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February 25, 2024 18 mins

In this insightful episode of the RV Rental Secrets Podcast, host Stacy Maxon welcomed Jonathan from White Beard Strategies, shedding light on the transformative role of artificial intelligence (AI) in business. Jonathan's agency specializes in leveraging AI to save time, boost profits, and enhance client value, focusing on effective AI communication and team empowerment. With a background in digital marketing and a passion ignited by the advent of ChatGPT in late 2023, Jonathan emphasizes the importance of AI in amplifying skills and streamlining operations for small business owners, particularly in the RV rental sector.

Jonathan shared practical examples of how AI tools like ChatGPT can revolutionize customer communication, marketing, and operational efficiency for RV rental businesses. From crafting professional emails in minutes to tailoring marketing strategies for specific audiences, AI's capabilities are vast. He highlighted the significance of proper AI prompting to generate relevant and precise outputs, offering a basic prompting structure that businesses can adapt for various needs.

Moreover, Jonathan addressed the overwhelming landscape of AI tools and courses, advocating for the focused use of reliable platforms like ChatGPT. He cautioned against the allure of constantly emerging tools and outdated information, urging entrepreneurs to cultivate a foundational understanding of AI that can evolve with technological advancements.

Listeners were also introduced to Jonathan's community efforts through his AI ChatGPT Prompts for Entrepreneurs Facebook group, a resource-rich platform for business owners to explore AI's potential without the clutter of sales pitches. This episode not only demystified AI for RV rental business owners but also provided actionable insights and resources for harnessing AI's power in their operations.

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Welcome to the RV Rental Secrets Podcast.

.999I'm your host, Stacey Maxson, and I'm thrilled to guide you through the journey of launching, growing, and managing a profitable RV rental business. 3 00:00:09,330.9977324263 --> 00:00:11,170.997732426 Welcome to RV rental secrets. 4 00:00:11,170.997732426 --> 00:00:15,170.997732426 Today, we have Jonathan with White Beard Strategies with us. 5 00:00:15,170.997732426 --> 00:00:16,70.997732426 Welcome, Jonathan. 6 00:00:16,815.997732426 --> 00:00:17,615.987732426 Thank you very much. 7 00:00:17,615.987732426 --> 00:00:18,755.987732426 I appreciate the opportunity. 8 00:00:19,695.987732426 --> 00:00:24,320.997732426 Can you go ahead and tell me a little bit about yourself and what you do? Sure can. 9 00:00:24,320.997732426 --> 00:00:27,301.007732426 So as you mentioned, my name is Jonathan, and I run White Beard Strategies. 10 00:00:27,601.007732426 --> 00:00:39,576.007732426 We're an agency that helps businesses learn how to leverage AI to basically do 3 key things, save them time, increase their margins or profits, and deliver more value to their clients. 11 00:00:39,576.007732426 --> 00:00:55,136.007732426 And we try to do that by teaching them Not how to use every possible tool on the marketplace, but how to use AI prompting, which is basically how to communicate with AI and how to leverage that with their team as well so that they can empower their team and hopefully add a lot of value to the company. 12 00:00:55,836.007732426 --> 00:00:56,76.007732426 Yeah. 13 00:00:56,76.007732426 --> 00:00:57,456.027732426 I think that's so important. 14 00:00:57,516.027732426 --> 00:01:05,291.027732426 I mean, obviously, AI is Fairly new in the business world so it's something that I think is really important to learn about. 15 00:01:05,291.027732426 --> 00:01:08,111.027732426 So we definitely need people like you that are out there in the industry. 16 00:01:08,746.007732426 --> 00:01:09,146.027732426 Well, thank you. 17 00:01:09,146.027732426 --> 00:01:10,366.027732426 I appreciate that. 18 00:01:10,666.027732426 --> 00:01:17,471.007732426 Now how did you get started in AI? So I've been in the digital marketing space for well over a decade now. 19 00:01:17,631.027732426 --> 00:01:30,515.977732426 And in late 20 23, decided or when Chad GPT came out really saw that as as a just an amazing tool to help us, Again, do those 3 things I mentioned, save time, increase our margins, and deliver more value. 20 00:01:30,515.977732426 --> 00:01:34,915.977732426 And so really started digging into it, and I'm passionate about it, love what I do. 21 00:01:34,915.977732426 --> 00:01:43,185.97773243 But I Saw that a lot of people were out there trying to sell, you know, the latest tool or the latest list of prompts and all that, and it just seemed really disingenuous to me. 22 00:01:43,185.97773243 --> 00:01:53,170.97773243 And I decided I really wanted to teach businesses how to use AI effectively without having to feel like they're pulled in 75 different directions on the latest tool that gets released every day. 23 00:01:53,235.52834467 --> 00:01:54,97.64439909 That's so true. 24 00:01:54,97.64439909 --> 00:02:00,277.66439909 going through my Facebook feed, I see so many different ads for, all these different tools and courses. 25 00:02:00,577.64439909 --> 00:02:04,372.62439909 And, Honestly, I just don't know, what 1 is reputable. 26 00:02:04,672.60439909 --> 00:02:06,272.62439909 You know, there's just so many out there. 27 00:02:06,272.62439909 --> 00:02:07,632.62439909 It's really difficult to choose. 28 00:02:07,632.62439909 --> 00:02:09,197.62439909 So Absolutely. 29 00:02:09,277.62439909 --> 00:02:12,577.60439909 Know that there's, you know, someone out there that's kinda guiding us. 30 00:02:13,197.62439909 --> 00:02:13,917.60439909 That's the goal. 31 00:02:13,917.60439909 --> 00:02:14,477.62439909 That's the goal. 32 00:02:14,477.62439909 --> 00:02:14,977.62439909 Absolutely. 33 00:02:15,467.62439909 --> 00:02:28,46.00773243 I know you touched on that a little bit, but, I mean, why do you think that AI is so important for small business owners? Well, I I really think it's just a huge new chapter for us, you know, much like the internal combustion engine. 34 00:02:28,46.00773243 --> 00:02:30,21.00773243 And I know a lot of people laugh at me and go, get real. 35 00:02:30,21.00773243 --> 00:02:30,981.00773243 It's not like that. 36 00:02:30,981.00773243 --> 00:02:38,120.98773243 But I do think it is because AI allows us as small business owners in particular to really leverage our time and our expertise. 37 00:02:38,525.98773243 --> 00:02:47,505.98773243 I like to tell my audience that AI really isn't going to help you do anything you can't do today, but it will amplify your existing skills tremendously. 38 00:02:47,970.96773243 --> 00:02:51,570.96773243 And, unfortunately, it'll also amplify any lack of skills that you may have. 39 00:02:51,570.96773243 --> 00:02:58,495.98773243 In other words, I'm not a doctor, and I can't use AI to become a doctor because I don't have any of those medical skills. 40 00:02:58,715.98773243 --> 00:03:07,695.98773243 But if I have skills in an area, then I can use it to definitely amplify those skills and, again, save me time, increase margins, and deliver more value to my clients. 41 00:03:08,330.98773243 --> 00:03:11,870.98773243 I definitely see that in my own day to day tasks. 42 00:03:12,120.96773243 --> 00:03:15,930.98773243 I write a lot of newsletters and, marketing materials. 43 00:03:16,586.00773243 --> 00:03:30,851.02773243 And, previously, I would take the time and, take an hour, write the whole thing, and now I can take my ideas that I have and plug it into ChatGPT,, and it helps make my message that much better. 44 00:03:31,346.00773243 --> 00:03:52,226.02773243 It definitely It's really great for targeting your audience and understanding, you know, especially, you know, in the RV rentals that we've talked about, giving the opportunity for those owners to really be able to target the people that are most likely to want to rent those RVs that they have and maximize the rental income that they're getting by by appealing to the right audience that wants the right type of equipment that they have. 45 00:03:52,556.02773243 --> 00:04:00,231.02773243 Do you have some examples of how RV rental businesses can use these tools to help them? Sure. 46 00:04:00,231.02773243 --> 00:04:05,931.04773243 There's a there's a number of things I think that that any business can use, but I think especially are are fitting in the RV rental space. 47 00:04:05,991.04773243 --> 00:04:07,771.02773243 1 is is email communication. 48 00:04:08,186.02773243 --> 00:04:12,586.04773243 We all have to communicate with our our prospects, our clients, and then follow-up. 49 00:04:12,586.04773243 --> 00:04:20,831.00773243 And sometimes those emails, they require a bit of thought because, let's face it, not everybody is is happy when they're they're responding to us, and we need to figure out how do we say that. 50 00:04:21,131.02773243 --> 00:04:28,56.04773243 ChatGPT and when I say that, I really mean any of the AI tools, but ChatGPT allows us to take and say, okay. 51 00:04:28,56.04773243 --> 00:04:28,936.04773243 Here's what I wanna say. 52 00:04:28,936.04773243 --> 00:04:31,496.04773243 Here's how I wanna respond, but I need to say it better. 53 00:04:31,496.04773243 --> 00:04:32,856.02773243 I wanna say it more professionally. 54 00:04:32,856.02773243 --> 00:04:35,121.02773243 I wanna maybe make it more Understandable. 55 00:04:35,661.02773243 --> 00:04:46,506.04773243 And instead of taking 15 or 20 minutes to slave over an email and to debate back and forth and decide what words to use, You can now go in and just say, here in 30 seconds, here's the response I wanna do. 56 00:04:46,506.04773243 --> 00:04:51,326.05773243 Now send that to ChatGPT and ask it, please,, improve for readability and comprehension. 57 00:04:51,601.05773243 --> 00:04:56,981.05773243 And it's gonna give you back a really well written email that now you can take just a minute or 2 to edit. 58 00:04:57,121.05773243 --> 00:05:01,606.09773243 And so now in 5 minutes instead of 20 minutes, you've crafted a really good email. 59 00:05:01,986.09773243 --> 00:05:06,66.05773243 And on top of that, we can ask it to to watch out for our best interest. 60 00:05:06,66.05773243 --> 00:05:12,681.05773243 So if we wanna you know, maybe we need to to write an email to somebody about something they broke in a rental and that we need to to deal with at it. 61 00:05:12,681.05773243 --> 00:05:15,101.05773243 You know, sometimes that gets to be a touchy situation. 62 00:05:15,296.05773243 --> 00:05:20,736.05773243 Well, now we can have it do it in a way that, again, generally is gonna appeal to that audience more. 63 00:05:20,736.05773243 --> 00:05:28,206.00773243 It's gonna be better received the other area I think it's great in is just marketing and figuring out how do I reach the target audience that I want. 64 00:05:28,206.00773243 --> 00:05:32,241.06773243 In your background right now, I see you've got a a VW bus with a pop up on top. 65 00:05:32,241.06773243 --> 00:05:39,526.06773243 And there's that's obviously going to appeal to a different audience than maybe somebody that wants to rent a fifth wheeler or run a class a motorhome. 66 00:05:39,826.06773243 --> 00:05:59,76.11773243 And so as a result of that, based upon the equipment I'm renting, I can explain that to chat GPT, and it will help me identify the needs and the the pain points that my audience is trying to solve so that I can do a better job of of promoting what I have available to rent to those individual users. 67 00:05:59,216.06773243 --> 00:06:09,131.06773243 And when we do that, obviously, we're gonna end up with happier customers long term because that That means the equipment they rent is gonna fit in with what their needs were and their desires were, and that's gonna lead to better reviews. 68 00:06:09,131.06773243 --> 00:06:15,96.06773243 It's gonna lead to more repeat rentals and ultimately gonna allow us to, again, expand and grow our business by doing that. 69 00:06:15,96.06773243 --> 00:06:23,51.06773243 1 more that I'll throw in real quickly is, when we're renting out our EVs, a lot of times we wanna provide, like, checklists or or guides on how to handle this. 70 00:06:23,51.06773243 --> 00:06:25,256.03773243 You know? Again, we're looking at that 1 behind you. 71 00:06:25,256.03773243 --> 00:06:36,661.03773243 How do I put up the pop up safely, and how do I use it? Well, with ChatGPT, we can literally say, you know, I need to teach people how to how to turn on the air conditioning in my RV, and here's the simple steps. 72 00:06:36,661.03773243 --> 00:06:56,61.07773243 And then have it take that little outline and turn it into a well written I that you can provide with your RV and say, here's how the AC system works or here's how the sewage system works or whatever that you wanna be Providing that on and you can provide much better documentation to your renters, which, again, leads to a better experience for them. 73 00:06:56,231.03773243 --> 00:06:57,31.03773243 I love that idea. 74 00:06:57,31.03773243 --> 00:07:10,346.02773243 And I think Even if a renter were to call you and ask for instructions on how to use something Because we have so many different rental units in our fleet, it can be difficult to know all that off the top of your head. 75 00:07:10,346.02773243 --> 00:07:13,241.02773243 So like you said, you could easily Plug it into ChatGPT. 76 00:07:14,101.02773243 --> 00:07:18,921.02773243 They can give you instructions, and then you basically just copy and paste that to your Exactly. 77 00:07:19,576.02773243 --> 00:07:19,816.07773243 Yeah. 78 00:07:19,816.07773243 --> 00:07:35,201.02773243 I mean, imagine having the ability to maybe text them a link to a Google document that had that PDF already done that they can just look at right on their phone with step by step and Even including pictures because you can upload pictures to chat g p t and say put the pictures in the right spot and, you know, it'll go ahead and match that together. 79 00:07:35,556.02773243 --> 00:07:41,876.02773243 You can take something from the RV manufacturer and have it rewritten to reflect, you know, your individual tone and style. 80 00:07:41,876.02773243 --> 00:07:45,381.02773243 So lots of things that I think you can use Chat GPT to do there. 81 00:07:45,701.02773243 --> 00:07:46,181.02773243 Yeah. 82 00:07:46,181.02773243 --> 00:07:48,21.02773243 And it's definitely a time saver. 83 00:07:48,21.02773243 --> 00:07:53,525.97773243 And, I mean, most of the RV rental business owners are, you know, our husband and within white teams. 84 00:07:53,525.97773243 --> 00:07:58,506.02773243 So anytime, you know, we can save time, it's gonna be beneficial for us. 85 00:07:58,886.02773243 --> 00:07:59,386.02773243 Absolutely. 86 00:08:00,401.02773243 --> 00:08:04,907.69439909 Now I know you mentioned some giving chat g p t guidance. 87 00:08:04,963.97557823 --> 00:08:09,254.04557823 Do you have any advice for, prompts of what we should be telling them. 88 00:08:09,254.04557823 --> 00:08:17,579.04557823 I know I've seen in the past tell ChatGPT to act as a marketer or various prompts prior to asking your question. 89 00:08:17,959.04557823 --> 00:08:20,919.00557823 So can you touch base on that a little bit? Sure. 90 00:08:20,919.00557823 --> 00:08:21,719.04557823 I'd be happy to. 91 00:08:21,719.04557823 --> 00:08:31,144.07557823 I'm I'm a big believer that, Again, we've all seen the lists out there that, you know, buy my buy my 97 prompts that you need to have if you're, you know, in the RV rental business. 92 00:08:31,144.07557823 --> 00:08:32,19.04557823 And Oh, great. 93 00:08:32,19.04557823 --> 00:08:33,58.99557823 I wanna buy that. 94 00:08:33,58.99557823 --> 00:08:37,779.04557823 The problem is most of those prompts aren't gonna do you any good, and they're not gonna fit your specific situation. 95 00:08:37,779.04557823 --> 00:08:39,959.04557823 So you're basically throwing that money away. 96 00:08:40,204.07557823 --> 00:08:47,829.04557823 What I encourage people to do is to learn a basic prompting structure, and I'll share that with you right now, that they can use really to answer any questions they want. 97 00:08:47,909.04557823 --> 00:08:50,149.04557823 And it begins with just what you said, Stacy. 98 00:08:50,149.04557823 --> 00:08:54,709.04557823 It's tell ChatGPT the context in which you want it to act. 99 00:08:54,709.04557823 --> 00:08:56,984.04557823 So I want it to act as a digital marketer. 100 00:08:56,984.04557823 --> 00:08:58,984.04557823 I want you to act as a web page developer. 101 00:08:58,984.04557823 --> 00:09:03,484.04557823 I want you to act as an, you know, an owner who's renting out their RV. 102 00:09:03,544.04557823 --> 00:09:05,639.01557823 You can do that very specifically. 103 00:09:05,699.01557823 --> 00:09:09,479.04557823 And that's important because chat GPD has this vast amount of information. 104 00:09:09,699.01557823 --> 00:09:13,639.01557823 And if we don't target it down a little bit, it's not gonna really know where to start. 105 00:09:13,644.04557823 --> 00:09:24,289.04557823 It'd be like going to 1 of your team members at work and going, you know write me a blog post about renting in an RV without saying who your audience is, what type of equipment you've got, anything like that. 106 00:09:24,289.04557823 --> 00:09:26,369.04557823 It it's just not gonna work well. 107 00:09:26,369.04557823 --> 00:09:36,274.04557823 So we start by who do we want you to act in? What persona do we want you to take on? Then we wanna ask you the simple question is, here's the problem I have that I want you to help me solve. 108 00:09:36,274.04557823 --> 00:09:41,14.04557823 That could be writing a a standard operating procedure on how to use the AC unit. 109 00:09:41,109.04557823 --> 00:09:45,349.04557823 It could be how to unlock the door because it's a temperamental door. 110 00:09:45,349.04557823 --> 00:09:47,129.04557823 I mean, it could be anything like that. 111 00:09:47,509.04557823 --> 00:09:56,94.04557823 And then The third part, which I think is 1 of the most important that most people forget, it Chanchi b t needs context in order to give us the best possible response. 112 00:09:56,319.08557823 --> 00:10:04,259.08557823 So I end all of those prompts with ask me any clarifying questions you need in order to give me the best possible response. 113 00:10:04,984.04557823 --> 00:10:13,599.04557823 So if I follow those 3 trends, how do I want you to act? What do I want you to do for me? And then ask me any clarifying questions you can give me the best response. 114 00:10:13,979.04557823 --> 00:10:18,939.07557823 I can use that prompt formula anywhere to really provide me with amazing stuff. 115 00:10:18,939.07557823 --> 00:10:24,364.04557823 And the great news is ChatGPT will do a a wonderful job of asking you this clarifying question. 116 00:10:24,364.04557823 --> 00:10:31,478.99557823 So if I've forgotten maybe to put my model number of my RV in or I mentioned something that's important, It'll come back and say, okay. 117 00:10:31,478.99557823 --> 00:10:31,879.04557823 Great. 118 00:10:31,879.04557823 --> 00:10:33,879.04557823 You've got this Jayco, motor home. 119 00:10:33,879.04557823 --> 00:10:38,542.34557823 But is it this model or this model? Or can you tell me what model number it is that I can reference it. 120 00:10:38,542.34557823 --> 00:10:49,809.04557823 Or maybe you're talking about the generator, and it's it's gonna ask you questions at that point in time that you can say to clarify in so it's giving you the right information for your specific application. 121 00:10:50,379.04557823 --> 00:10:51,659.08557823 I think that's gold right there. 122 00:10:51,659.08557823 --> 00:10:53,964.01557823 Just the, ask Clarifying questions. 123 00:10:54,184.01557823 --> 00:10:58,604.01557823 That's something that I don't currently do, but I'm definitely gonna start trying now. 124 00:10:59,304.01557823 --> 00:11:03,58.98557823 It it will really improve the quality of the responses that you get. 125 00:11:03,118.97557823 --> 00:11:03,618.97557823 Mhmm. 126 00:11:04,79.01557823 --> 00:11:04,399.01557823 Yeah. 127 00:11:04,399.01557823 --> 00:11:05,459.01557823 That's a great idea. 128 00:11:05,919.01557823 --> 00:11:10,984.01557823 Now what AI tools do you think are the most beneficial for small business donors. 129 00:11:10,984.01557823 --> 00:11:13,84.01557823 I know we've mentioned ChatGPT. 130 00:11:13,944.01557823 --> 00:11:15,884.01557823 There's so many others out there. 131 00:11:15,934.01557823 --> 00:11:16,454.04557823 You know Mhmm. 132 00:11:16,574.04557823 --> 00:11:20,639.04557823 Do you have other go tos that you use? Excellent question. 133 00:11:20,639.04557823 --> 00:11:25,999.04557823 And and and, again, much like list of prompts, we all see these new AI tools that are coming out every single day. 134 00:11:25,999.04557823 --> 00:11:27,859.04557823 I get pitched on them all the time. 135 00:11:28,144.04557823 --> 00:11:32,884.04557823 My recommendation to any business owner or anybody starting with AI is to start with ChatGPT. 136 00:11:33,504.04557823 --> 00:11:39,589.04557823 And, yes, I'm gonna recommend you spend the 20 dollars a month and get the subscription because it gives you so many capabilities. 137 00:11:40,608.99557823 --> 00:11:57,359.04557823 Just with chat g p t, I can have it basically handle any of my text needs that I need, whether it's writing SOPs, whether it's writing guides, On my social media, I wanna have a compelling image. 138 00:11:57,359.04557823 --> 00:12:00,739.04557823 I can use it to go ahead and create those images for me. 139 00:12:00,799.04557823 --> 00:12:03,204.09557823 It has a voice feature, which allows me to talk to it. 140 00:12:03,204.09557823 --> 00:12:10,84.04557823 So if I'd rather not type, I can literally talk to it, and it'll talk back to me in not in a bad way, by the way, but it'll communicate with you. 141 00:12:10,84.04557823 --> 00:12:12,459.04557823 And then that's That's a great thing to do. 142 00:12:12,459.04557823 --> 00:12:23,674.04557823 It also has what's called CHAD GPT Vision, which means I can literally imagine going to your RV and and snapping a picture of 1 of the guides that's on the inside of the door panel that nobody can ever read. 143 00:12:23,814.04557823 --> 00:12:34,419.04557823 You take that picture and upload that to ChatGPT and have it turn it into a PDF that you can now put on the table in the RV instead of having to tell them, well, go bend over and look at this on the door. 144 00:12:34,419.04557823 --> 00:12:36,599.04557823 There's a guide there that tells you how to do that. 145 00:12:36,714.04557823 --> 00:12:41,294.00557823 And, of course, nobody can see it, and it's never when the it's well lit, so they can't read it. 146 00:12:41,514.04557823 --> 00:12:43,34.04557823 Literally, you can take a picture of it. 147 00:12:43,34.04557823 --> 00:12:48,209.04557823 ChatGPT will pull all the text and the images off that and put it in a PDF for you. 148 00:12:48,269.04557823 --> 00:12:50,989.04557823 So that 1 tool can do so much. 149 00:12:50,989.04557823 --> 00:12:59,554.08557823 Now I also do use Claude, which is a competitor to that, and I use From images, I use a a tool called Midjourney that creates really amazing images. 150 00:12:59,694.04557823 --> 00:13:07,819.04557823 But for if you're getting started and you're in the RV business, I would start right now Just with ChatGPT, 1 big caveat. 151 00:13:08,199.04557823 --> 00:13:15,633.94557823 If anybody wherever you go, there are a lot of companies trying to sell versions of ChatGPT that are different prices. 152 00:13:15,694.04557823 --> 00:13:21,794.04557823 If it's not 20 dollars a month and you're not on open a I dot com, you're not buying the right software. 153 00:13:22,59.04557823 --> 00:13:29,919.04557823 And all those softwares do, by the way, is they use the same interface or the same engine, but they put lipstick on it and create a new interface. 154 00:13:30,223.94557823 --> 00:13:31,503.94557823 Some of them are very sneaky. 155 00:13:31,503.94557823 --> 00:13:33,603.94557823 They try to look just like Chad GPT. 156 00:13:33,664.04557823 --> 00:13:38,223.94557823 So just go to open a I dot com and buy your subscription there. 157 00:13:38,223.94557823 --> 00:13:39,763.94557823 It's 20 dollars a month. 158 00:13:39,859.04557823 --> 00:13:45,79.04557823 I would give that I would give up Netflix and lots of other things long before I give up my chat GPT subscription. 159 00:13:45,619.04557823 --> 00:13:45,859.04557823 Yeah. 160 00:13:45,859.04557823 --> 00:13:46,739.04557823 That's great advice. 161 00:13:46,739.04557823 --> 00:13:51,489.04557823 I know people, don't wanna spend money on another tool. 162 00:13:51,489.04557823 --> 00:13:53,349.04557823 They already paid so many subscriptions. 163 00:13:54,129.04557823 --> 00:13:57,944.04557823 But The time that it's gonna save you, it's well worth it. 164 00:13:57,994.04557823 --> 00:13:58,494.04557823 Yeah. 165 00:13:58,634.04557823 --> 00:14:11,494.04557823 The the the call that you can avoid it at 9 o'clock at night when somebody's in your RV and they're struggling to figure out how to put that pop up on or how to turn the heat on or whatever the case is, That if nothing else, you can text them back and go, here's a guide. 166 00:14:11,904.14557823 --> 00:14:12,944.04557823 Here's all the instructions. 167 00:14:12,944.04557823 --> 00:14:18,209.04557823 And that ChatGPT can help you craft all of those in a very simple and effective way. 168 00:14:18,209.04557823 --> 00:14:19,569.04557823 You don't have to do all the research. 169 00:14:19,569.04557823 --> 00:14:23,904.04557823 You don't have to dig through lots and lots of stuff, but you can then provide that to people. 170 00:14:24,64.04557823 --> 00:14:27,664.04557823 We know even if we give it to them in paper, they're never gonna look at it before they call us. 171 00:14:27,664.04557823 --> 00:14:37,179.04557823 So now we have that ability to text it to them, to email it to them, to whatever, and not have to spend an hour on the phone while they're trying to figure out in the dark how it is that they turn the generator on. 172 00:14:37,399.04557823 --> 00:14:37,719.04557823 Yeah. 173 00:14:37,719.04557823 --> 00:14:38,219.04557823 Exactly. 174 00:14:38,279.04557823 --> 00:14:44,134.04557823 And, I mean, basically, it's like a personal assistant, and where else are you gonna find 1 for 20 dollars a month? It's just not gonna happen. 175 00:14:44,134.04557823 --> 00:14:45,34.04557823 100 percent. 176 00:14:45,334.04557823 --> 00:14:46,394.04557823 100 percent. 177 00:14:46,774.04557823 --> 00:14:54,279.04557823 Now what trends should we be looking out for in the AI world? Well, AI is changing incredibly rapidly right now. 178 00:14:54,279.04557823 --> 00:14:58,919.04557823 Literally, just yesterday, Google totally changed the their their AI deliverable. 179 00:14:58,919.04557823 --> 00:15:00,118.94557823 They used to call it barred. 180 00:15:00,118.94557823 --> 00:15:02,804.04557823 As of yesterday, it's it's no longer called Bard. 181 00:15:02,974.04557823 --> 00:15:06,769.04557823 And then they've got brand new services now called Gemini that are out. 182 00:15:06,929.14557823 --> 00:15:10,529.04557823 And that's happening almost on a daily basis with these tools. 183 00:15:10,529.04557823 --> 00:15:12,389.04557823 There's so many updates coming out. 184 00:15:12,449.14557823 --> 00:15:17,64.14557823 JADGPT just released all new models or new new information earlier this week. 185 00:15:17,64.14557823 --> 00:15:19,404.04557823 So that happens all the time. 186 00:15:19,544.04557823 --> 00:15:33,964.04557823 Just My advice related to that is especially as it comes to, like, courses and stuff, a lot of people go, what courses should I buy? Every course that's out there that I'm aware of was written least a week ago, if not 2 weeks ago or 2 months ago or even a year ago. 187 00:15:34,264.04557823 --> 00:15:40,149.04557823 Those courses in general, and there are some exceptions when they give you updates, But very, very few do. 188 00:15:40,529.04557823 --> 00:15:45,969.04557823 Don't spend your money on things that were written in AI even 2 months ago because so much has changed. 189 00:15:45,969.04557823 --> 00:15:51,594.04557823 It's no longer relevant, And you need to just expect that it's gonna be a wild ride. 190 00:15:51,594.04557823 --> 00:15:52,634.04557823 It's gonna be a lot of fun. 191 00:15:52,634.04557823 --> 00:16:01,309.04557823 We're gonna have the ability to do so much more over time, But just get started and start learning how to use it for your business now, and then it'll come naturally. 192 00:16:01,309.04557823 --> 00:16:05,9.04557823 It'll become very easy to use as those changes become more available. 193 00:16:06,174.04557823 --> 00:16:07,234.04557823 That's great advice. 194 00:16:07,534.04557823 --> 00:16:13,68.94557823 Now where can people connect with you online? I know you have a Free Facebook group for AI. 195 00:16:13,368.94557823 --> 00:16:14,988.94557823 Tell us a little bit about that. 196 00:16:15,368.94557823 --> 00:16:15,688.94557823 Yeah. 197 00:16:15,688.94557823 --> 00:16:28,968.94557823 So if they wanna connect with me, probably the easiest Does it either go to my business website, which is white beard strategies dot com, or just my personal website, jonathan mass dot com? I've got tons of free resources out there we can help out with. 198 00:16:28,968.94557823 --> 00:16:35,184.14557823 And then I do run 1 of the fastest growing and and largest AI prompting groups out there for business owners. 199 00:16:35,244.04557823 --> 00:16:38,144.04557823 It's called AI chat GPT prompts for entrepreneurs. 200 00:16:38,764.04557823 --> 00:16:40,418.9455782 If you go to my either my web sites. 201 00:16:40,418.9455782 --> 00:16:41,859.0455782 There's links there to join that. 202 00:16:41,859.0455782 --> 00:16:43,239.0455782 It is absolutely free. 203 00:16:43,299.0455782 --> 00:16:47,884.1455782 It is a private group, and it won't let anybody in, but we gotta keep all the spammers out. 204 00:16:47,964.1455782 --> 00:16:55,164.2455782 And our big thing is we don't allow any selling, and I think that's why the group's been growing so rapidly is it you're not gonna be pitched prompts in there. 205 00:16:55,164.2455782 --> 00:16:57,24.1455782 You're not gonna be pitched tons of courses. 206 00:16:57,259.0455782 --> 00:16:59,339.1455782 It's we're sharing actionable stuff. 207 00:16:59,339.1455782 --> 00:17:06,79.1455782 You know, today happens to be a day we're talking about videos and and how important it might be to do, like, a walk through video for your RV. 208 00:17:06,284.1455782 --> 00:17:09,104.1455782 But maybe and you want a script to help you do that on your phone. 209 00:17:09,164.1455782 --> 00:17:16,9.1455782 Today, we're sharing a series of 5 different steps that you can go through with prompts on exactly how you can do that, and it will help you. 210 00:17:16,9.1455782 --> 00:17:19,849.1455782 And we do that type of thing almost every day where we're sharing tips on that. 211 00:17:19,849.1455782 --> 00:17:22,169.2455782 So if you wanna learn prompting, it's a great way to do it. 212 00:17:22,169.2455782 --> 00:17:23,469.1455782 It's entirely free. 213 00:17:23,554.1455782 --> 00:17:24,374.1455782 No obligation. 214 00:17:24,514.1455782 --> 00:17:26,214.1455782 Just join us and have some fun. 215 00:17:26,514.1455782 --> 00:17:27,234.1455782 That's so great. 216 00:17:27,234.1455782 --> 00:17:30,434.1455782 I know I'm in there now, and there is so much information in there. 217 00:17:30,434.1455782 --> 00:17:33,889.1455782 Like, you definitely gotta set aside some time to really go through it all. 218 00:17:34,349.1455782 --> 00:17:34,669.2455782 Yeah. 219 00:17:34,669.2455782 --> 00:17:36,189.1455782 And the great thing is you can ask questions. 220 00:17:36,189.1455782 --> 00:17:38,884.1455782 You know, we've got as of this morning, we've got let me see here. 221 00:17:39,284.2455782 --> 00:17:45,204.2455782 50 over 54000 people in the group, and it's growing by almost a thousand people a day at the moment. 222 00:17:45,204.2455782 --> 00:17:47,704.2455782 So there's lots of people in there to answer questions. 223 00:17:47,869.0455782 --> 00:17:50,349.1455782 You can ask anything, and everybody's had the questions. 224 00:17:50,349.1455782 --> 00:17:52,929.1455782 So it's just a great place to learn and ask those questions. 225 00:17:53,469.1455782 --> 00:17:54,189.1455782 That's awesome. 226 00:17:54,189.1455782 --> 00:17:56,29.0455782 Well, thank you so much for joining me today. 227 00:17:56,29.0455782 --> 00:17:59,764.1455782 I've learned a lot already, and can't wait to dig more into the AI world. 228 00:18:00,384.1455782 --> 00:18:01,504.1455782 Well, thank you for having me. 229 00:18:01,504.1455782 --> 00:18:04,224.1455782 And if you have anybody has any questions, don't hesitate to reach out. 230 00:18:04,224.1455782 --> 00:18:05,604.1455782 I'd love to be a resource.
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