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June 28, 2023 18 mins

🎙️ Get ready to level up your game in this episode as we dive into the game-changing topic of building your dream team. We're talking about going from a one-person show to a performance-packed crew that'll take your business to new heights. Say goodbye to overwhelm and hello to unlimited potential!


Here's what's in store:

🚀 The Magic of Team Power: We'll spill the beans on why having a kickass team is a game-changer. Think increased capacity, supercharged expertise, and, oh yes, a healthier work-life balance. It's time to break free from the solo grind and unlock your true potential.

💡 Your Team Growth Game Plan: We'll guide you through the crucial first steps. Let's identify those pesky bottlenecks holding you back and figure out who you need to hire first. We'll help you define the skills and qualities your team members should bring to the table to help you conquer your biggest goals.

💰 ROI and Smart Hiring: Before you dive into the hiring frenzy, let's talk about the numbers. We'll show you how to calculate the return on investment (ROI) and get financially prepared. Plus, we'll spill the beans on our top tips for interviewing like a pro, finding the right fit for your vibe.

✨ Onboarding for Success: Let's set your team members up for a winning start. We'll share the secrets to create a killer onboarding experience that'll make them feel at home from day one. Effective onboarding boosts retention and sets the stage for a rockstar team dynamic.

🗣️ Rock-Solid Communication: Say goodbye to confusing task lists and hello to clear outcomes. We'll show you how to master the art of delegating like a boss. Plus, we'll dish out some fantastic communication strategies to keep the ideas flowing and the positivity growing.

🌟 Inspire and Thrive: It's all about bringing out the best in your team without breathing down their necks. We've got some tricks up our sleeves to inspire and motivate your crew, so they give their all. No more micromanagement—just pure awesomeness.

🎯 Unleash Your Leadership Mojo: As you embark on this epic team-building journey, we'll help you level up your leadership skills. Discover how to be the visionary leader your business needs and inspire your team to reach new heights.

It's time to unleash the power of your dream team and unlock your business's true potential. 🚀


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Turn 6 figures in sales into 6 figures in profit [FREE]: 

Instant Access to The Hire and Scale Masterclass [FREE] - 

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Episode Transcript

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Hello and welcome back toanother episode of the podcast.
Today we are talking all aboutthe first steps to take when
it comes to building your team.
So if you are a solopreneur and youare feeling like you want a little
bit more help in your business,this is the episode for you.
We're gonna be talking about why it'simportant to build a team and those
first steps you should be taking.

I know it can be really overwhelmingwhen it comes to building out a
team and going from zero to lots ofemployees, but there are some really
simple steps we can take to understandthe best way to start building.
So I think the first thing to jumpinto though, is Georgia, why is it
important that we think about thisand we don't completely dive in and
hire a whole load of people withoutreally putting any thought into it?

That's a good question and it'sdefinitely something we see people
do just start hiring before thinking.
But there are, first of all, there'ssome really obvious benefits to building
a team, such as it's gonna increase thecapacity of work you can do within your
business, the number of clients you canservice, and it also brings enhanced
expertise into the business as well.

So you can really add to whatyou're delivering to clients.
But probably the biggest reason thatpeople start to do this when we're
transferring from that kind of.
Solo solo printer status to reallyquite busy is that it's gonna
improve your work-life balance.
Because you will find at this point,you have a million things to do.
So if you can start to build awell-structured team, you can start

to drive that business growth inthe right directions, and you can
really start to focus on more ofthe strategic decision making that
you need to do as a business owner.
So, as I said, the first reasonthat we're thinking about growing
this team or building this teamis to increase that capacity.
, means taking on more clients.
It means maybe going in a slightly moreniche direction, or perhaps even starting

to work with higher level clients.
Whatever your field, whetheryou're a coach, whether you are in
legal, whether you're a marketer.
As your experience grows, you want to takeon those bigger and media problems and
challenges that clients are presenting.
So a bigger team means you can stillserve those bread and butter clients that
maybe came with you at the beginning,but you can start to work on leveling

up and serving those clients and thoseprojects that really light you up.
So to do that, the other reason we mightwant to grow is maybe we'll wanna bring in
some more expertise to help us with that.
We can either be building sort of at themore junior end to serve those bread and
butter clients, or we're building a team.
That can help us work across all sortsof different sectors, different areas.

Perhaps they're bringing marketingor operations, or perhaps we're just
looking to solve problems better forour clients or be more innovative
than we have been up until this stage.
Yeah, I totally agree.
And this is exactly thesame as econ businesses too.
If we can bring on the rightteam members, we can increase the
number of products we're selling.
And if we bring in that rightexpertise, we can be bringing in

people who are really helping ustweak that, marketing our websites.
Build better products with us, fulfillour products better in order to have
happier customers and therefore createmore revenue and profit for ourselves.
But I do also love that youmentioned improve work-life balance.
I think when we start out assolo entrepreneurs, we are really
working our bums off, aren't we?

To get our business off the ground.
And you get to a point where youcan't sustain this forever and it's
not why we created our business.
And so being able to bring in people totake on some of the admin work, some of
the operational work, some of the work.
That maybe we're just not that good ator we don't really enjoy doing really
helps us free up time to spend with ourfamily to have some fun to go on holiday

and really reap the rewards of why we'rebuilding the business in the first place.
And then obviously when you haveteam members, you can really then
focus on your business growth.
If you have people who can take off someof those time consuming admin tasks, you
then, as the leader can start focusingon revenue generating activities.
You can look for new opportunitiesthat might be selling new products.

It might be being able to take on bigger,more exciting client projects, but it
really gives you the opportunity to go outand sell a bit more to the market and see
what's out there and explore your options.
So for me, the absolute first thing youneed to look at when you're thinking
about hiring members for your team islooking at where the bottleneck is in

your business and which directions youare trying to grow that business in.
Would you agree, PIP?
Yeah, absolutely.
And you knew what the thingI see so frequently is that
clientele are coming in.
Product sales are coming in, wekind of figured that bit out, but we
just don't have enough time, right?
There are just not enough hours inthe day to work, and if we try and

work all the hours, we're tired.
So we make mistakes and it's not very fun.
So if you feel that your cash flowis actually okay, you've got that
consistency of clients and sales comingin, but your time poor, you wanna start
thinking about who could take someof those tasks out of your hand that.
You are maybe not very goodat, or that take up lots of
your time are quite simple.

Repetitive tasks, and this is gonnalook different for everyone, but
for example, you know, a lot ofpeople get help with their social
media or with their marketing.
, or it might be that you get someone in tocome and do bookkeeping for you or do your
product fulfillment, you know, those adminrepetitive tasks, which actually you don't
need to be doing as the business owner.

And you could bring somebody else in.
That's possibly, you know, the firstplace you wanna start off with, that
frees up your time, which then meansyou can sell more clients or you can go
out and develop and sell more products.
Yeah, and I think as I'm sure we'vesaid before in a previous episode,
that might be that actually the firstplace you are hiring someone is in
your house to help you with some ofthat time consuming stuff so that you

can spend more time on the business.
But imagine that you have set up yourbusiness and you have actually brought
with you quite a good reputation fromwhatever industry you were working
in before, and you find yourself.
Fully booked quite quickly, whichis an amazing situation to be in.
But for you, the bottleneck now isgonna be around the client delivery.

You just can't look after all theseclients that are coming to you with
the amount of time that you've got.
So your first stop is probably gonnabe thinking about, okay, I actually
need to scale in terms of who islooking after all of these clients.
So it's getting reallyclear on what you need.
So what do you really needin terms of what your clients

want, the expertise they need?
What do you need in terms of youkeeping elements of the role?
What are the bits that you really love?
And you don't want to relinquish,what are the bits you could
relinquish in that client delivery?
And actually, are there areas thatyou maybe could find someone that
does it better than you do it?
Because if we think about everythingwe help our clients with, there

are definitely parts where wehave some real expertise and we
love, and it really lights us up.
And there are other parts.
For me it would be this.
Super detail orientated bits thatpossibly are not our favorite parts,
and we could start to move that over tosomeone that has expertise in that area.
It's really about bringing inthe right people, isn't it?

And you know something, I also thinkin terms of examples of when to bring
someone in, , something that peopledon't think about, but often, if you
are not making enough sales, we think,I can't afford to bring team in.
I don't need to bring team and I'llbring in team when I'm making more money.
But actually it might be that we needto invest in getting marketing support

and getting somebody who's an expertin marketing to help us bring those
clients in and bring those sales in.
, you know, it really is that thereis no size, one size fits all.
It really depends on where thatbottleneck is in your business.
And I think the most importantto think thing to think about is.
Thinking back to that return on yourinvestment, and I know we did, , an

episode, , on this, so if you,if you wanna know more about that,
go back and listen to episode two.
But I think it's reallyunderstanding for the investment
I'm making in what is my return.
And that doesn't necessarily mean hiringa VA or hiring someone for social media.
It's about where do you need the support.
. And to be honest, this is probably apoint in your business where you could

really benefit from working with thecoach, somebody that is an external pair
of eyes on your business to help youfind the leaks, find the bottlenecks,
and work out how to fill those.
Because sometimes we need to be alittle bit more creative about it
than we've been led to believe.
I think there are no set job roles.
You can create exactly whatyou need within a business.

But what we aren't going to do isput together a list of tasks that
we need filled within the business,and then go out and look for
somebody to take those tasks done.
Instead, what we're doing isthinking about who, who do I
need alongside me in my businessto really make this successful?
So to do that, we need to think about.

Who we are within the business and whatwe need as our kind of supportive person.
So it might be that I'm a coach wholoves to coach, but I'm quite shy and I
don't love all of that initial contact.
I don't love putting myself out there.
I need someone that can comein and support me, sing my
praises on social media.

Drum up business for me.
I need someone who loves to buildrelationships, is great at putting
my thoughts into words, and who buysinto and supports my bigger vision.
So that's who I need.
I need a person that is gonna bigme up and sell me to the world.
Or maybe I'm someone that'sreally full of ideas.
Perhaps I can get a million thingdone at once, but I changed course

quite quickly and I'm not terriblygood at prioritizing what needs doing.
I'm good at executing some things, butother things I just don't quite get done.
I don't love the detail, so then I needsomeone that is brilliant at pulling
all these thoughts together, managingme and my thoughts, and helping me to
prioritize and keep on track with the bigvision, vision, , of the, of the business.

Sorry, I'm gonna say that again andkeep on track with the big vision goals.
So I need someone who understandsmy vision and is keeping me
accountable for what I'm saying.
So that could be a business assistantwho just gets it, who gets me.
That's what I need.
That's the who that Ineed in this situation.
So once we've worked out who weneed, we can start to see what

versions of that, who we can find.
Then eventually we can workout exactly what are the tasks.
That are gonna help them to achieve theoutcomes that we need from their role.
But we're not starting with the task.
We're starting with the who.
I agree with this so much.
I think the mistake so many peoplemake is they go based on skills
and they forget about somebody'svalue and their personality

because that's what's so important.
We can teach skills, right?
You can't teach whether, values orpersonality are gonna fit in with
your way of working in your business.
So on that, that's one key tipis make sure that you, you go for
the personality and the values andthe who rather than the skills.
Let's also certain tips, cuz I know wereally like everybody to go away from

the podcast and you know, make notes,and go away in action in their business.
So let's share Georgia some of thosekey points that listeners can go
and take into their business today.
And action.
Okay, so the first one is definitelythink about the who, who you need
to help you realize your big goals.
And that might be more than one person.

There might be two different personalitiesyou need in there supporting you.
So then the second is beclear on why you are hiring.
Is it to bring in more expertise?
In which case you will probablybe working alongside each other?
Is it to take things off your plate soyou have more time to focus on strategy?
If so, what sort ofpersonality type are they?

What kind of skills do theyneed to have to do that well?
Or is it to bring in more revenueto the business in form of lead
generation, creating passiveincome streams or something else?
So be really clear on whyyou are hiring this person.
And you also really need to thinkabout your R as we mentioned earlier.
What is that return on that investment?
What cash do you have?

What can you spend?
And therefore who do you needto bring in to ensure that
you are getting that return?
And again, that's something whereif you're not sure about this, go
and find somebody who knows thisand can help you figure out your
numbers when it comes to this.
So you end up hiring, you know,from a place of knowing where to go.
And this is exactly where I seeso many of my clients going wrong.

They've hired.
Based on what they think they canafford or what they think they need.
And actually you just needto play with the numbers and
then you really get it right.
The other tip that I think is,again, quite an underrated tip.
It's learning how to interview properlyand it's hard when you interview
for someone for the first time.
And I'm sure we can join an episodeon some really tactical tips here.

But you really need to make sure youare getting the correct information
that you need to make an informedchoice as to whether this person
is the right fit for you, for thecompany, for the job, and question.
And learning to be able to ask theright questions and really dive into

what's important to you is so important.
And again, This iswhere I'd always advise.
Go get a coach to helpyou with the finances.
Go get a coach to help you with theinterviewing go find someone who
can help you if that's not somethingthat you feel confident with.
Definitely, definitely.
I really second that.
, and I think interviewing is abit of a skill and it takes some
practice and you need someone tohelp you work out how to do it well.

So the next thing that you are reallygonna wanna focus on, and again,
maybe you need someone to help youwith this in terms of the strategy.
How are you going to onboard this new teammember just because you have hired them
and they've now appeared in your business?
Does not mean they're gonna suddenlymagically solve all your problems, I'm
afraid So, This is something you canactually start to think about as soon

as you realize that you might be hiringfor this role doesn't need to take you
hours, but you can do, and you mustdo it properly, , onboard these team
members so that they've got the bestchance of surviving in the role, but
also really flourishing in the roleand bringing as much to it as they can.
So similar to onboarding them.
Another aspect that you reallywanna focus on is communication.

Everything to do with communicationwith bringing this team member on.
So we're looking at delegating outcomes,not tasks as I've mentioned before.
We wanna create some really good feedbackloops so that we know exactly what is
happening with our new team member.
Without micromanaging them, we wanna bepraising them and encouraging them and

seeing them really move forward in thisrole and get the most from it themselves.
And I also think that when it comesto communication, it's communicating
our vision for the business and ourvision for the team and the culture.
And that really then helps us ensure thatwe are making sure that everybody working
for us feels really inspired in our role.

It's really important, and I knowwe've talked about this on the podcast
before, but it's really important thatpeople feel inspired and want to turn
up to work and want to do a good job.
. And so when you get to that stage whereyou're communicating your vision so
people feel inspired and you are alsocommunicating just on the day-to-day and
how tasks and outcomes are are going, youthen will be able to feel that your team

members are inspired in the role, but alsothat you can manage them in a way that
doesn't involve you micromanaging and thenhaving to be on top of them all the time.
And that really just comes down todifferent forms of communication over
different parts of your business.
And then finally, Your leadershipskills, and this one I think can be
quite a scary thing for people toreally feel that they need to step up

into that next level of leadership.
But it's something that, you know,we get to practice and we get to
enjoy the ride of building the team.
And so having.
A community around you of leadersor working with a coach or finding
a group of other small businessowners that you can lean on and have
discussions with will really helpyou with your leadership skills.
, you know, be open to saying,I didn't get this right.

Learn from it and move on.
And that to me is what a great leader is.
It's, it's saying, I'mreally good at this.
I'm not so good at and I'm happy toput my hands up and say I'm not very
good at, and I will bring somebodyelse in to help me and I'm gonna listen
to what they say and implement it in.
So don't worry if you don't feel likeyou've had any leadership experience.
It's all about how you can learnand grow as your team grows.

And Georgia, I think if I'm right,you have something that might
help our listeners with this.
Am I right?
Absolutely, I'm gonna put a linkin the comments, this is a hundred
percent what I specialize in helpingpeople build out their teams,
identify exactly what they need, howthey're gonna do it best way forward.
So if you head to the show notes,you will find a link to my higher
end Scale masterclass, which is free.

You can go into it in alot more detail there.
, and we look forward to hearingany feedback or further questions
you've got on the topic.
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