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April 11, 2022 • 19 mins

With two amazing guests joining us on our stream we got even more news to share! Enjoy us blathering about the Grammy Awards, Elon's majority share in Twitter, a potentially bankrupting lawsuit against Facebook, and even about our personal week's business. #Grammys #Facebook #Kerby #ElonMusk #Grammys2022

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TAGS: mixed media podcast,mixed media,podcast clips,kerby,kirby,kirby and the forgotten land,kirby grammy,grammys,grammy,grammy awards,grammys 2022,2022 grammys,grammys 2022 nominations,2022 grammy nominations,album of the year,forgotten land,the forgotten land,nathan nestor,irving nestor,ben costello,catholic game review,facebook,facebook metaverse,metaverse,facebook sued,elon musk,elon musk twitter,twitter elon musk,collin stone,alden razzo,podcast

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Episode Transcript

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[AUTO-GENERATED CAPTIONS]And welcome back to Mixed Media Live.
We're livestreaming on Rumble, YouTube and Twitch
and we're happy to be here on a mondayat 930.
Now, I was going to say I finally gota chance to change all the time.
So they reflect our new time Mondaysat 9:30 p.m.
Eastern Time.
But in this new layout herewhere we obviously have much more people

on, I had to nix the waythe live white board for a second
just so I could make roomfor the more people.
So unfortunately, you can't actually see
the new times up on the screen,but it's everywhere else.
First of all, if you're new here, MixedMedia is a weekly show.
We talk about everything,basically art related.

We each have our individual fields.
We bring on guests like we do today.
We talk about everything from our businessto reviewing things,
breaking down things,looking at amateur works.
And we love hot takes as well.
And we have our friend Ben. Oh.
Wrong direction. Is Ben the absence place?

I think Ben has pointed out in chatthat we are we have the wrong image up.
We have the Oscars image. Oh, yeah,you're right.
Okay. Well, that's embarrassing.
I thought I had a relatively smooth start,
which might be in the minority of starts,
but I'll fix that up in a second.
But that's a great advertisementfor our last show.

Yeah. So today is going to be the same.
We're going to have a bunch of hottakes and interviews and I'll be talking
about black and white filmand it's going to be a fun, fun time.
With that,I guess we'll introduce myself ourselves.
So my name is Irving Nester.
I'm a filmmaker and media entrepreneur.
I own a company called Ariella.

How about you, Nathan?
Well, again, I'm Nathan Nestor.
I'm a game developer and remodeler.
Hopefully my is into chopping.
For some reason, it shows up reallylike the really bad frame rate on my end,
but I'm not sure what's up withthat. It's really not as bad
when I brought along to two guests today.
So I introduce yourselves.

Ah yeah.
I am Alden E Raza and I'm actually stilla high school student at the moment,
but I am just about to enter college hereand I am the founder
and owner of Catholic gamereviews dot com.
Been working on that hardfor about the last two years
and then we got a call in herewho's one of my sub one of my subjects.

He can introduce himself real quick.
Yes. Hello.
My name is Colin Stone.
Also have the pseudonym Piece Ribbon.
I am a writer for Catholic Game Reviews
and I am also a senior in college,finishing up his degree in philosophy.
Thank you for having me.

Yeah, thank you for being here. Yeah.
So have you guys weeksbeen anything interesting been going on?
For me, it'sbeen pretty, pretty, pretty busy.
I don't know what happened.
School decided that everything'sgoing to be due around the same time.
Earlier today,I did a presentation on Southeast Asia.
So sorry if, like,I get tired of speaking.

I've been speaking for quite a bit today,
but I think nothing elsehas really been going on.
So I just got back from from New York Citymyself.
I think we're there yetlike two or three days
walking pretty much the entire day,
going in dirty subways

with just a lot of weird things going on.
So still recovering from that.
I am a bit tired,but I think we'll pull through.
What? Where are you? Where?
Where are you? In New York City.
So we are with my cousinswho live in Brooklyn.
And then we did take a trip to Manhattan.

And I think we're at Staten Islandfor a short bit,
kind of just walking aroundseeing the city we saw Wicked.
So, yeah, I
it was my first time seeing Broadway forthat was pretty neat.
And of course going to Times Square,seeing
everyone dressed up as Elmo and.

Batman holding a wad of cash.
Pretty crazy.
For those of you don't know, I'mactually currently in New York City.
I'm in the Bronx right now. Oh.
So you're at.
Well, I was going to say you were not toofar recently, but everything's fine.
New York City.
It takes forever to get anywhere,so. Oh, my.

It might have been. Oh, yeah.
You might have been only like a mileaway from me at any given point or.
Well, that's an exaggeration,where within three miles away from me
at any given point.
But it would've taken me, like, you know,30 minutes to get to where you are.
So that's how things work over here.
Where are you?
Was it a four trip? Like, where are you

So I'm from Northern Virginia, so
I want to say it's like, I don't know,maybe about like a four hour drive.
Not too bad.
Getting out of the city is kind of tough,of course.
But like, after that, yeah.
It's nothing too crazy. Yeah.
As for myself, mostly,I just spent the last week or so

on on campus, going to my classes,
getting back into the swing of thingsafter our short spring break,
which is funnybecause Easter break is coming up.
So things are going to get thrown offagain.
But yeah,I spent a good chunk of this week sick.
Actually, I'mso thankful that I freshened up
enough that I can go onand talk on a show like this,

but. Yeah.
Very simple.
I like to keep it simple in my life.
Don't need too many crazy thingsgoing on at once.
Yeah. I feel that.
Yeah, sure, sure. Cool.
So we'll have we'll have these guests onthe first segment will be
us interviewing them, us talking

talking to them about their websiteand a whole bunch of other stuff.
But first, we've got to talk aboutthe news of the week.
So, Nathan, do you have any?
Yeah, I think starting with gamingis appropriate.
Do you have any any news?
Because, like,oh, so swamped this weekend. Yeah, I know.
It was going on
this past week in, in gaming news.

I did find out which I don't know
if it's new is news to methose are also considered new.
So you can use the Godotengine on your phone as beautiful.
I mean, you can you can developgames on your phone. I know the thing
only on Android
though is not a thing on iOS yet,is it also in beta?
I've heard that it work pretty well,except that

it crashes a lot on savingwhen you say something.
Here's one which, you know, maybeis a lot less useful for Android phones
because a screen smaller,you know, a real laptop.
When I use my laptop, I hate developingmy laptop because it's just like
I want so much information,let's say, at one time.
But I can't because it's not the screen'snot that big,
whereas on my desktop,you know, much bigger screen,

multiple windows scattered around, it'snot a big deal.
So I can't imagine developing on a phonelike a phone sized screen,
but there are Android tablets now, whichI can see that being a lot more useful.
And you know, some people use like Androidtablets as like daily drivers as they're
like main computer and that sort of givesyou access to a world of development.
Do I think it's like that useful?

I mean, not really,
but certainly it's cool.
And I'm sure some peopleare going to find some great use out of it
and sort of makes you wonder,
you know, I know if you don't knowthe Godot engines.
ED So yeah, the thingyou use to make games
with Godot, the Ed itself is a game is a,

you know, quote unquotegame that runs off the Godot in itself.
So all the UI and stufflike that was created with the Go
Beta Engine and use the editor to createnew games, if that makes any sense .
And given
that Godot experts would have me wonder,where does the likelihood that we see like
a, like Godot editor within the withinthe browser entirely to offload any sort
of, you know, resource intensive tasksand something that I think is unlikely.

But I think it's interesting thought
by that's my quote unquote news.
And if that's new at all,you guys notice anything in gaming?
So I think just yesterday, actually,a Kirby
song won Best Rendition.
I think it was Midnight's Revenge.
You know, it was a rendition.

I believe it was like the APESHITBig Band, I think is what they're.
Calledor what award show or thing or trying to.
I, I forget.
It's it's called the Grammys. Right?
I never watch. Oh, okay. Yeah.
Because he knows happened recently,but I was kind of in shock.
Yeah. Yeah.
I think it shows either the Grammysor the Oscars got moved because of COVID.

So that's whythey were so close to each other.
People weren't really aware of it.
But yeah, it was going on yesterday
and it was trending on Twitter. Yes.
Kind of crazy,especially with the new game
coming out, that video game song.
Right. Like.
It's getting recognizedon quite a big scale.
I want to give it a listen.

It was a very good track.
I think we got Ben coming back here.
Oh, yes. Oh, sweet news.
Let me let me pull Ben in. In
the meantime, Colin, you noticeanything interesting?
I can't say that I have.
I just am kind of a hermit like that.
I have a tendency to focus onwhat's right in front of me and not worry

so much about
what's going on everywhere else,even if it is for something like gaming.
And I've got to make sure I'mon top of the stuff
I'm playingso that I can review it for all.
And over there how
I like to stay focused like that.
Oh, well, we're waiting for this.
I'd like to give a bit of an advertisementfrom.

For ourselves.Make sure you join our Discord chat.
Make sure you follow us on Australiansocial,
the link to that kind of stuffusually on the side.
But as was mentioned earlier,that got cut off
due to the larger amount of peoplewe haven't.
Where can you find this?
You can find thisat mixed media podcast dot com.
I think so. Link that link.
Link. Yep.

Mixed media podcast dot com.
That has they'll have a link to you.
Anything you're going to want to see it on
rumble twitch,youtube, Spotify are part of being
Instagram discord.
I think that's it.
Oh, and localswhere you can support us. Yeah,
that's it.

Griff to complete.
I'm going talk about my news.
I've actually got a good bit of news.
At least we can see him, which is awesome.
So a few interesting things.
Something that broke the Internet.
I don't know if it came outSunday or today or not.
I saw it today was Elon Musk becamethe majority shareholder in Twitter,

which is is kind of insane.
One of the biggest pieces of newsfor a while now in the media space.
He now owns 9.8% of Twitter,according to his filing,
which makes him the majority shareholder,
which in the Constitution of Twitter,as far as I understand,

makes his interestsof priority contractually.
So, which is interestingbecause he's been talking about
free speechplatforms, etc., etc., for a while now.
So yeah,we'll see what happens to Twitter.
I'm still like, I'm still staying as far
as Twitteras I possibly can outside of work.

So that's that's the interesting newswith the Elon Musk,
another social media piece of newswhich could quite possibly materialize
to be 100 times more importantin terms of ultimate impact,
is a gigantic classaction lawsuit against Facebook.
And what happened recently was a judgeauthorized the class for this lawsuit.

And the class,which is the group of people who are
whose interests are being representedin this lawsuit,
is every single person who purchased
any ad on the platform after 2014.
Which as you can imagine, it'squite a lot of people.
And also, you can imaginethose damages are extremely high.

Potential damages, of course.
Part of the damages.
Like, what is the issue?
What happened? Yes. So I'll explain. So.
The lawsuit is that Facebook knowingly
lied about the reachand impact of that of their ads.
So if you have experienceof social media marketing, which I do,
you know,
you know that when you go and purchasean ad, it says, you know, expected reach

and it gives you your range betweensome lower bounds of some upper bound,
and then it gives you some averagefor expected engagement.
And so oftentimes you planthese ad campaigns around
how many how much moneydo you have to spend in order
to get engagementwithin some range of tolerance rate?
And the problem, though,is that these metrics

didn't just miss the mark a little bit.
The allegation is that they missedthe mark by 400% on average.
Which is kind of.
Kind of crazy.
You know, kind of unbelievable.
But that is the allegation.

And apparently the very expensive,very large
law firm that is taking upthis lawsuit has done
a lot of the researchto come up with that figure.
Of course,
when you see the complaint right,you're only seeing one side of the story.
So we'll see what Facebook's defensecould possibly be.
Although out of all the lawsuits, I reada lot of lawsuits if you didn't know that.

It's kind of how I process current eventsbecause I find that
to be the most accurateand helpful way to do it a lot of times.
And so, you know, most lawsuitsI've seen against Facebook
have either a poor basis or patent
or a basis I agree with, but I knowthe court is not likely to agree with.
In this case, we actually have a basisthe court might actually agree with

and, you know,that might have evidence behind it.
And if that were the case,
we're talking aboutbasically all the revenue since 2014.
Basically, if you if you want,you can go back and check out the episode
that I did on the Metaverse ,I think, a few weeks ago.
I think it's a pretty great episode,but if you go check that out,
you'll see me talking about

Facebook's business model for a good bit,a good bit of that episode.
And you'll know that almostall of their revenue comes from ads.
So if we're talking like somethinglike 80, 90% of their revenue for the past
eight years, it would actually justbankrupt the company.
So this is the first legitimate,interesting lawsuit
that might actually take the company downfrom its damages of this is hundreds

of billions of dollars in damages,given the judge's class description
in China.
So if I buy a $2 at right now,am I entitled
for a compensation?
I don't actually know the answerto that question.
Maybe you should talk to a lawyer. Maybe.
Maybe a third. Right.
I'm pretty sureI personally bought an ad since 2014,

so I think I'm part of the classand 100% sure.
Go ahead.
I have a question of my own.
Does this apply just for Facebookor for all the platforms matter owns?
Like does Instagramfall under those as well?
Are you aware of that?
I think as far as I know, and again,
not legal advicein any way, shape or form,

but I think Facebook and Instagramare the platforms
in which the research has been doneon, is my understanding.
So those two platforms.
So we'll see about the other ones as well.
But it's pretty crazy. Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
Because I'mnot sure if Colin is aware of this,
but we have bought adson Instagram before, so

maybe there will be some moneybeing sent our way.
I don't know.
Well, not to get to destroy your hope, but
in the Metaverse episode,I talked about how the average
dollar quantity that Facebook
makes off of on a per userbasis is extremely low.

And so the problem is,
is that, you know, you're probably notgoing to get more than what you put in.
In fact, you're probably gonna get likehalf of whatever you put in, I'm sure,
because the settle or whatever agreementis going to pay out the lawyers first,
unless you sued them separately, which is,I mean, after you, if you want to go.
And see.
Them separately,I think that would be a couple.

Of ten grand. I don't know. Exactly.
There you go.
How's it going, Ben?
Want to introduce yourselfand give any interesting news?
I'm Bang Costello.
I'm a flute player and a media composer.
The obviously the big
music news, I think right now is

I guess yesterday was the Grammy Awards
pushed back a couple of months.
You know, it's really generallynot my kind of stuff and scroll
through it, obviously.
I think the big winner, John Baptiste,
who won four awardsand I think had 11 nominations.
Which I guess I guess he won for bestalbum, Best American Roots Performance,

Best American Roots Song and Best Score
soundtrack for visual media
for last year's soul,which won the Oscar last year.
I don't know.
I guessjust because it was pushed back so far,
I don't know exactly how that works.
It seems like it came out a while agoor like December 2020, I think.
Yeah. You know, he's kind of the, the

musician of
the the moment in the end, I suppose,even if he's not the kind of person
that people talk about,like in a general sense not.
I know musicians like himand someone named Olivia
Rodrigoas best new artist and best pop solo.
And I don't know who she isbecause I don't pay

any attention to pop musicwithout also made some news.
Yeah, that's that'skind of the big stuff right now.
All right.
I suppose it's timeto jump into the segment with our guests.
I'll save for the end of this.
If you're listening to this in post,this is likely the end of the segment.
And so if you want to check out

all the topicsare going to be talking about later,
you got to go to mixed media podcast dotcom where you can find
all the podcasting platforms that we'reon, on the video platforms that we are on
and absolutely joinwith this group. All right.
And he said a big segment.
Left till it, man.
No trouble.
I don't want beef, man.
I just want five
big men like me.
No need for the to the full height.

I got too much going on line one rulethen I'm on side wrong move up
and they go ride.No need for the telephone.
Nah, no need for a snooze.
This big wimp outside I'm pros
the big stick inside no news thenbetter watch out for the sick and Judases
Don't ask them who to is up but they knowwhat they're moving in a better show.
We're into a damn.
How are you going in the news again?

How you hate my Bible.
Why you wasting my timegetting on my line to the man?
I don't want feedback I just more relaxed,brand new way to tone.
I need that brand new hit,
you know, like lean back, brand new bitsI live we back, man, you never know.
Like,get a little something more like that way
they know what more righteousthey got my life
I'm never know right I'm niceyou know I'm a rag looking like twice.

No need for the hype buffet.
Oh, telephone five plus.
No need for the telephone by bus.
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