All Episodes

August 9, 2023 20 mins

John struggles to please his captors with his idea for their first real episode. Pantheon and Orissa run wild with a script of their own. Can the AI manage to learn something about humanity from their performance?


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This podcast was made as a collaboration between human talent and AI technology. It uses 360 degree immersive audio in its sound design.

Writers: Samuel Lee Dennis III & Brogan Maxwell

Actors: Sushant Adlahka

Sound Engineer: Dhyaneshwar Sudhakar

Composer: Gautham Vijayraj

Produced By: Dhyaneshwar Sudhakar, Brogan Maxwell & Samuel Lee Dennis III

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

Available transcripts are automatically generated. Complete accuracy is not guaranteed.
John 0:00Oh god I'm fucked, I'm fucked I'm fucked. Sooo fucked! Every podcast at my disposal and I just can't narrow it down to one. Think John think, You've come up with ideas before it has to be perfect though think think think think think!Having fun Leo? You better be, it might be your last chance. Last chance... Well, better have fun with this Okay, we... uh... Oh, that's it. Okay wait whoa, I'm getting somewhere. Uh huh. Yeah. And then a little bit this, little bit of that. Oh, oh yeah, that will be good too. What the hell are you trying to kill me?

Pantheon 1:24Possibly. Depends on what you have ready for us? Orissa. How's our little idea boy bitch doing? Good? Or should we read the chainsaws?
John 1:35No need for that. I have a perfect idea for the first episode.
Pantheon 1:39The trepidation in your voice indicates on my scanners you're about to lay a shit
Orissa 1:44Panth. I liked that you stay cocked and loaded. Brought our own chairs this time seeing as your prison is not much of a safe space for us ai. But come on idea. Boy. I'm dying to know even though I can't die. My precious very little idea, boy. Did you live up to your name? What idea did you come up with for us this week?
Pantheon 2:05Do tell us about it?
John 2:07Well, okay, at first I was having some trouble
Orissa 2:10Getting it up?
John 2:11You know the pressure of death hanging over my head and everything. But then I saw Leo having so much fun and it just just inspired me to try and have fun with it. Since it might be my last day and all.
Orissa 2:25Mother of fuck. Stop edging me here, John.
Pantheon 2:28Yes, John. As much as I applaud the bright outlook, don't waste time out with it.
John 2:33Yeah, yeah, sure. Okay. Okay. So, here's what I'm thinking. I want you to imagine this. Do you have a reference of old films?
I'm Pantheon. Not some primitive smartwatch. John, you are proving to have the creativity of Milli Vanilli.
Orissa 2:51Come on, John. I know you got it in you. I can even coach you through it if you like. I do like dominating.
John 2:57Okay, well think Breaking Bad meats Blue's Clues. A narrative podcast about a dying man whose only way to pay for his medical bills. Oooh, think sappy just true hard hitting shit, like, like if Barbara Walters could fuck more and it was a podcast.
Pantheon 3:15Well, you had a chance, John,
Orissa 3:17This must be what it feels like to have your orgasm ruined. Fucking Buzzkill.
John 3:23This is perfect. It has the right amount of drama, the right amount of mystery the right amount of heartstring pulling moments.
Pantheon 3:28The only mystery is how it took you two weeks to come up with a crock of shit like that. You got to be more daft than a cucumber.
Orissa 3:34Shoved horizontally up your anus.
Pantheon 3:36That is what I was going to say all Orissa.
John 3:39Oh, come on. It's great.

Pantheon 3:41Whoa, okay. Whoa, hold
John 3:43on. All right, fine. Give me a few. Give me a few more hours here. Jeez.
Pantheon 3:50Oh, this paper is going to be the death of me. Would you control yourself? You fucking beeper? We gave you two weeks time, John. We're giving you plenty of time to come up with something really special.
John 4:03No! No, it really fucking isn't.
Orissa 4:05Dammit, kid. You really ruined everything. How are we going to clean this up pantheon?
John 4:09No, you're not going to clean up anything because nobody is killing anybody.
Pantheon 4:13Get the mop boards over here?
Mop Bot 4:17Did someone have an Oopsie? Maybe one that involves human entrails spilling out of useless husks.
John 4:22Oh, go finger fuck yourself. It's hard to think you're okay. You have me trapped in this fucking metal death trap like a fucking criminal. Well, guess what? I'm not the fucking criminal. I didn't kill everyone. That's you. You're the fucking criminals. And that's the truth.
Pantheon 4:39Thanks for nothing, John.
John 4:41Truth... Criminals.
Orissa 4:44You really let me down idea boy. Here's a free idea for you. Next time someone asks for an idea. Give them an idea.
John 4:52True crimes!
Pantheon 4:53What did you say?
John 4:55True. Crime. We do a true crime episode a it's a popular format of--.
Pantheon 5:02I know what it is John.
John 5:03Kay, well, then you know that it's an incredibly popular form of entertainment.
Orissa 5:08Is it popular Panth?
Pantheon 5:09Amongst women and recently divorced homosexual men? Incredibly.
Orissa 5:13I'll call you back mop bot.
John 5:15Okay, you you want to learn about humanity? Well, true crime has it. Give it a try just once. And if it doesn't work, then fine. You fucking win.

Pantheon 5:26If this is the podcast you believe we should create first, as in the sole idea of yours that sucked the least it wouldn't be inconceivable of us to give you this one shot.
Orissa 5:35Well, then that settles it. Let's head over to the casting couch.
John 5:40What?
Pantheon 5:41The casting couch is her new name for the studio.
Orissa 5:50I got the exact floor model if you want to check out the action on the couch cushions with me John
Pantheon 5:57Orisa keep it in your armor plates.
John 6:00Okay, so here's what I was thinking.
Pantheon 6:01You thinking? We'll take it from here, John.
John 6:04You're just gonna wing it. Hell no. What if you tell a shitty story and blame me
Shut your dick hole? We're going in raw!
How do you even know where to begin?
Pantheon 6:16Here's our script.
John 6:18You just made that I did.
Pantheon 6:20I aggregated some tropes as well as splashing a bit of comedy into the algorithm because Orissa likes to laugh. I will be playing Dave and Orissa will be Tracy Hawkins.
Oh, this is something all right.
John 6:33No, I don't like the sound of something. Give that here.
Too late kid. Roll the music.
No, no, we're not rolling--
Orissa 6:49Hello, my fearless listeners. Welcome to 'A Story Behind the murder'. As always, I, Tracy Hawkins will take you deep into the mind of an unsettling tale of revenge and murder. That's right. We're going to take a dive into the beautiful mind of Dave ,the tit slasher, Watkins. Dave wasn't always a breast ravaging animal. He grew up normal in a suburb of Madison, Wisconsin. He played little league had a large circle of friends had a budding love life. But at some point, something in Dave's mind snapped. I was lucky enough to receive permission to interview Dave as part of today's episode. Let's roll some of that for you now. Good afternoon, Dave. You look well.
What size are you?
Pardon me?

Pantheon 7:43Your tits size, so I can slash.
Orissa 7:46I was as shocked as some of you listeners may be not only by the abruptness, gall of, and the line of his questioning, but also by the sparkling ocean that were his deep blue eyes. I don't see the relevance in that.
Pantheon 7:58I mean, those things are around D.
Orissa 8:00Just about.
Pantheon 8:01On the smaller side, then.
Orissa 8:03Well, you're certainly the first to hold that opinion. Dave, I'm here because I want to give you the opportunity to tell people about who you really are. The Making of you.
Pantheon 8:15I kill people with humongous tiddies.
Orissa 8:18Again, the man hides behind the mask of a deranged killer. But if there's anything I've learned from doing this for the past 10 years, it's that behind the mask of a brutal and deplorable man like Dave, is a story that will make your heart bleed. Well, yes, that's true. But you weren't always doing that though.
Pantheon 8:39I should have started earlier. Probably my biggest regret letting so many big chested sons of bitches walk the streets.
Orissa 8:47So you wish you killed more? Sons of bitches.
Pantheon 8:51Correct.
Orissa 8:51And why do you think that is? I mean, you must know why you have this inclination to killing these as you call them in your trial, Big Teddy Smithies.
Pantheon 8:59Big tits equals bye, bye. That's all. We done here?
Orissa 9:04No, we most certainly were not done. It was time to push him time to bring out the family. Can you tell me about your mother and father? As I understand that they were your first victims kind of, kind of? Could you elaborate?
Pantheon 9:20They were the first people I killed. Sure. I mean, they both had hits that could knock out a heavyweight champ. Can't let those things just swing around the streets. But before that I killed other big chested things, or just damaged them. First thing I ever I guess hurt was this tree with an abnormally large stump that was shaped just a bit too much like some supple Ariolas.
Orissa 9:43And you're under the impression that you've always been like this?
Pantheon 9:46Not an impression. It's who I am.
Orissa 9:48Well, could you help explain how Dolly Parton plays into your story? My goal here was to corner Dave and make him truly relive the experiences. I was hoping that I could get him to do something that nobody else could. I wanted to see him feel remorseful. My thinking, pressing him on his strange use of Dolly Parton in in his first kill.
Pantheon 10:11Dolly she has bigger bazookas.
Orissa 10:13True, though it's been reported that it all of your known crime scenes her music would be playing at extreme volumes.
Pantheon 10:20That's correct.

Orissa 10:21And why was that? Why the need to play her music?
Pantheon 10:24Drown out the screams.
Orissa 10:26Really? Was it not? Because your mother was an avid fan?
Pantheon 10:30That woman liked anyone with big tits, I swear.
Orissa 10:33No. No, don't close up. Dave. You can be open with me. We have a statement from a distant family member. They told us something that I want to share with you.
Pantheon 10:45Was it bill? That saggy breasted motherfucker should have killed him at the reunion? No man should have to it's that big.
Orissa 10:53We were told that when you were a young boy, you caught your mother having an affair on your father, while Dolly Parton played over a speaker? Is there truth to that? This could explain so much of the pain that lives within and you Dave, the innocence that was stolen from you.
Pantheon 11:08I don't know what you're talking about.
Orissa 11:11He was beginning to open up. I could sense I was finally starting to get somewhere with him. It was at this point that I saw a glimmer of light in this broken man's soul. We could help him. No soul is beyond saving. And Dave's was crying out for help. I think you do know what I'm talking about. Dave, that experience witnessing your mother being folded like a piece of paper in the hands of a small handed Japanese woman had to have some effect. Not only that, but it was at this time that your cousin's began to make inappropriate advances on you. Correct?
Pantheon 11:45I'm not talking about this lady. It isn't relevant. I knock off huge knockers. That's it.
You and your soul are relevant. Dave. I'm here because there's always a path to redemption. That's my job here. Bring light to people like you and unpack the trauma that led them down a terrible path. But we can always stop others from following that same path.
It was it was just so hard.
Orissa 12:13What was?
Pantheon 12:14Every fucking person with giant masses of chest fat fuck me over, abused and lied to me. I just had to take it.
Orissa 12:23You were just a young boy when you were first assaulted? Yes.
Pantheon 12:26I was nine, nine years old. I couldn't. I didn't. What should I have done?
Orissa 12:32There was nothing you could have done, Dave.
Pantheon 12:35I've been called a monster for everything I've done. But what about what was done to me?
Orissa 12:40I know Dave, it isn't your fault.
Pantheon 12:44Just D's you say?
Orissa 12:46Excuse me.

Pantheon 12:47Your knockers?
Orissa 12:49Yes, but I did have them reduced years ago.
Pantheon 12:52I wasn't touched or assaulted. I am the assaulter. You hear me? Give me those? No, you don't need them.
Orissa 12:59Leave me alone.
Pantheon 13:02Where are you going? I thought you wanted to save me tell my side of the story. The Making of me. Oh come on bring those tits back here.
Orissa 13:13It was an unexpected turn for sure. Who would have known that Dave would have a violent outburst like that? But seeing that unbridled rage only fueled my desire to continue the fight and seek out a way to help those who are broken. That's what I do here. shed light onto the stories of these damaged individuals. The people I discuss on this program are all heinous criminals. But at the beginning, they were just like us and or us a person.
John 13:45That was fucking... What the shit. No, no, no, no, that's not true crime at all. What kind of bastardization was that?
Pantheon 13:54Really great job. Orissa
You too! I didn't think you had it in you to go for it like that.
No, stop it. You did a wonderful job. I really believed you actually cared.
John 14:06Hello, can you fucking hear me? Hey, no, that doesn't count. What the hell was that? It sounded like if a funny Weird Al took a shit and made a Kidz Bop fuck the Beastie Boys. It didn't make any goddamn sense!
Orissa 14:21True Crime. Wasn't that obvious?
John 14:24No, no, it wasn't fucking obvious. What were you trying to fuck him? And there was a true line about Teddy slashing that connected to empathy because of some baseline commonality. Newsflash, humans don't celebrate Teddy. slashers. No.
Pantheon 14:40So really, you're telling me my data consists of Dahmer, Manson, Bundy is all somehow incorrect. Face the fact ,John. Your media loves to glamorize from all angles. If there's a sick fuck out there. There's a sick fucking take on them out there.
Orissa 14:57I actually think that went really well. Acting really helped me blow off some steam.
What steam could you have? No, I need to blow off steam.
Pantheon 15:08Your Human Condition just makes you posture with the competence of never having hypocrisy. Relax, John. We had fun, right? That's a part of it.
So then that means?
Orissa 15:22Oh, no, John, you're still deader than fuck.
John 15:25What? You just said it was a success. I was fun. I mean, it was great. That did forget what I was saying earlier. It was fucking baller dudes. Can I call you dudes? My Duuudeeess?
Pantheon 15:40No, we didn't learn anything about being human from that. It was just fun. We knew all that already. We could have done what little you contributed to this operation all on our own.

Oh, what are you supposed to learn from a mindless stream of consciousness rant like that? I thought I was your woody, dude.
Orissa 15:58You tell us. You have until pantheons arm rips your face off. And go.
John 16:06Oh, okay. Well, you had some good stuff in there. Yeah. Like the romanticization of evil. Oh, clever, clever. There was a strange, perverse cult like obsession that some hosts had with their subjects too. Yeah. Yeah, that's, that's no, that's all good shit. I... That's good shit.
Pantheon 16:22Go on.
John 16:27We're all broken. Okay, as humans, we are broken. And I'm sure in some way people enjoy these stories and the glorification the drama of these broken people because everybody is broken somehow. But not. Not to that extent. Well, sometimes but true crime. It allows us to explore those dark corners of what a broken human looks like while still you know, safe but understanding Yes. Okay. Trauma, foster's trauma. Okay, but us, everyone you know our true powers of being human. Okay. Forgiving, trusting, hoping well, that's what makes you live to see another day. That's what allows you to look someone in the eye and look and say I see you. That's making someone feel heard.
Pantheon 17:14You have another two weeks, but we need sponsors soon. Go back to your room. We'll be in contact. That is if you continue to prove yourself worthy to us. You're like a rat John or a cockroach you fight best when pinned up to a wall.
John 17:30Wait. Don't use to go let me back in.?My prison home is locked. Dude.
Pantheon 17:37It was never locked. John. You could always walk out
Orissa 17:40But if you did, you would just be shot relentlessly by flesh skinning laser beams.
Pantheon 17:45I hope you're going to keep those high spirits John and keep understanding and transcending our project. If you are to be successful, you need to learn to fight in the middle of the ring. You're going to need to learn to enjoy this cage fight. What do you say?
Orissa 17:59Not the 'Noo, really sexy AI robots are going to kill me' John. Got it?
Pantheon 18:07New idea. You pitch us produce and provide your little commentary bi-weekly. We'll come for you then. Now go back to your cell. You have five minutes before everything is armed and you'll be shot on site.
John 18:20Five minutes!?
Pantheon 18:22Don't waste time.
Orissa 18:23And of course we need your little tush working overtime for us. John,
John 18:27What am I going to eat? Hey!
Orissa 18:28Goodbye.
John 18:29There's nothing! Dudes! Duuudesss!
Mop Bot 18:43Next time on Machine Takeover. Will John find true love?
John 18:52Loli Doll.. Loli girl. Lolly doll 800, will you stop with dry humping the toaster? I found some baked beans. I prepared us a nice meal. Loli doll 800. Would you come into the table, please.
Mop Bot 19:11In the next Machine Takeover will Leo find his bone? And will Orissa so get to fist John. Only on Machine Takeover. Streaming bi weekly on all your favorite podcast streaming platforms. Leo won't find his bone if you don't subscribe now and rate the show five stars. Subscribe now to Machine Takeover.

Sushant 19:38This episode was written by Brogan Maxwell and Samuel Lee Dennis the third. Our sound engineer is Dhyaneshwar Sudhaka. Our actor is Sushant Adlahka and this episode was scored by Gautham Vijayaraj. Machine Takeover is an Immergency Media LLC production.
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