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February 6, 2024 46 mins

Embark on an incredible journey of faith with the latest episode of "Chyange of Life Testimonies from sinners to saints. Minister Chyange engages in a heartfelt discussion with Honor, revealing his remarkable transformation from a lonely, culture-shocked, and addiction-ridden child to an individual graced by the redeeming love of God.

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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From Senator Saints, this podcast the truth, you is or you ain't.
Let's break down the facts, it's Minister Change, Minister Change.
Blessings, blessings, blessings. Wonderful people with God, it's your boy Minister
Change, the minister that meet
people where they at and love on them like our Lord Jesus Christ does.

I'd like to welcome my guest, Honor, to the Change of Life Testimonies from Senator Saints.
What's going on, fam fam? Tell me how you feeling tonight, bro bro.
Hey man, you know it's L.O.J. Honor up in the building, man.
Salute to Brother Change, bro.
It's blessed up in here in Jesus' name, man. God bless everybody watching.
May the mighty blood of Jesus Christ be upon you in Jesus' name, man. Let's go.

Amen, amen. Hey bro, we know God is good all the time, man. man.
God already had this moment, man. He already had a plan while we was in our mother's womb.
He already knew that we was going to do this dang thing right here,
bro, bro. But we're going to start this interview off, man.
What you telling the people, man? Where are you from, man? Where was you born and raised, bro, bro?
Oh, man, dude. That's crazy, man. The Lord gave me a crazy life.

You know what I'm saying? But I was born in Wenatchee, Washington.
When I was one years old, I moved over to Moses Lake, Washington.
And when I was eight years old, I moved over to Saudi Arabia till I was 13.
When I was 13, I moved over to the back over here to the States to live with my sister.

When I was 15, I moved to the Philippines and I went to high school there.
And when I was 19, I came back over here to the States.
You know what I'm saying? So I've been, you know what I'm saying?
All over the world, man, in Jesus name.
Amen. Amen. Look, the Lord was using you as a a vessel, bro.
He wanted to get you that experience because he know all of that was going to
be used for his glory, bro, bro.
Hey, man, do you have a favorite Bible scripture, man, you like to go to,

man, in a time of need? Is this a little scripture to comfort your soul, bro, bro?
Man, bro, in the time of need, bro, I got to say my favorite Bible scripture
in the time of need. Let me pull it up right here.
I believe it's Philippians chapter four, verse, let's see, verse six in the time of need, man.
It says, be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication

with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God and the peace of God,
which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Jesus.
Man, I can't tell you how many times, bro, I've went through trials and sufferings in life, man.
And it's the remembrance, bro, of always remembering what God has done, man.

Always remembering of the time that he split the Red Sea for you,
the time that he made a river and a wasteland for you, the time that he made
a path through the wilderness for you, man.
When you didn't know where it was going to go, you know what I'm saying?
When you didn't know where the money was going to come from,
how were you going to pay your bills, you know?
The Lord has always provided, always came through, man.
And that's just, that is a very important one to me, man. Every time I'm going

through a struggle in Jesus name, I love that verse. Man.
Whoa, bro. Hey, that's good, man. That's good. We always need those special
verses, man, to give us an uplift, man.
Because going through this life, man, sometimes we can have some days,
man, that we'd be like, hey man, we want to give up.
So we need that little boost, that little scripture that give you that little energy.
It's just like boom, boom, boom, boom. Get you up and moving,

brother. Most definitely. Most definitely. Hey, brother, honor, man.
If somebody was to ask you about your character, man, a total stranger,
how would you describe yourself, man?
Man, I would just say, you know, I just say honor.
You know what I mean? Like the way that I got my name, man, it's it's just something
inside, you know, deep inside, man, that the Lord just planted inside of me, bro. bro.

It's just the, one of the, my favorite Bible verses, man, is,
you know, love knows none like this, that one would give his own life for his
friend. You know what I'm saying, bro?
And I would say, man, it's like, once I got love for you, bro,
it's, it's till the end of the earth. You know what I'm saying?
This is how Jesus wrote for us, man. And we're supposed to follow Jesus example,

man. And Jesus had a lot of honor in Jesus name.
So come on, bro. Yeah. Most definitely.
Bro. Hey, bro, that's good, man. And as we go through, man, and all that honor
and stuff like that, man, it's us being men.
There's sometimes, man, that we have this pride thing, bro.
So I was just wondering, man, when was the last time you cried, bro?

Man, the last time I cried, man, I'm going to be honest, bro.
It was whenever I was praying to my, probably like a few weeks ago,
I was praying with my sister, you know what I'm saying? Over the phone and.
I don't know exactly what exactly the conversation was about or why I called
her, but I just remember, man, just praying and just thanking the Lord so much.

Because, man, when I was lost in the streets, when I was lost living that life,
man, that nobody, you know, should be living, bro.
And my sister, she would always lift me up in prayer, you know,
after I walked away from God. And she would always go to the Bible studies and
have everyone pray for me and, you know, always have my, you know,
she would always be lifting me up in prayer.

She never she never shut me out. She never kicked me out, no matter how disrespectful
I got, you know. And and I was just thanking God for that, man.
And I just felt the Holy Spirit just came in the room, bro. And it just totally
just wrecked me, bro. bro.
I was like, just crying like a baby, man, because the love of God,
man, that was in my sister, bro.

And I know for a fact, man, if it wasn't for her prayers, bro,
I would not be here right now, in Jesus' name.
Hey, man, that's the intercessory prayer, bro.
We all need that, man. That's those prayers that cover us, but sometimes we
don't went to a state that we forget to cover ourselves.
But that's those intercessory prayer, bro, that God hears and And it keeps us

here on this earth, man. Amen. That's bro, bro, bro, bro.
Man, that's most definitely good, bro. Amen.
Just say right now, man. Me and you sitting here, we chopping it up,
man. We having this conversation, man.
What if God was to return right now, bro? You think you would be going to heaven or hell, man?
Oh, man, dude. I'd be up in the air, bro. I'm going to be so excited and happy

now. I'd be like, Jesus, come on, in Jesus' name.
And I told y'all, now, now, you know what I'm saying? Come on. You said you wouldn't.
Okay, okay. Well, we're rolling together, bro, because I know I'm going,
we're going to be holding hands. We're going to be up out of this thing, bro.
Rolling together, bro, rolling together, man. Hey, man, you know,
man, life, man, you know, it's growing up, man, through our childhood history,

man, and stuff like that. We have our ups and downs, man.
But hey, bro, what is one of your happiest childhood memories,
man, that you can remember?
Man the happiest childhood memory that
i can remember man let's see
bro man it was just man back
in the day bro when i was younger we didn't have

like cell phones and tv and everything well
we had tv but we didn't have no cell phones or like barely have
video games you know what i'm saying so it was
when all of us man and all the block kids
would get together you know and we'd all play together outside you
know what i'm saying go to my probably at my friend lalo's house
right next door you know what i'm saying we'd go and jump

on the trampoline bro all of us all 10 of us you
know what i'm saying man probably like because those are like the probably the
funnest memories of my life man being a kid man yes yes hey bro man that's good
bro and it's nothing like those memories that's built man with your loved ones
your friends the happiness of just that natural natural joy that God allow us, man,

to just rejoice in at times in our life.
Hey, brother Honor, this is the testimony moment, brother.
This is when you talk about a sexual, a mental hurt, an incarceration,
or anything in your life, man, that took you down, but you was able to hold
on, man, and find a path back to strength, man, to getting yourself back on
the right path and just trusting the Lord Jesus Christ, brother.

This is your moment to share your testimony, on it, brother.
So come on with it, brother. All right. Holy Spirit, man. Just speak through me right now, Lord.
Well, man, I will say this, you know.
Well, when my when my life started here in the States, man, you know,
there's a lot of just a lot of bad role models inside of my life, man.

There's just a lot of gangs, man. Of course, you know, we're from the hood, man.
Any any hood has gangs, you know what I'm saying? Drugs and everything else, man.
But so I grew up around that, man. I got a little bit influenced by it.
And then I moved to Saudi Arabia and over there, kind of it was like a culture
shock in a way, because it was a completely different environment,
completely different people.
You know, I was going through going to international school out there where

it was like you had a Korean dude,
you had a person from South Africa, you had someone from Portugal and Europe
and then, you know, you're you and from Washington, bro. It's just it's crazy, man.
And, you know, going through that, I would say it started to open up my mind
a lot about, you know, life and everything else. And I went to 10 different

schools in my lifetime, man.
Everything from Christian schools, man, to public schools, to Catholic schools,
to Islamic schools, to, you know what I'm saying, Montessori school.
Like all the different types, man. And so it's just a lot of culture shock, man.
A lot of not fitting in, a lot of just being, you know, kind of like being the
outcast, man. man, one moment you got getting rooted in and then you ripped

out of your nest the next, you know?
So that's what I grew up, man. I grew up kind of like a lonely kid for a while. And I would say...
Man, I got, when I was, I would say 11 years old, man.
And this is why I tell people, man, be careful, man, of your,
you know what I mean? Your friends.
And I remember my friend told me this, bro, in Saudi Arabia.

He was like, man, he said, whatever you do, bro.
Like he told me, it's just like, man, don't, don't you watch,
you know what I'm saying?
Porn, bro. And I don't know, I was only 11 years old, bro. And my friend was
like, don't, don't watch porn, bro.
And I was was like what is that you know what i'm
saying or like you know what i'm saying yeah yeah yeah you

know what i'm saying a friend's house
man and spending the night bro
and then he like turned on this you know what i'm saying and i was like man
this is crazy i had never seen nothing like that in my life and like i walk
out of the room and i just know man ever since that night bro my life changed
you know what i'm saying because like you know that that's where that seed was

planted bro bro, inside of that friend's house, bro.
And that's why I just tell the youth, man, be careful of your friends,
because that led to an ongoing battle inside of my life, man,
from the age of 13, when I moved back to the States and I got high speed internet.
Bro, know what I'm saying?
So just, you know what I'm saying? I didn't think it was, you know what I'm saying?

Like, it was just an ongoing battle and just a silent one, you know,
Something like you can't tell your friends, and even if you told your friends,
they wouldn't understand, you know what I'm saying?
Because they didn't have the spirit in them, you know?
So, man, when I was 13, I started struggling with that bad, and I would try
to quit, and then I'd relapse, man.
And then I would feel guilty and shamed and everything else, bro.

And at the same time, bro, that was a crazy time of my life, man.
I'll tell you, that was like a lot of depression and anxiety,
a lot, a lot of surrounding that, bro. nobody ever knew.
Everybody looked at me like, you know, like, man, this guy is just,
you know, like there's something weird about this guy. Like he's just, he's not friendly.
He's not, you know, talking. He's just quiet by himself all the time.

You know, it led to me like almost having like five anxiety attacks a day,
you know, not having enough confidence, bro, to go order a milkshake from McDonald's.
You know what I'm saying?
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Most definitely. Yeah, you know, and that totally,
really, it really, really wrecked my life, man.
And, you know, I ended up when I was 18 years old, man.

So that started when I was living in the States at the age of 13.
And then at 15, I moved to the Philippines. And that went all through high school, bro, like that.
Like that loner kid, bro, that super outcast. You know what I'm saying? And when I was 19, whoa.
And then, so let me backtrack a little bit.
When i was 18 years old right so i was dealing with this addiction man and i

was going through all of this alone bro and.
When I was 18 years old, I remember this like it was yesterday.
My sister, she was like, hey, you should come to us, you know,
to this one event that we have going on in Portland, Oregon.
And I was like, Portland, Oregon. And she was like, yeah, I was like,
it's called Generation Unleashed.
And this is before I knew Christ. And I was like, OK, you know,

like and he said, I think it'll really help you out, you know.
And I was like, all right, you know, and it was a four day ordeal.
You know what I'm saying? There's prayer, worship and sermons and everything. thing.
And I remember, you know, it was cool.
And I remember that there was a couple of words that really did touch my heart.
You know, like one of the sermons by, I think his name was John Gray.

He said that the biggest weapon, yeah, he said the biggest weapon that the enemy
will use against this generation is shame.
You know what I'm saying? So I had a lot of shame inside of me,
man. You know what I'm saying?
But that weekend, bro, I remember I just wanted to know if God was real.
And it took four days, man, the last day. On the last day, I was feeling discouraged.

I was like, man, I still haven't experienced God for real. He hasn't showed me yet.
And I remember at that moment, I was thinking that the pastor said,
he was like, hey, if anybody here wants to know the Lord Jesus Christ for real
and have a true encounter with him. You know what I'm saying?
I want you to raise your hand. And so I rose my hand and he said,

I want everybody in here to close your eyes.
And then so everyone closed their eyes, right?
And he said, for everyone who rose your hand, I want you to walk to the straight,
walk to the, you know what I mean, to the altar.
So at this point, man, I'm starting to feel anxiety.
I'm feeling fearful inside of my heart like and it was at the time i didn't
realize it was demons bro like i thought that you know i just thought it was

my own self and yeah exactly the altar man and i get there and.
He says, recite this prayer. And it was like a sinner's prayer.
You know what I mean? Like accepting the Lord Jesus into your heart and repenting of your sin.
And when I did that, man, I just felt this love just come over me,
like in waves, like, and like, as they were playing the worship,

it was like, the drums were just beating through my body, like through my chest.
It was a weird, crazy experience, man. And I, and then at that moment,
I seen my life flash before before my eyes, you know, from the time I was a
kid all the way till now, all of my most depressing, most hopeless times,
God showed me pictures, actual moments where he was right there through every

single time in my life that I felt worthless and hopeless.
And, you know, and I was like, man, this is crazy. And he showed me a picture of heaven.
Like I saw it, it looked pure and it it looked clean and and
it looked just perfect and amazing and he said what is unclean cannot come here

and that's when he gave me the revelation that i was cleansed by the blood of
jesus my sins were washed by the blood of jesus yes and dude and like at that moment i just knew.
Like, people ask me all the time, it's like, how do you know Christianity is true?
Well, when you're filled with the Holy Spirit, you just know that it's true, bro.

You know, like, you just know.
And long story short, man, I opened my eyes, and there was like eight people praying over me, man.
And like, you know, tears in my eyes, or I was trying not to cry,
but man, I had tears in my eyes, bro. It was tears of joy, too, bro, that release.
Yeah, and I felt this love, man, to everybody.

It didn't matter who you were, like your grandma or your mom or random dude
down the street or random person entering the grocery store.
Bro, I felt that love for that person, that genuine, real love.
And I remember, too, that I had a love for the word, right? Right.
And this love for the word, it's just I just couldn't get enough of it.

I just wanted to read and read and read and read.
And well, long story short, man, that was when I was visiting the States and
I ended up having to move back to the Philippines.
Right. OK. So I moved back to the Philippines and I didn't have any discipleship.
Nobody was there to, like, teach me or anything like that.
So, you know, and that was like for a few weeks, man.

And I was like staying close to the Lord for a few weeks. And I remember there
was this time I got this really bad like throat, you know what I mean?
Like throat sickness and I could barely like swallow anything and it was just
painful. You know what I'm saying?
And the Lord put this thought in my head. He said, pray over your throat.
So I prayed over my throat and I remember that, that power, that feeling that,

that filled me at when I got baptized in the Holy Spirit and it healed my throat on the spot.
And then there was another time, bro, where my stomach was hurting super bad.
Like I couldn't like stand up straight. Like I was like bent over, like it was hurt so bad.
And I remember I did the same thing, the same thought, like pray over your stomach.
So I prayed over my stomach, bro. And it just completely got healed.

You know what I'm saying? That's God. Like, man, like, whoa.
And like, dude, there's this dead coconut tree in my backyard in the Philippines, bro.
And you know what I'm saying? Like it was completely dead.
It was hollow inside there's a beehive growing in there
and i prayed over the coconut tree bro and
the coconut tree came back to life that's that faith bro that's that faith bro

that's that faith they say if you give up a mustard seed you can move a mountain
bro that's that faith bro these are real things that really happen man that's
that faith bro bro and like but long but bro Bro, what ended up happening though,
man, is like, I ended up falling, bro.
Like I remember I was so close to the Lord, but you know, slowly sin started

creeping in and not having discipleship and no one there to guide me or lead
me or teach me, you know what I mean?
And, and I, and I fell back into sin. I fell back into like that porn addiction, bro.
And, and I just felt it was weird. it was like I grieved the Holy Spirit so
bad, you know, that he ended up like, it was like he almost like he left.

You know, now I know in my Christian walk, he doesn't really leave you,
but you have to be continually filled with the Spirit, you know,
you have to continue to refill it.
But yeah, it felt like he left at the time. And I started, you know,
falling back into my old ways and I started.
I always wanted to be a famous rapper, bro. That was something that I always

wanted to do ever since I was a little, little kid, ever since I first heard rap music.
And I started making in my mind, this is what I'm going to do with my life. right?
And when I was 19 years old, man, I ended up moving to the States with five
pairs of clothes, you know what I'm saying?
And I just lived with my brother, man. And the first job I ever had was I worked

in the fields, you know what I'm saying? Picking up garbage for 10 hours a day.
And I'm still struggling with this addiction and everything else and having
five anxiety attacks a day and feeling shame and guilt and going through that
crazy cycle, trying to get my life together, you know what I'm saying?
And And I just get to this point, man, where I'm like in my room and I just

always had this, you know, I've always had this thing inside of me where I always
felt like I just wasn't enough by myself.
You know, like I always needed somebody else, you know, to complete me.
And now I realize it's God. You know what I'm saying? But before I was like,
man, I need a group or I need somebody.
I need to belong to something. Just something. Yeah. Yeah. And like I prayed

to God with all my mind, heart and soul.
I remember it. I was like, Lord, please send me somebody who has like talent,
like a gift, like I do. You know what I'm saying?
And I just want to make music. You know what I'm saying?
And the Lord, through a crazy string of events, man, he introduces me to this
guy and his name is Rocco, man. He goes by Chuck Vibes now.

You can find him on Spotify, but he don't make Christian music.
He makes like worldly music. But anyways, man.
He, we started working together and we formed this group and it's called The Outsiders, right?
And essentially what we are is a bunch of outcasts, bro, a bunch of misfits, people who don't fit in.

And we started making music. We started getting, you know, along together pretty well.
And we started, you know, we did shows. And then I remember,
but like my life, man, I just never fit in.
You know what I'm saying? I just was always the odd one out.
I was never, I never could fit in with them, like set apart.

You know what I'm saying?
Once God sets you apart, you can never go back to what you were.
And, and like, so I was just struggling with that, fighting with that, bro.
And it came to a point like where, you know, I had so many failed relationships, man.
So many times girls would just leave me for another dude. And like,

I just, I, and like, you know what I mean?
And when you're in the world, man, let me tell you something, bro.
People don't like kindness. You know, people don't like patience.
People don't like love. People don't like gentleness, bro. They think it's weak.
You know, people in the world, you're a Christian, bro.
They're going to keep picking at you and picking at you, bro.

And trying to knock that off, trying to numb you up. You know what I'm saying?
Yes. Yes. Most definitely, bro. I experienced it. I experienced it.
That's real. That's real.
And, bro, and that's what they would do to me, bro. And it like it started like
creating this rage in my heart and this anger and just this resentment for myself and for God.
And, you know, because I didn't want to be like that.

And but I was and my sister, I remember she told me this, you know,
just on a side note, she was like, well, you know that those are gifts, right?
You know kindness is a gift like you get that
from god you know what i'm saying like you don't
get that naturally you get that from jesus yeah
you know that's pretty true man but

like anyways man continuing with the story bro like
i would just never fit in man and it just came to a point man where
i hit rock bottom man i like i just
got so just just so
deep down dark dark type
of life you know what i'm saying and there was drugs and everything and i would

never do drugs because i seen what it did to my family i would never drink alcohol
i mean what it did to my family man and but i i just got to a point man where
i just didn't care anymore and so i just one day bro bro. I was working at Walmart.
I got off at 1130 at night and they would always hotbox my ride,
but I would never smoke with them, but they would hotbox my ride.

Yeah. Yeah. And so they left some in the dashboard.
So I was like, man, you know what? I don't even care anymore.
I'm just going to go smoke. Right.
So then I go and I drive home and I pull up right in front of my friend's house
where I was staying at and I start smoking.
Smoking and i'm playing these beats right and

then as i'm smoking like this spirit this
demon comes up to me and he's like yo do
you really want to he said and he asked me a question he's like
do you really want to be successful and i was
like yeah i want to be successful because he
saw how desperate i was you know what i'm saying yeah he
saw i hit my rock bottom i had nothing left i know where

to go i was tired of being you know what i mean pick that
and this and that and yeah he saw it and
he was like do you want to be successful or not i said yeah
he said okay well i need you to sign this contract and
say f god and i was like what man and then and then bro and then i kid you not
the contract appears right in front of me it was the x with the dotted line

and i was like whoa dude this is crazy like i can't believe this is happening
right now like what and i so i I start manually signing my name in my mind.
And every single letter of my name is in flames.
Like you could visually see the flames and I get halfway and I stop and I'm
like, bro, like what is going on?
Like, this is crazy. Like, this is literally insane.

And he's like, bro. And the demon told me, he's like, bro, do you want this
or not? Like, I could just go to the next person if you don't want it.
And then I was like, and I was like, okay, you know, I'll do it.
So then I I signed it, bro. And then I said what I said. Wow.
And then this contract, bro, it opens up. It opens up. And I see at the top
of the contract, it says 10,000 rules.

And every single rule at a contract is laid out.
And you can see it in little tiny writing exactly what the legal rights are
for demons over your life.
And, bro, and it opened up and then it slammed shut like this and then it went
into my spirit like boom.
And when it went in me, I felt this darkness come into me like I never felt

before into my arms and to my soul, into my legs, into my mind.
And this darkness completely changed me. it gave
me a confidence I never had before it gave me
an assurance that I never had before it it taught
me how to it gave me the ability to communicate to
negotiate to get what I wanted I had you

know what I'm saying like it was weird and one thing too was that I just knew
that I was gonna be successful like there's no there was no doubt in my mind
like I knew it that it was just a matter of time and yeah and then he and then long story short man,
no no dude you got to go outside we're doing a podcast right now i love you though.

My bad about that you know you're good with my son and he's funny but anyways though he said,
you know and this demon that entered me his name
was iceberg slim okay you know
being from from the south you probably heard of
iceberg slim kind of yeah yeah yeah
yep yep yep yeah dude and like you know

the pimp dude it was crazy bro that
demon in him it came in me and did it make you successful though so okay so
this is i gotta tell y'all this one okay so this is what happened man so this
demon fills me right and i begin to notice man that i have this ability to negotiate to to promote,

to have the confidence I have.
I could do whatever I wanted, bro, pretty much. It was like a superpower almost.
And I remember whenever I'd go to write music, as I wrote music,
as like I listened to the beat, the demons would tell me what to write.
So I would be able to write just, I would write a song in like five minutes.

Because every time that the beat replayed, the demon would just say the exact
same thing over and over and over again until I wrote it all down.
And then whenever it came to mixing, bro, I didn't have knowledge in mixing
like that. You know what I'm saying?
But the demonic gave me knowledge on how to mix. They taught me how to do it in a professional way.

Yeah, bro, it's crazy. And knowledge I didn't have before.
And, bro, long story short, man, we start getting shows. we
start doing like music videos and we start popping
you know what i'm saying yeah yeah yeah like chris
calico strange music man okay yeah yeah
chris webby rich homie kwan bro a lot
of you know what i mean big people man and and

then i started you know i started also
dabbling into gangs you know what i'm saying and one
thing i didn't i forgot to mention man is whenever i was
you know 13 me and my best
friend we got we started getting into gangs whenever i moved here
and you know he actually went all the way with it
i never fully got like initiated or anything yeah but

we were both backing it up and when he was 16 years old he ended up getting
killed right man so and i say that to say this is because like i don't know
for some reason i got drawn into that gang again you know what i mean and hanging
around those people and i started making making music with them, too.
You know what I'm saying? And bro, in the streets, they were,

bro, they was like pulling, you know what I'm saying, drive-bys to my music,
doing... Believe me, I'm familiar with them.
Bro, house parties, everything else. It was crazy. Yeah, I'm familiar with the
streets. I know how they operate.
Yeah. Crazy life, man. And so, all these things start happening, man.
And it just starts blowing up, kind of. And,

And dude, it just that same day I gave that to God because that's something
I always wanted, bro. I never.
And that's a crazy story about me, bro, is I never had a girlfriend until the
age of 21 because I was always rejected.
I was always the misfit. I never fit in, bro.
You know what I'm saying? So I remember it was one eleven, bro.

I decided to go check my phone. I went on Facebook and at one 11,
my wife, who was just, you know, I didn't know her at the time,
but she posted this post at one 11 talking about God and, you know, about everything else.
And I just messaged, I just messaged her, bro.
I'm like, wow, that was a really nice post, you know, this and that.

And long story short, man, it was just like, it just flowed. It was just natural.
It was just like a Holy spirit thing. You know what I mean? And long story short,
she ends up just living down the street from me.
Wow. Dude, that's crazy, bro. And look at God, man.
Bro, that was already in God's blueprint, bro. Dude, it was,

man. And that was the crazy thing, man.
And I would say just the last part, man, is the reason I still make music to
this day, bro, is because so my wife, she used to listen to these,
you know, she went through the baby Christian stage, bro.
And she would listen to like these super religious people man
i would be like oh rap music is of the devil any any kind of music other than

hymns is from the devil you can't have instrumentation this and that and then
bro so i was like i was thinking that and like i was like oh man like this probably
is from the devil i mean i signed my soul isn't that everything and then,
I told God, I was like, God, unless you send me somebody to tell me that this
is what I'm supposed to be doing, I am going to quit rap music.

And bro, it took a couple months, bro. I didn't make music for like two months.
And then I ended up going to this church and I give and I officially give my
life to the Lord and they pray over me.
And this prophet from the church, she walks up to me and one of the guys was there.
He was like, this is a prophet at our church. you know she doesn't she
she wasn't here during the prayer or anything like that

she just walked up and then i was like okay so she
talks to me and she taps me on the shoulder she's like hey do you
make music and then i was like yeah you
know i was like yeah i make music and then she was like well the lord
wanted me to tell you that you're you know that you're highly
anointed and essentially that's what you're supposed to
be doing and then i'll be

like and bro she didn't even know what kind of music i
made you know what i'm saying so bro like
that's the reason why i make music to this
day bro like i mean dude there's like
that but that in a nutshell man that is what is brought me to the lord today
you see what i'm saying yeah yeah and very yeah man that's crazy bro pray all

glory to god man in jesus name amen amen come on bro man bro that's good so so man man, when you,
I guess when you was going through a certain path, man, when you was incarcerated,
did you find the Lord then or not?
Was that, or that was just the moment of your life that you just,
you know, just a phase that was a part in the blueprint that God was just established you for growth?

I think, man, like, yeah, I was just, that was, I wasn't following the Lord.
I mean, at that time, man, I was so lost, bro. I thought that was cool.
You know what what i'm saying oh okay well like i thought like
yeah yeah yeah this is pleasurable you know
what i'm saying to the degree i was like i just don't want
to be in here that long you know what i'm saying yeah yeah but but yeah man

and but even then man there was the lord was using people man people that don't
even know god to speak to me in there you know and say man you don't want to
live that life you know i'm x this i'm x that and trust me bro you don't want
to be a part of that and this and that.
And I was like, you know, I wasn't really listening.
And, but, you know, now I realize, man, as God speaking through,

you know, a lot of people, man, and, you know.
And I'll tell you this, bro, like speaking of that part of my life,
you know, with the gangs and everything, I remember like, there was this one moment, man.
I remember it. Like, I remember I went to my homie's house and he's really about
it, man. He was a hitter. You know know what I'm saying?

And I was sitting on the couch, man, and he looks at me, bro. And he looked at me, bro.
And he said, bro, like, I don't know what it is about you, bro, but.
You're just not being yourself, bro. And he said, like, I don't feel anything.
I like I don't get any bad vibes from you, but I just feel like you're not being yourself.

Like you're just like this. Yeah.
Yeah. Different spirit. God. Yeah. God was starting to get down in your heart,
man, and change you at the moments, man.
Yeah. And he was a bro. He was a full blown like he was like a leader, bro.
And he was telling me that like he's like, this just isn't you, bro.
Like this is not you. too yeah and bro it

was crazy because that day you know i was
like bro but like this and that but we could do this and that bro and
i was like just think about it bro and you you know what i mean and
and he was like ah bro like i ain't buying it
bro like this just isn't you bro and and like he
even told the other homie is like man bro like do you
see what i'm saying and like yeah it was interesting man and

the other homie he didn't really see what the leader was saying
you know what i'm saying but but he like
he the other homie was trying to convince him he
was like man bro but you don't you don't see it like because you know you don't
see people who think like this because i bro i wanted to start like barber shops
i wanted to start like dispensary and stuff like that i had a mindset to put

the gang on you know what i'm saying yeah yeah exactly but he was like bro he's
like but bro like you're just not being yourself and i remember that day man.
I remember a lot of the homies came through to the house that day.
And I remember the spirit of the Lord just came upon me in that house.
And I just bawled, bro.

It was weird. I just couldn't stop my tears from falling.
It was weird. And they were all looking at me, bro. They were looking at me like, what is going on?
I just couldn't stop it, man. And I heard the voice of the Lord and And he said,
I'm trying to save you, son.
Wow, man. I'm trying to save you, son. Man, and that's kind of,

bro, that's good that you was able to heed the words, man, and understand.
Because a lot of times, man, when we out there in the streets,
man, our minds be so trapped and so cluttered.
We had that one track mind, and that's for the streets. It's for that life that we live in, man.
And that's good, man, that God was able to get through you and that you was able to listen.
Because God come to a lot of people, but a lot of us don't listen.

A lot of us, you know, would be out there in the streets and sometimes end up tragic.
But, bro, what is a positive word of encouragement, man, that you can give to
anybody that's been in the gangs, that's been in the streets,
that's just don't know what to do, man?
A positive word that you could tell them, hey, man, this too shall come to pass,
man. Trust the Lord and things will get better.
Man, a positive thing, man. I would say, dude, like you're never too far.

You know what I'm saying? You're never too far gone. And that's not really you.
And, you know, you got to understand, man, that, you know, the enemy has an agenda, bro.
And his only agenda, bro, is just to see you killed, stolen from or destroyed.
You see what I'm saying? Yeah. And my encouragement to you, you,

man, is come to the winning side, bro.
That's what I tell these youngins every time at youth group is like,
man, you don't want to bang that gang. You don't want to be a part of that.
You know what I'm saying? You want to be a part of the winning team, bro.
You want to be a part with a kingdom. You know what I'm saying?
With real soldiers, the most elite army in the universe,
people that want to see you prosper, people that want to see you win,

people that don't want to see you go to jail, people that won't put you in compromising
situations that that blind you.
You want to be able to buy a house, bro. You want to be able to buy a car.
You want to be able to get good jobs.
You know what I'm saying? All of these things, man, I've been hindered because
of my lifestyle that I lived.
You see what I'm saying? Yeah. You're trying to stop me now. Yeah.

But you know, and the thing is, man, even then, even then with all of these
things, God has had grace upon my life.
God has split the Red Sea for me. God has made way through the wilderness.
God has made rivers into wasteland, bro. Like I have cars now. I have a good job now.
You know what I'm saying? I have, I have things. I have a family, bro.

God is good, bro. God is good. My enemies, bro. I have made peace with them, bro.
I can go to church, bro, and see some of them and they, and we shake hands.
You see what I'm saying, bro? Like you're not trapped, bro.
And the only thing that traps you, bro, is what, what other people think of
you. and I refuse to be fearful, man, before I was a coward because I was afraid

of what people thought of me.
I was afraid of looking weak. I was afraid of looking bad for the gang.
I was afraid, man. I was a coward, bro. But now I'm not afraid of anybody, bro.
Only person that I'm afraid of is Christ Jesus is the living God who can throw
both body and soul into hell in Jesus name, man. I put that on everything.
You know what I'm saying, bro? Come on, man. Don't fear him,

man, because Just fear the Lord in Jesus' name, bro.
Come on. God has a plan and a purpose for your life, bro, in Jesus' name. Come on. Amen. Amen.
Hey, brother. Amen. Hey, brother Honor, man. This has been an awesome interview, bro.
And I just want to tell you, man, I thank you so much, man, for sharing your testimony.
Because there's a lot of brothers, man, a lot of people out there, man, that's the pride.

They're scared what people are going to say about them. They're scared to cry.
But like I tell people, I know I'm 100% man, but I'll tell anybody.
I'm not, I cry. God gave us, gave us tear ducts, man, for a reason.
And we all should use them, brother. So, brother, I just want to tell you,
man, keep on doing, man, what you're doing, man.
Keep praying up. Keep talking to the youth, man. Keep being a light.

And let your light shine, man, everywhere you go, brother.
So, brother, I'm going to go ahead and pray us out of here, man.
If you're by your head, brother, why don't you go ahead and pray us out? So for so.
Amen. God, we thank you tonight for bringing Minister Change and Brother Honor together, God.
We know that you have a purpose for everything on this planet, God. God.
We know that when we were born, you already had a blueprint made saying that

brother honor and brother change is going to get together, God.
We just pray that you just keep on protecting us through our trials and tribulations.
And even on those days that we want to give up, God, we want you to step in and lift us up, God.
We know that we are nothing without you, God. We know that all the glory belongs to you.
Everything that we're doing, everything that that we're going to do our past,

present, and future, God.
You was in it, and I want you to continue being in our life and guiding us down
a path of success, prosperity, love, financially, health, wealth,
in your name. Amen, amen.
Amen, man. Come on, bro, in Jesus' name. Beautiful prayer, my man.
Amen, amen. Hey, bro, man, I just want to tell you, I thank you, man. God bless us, bro.

Yes, God's blessings in Jesus' name. Amen, amen.

I can't be seen no more I don't wanna live again Bury my flesh six feet in the
dirt below I beg you Lord to rid my sins Or find me in a fire till I'm 24 karat
gold I just wanna be like Him Resurrect my spirit and breathe life into these dry bones Take it.
Take it, take it away Pray my sins, take it,

take it, into the grave Yeah,
you led my life to shambles Addicted and afflicted, my condition's off the handle Vandals,
tryna take away my godly mantle So I grabbed a 66 and shot him in the mantle
I had to, a soldier for the lord, I'm not romanceful Dancing with the devil.
That's just something that I can't do You can do your rituals and light up all

your candles But one word from my lord,
you're stripped naked in commando I got the bandos, where you from?
But my God's in the castle You're a beast, an animal, God got you in the lasso
We some long wedges, but we ain't from El Paso You and everything, in Jesus' name,
we ain't bashful Represent hard, give my life for the Lord We ain't no buses, do a night for our Lord,

Sanctifying soldiers in the army, you're the Lord If there's evil in my heart,
Lord, send it to the Lord No remorse for my pledge, cause it won't come with me Set apart,
living holy, Lucifer's filthy It tempted me to sin,
bro, you gotta be silly I can't have life doing things that'll kill me Torn
is what I was before I was reborn So lift me up in shackles like your boy was

Dwight York Freedom from my sin is what Christ died for Rhythm me in my sins, Jesus Christ my.

Until I can't be seen no more I don't wanna live again Buried my flesh six feet
in the dirt below I beg you, Lord, to rid my sins Refine me in a fire till I'm 24,
carry gold I just wanna be like him Resurrect my spirit and breathe life into
these dry bones Father, if I be a truthful, ain't perfect Never claimed to be

Still got some unclean thangs in me Leave it 2023,
I repent openly And my low self-esteem Knowing I serve a risen king Yes I do,
Romans 12 2 Montecote blue,
death and lies Breaking middle ties Read proverbs so wise L-O-J on the rise,
pies Offer the love so deep and wide H-I,

f***ing that holy name From the northwest to the middle of plains Blowing sins
up, propane Book of James, spiritual flames Ordain,
hot the order like raisin canes Honor, light, and this philosophy swain.
Amen, ridding our sins, we cleanse. I beg you, Lord, to rid my sins.

Break me apart until I can't be seen no more. I don't wanna live again.
Bury my flesh six feet in the dirt below.
I beg you, Lord, to rid my sins. Revive me in a fire till I'm 24 karat gold. I just wanna be like Him.
Resurrect my spirit and breathe life into these dry bones.

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