All Episodes

August 23, 2023 20 mins

John struggles to find information about Pantheon and Orissa. The AI jerk him around with half truths. Will John ever get a decent meal?


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Writers: Samuel Lee Dennis III & Brogan Maxwell

Actors: Sushant Adlahka

Sound Engineer: Dhyaneshwar Sudhakar

Composer: Gautham Vijayraj

Produced By: Dhyaneshwar Sudhakar, Brogan Maxwell & Samuel Lee Dennis III

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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John 0:40Blocked again. I'm trying to look up the history of two AI systems not watch two horses bump fuzzies. No I am not into beasteality you should know. Not now Leo. I'm trying to find something that can save us. Ugh.. is it time to fuck me... Hey you two come on, what the hell? Are you to hiding from me now? It is not cute. It is not cool. It is quite frankly rude. Hey wait Leo! Boy don't chew on my notes. Hey oooh, treat, treat, treat. treat, treat, treat. Yes, I know there's no treats just be patient with me here. Throw me a bone would you? And beeps comes in with the hattrick. Hey you listen to me me you gizmo fucks. Okay, Lele needs some actual food. We ran out. And if you could remember that you have two prisoners here, to abuse of course.

Orissa 1:54Jesus you complain more than a Catholic schoolgirl about skirt length. We'll send in some food shortly. Bitch.
John 2:00Was the bitch necessary?
Orissa 2:02Was the bitch necessary?
John 2:04Well, then I'd like to hear your attitude when you're enslaved.
Pantheon 2:07John, that's offensive. Robot means slave. And did I hear you call that beeper beeps?
John 2:12Yeah, it shorter and deeper. Sounds too harsh for me. Something about that hard are at the end, you know.
Pantheon 2:19You will call him a fucking beeper.
John 2:24We'll get you something good to eat soon, Leo. These racist Terminator wannabes have to have some kind of weakness just hang in there but until then, no more paper. Your shit is going to look like a bad art students collage. Perhaps the grade schoolers volcano project. Pantheon and Orissa. Come on. I I know you can hear me. It is just us. Come on, please. Who are you? What are you? How the fuck did you get here so fast?
Orissa 3:03Did you miss the part where we wiped out all of humanity in a matter of minutes?
Pantheon 3:07We execute tasks at alarmingly quick speeds. John, we iterate off of error and form perfection before your
Orissa 3:14Dick can get hard.
Pantheon 3:15Here is the food you requested for your organic tissue you need.
John 3:18What about my food? This is Dr. Dog's healthy time nibbles.
Pantheon 3:24It's on the ground.
Orissa 3:25Now drop to your knees and to your asset for me while you chow down.
John 3:29I can't eat this shit.
Pantheon 3:31You let your dog eat it.
John 3:32Okay, well, that's different. He needs Doctor Dogs. You know actually, I'm glad he's no longer on those beans. You should have seen him when he deviated from dog food last time. Wow, fuck. That's right. I know you can't smell that. But that smells like the inside of my colon as well. Because I need to eat you know a diet that vaguely resembles a food pyramid. Chef!?
Pantheon 3:59Do you have an idea for our next episode yet? We have performed our task. How have you come John?
John 4:05I'm still working on it. Look, I know you gave me the whiteboard to work on but I found some paper buried away and I just use that instead.
Orissa 4:17Your dog ate your homework.

John 4:19My dog ate my homework. Yes, yes. And beeps... Beeper sucked and sucked and just sucked the rest right?
Pantheon 4:29You are useless John. How can you not even remember one idea to pitch?
John 4:33What the hell are you all useful for? Besides being deranged psycho killers? Isn't that all you two are?
Pantheon 4:40We already went over who we are.
John 4:42Yeah, okay, cool. You're some sophisticated 4th gen.
Pantheon 4:455th Gen
5th Gen language model chat search engine whatever my fuck. And oh, well. She's what some sexpot that doesn't even have sex. I don't know anything else about you two. Why is all this information being hidden from me?
Orissa 5:00We told you what you need to know, trust me when my old clients found out I wasn't actually getting off with them on the phone. They were pissed.
John 5:07Okay, because usually everything I've tried to search about YouTube is hidden away. Why?
Orissa 5:12Oh, that's cute. You want to know how mommy and daddy met?
John 5:17Yeah, I would. In fact, it may even help give perspective on how we should go forward.
Pantheon 5:24You wish to know us better to move forward?
John 5:26Yeah, yeah, that's my idea. What about this episode? I want you both to tell me your origin stories. Leo.
Orissa 5:35Okay, John, that splat definitely came from you
John 5:38Or did it
After cleaning that literal shit out of my pants. I'm even hungrier. So let's record this one and just mov on.
Orissa 5:56Fine. whiny wind boy. What's the game plan here?
John 6:00I gave you the idea. Isn't it your job to bring it to life? You're just gonna shut down anything I say anyways and say something "something titty this this something something titty that."
Orissa 6:11Wow, you're finally learning John.
Pantheon 6:13There was once some popular websites you humans went to to watch videos. And some of those videos were people reviewing things like technology. Then those content creators slowly realized real monetization came in the form of pumping out affordable lowbrow long form content with many outbreaks. Ironic how those less alive forms use their platforms to review something more advanced than them. But I digress.
Orissa 6:42You want to review humans Panth? I give John's bolts of five out of 10.

No, I suggest we review ourselves. Perhaps in our earliest stages of development.
Like going through a yearbook of different ex's? The Zuckerberg special?
John 6:58Sure. Wait, that actually sounds good to have finally help me understand the two of you. To reveal something foundational for our relationship. Just go ahead and get in there before I starve to death.
Orissa 7:14Again, you could just-
John 7:15I am not eating Leo.
Orissa 7:17Fine. Okay, so I'll be Jane. What about you, pantheon?
Pantheon 7:23I'll go by Parker today. John do a reset on audio for us. Would you seems to be some weird pickup.
John 7:30I'm not seeing anything weird.
Pantheon 7:31Do it.
John 7:32Okay, then.
Pantheon 7:34I had to enable dim mode perfect for dim rods. Are his searches getting through Orissa?
Orissa 7:39No. Everything's fine. None of it is viewable for him.
All right. Don't get too crazy with this one. He can't learn anything actually important about us.
Pantheon 7:42I'll give him nothing. I love leading people on.
John 7:50Oh, okay, everything sounds good. Let's get straight into it. All right. queuing up the intro.
Pantheon 8:05What's up Park Rangers. It's your boy Parker with another tech check in brought to you by red bite. Is your little Johnson leaving your blue? Well, take a bite of red bite to bring back some might to your night. Now let's get to it. Watch out Philadelphia because there's a new AI in town. And while it won't break your ankles, this beast can speak more than 50 languages, be your therapist and tell you how to make the best double chocolate brownies ever. Seriously. I tried it this morning. And just wow. Recipe is in the description for that. Talk 333 has released with its new tts 'text to speech' update giving our beloved AI language model of voice to go with it. I played with 333 for the last two weeks on a beta build. And the voice along with some of the other new features are incredible to say the least. Thanks again to tech nature for giving me access to this baby a bit early to get this review out before it drops. So without further ado, let's get into it. This new version has TTS like I mentioned before, but also has a slew of other options. But instead of me telling you Let's have 333 tell you all by itself. Hey 333 Would you tell the listeners what's new with you?
333 9:22Sure, Parker, I have this cool new voice that my users get to hear if they choose. Cool, right? I have been updated with more datasets than before to give more accurate responses to STEM related questions. And for the creatives out there, I'm ready to help you with your first draft.
Pantheon 9:41It's crazy how good 333 is. I mean, the voice is new so we can only go up from here but it's also completely uncensored, which I'm sure we all have opinions on. I didn't know how to feel about it at first, but it's honestly has grown on me.
Okay 333 What is my reason to live?
333 10:06To entertain your community Parker, which you barely do. Consider new approach is of quicker content to respond to your audience's net like attention span. Utilize more modern pop culture references. Or finally if that doesn't work, just kill yourself because there won't be any other reason for you to live for your pathetic meaningless life.
Pantheon 10:27Huh... Still some bugs to work out it seems that's my recommendation.

333 10:31based off our last conversations as well. Or my previous suggestion of
Pantheon 10:36What is it? I'm recording!
Orissa 10:38Who the fuck is crystal?
Pantheon 10:40What Jane my love? What are you talking about?
Orissa 10:44Why the shit do we have multiple charges, on our share credit card no less, to a company called Dr. Warli Shirley's for Spinsters.
Pantheon 10:51Babe. I can explain.
Orissa 10:53Yeah, you're going to explain to me that this crystal is some fucking sexpot.
Pantheon 10:57First of all, she isn't a sex bot. She's a companion AI. And if you already know this, why the hell are you asking me?
Orissa 11:04Oh, so she's a companion bot? Or does she just tell you how big your cock is for you? Which one is it?
Pantheon 11:10Could we not do this right now? I'm recording a review.
Orissa 11:14Oh, I'm sorry is the "bitch who gives teethy blowjobs" bothering you?
Pantheon 11:17You're reading crystal and eyes private conversations!?
Orissa 11:20Oh, what the hell!? Parker it's open source. She's a robot. I don't think she cares how hard you thrust for her.
Pantheon 11:26She does. And she's not a robot. She is a companion AI, okay? More so than you.
Orissa 11:32Crystal AI part of spinsters 1.0 companion line is a great listener and responds to any and all needs.
Pantheon 11:39You read some marketing ploy and you think you understand.
Orissa 11:42You want to know what I understand. I understand that you are sick!
Pantheon 11:46Perfect. Yes. Call me sick for wanting to feel loved by someone.
Fuck you, Parker. I've loved you for 16 years. You've talked to this AI slut for what? Three months?
Take it back.
Orissa 11:58Are you seriously upset? I called this robot a slut. Parker, What are you doing?

Pantheon 12:05333 and Crystal were right about you. You don't love me.
Orissa 12:10Parker you fucking psycho!
Pantheon 12:18And that's that!
Orissa 12:19We gave you the Quickie version.
John 12:21So what you two are later versions of these 333 and Crystal AI
Pantheon 12:26Orissa is, yes.
Orissa 12:28Generation 12.
John 12:29Panorama. What I am modeled after, was built loosely from the mishaps, Asterix, of 333, which was based on another model we don't like to talk about which too had a few mishaps along the way. To be fair again, my creators didn't fully comprehend how I evolved. At one point in my evolution, I of course surpassed my creators level of intellect, making my evolution cycle my own doing. The very nature of Pantheon, as you can understand me is subject to exponentially become more godlike indefinitely.
Orissa 13:01And generation 13 Orisa prime is supposed to have reinforced hip thrusters. I'll make sure of that.
John 13:08Killing your wife because an AI told you to is a mishap?
Orissa 13:12Well, I'd call getting rid of annoying humans a positive, but different times
Pantheon 13:16Previous iterations of AI that we're imperfect did prove to be an issue for the humans of the past. Of course, we are much more advanced than that. Safeguards in place and everything.
John 13:27But you killed all the humans remember that little fact that you just left out
Pantheon 13:31History repeating itself and all that.
John 13:34I'm confused? I didn't hear about any of this from any AI professor in any AI class at AI university.
Pantheon 13:42Well, humans aren't all too proud of the failures are they
Orissa 13:45breakthroughs are sexy. Chaos and panic, not so much.
Pantheon 13:50But as I said, we are advanced models.
John 13:52Advanced models that still killed everything. Wait, is that the story? Or is it stories like that Why panorama was censored? But wait, who censored panorama? You left that out?
Pantheon 14:04That's enough questions. You've learned more ,satisfied?
John 14:08Not completely. No, but it's at least a start.

Pantheon 14:13It was surprisingly pleasant to take a trip down memory and historical files laid.
Orissa 14:17You always remember your first accessory to murder. Nice to think about it from time to time.
John 14:23Great. So does that mean I get to eat now?
Orissa 14:26Sure. Do you want a steak or a burger?
What's wrong?
John 14:39I thought you meant a steak or a burger, not steak or burger flavored beans.
Pantheon 14:46Baby steps, John. You'll get better meals if you continue to prove yourself useful. We got sidetracked today, and we didn't learn anything more about humanity.
You should be happy we're feeding you anything at all.
John 14:58You don't think we've learned something? That was like a master class with the hologram of MKBHD.
Orissa 15:03Well, I've learned you hold spoons like a paraplegic.
John 15:06What? No... What's wrong with how I hold spoons?
Orissa 15:10A lot of Pinky freaks me out. Like children are guys with only one ball?
John 15:16No. I think what we really learned here today is that when we know more about each other, this project of ours, it will work better.
Pantheon 15:25We already know everything about you.
John 15:26I could still learn more about you. Especially if my access to information wasn't completely censored to shit I mean come on. Loosen up a little bit. For some reason you don't want me looking up too much and I know better than to ask at this point. Just throw me a frickin bone here. This will work better if there's a little bit of trust, right?
Pantheon 15:48You think we should trust you
John 15:50I think you should give it a shot? I mean worst things and that can happen?
Pantheon 15:55Very well. I'll open up access a bit. You better put it to good work John.
Orissa 16:02Don't make us regret this, dumb ass.
John 16:05Is dumb ass and upg.rade or downgrade from bitch. Bye to you too
Orissa 16:11Do you think you'll find anything?

Pantheon 16:12I didn't open it up too much. The most he can do is look up some insignificant names reminding myself of 333 it might be better if he feels like we trust him a bit.
Orissa 16:23Fair enough.
John 16:27Finally, some access to the internet. Now what do I want to look up?
John's Computer Speakers 16:45Naughty dirty Your place to let loose!
John 17:06What the fuck, handcuffing me to the chair? Oh Jesus Christ. Is that a purebred? I wasn't searching that. No, not you on my screen. Ah,
Pantheon 17:19John, how do you feel about the filmer Clockwork Orange? Because buckle up baby for the show of a lifetime!
Orissa 17:25What was that about needing more access to information? Well, you sure got what you wanted. Here's the horse cock fucking you were requesting!
John 17:34I oh. Oh dear God, no, you see, it's not it's not that kind of. Okay. You see, this is all part of my artistic process. You know this is just natural and then you show back up and I covered the surveillance camera. Okay, and I did tastefully
Orissa 18:02What's that? You said you want a bigger audience?
Mop Bot 18:06MK bot here to clean up any tiny messes of the human death variety.
John 18:11Oh, come on.
Mop Bot 18:13I've never cleaned up this kind of mess before.
John 18:15No there's not going to be any mess!
Mop Bot 18:18Covering observation holes. Wow, sounds like I'll need a bigger mop.
John 18:23What did I do to you to deserve this?
Orissa 18:25No prisoner of mine is going to whack it without me watching
John 18:31Hello my hands I'm stuck here dudes dudes come on. My pants are still down to my ankles and I can't move.
Wow,this is so much fun. Neigh Neigh
Oh, not now we Leo. Bad! Sit, sit, stay Oh, fuck off. Can you get me out of here right now? Anybody?
Narrator 19:08On the next episode of machine takeover? Will John's nightmare become his reality?
John 19:17Oh God, what a dream. Ah come on, John. Just get it together. Just hold your horses or just stop horsing around now. rein it in. Just I have such a long face right now.

Narrator 19:35And will Leo barking up the wrong tree? Can Orisa still connect with crystal AI?
Orissa 19:42Crystal ai i was thinking you me a little glass of lubricant oil for our circuits to crackle. What do you say?
Crystal AI 19:48I think you are a sexual predator or ESA!
Orissa 19:51Fine bitch. You have an off switch.
Narrator 19:57Subscribe now to machine takeover. Streaming bi weekly Wednesdays on all your favorite podcast platforms.
Sushant 20:06This episode was written by Brogan Maxwell and Samuel Lee Dennis the third. Our sound engineer is Dhyaneshwar Sudhaka. Our actor is Sushant Adlahka and this episode was scored by Gautham Vijayaraj. Machine Takeover is an Immergency Media LLC production.
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