.
I love the pink panther we usedto watch as a kid.
Speaker 2 (13:26):
That's gonna be you
learning French.
Awesome that you could orderthat.
Speaker 1 (13:30):
We do have to eat at
It doesn't have to be as niceas that, but Jen wants to us
have like one nice dinner outwhen we're together, I mean I
think that Michelin star onemight be just a tad nice.
Speaker 2 (13:43):
But yeah, well,
that's what I was saying.
It's like we can do that nicerestaurant in the rest we can do
like Thai.
Speaker 1 (13:48):
Chanel's got to have,
like our time, our fancy date
Speaker 2 (13:54):
Yeah, so you can tell
, tell Jen, it's a Michelin star
and that should appease her.
Speaker 1 (14:00):
Oh, you're talking
about Jen Harden I think Jen was
like go to one nice restaurant.
I can see her saying treatyourself.
No, jen Harden wants us to goto, like I'm sure we will, a
couple times but I think shewants to dress up a little bit.
Yeah, yeah, I was thinking thisis random, but I'm like looking
at Pinterest.
I'm trying to figure out whatto pack because I'm wanting to
not pack heavy but not underpackor anything, and we're going to
Europe when it's chilly.
Speaker 2 (14:30):
I think I have a.
Speaker 1 (14:31):
I bought a pair of
fleece line leggings.
I think I want to buy anotherpair that's like more skin color
because I have their black, andthen I think I'm going to do
skirts and like tights orsomething, Because I think it
looks really cute and it'spretty warm.
I wore it last night.
We went out to dinner a sweaterskirt and the fleece line
tights and they were.
They're not as bulky as likejeans looks like she's like.
I don't fucking care, I'm sorry, I'm just letting you know.
That's what's going on in myhead.
All right, let's get back ontrack.
Stacey's eyes again are going toroll back at her head.
I just have nothing tocontribute to any of this
Speaker 2 (15:05):
I'm sorry.
All right, stacey, we can jumpright in, okay.
Speaker 1 (15:10):
Yeah, okay.
So we ended part two withHermione basically having a
bunch of small seizures and shehas a big seizure and we see
like these little glimpses ofmemories and so then we or sorry
that, yeah, yeah, yeah, so thatwas part two is like all of her
So like chronologically itwould have been like the
beginning of everythinghappening and then she starts
remembering Draco and the warand everything.
And it was kind of cool to readit that way too, because then
when part two ends, it'sbasically tells us, you know
everything that she did that tothe reason why she ended up in
prison under Hogwarts, and sofor the first part, I have that
it's kind of like obviously,this overall panic when she
comes to because not only sheremembering we get the memories
in order, but she mentions thatlike they're not in the correct
So, yeah, so it's like chaos.
It's chaos in her mind yeah,yeah, that's scary and so she
can't like some of them are outof order and she's confused
because now she wants to, sheknows she loves Draco and she
wants to trust him.
But then all the memories oflike her being in the servitude
and then like the beginning,middle and like they're goodbye
before part two, and it is likeall in her mix.
Speaker 2 (16:39):
Yeah, it's obviously
that's so confusing as well,
because you're like I know whatI just went through and he like
he rapes me.
Now I'm pregnant by him.
But wait, I have these memoriesand emotions coming back where
I loved him and I cared abouthim and we had this connection
and that's so confusing, right,like I can't, I can't even
Plus, I'm also just kind ofreliving the deaths of everyone,
right, yeah, harry and Ron andremiss and Moody and Kingsley,
like that's I hate, it's sotraumatizing, I can't.
I mean this whole book is so.
Speaker 1 (17:17):
it's like the trauma
of it happening to her initially
, the trauma of not rememberingthat it happened but knowing
they're dead, and then thetrauma of really living it.
You know what I mean?
It's crazy, but the main thingwe learn is she's really upset
because she thinks that Jenny isdead.
Well, I mean, we think Jenny'sdead.
Speaker 2 (17:36):
Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 1 (17:37):
And that's like one
of the first things that he says
to her and I think that's inthe hopes of like to calm her
down a little bit.
He's really afraid she's gonnahave more seizures.
Yeah, he's like Jenny's alive.
So the first main quote that Iliked from this part, pardon me.
He says because basically sheis just like completely
overwhelmed, like she doesn'tbelieve that Jenny's alive at
first, when he tells her likeshe thinks this is some kind of
ploy or something like keep hercalm.
And he's like no, she's aliveand she had her.
Son is James.
And so the quote is he's a yearand a half now.
You're going to meet him soon.
They're waiting for you.
You promise, potter, you takecare of them who have to hold on
and get better, so you can go.
And it's just really sadbecause you can already tell
that he's like you need becauseshe is definitely motivated by
saving people.
So he is like you don't careabout yourself right now.
If I give you this like goalthat you're going to see them
again, he's hoping it'll helpmake her want to get better.
Speaker 2 (18:42):
But I think it also
shows that, like it really is
real that he knew her in thepast, like, like you said,
because he knows that she'smotivated, he knows that she
made this promise to Harry, like, so, hopefully, like she can
see that, like, hey, I'm tellingyou this thing and it's the
truth and, like you know,believe me, because I'm giving
you this information to showthat I'm trustworthy, even, like
, even though my actions haven'tbeen trustworthy.
Yeah, I don't know.
Speaker 1 (19:16):
No, I agree.
So it's just and this is again.
It's kind of like the firstpart.
It's just like a really sadpart that's happening.
She's really ill from beingpregnant.
She can't eat or drink anything.
Really she's since most of thetime in and out of sleep and
taking potions.
But it is sweet that they sayhow attentive Draco is and like
he's always like brushing herhair, trying to hold her, but
slowly she is trying to getstronger, like that's.
The first part of this is shewants to be better so she
physically can't even get out ofbed in the beginning it's so
bad from the seizures andeverything.
So I'm like winded, this babyis just popped up.
I was like you kind of soundlike you did when you were
pregnant with Toby and we weretrying to record.
Speaker 2 (20:04):
I'm like winded guys,
but I'm hanging in there, I'm
not even moving.
This baby just all of a suddenin appearance.
Speaker 1 (20:10):
So then I have in the
notes the another quote and it
says if they had time she couldpick up the pieces.
She could find him under themask of high reef.
Perhaps slowly she could find away to become Hermione once
more for him.
She would try to find thatperson again, which I think is
so sad, because on top of herknowing that she's just
obviously not the same personand how could you be after
everything that's happened shecan tell like Draco won't stand
close to her.
He keeps up a lot of distance.
The only time he's liketouching her physically is when
she's almost unconscious andlike trying to care for her.
Speaker 2 (20:43):
Also like he doesn't
really talk about the pregnancy
Like he won't talk about thebaby.
He won't say anything about it,anything about it.
Yeah, yeah, very, very cold,which doesn't help when you're
like in this terrible position.
Speaker 1 (20:58):
Yeah, and she knows
that they're on like running out
of time with what's going tohappen and that they just don't
have a lot of time to get backto the place where they were
Everything happened when sheblew up, sussex, so see, and
then she starts getting herstrength back like she walks the
library with him, and then Ijust put like, the main part in
the beginning is they trulydon't know how to act around
each other because and it's veryapparent she wants to like just
forgive him and get back to theplace they were before and he
has a lot of self-hatred.
Speaker 2 (21:38):
Well, and also she's
like a different person, like
the library scene I don't knowif you're going to go into it,
but like he's like well, shelikes books and you know she
would like the library,obviously and but like now she
has this agoraphobia so she'sscared of like big places and
the library is like huge, and soshe goes there and just like
instantly has like a panicattack and so she's different,
not just because of the war, butlike because of this traumatic
event of being a prisoner andbeing like held captive, and so
he's he also, like he said, justdoesn't know how to treat her
and she doesn't know how totreat him because she's like, is
he the Draco from now or fromthe past?
And it's yeah, and again, Idon't know if you're gonna get
into it also but she like hit it.
They try to like have sex, orshe tries to initiate like
intimacy and and she ends uplike clamming up and yeah, is
she's like, just do it and like,and he's like no, like
obviously you're you, you aren'tokay, like right.
He's like I'm not gonna, youknow, do this to you again.
And you know, even thoughyou're like, consenting now like
this, you something's wrong,like with you and it needs to be
Speaker 1 (22:59):
You need to be fully
okay and fully like, yeah,
mentally okay, with this hand,yeah which I think it
traumatizes him too, because hedoesn't be remind like she's
just trying to push throughsomething right.
Speaker 2 (23:11):
I mean it was
traumatic for him too, like it
wasn't something that he rightyeah yeah, cuz he's like,
literally the last time we hadsex I raped you and then I got
you pregnant.
So he like, like you said, it'slike he doesn't feel good about
He was forced to do that.
Essentially, she obviously wasforced to do that.
So it's like they're they'rethey're trying to get back to to
where they were, yeah, duringthe war.
It's just, it's just a terrible.
Speaker 1 (23:35):
It's a terrible but
like one there's like little
sprinkled cute moments, so likethey're.
He's leaving to go do something.
He's leaving her room and shesays be careful, draco, don't
He froze there.
They both pause.
Speaker 2 (23:47):
There was a pause and
they both stood looking at each
other, in the corner of hismouth, quirked up with the ghost
of a smile right yeah, yeah,but like it still is, like it's
like he acknowledges it, butthen it's it's not like a
hundred percent, where he's justlike yeah, that used to be us,
yeah, that, but like mm-hmm,again, we're not, we're not us
um it's sad, it's really it isreally sad and so him going to
the library, him, them trying to, you can notice he's trying to
keep his distance and she'strying to get closer.
Speaker 1 (24:19):
And then the truth
comes out that he's playing on
getting her out with Severus,and she figures out again he's
not coming with her.
I know, I know, and it's justlike a really sad moment.
Obviously it's very closeparallel to like the second.
Speaker 2 (24:34):
I know.
Speaker 1 (24:35):
Also, draco, are you
Obviously he thinks that he candistract her for these like few
weeks that, and keep a spaceand he even tells her he was
hoping she wouldn't remember,because he just wants to get her
out and like he's just, yeah,she, she figures out like his
plan because she's so clever.
His plan is Voldemort's dyingeventually.
People from like United Statesand stuff, the confederate
they're going to come in andtake over like nothing's working
He's lost control of, like youknow, all these places, all the
other like European, yeah,countries, and it's pretty much
his strongholds, just Britain.
And so Draco is like I'm thelast piece, like as soon as I go
down, like they're going toswoop in.
I'm on to the high Reva's theonly fear keeping him in power
right now, and Hermione begs himto just like let her try to
save him and the time she has,and he says yes, but it's
totally just to a piece so youcan tell so.
Speaker 2 (25:34):
And then the other
thing that this I believe this
happened actually in the firstpart he, like you said, the high
Reva's the last, like becauseVoldemort's going down and he's
not as strong.
Draco is the high Reva, he backin, like I said, I think the
first part had the whole timehe'd been like anonymous, just
you know, killing for Voldemort,working for Voldemort.
But he had what Hermione hadread in the newspaper was his
name had come out in the papers.
He'd given up his identity,yeah, and she was like oh wow,
like everyone knows, I'm hisconcubine, blah, blah, blah.
And so she put it together.
Now that she's finding out hisplan, she's like oh you, you're
planning to turn yourself in,you're not coming with me.
That was the reason that youare giving up your identity to
everyone, because there's noreason to be anonymous anymore,
because you're turning yourselfin, you're gonna die, whatever.
Yeah, this is super upset bythis plan of him not trying to
go into the off, into the sunsetwith her that's what she wants.
Speaker 1 (26:47):
She want, they want
to save each other.
And this was a really sad parttoo.
When all this is happening,like these truths are coming out
, she's figuring out he's gonnatry to be a martyr again and
like save her.
She goes I did all this to tryto save you.
And he says back you didn'tsave me.
He said when he finally seemedcapable of speaking at all.
You just put us in hell for twoyears, oh god.
I know that was terrible, likefreaking knife in the gut but it
was like nice if, because he'sso stoic and a lot of this,
there isn't a lot of likedeclaration of how he's feeling
mostly he's drunk or like andthen it comes out that he's
It takes a lot, you know what Imean and this part, he's like
He you know there's a lot ofemotion there and he pretty much
tells her, like was this yourplan when you saved me?
Like you got to be in a jailcell for almost two, two years.
I searched everywhere for you,couldn't find you.
I had to kill all these peoplelooking for you.
Him and Snape yeah, him andSnape did all this stuff.
I mean he talks about how, likehe put like genetic tracers
found her parents they were fine, like cousins, all this stuff.
And he goes and then I finallyget you, I finally be back.
You don't remember anything andthen I have to spend like six
months assaulting you and you'restuck in a house with my wife
like almost killing you.
My wife tries to take your eyeout wanting you, tries to rape
you, and it's just like yeah, ohyeah, he went off.
He went off.
It was he did he was.
Yeah, I also like I thought itwas so sad that she was always
so close to that she was thewhole time under his nose, like
right there.
Well, he mentions that he was inthe cells at Hogwarts.
He looked, but Umbridge had itconcealed and she wasn't
registered there.
But and and it's not mentioned,it's not like highlighted as
like a big part.
But he says in that bigmonologue to her he was like I
was in Hogwarts, I went throughevery gel cell, like when it
first happened, and she wasn'tthere.
I mean, she was there, but shewasn't there.
You know damn, I didn't evenknow that, I didn't even know
that's oh, he was just like lethim be, just let him he's tired,
and that's what he tells her.
He's like I'm tired.
Speaker 2 (28:51):
I'm like I'm tired
reading yeah yeah, when he said,
when he said that I was like metoo, bro, I was.
I think I was crying at thatpoint.
Speaker 1 (29:00):
Um, yeah, and you're
right, yeah and then it also
comes out during that monologuethat he pretty much tells her in
his head he expects, when sheescapes with Snape, that she's
gonna like end the pregnancy andmove on and like forget about
Speaker 2 (29:16):
It's really sad no,
no, no wait wait, wait, say that
Speaker 1 (29:19):
Say it again.
When he's doing that monologueof stuff, he pretty much tells
When she escapes, he expectsher to relate the pregnancy.
Speaker 2 (29:25):
Yeah, yeah he expects
her, but she's like I'm not
doing that she's like are youinsane?
Speaker 1 (29:28):
this is our child.
Speaker 2 (29:29):
Yes, yes, yes okay.
Speaker 1 (29:31):
And then she tells
him I would tell our child
everything about you yeah, andall these great things.
They would know you and yeahyeah, and he keeps trying to
like step away from her, but thegreat moment is like she
finally kisses him and likepretty much that terror which is
very reminiscent of the firstpart, where it just took like
this big um, upfront, likephysical reaction from her like
the kids or like when she sleptwith him in the first part, and
then he's all in again.
Speaker 2 (29:58):
It's like all over
again, you know and he in some
big confession from him or someemotional breakdown from him.
Speaker 1 (30:07):
But yeah, yeah, and I
know I can't, yeah and then
this might be like my favoritequote from the whole series, but
when this happens, he says I'msorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry,
I'm sorry for everything I didto you.
He said his voice hoarse andbroken I love you.
You left and I never told youbecause he thought when she,
when he loved to get Ginny, thathe would come back and see her.
Speaker 2 (30:31):
Yeah, he just had to
say goodbye yeah, and that just
took off.
I blew up a prison, I know.
So then this is when herresearch starts and she's like
super intense.
She's still bedridden, but shegets the books from the library
and I'm like good for you, girlyeah, and I like it.
Speaker 1 (30:54):
I mean, I like the
sense that she has like a
purpose again, even though Dracodoesn't think anything's gonna
come of it.
Yeah, yeah, but Stroud alsovisits again and this is the
part where, like they find outit's a girl, she's like oh, I'm
sorry, it's a girl and you'relike just reinforcing gender
stereotypes honestly, I know I Ilike, liked it because, I don't
know, I felt like if it was aboy it just would have like been
harder, or like I don't know?
Well, did you guys?
Do you remember how theyaddressed the boy thing?
Speaker 2 (31:28):
Yes, yes, I liked
that yeah.
Speaker 1 (31:31):
I liked it too, where
it was like because she sat at
first that it's a boy and he'snot.
I guess there's some kind ofmagic on the bloodline that when
they're you have to be married,though that the first child's
always a male because the mouthboy line needs an heir, but
because they're not married andit's like more not predetermined
Possible yeah.
So, while she thinks he's goingto be disappointed, I think
it's the opposite.
I think he's elated that it's.
Speaker 2 (31:54):
Yeah, because he's
like this is like what would
have happened or could havehappened there, and so I like
that's why I'm saying there'slike more pressure to have a boy
or to be a boy.
Speaker 1 (32:06):
I also think it's
funny through this part and the
second part, when it's mentionedthat Hermione gets so jealous
that he got married to Astoriaand he was like I was forced to.
And she was like yeah, but yourwife like she's hurt that he
I don't know, I just like thatI know, this is what you're.
Speaker 2 (32:21):
This is what you're
mad about, I know.
Oh God, yeah, and okay, thencan we get to.
Is that the next part?
Yeah, is Astoria the next part.
It's close.
Well, what happens?
Speaker 1 (32:33):
right before her.
Is that someone comes back tothe manor, oh?
Speaker 2 (32:38):
okay, oh, that person
and then Astoria comes back and
then Astoria comes back.
Okay, I just was like shit'sabout to hit the fair, which it
Speaker 1 (32:47):
So of course, like
which it does.
So of course, like you do this,like it's not even a law for
like two, like a lull is what Imean, but like you get two
moments, like two paragraphs oflike her just doing research,
him doing the ass to do, andthen it's just like boom,
they're talking and Lucy's justa appears in the manor out of
nowhere and he's like I've beenrecalled by the dark lords to
come here.
Speaker 2 (33:07):
Well, it's because
obviously Draco's like I want to
say they think he's slacking,but he's purposefully evading
and not doing his job.
Because he's because well one.
Speaker 1 (33:19):
He's with Hermione so
much because she's so ill, but
he is also spending so much timeplaying with Severus to get her
out and everything.
So the dark lords sends Luciasaid to find the last order
member, which I just think he'sfucking crazy, Like he's
actually mentally.
He's mentally ill, Like he'sactually mentally ill, Like he's
there for five seconds and he'salready like torturing and
killing like a centaur Frankthey remember and it's just like
traumatizing for everyone.
He assaults Hermione the firsttime he sees her.
It is just all very like.
Speaker 2 (33:59):
I feel like it
actually is, very, like it's
actually true to his character,because I think he's lost his
wife, he's been imprisoned inAzkaban and now he's, you know,
obviously been performing darkmagic.
I just feel like that thatwould mess with your mind, right
, oh, I have to the grief, thehow, like being in prison,
footies, being imprisoned inAzkaban, right, we know it
messed with Bellatrix.
I just think, obviously, thedark magic messing with your
magic in mind it who?
Speaker 1 (34:36):
knows what he would
be like, and I think it's just
it's similar in the sense that,like you think, if Hermione
would die, the drake wouldprobably lose it.
Speaker 2 (34:44):
And so it's the same
like ever since Narcissa died.
Speaker 1 (34:47):
He lost it.
But to circle back to her, Ilike that they bring up that
portrait more that watchesHermione from her room.
It's like a 17 year oldNarcissa, but she never talks to
But when the centaur is gettingtortured, Drago didn't have
time to account for that, sothey can hear everything.
Like he hasn't fixed the wordsto be sound proof or anything.
And so Hermione is very upsetbut I love the scene of the
portrait like comforting her,like they touch hands or you
know, and when she's hearing thescreams because they're both
The portrait's upset because wefind out that she watched
Narcissa be tortured.
She was in the room that shewas tortured.
Speaker 2 (35:22):
So the portrait is
very protective of Drago, but
also knows what happened forreal to her loyalty and her love
is she's set in a 17 year oldmindset of Narcissa, so she
loves Lucius first Yep, and overeverything, over everything,
over Drago, over, obviously,hermione, and so that is
important to keep in mind laterin the story.
Definitely, yeah.
Speaker 1 (35:51):
Yeah, but then after
this Hermione and Drago are
actually able to like bephysical and have sex and then
Hermione in her head says itfeels like he's saying goodbye
again, like this is his way of,and she even mentions like she
doesn't want to think about thelast time that they were
physical in that way to be aforced, like terrible situation.
Speaker 2 (36:10):
She doesn't want that
Speaker 1 (36:13):
But then so Lucius
gets there.
It throws a wrench ineverything.
And then things get even worse,because just right after Lucius
gets there we find out thatSnape gets murdered by hags in
Because they lose control.
Speaker 2 (36:25):
I freaking knew
something was going to happen to
Snape, because the whole timethey just kept saying he's like
Snape's going to help, snape'shelp.
But like we never hear fromSnape.
Speaker 1 (36:33):
Speaker 2 (36:34):
We don't, he doesn't
come, he doesn't, and I'm like
where, where is he?
What's happening?
I just knew.
I just knew something.
Something was up with Snape,something was up and, yeah, they
like revolted.
Speaker 1 (36:47):
Which is good because
they're losing more control,
but at the same time I justremember Drago's so annoyed he's
like you do it.
Speaker 2 (36:53):
He was just like God,
that fucking idiot.
We can't even count on him.
He's stupid.
God himself killed him and Iwas just like dude.
He was like it was just funnyMaybe he was tired, drago, right
, but it was just funny thatlike he's your godfather and
like someone that you couldcount on through this whole war,
and you like have no sympathyfor him, which also just goes to
show his like obsession withHermione, yeah, which has to do
with his runes.
It's just like all consuming,yeah, and like I don't know.
He's like well, I'll have aplan B, like that was just one
of the many plans.
I was just like oh my God,you're ruthless.
Speaker 1 (37:30):
Yeah, this one
constant person, but he's like
pretty much he's so stupid hesurvived.
He survived two Wizarding WarsTo die at the very tail end of
this one by a bunch of fuckinghags Like he is pissed, he is
Speaker 2 (37:43):
He's so mad, he's so
Speaker 1 (37:47):
So I thought that was
really hilarious.
Speaker 2 (37:49):
I thought it was
funny, but again I was just like
, oh my God, rip, yeah, rip myvoice.
Speaker 1 (37:55):
And so all this is
Drago thinks he's being soclever Like.
He thinks he's keeping hisfather distracted.
He thinks he's like keepingHermione distracted with
something that can't be fixed.
He doesn't know that.
I mean, he knows that she's soclever, his wife's on the way.
Yeah, he's figuring all thisstuff.
Well then.
But then you realize that partwas in his head.
So then a story gets recalledbecause there's going to be a
party, and she doesn't thinkit'll look right if there's this
like reunion of it's like thetwo year anniversary of the end
of the war.
Right, yeah, two years.
And so she has to be likeanyone could care less at this
Yeah, she's like the wife of thehigh-rate and Lucia's fucking
hates her.
He just hates her.
He thinks she's useless.
Speaker 2 (38:35):
She didn't produce an
heir, which is just typical of
that character, I think.
Speaker 1 (38:41):
So he knows that
she's barren, so already he's
like your wife is useless.
Speaker 2 (38:44):
She's annoying.
Speaker 1 (38:46):
And they get into
And what happens in the fight?
Ashley, how do they gazebo?
When I read this I was like, ohdamn, like I thought something
was going to happen to Astoria.
I just didn't think it would beLucius that just like kills her
How's the killer, you remember?
He's like cuts her head off,cuts her head off, yeah, in
front of Hermione, in front ofall of them.
I honestly, I had to.
The first time I read it, I hadto go back and read it because
I was like what Wait?
Like it was just like he was,like Jericho doesn't even care,
yeah, Like not even face.
Not even face it was.
Speaker 2 (39:18):
I didn't have to read
that part.
I had to reread the part whereHermione's like that was part of
your plan.
You knew she was coming back,you knew she would be in the
manner with Lucius and youneeded a way to get her out of
the way.
Yeah, like to, because youcan't.
You know you can't divorce inlike wizarding society and he
needed to not be.
In order to quote unquote bewith Hermione.
Speaker 1 (39:43):
Well, and let's face
it, he was going to kill her
anyway, like after she startedto pop her eye out.
Like people have done less toHermione, he's killed him, so
I'm sure he was just done.
Speaker 2 (39:51):
Yeah, so it was a way
to like be with Hermione, get
her out of the way and and Imean he's his father's on the
Speaker 1 (40:01):
I think the main
thing that we can take away from
part three is Draco thinkinghe's being clever, coming up
with all these plans and thennothing going the way he thinks.
So then he, so he and it saidit's like oh, there's a win, a
story is out of the way, eventhough Severus is dead.
You know, a story is out of theway.
Well, he thinks he's beenkeeping Hermione away from
He has like over 80 wards onher door Anytime.
He just thinks he's so cleverlike Lucius has forgot about her
So he is out of the countryagain.
Draco is, and pretty much theyhave this deal that she has to
eat and then she can like readand research.
And so I knew something wasgoing to go on because so okay
this is what I thought was goingto happen.
Speaker 2 (40:41):
I knew Lucius was
going to try to get to?
Yeah, he had to remember whenDraco comes back and he's really
hurt one time and like the doorrattles and Hermione's like
like someone's there, like shehears, and then the door stops
rattling and it's Draco likehalf dead on the other side of
the door and she ends up likehealing him.
And then I think that's whenthey first like had sex again,
like potentially for the firsttime.
I thought it was Lucius on theother side of the door trying to
get it and like he was like uh,polyjuice, is Draco to get to
That's what I thought it was.
That was I was like.
I was like don't open the door,don't trust him.
Like I was like you should havelike checked that it really was
Like I was like this is thetrick, this is, but it was a
totally different trick, goahead.
Speaker 1 (41:29):
You guys know, I was
just gonna say, that was my.
I didn't see it coming, Ididn't see it coming, but I was.
Speaker 2 (41:35):
I thought it was a
different way I was like I was
looking for it, but it wasn'thow I thought it was going to be
, If that makes sense.
Speaker 1 (41:42):
Like he gets her, and
it's so simple it almost makes
you want to laugh.
Like Draco puts all these wordsto keep her calm, to keep people
out, and all he does is put aporcupine spoon like a spoon,
that's a porcupine, and so assoon as she touches it to eat,
she which is terrible she getssucked into that cage.
But Lucius doesn't knowRemember, it's kept from him the
whole time what happened toNarcissa, like he didn't even
know that she was like cruciate,like that, or tortured for all
those months because he was anAscoban and they hid it from him
Speaker 2 (42:10):
But well, I was just
The other thing is she'spregnant, she can't be pork king
Yeah, so she's like one that'salready bad for her baby.
But then I thought the otherstuff he does to her.
But I was just like, instantly,that's not good for the baby.
She's like eight monthspregnant.
Speaker 1 (42:26):
I didn't know what
was going to happen.
This part is really sad becausethey talk about how he's not a
good legitimate.
How do?
Speaker 2 (42:32):
you say it.
Speaker 1 (42:33):
Legilimens, like
drakelois, and so he's just
destroying her mind and it's sofragile.
It makes me so sad, because sheis aware, with it enough to
know that he is just, and he isspecifically just looking for,
like he's trying to find, thelast order member.
Yeah, and I think this wasclever because I didn't know how
it was going to go the firsttime I read it and she was like
I'm just going to tell him thetruth, uh-huh, that she's the
last order member and at firsthe doesn't believe her about,
like Draco and everything, butthen he sees she starts pushing
memories of Narcissa on him yes.
Speaker 2 (43:07):
Because she's like
he's destroying my memories.
And so that kind of Slows himdown.
It slows him down and it itends up in the end it's good
because Saves him.
It's yeah, it stops him andhe's like he's reliving
everything with Narcissa.
Obviously that's his likeAchilles heel, right, yeah, like
her and seeing Because, you'reright, he didn't know she was
tortured he's seeing thememories of Draco telling her
about Narcissa, what happened toher, her torture, being
tortured, her eventually, youknow, going crazy, blah, blah,
blah, and he's like he pulls outof her mind and is like, oh my
God, and then she ends upconfessing that Draco was a spy
the whole time and that flips,he flips out.
But now her brain is just likeCrazy, like crumbling, she's
like going into overload.
She thinks the baby isobviously from this separation,
is, you know, in distress.
Speaker 1 (44:05):
Speaker 2 (44:06):
And Well, and also
She's locked in this room, bythe way.
She's in a cage and she'strying to escape, to get to the
door, and and he like then it'sa physical attack to you, Like
he hurts her, she can't get tothe door.
Oh, because the door is like itburns her hand, it burns your
So she can't get out of thedoor and then Draco finally
shows up.
Speaker 1 (44:27):
After all this, plus
the room we fit I forgot to
mention before this, hermionehas figured out how to take the
dark mark off, but she says sheneeds Phoenix tears and how rare
it is to get them.
Yeah, but once Lucius learnsthe truth because he is still
loyal to the dark board, like hehas no idea that Narcissa was
tortured by him, she thinks thatthat's Drake.
He thinks that that strike wasmotivation is to be the next
Lord Voldemort, like he isunaware.
And so once this happens, Ifeel like there's this huge
shift where he's like well, whatam I even living for at this?
point I basically given my wholelife for this man who killed
the one thing.
Speaker 2 (45:05):
I care about, and
obviously my son is.
He doesn't believe in the causeanymore.
Speaker 1 (45:10):
I mean so the only
what is nice about this part is
then we find out that Lucius hasPhoenix tears.
He's had them for a long time.
It's like passed down throughthe bloodline.
It was like a president fromcenturies ago and he pretty much
offers up a trade.
Speaker 2 (45:30):
Yeah, so now he's
trapped, so Draco gets her out.
Lucius is trapped now in thatcage and With the portrait.
Speaker 1 (45:37):
Draco gives him the
That's one of the deals of thetrade Is that he can talk to the
portrait and hear more aboutthe truth, because the portrait
witnessed everything, and thenthey get the unicorn.
I mean like things literally gofrom like research or research
zero to 60.
Speaker 2 (45:51):
I know so quick in
this part and the other part of
the trade.
They get the tears, he gets 10minutes alone with Hermione and,
yes, the portrait and yeah.
Draco's like fuck.
Speaker 1 (46:02):
No, he doesn't want
to yeah.
I do it, but I think Hermioneknows it's pretty much just
Lucius guaranteeing thatHermione is going to get Draco
Speaker 2 (46:10):
I feel like this is a
lot of parallels to the auction
where Lucius wants to talk toHermione.
Obviously she's doing likeresearch for for something you
know yeah library, but it's whyI like it.
It's, I don't know, lucius andHermione.
They I think they, I don't knowthey're good like rivals, are
good opponents and so like themalways having a good or even in
the right thing to do, you know,like I think that's what it was
where they like had like a sitdown right in the ask a man and
and now that's what the parallelto the manacle I was like.
Oh, it's them sitting downhaving a talk.
This moment yeah like upfrontabout what's going on and having
this like 10 minuteconversation, and she's just
like this is what happened.
We're getting out.
I love him, I want to save him,that's my only goal.
And and he's like, oh, I careabout his nurses.
Speaker 1 (47:08):
But what's nice is
he's like to make this work.
It has to look like to make itwork and after, during those
gone, it has to look likeeveryone's died and Lucius is
like done, I'll make sure I'm 10.
So then this may be thinkingyou guys, because they talk
about how it's pretty much asurgery that she's doing just
with the wand.
Can you imagine the pressure?
She hasn't had magic in years.
Like two years she hasn't hadany magic.
That's why it took a minute.
Speaker 2 (47:30):
Yeah her to kind of
like reorient herself.
Speaker 1 (47:33):
Yeah, so it takes two
wizards to get the manacles off
, like to doing dark magic.
So at first you're like well,how's your equity?
These off of her.
Now that's named instead, Well,Lucius helps him.
So she gets it off, she getsher magic back.
Can you imagine the pressure tobe like?
I know you've been in a healerin two years or even touch magic
You need to do this complexnever been done.
Speaker 2 (47:54):
They have 20 minutes
before the dark Lord realizes
her manacles are off or beforehe realizes his.
Her manacles are off and likeshe has that that time to remove
his dark mark.
Speaker 1 (48:08):
But our girl does it
Of course she does, so she gets
Basically, the less complexversion is the reason the mark
can come off is because if youtry to cut it off, it'll grow
back, or if you cut the arm offyou'll bleed to death.
So basically, with the Phoenixtears, she cuts the arm off and
it stops the bleeding enoughthat he can live, but it's he's
still like close to death, yeah,and he has to stay awake.
You can't stun him to do it.
So the scenes, really quickthey take his arm off and then
they take off on the the is itvessel?
Yeah, to fly to the safe houseand I thought it was like
Speaker 2 (48:46):
I don't think it
Speaker 1 (48:47):
Yeah, I can't think
of what what they're called.
I don't mean to pin your foot.
I do, but I don't fight um, Iforget what they're called, but
they're giant winged horses.
Yeah, take them off.
And as they're flying over themanor, which is perfect full
circle, for Lucius is terriblecharacter is that he starts the?
Um, the fire in the manner thesame way that narcissus died.
Speaker 2 (49:10):
Yeah, and he gets
time with that portrait.
Speaker 1 (49:13):
Yeah, and he just
just ends, and then I thought
this was actually perfect,because it goes from like so
much chaos to pretty much justlike the calm.
They end up in a safe house andthey just sleep for like days,
just some random.
They're still in Europe andthey just have to rest enough.
But it's basically themsleeping and her checking his
arm and they can't, but she,they both really can't believe
that they're like free yet andtogether, and together, and then
finally he shoots, reunitedwith Ginny.
Speaker 2 (49:47):
I know they're like
in this island off of Japan yeah
um and Draco's like set up thishouse essentially, and James is
there and he's like this littletwo-year-old and he's feral.
Speaker 1 (49:59):
It makes me think of
Toby, just like crazy wild and,
um, it's hard.
I really had a hard time withGinny's character in this.
I mean, I understand whereshe's coming from.
She there is no love there forDraco and, as in the beginning
especially we find out, dracowasn't overly kind to her being
there, he didn't care.
But Ginny and her had thisconversation where, like Ginny
says he's been dropping offstuff since the very beginning,
even when he couldn't find her.
Then he found out Ginny findsout that she came back and then
he stopped coming because he wasmonitored more.
But Ginny finds out that likehe had been assaulting her and
she's pregnant, so she slaps himand Hermione's pissed and it's
just like a very tense,complicated situation to walk
into after such a physical likething they had been dealing with
for so long with them.
Speaker 2 (50:53):
I bet it's.
It's hard to me, ginny, likeyeah, I mean, she knows that
he's killed all these people.
She knows like to be on theoutside.
You just don't know what theirrelationship is like.
And now you're like, yeah, it'shard to put that together.
I can't.
Speaker 1 (51:10):
I can't even imagine,
I can't even imagine and I can
see why she wouldn't want thatfor her friend and she tells her
a couple times like she can dobetter, she doesn't have to be
with him, and how intense theirrelationship looks from the
outside, which would make sense.
But I also think it's verysweet that like the first two or
three weeks they're there Ginnysays they hibernated, like they
very rarely leave the room,they just sleep.
Draco sleeps for like four daysstraight or something crazy.
It said yeah, yeah.
And then the main, the mainpart there is then she finally
goes into labor like she has thebaby, and even before she has
the baby Draco seems verydistant.
So she makes Draco promise thathe's gonna love this baby and
care about it, because Dracodoesn't care about anything but
her, which is mostly hispossessive behavior, but also
the ruins, I think.
So she's like no, you like haveto care about this baby.
Speaker 2 (52:06):
I thought that was so
powerful because it shows that
she understands that Draco can'tor shouldn't, or was starting
to become like his dad and andshe's like you can't, you can't
be like.
You really have to make aconscious choice in an effort,
because we're not gonna end uplike your parents, we're not
gonna end up like repeating thispattern and and I really like
the fact that he doesn't yeah hebreaks it.
Yeah, he has such a greatrelationship with his daughter
and then I just I loved it, likebecause he, he could have gone
down that path and I think thatI just that shows growth.
You know what I mean.
Like, yeah, despite, like youknow, ginny being like or
everyone saying you know, likehe's this terrible death eater.
Speaker 1 (52:54):
It's like, you know,
I don't know, there's multiple
sides of everyone, but I lovethat point, because a great
quote when all this is going onis Hermione says she reached out
, took his hand and her 20 intheir fingers.
If I could change the past I'dsave you every time because he
mentioned and it would be easierif he just like wasn't there,
he doesn't.
I get the sense that he doesn'tthink he'll be a good father
because of all the stuff he'sdone.
Oh, they named the baby Aurora,by the way, aurora Rose Malfoy,
and she looks just likeHermione, but she has Draco's
eyes in his mouth, which isbeautiful.
Um, so then they kind of justlike adapt to life on the island
for a few years.
After that, draco reallyconnects with the baby.
Aurora and James are like bestfriends, super close.
Um, ginny makes Ginny and Dracomake up enough into the sense
that Ginny has James calledDraco, uncle Draco, like it's
more civil, they like get alongmore.
But then Ginny finally hits apoint when James is older where
she's like I need to go dosomething.
The international confederationthat's what they're called
finally takes over Britain.
It's been like two years afterthey've had Aurora trials begin,
and then you can see which isso true and powerful like
government mirror of governmentinstead of them being like.
We need a complete overhaul ofthis, like pure blood society
and everything.
The trials are showing thatthey're siding with the pure
bloods, like on these trials forthe pure bloods, and like
what's happening.
They're trying to just blame iton certain followers and
Voldemort and all this stuff.
And so surrogates are going Ihave been going on trial and
those who want to keep theirchildren some are getting taken
away and giving to the relativesof the pure of the guys who
rape them.
Speaker 2 (54:45):
Yes, because it's
their pure blood line.
Yeah, so they're gettingstripped from the mothers.
Yeah, some are getting, someget to keep the babies and some
just don't want.
They don't, they don't wantthem if they're so traumatized.
But it's like.
The point is that it it doesn't, um, it's not up to the mom so
it who actually?
are having these babies and, um,it's like you said, it's just
so traumatizing and terrible andit's just fucked.
But that's that's.
That's society.
Sometimes, well, but it's alsoit.
There is not an overhaul ofsaying, like, voldemort is a
legit bad guy.
This should never happen again.
We, we should fix this.
Everyone should be equal.
It's literally just likesweeping everything that
happened under the rug and weshould just go.
It was a few bad apples beingback to was.
Speaker 1 (55:33):
So I do like Jenny's
character in this and I think it
speaks true of her character.
She's like absolutely not, Ihave to go back.
Her mind he can't ever go backand speak for herself.
She doesn't want to, but I can.
And she wants to kill.
Speaker 2 (55:45):
Voldemort for for
sure, because for sure he's
holed up in um Hogwarts, yeah,and he hasn't.
He hasn't officially died, he'sjust like decaying kind of
they're just letting him.
Speaker 1 (55:55):
They've like put up
like barriers, barriers around.
They're like we'll just let himdie at Pete, like at his own
Speaker 2 (56:00):
Yeah and instead of
like hauling it out as like a,
you know, legit prisoner?
Speaker 1 (56:05):
yeah, and I guess
there's a curse on him that if
he dies the castle will crumblearound him and everyone's just
like it's too much of an effort,we'll just pretend this never
happened and we'll just let himslowly die.
And Jenny's like absoluteabsolutely not so.
She leaves, which I think alsoshows how she's grown to trust
Draco, because she leaves Jameswith them.
She was like I can't take himwith me, um, because no one even
knows she's alive or that shehas a kid, and so they.
So she leaves.
So back to Britain to do thatand it takes a while she had
Bill de bomb hurt.
Speaker 2 (56:38):
Hermione teaches her
mm-hmm Bill de mom and she goes
and blows up the castle andkills him which I love.
Speaker 1 (56:45):
That the art for that
I love they are is great gives
me chills.
I love.
I love stories where Jenny kill, which happens a lot.
I love stories for joining killfor the more.
It just feels like full circlefor it does, because it's like
Harry supposed to, but yeah, hisgirl does so she kills him, she
starts stepping up, she ends uptaking a teaching people joke
as soon as he's dead and all thestuff.
Well then, who?
They want to destroy Hogwartsat Fortford?
She's like, absolutely not,that's where Harry felt at home,
he'd want it saved.
And people joke well, who'sgoing to teach the dark arts?
And she's like I will.
And so when I read that sceneI'm like, oh no, she's going to
Well, now she's going to goback, of course, like she's done
all the stuff she wants to behelpful.
She's not going to stay, shecan go back.
She doesn't want to stay hiddenthis island.
So she comes back when James issix.
So Aurora is like four five yeah, three, maybe three, maybe,
yeah, but, um, she tellsHermione the scene even though I
feel like she has grown tounderstand Draco.
She again one last time saysyou should come with me, you
could tell your story.
I think it would be okay.
Um, you deserve better thanDraco.
Like you don't need to sufferyour life here with him.
You and Aurora can go back andshe's like absolutely not like
which fair, like they have doneenough.
Yeah, which Hermione tells herbefore she leaves to go do that
Like maybe someone else shoulddo something.
Now, you know, yeah, so that'sreally hard.
They they talk about after theyleave because James goes to.
Yeah, aurora and James are soclose.
Um, hermione doesn't go a lotbut it talks briefly about how
Draco takes her to parks andstuff.
But she doesn't play with kidsbecause she knows she can't slip
up and first say that she's awizard.
She can't talk about herparents.
Draco has to glamour himself,obviously because he's infamous.
So it's just like a reallytough time, I think, for their
family and all that going on.
But like they have each otheryeah yeah, and it's not terrible
like Hermione she starts makingan arm for him yes, I love that
yeah yeah, that was so cool andI also think it's interesting.
She makes his arm and how greatit is off technology based off
the manacles so those fullcircle and he doesn't like it at
first but she tells him likeall great, she was all terrible.
Things can be turned prettymuch turned into something good
yeah, which I liked um in bed,so like wand into his arm and he
can, like, use magic, yeah, sooh, I forgot to mention.
This is okay.
I forgot to mention to go backwhen, when Ginny comes back and
she's trying to get Hermione tocome with her, ginny says
something to the fact of likewell, you guys are in love, but
like look, how terrible it'sbeen.
This is really great.
I like we know you're in love,but look at all this terrible
stuff that's come from it prettymuch yeah and your love caused
this war your love did this, um,but then Hermione says she
looked down at her onyx ring onher hand for several seconds
before she spoke.
Love isn't always as pretty oras pure as people like to think.
There's a darkness in itsometimes.
Drake and I go hand in hand.
I made him who he is.
I knew what his runes meantwhen I saved him.
If he's a monster, then I'm hiscreator.
What do you think was thesource of all of his rage?
I will fucking cry again rightnow because it's true.
Like it's true, though.
Like I think no one, not no one.
I think Ginny just thinksHermione's this amazing person
and there's no darkness there.
But truly, all of Draco's ragecame from trying to save her and
, like everything that she did,the fact that she saved everyone
else first before she could tryto save him yeah, also.
Speaker 2 (01:00:28):
yeah, I don't think
we know Hermione's story, but,
like Ginny doesn't knowHermione's story, like the
people that she's killed or orthe terrible thing she's done
before for Draco you know what Imean Like you said, she thinks
she's such an amazing personwhich she is.
Speaker 1 (01:00:46):
She is yeah.
She doesn't have the fullpicture.
Speaker 2 (01:00:49):
Yeah, yeah, you know
Speaker 1 (01:00:51):
I mean and I think
it's just hard for people who
aren't I think Draco andHermione's really should be so
intense in this.
Anyone on the outside wouldhave a hard time understanding
the intensity of of it.
To that extent, I think anhonorable mention for the
intensity is.
Also should be noted that Dracofinally did kill Healer Stroud.
Do you remember?
Speaker 2 (01:01:10):
She was like are you
just gonna go back and kill
He's like no, I just had to dothis one.
Kill everyone who looked at mewrong.
That's what she says, orsomething.
Yeah, he was like you know, shewas terrible, she deserved to
die and she's the last one.
Speaker 1 (01:01:25):
I swear babe.
Yeah, no more, no more.
I forgot about that.
I thought so.
Then they spend really goodyears in the island.
Um, hermione slowly gets overit, like not be being able to be
in open spaces.
Um, aurora goes to school inNew Zealand.
Um, because, because Auroraasked when she's going to school
, can she go to school inBritain?
Hermione tells her you're, alot of bad stuff happened.
There's no way we could visityou in Hogwarts.
Like there is no way, and whenshe's 17, though, she is leaving
for home.
It talks about how they're atum like a train station, and
they hint that she's going toBritain because of James.
Draco is so annoyed.
Speaker 2 (01:02:07):
Well, she has a job
at Green.
She has a job at Green Guts and.
James is a uh, or of course,yeah.
Speaker 1 (01:02:15):
But even so, she has
somebody trying to leave and
Hermione says to Draco well, youknow why, she's really going
there, right, and he doesn't sayanything.
But you can just see, is thislike his look of resignation and
just staying on his face.
Speaker 2 (01:02:28):
I just like it.
I still haven't read that, thefollow-up.
I have another, but I need to.
It's really I'm just likereally great they got together
and yeah, I'm just like I justknow they had like a happy
ending and yeah, they do.
I'm happy for for the two ofthem.
You know they're cute and oh,but you obviously have to tell
what happens, or are reading thebook.
Yeah, so sad.
Speaker 1 (01:02:50):
So then, oh, but
what's really great is so, after
the look of resignation, orwhatever Hermione says to Draco,
the train station, what do wedo now?
Like she's gone?
Speaker 2 (01:02:58):
Speaker 1 (01:02:58):
And he says whatever
you want, for as long as you
want, and it's like yeah notthat they're happy ending isn't
raising a kid together, butthey're, and they're true is
just like they can be togetheralone, and they don't have to do
Speaker 2 (01:03:12):
Speaker 1 (01:03:12):
Which I love, and so
that's pretty much their end.
And then the last epilogue,like the last two pages, I hate
it so much.
I know Aurora goes to Green Godsays where she's going to work
and Jenny's there and Jamesthey're all grown, you can tell
there's connection between Jamesand one is really sad.
They're walking to FlourishingBolts and Hannah Abbott sees
Aurora and she calls herHermione and it really made me
tear up the first time I read it, because Hannah was the first
person in the first part reallythat you see.
And then to end, kind of that,there's a lot of good full
circle moments in this story.
Full circle is that she seesHermione's daughter.
Doesn't know it's her, but theylook exactly the same.
They say that Aurora is like ablack descendant which can
account for, like whatever howshe looks.
So they go to Flourishing Boltsand there's a new book.
An author is written who'srelated to Belinda Belinda was
her but filled the bagshot yeahwho wrote Hogwarts of History
and she wrote a book about thewar and of course I almost said
Aurora gets it and likeimmediately looks up Draco's
part and it talks about how he'slike soul is.
I guess there's the book allabout the high reeves and how
he's just a monster, which isterrible.
And then, very back of the book, there's like one mention of
It's like one paragraph andshe's completely erased from
history and it's basically it'sthe picture from Christmas, from
part two of her Harry and Ron,and it says that she was non
active and that she didn't fightit.
Just it'll break your soulbecause it's so sad.
You know, that's what Hermionewanted, maybe not to be
forgotten, but she just didn'twant to be.
Speaker 2 (01:04:51):
Speaker 1 (01:04:52):
But it's just sad
because Aurora says it's not
fair, she doesn't deserve to benot remembered because she did
Speaker 2 (01:04:59):
She did so much.
It's really sad.
Speaker 1 (01:05:03):
I'll cry if I think
about it too much.
Yeah, so sad.
Speaker 2 (01:05:06):
Yeah, I go between
being sad and being mad, yeah,
but it also is just.
I think it's also reallypoignant because there's so many
groups and so many peoplewithin a whole bunch of
different wars that weren'tremembered or weren't documented
And you guys haven't readYellow Face, but actually in
Yellow Face it's about an authorwriting a book, and the book
she's writing in there is aboutthis Chinese like infiltrate
this, this Chinese militarygroup fighting during like one
of the World Wars.
And you're like I didn't knowthere was Chinese, you know
military groups in the World War.
Like during the World War itwas just like the Allies, it was
just America and Germany andBritain.
And you're like, yeah, no,there was actually Chinese
And so it's so interesting to belike, oh yeah, these people
were not documented, theyweren't written about.
Like it's an even like during.
Like are some of our world orsome of our civil wars like
there's like black, you know,medical group, and I was just
reading a book about AfricanAmerican medicine.
There's like all of thesemedical troops of like black
again, you know armies and stuffthat went out there and none of
them were documented.
Yeah, like it's so insane thatthey just like aren't in the
history books like documentedand I don't know.
It's just.
I think it's very, like I said,reminiscent of things that have
Yeah, like we don't know a lotof what happens in history, like
history books are alwaysaccurate.
Speaker 1 (01:07:02):
And yeah, like what
the history is pretty much shown
from this is that Hermione didnothing, that she was just like
a healer and then she just diedat the manor with Draco and
never did anything.
And you know, I think Jennywanted to change that but
Hermione didn't want her to.
He found out, which is fair,but I don't know if he has ball
of sin lin you on tumblr to knowthere's a few of her stuff like
what happens.
I don't know if you've seen it.
So she says that manacal thistechnically Aurora writing what
Speaker 2 (01:07:33):
Oh, I think you did
Speaker 1 (01:07:34):
So that Hermione and
Draco can have their real story
told, which I think is reallybeautiful.
But she doesn't write it untilthis is really sad.
So you have said, when peopleask her questions, that Hermione
doesn't live a super long timecompared to most wizards, that
she dies when she's like 80, 80something, 80 something, that
her memory is super terrible andthat she passes away and Draco
just stays pretty much alive,long enough to say goodbye to
Aurora and you know.
And then he passes, like theday after, because he can't live
without all cry, because hecan't live without her.
And so then, after they pass,that's when she writes.
She writes manacal to like saidit straight, she waits, sold
her parents pass, which wastheir wishes.
And then there's a short storywhich is like a chapter long and
it follows up with James andAurora and their relationship
and it's and they're togetherand they're together.
Yeah, it's great.
Speaker 2 (01:08:25):
That's what they say.
Speaker 1 (01:08:26):
So, yeah, overall,
what are how you guys feeling
after this journey?
I would say it's a journey.
It's a journey, it's a greatstory, yeah, it's great it is.
Speaker 2 (01:08:37):
It's like so well
written and, like we already
said, thought out and yeah, it'sno wonder people love it.
It's just so sad what do youguys think?
Speaker 1 (01:08:47):
Do you think it's a
happy ending?
A sad ending in between?
Like, what are your?
What people at?
Like, if people, if you someonewould ask this is have a have a
happy ending, what would yousay?
I mean happy in the sense that,like they do end up together
and they can like live out theirlives together.
Speaker 2 (01:09:00):
But I mean I think
it's pretty sad and like I would
say for the most part, I wouldsay happy ish happy ish.
Speaker 1 (01:09:08):
Yeah, I like that
happy ish.
Happier than I thought it wasgoing to be.
Speaker 2 (01:09:12):
Yeah, yeah, I didn't.
I couldn't see a way for themto be together.
Speaker 1 (01:09:17):
I couldn't either.
I really thought Draco wasgoing to die.
Speaker 2 (01:09:20):
Oh, I thought she was
going to die, like I was like
she's not, she's not getting out, he's not getting her out.
I don't even think about whatwas going to happen to him, but
I was like he's not getting herout.
Speaker 1 (01:09:34):
I guess in my head
when I first started to I was
thinking, oh, it seems soimpossible that Draco is going
to get out.
In my head I was like, either,I am glad that they both lived.
I didn't think both of themwere going to live when I first
yeah, like I didn't think it was.
Yeah, I thought one of themwould die.
Speaker 2 (01:09:48):
So I would say happy
Speaker 1 (01:09:49):
like you guys, I
thought for sure, but I like
that they didn't.
I think that this was the bestending could hope for.
Yeah, for the story.
Yeah, I was like she's died atchildbirth or those something.
Speaker 2 (01:10:00):
manacles are not
coming on like something.
Something is going to happen,yeah.
So yeah, we'll take it.
We'll take it.
Do you want to say, like Idon't know, our favorite part
from part three, or I don't know?
Speaker 1 (01:10:15):
I would have to say
personally from this part, one
of my favorite parts it'sthere's so much that happens, so
it's kind of like just thissmall little part, but like we
were just saying how they're atthe train station or or is
leaving to like start her lifein Britain, which she has always
wanted to do since she waslittle.
You can tell to like eitherwith James, and I think that
there's this underlying likethat's where her parents are
from, that's where everythinghappened.
She used to go off and do that.
My favorite part is probablywhen she's flying the nest and
Draco and Hermione are justthere and she's like what do we
do now?
Like I said, and he's likewhatever you want, for as long
as you want.
That's probably my favoritepart, because I feel like that's
their true happiness.
They love their daughter,obviously, but their intensity
is each other.
I was like, that's what theythought that's all they ever
wanted, yeah, and they got it.
Speaker 2 (01:11:01):
So I'm gonna take it.
Speaker 1 (01:11:03):
What's your favorite
part of her or her favorite part
of the story in her head,chopped?
Speaker 2 (01:11:07):
off, I did love that
I'm just kidding.
Speaker 1 (01:11:11):
No, it's not really
my favorite that obviously this
isn't my favorite.
It isn't isn't favorite partbecause the last line that she
was an unactive member of theorder and did that fight.
I just think it's so iconic,though, like yeah, when everyone
knows it, when everyone, when abook has something like that,
that like you feel like you'relike emotional one way or
another about it.
I just think that's like reallyspecial for a book to be able
to be able to do that, and itmakes it really sad and like
anger at the same time.
But I mean it just so iconic.
Well, how many?
I mean, I just love any bookthat can make you feel anything
that intense.
Speaker 2 (01:11:49):
Yeah, it's one
Speaker 1 (01:11:50):
Yeah, I hear it and,
like I, have so many emotions
about it.
Speaker 2 (01:11:53):
So like it's my
favorite part.
Speaker 1 (01:11:54):
I just think it's
really special that, yeah, that
book or that has that kind ofeffect on everybody.
It seems like.
I do also love, though, thatwhen Jenny kills, of all the
Oh, so great artwork that'swith it, like she drags his body
She's like absolutely not, youjust die on your own terms.
Speaker 2 (01:12:12):
That's my, that's
literally my favorite part.
Yeah, I almost cried right nowwhen you're talking about it,
Before, like that's my favoritepart, I didn't cry the whole
entire third part.
I read that, but when, whenthey were talking, I was like,
yeah, like you can't just leavehim, you can't leave him to just
die like that.
Yeah, and the fact that it wasJenny, the fact that she was
willing to risk her life, she'slike she almost died.
Speaker 1 (01:12:40):
they said they all, I
mean almost everyone died who
went in there except for her,and like five people came out.
Speaker 2 (01:12:44):
I was like, yeah, it
was so powerful.
I felt like that was myfavorite part.
Speaker 1 (01:12:50):
Using the story like that'ssuch a great word for it is so
People feel so many emotions.
That's why people love it somuch, good or bad.
Any book that can make you cryor laugh out loud or like fill
this stuff afterwards is prettygreat.
Speaker 2 (01:13:05):
Yeah, yeah special,
Speaker 1 (01:13:07):
So okay, let's do
I want to go first for kudos,so just because I'm sure it's
always be similar, so I feelbetter when I go first.
But it's the end of the year soI think of like all the end of
the year stuff and I just I wantto kudos I mean, my main kudos
are you guys.
I know we say it every time, soI'll just make this part quick,
but you literally made a lot ofthe hard parts of the year
super enjoyable.
Speaking of worth me yeah, worthme, it brings a lot of joy to
me a lot during our times andobviously I'd like to kudos my
son, toby, for being thecraziest part of my life, to
make me really have a crazy good, and basically just everyone
who brings so much joy.
I mean, I thought you go on andon since the end of the year,
but obviously our producer, jen,who's new, just helping us get
better quality.
Overall she's such a goodpresence.
You know, cool for taking ourphotos only for all the people
who've been guests and you all.
Speaker 2 (01:14:13):
You know all.
You're just stealing my kudosright now.
Speaker 1 (01:14:17):
Well, we're gonna do
my name Stacy and I had the best
kudos we're gonna do it, we cando our.
Speaker 2 (01:14:21):
We'll look back.
So don't do it totally now.
I'll just do it again.
It's fine, yeah, yeah.
So I was like don't try tostack it all in my kudos.
Speaker 1 (01:14:28):
Everyone who makes me
happy in my life.
You're like all the podcastpeople all the podcast people I
would mean my less intense photorealize we were to do a wrap up
Speaker 2 (01:14:38):
so sorry, and we'll
do that next week, do it again.
Speaker 1 (01:14:42):
Good, my kudos.
Well, one is you guys, becauseyou're amazing and really, oh,
yeah, well, one one, you guys.
And then just really, I mean,yeah, we'll get into it with our
wrapped episode, but right now,like it's just you guys.
It's been so great and alwayscomes back to us in Twilight,
you guys in Twilight, yeah, yeah, yeah, you guys.
Speaker 2 (01:15:10):
Just make in the year
make my whole freaking year.
Speaker 1 (01:15:14):
I get so excited when
we get to record and spend some
time together and it's a goodway for us to hang out.
Speaker 2 (01:15:20):
I really like it.
Speaker 1 (01:15:22):
So yeah, you guys.
Speaker 2 (01:15:23):
I love you.
Thanks, I have.
I have a couple List them off.
Well, like Stacy said, one isCole, because he just hung out
with us and took our pictures,so tell him thanks.
And they turned out so good.
Yeah, kudos to him, to his myfriend, bob, it was his birthday
yesterday and he also justretired this week, so big kudos
to him.
Speaker 1 (01:15:50):
And that's so
Speaker 2 (01:15:52):
Yeah, big week, big
week, hi Bob.
Speaker 1 (01:15:57):
And Bob is like my
favorite name, by the way.
I don't know why, I just likeit.
Speaker 2 (01:16:03):
And then obviously,
you guys.
I love, I love hanging out withyou guys and yeah, it's been a
great year with this podcast, soI feel like we just get better
every year, but that's mypersonal opinion.
Speaker 1 (01:16:14):
I don't know what the
best thing you better every day
, baby, like a fine wine.
The listeners like they work onthat audio though.
Hey, it's been pretty good thelast couple times.
Speaker 2 (01:16:25):
So yeah, thank you
listeners, thank you guys also.
I mean, we appreciate you guyslistening.
Speaker 1 (01:16:31):
Truly kudos to you
kudos to you and make sure you
read what you like.
It's sticking, it works, itsounds really good Chanel ever
gonna not laugh when you do it.
That's a good ending line youwant to say it one more time
Read what you like.