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January 23, 2024 58 mins

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Hey Nerds, Stacy, Chanel, and Ashley discuss the first part of You, Again by the amazing Kate Goldbeck. We had Kate on last week to discuss this fabulous debut novel! This romcom set in New York City gives us the perfect amount of nostalgia with witty banter. Will Ari and Josh get their happily ever after??

Can they stop hating each other long enough to fall in love?

When Ari and Josh first meet, the wrong kind of sparks fly. They hate each other. Instantly.

A free-spirited, struggling comedian who likes to keep things casual, Ari sublets, takes gigs, and she never sleeps over after hooking up. Born-and-bred Manhattanite Josh has ambitious plans: Take the culinary world by storm, find The One, and make her breakfast in his spotless kitchen. They have absolutely nothing in common . . . except that they happen to be sleeping with the same woman.

Ari and Josh never expect their paths to cross again. But years later, as they’re both reeling from ego-bruising breakups, a chance encounter leads to a surprising connection: friendship. Turns out, spending time with your former nemesis is fun when you’re too sad to hate each other—and too sad for hate sex.

As friends-without-benefits, they find comfort in late-night Netflix binges, swiping through each other’s online dating profiles, and bickering across boroughs. It’s better than romance. Until one night, the unspoken boundaries of their platonic relationship begin to blur. . . .

*Summary from Penguin Random House*

***Produced by Jen Hardin***

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***Produced by Jen Hardin***

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
And so they go to this deli and he gives her lots
of all suites.

Speaker 2 (00:04):
I have it.
If you want me to read it, goahead.
Actually, I love you thisepisode.
I'm so excited.
This book Shneel is right, I'mobsessed with it.

Speaker 1 (00:11):
I could stop reading it.
I literally have no emotionsfor you, because I told you a
year ago, a year ago.

Speaker 2 (00:17):
Yeah, you're all hyped about it.
I literally could not.
I stayed up until like 3 amfinishing this the other day.

Speaker 1 (00:23):
So why don't you all right, Next time I tell you to
read a book, read it the nextweek instead of a day.

Speaker 2 (00:28):
I know every time it's an amazing book.
I just love this page.
It's so cool.

Speaker 1 (00:41):
Hi, I'm Shneel, Hi I'm Stacy, hey, nerds, this is
Ashley and this is FictionFanatics.

Speaker 2 (00:56):
And we're here.

Speaker 1 (00:58):
Now we have to wait for Stacy.

Speaker 2 (01:01):
I think I would cut a box cutter on hand always Real
fast, while Stacy's opening thisbox of suppression now with the
new book series I just have tostart this episode out with just
real fast.
I watched my best friend'swedding last night for the first
time in like years, probablybecause it's on Netflix.
I love Julia Roberts movies andI love my best friend's wedding

, but as an adult, like in her30s, watching it now it's so

Speaker 1 (01:31):
I've never seen it, you know, I don't.

Speaker 2 (01:33):

Speaker 1 (01:34):
I already told you this I never seen Julia Roberts
movies because you made me watchNotting Hill.

Speaker 2 (01:39):
I never seen that.
Notting Hill's always good.

Speaker 1 (01:42):
The only movie I think I'd seen of Julia Roberts
was Ocean's 11 and Ocean's 12.
And then you made me watchNotting Hill and I was like, oh,
she's a pretty good actress.

Speaker 2 (01:52):
Well, like this, the whole point of this movie is,
her best friend is a guy and heis getting married to this like
20 year old girl.
They're supposed to be 28 orsomething and Julia Roberts
decides that she's in love withhim.
So she spends four days tryingto like sabotage their weddings.
But, like, really what'sproblematic is the guy in this

Like I was watching it.
He is like full on.

Speaker 1 (02:18):
Is it Patrick Dempsey or who is it?

Speaker 2 (02:23):
What's his name?
Devin or Dewan?

Speaker 1 (02:24):
or Hold on.

Speaker 2 (02:26):
Let me look it up, because he's in a lot of things.
He like at one point walks in toJulia Roberts's dressing room
when she's changing.
She's in a like bra andunderwear and he's like, oh well
, I was in you much more nakedthan this.
And she's like, yeah, butthings are different now.
And he's like engaged and hesays it.
I'd like I think he's the mostproblematic character, Like he,

I don't know it was.
It's still good because I,because it's like very nostalgic
for me and I love the movie,but it's so problematic.

Speaker 1 (02:55):
Dermot or yeah, Dermot Mulroney.

Speaker 2 (02:58):
Yeah, what an A's and what an A.
And Cameron Diaz is in it.
It's a great cast.
The site well.
What really makes it is theside characters.
Like her best friend in it isby far the best thing about the
And when they sing, I got alittle prayer for you, oh my God
I mean I love it, but I wasjust like watching it.
I'm like this is insane.

This is so problematic.
This guy is the worst.
He literally is flirting Likehe's leading everybody.
Yeah, leading her on, I don'tknow it's.
Anyways, I was just like what adifferent mindset to what, like
when you watch it when you'reyoung and then to watch it when
you're older, I guess.
You know you think the ninetieswas wild time.
Do my things look okay?

I feel like they look weird inthe.
I don't know Good.

Speaker 1 (03:44):
Okay, show us these books.
Did you get them open?

Speaker 2 (03:46):
Yes, you remember all I was in the first book and I
love it.

Speaker 1 (03:54):
Oh, my God yeah.

Speaker 2 (03:55):
Oh wait it's Lurie.

Speaker 1 (03:56):
The Holly Black series, the Folk of Air, yeah,
Complete paperback.

Speaker 2 (04:01):
So, it's up to you.
I can give it to you like this,or I have this idea to rebind
them for hardback for you forChristmas, as a Christmas
But it would just take melonger.

Speaker 1 (04:11):
Yeah, I love that idea.
I love that idea because so Ihaven't read any of her books,
but I obviously know thatthey're amazing.
And I have the first book, butI haven't read it, I haven't
gotten around to reading it.
So, first of all, thank you, Ilove it.

Speaker 2 (04:27):
You don't have it, okay, good.

Speaker 1 (04:29):
Yes, and I obviously haven't read it.
And I haven't gotten any of theother books because I was like
let me just read the first oneand then I'll get the rest of
So yeah, whatever you want todo, it's a lot of work, I know
to rebind.

Speaker 2 (04:43):
Well, I saw this girl on TikTok.
She actually took the paperbackset and made it one big book.

Speaker 1 (04:50):
Oh, my God.

Speaker 2 (04:51):
But it looks gorgeous , but I don't know if you want
to read it.

Speaker 1 (04:52):
It's like a manical style.

Speaker 2 (04:54):
It's like manical style, but I don't know.
I mean, it'd be pretty thick.
I don't know if you'd want toread it that way or not.

Speaker 1 (04:59):
Yeah, yeah, do whatever you think is best.
I appreciate it.
Thank you so much.
That's a perfect, that's aperfect.

Speaker 2 (05:06):
You know who made the idea was Katie, because I read
the first one and I told her toread it and she's read almost
all of them now and she'sobsessed.
And the fan art for it is justlike.

Speaker 1 (05:17):
That's a good series, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2 (05:21):
It's one of the girl characters.
I mean, it's nothing, it's notsimilar to like you again, but
it's one of the characters thatfirst, when you read the girl
character, you're like I don'tknow if I like her, because it's
not like the stereotypicalheroine.
You know what I mean.

Speaker 1 (05:33):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, you eventually come around.

Speaker 2 (05:39):
I'm so glad you like them.
Okay, good, I feel better.
Thank you.
That's a charm.

Speaker 1 (05:44):
I love it.
Thank you, I'll take it howeveryou want to give it.
That's what she said.

Speaker 2 (05:51):
That's what she said Not usually, though I'm probably
going to turn them intohardbacks for you, so Yay,

Speaker 1 (05:58):
Thank you so much.
I appreciate it.
Well, let's dive into this.
So what I?
I know, ashley, you finished it.
I don't know where you're atStacy with this book.
I finished it last night youdid.
Okay, yeah, so I'm juststarting out in the morning and
deciding to because we're doingpart one right now is I read up
to chapter 15.

There's 31 chapters, but Ithought that was a good stopping
It's everyone who's listening.
They should have read it, or atleast halfway through.

Speaker 2 (06:29):
Yeah, guys, you should have read it by now.
It's such a good fast read yeah.

Speaker 1 (06:34):
It's where they are at the strand and they run into
our ex-wife.
So I like it's right after that.
So I figured that was kind of agood breaking point.

Speaker 2 (06:43):
Let's remind everybody, we're covering you
again by K Goldbeck.

Speaker 1 (06:48):
Yes, so you should have all read that guys.

Speaker 2 (06:53):
That was your homework assignment.

Speaker 1 (06:54):
Know what, know what we're talking about.
So this is my pick for themonth.
I'm so excited.
Also, if you haven't listenedto our episode, we interview
this amazing author, kate, so goback and listen to that episode
That was last week's episode.
We're super excited about that.
And yeah, let's dive in tocovering this book Woo, woo, woo

We start out and my notes isit's in 2014 and this is, you
know, this whole story is.
I just love it so much.
Obviously it's kind of a genderswapped one.
Harry Met Sally, but it's.
They start as enemies, thenthey come friends and they

become lovers.
Very a la one.
Harry Met Sally and thisbeginning scene when they meet
in 2014,.
I have my notes.
I guess it's kind of like thislove triangle.
They don't, they don't knowthey're in a love triangle.
At first.
They don't want to be in thiskind of love triangle, but it's
between Ari and Josh and then,unknowingly, ari's roommate

Natalie, I believe, is her nameand Josh is dating her and he's,
like you know, this is mygirlfriend he shows up at at
their apartment, ari andNatalie's apartment and he's
like planning to like cook herdinner because he's a chef and
he's, like you know, trying topull out the stops because
they're kind of in the beginningof their relationship and Ari's

there and she like ends up likecoming out of the room.
I think she just had like hadsex with her best friend, gabe,
like they kind of are on and off, like cooking up or whatever,
and she like is so unimpressedwith Josh and she like breaks
the news that, like one, natalieis not impressed by him.
And two, she's like, yeah, likeyou know, every time after she

comes back from a date with youor having sex with you, like we
hook up you know how do you meanand he's like piss, like he
just turns red and he's so mad.
And that's how you find outthat, like I said, they're kind
of in this weird love triangle,not kind of thing, and also that
Ari's obviously bisexual, butanyway, Sorry, I didn't mean to

tell you off.

Speaker 2 (09:12):
I was going to say can you imagine thinking, you're
like, imagine being Josh andjust feeling.
Like, imagine being Josh andjust feeling so confident in
yourself and you're like this ismy girlfriend, I'm going to
make her this like Michelin stardinner.
And then you show up and herlike hot roommate is like well,
after she hangs out with you,mean her bang, like can you?

Speaker 1 (09:27):
imagine she's like what, like so crazy and but yeah
, it's just like you just throwas a wrench and everything.
But they kind of also, whilethey're like because I know
Ashley was talking about thisgreat banter that they, they
have it's they kind of talkabout like their like philosophy

with relationships and Ari'sjust like yeah, I sleep with
whoever and I don't dorelationships, and Josh is very
much like you know, obviously,trying to impress his girlfriend
and they talk about these blackand white cookies, about like
finding their soulmates and youknow, and he's like I don't
really believe in like soulmatesand stuff, and I think you know
you can find your person andyou know you, if you dedicate

and like spend time being with,like putting an effort, I guess
that's, you know, the basis oflike a good relationship or
So I thought that was just kindof interesting.

Speaker 2 (10:21):
I have a little quote from that, just because I love
their banter in this, when theywere talking about the black,
black and white cookies which.
I hope I can even pronounce allof this.
So Ari dries her hands on thetowel, debating whether to take
the bait.
Pluto the symposium.
Eris, it's, eris, it's not.

Speaker 1 (10:40):
Eris Sottle.

Speaker 2 (10:41):
No, it's not that, but it kind of looks like that.
But anyway, eris Sottle'sspeech.
You'll have to refresh mymemory.
I went to public school inArizona.
I just think it's so funnybecause she just does not care
at all that Josh comes off likekind of pretentious in this and
she's just does not care, andthat's and then right after that
, that's when he like describesthe black and white cookies and

stuff like the whole soulmatething.
Yeah, yeah, yes.

Speaker 1 (11:09):
Okay, so then it moves forward.
You go to three years later,which is 2017.
There's still enemies.
Obviously, there were enemiesback then and at this point,
josh is now running a restaurant.
He's the executive chef andhe's actually working in the
kitchen with Ari's best friend,radia, and he, at this point,

has a girlfriend, sophie youdon't really get into that yet,
but at least he kind of likementions it and Ari is now
She's a comedian and she's likemaking really good money.
She's writing, not only likeworking as a comedian like you
know, stand up but she's alsomaking money writing scripts.

She's like has this Netflixdeal or whatever.
So she's doing well.
He's doing well.
But at this restaurant they meetup because at Josh's restaurant
, because Ari's coming to seeher best friend like you know
whatever to hang out after work,and Radia and Josh get into it
because she makes this duck dish, which Radia is a really good

chef and she thinks she's makingit the right way.
But Josh is like going crazybecause there's a critic in the
restaurant and he's like you'remaking this duck the wrong way,
like put it on longer, like blah, blah, blah.
And so he like, because he'sthe executive chef, he like
overpowers her and is like,basically, he's like, you're
doing it wrong, you're fired.

You're not listening to me,you're fired.
So he fires her.
Radia gets obviously superupset and when she storms out
into the restaurant to tell Ari,like we're leaving, ari finds
out and, like, throws a drink inJosh's face and like I love it
so much that cements their like.

Speaker 2 (12:57):
And like the way I read it, like I know there were
some issues in the kitchen, likewith people respecting him, but
he really seems like he was inthe wrong there, Like she cooked
the duck.

Speaker 1 (13:07):
She wanted to cook it longer and he said no, so then
it was undercooked and he stillblamed her, so yeah, so it's
like he, he messed up the dishand then when they, when he said
, when it was wrong, then heblamed her for his call.

Speaker 2 (13:22):

Speaker 1 (13:23):
All because he was obviously freaking out.
Like I said, there was a critic, a food critic, in the
restaurant, so he's trying toimpress him.
And then it kind of goes backinto like his privilege, because
his dad is a restaurant ownerin the area.
And you find out like he kindof got this job because of

connections, right, and Radia islike a woman of color who's had
to kind of work her way up inthe culinary business and she's
like he has all this privilegebeing a man, being white, being
having these connections, andthen when he makes a mistake,
like he puts it back on me eventhough I know what I'm doing and

it's you know, it's just, itjust sucks it kind of just.

Speaker 2 (14:09):
it's like a man Underworld of women.

Speaker 1 (14:11):
What did you say?

Speaker 2 (14:13):
That sounds like a man.

Speaker 1 (14:15):
It sounds like a white, white man in the world.

Speaker 2 (14:19):
Which I love in this book that they bring that up too
, like a couple of times.
They like joke that in thereand I like it.

Speaker 1 (14:25):
Yeah, even Ari calls it like oh, white privilege,
like white privilege.
So so, yeah, so that's theirlike second kind of like harsh
And so then you flash forwardtwo years again in the future
and it's 2019.
There are still enemies, andnow they're meeting at a New

Year's Eve party, so we get thiskind of New Year's Eve theme
going and it's Josh and hissister Briar, who I freaking
I also love that name, yeah.

Speaker 2 (15:01):
I never heard that name before and I loved it and
she's a great character.

Speaker 1 (15:04):
She's also an amazing character.
She's just this like typicalGen Z who's like connected and
just funny and amazing.
And so Josh has been kind ofabsent because he has inherited
so his dad passed away, who he'skind of had a contentious
relationship with his dadbecause his dad's kind of an old
school restaurant tour, owningthis kind of Jewish deli, and

Josh is very much new schoolkind of in this culinary world.
He wants to do new eclecticthings in his restaurant, chef
style kind of, and so they kindof butted heads.
So he's inherited his dad'srestaurant and and so he's kind

of overwhelmed with that and sohe's missed out a lot on
spending time with his sister.
So he decided to take hissister Well, his sister decided
to take him out for New Year's.

Speaker 2 (15:59):
Eve Made him come to this party, to this party.

Speaker 1 (16:02):
And it's his sister's teaching assistants.
New Year's Eve party, whichjust so happens to be Ari's wife
, is the teaching assistant.

Speaker 2 (16:14):
Her name is Cass she is like problematic from the
I swear to God this characteris the worst.

Speaker 1 (16:20):
We love a plot twist.
He is the epitome of anarcissist hippie.
Well, yeah, I was just going tosay like yes, that too.
But like this hippie granola,new gen, kind of feminist title
feminist kind of, you know, likewant to be feminist.

Speaker 2 (16:41):
Exactly yeah.

Speaker 1 (16:43):
And so, yeah, and Ari is married to her and so you're
, just when Josh especiallymeets her again for the whatever
time, many times he's likeyou're married, you shop, you
didn't do relationships, andit's just very interesting.
And so it's also interestingbecause or I guess it kind of

makes sense because Ari has losther job.
This Netflix deal writingscripts, yeah, she has like no
money, like her basicallyprofessional career is like down
the drain, but I think she kindof says it to her cast as she's
like you know, that's finebecause your personal life is

flourishing and, like you know,we're doing so well They've been
like all this stuff and youkind of see Ari like clinging to
her, like they are making out,I think, right when Josh like
yeah, like in front of everybody, which is fine.

Speaker 2 (17:43):
Which is like essentially like
overcompensating yeah exactlythat's what I was going to say.
Like a lot of times, pda likethat, I mean I'm not saying
every time, sometimes people getcaught up in the moment, but a
lot of time when that kind ofstuff happens, you think why
does this have to happen rightnow?
What do you have in front of usright now?
What are you trying to prove?

Speaker 1 (18:03):
Yes, yeah, just based off of my cousin and her wife's
deteriorating marriage andthere was a lot of
overcompensating posting onInstagram and PDA and I'm like,
and then they got divorced.
Yeah, like, okay, you clearlywasn't all you know rainbows and
sunshades, if you have to postevery day that you love your

significant other.

Speaker 2 (18:26):
I'm like who are you trying to convince?

Speaker 1 (18:28):
Everybody, or yourself, yourself.

Speaker 2 (18:30):
Mostly yourself.
I do love you, I do love you,but anyway, but no, I agree with
Cass's character, though Likeas soon as you meet her you're
just like I got like the ickvibe from her.
Right, Like you know what Imean Like she's this cool
college professor.
All the students love her.

Speaker 1 (18:49):
Yeah, yeah, she's hanging out with her students,
but that's so weird?

Speaker 2 (18:52):
Why are you hanging out with your students?

Speaker 1 (18:54):
Yeah, I know.
So I actually like this because, okay, because again this is I
guess another ick factor butlike Cass kind of abandons her
halfway through the party tolike hang out with other people.
And this is where you kind ofdive a little deeper into Josh's
relationship with hisgirlfriend, sophie, because it's

a long distance relationship,because she has this job where
she has to travel and be allover the place.
I don't even remember, I don'tcare to remember.
And so he's dealing with theloss of his dad, inheriting this
He's very busy trying to likemake it his own kind of
He's trying to flair on it,whatever, but they like barely

He doesn't really tell peopleabout it, but like they're
barely communicating, barelyseeing each other.
And so the countdown to NewYear's Eve happens and they are,
josh and Ari kind of like findthemselves in a room together
and Josh is like trying to callSophie, like oh, happy New
She's not answering, and Ariand Josh end up kind of spending

the last 30 seconds of the yeartogether.
And I just thought it wasreally interesting because you
see them kind of talking to eachother but it's them kind of him
questioning his relationship.
Like this really what I want tobe like having a relationship
where I'm over the phone, likewishing someone happy New Year's

and her kind of being like am Igood enough for Cass?
She's so amazing.
She has a two bedroom apartmentin Queens and I'm barely trying
to make ends meet and it's bothof them kind of reflecting in
their heads but also like againthe banter coming out, and I

just thought it was kind ofinteresting them having this
little moment.
Again they're bantering butalso, like I said, internally
being like not really happy withtheir relationship.
So I also have many years.

Speaker 2 (21:02):
I also loved in their like little banter thing is he
doesn't know she's in there atfirst and he's first of all it's
girlfriends, not even, whichI'm not judging, but like it's
New Year's Eve, you're, you'remiles and miles away.
His girlfriend's not answeringthe phone and so he thinks he's
alone and he's leaving her likeexerting message.
And I love it because we get alittle a little glimmer of, like

his domineering personality.

Speaker 1 (21:27):
He calls her girl.

Speaker 2 (21:29):
I know he calls her a good girl.
You know, it's my favoritething, so I got really close to
the mic because I was superexcited.
But I just love it because Ariis like oh, mr Big, am I your
good girl or my big boy?
Yeah, yeah, funny.

Speaker 1 (21:46):
It is so funny, okay, and then we flash forward
another three years, so it's2022.
And this is where they becomefriends.
So essentially I love this,because now their lives are just
in the crapper.

Speaker 2 (22:06):
Rock bottom pretty much.
Well, they think rock bottom.

Speaker 1 (22:10):
This is why this is here, is why I love this story,
because and I have some quoteshere like it's why you find love
, like or how they find love,it's like when you can love
someone at their worst, likethat's true love.
I think anyone can love someonewhen they're like Cass and

they're like amazing and they'rehave money and connections and
but like if you can find lovewith someone and you're there,
they're at their worst andyou're at their worst and I
think that's amazing.

Speaker 2 (22:42):
But okay, I think people love someone when they're
on like top of the world, likebest of their game, kind of
thing, you know.

Speaker 1 (22:48):
Yeah, yeah, it's so easy.
So Josh reinvented the Broadskithe restaurant, his dad's
It was a failure, basically, hejust did too much, too fancy,
too quirky, too much and all ofthese critics just were roasting
him either for trying to do toomuch or they basically were

saying like it was you knownepotism and he, you know, only
got the restaurant obviouslybecause of his dad and he, you
know he should have just stuckto the way his dad did things
and you know, he ruined hisdad's reputation, blah, blah,
So he, before he kind of didthe relaunch, he bought an
apartment for him and Sophie andshe never even moved in.

Speaker 2 (23:37):
You imagine, here's the present, and she's like no,
I'm good, I'm going to stay athousand miles away from you.

Speaker 1 (23:44):
But she moved out of the country, right?
She literally took a job out ofthe country in Dubai and was
like no, I'm not moving in withyou and so I'm not doing it.
So now he's living alone andhis career is ruined and he's,
like we said, at his worst rightnow.

Personally, professionally,it's going to terrible.
I don't think they'reofficially broken up Like.
I think they're still together,but it's like even more long
distance than it was.

Speaker 2 (24:16):
Like no, I think they broke up when she went to Dubai

Speaker 1 (24:19):
Yeah, okay, it was over.

Speaker 2 (24:22):
But I just thought it was funny when he got that up.
So he picks this apartmentbecause it's close to a place
where she likes to have brunch.
He doesn't even like that place.
He's so snooty, he's like theycan even poach and a blah blah,
but she's going to love it.

Speaker 1 (24:34):
Okay, that's the quote I have when he's like, yes
, I.
There's one thing Josh can'tstand it's an improperly poached
If he's allowed a second thing,it would be women who take new
jobs in Dubai when theirboyfriends are in the middle of
career implosions.

Speaker 2 (24:49):
I don't think he's-.
Kate is a genius with theselines, so petty is.

Speaker 1 (24:55):
I love him so much.

Speaker 2 (24:56):
Josh is my favorite.
He's my favorite, josh.
I loved him from the beginning.

Speaker 1 (25:00):
I just love him.
He's like if there's just asecond thing, it's also when
you're a girl Friday.
He's like not so long.
I get the poached egg thing,though it's a poached egg.

Speaker 2 (25:11):
I get it.
Nothing ruins it, like nothingruins a good eggsbending like an
improperly poached egg.

Speaker 1 (25:18):
So it makes me think of.
I feel like it was the criticschoice award.
But Hunter Schaefer, she wore adress and I loved it.
It was so beautiful, likeshimmery, like kind of like like
this sheer kind of thing I'mbreaking out on, like the type
of fabric it was, but it waslike flowy, until someone posted

some meme about it.
And it was like me when Iimproperly poached an egg and it
was like flowing off of her andit was the funniest meme ever
and I was like that's exactly me, because I cannot poach an egg,
and it was that's what it mademe think of.
Anyway, okay, so Ari is on thebreak of divorce because her and

Cass which, okay, I'm not goingto give my opinions here
because I'll probably eat offendpeople, but they went to an
ethical, non-monogamy workshopand Cass was like, yeah, like
you know, basically couples'anarchy, like bullshit, was like

I just think we need toincorporate threesomes in our
relationship and, to Ari'scredit, she was like, yeah,
let's do it.
But of course, then that's whenCass was like, yeah, I just
don't have enough love for you,like I essentially want to have
other people.

Speaker 2 (26:48):
Here's the issue.

Speaker 1 (26:49):
Here's the issue you can give your opinions, you can
give that never.

Speaker 2 (26:52):
No, I won't offend anybody because I think whatever
anybody wants to do in therelationship, they should do.
Yeah, like the issue, I think,is that I think it's probably
and this can be said for anykind of relationship honestly,
it's rare and hard to findsomebody who's always on the
same page as you with what youwant and need in a relationship

in life.
You know, whatever the issue itseems like is that, cassy, it's
like one thing if both peopleare wanting this open
When you come into it that way,it's discussed and stuff.
They came into it as amonogamous relationship and it
seems like the way that it'sportrayed is that Cassy really
just wants to hook up with otherpeople, which is fine if her

wife is on the same page as that.
But to me, and the way that itreads, it's Ari didn't want that
She wanted to stay with Cass, soshe said she was okay with it.
So like that's really the issueis like when the couple they're
not on the same page and theother one is just doing it to
try to stay in the relationshipwith the other one, it's just

going to blow up on both sides.

Speaker 1 (28:04):
And that was my quote , like that was my opinion,
because I've seen in real life alot I would say probably almost
a handful of my couple friends.
One of the partners in theirrelationship have wanted this,
where they've wanted to be nonmonogamous, and the other person

got on board with it and thenended their marriage or ended
their relationship.
And it's like you needed tohave had this discussion and
maybe that person didn't know,but like you needed to have had
discussion before you got intothis monogamous relationship
because now this other person iscompromising their values is

the right word, but like they'renot believes their feelings, I
guess, because if they're justdoing it to make their partner
happy, it's going to crash andburn eventually.

Speaker 2 (29:04):
Yeah, in my opinion.

Speaker 1 (29:06):
Yeah, and so it just hard.

Speaker 2 (29:08):
People grow and they change, and I'm not.
I'm not saying it's wrong that,if I mean if Cassie said that's
what she wanted with her life,I'm not saying that's wrong,
it's just obviously like that'swhy this didn't work out, is
because I think that's reallywhat Ari wanted.

Speaker 1 (29:22):
So yeah, yeah, clearly not, and yeah, it's just
, it stinks, because I feel likethat ruins a lot of
relationships and it's obviouslybecoming more popular now.

Speaker 2 (29:34):
You know I was listening to this book, though
Do you guys listen to Jay Shettyat all?

Speaker 1 (29:40):
He like has a Every now and then if he has a good
person on.

Speaker 2 (29:44):
So he has this book that came out called the eight
rules of love and I've beenlistening to the audio book just
because I really love him and Iwas just curious about this
book in general and I'm onlylike a quarter of the way
through it.
He touches briefly on nonmonogamous relationships and it
is on the rise but statisticallyit's still when the Times is

doing a freaking article aboutit.
I'm like that's yeah, it's stillless than like I think he said.
It was like less than two orfour percent of couples are
actually doing it.
I think or it's likesuccessfully happening or
So, it is on the rise.
I think also it's just likepeople are just realizing like

other relationships areimportant to I think not one
person can meet all of theseneeds for you and that's like
the most realistic expectationto go into any kind of
relationship, even friend wise,like you know yeah you have
different friends for differentthings.
And yeah anyways it just.
He kind of touched on it.
I thought it was interesting,because he did say it was on the

It's still kind of low though.

Speaker 1 (30:48):
But yeah, yeah it's definitely becoming more like
talked about you know, I meanyeah.
Okay, so, so obviously Josh isunemployed.
He's living in this apartmentwhich is it's basically filled
with like stuff from therestaurant because the
restaurant's not doing good.
Ari is I mean she's not doingwell with her comedy stand up,

but she's writing like comedyspeeches, like eulogies and like
best man speeches.
I made speech just to like makemoney, because cast was like
the breadwinner and she.
But she hasn't moved out ofthis apartment because she's
wallowing in this, this divorceright Like sleeping on an air


Speaker 2 (31:35):
Yes, she's just laying in the rock bottom, she

Speaker 1 (31:39):
So they're soaking it in both, not doing well Also
just speaks of Cass's character.

Speaker 2 (31:45):
She literally just was like I want to divorce and
up and left just was like youstay here by peace, I know.

Speaker 1 (31:51):
See ya, so yeah.
So this is they end up runninginto each other.
There I had a vibrator store.

Speaker 2 (32:03):
I love it so much.

Speaker 1 (32:04):
Ari is there with Radia and Briar, for some reason
, takes Josh to one.
I think Chloe Seveni Seveni,however you say her name was
supposed to have gone there.
It's a hot place and she took.
I want to go there and he likesees her and she like breaks
down crying Ari does, and he'slike he he's like do you want to

like get a drink?
Essentially, and like they likeend up talking and like venting
to each other and and you know,she's like you know I'm getting
a divorce and he's like youknow, my restaurant, you know,
went under and all this stuff.
And they've essentially agreedto be friends.
You know, this is like thestart of them being friends and

I also like this because this isagain kind of a nod to when
Harry met Sally.
They start watching moviestogether, not like together, but
like yeah, she's at her place,he's at his place, and they like
call each other.
Well, she tries to text and hecalls and they and they like
watch Netflix films together andand yeah, it's just super cute.

And they like talk about themand like shit, talk them and

Speaker 2 (33:15):
And I have.
I have a quote from when theyfirst met and I just thought
this was important because arelationship that spread out
through the whole thing in thisbook is Josh and his dad, even
though his dad has passed awayfrom most of this book, and so
right after they leave thevibrator store, this is the
quote that I have At this moment.

He employs the only usefulpiece of wisdom, danny
Kitsenberg, is that how they saytheir last name, kestonberg.
Ever imparted on a son?
Anytime you're standing on astreet corner with another
person at a and at a loss forwhat to do next, there is one
valid suggestion Want to grab aslice?
And I just think it's importantbecause his dad gets brought up

a lot, but it seems to only bewhen Ari is around, and I think
it's because, evensubconsciously, that's when he's
comfortable, is around her, andreally to me, I think that's
one of the most importantrelationships in this book is
him and his dad, because itfeels so much of his whole
I just loved when they startedbeing friends, that, like he's
thinking of his dad the firsttime they hang out and that's

when they start being friendsafter that.
I just thought it was cool yeah.

Speaker 1 (34:24):
That's true.

Speaker 2 (34:25):
And then also, it's so funny that you say that,
because when they're venting,when they're like getting a
drink and stuff, one of thethings he says is like you know,
before he took over his dad'srestaurant he was like I was on
chopped, I was being asked to goon all these, like I can't shop
I can't shop Dude me too.
It's one of my favorite shows.
It's on HBO Max, anyway, oh myGod.

But just like listing all thisamazing stuff he was doing,
asking to cook at differentrestaurants and like all this
And then, you know, he finallytakes over his dad's restaurant
after he passes away, and thenlike he just crashes and burns
because you know so.
To me it was just like but thewhole time he's thinking about
it, he's thinking about his dadand like trying not necessarily

like trying to do better, butlike he's always trying to prove
himself in some way.
You know what I mean.
Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1 (35:14):
Yeah, I know, and yeah, I just like I used to that
connection of just like he'svulnerable enough to talk to her
about his dad too.
That's, yeah, very, veryinteresting.
So, okay, like I said, shealready writes speeches to make
money and and so a lot of thetimes when she they're either

talking on the phone or hangingout together, she's, she's, you
know, pausing to write thesespeeches or like kind of running
ideas by Josh.
And this kind of goes back towhat we're talking about of them
being just like both very jadedand with their like love lives
and their current situations inlife.
And one of my favorite quotesis Ari is writing.

I believe it's a best manspeech, I think so I can't
remember Anyway it's the bestmanner.

Speaker 2 (36:12):
It's the father of the father of the.

Speaker 1 (36:14):
Right, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2 (36:16):
It's what you're about to say.

Speaker 1 (36:18):
Yeah, and I love it because she's she's like saying
this out loud or running it byJosh and and she starts out and
she's like imagine hiringsomeone who failed at marriage
and grew up without a dad towrite a toast for your
daughter's wedding.
Here we go.
He probably really hates thegirl.

And so this is her saying, likeRachel, the imitation of an
older man's voice.
If you indulge this 55 year old, twice divorced man for just a
few minutes, I'm going to offersome advice.
And then Josh cuts in and he'slike happiness is bullshit.
And then she's like oh, my God,you know this poor Caleb guy.

And he's like Josh goes, no oneshould marry the person who
makes them happy.
Marry the person you want byyour side at your absolute
And I just thought like that wasso interesting.
She goes on and she's notserious at all and she's not
really taking what he's sayingkind of serious because she's

just Ari.
But I was just like he's beingkind of vulnerable right now
with her and I thought it wasjust so true when it comes up at
the end and we'll kind of talkabout it in one of the last
scenes, but again it goes backto what we were saying it's so
true, like you don't wantsomeone and he's kind of fluffed

up speeches to talk about.
I love you.
Like, remember that time wemade all this money and we had,
like you, I want you to be therefor me when I had the flu and
you were there and we won't getinto it, but like you brought me
matzabal soup and you know,like you were.

Speaker 2 (38:03):
Which by the way I never had matzabal soup, but I
would like to try it yes.

Speaker 1 (38:08):
It's good.
It's so funny.
I didn't tell Kate this becauseI probably was creeping her out
so much, but like I tried somuch Jewish food, after this one
, I went to this it's literallyone of my favorite places, this
Jewish deli downtown and I triedblack and white cookies, I
tried latkes and I tried thematzabal soup.

Speaker 2 (38:29):
Did you get a Shapiro's?
Where'd you go?

Speaker 1 (38:31):
I went to Shapiro's.
I freaking love Shapiro's.
How was the soup You've neverhad lunch at?

Speaker 2 (38:36):
Shapiro's Stacey.

Speaker 1 (38:38):
Oh my.

Speaker 2 (38:38):
God, we have to go.
It's so good I'm just staple, Iended up picking my dad there

Speaker 1 (38:44):
This was probably maybe a month ago, because we
would go to Jewish delis all thetime in Chicago because there's
Jewish delis all over Chicagobut there's not that many here
in Indy, which is like one thatI know of, yeah.
And so I was like dad, there'sa Jewish deli here.
So I took him and he was like Ilove this place.

So, but it was just so funnybecause I would always get the
same thing whenever I go toJewish delis, and so I was like
I need to expand my palate andtry other stuff.
So now I've tried all theJewish delices.

Speaker 2 (39:18):
It's like two minutes from my house.
It's so close, oh nice Really.

Speaker 1 (39:23):
Yeah, yeah, I literally I order lunch there
all the time now.

Speaker 2 (39:27):
I don't think Kate would be creeped out.
I think she'd be proud.

Speaker 1 (39:30):
Yeah, maybe she would be.

Speaker 2 (39:32):
We're best friends now remember.

Speaker 1 (39:33):
Yeah, yeah, creep out your best friends, but yeah, so
I was like, ooh, need to trythis, need to try this, need to
try this, okay, so, okay.
So the other thing is, ari hasbeen keeping her friendship with
Josh a secret this whole timebecause clearly, radia is not

the biggest fan of Josh's.
He got her fired.

Speaker 2 (39:59):
Yeah, that's interesting we can't blame her.

Speaker 1 (40:01):
Yeah, I mean she's gotten.
She's working in another reallygreat restaurant.
I mean that was a traumaticexperience.
So she ends up finding out.
I think Ari, she bullies it outof Ari and Ari's like you know,
I have another friend.
Because she's like why didn'tyou go to Ikea with me?

She's like I went with someoneelse and she's like is it a boy?
And she's like it's a friend.

Speaker 2 (40:27):
She had her.
Ari had her phone connected toher Alexa or something and Josh
kept calling her and it was likehis full name.
And so I know I will say I knowAri's going through a lot, but
I feel like she's not the bestkind of friend in this book to

Speaker 1 (40:43):
Yeah, because Radia's gone through a divorce.
Went through a divorce, justgot fired is like she's going
through stuff too.

Speaker 2 (40:52):
Yeah and she's always there for Ari and I just feel
like her character seems likeshe would be pretty supportive
of Ari if she, like, was upfrontabout this stuff and the fact
that she keeps hiding stuff fromher.
Yeah, yeah, I know Ari's goingthrough a lot and I really like
Ari's character, but I just feltlike she's.
She's lucky, she has greatpeople in her life that still

understand her and, you know,stay there for but yeah, yeah,
that's a good point because likeRadia was justified in like
icing her out a bit.

Speaker 1 (41:26):
And it took a while for her to like come around and
So then they so that'sessentially what happens Radia
kind of ices her out and yeah,and yeah.
So so then Josh and Ari bothkind of start dating.
They kind of like each of themkind of like kind of encourages

each other to like start lookingaround, they start going on
apps and stuff.
But at the same time,internally because you go back
and forth between their pointsof view you hear both of them
kind of like slowly startthinking a little bit jealous of
like each other.
Like you know Ari's like oh,he's probably dating the Lauren
and they're probably going to gopush their little two year old

in Central Park in the fall andget you know Apple Cider.
You know and you know and likeand then which?
We won't go into this, but likehe goes on a date and she like
crashes it and like pretends tobe his wife.

Speaker 2 (42:28):
And I have that highlighted, if you want to hear
it, because I guess it's one ofmy favorite scenes, one of my
favorite scenes.
It's so funny, it's such afunny scene, but it's just like
it's a big scene, and it's itdoesn't add a lot much, so I
didn't get into it, but go ahead.
Josh turns around expecting tosee some bizarre, only in New
York event unfolding in front ofa crowd around Broadway.

But there's only one personstanding there and inch from the
Her face contorted an outragewhat the fuck, joshua?
Yells from the insulated glass,creating a cloud of
condensation on the window.
Josh freezes, racking his brainfor an explanation.
Do you know her?
Maddie asks, sitting upstraighter.
Before he can say anything, ablur of Pico appears at the

periphery of his vision.
I knew it.
Ari burst through the door andpassed a host and liar Like she,
like causes this full out sceneat this nice restaurant, like
screaming, and nobody doesanything.
They're just like man.

Speaker 1 (43:26):
I know I mean it's like okay.
And then this girl is just likeyour wife.
Do you want to explain what'sgoing on?

Speaker 2 (43:35):
I just love that the girl stays.
She stays, she stays, and thenAri kind of like hits on her a
little bit.

Speaker 1 (43:43):
I know.

Speaker 2 (43:45):
And she's like I just wanted to explore and like try
some new things and I was like,oh really, it's so funny.

Speaker 1 (43:52):
The girl's cuckoo.
Okay, sorry, I just want tobackpedal really quick because I
have a good quote that I loveAgain.
You guys are all into the funnybits and I'm into the super sad
Yeah, we know, but this is aboutRadia kind of going off and she
doesn't understand why Ariwould be friends with Josh,

because she's like he's evil,he's mean the white man.
And Ari is, like you know, inthe heat of the moment,
obviously, but she's trying toexplain and I just love this
explanation of why, again,they're like at rock bottom and
she's like he gets me, like you,which okay, again, I feel like

Radia would understand, becauseit's not like Radia is doing
amazing with her life, but likeyeah, but Ari's like he just
gets me, like that's why we'refriends.
And so this is her explanation,ari's, of why her and Josh are
friends and kind of connectingright now.
And she's like I got, I gotpushed into the water.
It's not a nice heated pool,there's no shallow end.

I got shoved over the railingof the Titanic.
And Rodney is, like you know,stop, like cash, cash pushed.
You stop using past a passivevoice.
And she's like I've beentreading water, I'm so exhausted
and I can't bring myself tolike wave my hands and shout for
And Rodia, which kind of, likeyou said Ashley, she's like I'm

right here, I'm offering helpand you're waiting for
Kestenberg to rescue you.
And Ari's like no, he's in thewater too.
We're both clinging to the sameshitty piece of debris.
And again, she's like we'reboth at the bottom, like I.
That's why we connect, that'swhy we're the same.
And then I started.

Then this is kind of funny.
And she's like Rod.
You're like, according to thatmetaphor, you're drowning in
open water with someone whoshoved my head underwater and
never look back.
So don't be the Leo in thissituation.
Don't let him hog that fuckingdoor.
And she's like she still can'tsee that.

Speaker 2 (45:57):
She's yeah, but and while I love Ari's explanation
in that and I think it's Sorry,these dogs are out of control
and I think it's great, I stillfeel bad for her friend though,
because she just wants to bethere.
So badly for her and it justmust be so hard for her to see
your friends struggling andyou're supposed to be your best

friend and want to help and like, yeah, it seems like she wants
somebody else.
But I get her explanation thatit's like she doesn't really
want help, she just wants to bearound somebody who's also just
not okay.

Speaker 1 (46:30):
She doesn't want to help right now?
Yeah, that's fair.
She has to just wallow, yeah.

Speaker 2 (46:34):
But I do get why, you know, rodney would be upset,
because if it was me I would besad, if I was wanting to help my
friend and I couldn't, and theywere hanging out with this guy

Speaker 1 (46:43):
So I like the dynamic here.

Speaker 2 (46:45):
Yeah, yeah, but also we love a Titanic reference.
Yes, we do I know yes we do.

Speaker 1 (46:51):
Don't let them hog that fucking door.
I know it's amazing.
Yeah, did she end up?
Did Kate pick the Titanic?
Oh yeah, it was over revolution.
Oh, sorry, okay.
So then this final scene, finalscene here is God, back to
fucking Cass.
They go to the Strand and itwas Ari.

She was like this is an amazingplace to have a first date,
she's like.
So it's her and Josh going tothe Strand and they walk in and
I think they were going to likego pick up some books or
And of course, they run intoCass and her new fiance, who I
believe she left them, ari, forshe brought her into their

relationship and then left her.
So Ari and Josh are like they'relike meet up, like they're like
on an elevator and like thedoors open, and it's like Cass
and Katya.

Speaker 2 (47:56):
Even the name is sexy .

Speaker 1 (47:59):
It's sexy and evil, and if there's any Katya's out
there, we're sorry.

Speaker 2 (48:07):
And that's a compliment, yeah.
Yeah, it definitely is From us.
It's definitely a compliment.

Speaker 1 (48:11):
Yeah, it's like this, it's like the evil Russian
villain in like a James Bondgame, you know.

Speaker 2 (48:17):
That everyone wants to bang yeah.
One of my favorite drag queens.
His name is Katya.
Oh really, anyways, anywaysyeah.

Speaker 1 (48:26):
And so, yeah, it's like face to face with Josh, ari
and Katya and Cass, and they'relike she's like Ari, she's like
oh, and like she's like oh,you're with Josh.
And she's like, no, we're nottogether.
And she's like, oh well, thisis my fiance.
And she's like you know, areyou going to move out?
Like are you going to talk tomy lawyer or whatever, and move

And she's like, yeah, yeah, I'mgetting to it.
And then she's like you know,trying all sympathetic, like you
know, oh, you know, maybe youshould stop like sending me nude
, sending me nude pictures.
And Josh is like she's fine,she's like it's okay, leave her

Speaker 2 (49:00):
Yeah, leave her alone .

Speaker 1 (49:01):
Yeah, and he's like well, defensive and protective
and stuff, and she's like okay.
And then she like says somelike some snarky comment about
like going down on to Josh, likelike something about, like it's
not like a warm up activity, itshould be the main event, josh,
you know, like the main event,or something Like giving him a

Speaker 2 (49:19):
It doesn't take three minutes.

Speaker 1 (49:21):
It's not supposed to take three minutes, it's like
yeah yeah, be like the maincourse or something like that,
and he's just like he's likespeechless.

Speaker 2 (49:29):
Literally he's been destroyed.

Speaker 1 (49:31):
And then they, and then they leave, and then Ari
gets mad at Josh.
I think obviously she justneeded some place to like place
her anger.
But she's like you don't needto defend me, you don't need to.

Speaker 2 (49:42):
I found it.
You want me to read it realfast Sorry.
Yeah, yeah, she just saysbecause this is so ridiculous.
Oh and Josh, I'll give you atip being pussy should be the
main event, not a three minutewarm up.
Yeah, I can.
When I read that I was like, ohmy God, anyway, sorry, go ahead
, my drop.
My drop Like he's destroyed andAri's destroyed.

Speaker 1 (50:04):
It's like Oppenheimer , like boom, this explosion, and
but yeah.
So Ari just gets mad at JoshLike you don't need to defend me
, you don't need to make youlook weak and all this stuff,
and she's just, and he's like meand I'm just, he's like I care
about you, I just want you tolike move on from her and all
this stuff.
And you know it's justdisplaced anger at him because

she's, you know, she's likeseeing her ex move on and be
happy and she was just like.
You know how can she just moveon that fast from our marriage
and, you know, be engaged tosomeone else?
And it's just, it's so sad.
And so they go to this, thisdeli, and he gives her lots of

all sues.

Speaker 2 (50:51):
I have it if you want me to read it Go ahead.
Actually, I love you in thisepisode.
I'm so excited.
This book Chanel is right.
I'm obsessed.

Speaker 1 (50:58):
I can stop reading.
I literally have no emotionsfor you, because I told you a
year ago A year ago.

Speaker 2 (51:04):
Yeah, you're all hyped about it.
I literally could not.
I say it until like 3am.
Finishing this is the other day.

Speaker 1 (51:10):
So why are you all right Next time I tell you to
read a book?
Read it the next week insteadof a day.

Speaker 2 (51:16):
Every time it's an amazing book.
I just love the banter in thisso much, so they're both annoyed
with each other about thiswhole thing at this and they're
at this deli.
And then Josh gets even moremad because she, like, orders a
salad to eat.

Speaker 1 (51:29):

Speaker 2 (51:30):
He's just like so offended by it.
I love it so much.
But then, okay, slowly heslides his bowl of matzah ball
soup across the table in frontof her.
When Ari lifts her head, she'sright in the face, cheek stamp
what's left of her eyelinerstreaking across her temples.
Her brow furrows like she'sconfused about why he's still
But she sucks in a breath,picks up the spoon and bisects

the matzah ball soup.
Thank you, she mutters, wipingher eyes with the back of her
He passes her a stack ofnapkins.
Don't be nice to me.
She blows her nose.
It's making me feel worse.
You're the only person I'm niceto.
If you weren't around, I'd haveno redeeming qualities.
Don't make me cry.

Speaker 1 (52:10):

Speaker 2 (52:11):
I was just like I love Josh, so so much in this.

Speaker 1 (52:16):
Yeah, I mean, that's like I said that's what you do
when someone's out there.
Worse, he's like I'm going togive you some matzah ball soup
and make you feel better.

Speaker 2 (52:26):
But I just love Ari's .
Like don't be nice to me.
It's making me feel worse?
Yeah, because she was not kindto him after they like.
Chanel said it was displacedanger.

Speaker 1 (52:38):
But yeah, yeah it was Because right before that they
almost were about to kiss.
They were in this elevator andhe like, it's like where you're
at this coat, you're so cold.
He's like buttoning her up kindof, and they're like about to
kiss they almost kiss.
Yeah, they.
That's why she also was yellingyou were about to kiss me and
he's like what?
So there was like the sexualtension, and then the doors open

and then she just forgets aboutJosh and is you know?
and also no, I was just like.
There was just a lot ofemotions, that happened.

Speaker 2 (53:10):
I would like to say also it sucks, because Ari
mentions like she's just likenot dressed super well that day,
like she just hasn't.
You know, she's just feelingdown, so like hair is kind of
mess, sweats and all this stuff,and like Cassie and her new
fiance like look impeccable andlike of course, you're running
into your ex when you like feellike shit, look like shit.
It's just like that's how theuniverse is and I was just like,

oh, Ari can't catch a break.

Speaker 1 (53:35):
Yeah, it's, that's how it is, that's how it is.
So, yeah, that's what we'regoing to end.
We're going to pick up withchapter 15.

Speaker 2 (53:46):
I can't wait for part two.

Speaker 1 (53:48):
That's a good way for part two.

Speaker 2 (53:50):
I know, part two is amazing.

Speaker 1 (53:51):
Yeah, so if you haven't read it, you can finish
reading the second half, but youshould have already read it,
So, yeah, yeah, we're superexcited and let's wrap this up
and do some kudos.
Okay, I'll actually cut thatdead air out.

It was like two seconds.
I'm not cutting that out, I'mjust kidding, I'm just kidding.
Well, so my kudos is for one.
Again I'm going to kudos.
My friend Bob, I'm just stayingat his house this week.
I'm dog sitting, but him andhis husband Mark are just so

kind because even though I'mlike dog sitting, they like got
me all this food and a wholebunch of stuff to like make me
comfortable staying at theirhouse.
So it's always fun.
And again, just kudos.
Kate Goldbeck I like it was sogreat to talk to her last week
and so fun.

And so, yeah, I love this book.
And yeah, yeah, my other kudosgoes to Stacy, thank you.
I haven't read it yet, butthank you for this late
Christmas present.
I'm so excited, and I guessAshley too.

Speaker 2 (55:12):
I'm okay, wrinkle her in.
Yes, wrinkle her in there.
Last minute edition, she's okay.
She's okay.
My kudos has to be to my friend, Ellie, who was on the show For
I'm part two.
We love her and I think she is.
If anyone is a fiction fanatic,it's her.
But I got to go to her houseand I don't know if we've said

this on the podcast, but I amcurrently pregnant and she let
me have all kinds of babyclothes, girl baby clothes, like
a lot, like I don't have to buyanything.
It's incredible and she's justvery kind and I had a great time
at her house and she's a greatperson.
So I love you and I want totake credit.

She used to not hug anyone, butI forced her to hug me a
million times and now she hugsme.

Speaker 1 (56:05):
So even even around the baby bump she's like yes,
she's like please no.
Squish the baby.

Speaker 2 (56:12):
Squish the baby, so and then, yeah, so props to
great people, and obviously youtwo keep me sane, so yeah, yeah,
we're okay, yeah, you're okay.
Mostly Ashley's okay, you know,yeah.
So my first kudos is for KateGoldbeck, because she's amazing.

This book is amazing.
Please write something else soI can read it.
Please, please write somethingelse so I can read it now.
And she was just so much fun tohave on and I was just like
telling people at work about herjust how great of an author she
is no one cares.
I'm telling them anyways, likeeverybody's listening to me, I
don't care.
My second kudos is for our fanclub vice president, ashley, who

I've kudos before.
I just love her so much andyeah, she's just amazing and
just wanted to know that I'vebeen thinking about her.
And then my last one, I guess,is for you guys.
I'll make it Luke warm, sincemine was Luke warm.
I guess you guys are okay, I'mjust kidding.
I love you guys so much and I'mglad that you guys decided to

do this on zoom with me today.
Sorry that I'm a little underthe weather, but you guys are
the best.
Oh yeah, I'm on the struggle bustoday.
All the sniffles.
Something's going on.

Speaker 1 (57:31):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, we love you, we just
pretend like we don't.

Speaker 2 (57:36):
Yeah, we just pretend , because we love you so much.

Speaker 1 (57:39):
I have creepy-beast.

Speaker 2 (57:39):
I tell people all the time if I'm nice to you, I
don't like you that much.
I got to if I'm giving you ahard time I really love you.

Speaker 1 (57:45):
Yeah, that's true.
That's actually true.
When you're nice to someone,it's a lie.

Speaker 2 (57:51):
It's a lie.
What do you think, stacy?
You want to wrap it up for us.
Yes, thanks for listening.
This week we were so pumped totalk about part one.
We love you, kate Goldbeck.
We can't wait to get to parttwo and make sure you read what
you like.
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