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December 4, 2023 10 mins


  • Welcome to the RV Rental Secret Podcast.
  • Topic: Strategies for making the most of the slow or off-season.
  • Particularly relevant for seasonal locations like the Northeast or Northwest.

Ways to Generate Income During the Slow Season:

  1. Charging for Storage:

    • Charged RV owners for winter storage.
    • Opened storage facility to other RV owners for additional revenue.
  2. Winterization Services:

    • Offered discounted winterization for managed units.
    • Charged others for winterization and maintenance services.
  3. Maintenance and Repairs:

    • Provided ongoing maintenance and repairs during the winter.
    • Remained available for emergency calls, addressing issues like furnaces not working or frozen systems.
  4. Renovations:

    • Undertook interior renovations during the off-season.
    • Utilized expertise for updating flooring, creating storage, and other interior improvements.

Preparing for the Busy Season:

Professional Photos:

  • Use the off-season to take professional photos of interiors.
  • Update listings with high-quality images.

Listing Optimization:

  • Review and update all listings for accuracy.
  • Check pricing, and delivery rates, and ensure descriptive content for SEO purposes.

Inventory Check:

  • Assess and restock supplies.
  • Organize cleaning and driving kits.

Office Organization:

  • Review files and receipts for tax preparation.
  • Utilize a dry-erase board for tracking rentals and fleet maintenance.

Key Management:

Marketing and Outreach:

  • Participate in local RV shows.
  • Create marketing materials for events.
  • Reach out to local businesses, fairs, and festivals for partnerships.
  • Establish connections with campground owners and RV repair shops.

Website Optimization:

  • Focus on SEO and website optimization.
  • Ensure up-to-date contact information.
  • Review headers and keywords for online visibility.

You can get more tips on website optimization in last week's newsletter here.


  • Use the slow season strategically to set up for success.
  • Plan marketing efforts, optimize online presence, and build relationships.
  • Travel during the off-season if possible, gathering stories to share with renters.
  • Tune in next week for more insights. Thanks for joining the RV Rental Secret Podcast.
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Episode Transcript

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Welcome to the RV Rental Secrets Podcast.

.999I'm your host, Stacey Maxson, and I'm thrilled to guide you through the journey of launching, growing, and managing a profitable RV rental business. 3 00:00:09,330.9977324263 --> 00:00:11,680.997732426 Welcome to the RV Rental Secret Podcast. 4 00:00:12,100.997732426 --> 00:00:16,860.997732426 This week we're going to talk about things that you can do in the slow or the off season. 5 00:00:17,220.997732426 --> 00:00:25,816.268810555 This is especially important if you are in a seasonal location like the Northeast or the Northwest. 6 00:00:25,855.542186972 --> 00:00:31,335.543186972 So there's a couple different ways that you can use your time during the off season. 7 00:00:31,885.543186972 --> 00:00:43,285.543186972 One of the ways is to make sure that you're making enough money ahead of time so that during your slow season you can travel, relax and maybe focus on another business that you have. 8 00:00:43,725.543186972 --> 00:00:47,225.543186972 So I'm going to go over some of the ways that we were able to do that. 9 00:00:47,288.270459699 --> 00:00:52,188.269459699 So the first thing that we did was charge for storage. 10 00:00:52,568.270459699 --> 00:01:11,735.543186972 So during the winter storage season, not only did we charge our Our owners of the units that we managed, but we also opened up our storage facility to any other RV owners, so we would charge for winter storage up front. 11 00:01:11,745.543186972 --> 00:01:17,453.725005154 So that kind of gave us a an influx of cash to get us through the winter. 12 00:01:17,753.725005154 --> 00:01:20,618.625005154 Another thing that we would do, because my husband was an expert. 13 00:01:20,958.725005154 --> 00:01:25,948.725005154 Certified RV tech is we would offer winterization of the units. 14 00:01:26,408.725005154 --> 00:01:36,684.179550608 So any of the units that we managed of our fleet for the RV owner, we would give them a discounted rate and then anyone else we would charge. 15 00:01:37,349.179550608 --> 00:01:48,666.14924758 Anywhere from 125 to 150 and as a mobile RV tech, my husband would go out to where the RV was located and winterize that for them. 16 00:01:48,722.81591424 --> 00:01:53,292.81591424 anOther thing he would do any maintenance and repairs throughout the winter. 17 00:01:53,752.81591424 --> 00:02:02,162.55202041 So, even though it's not usual there are some people that are full timing in the northeast where we're located. 18 00:02:02,542.55102041 --> 00:02:11,262.55202041 So, he does remain open through the winter, and if he gets any emergency calls, he does have that ability to take those calls. 19 00:02:11,302.55202041 --> 00:02:19,362.55202041 You know, they can be anywhere from the furnace isn't working or, you know, maybe something froze and he tries to help them with that. 20 00:02:19,402.55202041 --> 00:02:22,902.55102041 And then another thing that he does is renovations. 21 00:02:23,312.55102041 --> 00:02:34,992.55102041 So a lot of times people contact him during the busy season and want to, you know, maybe redo the floor or create more storage in their camper. 22 00:02:35,342.55102041 --> 00:02:38,382.55102041 You want to update the carpets or furniture. 23 00:02:38,782.55102041 --> 00:02:49,122.55102041 And what he does is save those for the slow time of the season or our off season and then he can take the time to do that. 24 00:02:49,262.55002041 --> 00:03:10,179.90829705 We don't have any type of Facility right now where he can do any type of like roof repairs or anything during the winter because we can't bring the camper into a garage but if it's interior renovations, you know, he can hook it up to electricity, turn the propane on and have heat and can do everything he needs to do inside the unit. 25 00:03:10,188.18494104 --> 00:03:10,778.18494104 sO. 26 00:03:10,784.85160771 --> 00:03:15,498.18494104 That's one of the ways to kind of get you prepared for the slow season. 27 00:03:15,658.18494104 --> 00:03:21,858.18494104 We were discussing this yesterday when we had our, our Fireside Franchise meeting. 28 00:03:21,868.18494104 --> 00:03:30,328.18494104 So we meet bi weekly and all the franchisees get together and we kind of have a discussion topic and this was ours this week. 29 00:03:30,338.18494104 --> 00:03:32,608.18494104 So I wanted to share some of those things with you. 30 00:03:32,628.18494104 --> 00:03:33,188.18494104 And then. 31 00:03:33,221.51827438 --> 00:03:47,941.51827438 In addition to that you know, during the slow season, what I like to do is, because I have extra time, you can kind of take a step back from the business and really do things to get you prepared for when you're busy. 32 00:03:47,954.85160771 --> 00:03:50,764.85160771 So those are some of the things I want to go over next. 33 00:03:50,784.67020181 --> 00:03:52,694.67020181 The first thing would be photos. 34 00:03:52,744.67020181 --> 00:03:54,764.67020181 You know, now can be a good time. 35 00:03:55,189.67120181 --> 00:04:04,773.00453515 To take the time to get professional photos done, you can do 360 photos and update those on all your listings. 36 00:04:04,923.00453515 --> 00:04:08,533.00453515 Obviously, the exteriors are going to be difficult. 37 00:04:08,533.00453515 --> 00:04:19,196.33786848 You may not be able to do that, you know, due to snow or you know, just The, the cold and the leaves aren't on the trees, so it doesn't look very inviting. 38 00:04:19,526.33786848 --> 00:04:31,416.33686848 So don't worry about your exterior pictures, but you can take the time and, clean the camper, stage them, and get professional photos taken of the interiors so that you can update your listings. 39 00:04:31,453.00453515 --> 00:04:38,633.00453515 And then along with that, you know, go through every single one of your listings and make sure that everything's accurate and up to date. 40 00:04:38,664.67120181 --> 00:05:14,270.17006803 You know, check your pricing, your delivery rates, go ahead and look at your description and make sure that, you're being very descriptive and adding captions to all the photos, you know, all those things are used for SEO, and if someone's searching for a certain keyword or A type of camper you know, a certain amenity that's going to pull in your listing when people are searching for certain items, you know, so make sure that you're really painting a picture for the renter and that's going to, draw them in to your listing and take a another look at it. 41 00:05:14,300.17006803 --> 00:05:22,910.17006803 What I also like to do is kind of do an inventory of all my supplies and see what I have available and what I need. 42 00:05:22,920.17006803 --> 00:05:28,310.17006803 So a couple things is, you know, once I know what items I need, I go ahead and stack up on those. 43 00:05:28,313.70748299 --> 00:05:34,496.83673469 And then I like to, organize and restock my cleaning and driving kits. 44 00:05:34,536.83573469 --> 00:05:39,23.50340136 So what those are is I have a cleaning kit, with all my cleaning supplies. 45 00:05:39,43.50340136 --> 00:05:43,613.50340136 I stock batteries in there for the smoke detectors. 46 00:05:43,646.83673469 --> 00:05:51,23.59410431 Some of my favorite things magic erasers, having toilet paper and septic tabs on hand. 47 00:05:51,34.04861905 --> 00:05:58,350.71428571 And then in the driving kit, that's where we have extra sewer hose, all the tools that we need. 48 00:05:58,410.71428571 --> 00:06:00,630.71528571 So just kind of going through those. 49 00:06:00,810.71528571 --> 00:06:02,930.71528571 You know, making sure you have everything you need. 50 00:06:02,930.71528571 --> 00:06:06,350.71528571 So when you start getting rentals again, you're going to be prepared. 51 00:06:06,380.71528571 --> 00:06:09,550.71528571 Another thing I do is kind of organize my office space. 52 00:06:09,574.04861905 --> 00:06:15,287.38195238 what I like to do during this time is, Go through my files, go through my receipts. 53 00:06:15,297.38095238 --> 00:06:17,557.38195238 Obviously, you're getting ready for tax time. 54 00:06:17,567.38195238 --> 00:06:20,237.38195238 So you want to get that ready for the upcoming year. 55 00:06:20,294.04861905 --> 00:06:25,23.93524036 And Then I go through and we have a dry erase board, two actually. 56 00:06:25,30.60190703 --> 00:06:34,911.2595034 One is where we put all of our rentals each week and where we track, you know, what units are going to be going in and what units are going out. 57 00:06:34,917.2685737 --> 00:07:00,14.77324263 And then we have another board, and that has our entire fleet on it, and it lists any outstanding work that needs to be done to the unit, so anything from it needing to be cleaned, to something's broken and needs to be repaired so I like to make sure that all that's up to date, and we can start kind of And along with organizing your office, I do recommend having the dry erase board. 58 00:07:00,14.77324263 --> 00:07:15,4.77324263 It can be really helpful Especially if you have a fleet And then also having a key holder That can hold multiple keys And put that up in your office so that everything's available in one spot And then also key tags. 59 00:07:15,34.77324263 --> 00:07:25,701.4399093 So what we have is kind of what you would find at a repair shop We put it on each keychain and it lists the unit number that we give to it and then the year, make, and model. 60 00:07:26,171.4399093 --> 00:07:30,51.4389093 And that way, all the keys are really easy to identify. 61 00:07:30,94.77224263 --> 00:07:41,784.77224263 And then another thing going along with, the keys is, you know, now could be a good time to purchase a return box for your keys when people are dropping the unit off. 62 00:07:42,114.77224263 --> 00:07:45,254.77324263 So you could take the time to get that and install that. 63 00:07:45,333.10657596 --> 00:07:47,743.10657596 And then also marketing materials. 64 00:07:47,763.10657596 --> 00:07:53,310.23909524 now that things might be a little bit slower, now is the time where a lot of RV shows are happening. 65 00:07:53,720.23809524 --> 00:08:00,696.90476191 So take a look and see what RV shows are happening in your area and, participate in them, be a vendor. 66 00:08:00,713.57242857 --> 00:08:09,503.57242857 And then, once you know what shows you're going to be going to, make sure you have the appropriate marketing materials that you'll need. 67 00:08:09,718.57242857 --> 00:08:11,248.57242857 for those events. 68 00:08:11,267.85814286 --> 00:08:21,327.85914286 I Recently sent out a newsletter as well this past week and it went over, like, SEO and website optimization, things that you could do. 69 00:08:21,367.85914286 --> 00:08:23,277.85914286 So I'll put a link to that. 70 00:08:23,907.85914286 --> 00:08:43,950.32979819 In the show notes because now can be a really good time to to look at your website and make sure that everything's up to date your contact information and then going through and taking a look at the headers and the keywords and what you can do to get yourself. 71 00:08:43,975.32979819 --> 00:09:21,961.99646485 found easier online Because obviously you want to draw more people in so I find that the slow season or the winter time you know for those that are up north can be a really good time to Work on that marketing and along with that, you know start reaching out to local businesses and fairs and festivals that you know that will be happening this summer and start building those relationships, reach out to campground owners and RV repair shops in your area and, just start getting those partnerships and start thinking ahead for this summer. 72 00:09:22,5.32979819 --> 00:09:43,168.66313152 People are already booking a year in advance for campsites, for RV rentals, and really, you'll start to see after the new year, rentals will start picking up again, and people are going to start booking, they're just trying to get through the holiday season right now, but once that's done, they're going to start booking their trips for the spring and summer, and even into the fall. 73 00:09:43,202.54521769 --> 00:10:10,889.08149887 So, you really want to set yourself up for success and, take this time where you may be a little bit slower, you know, even if you're in a year round location, there's always peaks and valleys of when you'll be busy in your business, you know, so anytime that you're slow, start strategically thinking about what you're doing with your time and start setting yourself up for success so that you can have a great upcoming season. 74 00:10:10,929.08149887 --> 00:10:12,909.08149887 So I hope these tips were helpful. 75 00:10:13,229.08149887 --> 00:10:15,598.98149887 Like I said go ahead and check out that newsletter. 76 00:10:15,648.98149887 --> 00:10:22,848.98149887 That's really going to break things down and give you actionable steps as to what to look at on your website. 77 00:10:22,878.98149887 --> 00:10:24,148.98149887 it's just a quick episode. 78 00:10:24,148.98149887 --> 00:10:28,88.98049887 I just, it was top of mind because of the meeting that we had with our franchisees. 79 00:10:28,98.98049887 --> 00:10:33,958.98149887 So I just wanted to share some tips with you and make sure that you're using your time wisely. 80 00:10:34,5.64816553 --> 00:10:39,85.64816553 with that being said, I've certainly taken a lot of time to travel during the off season. 81 00:10:39,345.64816553 --> 00:10:46,80.64816553 So, if you have the availability to do that, then certainly go ahead and get out there and enjoy. 82 00:10:46,390.64816553 --> 00:10:50,300.64816553 And I found that's always helpful to have stories to share with your renters. 83 00:10:50,357.3148322 --> 00:10:52,327.3148322 So I'll talk to you guys next week. 84 00:10:52,407.3148322 --> 00:10:53,317.3148322 Thanks for joining me.
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