All Episodes

September 12, 2023 57 mins

In this episode, Dan Casteneda and Eric Noorthoek discuss idols and how to be rid of them.

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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So here we are, another podcast from Faith Baptist Church here in Visalia.
We call our faith cast.
And we teach, we talk about things theological, practical, who God is and how it should impact our lives.

My name is Eric Northuk, and I'm one of the pastors here at Faith Baptist Church. 5 00:00:38,825.001 --> 00:00:43,65.001 And I have Dan, the other pastor here at Faith Baptist Church. 6 00:00:44,560.001 --> 00:00:46,950.001 with us today, with me today. 7 00:00:48,300.001 --> 00:00:51,960.001 You know, that intro music is really something else.
.001I always feel like I'm watching like an 80s TV series. 9 00:00:54,890.001 --> 00:00:55,560.001 It's great. 10 00:00:55,800.001 --> 00:00:57,060 I know we should keep it.

You know, I would keep it if it, if I didn't know that. 12 00:01:00,75.001 --> 00:01:14,335.001 You know, it comes with the, the, the thing we have, the Rodecaster Pro is what we're using to record this podcast and it comes pre installed and so, I mean, this is a very popular podcasting platform, I'm sure there's all kinds of podcasts out there, but, you know, it's catchy. 13 00:01:14,335.001 --> 00:01:20,835.001 I had a someone tell me this past week that they really liked that intro music, so if I get enough votes. 14 00:01:21,420.001 --> 00:01:23,790.001 You know, it's not bad to go retro. 15 00:01:24,100.001 --> 00:01:24,930.001 It's not bad. 16 00:01:24,930.001 --> 00:01:25,310.001 It's not bad. 17 00:01:25,360.001 --> 00:01:26,600.001 But it does feel very 80s. 18 00:01:26,680.001 --> 00:01:27,20.001 Yeah. 19 00:01:28,860.001 --> 00:01:29,620.001 But it's upbeat. 20 00:01:29,620.001 --> 00:01:30,320.001 It's happy. 21 00:01:30,620.001 --> 00:01:31,160.001 It is. 22 00:01:32,120.001 --> 00:01:35,370 We are working on on another intro, so... 23 00:01:35,855.001 --> 00:01:49,675.001 We'll see when we, if we get something we both like and we get it on here, we'll see if if anyone else likes it, but yeah, once we get the final product, I think what's going to happen is everyone's going to be like, no, we really liked the 80s retro thing. 24 00:01:50,425.001 --> 00:01:53,655.001 So you know, it may, it may have to go there. 25 00:01:53,655.101 --> 00:01:54,194.901 Yeah. 26 00:01:54,525.001 --> 00:01:59,785.001 Anyway so Dan Dan Castaneda yeah, Sarah, who is on our, that's right. 27 00:02:00,485.001 --> 00:02:03,245.001 Who is on our faith cast today. 28 00:02:03,755.001 --> 00:02:06,665.001 And we are gonna talk about idols. 29 00:02:06,670.001 --> 00:02:06,685.001 Mm-hmm. 30 00:02:07,835.001 --> 00:02:10,445.001 what our idols and and so. 31 00:02:11,590.001 --> 00:02:12,870.001 This is the subject. 32 00:02:12,870.001 --> 00:02:18,270.001 Last time we talked about the fascinating history of psychology, you and I did and that was fascinating. 33 00:02:18,850.001 --> 00:02:19,490.001 It was. 34 00:02:19,500.001 --> 00:02:20,050 It was. 35 00:02:20,130.001 --> 00:02:24,170.001 It was, it was a good discussion and I had lots of good feedback from it. 36 00:02:24,180.001 --> 00:02:30,860.001 But one thing that the psychologist begins with is a, you know, we talked about this, a very materialistic worldview. 37 00:02:31,40.001 --> 00:02:31,310.001 Yes. 38 00:02:31,620.001 --> 00:02:38,110 And as good materialists, you know, your problems are not your fault. 39 00:02:38,375.001 --> 00:02:38,825.001 That's right. 40 00:02:38,875.001 --> 00:02:44,485.001 You are a victim of your biology or your upbringing or whatever your environment is not your fault, your environment. 41 00:02:44,515.001 --> 00:02:44,725.001 Yeah. 42 00:02:44,725.001 --> 00:02:49,375.001 Today it's environmentalism, environmental, You, you're the product of your environment. 43 00:02:49,435.001 --> 00:02:49,585.001 Yes. 44 00:02:49,585.001 --> 00:02:49,795.001 Right. 45 00:02:49,825.001 --> 00:02:54,465.001 Which is different than environmentalism, but you know but the Bible says something totally different. 46 00:02:54,470.001 --> 00:02:57,415.001 The Bible says that we have. 47 00:02:57,950.001 --> 00:03:02,680.001 This horrible tendency to create idols. 48 00:03:02,680.001 --> 00:03:09,440 I was thinking of you probably have this in your quote somewhere, but John Kelvin who gets credited with saying this, I don't, I I've heard.

Some people say it wasn't Kelvin who said it, but I haven't found anybody who's substantiated that.
But they always say Kelvin said that our hearts are idol factories and and that's what the Bible teaches. 51 00:03:21,64.999 --> 00:03:22,755 Yeah, I have, I do have a quote right here.
.999It says, the human mind is, so to speak, a perpetual forge of idols.
Yeah. 54 00:03:27,260.1 --> 00:03:27,579.9 Yeah.
So, yeah.
Idle factories.
So, idle factories.

Yeah. 59 00:03:30,210.1 --> 00:03:32,450 And that was from Calvin.
Yeah, that was from Calvin. 61 00:03:33,320.1 --> 00:03:33,479.9 Yeah.
.999Well, so he did say it, just not quite the way I said it.
.999Well, it's a, it means the same thing.
It means the same thing.
The forge of idles. 67 00:03:40,170.1 --> 00:03:40,449.9 Yes.
And that's, that's, that's true. 69 00:03:43,210.001 --> 00:03:49,730 And until you realize that, you're never going to be able to figure out how to deal with your issues.

And, and so this is really important.
This is very central to responding to who God is.
.999And it comes, it starts with the fundamental reality that God is God.
And everything else is not God. 76 00:04:06,114.999 --> 00:04:07,025 Yeah, it really does. 77 00:04:07,64.999 --> 00:04:19,494.999 I was thinking about Sunday night yesterday and even today, I was thinking a little bit about Sunday night and the discussion we had Sunday night about the simplicity of God and the week before about the aseity of God and.

in the week before about the, what was that? We're in spirituality of God and then incomprehensibility. 79 00:04:27,395.1 --> 00:04:29,005 I think we started comprehensibility. 80 00:04:29,5.1 --> 00:04:29,314.9 Yeah.
.999And I was just thinking about how idolatry just flies in the face of all that.
It does. 84 00:04:34,924.999 --> 00:04:37,995 It says, it says, God, you're not enough.
When, when God is the one who is self sufficient, he is the, I am, you know, you think about just the term I am and what that means.

And God is the self.
Self sufficient, self sustaining God who needs nothing.
He, he needs nothing.
He does everything.
Oh, that was the one.
He's acting. 93 00:04:57,729.999 --> 00:04:58,630 That's the one we did before.
Pure act.
That's right.
His actuality.
Got it.
God is pure act.
And so I was thinking about that in light of, you know, this, this whole topic of idolatry and just what happens in idolatry is you take...

.999The God, the only God of the universe and you set him aside and you say, you are not enough and you cannot.
You're, you're not sufficient for what I need.
And it's really, you think about that and, and I mean, you think about that and it's just such a slap in the face to God.

It really is. 106 00:05:34,434.999 --> 00:05:34,734.999 Yeah.
So that, that's a pretty good definition.
.999Is that your working definition? What is your working definition for idols? What, what is an idol? Well, you think about in, in, in our counseling, you know, we always hear this, that an idol is anything that I'm willing to send and get.

Or sin to not get, I'm, I'm, I'm sinning because I don't have it, you know anytime you're in that category of life and you just have to have something, or you are something else that you're basing your contentment and satisfaction on, and you're either willing to sin to get it, or you're sinning because you don't have it, or maybe even you're sinning because you don't want it.

Sometimes situations are like that, right? Then that becomes an idol.
That is something that we are basically calling a functional god.
Yeah, that's, that's right.
And that's what, you know, the idea of an idol is.
It is something in the image of God or something that stands in the place of God.

And it is something that you are...
Choosing to worship instead of God.
And so like you're saying, it is a slap in the face of God.
It is to put something up there and say you know, behold your God.
That's exactly right.
.999That's exactly what Moses or Aaron did, you know, when Moses came down and and well, before Moses came down, that's what he did. 126 00:06:59,619.999 --> 00:07:00,969.999 And we created that golden calf. 127 00:07:01,909.999 --> 00:07:35,24.998 And then you know, because it's an interesting passage of, of scripture there, you know, where, where Moses delayed, and I remember doing a word study on that word delayed and where, where Moses is up there, he's on, on, on, he's meeting with the Lord, you know and while, while he's up there in, in, in the high holy mountain with Yahweh, Basking in the glory of Yahweh, here's the people down below delaying and that word delay can, can have the idea of shame and it's like a, it's like a shameful thing, almost like they were abandoned. 128 00:07:35,999.998 --> 00:07:48,759.997 And so that's kind of the, the, the nuance there, like our God has abandoned us is what, is what they were basically saying that God, God delayed God doesn't delay, no, you know, Moses was the one delaying, but, but it was, but we've been abandoned. 129 00:07:48,759.998 --> 00:07:49,939.998 We've been completely left out. 130 00:07:49,939.998 --> 00:07:52,759.997 You're brought out into out of Egypt and abandoned. 131 00:07:52,889.998 --> 00:07:53,229.998 Yes. 132 00:07:53,269.997 --> 00:08:01,509.998 And so and so they create their own gods and, and, and, and what you're saying is that, you know, God, and they were saying God is somehow failed them. 133 00:08:01,649.998 --> 00:08:01,859.998 Yeah. 134 00:08:01,859.998 --> 00:08:02,879.998 Is insufficient in some way. 135 00:08:02,889.997 --> 00:08:03,759.998 God has left us. 136 00:08:04,114.998 --> 00:08:05,144.998 He's left us. 137 00:08:05,144.998 --> 00:08:09,324.998 He's he hasn't given, given us what we, what we need. 138 00:08:09,444.998 --> 00:08:09,814.998 Yeah. 139 00:08:09,815.098 --> 00:08:10,804.998 Or what we want. 140 00:08:10,814.998 --> 00:08:11,494.998 What we want. 141 00:08:11,494.998 --> 00:08:11,884.998 Yeah. 142 00:08:12,124.998 --> 00:08:15,504.998 So we remember the, you know, the, the back in Egypt. 143 00:08:15,749.998 --> 00:08:32,594.998 You know, this is what Israel kept going back to, you know, where we had what the leeks and the onions, I think is one of the things they described, you know, they, they had, we had so much there, so much sufficiency and here we are, God, if you brought us out here to, to die, what kind of God are you? Yes. 144 00:08:32,864.998 --> 00:08:35,14.998 And you've heard the song by Keith Green, right? I am sure. 145 00:08:35,14.998 --> 00:08:36,104.998 So you want to go back to Egypt. 146 00:08:36,524.998 --> 00:08:37,94.998 Yeah, I have. 147 00:08:37,554.998 --> 00:08:38,34.998 That's right. 148 00:08:38,274.998 --> 00:08:38,984.998 That's a good song. 149 00:08:39,214.998 --> 00:08:39,514.998 Yeah. 150 00:08:39,544.998 --> 00:08:39,894.998 Good old Keith Green. 151 00:08:39,894.998 --> 00:08:41,434.998 Talking exactly about that thing. 152 00:08:41,574.998 --> 00:08:45,164.998 We want our leeks and onions and we were safe and we were secure. 153 00:08:45,194.997 --> 00:08:45,544.997 Yeah. 154 00:08:45,834.998 --> 00:08:47,274.997 And this is what we want. 155 00:08:47,274.997 --> 00:08:54,4.998 And the reality is, is that when we sin, that's what we're doing. 156 00:08:54,564.998 --> 00:08:56,864.998 We are saying, God, you're not enough. 157 00:08:57,784.998 --> 00:09:01,464.998 You're, you're, you know, I want my leeks and onions, that, that's what I really want. 158 00:09:01,514.998 --> 00:09:01,934.998 Right. 159 00:09:02,294.998 --> 00:09:03,24.998 My, right. 160 00:09:03,44.998 --> 00:09:18,464.999 Like what, what the Egyptians provided, you know, is better, you know, they were, they were contrasting that with the manna that, you know, Israel was, you know, our leeks and onions were better and you know, we had better variety of food or whatever. 161 00:09:18,464.999 --> 00:09:21,844.999 And, and essentially what they're, what they're saying is that you are not good enough. 162 00:09:21,844.999 --> 00:09:22,824.999 You're insufficient. 163 00:09:22,864.999 --> 00:09:23,744.999 You are, you're insufficient. 164 00:09:23,784.998 --> 00:09:26,264.999 But when you study, like you were saying, when you actually. 165 00:09:26,629.999 --> 00:09:35,9.999 Look at who Yahweh is, who God is, and you find out His very essence, His very definition is absolute sufficient. 166 00:09:35,19.999 --> 00:09:36,889.999 He's the only one who is sufficient. 167 00:09:36,889.999 --> 00:09:37,299.999 That's right. 168 00:09:37,609.998 --> 00:09:39,49.999 That's what the word aseity means. 169 00:09:39,49.999 --> 00:09:44,459.998 It means He has life, or we, we often say He's the great I am, or He's a self existing one. 170 00:09:44,649.999 --> 00:09:45,49.999 Yes. 171 00:09:45,279.999 --> 00:09:55,319.999 And that just means that he's perfectly sufficient because it, or Jesus says it in John 15, I am the vine, meaning that he's the source of all life. 172 00:09:55,319.999 --> 00:09:57,239.999 Like he's a source of all sufficiency. 173 00:09:57,509.999 --> 00:09:59,939.999 And he said this a number, I'm the bread coming down from heaven. 174 00:10:00,469.999 --> 00:10:03,630 Like he's the one who provides the living water.

There is no other being who is who, who who is the source of all life and all sufficiency.
And, and and so when we talk about idols, what we are doing is we are putting up something that is on a, it's, it's on a scale between God and in this image, it's, it's laughable.

and saying, oh, it's behold your God.
You know, this, this thing, this, this object, this desire.
Is going to make me happier than what the all sufficient creator of the universe.
That's right.
It could possibly make me.
Yes. 186 00:10:43,369.999 --> 00:10:46,439.999 And that's what, you know, I was thinking of that.

I was looking at I think it's in Isaiah 4410 and God says, who, who fashions a God or cast an idol that is profitable for nothing.
Behold, all his companions shall be put to shame and the craftsmen are only human.
Let them all assemble, let them stand forth.

They shall be terrified.
There should be put to shame.
He, and he goes on, he says the iron Smith takes a cutting tool and works it over the coals.
He fashions it with a hammer, works it with his strong arm.
He becomes hungry and his strength fails.
.999He drinks no water and is faint.
The carpenter stretches a line. 197 00:11:25,609.999 --> 00:11:27,120 He marks it out with a pencil.
He shapes it with a plane, marks it with a compass.

He shapes it into the figure of a man with the beauty of a man to dwell in a house.
He cuts down cedars or chooses a cypress tree or an oak, lets it grow strong among the trees of the forest.
He plants a cedar and the rain nourishes and it becomes fuel for a man.
He takes part of it and warms himself.
.999He candles a fire, he bakes bread, he makes a God and worships it.

.999He makes it an idol and falls down before it.
Half of it, he burns in the fire.
Over the half he eats meat, he roasted and is satisfied.
.999And he warms himself and says, ah, I am warm.
.999I have seen the fire.
And the rest of it, he makes into a God, his idol and falls down to it and worships it, and he prays to it and says, deliver me for you are my God.

That's, that's, that's the Lord exactly making fun of them.
It's a complete joke.
Yeah, it is.
It's a complete joke.
It's, it's pretty obvious.
.999You know, it's a, it's a good thing that you know, in our day we're not, we're not constructing images, right? We, we don't, we don't tend to do that, right? Right.
.9We're, we're not.
You know, carving out gods and worship is as good Christians.

That's right.
We don't do that.
We don't do that.
You know, and you think of, thinking about this first John 5, 21, you know, the last verse in, I think after 108 verses, you've got this verse in first John 5, 21 says little children, keep yourselves from idols.
And it's such an interesting verse because number one, the term little children.

is used very selectively in the Bible.
Jesus used it with his disciples, I think, in John.
One time, John 13.
John 13.
And he calls them, and that's after, after Judas is left.
.999And Jesus says, my little children.
And John takes that, he uses that a couple times in the book of 1 John.
And here he says, my little children.

So he's talking to believers. 235 00:13:21,925.1 --> 00:13:33,894.999 He's, he's absolutely not talking about idol worship because you're talking, you're talking about actual, the actual image, the image he's talking, which is in that culture that John was writing to.
That was.
.999That was a common thing, you know, what, what you described in Isaiah 44 but he's not talking to these people who are going out there and, and they're crafting images out of gold or carving it out of wood or, or whatever. 238 00:13:47,509.999 --> 00:13:49,419.999 When he says little children, keep yourself from idols. 239 00:13:49,429.999 --> 00:13:50,759.999 He's talking to Christians. 240 00:13:50,819.998 --> 00:13:51,159.998 Yes. 241 00:13:51,509.999 --> 00:13:55,699.999 So there's something else, else that he's referring to. 242 00:13:55,889.999 --> 00:13:56,779.999 So maybe. 243 00:13:57,279.999 --> 00:14:01,739.999 Maybe it is possible for Christians to somehow craft idols. 244 00:14:01,749.999 --> 00:14:12,639.999 So what, you know, what, what flesh that out? What is, what do you, what do you think he means? What does that look like? You know, obviously, you know, like we mentioned earlier that they can be, it can be anything and I don't can be anything that replaces God. 245 00:14:12,669.998 --> 00:14:15,669.998 It doesn't have to be wood, metal stone. 246 00:14:15,749.999 --> 00:14:20,529.999 It's, it's any idea, any concept, anything, any person. 247 00:14:21,19.999 --> 00:14:24,169.999 You know, when I say concept, for instance, I want my children to be good. 248 00:14:24,664.999 --> 00:14:25,324.999 Oh, wait, hold on. 249 00:14:25,324.999 --> 00:14:26,44.999 That's a good thing. 250 00:14:26,54.999 --> 00:14:31,124.999 How is that an idol? That is a good thing, right? We do want our children to be good. 251 00:14:31,214.999 --> 00:14:34,514.999 But doesn't God want our children to be good? And God wants our children to be good. 252 00:14:34,514.999 --> 00:14:39,654.999 Okay, so if I want my children to be good and God wants my children to be good, how is that? I'm wanting what God wants. 253 00:14:39,654.999 --> 00:14:45,754.998 How is that an idol? Yeah, when I take that and make that the basis for my satisfaction in life, and I'm going to say, you know, I cannot be happy or content. 254 00:14:46,539.999 --> 00:14:55,59.999 In life, unless my children are good or my children are behaving the way I want them to, it can be anything, you know it could be a work situation. 255 00:14:55,59.999 --> 00:14:56,299.999 I deserve that promotion. 256 00:14:56,869.999 --> 00:15:01,459.999 And if I don't get that promotion, then I'm not going to be a good employee here. 257 00:15:01,749.999 --> 00:15:02,89.999 Yeah. 258 00:15:02,119.999 --> 00:15:05,649.999 I'm just going to do my job because I didn't get that promotion. 259 00:15:06,229.999 --> 00:15:08,189.999 It can be, you know, anything. 260 00:15:08,789.999 --> 00:15:09,219.999 At least Fitzpatrick. 261 00:15:10,994.999 --> 00:15:14,304.999 I say that name very carefully because she's gone a little bit sideways. 262 00:15:14,304.999 --> 00:15:19,144.999 She's gone a little bit sideways on us, but she does have, she wrote the book Idols of the Heart. 263 00:15:19,154.999 --> 00:15:20,94.999 Yeah, it was a good book. 264 00:15:20,134.998 --> 00:15:31,564.999 And she, she has a quote here in talking about idols and she says, so what do we know? We know that the command to shun idolatry has not been abrogated or dismissed for the Christian. 265 00:15:31,574.999 --> 00:15:34,774.999 The Christian must carefully guard his or her heart against idolatry. 266 00:15:35,484.999 --> 00:15:38,874.999 And again, I'm not saying we need to be careful that we don't set up Buddha in our house. 267 00:15:38,874.999 --> 00:15:40,854.999 That kind of idolatry is easy to get rid of. 268 00:15:41,344.999 --> 00:15:42,164.999 I just throw it out. 269 00:15:42,684.999 --> 00:15:46,814.999 The kind of idolatry we need to be careful about is the idolatry of our hearts. 270 00:15:47,244.999 --> 00:16:03,89.999 What is it that we love? What do we worship? What do we serve? Another question to ask is what is it that you're willing to sin in order to get or willing to sin because you don't have it? See, anything that I'm willing to commit sin over is functioning at that moment as an idol. 271 00:16:03,369.999 --> 00:16:07,9.999 And John reminds us, little children, keep yourselves from idols. 272 00:16:07,769.999 --> 00:16:21,649.999 And I think that is such a good, in a sense, summary of, of that whole concept of idolatry is because we are always, we, we tend towards idols in our lives and that started in the garden with, with. 273 00:16:22,369.999 --> 00:16:23,79.999 Adam and Eve. 274 00:16:23,79.999 --> 00:16:27,529.999 What does Satan say to Eve? Yeah, you, you can be like God. 275 00:16:27,649.999 --> 00:16:28,109.999 That's right. 276 00:16:28,129.999 --> 00:16:28,489.999 Right. 277 00:16:28,739.999 --> 00:16:40,9.998 And, and what was the lie that he was, in a sense, testing her with? Well, he was appealing to that, well, so it's a rejection of the sufficiency of God. 278 00:16:40,9.999 --> 00:16:40,509.998 That's right. 279 00:16:40,510.098 --> 00:16:40,940.099 Is what it is. 280 00:16:40,940.099 --> 00:16:41,389.999 It is. 281 00:16:41,399.998 --> 00:16:48,469.999 Like how, how, how dare a God who is good keep you, you know, from something. 282 00:16:48,469.999 --> 00:16:49,709.999 If he's a good God. 283 00:16:49,719.999 --> 00:16:49,909.999 No. 284 00:16:50,254.999 --> 00:16:51,598.3656667 He would let you eat whatever you want. 285 00:16:51,598.3656667 --> 00:16:57,294.999 That's, that's, that's the crazy lie, like, you know, and then of course she's going, Hey, wait a minute. 286 00:16:57,584.999 --> 00:16:58,994.999 That fruit looks good. 287 00:16:58,994.999 --> 00:17:00,924.999 And yet, and yet he says, I can't eat it. 288 00:17:01,254.999 --> 00:17:01,544.998 That's right. 289 00:17:01,544.999 --> 00:17:02,574.999 Maybe he isn't a good guy. 290 00:17:04,584.998 --> 00:17:06,394.999 And that's where, that's where it always comes down to. 291 00:17:06,394.999 --> 00:17:07,874.998 We, we question... 292 00:17:08,484.999 --> 00:17:09,564.999 The goodness of God. 293 00:17:09,569.999 --> 00:17:09,774.999 Yeah. 294 00:17:09,914.999 --> 00:17:12,714.999 And, and we can, can, you know, the, the sufficiency of God. 295 00:17:12,714.999 --> 00:17:13,704.999 And that's what Eve did. 296 00:17:14,274.999 --> 00:17:15,864.999 'cause she's like, well that looks good. 297 00:17:16,14.999 --> 00:17:16,314.999 Yeah. 298 00:17:16,524.999 --> 00:17:17,544.999 Well, God's holding out on me. 299 00:17:17,544.999 --> 00:17:18,54.999 I Yeah. 300 00:17:18,144.999 --> 00:17:20,964.999 You know, and Satan's like, well, he just doesn't want you to be like him. 301 00:17:20,964.999 --> 00:17:21,384.999 He Right. 302 00:17:21,414.999 --> 00:17:22,644.999 He's holding out on us. 303 00:17:22,674.999 --> 00:17:22,974.999 Right. 304 00:17:23,34.999 --> 00:17:34,224.999 You know, and instead of going back and, and, you know, conferring maybe with Adam about what God had said because he, you know, I'm assuming that Adam conveyed that to her? I think so, yeah. 305 00:17:34,224.999 --> 00:17:36,264.999 Because she seems to have added to Yes. 306 00:17:36,594.999 --> 00:17:44,804.999 That you're not even, you're not, you're not even touch it or Adam did either Adam added that or she did it, but clearly that's not what God told Adam. 307 00:17:44,924.998 --> 00:17:45,464.998 Yes. 308 00:17:45,554.999 --> 00:17:46,304.999 She knew that. 309 00:17:46,344.999 --> 00:17:48,914.999 But she doesn't go back and check the word of God. 310 00:17:48,964.998 --> 00:17:49,304.998 Yeah. 311 00:17:49,914.998 --> 00:17:53,534.999 She just starts thinking, Hey, God is holding out on me. 312 00:17:53,564.998 --> 00:17:53,884.998 Yeah. 313 00:17:53,934.999 --> 00:17:54,974.999 He's not sufficient. 314 00:17:55,344.999 --> 00:17:58,984.999 I, I could be more than, than I am more than what he's made. 315 00:17:59,154.999 --> 00:18:00,584.999 My life could be better. 316 00:18:01,129.999 --> 00:18:03,199.999 Than the life I have right here, right now. 317 00:18:03,259.999 --> 00:18:06,499.999 If you could just be self-actualized Eve Yes. 318 00:18:06,859.999 --> 00:18:07,429.999 Yeah, exactly. 319 00:18:07,429.999 --> 00:18:08,119.999 That's, that's what he's doing. 320 00:18:08,119.999 --> 00:18:09,879.999 The master, the master self-actualized. 321 00:18:09,919.999 --> 00:18:10,849.999 That's right, Satan. 322 00:18:11,179.999 --> 00:18:11,239.999 Yeah. 323 00:18:11,299.999 --> 00:18:12,439.999 You know, working right there. 324 00:18:12,439.999 --> 00:18:12,619.999 Yeah. 325 00:18:12,619.999 --> 00:18:14,239.999 That and that's what self-actualization is. 326 00:18:14,239.999 --> 00:18:14,359.999 Yeah. 327 00:18:15,269.999 --> 00:18:20,999.999 It, it's reaching for, for that, you know, fruit on the tree. 328 00:18:21,29.999 --> 00:18:21,379.999 Yeah, that's right. 329 00:18:21,384.999 --> 00:18:22,709.999 To make me like God. 330 00:18:22,739.999 --> 00:18:22,949.999 Yeah. 331 00:18:23,9.999 --> 00:18:26,99.999 Or, or in there is, you know, to make you God. 332 00:18:26,99.999 --> 00:18:30,809.999 Is, is, is what it, you know, Satan is projecting too, right? Because he Oh, yes, that's true. 333 00:18:30,814.999 --> 00:18:31,159.999 He's wanting. 334 00:18:32,434.999 --> 00:18:33,544.999 This is his entire goal. 335 00:18:33,554.999 --> 00:18:35,894.999 That's why he got kicked out of heaven, because he wanted the throne. 336 00:18:35,904.999 --> 00:18:37,314.999 He wanted to be God. 337 00:18:37,414.999 --> 00:18:42,824.998 You know, it wasn't enough that he was the third, you know, greatest being. 338 00:18:42,894.999 --> 00:18:43,944.998 Well, fourth, I guess. 339 00:18:43,954.998 --> 00:18:46,44.999 You got Father, Son, Holy Spirit. 340 00:18:46,84.999 --> 00:18:47,554.998 Well, God is one. 341 00:18:47,914.999 --> 00:18:48,164.999 Right. 342 00:18:48,164.999 --> 00:18:48,704.999 Three persons. 343 00:18:48,754.999 --> 00:18:49,74.999 Right. 344 00:18:49,84.999 --> 00:18:51,764.999 But you know, Satan is wanting the very throne. 345 00:18:52,384.999 --> 00:18:53,754.999 A heist of the angels. 346 00:18:53,774.999 --> 00:18:53,954.999 Yeah. 347 00:18:53,954.999 --> 00:18:54,954.999 And it wasn't enough for him. 348 00:18:55,64.999 --> 00:18:55,364.999 No. 349 00:18:55,414.999 --> 00:18:55,594.999 No. 350 00:18:55,994.999 --> 00:18:57,344.999 Yeah, he wanted to be above God. 351 00:18:57,554.999 --> 00:18:57,904.999 Yeah. 352 00:18:58,4.999 --> 00:18:59,234.999 I set my throne above. 353 00:18:59,234.999 --> 00:18:59,574.998 Yeah. 354 00:18:59,819.999 --> 00:19:06,259.999 You know, that, that was his goal, and, and that's exactly where, you know, what, what idolatry is. 355 00:19:06,269.999 --> 00:19:13,959.999 To me, I'm just sitting here thinking, too, isn't it fascinating that the first instance of idolatry in the Bible has nothing to do with an idol? Yeah. 356 00:19:14,139.999 --> 00:19:15,199.999 Like a physical idol. 357 00:19:15,649.999 --> 00:19:17,080 That's, that's a really good point. 358 00:19:17,179.998 --> 00:19:18,169.999 It really is. 359 00:19:18,189.998 --> 00:19:21,439.999 The the apple or, well, we say it's, whatever the fruit was. 360 00:19:22,319.999 --> 00:19:24,219.999 Was but it wasn't even the fruit. 361 00:19:24,219.999 --> 00:19:25,539.999 It had nothing to do with the fruit. 362 00:19:25,919.999 --> 00:19:32,389.999 It had everything to do with what, you know, Satan had, had wormed into her soul with his lie. 363 00:19:32,399.999 --> 00:19:33,499.999 You can be like God. 364 00:19:33,649.999 --> 00:19:34,129.999 Yes. 365 00:19:34,259.999 --> 00:19:35,609.999 You know, you can be your own idol. 366 00:19:36,669.999 --> 00:19:37,989.999 You can, you can do better than God. 367 00:19:38,784.999 --> 00:19:42,804.999 So very, very interesting that, that is the, the first sin. 368 00:19:42,964.999 --> 00:19:46,84.999 In fact, we could say that that's pretty much all sin. 369 00:19:46,504.999 --> 00:19:51,384.998 That is, is you know, denying the sufficiency of God in some way. 370 00:19:51,534.998 --> 00:19:51,914.998 That's right. 371 00:19:51,964.999 --> 00:19:53,534.999 Or putting yourself in the place of God. 372 00:19:53,554.999 --> 00:19:53,924.999 Yeah. 373 00:19:54,284.998 --> 00:20:02,884.999 Anytime that we sin, because when we sin, what are we doing? We're, we're really questioning what God has said. 374 00:20:04,154.999 --> 00:20:08,114.999 And, and we're saying, you know what, I don't like that. 375 00:20:08,294.998 --> 00:20:09,634.998 I don't like what you just said there. 376 00:20:10,394.999 --> 00:20:11,834.999 I want my own way. 377 00:20:11,994.999 --> 00:20:12,324.999 Yeah. 378 00:20:12,354.999 --> 00:20:15,324.999 I want something here and if I do this I'll get it. 379 00:20:15,534.999 --> 00:20:15,884.999 Yeah. 380 00:20:16,64.999 --> 00:20:18,324.999 Or if I respond this way I won't get that. 381 00:20:18,384.998 --> 00:20:18,784.998 Yeah. 382 00:20:18,954.999 --> 00:20:25,955 You know I was just sitting here thinking of another there's another quote here that I think is really fascinating. 383 00:20:26,514.999 --> 00:20:30,215 And it says as we think about our idol, our idolatry.

Sometimes it's hard to put our finger on what that might be.
.999And of course it'd be easier to understand what our idols are when we look at our lives and see what it is that we're willing to send in response to get or in response to what we might send in order to try to get or sin because we don't have, it's easy to do that, to work backwards. 386 00:20:51,449.999 --> 00:20:52,870 So it's easy to work backwards.

When I find myself sinning to start, start asking, what is it that I really want? Why am I responding this way? You know, no one ever says anything accidentally.
.999You know, no one, in a fit of rage people say things like, Oh, I didn't mean to say that. 390 00:21:11,609.999 --> 00:21:12,880 Right, that wasn't me. 391 00:21:12,880.1 --> 00:21:13,979.999 You hear that a lot.

That wasn't me. 393 00:21:14,569.999 --> 00:21:15,350 That wasn't me.
.999Well, it absolutely was you. 395 00:21:17,709.999 --> 00:21:22,770 And you start working back and you start thinking, Well, what is it that I really wanted in that moment.
That I responded that way.
You know, you, something happens at home and you get instantly angry.
You just.
You're just a, you're a fire.
You're irritated.
That's another word we like to use that is kind of lessons, anger, but it's anger, irritation.

I'm frustrated.
That's another one.
.999I'm frustrated. 408 00:21:41,484.999 --> 00:21:41,814.999 Yeah.
.999So you're frustrated at home or you're irritated.
.999And the question is, what is it that I really want? Yeah. 411 00:21:48,164.999 --> 00:22:02,195 Because when you start asking those questions, it helps lead you to, what is it that I'm really worshiping at this moment? That I really want well, I just want to I just want to be able to watch the football game The kids keep coming in and interrupting me.

Yeah Yeah, I want to see this, you know, right, right.
.999And that, you know, that, that can seem a legitimate thing to want because, you know, you've been working hard, you've been, you know, out how, how many days, you know, at work, how many hours at work providing for the family, and this is your one, your one day to, to, to just relax and come on. 414 00:22:28,129.999 --> 00:22:39,449.999 Can't I just relax? And so when you look at it like that, it doesn't sound unreasonable, but there's something, there's something deeper than just that football game. 415 00:22:39,459.999 --> 00:22:40,159.999 Yes, there is. 416 00:22:40,699.999 --> 00:22:44,629.998 And that is that somehow you deserve. 417 00:22:44,749.999 --> 00:22:45,179.999 That's right. 418 00:22:45,439.999 --> 00:22:46,69.999 This. 419 00:22:46,89.999 --> 00:22:46,489.999 Yes. 420 00:22:47,189.999 --> 00:22:47,729.999 I've earned this. 421 00:22:47,769.999 --> 00:22:49,209.899 I've earned this. 422 00:22:49,209.999 --> 00:22:51,159.999 This is my right to have this. 423 00:22:51,179.999 --> 00:22:52,839.999 That's, that's a great word. 424 00:22:52,839.999 --> 00:22:54,549.999 this is my, my right. 425 00:22:54,869.999 --> 00:22:56,859.999 And you're stepping on my right. 426 00:22:57,259.999 --> 00:22:59,659.998 You're stepping on my, my sovereignty. 427 00:22:59,689.999 --> 00:23:00,149.999 That's right. 428 00:23:00,219.999 --> 00:23:00,589.999 Right. 429 00:23:01,49.999 --> 00:23:09,819.999 You, you, this is, so essentially when, you know, your kids come in and interrupting you all the time, they're declaring war on your turf, on your turf. 430 00:23:09,849.999 --> 00:23:10,149.999 Yeah. 431 00:23:10,954.999 --> 00:23:22,804.999 These are, you know, these are two countries now that you, you've invaded, you've invaded and and so then the, the eruption and, and I think you're right. 432 00:23:22,814.999 --> 00:23:25,834.999 Like when you ask what is it you want, a lot of people will stop at that. 433 00:23:26,254.999 --> 00:23:32,24.999 You know, that, that higher level, the fruit level and never really get down to the, I just got to stop being angry. 434 00:23:32,94.999 --> 00:23:33,144.999 Just got to stop being angry. 435 00:23:33,145.099 --> 00:23:34,204.999 I just got to stop being frustrated. 436 00:23:34,394.999 --> 00:23:34,774.999 Right. 437 00:23:34,894.999 --> 00:23:35,314.999 Right. 438 00:23:35,454.999 --> 00:23:41,734.999 There are people that try and attack that that way, but you never get, you're never able to conquer that because you never get to the root. 439 00:23:41,764.999 --> 00:23:42,144.999 Right. 440 00:23:42,204.998 --> 00:23:49,334.999 And the next time something happens, you know, they go, well, I just need to count, I just need to count to 10 and then I will. 441 00:23:49,939.999 --> 00:23:51,409.999 You know, get back, right, right. 442 00:23:51,539.999 --> 00:23:53,89.999 I'll get back to you after I count to 10. 443 00:23:53,89.999 --> 00:23:53,619.999 Let me, right. 444 00:23:53,629.999 --> 00:23:57,699.999 Just energy to cool down in the, the cool down, the cool down thing. 445 00:23:57,789.999 --> 00:23:59,020 I mean, sure.

Some, it definitely can calm your, your temper and you can come back and you can deal more calmly and rationally and all that, but that doesn't actually deal with the heart with, with a heart issue.
And this is the real issue is.
What is going on there that is so God like that you've got to defend that thing as if you are a soldier in the army? Of that God, like, I mean, here you are, you're tired, you're, you're exhausted after a long week, they come in, they interrupt you, and all of a sudden you get all the energy in the world as you erupt in rage, and you're going to war, like what could possibly be, be doing that and that, those are the questions you have to ask, so, and I think that's a good, good question.

To ask, what are some root issues that, that we could be wanting in a, in a scenario like that, or, or in other scenarios, what, what are some things that, that, that are common that people seek after? Yeah, I mean, you, you know, you think about, okay, let's think about the, you know, watching, I want to be entertained, or maybe I just want some downtime.

I want some me time.
And I think, you know, hey, praise God for, for stay at home moms. 452 00:25:15,269.999 --> 00:25:15,529.999 Yeah.
are willing to stay at home and raise their families.
And even for stay at home moms, this can be a great idol.
.999I need to have my me time.
And if I don't get my me time, then I get cranky, or I get irritated, angry.

And yet, biblically, that's become a functional idol, if that's your response.
Is it wrong to say, hey, I'd just like to spend a little time away? No, it's not necessarily wrong to do that.
.999But if you're going to make it a demand and say, I am not a complete person or I cannot function in life unless I get my me time, then that becomes idolatrous because you're saying that this is what I have to have in order to function in the way God wants me to function.

Basically, you're saying I have to have this.
You're not depending on the spirit.
You're not trusting in the spirit to help you deal with life.
You're actually looking to something else.
I have to have some peace and quiet or, you know, Mama's not happy.
If Mama's not happy, nobody's happy.
So, but isn't there some truth to the, I have toss, for example, you know a a a new mom and a baby that doesn't and I, of course, you know, I have seven boys.

I've been through this a number of times.
And, and I'd like to think that we, we've, we've gotten down to some kind of a, a system as we, as we, as we figured it out moving on.
But I remember the first one.
It was Micah.
I remember that feeling like, would you just go to sleep? I'm exhausted.
And then, and then we're in an apartment and, and, and the neighbors are pounding on the, on the door, like, shut your kid up.

.999And I'm like, I'm trying.
And I'm like, you know, the, and I remember the anger that's coming up and, and, and, you know, I just need to sleep.
Isn't, isn't that a legitimate thing to say? Well, I need.
I need to sleep.
Yeah, we do need to sleep, right? But, but there's also the Lord who can help you interact and navigate with any given situation. 481 00:27:25,609.999 --> 00:27:41,160 You know, I always, one of the passages that I really like to go to a lot and just thinking about difficulties and trials as second Corinthians chapter four, where Paul is talking and you think about all the things that Paul went through and all the things that he struggled with and suffered with.

He says, we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us.
We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed, perplexed, but not driven to despair, persecuted, but not forsaken, struck down, but not destroyed, always carrying in the body, the death of Jesus.

.999So the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our bodies for we who live are always being given over to death for Jesus sakes with the life of Jesus.
May also be manifested in our mortal flesh, so death is at work in us, but life in you.
You know, obviously, if you're never sleeping, then you've got to get some sleep, right? Right.
To be able to function.

In terms of just functioning, because we have to have sleep.
.999God's given us sleep, but there are times when, when we may face some sleeplessness, it's not going to be perpetual, but, but God in his grace can help us to navigate those difficult days and those, and those difficult times.
And you think of everything that Paul went through and, and he says, man, we are facing perpetual trial.

One after the other, but yet we are not destroyed.
You know, we're not given over to despair. 493 00:28:55,415.0625 --> 00:29:02,585.0625 Because we, you know, we are trusting in the Lord and we're demonstrating in our lives that the power belongs to God and not to us. 494 00:29:04,855.0625 --> 00:29:11,935.0635 Yeah, I think that's Paul is, is, is the go to example of, of of exactly that, you know. 495 00:29:12,395.0635 --> 00:29:19,535.0635 This is, you know, but people will say, well that's Paul, because Paul, Paul went through all of that and he wasn't destroyed. 496 00:29:19,535.0635 --> 00:29:25,115.0635 And even sleepless, you know, I think of the shipwreck, like he, they were up all night with the, with the wave, whatever. 497 00:29:25,115.0635 --> 00:29:27,495.0635 And I mean, they went a long time. 498 00:29:27,500.0635 --> 00:29:27,915.0635 They did. 499 00:29:28,75.0635 --> 00:29:28,855.0635 And probably days. 500 00:29:28,855.0635 --> 00:29:29,935.0635 Days, yeah. 501 00:29:29,935.0635 --> 00:29:31,855.0635 So just sleeplessness. 502 00:29:31,885.0635 --> 00:29:32,275.0635 Yes. 503 00:29:32,465.0635 --> 00:29:35,55.0635 And so he experienced that And so he knows what he's talking about. 504 00:29:35,105.0635 --> 00:29:42,855.0635 He's been through it all and he ends up in a prison cell and ends up, you know, being martyred probably by Nero AD 62 or something like that. 505 00:29:42,855.0635 --> 00:29:43,95.0635 Right. 506 00:29:43,155.0625 --> 00:29:46,225.0615 But, but you know, you think, well, that's Paul. 507 00:29:47,420.0625 --> 00:29:50,410.0625 You know, he was just an unusually strong man. 508 00:29:50,410.0625 --> 00:30:01,980.0625 But then you know, in reminded of Colossians one first 29, he says for, well, verse 28 says, we proclaim him admonishing every man and teaching every man with all wisdom so that we may present every man complete in Christ. 509 00:30:02,530.0625 --> 00:30:03,810.0615 For this purpose, I. 510 00:30:04,665.0625 --> 00:30:13,235.0625 Also, I labor, striving according to his power, which mightily works within me. 511 00:30:14,315.0625 --> 00:30:19,145.0625 So Paul is not saying, you know, I'm just a, I'm just a tough guy. 512 00:30:20,375.0625 --> 00:30:23,685.0625 It is the power of, of Christ. 513 00:30:23,685.0635 --> 00:30:25,885.0625 And that's what we're, what we're talking about. 514 00:30:25,925.0625 --> 00:30:32,755.0625 And so when we, when we look at idolatry, what we're, what we're saying is that there's something in the place of God, and it can be in so many. 515 00:30:33,285.0625 --> 00:30:49,425.0615 ways, even, even our own ability to endure hardship, you know, like, like you know, pulling up ourselves by our own bootstraps or, or, you know, this you know, being, being manly as men and enduring these hardships as if it's somehow within us that we have the ability. 516 00:30:49,425.0615 --> 00:31:13,565.0605 But we see with Paul is that he was constantly leaning and turning to the source of all power in all life, in all help, in, in In, in setting aside any, any self sufficiency and turning to Christ which is, you know, the, the opposite of holding on to an idol. 517 00:31:13,655.0615 --> 00:31:14,115.0615 Yeah. 518 00:31:14,655.0615 --> 00:31:15,585.0615 Yeah, absolutely. 519 00:31:15,965.0605 --> 00:31:19,735.0615 And like I said, you know, Paul is such a great, and ultimately, you know, you have to look at Jesus too. 520 00:31:19,755.0605 --> 00:31:26,315.0615 Jesus had sleepless days and in his humanity, he, he also needed sleep. 521 00:31:27,305.0615 --> 00:31:28,965.0615 You know you think of him being in the boat. 522 00:31:29,400.0615 --> 00:31:44,770.0615 In a storm and he is out, you know, I, I've heard people talk about that, but how could Jesus sleep like that? You know, and the reality is he was trusting in the Lord and God because he knew that the father had all things in his hands. 523 00:31:44,780.0615 --> 00:31:52,890.0615 He has, he's God, you know, and he's, he knows that he's got a lot of work on earth to do and he's not worried about the boat. 524 00:31:53,180.0615 --> 00:31:53,270.0615 Right. 525 00:31:53,280.0615 --> 00:31:54,160.0615 He knows exactly. 526 00:31:54,330.0615 --> 00:31:56,424.9615 He knows exactly what's going on, you know. 527 00:31:56,835.0615 --> 00:32:04,15.0615 And, and with Paul, you know, Paul Paul, you could say, well, man, he was just a super Christian, but yet he has the same Holy Spirit that we have. 528 00:32:04,685.0605 --> 00:32:12,75.0605 There's no, there's no difference in, in, in that we all have the same Holy Spirit and God's given us the Holy Spirit. 529 00:32:12,525.0615 --> 00:32:20,605.0615 And so the reality is, is that we can function in a way that's honoring to and glorifying to God in, in any circumstance. 530 00:32:20,645.0615 --> 00:32:20,875.0615 Hmm. 531 00:32:21,555.0615 --> 00:32:22,225.0615 And. 532 00:32:23,415.0615 --> 00:32:30,505.0615 We need to guard against idols because that's what will keep us from functioning in a, in a right in godly way. 533 00:32:31,15.0615 --> 00:32:37,550.0615 When we Take those things and we exalt them above God and said, I have to have that. 534 00:32:38,10.0615 --> 00:32:38,420.0615 Yeah. 535 00:32:39,250.0615 --> 00:32:49,180.0605 I was thinking, I was just writing down here a couple of these idols that we're talking about that, you know, that, that are root level things like I, I need comfort. 536 00:32:49,330.0615 --> 00:32:49,830.0615 Yes. 537 00:32:49,900.0605 --> 00:32:53,120.0605 You know, if I don't have my comfort and then I won't be happy. 538 00:32:53,790.0605 --> 00:32:55,70.0605 I need my security. 539 00:32:55,420.0605 --> 00:32:55,950.0605 Oh, that's a big one. 540 00:32:55,950.0605 --> 00:32:56,890.0605 That's a huge one. 541 00:32:56,960.0605 --> 00:33:16,890.0605 That is a huge, especially in this day and age, there's a lot of people that don't feel very secure and safe and especially as people get older and they see their money, you know, disappearing maybe because of the economy, because of markets you know, they can be sitting there going, man, What's gonna happen to me? Yeah. 542 00:33:16,950.0605 --> 00:33:21,600.0605 You know, my, my money, you know, I'm sitting here in retirement and my money's just disappearing. 543 00:33:21,600.0605 --> 00:33:33,840.0605 And yet, if, if we are going to, and we need money, right? But if we're gonna sit there and we're gonna say, I'm not, I can't feel secure unless I have X amount of dollars in the bank. 544 00:33:34,50.0605 --> 00:33:34,380.0605 Yeah. 545 00:33:35,160.0605 --> 00:33:39,510.0605 Then we've turned that security into an idol because we're no longer trusting in the Lord. 546 00:33:39,510.0605 --> 00:33:44,275.0605 What, what did you know you think of, what did Jesus say in Matthew six? Yeah. 547 00:33:44,845.0605 --> 00:33:51,815.0605 You know, you seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and he takes care of your needs. 548 00:33:52,635.0605 --> 00:33:52,905.0605 Yeah. 549 00:33:52,905.0605 --> 00:33:56,135.0605 And that's, that, that that is a real trust. 550 00:33:56,135.0605 --> 00:34:01,45.0615 You know, I think I'm turning to Matthew six right now cause it's such a a great passage. 551 00:34:01,435.0615 --> 00:34:07,305.0615 You know, the, the heading I have over the, that section there is called the cure for anxiety in my Bible. 552 00:34:08,560.0615 --> 00:34:19,230.0605 And it's, you know, you have things like you don't need to worry about what you'll eat, what you'll drink what you'll put on life is more than food, the body more than clothing. 553 00:34:19,330.0605 --> 00:34:19,620.0605 Yes. 554 00:34:19,680.0595 --> 00:34:20,550.0585 Look at the birds of the air. 555 00:34:20,550.0585 --> 00:34:26,90.0595 They, they don't sow, they don't reap, they're not worrying, you know, and yet they're taken care of. 556 00:34:26,320.0595 --> 00:34:26,810.0595 That's right. 557 00:34:26,880.0595 --> 00:34:31,390.0585 It's like God has built in this ability of these animals. 558 00:34:31,950.0585 --> 00:34:34,160.0595 Like he knows how to do that. 559 00:34:34,170.0585 --> 00:34:37,149.9595 He knows how to take care of the creatures of the field. 560 00:34:37,150.0595 --> 00:34:39,360.0595 This, this example here, this is a comfort for us. 561 00:34:39,370.0585 --> 00:34:40,500.0595 The Lord knows. 562 00:34:41,170.0595 --> 00:34:42,410.0595 How to take care of us. 563 00:34:43,0.0595 --> 00:34:44,370.0595 And yeah, go ahead. 564 00:34:44,460.0595 --> 00:34:52,900.0585 That whole passage to me is interesting because when you pop up in the, into the previous verses there, verse 24, he says, No one can serve two masters. 565 00:34:53,480.0595 --> 00:34:57,80.0595 He will either hate the one and love the other, or be devoted to the one and despise the other. 566 00:34:57,80.0595 --> 00:34:59,120.0585 You cannot serve God and money. 567 00:35:00,180.0585 --> 00:35:05,480.0595 And above that it says, Do not lay up for yourselves treasure on earth, where moth and rust destroy and thieves break in and steal. 568 00:35:06,150.0595 --> 00:35:07,550.0595 But lay up for yourselves treasure in heaven. 569 00:35:07,550.0595 --> 00:35:09,0.0595 What's he talking about? Idolatry. 570 00:35:09,120.0595 --> 00:35:10,340.0595 Hard idolatry, really. 571 00:35:10,460.0595 --> 00:35:10,770.0595 Yeah. 572 00:35:10,830.0595 --> 00:35:14,140.0595 And the things that keep us from depending and trusting in God. 573 00:35:14,680.0585 --> 00:35:19,650.0595 And even if you have money, you can still live a life of dependence and trust in God. 574 00:35:19,650.0595 --> 00:35:19,970.0595 That's right. 575 00:35:20,190.0595 --> 00:35:25,390.0595 Where you're not looking, you're not depending on that money and trusting on that money. 576 00:35:25,390.0595 --> 00:35:26,510.0595 You're trusting in God. 577 00:35:27,190.0595 --> 00:35:31,560.0595 And you're looking to him and saying, you know what? God is the provider of all things. 578 00:35:31,570.0595 --> 00:35:32,770.0595 He's provided this money. 579 00:35:32,770.0595 --> 00:35:39,670.0595 And if I lose it all, or if it all disappears in the market or the government takes it all, guess what? God's going to provide for us. 580 00:35:39,670.0595 --> 00:35:44,500.0585 And he's going to take care of, not the money, you know, that's that's anyway. 581 00:35:44,780.0595 --> 00:35:45,80.0595 Yeah. 582 00:35:45,120.0595 --> 00:35:49,700.0585 That's, that's a really good point I mean, it has nothing to do with whether you have money or don't have money. 583 00:35:49,700.0595 --> 00:35:51,500.0595 It has everything to do with where you're putting your trust. 584 00:35:51,510.0595 --> 00:35:53,490.0595 And whether you're turning that thing into an idolatry. 585 00:35:53,490.0595 --> 00:35:55,220.0595 And all of these things are like this. 586 00:35:55,630.0585 --> 00:35:58,250.0595 You know, comfort, security, I was thinking of pleasure. 587 00:35:58,760.0595 --> 00:36:00,730.0585 You know, it's a big one in our culture. 588 00:36:00,730.0595 --> 00:36:01,260.0595 It is. 589 00:36:01,745.0595 --> 00:36:13,695.0595 Whether, you know, you could call that, you know, whether it's sexual, whether it's dietary food, whatever you find your, your pleasure in, there's a whole list of things that we can find pleasure in. 590 00:36:14,175.0595 --> 00:36:23,155.0595 But every single one of those things can become idolatrous if we set our hope on them, you know, I have to have them in some way, shape or form. 591 00:36:23,835.0595 --> 00:36:25,255.0595 To, to be content. 592 00:36:25,425.0595 --> 00:36:25,765.0595 Yeah. 593 00:36:26,945.0595 --> 00:36:31,945.0595 Yeah, and and I think, the other side of all of these is you end up with fear. 594 00:36:32,595.0595 --> 00:36:56,135.0585 If you don't have your comfort, you don't have your security, I can't, you know get what I want, or you have anxiety, depression, you know, you're not, you're not getting these things, those, those kind of which, you know, those emotions anger, outbursts of wrath those, those are signs that there's something ruling in your heart. 595 00:36:57,265.0585 --> 00:37:01,465.0585 You know, we're supposed to let the peace of God rule in us. 596 00:37:02,345.0585 --> 00:37:05,465.0585 This is a peace that passes all understanding. 597 00:37:05,475.0585 --> 00:37:05,935.0585 That's right. 598 00:37:05,955.0585 --> 00:37:08,365.0585 And this is because God is perfect. 599 00:37:09,140.0585 --> 00:37:09,680.0585 Peace. 600 00:37:09,690.0585 --> 00:37:10,650.0585 He's perfect. 601 00:37:11,570.0585 --> 00:37:12,600.0585 You know, I say it. 602 00:37:12,600.0585 --> 00:37:14,810.0585 He, he's perfect simplicity. 603 00:37:14,820.0585 --> 00:37:16,890.0585 He is fully sufficient. 604 00:37:17,290.0575 --> 00:37:31,80.0585 And, and, and so when we trust in him, we are, we're trusting in a God who, who is the source of, of pure tranquility and pure provision and pure whatever it is that we, we need. 605 00:37:31,550.0585 --> 00:37:35,450.0585 And he said that he loved us and he's sovereign over us. 606 00:37:35,570.0585 --> 00:38:04,615.0585 And, That is such a great thought, you know, you think about that and just what it means to really trust in God, regardless of, of what my circumstances look like, you know, I do want to say this with, with the whole anxiety thing, there's very few cases that there can be sometimes a biology behind that, but it is linked to, To known testable things within the body and, and, and medicine will treat that. 607 00:38:04,875.0585 --> 00:38:05,925.0585 We'll take care of it. 608 00:38:06,15.0585 --> 00:38:06,405.0585 Right. 609 00:38:06,865.0575 --> 00:38:11,455.0585 But that's different from the anxiety that is caused by something. 610 00:38:11,775.0585 --> 00:38:14,195.0585 And again, I think you have to go back to the same question again. 611 00:38:14,195.0585 --> 00:38:24,955.0585 What is it that I want? If I'm anxious about something all the time and something is just grinding on me and I'm perpetually living in a state of anxiety to stop and ask and go, wait a minute. 612 00:38:25,280.0585 --> 00:38:25,770.0585 Yeah. 613 00:38:25,840.0585 --> 00:38:29,650.0585 What is it that I want? Or maybe what is it that I'm getting that I don't want? Yeah. 614 00:38:30,140.0585 --> 00:38:51,520.0585 You know, because that, when we start thinking about life in those, on those levels, I think that the Lord can really use that to help us understand what the idols are that are functioning in our lives that are causing us to turn away from God and turn to something else or someone else. 615 00:38:52,580.0585 --> 00:39:03,690.0575 Yeah going back to that anxiety thing, I remember a couple years ago we were at a biblical counseling conference in, I don't remember with the doctor who was doing the presentation. 616 00:39:03,710.0585 --> 00:39:04,840.0585 You can probably remember his name. 617 00:39:04,840.0585 --> 00:39:05,160.0585 I can't. 618 00:39:05,860.0585 --> 00:39:13,550.0595 But he said, if I recall that 90 percent of anxiety, depression. 619 00:39:14,440.0595 --> 00:39:27,290.0595 Was what was related to, you know, some kind of functioning idolatry and then the rest were biology and it might have been higher than that, but it was, it was, it was 90, 95 or something like that. 620 00:39:27,290.0595 --> 00:39:27,685.1261667 It's way up there. 621 00:39:27,685.1261667 --> 00:39:28,24.9928334 It's way up there. 622 00:39:28,24.9928334 --> 00:39:28,109.9595 Yes. 623 00:39:28,510.0595 --> 00:39:39,420.0605 And that was coming from a medical doctor who, who he had he was also a biblical counselor and he had the ability to test scientifically and through medical practice. 624 00:39:39,950.0605 --> 00:39:44,280.0605 So that's not, you know, most of the time it's, it's not an excuse. 625 00:39:45,360.0595 --> 00:39:53,10.0595 So this is, this is, this is good, but how do we so, so there's functioning idols in our, in our life, things that we put in the place of God. 626 00:39:53,860.0595 --> 00:39:58,340.0595 And we've mentioned already, it can be, you know, things, comfort, security, fear, pleasure. 627 00:39:58,340.0595 --> 00:40:03,680.0585 It can be good things like I want my children to, to walk with the Lord. 628 00:40:03,870.0585 --> 00:40:05,310.0585 That's a great, that's a great desire. 629 00:40:05,420.0585 --> 00:40:05,900.0595 That's a huge. 630 00:40:05,900.0595 --> 00:40:06,650.0595 We should all want that. 631 00:40:06,720.0595 --> 00:40:08,330.0585 Huge one in the church. 632 00:40:08,450.0585 --> 00:40:08,930.0585 Yes. 633 00:40:08,990.0595 --> 00:40:26,30.0595 And I've seen, I've seen parents do extreme things for that, which on the one hand You know, that, that, that is a great desire but the kind of things I've seen is almost like they can somehow save their children in their, in their own efforts. 634 00:40:26,30.0595 --> 00:40:39,230.0595 If they could just line things up right, they could just get them in this place or, or in youth group, you know, or, or the right youth pastor or the right school or the right, whatever, like all of these things that you think are going to save your children. 635 00:40:39,230.0595 --> 00:40:43,940.0585 And, and really you're kind of stepping in the role of the savior when you do that. 636 00:40:43,990.0595 --> 00:40:44,560.0595 Yes, you are. 637 00:40:44,570.0595 --> 00:40:44,590.0595 Yeah. 638 00:40:44,600.0595 --> 00:40:45,190.0595 In, in. 639 00:40:45,885.0595 --> 00:40:49,145.0595 Often but you, you make a terrible savior. 640 00:40:49,535.0595 --> 00:40:50,445.0595 Oh man, we do. 641 00:40:50,585.0595 --> 00:40:51,575.0595 We're horrible savers. 642 00:40:51,575.0595 --> 00:40:53,755.0585 Yeah, we, yeah. 643 00:40:53,805.0595 --> 00:40:56,745.0595 Yeah, we can't do it because we are not God. 644 00:40:56,905.0605 --> 00:40:58,55.0605 Only God can save. 645 00:40:58,95.0595 --> 00:40:58,425.0595 Yeah. 646 00:40:58,825.0605 --> 00:41:00,105.0605 Only God can save anybody. 647 00:41:00,135.0595 --> 00:41:05,205.0605 We, we have no power within us to, to say, even in the counseling room, you know, I can. 648 00:41:05,795.0605 --> 00:41:16,115.0605 I can show people all the best scriptures in the world to help them with their issues, but I cannot do a thing to their soul. 649 00:41:16,695.0595 --> 00:41:18,265.0605 That's always the work of God. 650 00:41:19,75.0595 --> 00:41:27,895.0605 God does that work and that's not what, I'm not called to, to counsel people to, to a better spot. 651 00:41:27,895.0605 --> 00:41:28,175.0605 Right. 652 00:41:28,225.0605 --> 00:41:30,285.0605 I'm called to, in essence. 653 00:41:31,390.0605 --> 00:41:39,970.0595 Give the word of God, help people navigate, understand what the word of God says, then as they take in the word of God and they digest the word of God. 654 00:41:40,630.0605 --> 00:41:45,380.0605 Letting God do his work in their lives to change them because God is the one who changes them. 655 00:41:45,570.0605 --> 00:41:45,900.0605 Yeah. 656 00:41:45,950.0605 --> 00:41:51,670.0605 You think of Hebrews 4, 12, you know, it's the word of God that cuts through the what? Thoughts and intents of the heart. 657 00:41:51,700.0595 --> 00:41:52,0.0595 Yeah. 658 00:41:52,300.0605 --> 00:41:54,220.0605 And that's exactly what it does. 659 00:41:54,220.0605 --> 00:41:56,260.0605 It just cuts right to the thoughts and intents. 660 00:41:56,520.0605 --> 00:41:57,680.0605 It says, yes, I'm sinning. 661 00:41:57,680.0605 --> 00:42:01,520.0605 Yes, I'm, I've made an idol out of this and now I need to repent. 662 00:42:01,630.0605 --> 00:42:02,40.0605 Yeah. 663 00:42:02,890.0605 --> 00:42:08,60.0605 And I think that's, that's I remember when I first heard that some years ago going, wait a minute. 664 00:42:09,905.0605 --> 00:42:15,235.0605 That sounds crazy that I can make an idolatry out of wanting my children to walk with the Lord. 665 00:42:15,715.0605 --> 00:42:22,144.9605 But I would say You know, this is not justification for not training up your children in the nourishment and admonition of the Lord. 666 00:42:22,145.0605 --> 00:42:24,135.0605 You do need to teach them to obey. 667 00:42:24,175.0605 --> 00:42:24,535.0605 That's right. 668 00:42:24,565.0605 --> 00:42:27,325.0605 And that would be worthy of a podcast down the road here. 669 00:42:27,655.0605 --> 00:42:29,215.0605 But I just thought I'd throw that out there. 670 00:42:29,485.0605 --> 00:42:35,915.0585 So with the last few minutes that we have we, we've talked about idols, what they are some examples of idols. 671 00:42:35,925.0585 --> 00:42:37,765.0585 How do, how do we deal with them? How do we... 672 00:42:38,740.0585 --> 00:42:47,580.0585 How do we get rid of them? Well, you know, obviously we need to be in the word first and foremost, because it's the word of God that's going to help us diagnose that issue. 673 00:42:47,620.0585 --> 00:42:51,80.0585 And other people really coming along beside us and saying, Hey, you know. 674 00:42:51,575.0585 --> 00:42:58,285.0585 Dan, I can see over here that you're really, you know, struggling with this issue here and this has become an idol for you. 675 00:42:58,915.0585 --> 00:43:09,145.0585 And then to, you know, like the Israelites had to do, they had to humbly repent and they had to turn away from, from those things and turn their hearts back to God. 676 00:43:10,435.0585 --> 00:43:16,875.0585 And that's, that is the key is that you, you turn away from trusting in that thing. 677 00:43:16,875.0585 --> 00:43:18,315.0585 You confess it as a sin. 678 00:43:18,950.0585 --> 00:43:21,220.0585 And you say, you know what? I'm not going to trust in that. 679 00:43:21,220.0585 --> 00:43:25,710.0585 And I'm going to put myself in the word and surround myself with the word of God. 680 00:43:25,750.0585 --> 00:43:28,870.0585 And I'm going to turn my heart and trust in the Lord for this. 681 00:43:29,700.0585 --> 00:43:37,900.0595 I can't turn over here because that gives me nothing but heartache, but blessed is the man who, you know, walks not in the counsel of the ungodly. 682 00:43:38,170.0595 --> 00:43:40,600.0595 Or stands in the way of sinners, or sits in the seat of scornful. 683 00:43:40,820.0595 --> 00:43:44,400.0595 His delight is wherein the law of the Lord, and that he flourishes like a green tree. 684 00:43:44,760.0595 --> 00:44:02,850.0595 Even in the heat, in the midst of the summer, when the heat is just shining down hard, he's still flourishing because his hope is in the Lord, not in Not in anything else, but the Lord, right? So that he illustration you're gonna have bad things going on in your life You can have sleepless nights. 685 00:44:02,860.0595 --> 00:44:03,200.0595 That's right. 686 00:44:03,230.0585 --> 00:44:14,240.0595 You're gonna have children who have walked away from the Lord You're gonna have football games that are being interrupted constantly And you can still Flourish, that's right be fruitful. 687 00:44:14,250.0595 --> 00:44:26,360.0595 That's right and still exemplify Christlikeness, that's right And when you do you are doing that because of God's pruning or God sanctifying work in you. 688 00:44:26,360.0595 --> 00:44:29,410.0595 It is God who, who, who does this. 689 00:44:30,0.0595 --> 00:44:35,420.0595 And and, and so, you know, what you're describing is is exactly right. 690 00:44:35,450.0595 --> 00:44:39,420.0595 We turn away from our sin and we turn toward Christ. 691 00:44:39,420.0595 --> 00:44:51,580.0585 We put off those, those bad habits and we put on Christ likeness, which involves you know, being in the word, we may have to get rid of some things to, you know, you think of. 692 00:44:52,360.0595 --> 00:45:04,285.0595 You know, I think of, I was reading in 2 Chronicles not too long ago here, and you think of some of these kings that actually were pleasing to the Lord, and they went through, and they They destroy idols. 693 00:45:04,535.0595 --> 00:45:13,165.0595 They actually destroyed altars, they take idols, they crush them into dust and sprinkle them into, you know, Kidron Valley or whatever. 694 00:45:13,565.0595 --> 00:45:15,995.0585 But they actually got rid of, of those idols. 695 00:45:15,995.0595 --> 00:45:24,335.0595 And Jesus says the same thing, you know, when he says that if your eye offend, you pluck it out, you know, or if your arm, your hand offend, you cut it off. 696 00:45:24,745.0595 --> 00:45:26,205.0595 And Jesus is saying the same thing. 697 00:45:26,215.0595 --> 00:45:29,375.0595 He's saying there are times when you may actually need to get rid of something. 698 00:45:29,775.0595 --> 00:45:35,345.0595 Maybe if I'm always irritated whenever I get interrupted watching football, then maybe what I need to do is... 699 00:45:35,515.0595 --> 00:45:38,821.7928334 Get rid of the kid? Yeah, get rid of the kid. 700 00:45:38,821.7928334 --> 00:45:39,725.0595 No, get rid of the TV. 701 00:45:40,15.0595 --> 00:45:40,595.0595 Oh, the TV. 702 00:45:40,605.0585 --> 00:45:41,285.0595 Get rid of the TV. 703 00:45:41,695.0585 --> 00:45:44,515.0595 Stop watching, stop watching football on Sundays. 704 00:45:45,180.0595 --> 00:45:58,920.0595 And do something with your kids, you know? That's such a good point because I think what you're saying is that football game has gotten to the level of idolatry now. 705 00:45:59,70.0585 --> 00:46:02,300.0595 And if it's gotten to the level of idolatry, that's like... 706 00:46:02,965.0595 --> 00:46:07,225.0595 You know, that should be like kryptonite, you know, like that, that's like poison. 707 00:46:07,635.0595 --> 00:46:10,425.0595 That's a good sign that maybe you need to stop watching football. 708 00:46:10,615.0595 --> 00:46:11,185.0585 Yeah, it is. 709 00:46:11,235.0595 --> 00:46:20,605.0615 And I, you know, I, I counsel people like this, it's, there's nothing wrong with, you know, say you know, your kids involved in sports or which, which is a big one in our culture. 710 00:46:20,825.0615 --> 00:46:22,15.0615 There's nothing wrong with sports. 711 00:46:22,25.0615 --> 00:46:22,225.0615 Right. 712 00:46:22,820.0615 --> 00:46:36,10.0605 But when it controls everything you do, and it controls your family, and it controls your schedule, and it keeps you from, you know, being in order, your kids being in order, or, or, or you could, you know, You can control your emotions in the game. 713 00:46:36,10.0605 --> 00:46:38,520.0595 Right, emotions, like how you act. 714 00:46:39,255.0605 --> 00:46:42,735.0605 I mean, there's so many things you, you, you could do any kind of obsession. 715 00:46:42,805.0605 --> 00:46:58,295.0605 And I think that part of parenting is watching your kids and like not feeding obsessions that, that could be, that could become ideology because you don't want, you don't want competition for, for, for the ultimate goal, which is to feed them Christ and the word of God. 716 00:46:58,935.0605 --> 00:47:01,505.0605 And that's kind of a base operating that we've always done, you know. 717 00:47:02,160.0605 --> 00:47:03,50.0605 For, for our family. 718 00:47:03,50.0605 --> 00:47:13,70.0605 We kind of, when we started seeing things become obsessions, we're like, okay, you know, we need, we need to, we need to back off now because our kids in particular, they can't handle that. 719 00:47:13,530.0605 --> 00:47:13,950.0605 Yes. 720 00:47:14,130.0595 --> 00:47:17,910.0595 You know, their affections have turned towards that instead of God. 721 00:47:17,910.0605 --> 00:47:21,380.0605 And they, they have no desire for God, but they have every desire for that. 722 00:47:21,720.0605 --> 00:47:22,110.0605 Right. 723 00:47:22,240.0605 --> 00:47:22,540.0605 Yes. 724 00:47:22,600.0605 --> 00:47:31,20.0605 And I think that's very practical that, you know, your affections are like, like they're indicators of what's going on in your heart. 725 00:47:31,30.0595 --> 00:47:35,430.0585 The thing that you love is the thing that you worship in, in many ways. 726 00:47:35,500.0595 --> 00:47:38,530.0595 I mean, it's not just because you love someone doesn't mean you worship them. 727 00:47:38,530.0605 --> 00:47:45,50.0595 But, but with an obsessive kind of love where you find yourself getting angry and you don't get it or willing to sin, as you said, that's why you don't get it. 728 00:47:46,70.0595 --> 00:47:47,580.0595 Those are things that, that. 729 00:47:49,35.0595 --> 00:47:50,775.0595 Need to be cut off. 730 00:47:50,825.0595 --> 00:47:57,495.0585 Yeah, you know, those are, it's interesting because those are things that, that you really have to work through and if you can't work through it, then you cut it off. 731 00:47:58,360.0595 --> 00:48:06,990.0595 You know, I just personally just to give a little testimony of my own life and in the I've been always been a competitive guy can't imagine that. 732 00:48:07,510.0595 --> 00:48:08,470.0585 That's shocking. 733 00:48:08,820.0595 --> 00:48:19,260.0595 I, what? I know competitive and sometimes that competition has gotten the best of me in terms of, you know, get angry or whatever, especially like one on one competition. 734 00:48:19,765.0595 --> 00:48:28,115.0595 And you know, like when I, when I smoked you on the basketball court a few months ago, you know, I, I could see you, that was on fantasy island. 735 00:48:28,115.0595 --> 00:48:28,685.0595 It was great. 736 00:48:29,415.0585 --> 00:48:30,555.0585 I actually think it was the opposite. 737 00:48:31,15.0595 --> 00:48:32,365.0585 No, anyway, that was, that was fun. 738 00:48:32,755.0595 --> 00:48:38,85.0595 But that being said, you know, I, one of the things I had to do was a personal growth project when I was working through this. 739 00:48:38,85.0595 --> 00:48:41,185.0595 And one of my, that was my personal growth project and working on that because. 740 00:48:41,635.0595 --> 00:48:46,915.0595 You know, like sometimes I'd be out playing disc golf or whatever, and I'd start getting mad and I wasn't hitting my shots. 741 00:48:46,915.0595 --> 00:48:59,35.0595 And so I had to boil it down to, well, what is really driving that anger? Is it that I missed a shot? You know, it's not just that I missed a shot is it's really that I want you to worship me as the best disc golf player out there. 742 00:48:59,385.0595 --> 00:49:04,585.0595 You know, I want you at the end of the day to say, Dan is such the disc golfing man. 743 00:49:04,605.0595 --> 00:49:12,655.0585 Did you see yourselves in, in, in light standing there at the last you know, disc golf goal and everybody cheering it. 744 00:49:12,855.0595 --> 00:49:13,165.0595 Exactly. 745 00:49:13,165.0595 --> 00:49:17,475.0595 So that, so then when I'm playing people, you know, especially people that I'm competitive with, right. 746 00:49:18,0.0595 --> 00:49:21,460.0595 And that, that starts to come up, I have to go, wait a minute, Dan, you are not God. 747 00:49:21,550.0595 --> 00:49:24,520.0595 There is only one God and God alone is to be worshiped. 748 00:49:24,990.0595 --> 00:49:32,300.0595 And, and one of the things that I'm trying to do, you know, in my own, sometimes even, you know, throwing by myself, I can start getting a little upset. 749 00:49:32,300.0595 --> 00:49:33,420.0595 Sometimes I was going to wait a minute. 750 00:49:34,80.0595 --> 00:49:35,939.9595 Why are you out here? You're here to. 751 00:49:36,220.0595 --> 00:49:37,120.0595 Honor and glorify God. 752 00:49:37,120.0595 --> 00:49:38,840.0595 So thank God for the good shots. 753 00:49:38,850.0595 --> 00:49:40,60.0595 Thank God for the bad shots. 754 00:49:40,60.0595 --> 00:49:46,750.0595 They always could have been worse, you know, and, and seek to honor and glorify God in, in, in everything that I, that you're doing. 755 00:49:46,750.0595 --> 00:49:58,660.0595 And so, you know, that, that's an area where we can, we can be challenged with because the, the reality is, is that when you come into a situation like that, we have to recognize it for what it is. 756 00:49:58,660.0595 --> 00:50:00,910.0595 And if, if, even if you're. 757 00:50:01,315.0595 --> 00:50:05,35.0595 You've got your favorite football team and you go out and throw a fit because they lost. 758 00:50:05,65.0595 --> 00:50:07,335.0595 The question is, why are you throwing that fit? Yeah. 759 00:50:08,95.0595 --> 00:50:12,935.0595 Because you want everyone to worship your team. 760 00:50:12,935.0595 --> 00:50:13,715.0585 Your God. 761 00:50:13,775.0585 --> 00:50:14,575.0585 Your God. 762 00:50:14,645.0585 --> 00:50:14,855.0585 Right. 763 00:50:14,855.0585 --> 00:50:17,835.0595 You want everyone to worship your God and now everyone's mocking your God on. 764 00:50:18,175.0595 --> 00:50:18,525.0595 Yeah. 765 00:50:18,845.0595 --> 00:50:19,785.0595 You know, on ESPN. 766 00:50:19,835.0595 --> 00:50:20,725.0585 Oh, they're horrible. 767 00:50:20,735.0595 --> 00:50:21,35.0595 Right. 768 00:50:21,575.0595 --> 00:50:40,115.0595 You know, and so, so yeah, it's an issue of, of where are my affections? And then, you know, am I dealing with those affections? Am I calling it sin? What is it that's really behind that sin? You know, what is it that I really want? Do I do, I wanna be worshiped. 769 00:50:41,145.0595 --> 00:50:44,955.0595 And frankly, a lot of times people do, people do want to be worshiped. 770 00:50:44,960.0595 --> 00:50:56,205.0595 They, they want to, they want themselves to be lifted up and exalted and glorified over God, whether they would call that, that or not by their performance, or they want people to think well of them. 771 00:50:56,985.0595 --> 00:50:59,445.0595 And so that's what becomes right. 772 00:50:59,450.0595 --> 00:51:02,475.0595 That that obsession, that obsession becomes the important thing. 773 00:51:02,535.0595 --> 00:51:02,925.0595 Yeah. 774 00:51:04,880.0595 --> 00:51:08,270.0595 So putting it off or cutting it off sometimes. 775 00:51:08,700.0595 --> 00:51:14,480.0585 But the you know, in all of this, we have this great hope that there is no... 776 00:51:15,155.0595 --> 00:51:16,85.0595 Obsession. 777 00:51:16,115.0595 --> 00:51:17,795.0595 No sin pattern, no. 778 00:51:17,795.0595 --> 00:51:25,915.0595 Whether we're talking anger or lust, you know, whether we're talking pornography or, you know somebody who just blows up all the time. 779 00:51:25,945.0595 --> 00:51:26,35.0595 Yeah. 780 00:51:26,115.0595 --> 00:51:33,45.0595 Or, or this obsessive desire to control which just wreaks havoc on mar havoc on marriages. 781 00:51:33,50.0595 --> 00:51:33,115.0595 It does. 782 00:51:33,775.0595 --> 00:51:35,535.0595 Or you know, gaslighting or whatever. 783 00:51:36,975.0595 --> 00:51:50,85.0575 There is, there is hope for every single one of those people who have made an idol out of something or another and and that hope is the, the ultimately the power of. 784 00:51:50,865.0585 --> 00:51:54,515.0585 The Spirit of God at work in us, in the sanctifying work of God. 785 00:51:54,525.0585 --> 00:51:55,385.1585 It is God who does it. 786 00:51:55,385.1585 --> 00:51:58,585.0585 It is God who works in us, both the will and to do. 787 00:51:58,625.0585 --> 00:51:59,175.0575 That's right. 788 00:51:59,585.0585 --> 00:51:59,925.0585 That's right. 789 00:51:59,945.0585 --> 00:52:16,375.0585 And, and so there's, this is what motivates us, you know, while the rest of the world, you know, they go to their, their drugs, hoping that there's some kind of quick fix and whether that's actual, you know, drugs on the street or pharmaceuticals or, or, you know, whatever it is. 790 00:52:16,730.0585 --> 00:52:24,660.0585 You know, they go to their, their therapists, they go to, and all this stuff just kind of gets dragged on and on and certain there's, sometimes you can find some success. 791 00:52:25,165.0585 --> 00:52:28,435.0585 In, in, in, in different levels in, in, in, in that world. 792 00:52:28,435.0585 --> 00:52:35,375.0585 But, but there is a promise that if we are in Christ, we will be sanctified. 793 00:52:35,555.0585 --> 00:52:35,955.0585 Yeah. 794 00:52:36,225.0585 --> 00:52:38,565.0585 And this is, this is the promise. 795 00:52:38,565.0585 --> 00:52:39,655.0575 This is, we have our hope. 796 00:52:39,895.0575 --> 00:52:40,245.0575 That's right. 797 00:52:40,245.0585 --> 00:52:40,645.0585 We do. 798 00:52:41,5.0585 --> 00:52:44,125.0585 And so it doesn't matter who you are. 799 00:52:44,525.0575 --> 00:52:46,89.9585 It doesn't matter what the sin is. 800 00:52:47,330.0585 --> 00:52:48,970.0585 There is power. 801 00:52:49,280.0585 --> 00:53:08,20.0585 I was reading a book recently and and I have a terrible memory for titles and names, so I I can't remember what it was, but he was saying in there that, that, that, you know, you have these principles for putting off sin, but then, but then he, he, the, the, the ultimate conclusion is it is a work of the spirit. 802 00:53:08,360.0585 --> 00:53:08,790.0585 That's right. 803 00:53:08,870.0585 --> 00:53:12,740.0585 And the best tool we have is meditating on the word of God. 804 00:53:14,155.0585 --> 00:53:14,805.0585 In prayer. 805 00:53:14,965.0585 --> 00:53:15,405.0585 That's right. 806 00:53:15,505.0585 --> 00:53:16,585.0585 Dwelling in the word of God. 807 00:53:16,585.0585 --> 00:53:18,575.0585 Abiding in Christ through his word. 808 00:53:18,655.0585 --> 00:53:19,115.0585 Yes. 809 00:53:20,410.0585 --> 00:53:26,570.0585 And then by faith, living out what we're seeing there, like choosing to respond in faith to what we're seeing. 810 00:53:26,570.0585 --> 00:53:29,400.0585 And then in that, there's real change. 811 00:53:29,550.0585 --> 00:53:29,830.0585 Yes. 812 00:53:30,900.0585 --> 00:53:32,840.0585 So, yeah, that's our only source of hope. 813 00:53:33,310.0585 --> 00:53:38,530.0595 You know, there's this interesting poem here that's written by Jeff. 814 00:53:38,830.0585 --> 00:53:45,700.0585 Jeffery Bethke, he's a, I don't know, he's a guy who talks in, with, kind of like rap talks. 815 00:53:46,0.0585 --> 00:53:46,380.0585 Okay. 816 00:53:46,400.0585 --> 00:53:56,610.0595 You know about that? But he says idols over promise and deliver if you don't if your idols don't, if you don't crush your idols, your idols will crush you. 817 00:53:57,270.0605 --> 00:54:05,375.0595 We've all traded in the creator for something created, and idol is something that we look at and say, if I, Have that I'll have meaning and idol is dead. 818 00:54:05,375.0595 --> 00:54:16,795.0595 It doesn't live and idol takes and it never gives and Christ is the absolute opposite of all those 100 percent the opposite, you know, if we trust in Christ, we will be delivered. 819 00:54:17,315.0595 --> 00:54:18,755.0585 You know, we trust in Christ. 820 00:54:18,765.0595 --> 00:54:41,260.0595 We're not going to continue to struggle under the weight of the sins that have beset us Because we're pressing on, you know, like in Hebrews 12 there you know, Christ, we, we, we trust in the creator instead of the created and we're going to be victors in life. 821 00:54:41,260.0595 --> 00:54:47,100.0595 We're not going to be walking around defeated, which is what happens when we put our trust in idols because you can't wait. 822 00:54:48,110.0595 --> 00:54:49,700.0595 They, I like what he says. 823 00:54:49,700.0595 --> 00:54:51,570.0595 They over promise and then deliver. 824 00:54:51,610.0595 --> 00:54:51,990.0595 Yeah. 825 00:54:52,390.0595 --> 00:54:52,970.0585 That's so true. 826 00:54:52,970.0595 --> 00:54:53,660.0585 Look at Satan. 827 00:54:54,125.0595 --> 00:54:57,515.0595 He over promises, Oh, you're going to be like, God, just take this. 828 00:54:58,25.0595 --> 00:55:07,45.0585 And totally what she did, she got a life of misery and got to see her son die, you know, because her other son killed him. 829 00:55:07,325.0585 --> 00:55:07,695.0585 Yeah. 830 00:55:07,735.0585 --> 00:55:14,115.0585 That what, you know, what does she trade off? It totally under delivered in every facet. 831 00:55:14,145.0585 --> 00:55:17,95.0595 And so, you know, and Christ always delivers. 832 00:55:17,945.0595 --> 00:55:18,735.0595 He always delivers. 833 00:55:18,995.0595 --> 00:55:19,725.0595 He never fails. 834 00:55:20,250.0595 --> 00:55:23,420.0595 Which yeah, he's he can't that's right. 835 00:55:23,420.0595 --> 00:55:26,110.0595 And you know Eve Traded. 836 00:55:27,60.0595 --> 00:55:36,810.0595 It was, it was a, it was a terrible trade off, but you know, right after the promise in Genesis through 15, that there would be a one who would come and crush the head of the serpent. 837 00:55:36,850.0595 --> 00:55:37,330.0595 That's right. 838 00:55:37,600.0595 --> 00:55:40,550.0595 That, you know, that promise of Christ Adam. 839 00:55:41,5.0605 --> 00:55:46,275.0605 He does this cool, beautiful thing and he, he renames his wife and he calls her Eve. 840 00:55:46,365.0605 --> 00:55:46,685.0605 Yes. 841 00:55:46,855.0605 --> 00:55:48,485.0605 Which is Mother of the Living. 842 00:55:48,495.0605 --> 00:55:49,195.0605 The Living. 843 00:55:49,205.0605 --> 00:55:53,155.0605 Which is just like, it's completely unexpected. 844 00:55:53,255.0605 --> 00:55:53,585.0605 Yes. 845 00:55:54,25.0605 --> 00:55:57,35.0605 Like, how is she the Mother of the Living? She should be Mother of the Dead. 846 00:55:57,165.0595 --> 00:55:57,555.0595 Yeah. 847 00:55:57,835.0605 --> 00:56:02,465.0605 Because what you see in, in the by product of, of that trade off is death. 848 00:56:02,555.0605 --> 00:56:02,995.0605 Mm hmm. 849 00:56:03,135.0605 --> 00:56:04,785.0605 And it just goes from bad to worse. 850 00:56:04,785.0605 --> 00:56:07,345.0595 You get to Genesis 6 where it's just like, we're just going to wipe everyone out. 851 00:56:08,225.0605 --> 00:56:09,95.0605 It's horrible. 852 00:56:09,105.0605 --> 00:56:09,375.0605 Yeah. 853 00:56:09,695.0605 --> 00:56:10,375.0605 Except for... 854 00:56:10,945.0605 --> 00:56:12,35.0605 Except for Noah from grace. 855 00:56:12,35.0605 --> 00:56:12,345.0605 Yes. 856 00:56:12,835.0595 --> 00:56:15,535.0605 Because Eve is the mother of... 857 00:56:15,545.0605 --> 00:56:16,55.0605 The living. 858 00:56:16,55.0605 --> 00:56:16,655.0595 The living. 859 00:56:16,665.0605 --> 00:56:21,195.0605 And, and in the end, you know, she believed that promise. 860 00:56:21,385.0605 --> 00:56:25,915.0605 And Adam believed that promise that there was hope in it, in his name. 861 00:56:26,25.0605 --> 00:56:26,785.0605 We, you know. 862 00:56:27,135.0605 --> 00:56:27,255.0605 Hm. 863 00:56:27,855.0605 --> 00:56:28,845.0605 His name is Jesus. 864 00:56:28,845.0605 --> 00:56:29,355.0605 That's right. 865 00:56:30,125.0605 --> 00:56:30,425.0605 Yeah. 866 00:56:30,575.0605 --> 00:56:32,735.0605 And what a, what a what a privilege we have. 867 00:56:32,915.0605 --> 00:56:33,575.0605 Yes, it is. 868 00:56:33,575.0605 --> 00:56:34,205.0605 It really is. 869 00:56:34,205.0605 --> 00:56:40,35.0605 It's, it's really just amazing to, to be able to, you know, call him Savior and Lord. 870 00:56:40,40.0605 --> 00:56:40,335.0605 Yeah. 871 00:56:40,575.0605 --> 00:56:41,445.0605 Because he is. 872 00:56:41,505.0605 --> 00:56:41,745.0605 Yep. 873 00:56:42,15.0605 --> 00:56:42,255.0605 Yep. 874 00:56:43,95.0605 --> 00:56:46,545.0605 He, he will sanctify us and he is the vine, we of the branches. 875 00:56:46,575.0605 --> 00:56:46,995.0605 Yes. 876 00:56:46,995.0605 --> 00:56:51,385.0605 And he's, he's constantly causing us to grow into fruitfulness. 877 00:56:51,435.0605 --> 00:56:52,135.0605 So, so a bite. 878 00:56:52,195.0605 --> 00:56:53,95.0605 A bite in the vine. 879 00:56:53,125.0605 --> 00:56:53,725.0605 Bite in the vine. 880 00:56:53,725.0605 --> 00:56:54,385.0605 And little children. 881 00:56:54,390.0605 --> 00:56:55,285.0605 Keep yourselves from idols. 882 00:56:55,285.0605 --> 00:56:56,275.0605 Keep yourself from idols. 883 00:56:56,305.0605 --> 00:56:56,515.0605 Yeah. 884 00:56:57,585.0605 --> 00:56:59,75.0605 All right, that's good. 885 00:56:59,85.0605 --> 00:56:59,695.0605 This has been good. 886 00:56:59,695.0605 --> 00:57:00,185.0605 Thank you, sir. 887 00:57:00,185.0605 --> 00:57:00,415.0595 Yeah. 888 00:57:00,465.0605 --> 00:57:00,685.0605 Yeah. 889 00:57:00,685.0605 --> 00:57:01,205.0605 It's been good. 890 00:57:01,215.0605 --> 00:57:01,385.0605 Yes. 891 00:57:01,735.0605 --> 00:57:02,65.0595 Thank you. 892 00:57:08,445.0605 --> 00:57:08,695.0595 All right. 893 00:57:08,695.0605 --> 00:57:12,145.0595 As I said, this is a ministry of faith Baptist church in Visalia. 894 00:57:12,555.0605 --> 00:57:23,195.0605 And if you are not part of our church, you can come Sunday morning at 10 30 AM or Sunday at six and check us out until next time.
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