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March 25, 2024 25 mins

Welcome to Season 4 of the My Slice of Life podcast, where we tackle the intriguing question - 'What's so super about the supernatural?' This week we are taking on Bigfoot - not literally of course! So join me as I delve into sightings, theories and more for this Big topic!

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Hey do you prefer to find the joy in life or do you just want some help with
that if so you're in the right place so come on in and join the joy bonnie clan
this is the my slice of life podcast.
Hello and welcome to my slice of life podcast my name is sharon and i am your

highland host We're on season 4 and this season I'm asking the question what's
so super about the supernatural?
This week we're taking a big dive into the world of Bigfoot,
see what I did there, but before we get to that, I still need your help.
This is a tiny little channel,

so if you want to support what I'm doing, please leave
me me a lovely little review give it a like subscribe
whatever you have to do use the links in
the description to take you to magical places or just
tell someone about it now if they're not really into the supernatural just let
them know i cover a whole range of topics this isn't a paranormal only channel

basically whatever i find interesting in life it can become a topic so if you
would like a say in what topics get covered,
you have to get in touch with me.
And the easiest way to do that is actually through the blog.
You'll find a contact page and the link to the blog is in the description. Easy peasy.

Now, let's crack on with Bigfoot.
Bigfoot, it's a big topic. In fact, like so many of the topics I've chosen this
season, you could do a whole season just on Bigfoot.
So I'm going to give you an overview and although I've never seen one,

there have actually been sightings not too far away from where I live,
which I'll be coming to a little bit later on, so stay tuned for that.
So whether you like bigfoot or
like in america sasquatch which
apparently i found out that's an anglicized derivative of
the word i think it's sesquak meaning wild man that's used by the coast of salish

indians of the fraser valley and parts of vancouver island in british columbia
which i've actually been to vancouver island it's a lovely place but i did not
see any sesquak probably just as well.
I also found out Florida and South East America they call them skunk apes because
everywhere seems to have different names for them.

Asia we have the Yeti, Australia we have the Yowie and the UK and believe it
or not this is new to me there is the Gugwos,
the Gugwe, the wood woes are quite
a few more names for them in fact there are
many many names for them so for

this podcast episode i'm just going to call it bigfoot not bigfoots big feet
i think i'll stick with bigfoot okay people have been reporting sightings of
these large hair covered animals which have a man-like appearance, all over the place.
In America, it seems to be the Pacific Northwest in particular.

But these sites that have been reported, this isn't anything new.
This has been going on for hundreds of years.
It is, pardon the pun, it's a big thing. It's a big deal here.
Many Native American and the First Nation peoples of Canada,
their stories and their cultural histories, they talk about peoples of the wilds that aren't human.

Now, there are some good stories where they seem to live in harmony.
I wouldn't say they're best friends, but, you know, they can live together.
But there's a lot of stories where the wild people actually come to the tribes
and steal children from the tribe, which sounds horrific.
And I found a website, it's called Now, he did an interview with a guy called Rick.

I think it's Reles, R-E-L-E-S. He's one of the founding members of Bigfoot Field
Researchers Organisation,
It was founded in 1995 and apparently is one of the oldest and largest organisations of its kind.
According to this guy Rick, the hot spots for Bigfoot sightings are Pacific

Northwest, like I was mentioning, Kentucky, the Appalachian Mountains,
the Upper Midwest, so Michigan, Wisconsin,
Minnesota, Illinois. Now there's Wisconsin again.
Now if you listen to the Dogman episode, you'll hear a lot of things go on in
Wisconsin, so good luck to you if you live there.
The Georgia Mountains, Tennessee. the sea in fact anywhere if there's going

to be a vast forest with lots of water nearby you're going to get bigfoot according
to this guy this guy rick he does a lot of research in the woods he does.
Expeditions he leads expeditions takes people out to try and get bigfoot sightings he also.
Investigates witness reports and you know all that kind of stuff
now he says he has seen shadow movements

when he's been out doing these things and these shadows are not
human they're not animal so he
suspects i would imagine he's being watched in the
woods while he's there he does say he's actually seen things
he couldn't identify as human or animal so ruling
out things like people would say oh you just saw a bear well he's
saying no it definitely wasn't an animal certainly nothing

that he is aware of he has heard these
creatures beings out when he's
been out doing these expeditions now here's an interesting thing
i think he says you can feel their presence
and he believes they can project onto humans
something called infrasound which makes
you feel a kind of fight or flight response to

make you leave their area now i've heard that before
a podcast i've mentioned before is paranormal round table
and they talk about this infrasound as well
i believe if i remember correctly they mentioned
it as well with dog man and all that as well that these beings
can project this infrasound make us
feel so terrified either for fun some of them seem to do it quite in a malicious

way or really just to say look you're in my territory get out so rick rellis
he does advise if you are going into the woods pay attention i was very tempted
to break into the song there but I'm not going to.
So he said, pay attention, listen for whistles, whoops, knocks, howls, stick breaks.

You'll hear all this. If you've been on places like YouTube,
you'll see people going out and whooping and howling while they're in the woods.
And there are some recordings I've heard where you do hear this kind of whoop
noise coming back to them.
Personally, I don't advise you go out and start whooping in the woods.

You might not get bigfoot, but you do draw attention to yourself.
But of all things, if you're doing all this and you're paying attention.
You're in the woods, don't get paranoid don't start jumping
every time you know a twig breaks for example but
do look out for stick structures which
are reported to be built by bigfoot so

what are these things well although nobody really
knows for sure there are a lot of
theories one of them being it's a kind of communication between
bigfoot so it's like them talking to each
other so it could be some kind of a language maybe marking
a territory or maybe just
like a warning you know you stay away from here I've claimed this

area could be maybe not some people
think it could just be a shelter that they've made I
don't buy that the ones that I've seen I
mean I know some of them are very big so I suppose in that respect it could
be but some of them seem very small for something
called big foot if you know what i mean there's a
theory that it's a nesting site so it's temporary while

they're looking after young i don't know
possibly another theory is it's a cultural or
a ritual side to it it's like a
tradition maybe it's something to do with their social behaviors or just their
own traditions that they have that we obviously know nothing about so like i
say they're all theories nobody really knows people do claim obviously we're

going to get experts in this field like we do with everything else but nobody really knows.
Now what I have heard suggested by Deborah Hatswell from BBR Investigations, I really like her stuff,
she says if you do come across one of these, yes take photographs of it but
walk up to it, walk up to the stick structure and take photographs of the woods around you.

So while you're standing at the structure look out the way and take photos of
the area around you because because she has a theory that whoever or whatever
built it might not be that far away and could actually be standing there watching you.
So when you go home, look at your photographs and you might actually capture

a picture of Bigfoot, Sasquatch or somebody who's into bushcraft.
Who knows? But you might find something interesting. So good luck with that.
Now I want to quickly just come on
to the British Bigfoot this is
new to me which might be a surprise to you
it's not a surprise to me there's so much of this stuff I don't know about and

I am discovering as I go so for this I'm going to call it Googway it could be
Googwoes like I was mentioning there's a lot of different names and they are
coming from an historical perspective If you look up online,
you will find that this is mentioned in medieval times, it's in pictures,

it's on pottery, they're everywhere.
So I'm starting to think that maybe it's not all made up. So the Gugwe is usually
described as looking like some kind of baboon mixed with a dog.
Has quite a snouty face, but they're very thickly muscled and very aggressive.

More animal in appearance than the kind of American Bigfoot,
which is described as humanoid kind of thing.
This thing is definitely described as an animal and not pleasant. isn't.
So I want to give you a couple of reports that I came across.
I think these were all on Deborah Hatswell's site, so credit all goes to her.

And the first one comes from a report from February 2021 in the Bedfordshire area in England.
And a guy was driving to work and he saw what he described as a British Bigfoot at a river called Ouse.
And apparently this, there'd been a lot of heavy rain
and this river had burst its banks and there was water in the fields and this

is a well-stocked river of all sorts of fish well known to local fishermen you
get lots of many different kinds of fish and because it had flooded there was
fish actually in the field as it had flooded.
Fish everywhere. And this guy, like I say, driving to work, said he saw a bigfoot in the field.

It was about eight feet tall, at least.
Said it could be eight to nine feet. Now, the guy doing the report was six feet-ish,
I think maybe just over six feet. So he's tall and it was a lot bigger than him.
He said it was covered in hair and seemed to be fishing. This is a quote.
He said, you could see the long hair on

its face as it leant forwards to look into the
water end quote he said it was really thick and
bulky and he actually went back to check the
area to make sure that he hadn't seen maybe a tree or a log or something and
just misidentified it checked everywhere he said there was absolutely nothing
in that area to look like what he had seen when he drove past it and he's sure

this thing was fishing for the fish that had come out out of the river when it had flooded.
Now another report was from a guy he came from a small village in Cheshire and
he was around seven years old when he had his sighting and it absolutely terrified him.
He'd gone to play in the local fields the nearby
woods which him and his friend did quite often and they

made a den there so he went out to go and look at his
den his friend was meant to join him later on he said you
couldn't see the den straight away it was like it was
like down just out of sight so he couldn't quite see the den
but you could see trees and things around it and he
said that when he was approaching his den he
saw a huge creature he actually thought

the tree that they'd used had started to to grow
hair or some sort of covering but when he looked he
saw this was a creature it was really hairy
and he said he could see its chest and stomach
move as it breathed now he couldn't see
the face because of his position but he could tell that
it stood up and it was facing him and what

he did see was this creature put its
hands together like it put its thumbs together and then
made a triangle with its index fingers and a
ball of light appeared within the triangle as if it was manifesting energy and
manipulating it the guy said bearing in mind he was a seven-year-old boy he

was scared to death and he said this fight or or flight,
he adds a third one in and he said, freeze.
And that's what he did. He absolutely froze, too scared to move.
And it was as if he was transfixed to the spot. And the only thing that brought
him out of it, at one point he was aware that his grandad's dog, which.

Appeared beside him and it had kind of moved just in front of him and putting
itself in between the boy and this creature and it was growling.
He actually said he'd never seen the dog look like this and it was a scary look on this dog.
It brought him to his senses though this growling and he legged it home.
On the way home the dog did join him so it did get away but it saved his life.

Life there's no doubt he said this thing was not friendly he got a horrible
sensation from it now if you want the full story because there is quite a story
to this go on Deborah Hartswell's site.
And and have a look for this it does seem to be a creature that his family at
least his granddad knew about and took care of so if you want to know more about

that go and have a read but I I did find it interesting that here's a boy going
out into the woods, you know, just to play in a den.
I did. We all did that when we were kids. And we never came across anything
like this, so I just don't know how I would have reacted. But that's what happened to him.
Now, I did say there was a sighting, about a couple of sightings,
not too far away from where I live.
If you have listened to a previous episode I did on Scottish ghosts,

you'll know I'm not far away from Culloden Battlefield. field.
And near there, I think it's about half a mile away from Clodden Battlefield,
there is a site called Clavacairns.
I've been to Clavacairns many, many times. I love going there.
It might sound a bit strange when you find out what it is. It's actually a Bronze Age burial site.

So we're talking at least 4,000 years old.
All the tourists go there, all the locals go there. It's just an an amazing, interesting place.
That's where the sightings have taken place.
In 2015, there was a witness who said she saw a tall, hair-covered,

human-like figure over at the Cairns.
There was a woman that saw it. She said the creature was seven to eight feet
tall, said it crossed the site, Clavichairns, the burial site,
into the direction of Culloden Battlefield.
And this happened when it was just approaching dusk. So you're not talking like nighttime.
It wasn't dark, dark, but just around dusk. and

she wasn't the only one now she lives in that area and there
is another witness close by who i
think he's i'm not sure if he's a farmer but he was talking about working in
the field so i'm assuming it's a farmer that owns the fields said he has seen
something many times in that area so that's near that's clava cairns which like

i say only half a mile from the battlefield field.
So what is this creature doing there? Is it looking after the burial site?
There does seem to be a link between burial grounds and supernatural or paranormal
activity so I thought that was interesting. I wanted to make sure that I brought that to you.
Now I can't discuss Bigfoot without mentioning children.

Specifically children who have gone missing and
then when they come back they tell a story about
the bear that saved them or
looked after them and here's an example and this
is quite a recent example it's 22nd of
January 2019 Craven County
in North Carolina there was a wee boy called

Casey Hathaway you might be familiar with the
story again I wasn't he was three years old
at the time only two about two foot four inches
tall 25 pounds in weight about one in
the afternoon playing in his grandmother's backyard with two
other children I believe they were his siblings but at
least one of them was his a younger sibling but and

they were two girls and when they went back into the house the
family realized that Casey wasn't with them now at
the side of the grandmother's house is a big wooded area
so they searched that area for about 45 minutes couldn't
find them so they called 911 as you would so
like I say you've got got this heavily wooded area at the side of the house
with you know pools of water nearby so they're thinking he goes in there you

know big chance of him drowning at least it's January so it's cold he's only
three how's he going to survive so massive search was held to try and find this little guy,
In fact, so many people turned up, there was quite a few turned away because
there were just too many people.
You had a helicopter brought in with infrared to find heat sources.

Dogs were used in the search. Drones were used.
The locals were asked to search their own properties, sheds,
outbuildings, you know, all that kind of stuff.
Nothing. Nothing was found. No sign of this wee guy. Two days later.
Now, bearing in mind this is January, okay? okay it's the
weather's bad it's cold a woman who had

been helping in the search takes her dogs out for a
walk when she's out thinks she hears a
child crying so she takes her dogs home goes back to that area and she's you
know standing listening yep definitely can hear a child crying goes and gets
a police officer says look come with me and listen so the cop goes hears the

child the searchers you You know, people turn up and a lot of people go looking.
They find little Casey Hathaway, alive, scratched, you know, a bit bruised.
He was tangled in a thorn bush, but he's alive.
So they, you know, they take him to the hospital.
Now, when he's in the hospital, the son of the woman who found Casey went to

visit him. And Casey said to him that he had spent two days with his best friend, which was a bear.
Now, some people say, yeah, that can happen. and
yeah I've heard stories I've actually believe I've not
been doing quite a lot of research on this this week and there
are a lot of stories of animals who hear children crying
and it sounds a lot like the young

of animals you know the not kind of crying noises that
they make and there are reports of animals looking after children because of
this one report I did find was of a a kid and somewhere in Africa I didn't write
down where it actually happened but it was somewhere in Africa a child was kidnapped
and was crying and lions of all things turned up,

killed the kidnapper and actually looked after the child.
I don't know the full story of how they got the kid away from them but this
mistaking human crying for animal crying does happen.
However, would a bear look after a three-year-old boy.
In January when they're supposed to be hibernating and

if it wasn't hibernating but had just spent a
last few months hibernating what are the chances
of a three-year-old surviving that encounter wouldn't
a bear be too hungry for example wouldn't a bear be so hungry after a culminative
hibernation that a three-year-old boy well you know where I'm going with that

I just find it extremely unlikely likely that you're going to encounter a bear
at a time when it should be sleeping and it just looks after you for two days.
That's Scooby. Now that story with Casey isn't the only time and I've just got
a couple more examples for you.
In 1888 the New York Times ran a story about a two-year-old girl who'd been

missing and she was found in a valley and she said a bear had kept her nice and and warm.
Make of that what you will. Another one, 1955.
It was another two-year-old. These are little kids. Ida May Curtis,
she spent two days in a forest in Montana and said she was comforted by a bear while she was out there.
Now, I don't know about you, but do you really think a child of two or three years old can survive,

not only survive out in the wilderness for two
days on their own but survive a bear encounter what's
more likely at this stage i'm leaving
that question open you can make your own mind up and i
want to round off this episode with this thing
i found on the internet i love this see what
you make of this have you heard of the column of marcus

aurelius in rome right it's
a marble monument covered with carvings showing
scenes from the emperor's life okay fairly
basic straightforward stuff you're going to have you know
the warriors and all the gladiatorial kind of fighting
all that sort of stuff's on it brilliant somebody's done
a close-up of this thing and there is carved in this monument marble monument

a huge looking humanoid figure which is very clearly covered in long hair and has huge long arms.
Now, it does have a sort of orangutan appearance.
Bigger much bigger there are other
figures near it so I'm taking it they're doing a sort of scale thing

here this thing's enormous go and
have a look at that online and tell me what you think
the column of Marcus Aurelius in
Rome I found that and then I
found all these other carvings and
pictures not just in Roman stuff it's
everywhere there are cave pictures

for goodness sake from the aboriginals in australia
of the yaoi these things seem
to be as ancient as time itself and
we seem to have prior knowledge of them if anything i would say this is the
only time in our history that we are not fully aware of these creatures there's

my theory so there you have it are these creatures real? What do you think?
I'll be honest I think they are. I do I actually think they are.
I think there are too many sightings in too many places from people who they're
not out looking for these things they just happen to come across them.
They can't all be wrong and like I said historically these things are showing

up in artifacts all over the place.
So that's what I I think, based on what I've been looking at just this week,
just this week, I've spent ages looking up balls.
I found some brilliant sites. Honest to goodness, talk about going down a rabbit hole.
Anyway, I will leave you with that. That's it for this week,
folks. I will have to leave it there.

Go and have a look at these things seriously and see what you make of it.
YouTube videos, hours, trust me, hours of your life can be spent looking at this stuff.
I hope you enjoyed this week's episode i do hope that you go and have a look
at some of that stuff and and let me let me know what you think really do don't
forget to use the links down below they are there for a reason and they will

take you to all sorts of magical and wonderful places i can assure you but until
next time friends you take care of yourself.
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