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December 1, 2023 33 mins

Intuitive Carole Serene Borgens has been channeling Divine Wisdom Source PAX since the early 1990s. Her book Do Unto Earth: It’s Not Too Late is a collaboration between PAX, Borgens, and author and energy educator Penelope Jean Hayes. Dr Ervin Lazlo has said that Do Unto Earth is a “must-read book for everyone who cares about the future of humanity and our planet”. 

In this Climate of Joy episode, published at the beginning of the COP28 UN Climate conference in the United Arab Emirates, Christine and Carole Serene have a wide-ranging conversation that touches on local food, indigenous wisdom, personal and corporate greed, and how to raise our vibration to change the world. 

"It is a part of the greater teaching about how to repair our world today: It comes down to love and respect for all other people, whether we know them or not."  Carole Serene Borgens, channeling PAX


Do Unto Earth: It's Not Too Late

Soul Healing: Breaking The Chains of Past Life Influence

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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The overarching messages that come through in this book,
To Unto Earth.
It's not too late consist of are needing to understand that we each have the power within us.
You are listening to Climate of Joy,
the podcast where we talk about climate change and consciousness in light of what quantum science is telling us about reality and the dramatic opportunity for healing that the climate emergency offers.

I'm Christine Penner Poli,
a self described climate crone who is a Canadian mom of 23.
If you count Jemmy,
my little Frenchie Spaniel Cross.
I'm an author,
a speaker and an energy intuitive specializing in loosening the invisible knots that keep us stuck in unhealthy patterns at both the personal and collective level.

This podcast is being recorded on the traditional and unseeded territory of the Lewan peoples and the Esquimalt songs and ways for nations recognition and respect for these people's past,
present and future presence and caretaking of this land is essential to reconciliation as a settler,

I want to honor and thank the original peoples of this territory and also recognize that my presence here is the result of European colonization which has had devastating impacts for the original people of this territory and right across Turtle Island.

So it is the eve of the UN Climate Conference COP 28 the 28th annual United Nations Climate Conference.
And it turns out climate change is still an issue and is more of a threat than ever.
We are in a climate emergency.

This year's summit COP 28 is being held in the United Arab Emirates,
which is one of the world's biggest oil producing nations and it is being chaired by the head of their state oil company.
So who makes one a little disappointed,

more than a little disappointed and cynical and perhaps looking for some hope.
So that is what this episode's guest is here to share with us.
I am so excited today to welcome Carol Serene Morgans to the Climate of Joy Podcast.

And Carol is a best selling author,
an intuitive medium and channel or divine Spirit wisdom source three packs.
Carol and I met just a couple of weeks ago here in Victoria at an intuitive uh arts festival.

And we got to talking,
especially when she showed me one of the books that uh she has co-authored.
It's called Do Unto Earth.
It's not too late.
She's written other books and she has a new book that has uh just has it been published this year,
your latest book last month,

last month.
So she's OK.
So very recently,
I hope you're going to introduce our listeners to that as well.
But I'm so struck by even just the,
the title Drew Me In Due Unto Earth.
Of course.
Uh That's is that the biblical reference due unto others,

but it's uh due unto Earth,
it's not too late,
it's not too late.
Was added by the publisher.
You wanted to ensure that people understand that we hung have work to do.
Um And we can be effective in the work that we do towards uh the rescue,
I say of planet Mother Earth.

And he wanted to know that we all have the power.
So he added the,
it's not too late and I love that you've got your version all marked up just like I do.
it's a very rich book,
uh many layers.
And so while we're uh holding up our copies,

why don't we tell our listeners where they can get a hold of it if they want to?
uh we make it easy.
It's available on Amazon dot C
It's available in the print version,
it's available in ebook and for those who must have it,

it's an audio book as well.
So that's great.
I really like that.
You emphasized uh the subtitle.
It's not too late because there's some pretty grim news out there.
Uh Right now for people who are concerned about how we treat our fellow human beings,

how we treat the animals that we share uh the earth with.
And if you're watching this news about climate change.
There's some pretty grim news out there right now.
like we're very close to a tipping point,
over which the science,
the scientists are telling us it's going to be difficult to get the,

the balance back.
And so here we are,
we want to,
hear why it's not too late and we want to have hope.
So what can you share that you've been gifted with or that you have insight in from the work that you do?
I wonder if I could just take a moment in answering that question to let your audience know who PAX is.

Um and um the source of the information in all of my books and uh also the greatest blessing in my life as a,
as a guide and uh and co-author and joking that I say he's not my ghostwriter.
He's my co-author.

I refer to PAX as he PAX is known as the Divine Spirit wisdom source.
Pax is not one individual.
Pax is the collected universal consciousness.
The greater wisdom,
my use of the reference.
He is due to my having channel packs for over 25 years and it has come to this association of ours.

Uh I,
I call him a he so be aware that we're not preaching something here from an individual spirit.
It's the collected wisdom that we are blessed with.
Being able to benefit from the sharing of knowledge.
I think I'd like to share that the overarching messages that come through in this book to unto Earth.

It's not too late consist of our needing to understand that we each have the power within us.
We have the gift of being able to make change in our world if we will trust in ourselves,

that we indeed have this personal power.
And as to what your question is about going forward in the healing of Mother Earth Pack's favorite,
I think message to us is look to the past,
to find your future.

Look to the past,
to find your future.
Simply means that if we examine the methods used by our forefathers,
by our ancestors in working with the earth,
in particular,
our indigenous uh first nations peoples whose utmost respect and reverence for planet Mother Earth was their guide in how they treated the earth,

the animals,
the plants,
the dirt,
the soil,
absolutely everything they sustainably harvested,
they respected,
they took only what they needed,
they did not over fish.
Uh They did not clear cut forests,

the things that we do now that have resulted in the trouble we're in.
So as Beck says,
if we look to the past,
those ways of treating the earth,
the the crops,
uh the forests,
the oceans,
we will find our way forward.

I can honestly say that for many most even that's a foreign concept,
totally foreign and does not fit into our technical world of today.
So it's our job to help that find a way for that.
what were you saying?
And I was just gonna say,
when you say it's foreign,
do you think it's the idea is foreign of looking to the past or the reverence and the respect that our indigenous people have is something that we have not been brought up with.

I think that both really because looking to the past it is not something that people consider doing and in terms of taking baby steps with how we treat Mother Earth,
it's just not how it's done today.
And this notion requires a lot of educating of our people today,

whether we be talking to people about taking out your front lawn people and plant your own vegetables.
Um Well,
maybe the City council doesn't allow for that in your neighborhood.
But if we can plant and uh harvest what will help our family uh rather than going to the grocery store and buying something that's packaged and shipped maybe from across the globe.

Um That makes much more sustainable sense.
And by the way,
also helps the budget,
Food not lawn is a very vital global movement.
As you're talking about indigenous wisdom.
I'm reminded of the book Braiding Sweet Grass by Robin Kimmerer.

I don't know if you're familiar with that.
So yes.
So you know,
she is just one of the rising voices that have been so silenced in our settler culture.
And I,
I'm uh a settler.
I'm on indigenous territory,

unseeded indigenous territory here uh on Vancouver Island.
And I want to acknowledge that.
So I really appreciate that message that we need to look to the past.
We need to follow the wisdom that's being offered to us that is so generously being shared with us,
it's has been from the beginning,

that's how we managed to,
to uh thrive in this country on turtle island in initially,
Because of the generosity of the indigenous people.
So is there anything else I know PX has a fair bit to say about greed,
which indigenous teachings,
there are indigenous teachings about greed.
It really is culturally so much more of an issue uh in our culture.

They had a different approach to sharing.
Do you want to talk about uh that or uh what else would you like to share?
His message about greed,
about hate about war,
about such things comes down to one word which is love.
He teaches that if we truly love and respect one another,

we could not function in greed or hate or want more for ourselves than others have when others may be in greater need.
Greed is a lack in a person that they feel that they must have more and more and more.
And what Pax wants to share with us is it's wrong.

We know it's wrong and we need to understand that is a part of the greater teaching of how to repair our world.
It comes down to love and respect for all other people,
whether we know them or not.
He talks greatly about corporate greed,

political greed,
and then personal greed on the part of people.
Uh you know,
in the workplace.
Perhaps it's love that if,
if we chose to even start small and go with like and respect and love,
we would not act in such ways and greed we think of as,

as wanting to amass wealth in terms of monetary wealth.
But greed extends to hurting our planet if we decide that our greed extends to not cutting three trees,
but let's clear cut the entire hillside.
This is corporate greed and this is so detrimental to the health of our planet.

It's the same as if there is a quota for fish and you are a commercial fisherman,
maybe you just take more a little more each time and overfishing is the result and we know what happens to,
to entire parts of our country when fish stocks are down such as has happened in the maritime provinces.

I mean,
I think it's obvious that the long term uh results of,
of uh slash and burn economy as it were,
whether it's fishing or actual trees or whatever,
it should be obvious.
And yet here we are and I guess what's coming up for me is that pack is message of,

of love is so lines up with what Jesus said,
you know,
all of the great religions have said and yet here we are in the 21st century.
And is it,
is there something different?
are we going to learn the lesson that we're all connected?

I guess,
I guess,
I hope so.
But you have to look around,
there's more conflict even then when you and I talked several weeks ago.
And we,
we touched on this and I wanted to mention,
I think that maybe not all of your audience understands how they are in fact connected with each other.

We're all connected.
We're all how we refer to it as vibration.
And we talk about raising our vibration and happiness and joy or lowering it in depression and dysfunction.
Perhaps when we connect with others uh and raise our vibrations together,

we are able to change the world,
we can change what goes on around us.
We can change uh for the better and we can change the minds and hearts of people who hadn't been a part of the solution.
They had simply been a part of the problem.

Whatever the problem might have been,
we need to understand that we're all connected and that we can make a great difference in our world when we come together in positivity and thoughts and intentions of healing.
Don't you think?
I agree.
Are you familiar with David Hawkins work of the um vibrations of love or above.

So 500 is,
is not deeply familiar,
but yes,
I am.
And it's,
it's becoming a little bit more common to hear that term.
And so anger and depression and those kind of resentment are very low vibration energies.

And so,
and we're human,
We are going to feel them,
but it's all about kind of feeling them and releasing them rather than uh hanging on to them.
I mean,
this is something I love to talk about because I release trapped emotions with the emotion code and the body code.

And it's so important.
And we in my uh from my perspective and in my work,
we actually inherit some very low,
can inherit some very low vibration energies.
And so doing that healing work is so important,
uh whatever it is,
it doesn't have to be the emotion code.

But if you're on your a healing path and you're raising your vibration,
it does ripple out.
what about those people who go?
that sounds very airy fairy.
And uh give me some,
we have a solution for that.
We are supposed to function with an attitude of gratitude.

And it is simple and it is taught that when we wake up in the morning,
then or or before our feet hit the floor,
we are to express our gratitude for another day.
We are to express our gratitude perhaps for a good night's sleep.

And our gratitude for being given this day.
And I believe that sets the tone for the day with people.
It's a small step,
but it begins the day with a smile with a feeling of thanks uh for,
for what has been gifted.

And I consider each day a gift as I do a good night's sleep.
And that sets a,
I believe a pattern for people to begin the process of recognizing their need,
to express gratitude to others,
to themselves,
to the universe uh and expressing that gratitude uh to the universe.

And I think,
and to others again,
makes us feel a part of that greater picture,
the greater group in which we can participate with raising our vibrations in thankfulness.
And this begins it,
I love that.
I love that it's very practical for those of our listeners who want something practical and it really does shift the vibration if that's the language you want to use just the mindset,

If you are making a decision to be grateful for whatever it is,
we all have different situations,
you know,
I really began to focus on this when I had a friend,
she's passed over now.
But if I would ask her about something perhaps uh coming up tomorrow and that maybe she'd like to go to,

she would always tell me that she would have to wait and see how she felt in the morning.
That was how her attitude was going to be not her physical body.
And in trying to explain to her that she was the creator of her own self and how she was going to feel because she would decide in the morning how she was going to feel.

Uh And that would be extraordinarily wonderful,
but she and others don't seem to,
to see that.
And again,
it comes back to my,
my knowing that we each have the personal power to manage our lives and to bring ourselves to the heightened awareness of what we are meant to be.

What is perhaps our purpose in this lifetime and be joyous that we have uh recognized it and uh set about to make whatever it is happen for us in giving back to this planet and our fellow human beings.
While those are,

I'm just,
I'm taking it in and just want to acknowledge that,
that how important that is,
that information that you're sharing,
that we can all have an impact on our own lives as well as sending the ripples out.
I think a lot of people can feel powerless.

and I'm going to speak specifically looking at climate change because it's such a huge issue and it's a global issue and people go,
you know,
there's nothing I can do about it.
And I've always felt from my earliest days,
uh you know,

as an activist that,
I don't know,
I can't,
maybe can't do everything but I at least can do something.
we each can do many something I think in,
in our lives.
And PAX talks about oh,

so many aspects,
whether it be,
the bottom line is,
let me say this first.
Once we gather together as a people,
whether our group is,
is a small one or a giant one,
it is our role to ask for change,

whether it be to corporate or government,
whatever it may be,
we tackle it on the levels that we are comfortable and confident tackling it,
asking for change.
Whether it be,
for example,
in this book,
Do unto Earth back talks about the use of hemp in building.

For example,
hemp crete is replacing concrete and hemp grows in rapid fire time and and replaces itself when it's harvested and taking away the need for the the ingredients in concrete production that are not useful for our planet Earth.

And there are things found in nature such as our plant medicine such as building um products that if we ask for those to be used in place of other things,
we can make a difference.
And that's again,

gathering together as individuals to form the powerful group and make that change.
it doesn't have to be on a global scale.
Each person has to has the capacity to make a difference in the neighborhood or just on the street or it begins and grows from there.

And of course,
teaching the Children uh is a,
a major part of this.
If we go to our indigenous ancestors and we look at how they harvested plants and grasses,
for medicine,
for food,
for building materials,

how they used all of what they harvested.
If it's a tree,
the wood was used,
the bark was used all of the habits that they had that left almost no footprint on mother earth or what we could and should be striving to uh to do for ourselves now.

And the 21st century version of that because it was smaller population and this sort of thing.
but I,
I know a good friend of mine who's indigenous would say when we talk about harvesting resources,
she would say no,
like trees aren't our resources.

Those are that actually,
uh she says that makes them different from us.
You have to recognize that they're,
they're kin and beavers aren't resources.
we're all here together that connected consciousness.
and for me,
that was a good reminder just about how I just take it for granted that we talk about resources.

And it's a reminder that there's a different way of looking at the world.
There absolutely is.
And I,
I think that one of the major hurdles we have to overcome is we're such a technical world and to speak of these things to people of certain generations,
it would just fall on deaf ears because they,

they've not grown up with it.
They've not been schooled about it.
it being our,
our aboriginal elders are,
are our forefathers who did things in a sustainable manner.
And how did you call it a slash and burn now?

that's exactly it.
our role here I think is educational really sharing with people what was,
what could be and what could come of it and uh all for the greater good.
But we have to educate and I'm,

I'm really glad you said that uh Carol because here we are talking about what's important and what gives us hope and what vision that pacs offers on a podcast.
So hopefully,
our listeners will feel that if not teaches in something new,
reminds them of something and that uh they know is true within them.

is there anything else before we wrap up that you want or that uh packs might want to share with?
uh Thank you for that.
And if I may uh could I mention Pat Pat latest book with me,
his soul healing book.

Breaking the Chains of past life influence.
do talk about that.
thank you.
This is a book.
Um This is my seventh book uh Channeled from PAX.
It was published um October 6th and Soul healing and breaking the chains of past life influence.

Um The,
the intention here is to and I'll read from the cover.
Reclaim personal power over addictions,
dependencies and dysfunction.
And it is a guided journey to healing and wellness.
The premise here is this,

it is believed likely that we each have experienced physical or emotional wounds or trauma in past lifetimes and those unresolved hurts are imprinted on our souls.
It is our souls that travel with us through lifetimes.
And if we can identify and heal those past hurts,

we clear our present life from associated limitations and challenges.
So that's what that book is about what we learned.
Uh what I learned through working with people doing past life regressions over the years is that people are triggered in this lifetime by things they have no,

no idea of or reason to understand why they become depressed,
have anxiety addictions,
uh L life uh limiting conditions that seemingly are not able to be identified uh by Western medicine and they are left over uh from,

from incidents in past lifetimes.
in a nutshell,
there are processes in this book that guide uh the reader at home with,
with their higher self,
their inner guidance to access the pertinent past lifetimes that have uh that hold the connection to what is triggering them today.

Whether it be alcohol,
uh depression,
anger behaviors,
co dependencies.
Things of this nature can be traced to that lifetime.
If the the reader can um reach that lifetime and view it as a uh observer only not um re experiencing any visceral feelings.

Uh They can see what happened,
who did what to whom in other words,
understand it,
uh release it and move on into this life of wellness and high functioning that they are destined uh to live.
And it is a guided journey again.

You can,
it's precisely almost what you would experience uh with a hypnotherapist.
It's a do it yourself.
I don't mean to make light of it but it,
as pack said,
it's not rocket science.
We follow the steps and we get to that lifetime.
Maybe there's more than one.

it's in the book and it's a blessing.
It's a gift and I am so pleased with and proud of the messages in this book from PS to people to ensure the reader that they have a destiny for the greater good of themselves and those they touch.

So thank you for letting me mention it.
It too is available on Amazon.
And there'll be links in the show notes uh to both of the books of Carol's Foot.
And speaking of links,
I am at Carol Serene and the links are there.
All right.
And I will include those in the show notes uh as well.

And as a sole detective,
uh you are speaking my language when you're talking about trauma uh from past lives and uh releasing it how it impacts this life.
And again,
it ties into our larger conversation today because this is the time for healing.

This is the time to do our healing to raise our own vibration to and to heal the earth because it really is connected in ways that we just can't even imagine.
We are so interconnected and our healing just raises that boat.

You know,
uh as they,
they say,
a rising tide lifts,
lifts all boats.
And thank you so much for sharing uh the wisdom that you are bringing into the world.
We thank pack for being a part of our connection and yes,
thank you.
Thank you so much.

Thank you for having me.
It's been an honor and a great pleasure.
If you are ready for more peace in your life,
even in the climate emergency head over to Climate of to grab your free copy of Tap into peace.
Till next time,
be kind to each other.
Remember we are all just walking each other home.
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