All Episodes

October 27, 2023 124 mins
Dr. Thomas Sexton's mind and spirit work hard every day. Not just for his patients, but also for himself.  I therefore always enjoy hearing his words, his train of thoughts, his life experiences... good, tough, and bad. He is a very interesting intuitive healer, letting his patients' blood and energy fields dictate the path that should get the best results. He therefore puts himself in neutral and is guided by the knowledge of the universe that is both outside us and within us.  It always makes for an interesting conversation because of the overlapping concepts, and using wisdom he has learned from so many teachers during his 50 years of practice. Meanwhile, he is a child at heart. Again, I had a great time with him. Perhaps sit back, relax, and let it all come over you.   SHOW NOTES:   0:00 - Beginning and Introduction Urgency of the 3-year COVID cycle: very disturbing. Doctors were blacklisted; conflicting information was broadcasted. Possible infertility because of the vaccine and shedding. People were controlled by fear. So much more is happening behind the scenes; meanwhile, we are told a lie. Today our kids get too many shots. We are overmedicated but we are not #1 in health. 08:05 - We are being disempowered. Dr. Bryan Ardis (at recent seminar) talks about helping long-haul COVID sufferers with nicotine patches. Different governments have been poisoning their populations for many decades. We now have autoimmune diseases. Dr. Sexton says that is ridiculous. Natural medicine has been around for four thousand years, Western medicine only around for 125 years, calls it “alternative.” He is not a fan of Louis Pasteur. 15:53 - You can see it in the blood. What does that mean? Thomas got into microscopy in Germany in the 1980’s. He then got involved with Dark Field microscopy, looking at actual live blood. People have diseases based on the environment they live in, including the environment of love and the environment of stress. 24:00 - Dealing with three times COVID; it really affected him. We need to use our experience to help prepare others. It is a spiritual battle and initiation.  Thomas grew up questioning. He questioned the Vietnam War; today it’s questioning COVID, and the fires in Maui. You cannot give what you don’t have. You cannot give health if you don’t have health. We need to study and understand the history and evolution of our planet. We can do that by connecting with nature. Thomas feels very close to the answers he gets from being in nature. 32:54 - Your immune system is your self-esteem. Spirituality is being taken away from our children. Society and education is focusing on humanism in stead. This becomes a big problem. Mechanics of modern medicine is not to understand the whole body, but dissect it into parts; and see what kind of medication can be used. We just need to be more involved in our own healing and not only have others tell us.  44:09 - Relaxing the nervous system. It’s all focused around our breath. EES system (Energy Enhancement System) by Dr. Sandra Rose Michael. Scalar fields, Tesla insights, gyroscope work. This offers technological assistance to what we are already trying to do through our energy. Holographic blood analysis is part of the work Dr. Thomas is doing. It shows him patterns in the blood his patients may not be able to tell him. They often only discuss the tip-of-the-iceberg. His work with Dr. Stephen Bigelson and working with dental issues as a base for underlying diseases. Antibiotics effects our tendons. 52:20 - Antibiotics have a lifespan of 15 years, and have a consciousness of their own. Thomas is looking for the “key” of the matter; what unlocks the symptoms. Defining the word health. Dr. Sexton’s work in Washington DC from 1996-1999: most patients had a chronic degenerative disease. Why? Fear is a very big issue right now. We got to get into the environment that give you life and that gives the disease life. The Universe is within us.  Again, the EES system benefits versus deep meditation.  1:00:51 - Rothchilds and other powerful, rich families know about these technologies and want to hide it from us. UFO abductions, reverse-engineered UFO’s, atom-bomb in Hiroshima, Australians were hammered during COVID, and they bought the lie. The wisdom and harmony of the elderly in the family. Dr. Sexton’s work with colonics, enemas and body cleansing during the 1970’s. He also worked with Ann Wigmore. You can’t eat your way to heaven; it’s OK to sometimes eat some junk food.  1:09:35 - Young (22) man died recently, committed suicide. Has Dr. Sexton worked with young people with mental health issues? Jacobus talks about ADHD and how these kids are treated in the education system.
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