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January 26, 2024 18 mins

In this SSH episode I review 27 new or updated applications in the ServiceNow Store. There are 7 new releases since the last episode - Deloitte ERP Core Modernization, Elevate by Intellective, NexView, NexView Platinum, Profice: GTM/NPI App, ScienceLogic SL1: Service Catalog Automation and Service Graph Connector for Otorio. Listen to this podcast as I filter through the noise and review with you what's most relevant and what updates you may want to pay close attention to for your instance. #servicenow #apps #newrelease #feature #compatibility #releasenotes #fixes

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Episode Transcript

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Hey, everyone, it's Justin. Thank you for watching and or listening to the podcast
and welcome to my house. It's time for another ServiceNow Store Highlights video.
That's SSHV 01-26-2024.
That makes it our third episode of 2024, I believe.
So you can look at it right there on the upper right. We've got 27 new or updated

applications in this particular episode.
Let's take a look at the breakdown and see how that shakes out.
We'll go ahead and apply that filter and we'll change the group by here to category.
So our episode today contains 10 highlights, three minor updates,
seven new releases, and seven release notes failed.

I'm just going to warn you between this episode and the next episode,
I'm expecting a bunch of new applications for Washington DC early release to hit the store.
So there may be another delay in the production of this particular video or
podcast, but we will deal with that next week and keep you up to date of what's going on.

So for this episode, let's get into it. We've got only three minor updates to talk about.
AMS1 Confluence articles to KB, Connect Quick and Infoblock subnet integration
for discovery all had minor updates, not worth spending a lot of time on like
we would in our highlights.
We've also got unfortunately seven release notes

fails if you haven't watched an episode before a
release notes fail all that means is that there are not release notes there's
repeated release notes or there's release notes with no details so the version
changed something changed about the application but because there's no release
notes i can't tell you exactly what it is i can't put it in a category so therefore
it's a fail that list for you is going to be akamai guard GuardaCore Segmentation,

ClearSky for SAP ERP,
Consent Management Center by Rangoo.
Guardrails, License M8, Nuvolo Subscription Management, and OpenText XECM and
Spoke. All were release notes fails.
So if you're using one of those, you may want to contact the producer or the
application creator to find out what the heck is new.

But that leaves us with our new new releases for this episode.
There are seven. So let's hop right into it. First up is going to be Deloitte
ERP core modernization,
experience the next level of ERP without interrupting core operations is their
tagline their key features for this new app functional side understand where
and how to inject speed and efficiency into your ERP operations to take them to the next level.

Quantify the real impact of your ERP insights to optimize operations and realize
value faster, and drive strategic action at scale with a plan for continuous
improvement and best-in-class workflow execution.
On the technical side, they've got App Engine, Automation Engine,
ERP Workflows, Procurement Service Management, and Supplier Lifecycle Management.
There's no screenshots on this one, so we'll move to our next new release,

which is going to be Elevate by Intellective, the missing email builder for ServiceNow.
Key features, and there are a lot of key features. I'm going to think I'm going
to stick with what looks like maybe the top ones here.
So we'll start. Create actionable emails in minutes. There are stunning templates.
A simple and intuitive interface.

There are advanced settings to customize your email. 80 plus or 80 or more beautifully
designed content blocks, those are their words.
Responsive to fit every device a native
service now application are the high
level ones and then if you're watching you can see there's more details on
those if you're listening definitely check out there's more details

to what they're doing here they did actually include maybe
some marketing materials we'll see if there's a screenshot first up is a design
kind of advertisement or elevate the store image is what their their thing is
saying but basically it's a a picture of Elevate in a tablet and with some settings

and stuff like that and components.
Next, beautiful templates to get you started. So I guess these would be email templates.
And then another kind of marketing glossy for share information and capture attention.
Another one for beautifully designed content blocks.
And there's some, you know, dummy demo text
behind there for lore mipsum all that stuff let's see

next one responsive design fits to every device
so again kind of more marketing glossy create stunning emails
for your team beautiful templates i think
i'm in a loop yeah beautiful okay i'm in a loop i just lost track of where i
was so no screenshots just marketing glossy things for this particular application
and that is what's new from the team at intellective next up on our list of

new releases is next view enhance efficiency through personalized branding and dynamic widgets.
Key features, again, quite extensive on this one.
Customizability, enhanced user experience, rich functionality,
scalability, easy deployment, and continuous updates and supports.
If you're watching, you can see there's more details. If you're listening,

go check it out. There's actually more. I'm not going to try to read all that.
And it looks like I have another three marketing pictures.
So a variation of next view, and then at variation two showing a darker theme
and variation three showing kind of like a chalkboard-y or splotchy kind of

thing and variation one.
So there's three variations of what NextView looks like, but it has branding and dynamic widgets.
So that's what's new from the team that Avasoft incorporated.
Next up on the new releases, it goes to be NextView Platinum.
So the platinum version of what we just saw.
Elevate your portal with dynamic branding using custom headers and footers explore

seamlessly with the tabbed topics widget, tailoring your user experience for
optimal engagement and a distinctive user-centric interface.
They have a similar list of key features that we just saw there,
extensive customization, enhanced user experience, responsive design,
scalability, and effortless deployment.
I'll click on the screenshots slash marketing stuff.
So it's the same thing again, scenario one, scenario two, scenario three,

kind of showing the different possibilities there for this branding template
thing from NextView or AvaSoft Incorporated.
All right, next up on the list is gonna be Profis GTM slash NPI app.
Streamline and optimize NPI slash GTM operations with Profis, Profice, Profice?

I don't know, probably butchering it. Oh my gosh, what is the key features?
The key features list on this one is also quite extensive.
Let's see if we can get a high level in here.
Integrated app developed to manage offers from intake to post-launch.
We can launch products to market and go to market readiness for all service
now releases across the entire life cycle.
There's governance and standardization, automated workflow, custom tables,

a single application to measure post-launch health.
And then they've listed in the numbered bullets below that scorecard innovative dashboard.
Point summary, risk and heat map and a report summary. So very,
very detailed key features there you might want to check out if you're interested.
On the screenshot side, we do actually have a screenshot on this one that's very small.
So let's click on this big button here and see if we can make it that that wasn't

much better. Now it's like just super blurry.
So I'm going to have to try to see what this is.
It looks like the the landing page
for used to be like the knock landing page for
agent workspace almost looks like that but basically i
see some red yellow green and little boxes little
widgets and that's that i can't read it it's a product summary maybe

it's something i can read but i don't know that's image number
two image number three looks like the outage widget from the portal showing
stuff but i can't again read anything the next screenshot shows like a heat
map again i can't read anything because it's too small and if i make it bigger
yeah i can't read it it's just just too much too blurry and then there's a video of the YouTube video.

So I won't click on that and click play since you're either watching or listening to a video right now.
But that's what's new from the team at I OPEX Technologies or I OPEX Technologies Incorporated.
Next up on the list of new releases is going to be ScienceLogic SL1 service
catalog animation, unlock context infused self service catalog request for devices.

Let's scroll down the key features. Yes, I can read these. Connect your IT ecosystem
to gain unique unique insights leveraging the ScienceLogic SL1 platform,
initiate a discovery session to discover a device, and enable seamless integration
and visibility of change requests across ServiceNow and SL1.
Screenshots on this one. First one's going to be the application connection
configuration, it looks like.

Let's see, service catalog automation, custom application. So it's just showing
the custom application record in an instance is what I'm seeing now.
So this is just an application record, their application.
Next screenshot is the order guide for SL1 device discovery.
I've got a list of available devices on the left hand side and an empty slash
bucket on the right hand side.

Next screenshot is for the options in that order guide.
So again, getting into various small things, but I could see settings and IP
and credentials, stuff like that for discovery. Next screenshot is a requested item.
And next screenshot is the notes I guessing on that requested item,
the activity log or the notes.
And then we're back to that custom application record.

And that's what's new from the team at science science logic incorporated.
Next and last on our list of new releases is going to be service graph connector
for Otorio OT certified service graph connector, scroll down down to the key features here.
And again, we'll stick with the high level parts of this because it's quite extensive.
That seems to be the theme is really detailed key features in this episode.

But let's look at look at the high level central asset visibility, data collection,
integration with operational systems, continuous synchronization,
and OT service, OT certified service service graph connector to import all your IT, OT,
and IoT devices from Otorio using CMDB best practices, including the IRE,

or Identification and Reconciliation Engine,
and the RTE, or Robust Transform Engine from ServiceNow.
So that's high level, kind of what's in there. Let's see, we do have the OT
certified badge or image in the list of screenshots.
Next screenshot is showing the a guided setup. So they include a guided setup for their application.

Then we've also got a operational technology assets, and then the asset detail page for looks like a PLC.
Compact logics compact guard logics controller maybe
i guess that's what plc means i think yeah yeah compact logics
5380 controller and then we're back to that badge for
being ot certified and that is the end of our new

releases which brings us to the highlights for the episode we've got 10 of them
here for you we'll start at the top with automate pro automate pro was updated
to version number 7.3.0 and man we're still tons of good release notes in this
version they've got changes to the platform,
specifically visual state plan editor, also changes to auto tests,

including visual test plan editor, test library explorer,
block unification, test plan versioning, custom library versioning,
and data driven testing.
Under auto monitor updates to automatic event expiration, ability to abort an
event, minimize minimum scheduling interval increased, and general usability enhancements.

I kind of give you the abbreviated version there.
But if If you want to go to the store, click on version 7.3.0 for the Automate
Pro application, and they have very good release notes on exactly what's new
and what's changed in their application.
Next up in the list of highlights, the next three actually, three or four,
is going to be Brightfin Cloud, updated to version 23.10.160.

In this one, they've introduced Google, Google, I say Google,
Google Kubernetes configuration support is what's new in this one.
Let's take a look at the next Brightfin one. The fixed telecom management application
from Brightfin, also the same version, 23.10.160.
And this one, there's a standardized workflow for all telecom moves,

adds, changes, and deletes, or MACD.
Advanced telecom projects management, move fixed service, disconnect fixed services
in both, TFT communication module, some improvements around assignment group
configuration and notification for telecom requests, and some fixes.
Columns last service summary.invoice and last service summary.invoice date columns
are not correctly populated on the telecom service level.

So that's been fixed in this new version of fixed telecom management.
Also from Brightfin in the list of highlights is going to be the foundation
app updated version version 23.10.160.
And key features in this one are import payment feedback, gross slash net slash tax view for expenses,
improvements around user rights enhancements, new provider manager read-only

role, provider manager role is expanded, invoice manager role is expanded,
asset manager role is expanded.
Audit rules enhancements, new service recurring charges increased audit rule,
improve the invoice variance total exceeds threshold audit rule,
improve the service total charges increased audit rule, improve the recurring
charge exceeds plan rate audit rule,
email notifications for audit rules, data quality rules enhancements,

new zero taxes data quality rule, new zero usage data quality rule,
new invoice integration ID is not unique data quality rule, and under data retention rules,
a new delete alerts data retention rule for fixes and billing account exclusion
for inactive accounts and zero allocation.
Oh my My goodness, this is like the episode of all episodes where we have the

bestest release notes ever.
Next up from Brightfin, mobile management was also updated to version 23.10.160.
And in this version, key features under logistics enhancements,
device and accessories ordering from carrier and logistics, expanded device
condition states, return device, off-boarding workflow.
Speaking of boarding, the onboarding workflow enhancements, enrolled device,

enhanced e-bonding product support under mobile
inventory logic flexibility multiple sim cards
under improvements upgrade decorator under
fixes business category flag for emergency lines
and service portal all in the release notes which way more detail than that
if you go check those out and click on version 23.10.160 of the bright fin applications

you heard it there cloud fixed telecom to telecom fixed telecom management foundation
and mobile management all from the team at mobile cord Incorporated.
Next up on the list of highlights is going to be CTS Cognitive Network Analyzer, updated version 2.0.1.
And this version, they've brought us the Next Experience workspace.
So they've created the CTS workspace where solution admins can manage surveys,

access results, or manage import users.
They've restructured the report tables, specifically a new table called Survey
Tally now displays ONA results in a more compact and intuitive format.
And under Generative AI-powered Virtual Agent Beta, a virtual agent chatbot
that can answer or questions about
your ONA result data, subscribers can request access to that feature.

So that's what's new from the team at Cognitive Talent Solutions.
Up next in the list of highlights, it's going to be DocIntegrator was updated version 2.8.607.
And in this one, administrators can configure DocIntegrator to use slash create
SharePoint folders to store files uploaded from DocIntegrator widget.
And what's updated download all files in the DocIntegrator widget instead of

of the files on the display page, improved file upload user interface,
list view enhancements, configure a default zip file name for file downloads.
These are for administrators, by the way, additional validation for SharePoint
folder structure and default zip file name configurations, and disable slash
enable search features, transaction logging for SharePoint cloud and on premises instances.
And what's fixed with some SharePoint on premise configurations,

users have experienced file corruptions when downloading files.
And that issue has been resolved.
So that's what's new from the team at Discover Technologies LLC for DocIntegrator.
Next up on the list of highlights, Juniper Mist Automated Provisioning, updated version 1.3.0.
And in this version, they are new actions to get and create Mist device profile

and new subflow to clone a Mist device profile like hub profile, AP profile, etc.
Next up on the list of highlights is going to be Platt Core LMS,
or Learning Management System, was updated to version 3.5.1.
And everybody's wanting me to lose my voice today in this release.
Compatible with Vancouver and Utah, they've introduced Vancouver support.

Fixed the service portal display issues, updated the LMS plan,
complete business rule, fixed informational tags on cards, fixed a query issue
with the LMS manager page progress tab, fixed an issue with LMS user profile badges,
updated plan complete on percentage business rule, updated badge util script
to correct an issue with badge rule execution, execution, fixed the display

issue on the LMS catalog page,
fixed an issue with the badge check achievements business rule,
fixed an issue with the badge check micro content business rule,
fixed the course builder attachment content type, updated the LMS CSS style sheet,
fixed a query issue on the LMS manager achievements page, and fixed an issue
with selecting the assign to my entire team on the manager's portal when creating an assignment.

That was again the abbreviated version. If you want to see all the good details,
head over to Platt Core LMS Learning Management system version 3.5.1.
Last on our list of highlights for this episode is going to be service graph
connector for Avantra, updated version 1.0.5.
And in this version, there is a new table with installed product versions of
a SAP system, Avantra installed product versions, Avantra 24.0.5 is required

to send installed product version data.
And that my friends, my followers, my subscribers, my fans is our entire ServiceNow
store highlights episode. So let's take a look at the breakdown again.
One more time, you just heard or saw seven new releases, 10 highlights,
three minor updates, and seven release notes fails.

I hope you found this video or podcast helpful. If you did, please like,
please subscribe, or share it with somebody who you think might be interested
in what's new and what got updated in the ServiceNow store.
And until next time, don't forget to always be loved.
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