Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
This past weekend I
had the incredible privilege of
sharing and teaching on the veryimportant topic of parenting,
and so that's fresh on my mindright now and I thought it'd be
good to maybe this week, in thisweek's episode, talk about that
I had, I think I'd referenced aweek or two ago, that we're
going to be addressing some uh,we're going to be talking about
the element program at SWO.
We're going to have someelement folks on here that's
coming up.
Um, also going to going totackle an episode or two
challenging men to biblicalmasculinity, biblical manhood,
our responsibilities, and alsothat that'll be good for moms
who are raising sons, because Ithink it's very important.
And so I'm looking forward toall of that content and bringing
it to you.
Element stuff, some differentthings about Snowbird Summer
Programs, some interviews, somestories Plan to have actually a
special guest to me.
I'm going to have a couple ofmy kids, my older kids, join,
but today I want to talk aboutparenting and there's going to
be nothing in here that wehaven't covered in the past, but
I think at least every year,every season, we need to come
back to some of these principles.
I think it'll be very helpful.
So thank you for listening andI hope that you get a lot out of
this episode.
Whether you're a parent or not,I hope, if nothing else, you
learn about the fatherhood andthe father heart of God that we,
as mamas and daddies, canemulate, but that we, as sons
and daughters, can learn fromand appreciate and love.
Welcome to no Sanity Required.
Speaker 2 (01:53):
Welcome to no Sanity
Required from the Ministry of
Snowbird Wilderness Outfitters.
A podcast about the Bible,culture and stories from around
the globe.
Speaker 1 (01:59):
All right, first
things first.
Before we get into the contentof the episode, I do want to let
you know that maddie and coltchristmas have moved.
They moved this past weekend.
We celebrated um, this excitingseason of life for them, last
thursday at swo with uh uh.
Everybody came together for abig meal.
All of the swo families weretogether and we just had good
Probably it was probably closeto it was probably a hundred
people there with familiesincluded.
Um, and then we prayed overthem Friday morning, their last
day of formal work here on theproperty.
But the good news is Maddie isgoing to continue to um work on.
She's going to continue to editthese episodes, and I'm very
grateful for that, because I'mnot easy to work on.
She's going to continue to editthese episodes and I'm very
grateful for that, because I'mnot easy to work with and Maddie
is one of the most chill, calm,low key people I know.
Don't get me wrong.
She got a.
She got a fire plug.
She can pull if she needs to.
She's she can.
She can get intense, but she issuch a gentle spirit and just
so patient.
You got to understand the way Iroll this.
This this podcast is.
Sometimes it's very prepared asfar as the way we roll the
content out.
Other times it's morespontaneous, but always it's all
over the place.
I just, you know, I think Ioperate best when my back's
against the wall and there'spressure.
In other words, if I've got anepisode that I need to drop, uh,
I do better If I put thatepisode together right up at the
deadline where I, when I'minterviewed for other podcasts,
sometimes it'll be, uh, I, I've.
I've been interviewed for a fewpodcasts where I did the
interview and then that episodedropped like two months later.
I think there was one where itwas three months later because
they're working further out.
We like to roll this in realtime, so I don't typically
stockpile a bunch of episodes.
We have done that.
There've been as many as sixweeks planned out.
I just don't prefer to do itthat way.
I'd rather do it in real timeand address current issues and
things that are happening, andthat's kind of how we do it.
But but with that I go to anextreme.
Sometimes and Maddie's been sogracious, she just um, she'll,
she'll, it'll be, it'll be likeThursday or Friday.
We're trying to, we're tryingto have episodes recorded on
Friday before they drop or goout on Monday.
And uh, and she'll be.
It'll be like Thursdayafternoon and she'll say hey,
just wondering if you had anepisode, cause we don't work out
of the same office.
I don't, I don't.
I see her every day, but it'susually just a drop into the
media office and there's a lotof people in there.
She's so good.
Anyway, we love you, maddie.
We're going to miss you, yourphysical presence at slow, but
so thankful that Maddie's goingto continue to um work at least
through the summer, at leastthrough the summer.
We don't know beyond that whatthe Lord might have for her.
We don't want to um, we don'twant to get in the way of what
God might have planned for her.
When they make their move,there they are, or when they
make them move their move, theyhave now moved.
It's weird.
We've been talking future tenseand now it's past tense.
've moved and uh, and that'skind of strange.
Um, it's going to be also kindof crazy when maddie and colt
bring students and come back tosnowbird.
Um, uh, we've had that happen alot, where staff members go and
serve in churches and thenbring those kids back.
But anyway, I'm thankful thatwe're gonna have at least
through the summer working onthis stuff and we'll get to see
her this summer.
That'll be good, all right, Iwant to get into this parenting
content, and this is because twoweeks ago at the Respond
Conference we spoke on thediscipline of God in the life of
the believer, the discipline ofGod and the discipline of the
Lord in the life of the believer, and we've addressed that here
before in an episode and I wantto.
So that kind of got me thinking.
And then this past weekend,doing a parenting conference,
that got me thinking that itmight be good to roll some some
thoughts and ideas and somecontent out.
So I want to talk this, thisepisode, um, from from.
I want to share some thoughtsfrom Proverbs 22, verse six,
very familiar verse.
It says train up a child in theway he should go, and when he
is old he will not depart fromit.
How do we take that verse andsort of build a parenting plan
around that?
How do we as parents, how doyou know some of you that listen
to this have really small kids,some of you have teenagers and
some of you have kids that areout of the house that you feel,
in one sense, that it's too late.
Or, um, you were faithful andyour, your adult kids, are
serving the Lord.
Now, the one thing that Iappreciate about the topic of
parenting when we're taking itfrom um, when we're taking it
from the biblical, when we'retaking it from the, the biblical
perspective one of the thingsthat's so powerful is it helps
us understand the way God dealswith his sons and daughters.
The scripture says that we havebeen, that Jesus is the first
born among many brethren, andwe've been given sonship through
So our relationship to God isthat he is our heavenly father
and Jesus is our older firstbornbrother, even though he was not
He's always been.
But that word firstborn meanshe has the status of the
preeminent child, the one who is, who is over all things, and so
that that picture of God as ourfather for a lot of us is
difficult, because maybe youdidn't have a dad, or maybe your
dad was abusive, or maybe yourdad abandoned you.
Um, maybe your dad was, was toopassive, or maybe he was
passive, aggressive, and nodoubt, uh, some of us have
fathers that did a phenomenaljob, others have fathers that
did a terrible job, but none ofus have fathers that were
perfect, and so we tend toproject onto God what we
received from our earthlyfathers, and we tend to project
onto Jesus what we learned inmarriage between our parents or
lack of marriage.
You know, if mom had multiplerelationships and there was
never a stable constant, youknow, presence of, of, of an
earthly husband to her, thenit's hard to understand the role
that Christ plays in as as the,as the bride of Christ, and our
relationship to Jesus, whatthat looks like.
So you've got these.
So it can be confusing ifyou're a new believer.
There's places in Scripturewhere we're described as being
brothers to Christ, other placeswhere we're the bride of Christ
These are all images to help usunderstand the nature of our
relationship to God.
But one thing that is veryclear is that God is our
Heavenly Father.
Even within the Trinitarian ortriune existence of God, we have
father, son and Holy Spirit.
So God is our father.
What do we learn about the wayhe parents?
I think that's important.
And then we reflect that if weare parenting, we reflect that.
So let's walk through Proverbs22, verse 6, and just give you
let's see one, two, two, giveyou two thoughts.
Now we're obviously going tobreak them down and if we need
to go long, we'll do it in twoepisodes.
It's funny I don't have itplanned for one or two.
We're going to see how thisgoes.
Okay, a couple of thoughtsbefore we dive into it.
One, understanding this thatthe nuclear, what has been
referred to and I think thismight be a secular word the
nuclear family is under attack.
Your patriarchal roles,headship of fathers, all of
Not only it has disintegratedin society, but it's also under
And whatever you bring to theparenting table, if, even if you
come from a model that isreally biblical, you have to
deal with the pressure of asociety that's trying to repress
and oppress God's design forthe family.
So we do have our our socialand cultural and societal
hurdles, but in Proverbs 22.6,we've got a simple instruction.
There are other passages ofScripture Colossians, ephesians
that address parenting,throughout the Proverbs.
There are other verses andsections and passages, but this
is sort of.
To me this is thequintessential passage on
We've looked in the past.
We did a deep dive into therelationship between Jesus and
the father at the baptism ofJesus, and we looked at
principles of God's fatherhood,the fact that he was present, he
was articulate, he was speaking, he was communicating, he was
identifying with the son, he wasexpressing love of the son, he
was expressing approval of theson, and we receive all of that
as sons and daughters.
But in this Proverbs verse weget sort of the quintessential,
I think, parenting.
I mean, if you could sum it upin one sentence, this is it, but
it seems simple Train up achild in the way he should go.
When he's old, he'll not departfrom it.
But we can unpack this.
So first let's consider theword train and then, second, we
will consider the promise that'sin.
So there's a command and apromise.
Train is the command, and whenhe's old he'll not depart from
it is the promise.
So let's consider the commandand then let's consider the
Parents, I want this to besuper simple and practical.
Now we learn from from Ibelieve this is from secular
psychology that there are, ormaybe sociology, but anyway,
there are three phases ofparenting that I think are good
to sort of compartmentalize.
First phase is what we wouldcall the cop phase, okay.
Second phase is what we wouldcall the coach phase.
Third phase is what we wouldcall the counselor phase.
Let's unpack these.
If we're going to train a child, let's sort of understand what
this succession or progressionlooks like.
The cop phase is going to bethe phase from about from birth
to about age eight or nine, andthis is when you know when a
child is young you tend to havea.
Your biggest responsibility isto I guess you could be divided
into nurture and care and thenenforcing the laws, enforcing
the rules You're teaching thatchild.
Your will doesn't control mywill.
I'm not enslaved to your will,but you are enslaved to your
Listen, people, this isimportant, critical that during
their early stage anddevelopment of a child's life,
you have to teach them that youare not a slave to that child's
will and that they cannot be aslave to their will.
Are you are not a slave to thatchild's will and that they
cannot be a slave to their will,that they they need to submit
their will to the betterauthority.
So, as a good parent, then theyneed to submit to my authority
ultimately, because I need tosubmit to the authority of the
heavenly father.
If I don't do this, if I don'tteach you and sometimes we'll
call that breaking the child'swill, but what we're doing is
we're breaking the power ofslavery that that will holds
over that child.
I hope that's a better givesyou, cause it, cause it it.
We can kind of cringe when wethink, ooh, I got to break this
kid's will.
I don't want to break theirwill, and we kind of confuse
that with maybe like breakingtheir spirit or breaking them
down and it's like, um, I don't,I don't know.
It's important that weunderstand we're not breaking
them in the sense that we wantto crush them, but we want to
break the enslaving power oftheir will.
So when we say we're going tobreak their will, that's what we
mean we're breaking theenslaving power of their will.
Okay, now, two thoughts on that, two observations.
One and this is we need tounderstand this, to understand
how this works.
Number one they have a naturalsin nature.
Everyone's born into sin.
So this child is born sinful.
I do not have to teach thischild how to do what is right I
mean whoops.
I do not have to teach them howto do what is wrong.
I have to teach them how to dowhat is right because their
nature is sinful and they'reenslaved to that sin.
So that's number one.
Number two I have to be careful.
Number three, that I'm notenabling or emboldening that
So if I don't break theenslaving power of that child's
will, then that child will beconditioned by their sinful
nature and me enabling him.
Imagine a child that iscontrolled by their sinful
nature and an enabling parent.
Have you seen that Some of youare guilty of that?
I can tell you right nowthere's two or three little
toddler kids running around atSnowbird that are like that.
Now, in a healthy community offaith, then those things are
going to get sorted out becauseyou're going to have some
Now the reason I bring that upis not to there's not.
I'm not trying to throw someparents under the bus.
I'm saying in a healthycommunity of faith there's a
good accountability, there's a.
You know, there's everyone sortof taking part in the shaping
of this child as they're raised.
I know that with my kids.
I'm very thankful that a lot ofpeople played a role in shaping
them as they're growing up.
So if I don't get this right,if I don't get the cop phase
right, then they're going tobecome conditioned by their sin
nature and by me enabling thatsin nature to exert its power
and will over this child'semotions and actions.
Now, areas that I would say youcould look for this to glare
and sort of stand out would bein the way they treat their
mother, the way they learn toshare and the way they respond
when they're spoken to.
Pay attention to that.
If you want to do a quick test,how am I doing in this area?
Well, how does that child talkto their mother?
By the time a kid canarticulate sentences, they
should know that if they smartoff to their mama, there's going
to be swift, immediate, lovingbut firm repercussions that are
painful, so that they becomeconditioned not to smart off to
their mama.
That was a hard and fast rulealways has been in my house.
You're not going to smart offto your mom.
You're not going to bedisrespectful or defined or ugly
to your mother.
You're going to show her lovethrough kindness, gentleness and
Then how do they share?
Are they?
Do they?
You know this one's hard andsome kids are much harder to
teach in this area.
How do they share?
Are they willing to workthrough sharing something that
they have?
And then, how do they respondwhen you speak to them?
Do they shut down?
Do they fold their arms, dothey lock their jaw and do they?
You know how do they?
Those are areas that we cansort of measure.
How am I doing in this area ofthe cop phase?
And then I need to rememberthat no two kids are the same,
so this may need adjustment fromkid to kid.
You may have one kid that looksdead in your eyes every time
you discipline him and anotherone that sheepishly tucks his
chin and sort of looks away, youknow, and and won't do what he
needs to do.
Um, so and then to to.
To parent differently from onekid to the next in that regard
is not inconsistency, it'swisdom.
You have to there.
There may be one child thatrequires a little bit firmer
hand and another child thatrequires, um requires a much
gentler touch to achieve thesame end or result.
So that's cop phase.
Okay, the next phase is what wewould call the coach phase.
Now, if I've done the firststage, well, then around age
eight or nine, there's going tostart to be a transition by the
time they're in, and some kidsare obviously more mature than
They, they learn quicker, um,that's how it is.
But somewhere around eight,nine, 10 could be 11, as, as you
know, if they're a slowdeveloper, then somewhere in
that range I'm going to, there'sgoing to be a shift, let's.
Let's say it this way there'sgoing to be a shift in the
dynamic of the relationship.
Okay, let's say it this way.
There's going to be a shift inthe dynamic of the relationship,
okay, a shift where I'm nolonger just enforcing the law,
freeing the will, bringingdiscipline, which we'll get into
discipline later.
Bringing discipline which meanssometimes chastisement or
punishment for actions.
You know, fleshing outconsequences to actions.
But I'm going to move into, ifyou, if you just think about the
words we're using, a reallygood coach has a hand of
discipline in a, in a athlete'slife.
They, uh, they, they haveauthority, a voice of authority
in their life, but they're alsohanding.
You know, there's a lot ofresponsibility laid on the
shoulders of the athlete to goout and learn how to serve,
learn how to hit that ball,learn how to you know, learn the
fundamental movements, learnthe offense, learn whatever it
is to to, to hone their craft,their skill.
The coach provides guidancewith some consequence, sometimes
a stronger heavy hand, othertimes just encouragement.
But the dynamic of therelationship changes a little
bit and they're maturing andthat should last into the
teenage year.
Well, into the teenage years,you know, probably, uh, kids
that really develop um at a fastrate, that are more mature than
by 16, they're going to starttransitioning Um kids that are
slower to develop thandefinitely by 18.
You got to, you got to starttransitioning them into the
final phase, which is thecounselor phase, somewhere
around 16, no later than 18.
And I'll tell you, I've got,I've got one kid that at 16,
that kid was so mature that Ifelt like I was, I was, I was, I
felt like we moved from coachto counselor earlier than than
most situations.
And you'll see that you'll findthat.
And then the others have onekid that I anticipate.
You know, this is probablygoing to be a little slower
Um just depends on how theyprocess information.
Think how they're emotionallybuilt, how they're you know, how
their life experiences haveshaped them.
But you got to shift into thatcounselor role, um, and that's
where I mean really, from thetime they're 18, they're legal
adults, they leave the house,they go off to college or school
or the military or whatever Umfor the rest of their life.
Hopefully you get to play thatrole.
Now we know that's tricky.
A lot of our listeners haveadult children that don't care
what they have to say, um, andthen there's also the trickiness
of you.
If you're a, if you're a dad toa daughter, or mom or dad to a
daughter who marries a man, thatthen becomes sort of, you know,
takes that biblical role ofheadship in her life, then she's
not going to lean on you for alot and he, he may not lean on
you for anything he may feel,you know, threatened by you or
self-conscious or you know,whatever it.
I'd say it's a pretty uniquedynamic when a young man will
ask his father-in-law forcounsel, but it does happen.
But you want to preserve therelationship as best you can.
So that not preserve it butcultivate that counselor role
where, if nothing else, you'reable to just speak into life
experiences, um, and help helpthem navigate those things.
But definitely the counselorrole will be most vibrant in the
transitional period from, say,18 to 25, or 18 to 22, 22 if
they go to college, 18 tomarriage, something like that,
and then you should, lordwilling, you always have some
sort of a voice in their life.
So that's sort of the phases oftraining, train up a child.
Now let's unpack this part ofthe verse.
Train up a child, that wordchild.
And if you go to the Greekyou've got a couple of different
words for child.
One is called huios and one iscalled technon, and and and and
the the usage of the word childand old.
See how, in Proverbs 22, six,it says train up a child in the
way he should go when he is old.
That word child can be zero to18.
And depending on huios ortechnon, how one has to do with
a little child, one has to dowith a human who is sort of the.
It can refer to all phases ofchildhood.
So, like right now, I am thechild of my mother, even though
I'm way old to be called a child, right so, but I'm still called
her son or her child.
So train up a child and the wayshe'd go when he's old, he'll
not depart from it.
What he's saying is train upthat child through the cop phase
and the coach phase and then,when you're in the counselor
phase, or when that child is anadult and old, and he won't
depart from it.
And something that I love topoint out here, um, that I
learned years ago from a sermonthat my father-in-law did on
this verse gosh, when we werefirst starting snowbird, and I
went and drilled into this andand I mean he had nailed it with
his exegesis and his study here.
The idea is that it's.
It's a cool observation hewould always point out and I
really appreciate it.
There seems to be train up achild from zero to 18, and when
he is old, from 12 to death, hewon't depart from it.
For you parents of youngerchildren, if your kids are
already grown or they're already16, then this is not going to
be really so much of somethingthat okay if you're, if you're
not a parent yet, or you have aninfant or a child or a toddler,
that's, that's really small andyoung.
What he's saying is you canhave that child remain faithful
from 12 to 18.
In other words, through theteenage, adolescent years, it's
possible that a kid not notdepart from the training of
scripture and the admonition,nurture and admonition of the
So that's kind of cool.
So train up a child, andthere's the way we do it.
Then um other passages to golook at, or the the episode we
did on the fatherhood of God.
The father was there, thefather made his presence felt.
The father was speaking.
He was associating with a sonAt the baptism of Jesus.
He's expressing love andpleasure.
Then Colossians 3 and Ephesians6 give us some clarity on how
parents are to basically live byexample, give them time and
attention and make theirdiscipleship as Christ followers
your number one priority.
This is more important thantravel baseball.
It's more important than cheer.
It's more important than band.
It's more important thanteaching them to make money.
If I'm going to raise them,bring the ideas, bring them up,
bring them up in the nurture andthe admonition, the cultivation
of the Lord.
Then I think three.
Let me break this down threesimple things.
I'm gonna break this intothrees.
The first three is to simplifyLive by an example you would
want your child to follow.
That's number one.
Number two give them time andattention.
And number three make theirdiscipleship as Christ followers
your number one priority.
That's more important thantravel baseball.
And then if and then the.
The next thing that I thinkwell, I'm not going to get into
This would be its own episodethat we're going to follow up
with in the near future.
It would be um one aspect ofparenting that I think we really
parents, need instruction andwe get a lot of requests for
this would be in the area ofdiscipline or punishment, you
know, and I would just say thiswe need to discipline for
If we're training them up inthe way they should go as Christ
followers, then my disciplineshould be principled, it should
be discipleship driven and itshould be strategic.
I need a plan.
It's not just impulsive, youknow, and so that's that's
Again, we'll get into, we'llget into that in depth in a
later episode.
Let's, let's unpack.
Let me give you a couple ofthoughts here on discipline that
I think we don't have to drillinto.
We save this for later episode,but let me at least give you
sort of some points towards whatthat conversation would look
I need to disciplineeffectively.
I need to disciplineconsistently.
So effectively and consistently.
In other words, don't justdiscipline, don't just yell or
beat or slap or you knowwhatever just not thinking
about't just yell or beat orslap or you know whatever just
not thinking about.
Is this effective or not?
Again, it goes back tounderstanding, training up a
Require there's, there'swording in there in the original
language that implies I need tostudy how this child is wired
and I need to.
I need to discipline themeffectively for the way that
they're built emotionally andpsychologically.
And then I need to beconsistent, I need to stick to
my word.
I need to do what I say as aparent.
The reason for doing all ofthis effectively and
consistently is so that I canmaintain fellowship with the
child, and I'm always working toreconcile broken fellowship.
Discipline is always to restorebroken fellowship.
It's never to bring retributionor revenge or to get them back
for something they've done.
Um, yeah, so if that, hopefullythat makes sense, okay, let me,
let me.
I want to wrap this up here.
There's so much, I've got somuch content laid out from this
past weekend and I don't want togo down a deep, deep dive.
Y'all give me some feedback.
If you want me to follow someof this up, um, all right.
And then I just one otherthought that I would say that
you might want to go dive intoon your and do your own study
would be you.
You got to teach on biblicalsexuality.
This has to be intentional.
They need to learn it from you.
They need to not learn it fromthe culture or from Tik TOK.
You know, um, that you.
We need to teach goal setting,teach biblical manhood, biblical
womanhood, teach the biblicalview of gender.
The sexes need to teach, uh, acomplimentary believe, role or
view of marriage where men andwomen have God's brought us into
the marriage with different butvery complementary views.
I mean responsibilities.
And then one quick before we goto the second, the final point.
So the first point all this isstill under train.
Train up a child.
There's the command.
Before we go to the promise,let me say this to grandparents
Before we go to the promise,let me, let me say this to
grandparents as grandparentsdon't overstep Uh, and I know a
lot of grandparents getfrustrated cause they want to
speak into things, but it's hardto know how to do that Um, but
but believe that you can prayand encourage and love and
support and have a voice.
And if you're a grandparent Ithink of sweet, sweet Miss Diane
at Red Oak Church who listensto this and there's a shout out
to her.
We all love her so much If youhave grandchildren who are not
being raised in the nurture andthe admonition of the Lord and
you're a grandparent that getsan occasional voice in that
kid's life, then use that timeto just love and encourage them
and read them from you know, forthe storybook Bible.
Just just really take theopportunities you have and then
trust the Lord that he's goingto do a work in that kid's life.
Okay, now train up a child.
There's the command Number two.
The final thing this is kind ofwe're going to get.
The number two is the promiseand this is going to be the
conclusion train up a child inthe ways, the way she should go.
When he's old, he'll not departfrom it.
In other words we've alreadytouched on this the word child
and old are overlapping, so thatdouble covering and protection
during the teenage years Listen,trust that God is going to be
faithful to your obedience Ifyou train up and raise up a
child in the way that God hasinstructed you to, with
discipleship as the priority.
Yeah, you need to teach themhow to work.
Yeah, you need to teach themhow to manage money.
Yeah, you need to teach themwhat delayed gratification
versus instant gratificationlooks like.
But, most importantly, teachthem to love Jesus and mirror it
and reflect it and show it tothem.
Church should be important, itshould be a priority Time and
the word should be a priority.
They these things matter andlive a consistent manner of life
and then pray for your kids.
Pray for them, and theconclusion then is that there's
a promise here that there willbe a point where they will
faithfully follow the Lord andnot depart from the instruction
you've raised them with.
My prayer for you is that, as aparent, you would do this well
and do it faithfully.
And, uh and I believe you willnow let me know if if you'd like
for us to come back and doliterally dedicate an episode to
discipline, principles ofdiscipline, practical
application to discipline andwe'll do that in the near future
If we get enough feedback,we'll probably do it anyway, but
how quickly and more urgentlywe do it will depend on the
feedback we get from folks.
Hope you guys have an awesomeweek.
Dad gum Springs here and I'm soexcited about it and I love it.
So the snowbird uh, swo summerstaff SWO 24 summer staff will
be arriving next.
Let's see.
Next Monday we start our stafftraining, right?
No, I'm off Two Mondays In twoMondays.
Yeah, the 13th, that's right.
Next Monday should be the 6thand then the 13th is when our
staff training begins.
So please be praying for theSWO staff.
We're really excited for themto be coming in here.
We're going to be training them, be doing some episodes on how
we do what we do, the mindsetbehind what we do, and, uh and
man, what, what a cool andwonderful thing that God would
call out a couple hundred youngmen and women to serve and labor
for the gospel here at SWO thissummer.
And I want to close thisepisode by talking to you a
little bit about the SnowbirdLeadership Institute, because
that is sort of the engine thatdrives Snowbird's conferences
and retreats from August to May.
That's the young men and youngwomen that run our ministry
throughout the year and that who, without them, we couldn't pull
this off.
And all those kids came intothe Institute out of the summer
staff program.
So they serve here in thesummer and then they have the
opportunity to apply for theInstitute.
And the Institute is incrediblebecause I think of it as a
training program that has fourpillars or four facets.
We train them in leadership, wetrain them in in ministry, we
train them theologically andthen we train them vocationally.
So they're going to work,they're going to have time
worked in, they're going tospend time in a department maybe
maintenance, maybe food service, maybe marketing, maybe media
They're going to learn how towork, if they don't already know
how to work most of themalready know how to work.
But they're going to work.
We're going to do leadershipdevelopment.
They're going to learn how tospeak and articulate the gospel,
but also how to lead people ina small group setting or how to
get up and give a message or atalk or a lecture, even if they
come in very uncomfortabletalking and communicating in
front of others.
They are going to learn how todisciple by being discipled.
But then also the LeadershipInstitute is an accredited
program and also the LeadershipInstitute is an accredited
program and so students thatcome and spend a year in that
program or two years in thatprogram, they can get college
credit for that.
That transfers to any.
There's a number of schoolsabout any Christian school or
So Liberty University, northGreenville, columbia
International University, unionUniversity, schools like that.
But then all of the SouthernBaptist schools, southeastern,
new Orleans, boyce, which is thecollege at Southern all of
those schools will then acceptthe transferred credits from
Now our primary partnershipsare with New Orleans Baptist
Theological Seminary, thecollege, the undergraduate
program there is called LevelCollege and the college at
Southeastern, which is in WakeForest, north Carolina, and that
college is the undergraduateprogram that feeds Southeastern
Baptist Theological Seminary.
So we have a program here where, if you've got a young man or
young woman that's wrestlingwith what comes next, you don't
want them to lose momentum interms of their educational
pursuits, but traditional tripto college is maybe not the best
thing for them, or staying athome and getting a job and going
to community college or onlineschool is not the best thing for
Then consider the Institute,and, uh, I'm going to have some
Institute students on here, um,as we're going to have some
element students on here to talkabout it.
Um, so they, they study underthe solid exposition of
scripture in both worshipservices at snowbird and in the
local church.
So we plugged them into churchministry, um, and then again
classes on the Bible theology,church history, apologetics.
Again classes on the Bibletheology, church history,
And you go to the website andsee where those classes and
credits are all accepted.
So wonderful program theSnowbird Leadership Institute,
and there's typically about 30to 35 students in that from
August to May, and if you'vebeen to a Snowbird event, you've
had those young men and youngwomen work with you and you
probably see what an incredibleprogram it is and how effective
it is.
So thank you all for tuning in.
It's going to be an awesomeweek.
It's a good time to be alive.
Jesus is on the throne.
Joe Biden's crazy DonaldTrump's somewhere out there, not
too far.
The world is insane right now.
People are losing their minds.
We have crazy leadership inWashington, crazy leadership in
most states.
I can tell you, the hope forour future is not in any
candidate, it's not in a man,it's not in a woman, it's in
Jesus and, thanks be to God,he's still on the throne.
And if you've got sons anddaughters, I want to finish this
with a promise.
You've got sons and daughtersthat have strayed or walked away
from the Lord.
Be faithful to pray and speakwhen God gives opportunity.
Don't force anything.
Trust the Lord to bring themback, to bring them back.
And if you've got young sonsand daughters and you're still
in the early stages or throes ofchild rearing, then follow
these principles and when theyare old, they will not depart
from it.
And that's a promise from God.
You can trust it.
All right.
Speaker 2 (36:33):
Have an awesome week.
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