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August 21, 2022 19 mins

The teaching of the Sermon on the Mount as the Constitution of the Kingdom continues with Matthew 7:7-14 Due to tech issues there is a Part B

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Hello again,
this is Richard Spangler of Lions Voice Ministries.
And we're continuing our walk through the Constitution of the Kingdom of God,
the sermon on the mount.
And we're up to uh part eight article six,
which I could entitled The Way it's found in Matthew 77 through 14.
I'll be reading from the classic edition of the Amplified Bible.

Uh Keep on asking and it will be given to you.
Keep on seeking and you will find,
keep on knocking,
reverently and the door will open to you forever for everyone who keeps on asking receives and he keeps it seeking finds and to him who keeps on knocking,
the door will be open or what is there a man of you who says to his son when he asked for a loaf of bread and you hand him a stone or if he asks for a fish,

you hand him a serpent.
If you then being evil as you are,
know how to give good,
give good and advantageous gifts to your Children.
How much more will your father who is in heaven?
Perfect as he is.
Give good and advantageous gifts to those who keep on asking.
So then whatsoever you desire that others would do to you and even so also do to them,

this sums up the law of the prophets,
the law and the prophets in through the narrow gate.
For the wide is the gate that's spacious and broad is the way that leads to destruction.
And many of those who go through it,
but the gate is narrow,
contracted by pressure and the way is straightened and its compression that leads to life.

And few are those who find it very interesting section.
it starts off by talking about how we,
we go to God and we ask for Him.
We start,
we start asking him for things and I like the fact that it puts in here.
Keep on knocking,
do it with reverence and honor and of God,

you start off by praising and worshiping Him and then you make your petitions.
you first let no God let God know how much you love Him,
how much you care for Him and then you lay your petitions before him as your heavenly father.
And you know that God says that here He will give us good things,
advantageous things.

He's not gonna give us something that is not good for us.
He's not gonna give us something that advantageous,
that's not advantageous for us,
even though we may be asking for it.
He's not,
he's a good father.
If we're asking for something that is not going to be good for us in the long term.
In the long plan of God,

then he isn't or it may be a wrong time right now for it to come about.
Then this,
this scripture says he's not gonna give it,
it's not gonna happen.
But if we're asking for bread or if we're asking for provisions,
in other words,
he's gonna give it,
he's gonna make provision.
He's gonna provide bread.
He's gonna provide meat for us to eat.

In other words,
he's gonna take care of our daily provision.
And on top of that,
he's gonna bless us for whatsoever we want.
But there's a caveat here.
He says in verse 12 and this is all tied together.
We can break these things up but it's all tied together.
So then whatsoever you desire that others would do to you do do to you and for you even so also do to and for them for this Sam sums up the law,

the law and the prophets.
This is tied to the asking,
this is tied to God blessing,
this is tied.
We have to be willing to do unto others.
This is sometimes called the golden room as we would have them do unto us.
it's very powerful.

It's connected to the asking part.
We have to be willing.
If we're asking for something,
we have to be willing to help someone else get what they're asking for.
We have to be willing to say okay.
I'm going to help you.
I'm going to bless you and,
and this way,
it's showing love,
it's showing the love of God.
It's showing your love for your fellow man and,

and it says it sums up the law and the prophets doing.
This is the love of God and love is all wrapped up in the,
wraps everything up the law,
the prophets,
all that God speaks is wrapped up in love and by performing love,
all this stuff above will be added to you.

You'll have plenty,
you'll have plenty of bread.
You'll have plenty of fish and other things that are advantageous for your life.
You'll receive them if you are willing to assist others.
Uh Now some people say,
they are not connected but they are.
God would not put this here.
And then he says,
narrow is the gate To go through.

He says it takes time and compression talks about being squeezed or for pushed together and compressed to,
to be a part of what God is doing.
We have to walk in God's way.
Not in man's way.
Man's way is I'll get everything I want.
Then I'll help somebody else.
Man's way is when I get $1 million,

I'll help someone,
I'll tithe,
I'll give money.
I'll help the poor.
you won't.
The fact is when Richmond gets received when you receive money,
it's always a,
that's a,
that's a factor of wanting more money making money.
Your God.

and that's just one example and then you're striving to get more,
you're not willing to help anyone but those who are the most successful,
those who there are the most looked upon with uh with all and wonder are people who gave away more than they,
than they were at,

than they had to JC Penney's and plastic example,
he gave away millions of dollars and only lived on a small portion of what he brought in.
God blessed him.
God blessed his business.
God blessed him for,
for generations.
That company survived long after J C has gone on to his reward in heaven because this man laid the foundation of giving,

he laid the foundation of pouring out.
the corporation has lost,
that hasn't lost that.
And instead they try to draw in and try and bring in and they try and do things and they're not looking at their foundations sadly,
in our country,
we don't look at our foundations.
We don't look at our constitution.

We don't look at what the constitution says about how to,
how to treat each other.
And there'll be something that well,
we didn't treat each other right in the first place.
A certain what was done in slavery was wrong.
It was wrong.
It was a,
it was major wrong,
the prejudice and the discrimination that came on after the civil war was wrong.

All of that.
We need to repent from individually and nationally that does,
that does not mean that we don't move forward.
We move forward in God,
we move forward.
We look at,
we say God forgive us and then you go to the party,
you go to the offending ones and say,

please forgive me and ask them to forgive.
Now there'll be some who will and some who won't.
But you've done your job,
you've done what God required of you.
You've gone and asked for forgiveness.
So when you do someone wrong,
go to them,
ask for forgiveness.
And if they forgive you find,

if they don't go on about your way,
you have done what God has charged you to do.
if you know someone has done something to you,
you treat you,
you don't wait for them to come,
you go to them and say,
what you did really hurt me,
really offended me.
What you said?
Those harsh words really hit,
hit hard and below the belt however you wanna say and it hurt me,

but I forgive you.
I forgive you.
This is the law of God,
this is what the prophets were talking about.
And this opens the way for God to bless you.
And it says so in the word,
when you go and you ask for forgiveness or when you forgive someone,
when they've done something wrong,
you are setting yourself up for greater blessing.

God is gonna bless but there's a different level of blessing that comes from doing what God has called us to do.
So this is why this part,
the way this is the way He says,
we walk in this way,
we walk in this way of asking God to bless and expecting to receive those advantageous things and those good things from Him.

But we also need to walk in the way of doing unto others,
what we would have them do to us.
We have to,
we have to be willing to share.
We have to be willing to forgive.
We have to be willing to show God's love to them because we want to be loved.
I know very few people who don't want,
who said they don't want to be loved.

And even then I scratched my head and go well,
you're not really telling the truth.
Everyone wants to be loved and the way to be loved is to show love is to show is to show that what God calls the fulfillment of the law of the prophets doing unto others.
If you do it just out of lip service,
just to get something,

you're not doing it from the heart.
You've got to do it from the heart.
You're gonna allow God to work in your heart and heal your heart.
And that and there are places where God takes you through our compression that there's pressure and it's,
it straightens you out.
It can,
it leads to life.

And the scripture says,
those who find it are few and that is so true that the world popular as you look at the world population,
the those who walk in this way are very few people.
The call is for us who are walking in the way,
who are walking in the way to go to those who aren't.

And see,
I love you.
God loves you and I want to share with you how much God loves you.
And then you begin to share with him and would not your hope be that someone,
if you didn't know God,
that someone would come to you and share God with you,
share love with you.
If you were in a depressed state,

going to them and say,
I wanna help,
I wanna pray for you.
I want to just let you know that you're loved,
you're loved by God.
If you're an anger and bitterness,
someone coming to you and say I forgive you for your anger,
I forgive you for your bitterness,
not saying or if you're,

if you're walking in a way and someone offends you saying,
they offended me,
they gotta pay me back.
let God deal with that.
God rewards God deals with that.
that's judging them and saying I'm not gonna forgive unless they do what I want first.
Do you get the same thing back?
It's scriptural.
You get the same thing back if that's the way you're going to be,

you're gonna get the same thing back.
People gonna be saying about you.
I'm not gonna forgive him until he does what I want first.
That's just an example.
And sadly,
our world is full of those examples where we have people who don't forgive,
who don't love,

whose selfishness drives than the people to poverty and compounds it with selfishness.
And there is a,
there is a calling when God blesses you to bless others,
there's that calling to go out and do the work of the ministry.
There is a calling when someone comes to you and say,
I don't have any food.
Can you help me out to give them bread to give them that fish or meat to do what you would have that if you were in their situation,

what would you want somebody to,
to say?
not gonna help you.
It's your fault.
You're stuck.
you reach out and you show God's love.
The people say,
the government does all that.
The government does it in a terrible way.
If you look at the numbers of the population that are still in poverty from the war on poverty started in the 1960s.

And has it changed?
it's gotten worse because they have,
it has gone from,
from there doing it for a political purpose for political gain and they are not doing it to really help anyone they're doing to say we're doing a good job.
We have our intentions and good intentions as you know,
are paved the way.

I'm not gonna say it,
but the fact is they're not doing it out of a biblical concern.
Our love for another person.
when people gave,
gave that responsibility to the government,
we see what a message put everything in.
And the only way for us to correct that is for us.
The church,

God's people,
God's kingdom,
people walking in the kingdom principles is to begin to do what the scripture says and to begin to love people unconditionally,
to begin to,
to offer help,
unconditionally to begin to say,
I'm going to help you.
Let me also show you a way to be better at your life.

Not a handout,
excuse me,
but a helping hand being there to lift them up when they're down,
lift them up,
when they're depressed,
lift them up,
when they're hurting,
lift them up when they're,
when they're going through trials and tribulations,
wouldn't you want someone else to do the same for you?

That's what God's saying.
If you want someone to help you when you're going through,
you've got to be willing to help others when they're going through,
think about it when you're hurting.
We've all been there when you're hurting when you're going through a trial,
when you're going through a testing.

Wasn't it wonderful when someone came along beside you and just said,
you know,
I'm praying for you.
Let me not even know what you're doing,
what you're going through.
But they come alongside and say,
I'm praying for you.
I'm praying God's best for you.
I'm praying for God to bless you,
to love to know,
to share his love with you.

That does wonders.
And it may open the door with the person who's receiving what you're saying.
come and say,
I need prayer.
This is what's going on in my life.
My wife's a mess and don't be surprised if it's somebody who looks like they got it all together because none of us have it all together.
I don't care if you're living in a mansion or if you're living in a hovel or living on the streets,

nobody has it all together.
We're all in the same boat.
We all have issues.
We all have things that come about and we're all wanting help.
I'm wanting somebody to come alongside and say,
I'm going to help you.
And then others say,
the guy on the street,
he looks like he could go to work.

You don't know what his life has been like.
You don't know what his heart has been like.
You don't know what his mind is like.
You don't know,
you can't.
And that goes back to judging when God tells you to do something,
do it Help that person?
Give them that $5 bill or that $10 bill.

It doesn't matter what they do with it,
the part of the part it does in a way because God will judge them and will deal with them on what they do with it.
But for you,
you do what God tells you to do and you bless them.
I have,
I have fun when I go to Starbucks from time to time I'll just say,
I want to pay for the person in back of me and guess what?

I do that and I drive off.
I don't wait to see the reaction.
I just say,
I wanna bless them.
I want to pay whatever they,
whatever their bill is,
whatever they bought,
I'm paying for it.
And you just tell them,
God bless you.
I don't know if the priest will tell them,
God bless you or not.
But that's what I do.
And I've had it happen to me when I'm in line at Starbucks getting coffee through the drive through.

Next thing I know somebody's paid for mine.
I didn't ask for it.
They just did it and they blessed me.
I've been in places where I've been in restaurants and God's told me to go minister to somebody and I went and ministered to them and I want administering to their entire family.
One Thanksgiving dinner.
Uh They were in a restaurant and I heard them conversation about blessing the waitress and God said,

go over and pray for a minister to them.
And I walked over and introduced myself and asked him a few questions if they believe in the prophetic words in God's ministry.
And they said yes.
So I ministered to the whole table was not intending to,
but God just did it,
did it very quietly peacefully.
No big scene.
And I turned to walk away and the,
and one of the gentlemen said,

wait a minute,
I wanna,
I wanna give you,
I want to shake your hand And I felt something good in my hand.
in some circles,
we call that a Pentecostal handshake and I just call it a blessing.
And I went back to my table and open my hand and they already,
they got up and left and there was a $20 bill in my hand.
That's God's blessing.

And sometimes it happens.
Sometimes it doesn't,
I'm not saying you're gonna get an immediate return,
but that's doing what God says here doing unto others as you would have them to do unto you showing love,
taking the narrow way,
taking the narrow way when somebody calls you a nasty name or cut you off on the interstate,

don't get flustered and start cursing at them or blowing your horn wildly.
Just say okay,
pray for him.
You know,
they did something that wasn't smart.
Pray for them,
let them know that you could,
they don't have to know you're praying for them.
Just pray for them.
And then when you go to God with your petitions and you say God,

you're already open,
you're already open to what God's gonna do.
And when you're praying,
what God's will is for your life,
God's going to fulfill it,
fulfill it.
God's gonna give you more than enough bread.
He's gonna give you more than enough fish or meat.
It's gonna give you more than enough clothing as we talked about earlier.
He is to our provisions and he will take care of us.

He loves us.
This whole,
this whole section here is summing up the law and the prophets.
If you want to do,
if you want to fulfill what God calls,
you want to walk in that narrow way.
And the narrow way is love.
The narrow way is forgiveness.
The narrow way is listening to God having that relationship with him and being open.

That's what God is calling us to.
And when you do that,
it'll transform you.
It will transform your life,
it will transform your neighbor's life,
it will transform your community eventually,
it will transform your city and your state.
You want to stop violence,
start loving,
wanna stop gangs,

start loving,
you want to stop drug addiction,
start loving,
start doing what God calls you to do.
Hold out the hand and sometimes you get a slap back.
Sometimes you don't,
don't worry about it.
That's where you go to God and said,
I did what you said to do and they rejected it.

Lord bless him anyway and help me not to get better,
help me to forgive.
And he will,
and he will pour out on you,
blessings upon blessings upon blessings that he's already said he would do.
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