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April 14, 2024 57 mins
After much anticipation and excitement, Payton and Shayla are excited to share their expansive interview with Amber Baker - The Malibu Medium.  Amber is a gifted channeler and spiritual guide who mainly works with the Akashic Records. She shares her passion and inspiration around teaching others to learn how to access their records. She guides us on how you can use them to bring awareness, healing and expansion into our lives.  The Akashic Records have been brought up a few times on this show and Amber is the perfect guide to explain to our listeners what they are, how to access them and how they can be a practical tool on your journey.  She reminds us that we are all streams of Source consciousness and because of that all we have ever experienced and will ever experience is recorded within these connections with Source. Accessing the records is our divine right and we can use them to assist in making sure we are getting the most out of our experience in this lifetime. Amber is also excited to share she is beginning another round of her Akashic Academy where she offers her teachings.    Connect with Amber:   The Malibu Medium   The Malibu Medium - Instagram   The Akashic Academy    Our Links:

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Shayla Within This Life

Payton Blue Heron Medium

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You're listening to Souly apodcast, driven by curiosity in
spirituality with intuitive mediums.
Shayla and Payton.
Join us as we ask questions, createconversation, and share in an open
and heart-centered way our personalexperiences and mystical ponderings.

If you're spiritually curious and wannabe a part of the conversation, then
this is the perfect space for you.
This is Souly.

All right.
Welcome back everybody today.
We are so excited because thisis a long awaited guest for us.
we had initially booked something,but like life happens, right?
Life is lifing.
And so we're really happy to haveAmber Baker on today, Malibu medium.
And she is One of the first peoplethat I met through spirit school, one

of the first probably five people thatI did like practice sessions with.
So it's been quite a while now.
And I've also done a little bit oflike backend work for you as well,
virtual assistants and stuff like that.
So I've gotten to know youover the last few years.
And so We knew that you were theperson that we wanted to bring on to
share about the Akashic Records andall of like the nitty gritty with

it because it's a subject that Ithink a lot of people get overwhelmed
with or think is kind of weird.
Like it can feel a littlebit too woo for them.
But before we got into this conversation,we were just talking about like, how
it's actually a very practical thingthat you can use in your life that can
really help you in so many different ways.
And so we're excited to get thisconversation going And ask a lot of

questions that we think our listenerswould want to know about to kind
of get started and dabble in it.
And then Amber also has thisamazing, Akashic Academy
coming up that she's offering.
So if you are interested ingoing deeper into it, then you
can connect with her there.
So before we go into more of thequestions, I just wanted to ask
you to kind of introduce yourselfa little bit more and like who you

are, what you're doing and justgive a little synopsis of Amber.
Thank you so much for having me.
And I know, yes, it's been quitea while that we were trying to
get our schedules all to coincide.
And then here we are on the solar eclipse,like the most powerful energy there is.
So I'm really happy to be here.
Um, but yeah, so my name is Amber.

I am a channel to the Akashic records.
I am a Akashic record reader andmentor, medium energy healer.
And, I do live in Malibu,hence Malibu medium.
I don't know why I have to say that, but.
so yes, I guess in a nutshell,a lot of people know my story.
I won't get into too many details,but I did have an NDE experience that

completely activated my divine presence.
from that experience, I believe it wasthat divine presence activation that
expanded my consciousness and justkind of naturally aligned me to work
in the realm of the Akashic records.
And, when I first startedreading the records, I had a
spontaneous channeling into.

Reading the book of life, or I should sayreceiving the wisdom of the book of life.
So I'm still writing this bookthat, started to be channeled to me
back in 2018, right after my NDE.
And now I'm moving more towards teachinghow to read the Akashic records.
And I'm super passionate about makingit a practical tool that everyone

can utilize in their daily life.
And to, I guess, maybe demystifyit, but also, it's also profoundly
expansive and powerful and lifechanging, so I don't want to undermine
it, but the Akashic Records really issomething that we can all read and do.
Or I should say readand utilize in our life.

I love that.
I today, in the magical energy of theeclipse, you shared a introduction
class course, into what it is youoffer and how you guide people
into teaching the Akashic records.
And I learned so much.
So I have so many questions.
and it was a beautiful experience.

One thing that you saidin this class today, that.
Helped me because when I've always heardpeople speak about the Akashic records
and, reference them, I think there'sthis idea, which it's interesting because
this idea actually feels like it's partof what, how it is you teach people
to, think about how they think aboutthings, you know, when I first heard

it, it was this, like, you have to havea certain, you have to be special to
be able to access them, or you have tohave a certain special access key to it.
Or however, it just,it sounds very sacred.
and, you know, obviously as I learnedtoday, that's my, my own mindset of, of
limiting beliefs, which we will get into,but the Akashic records can help unfold.

But before we get too deep, the onething you said today that really, it
was a beautiful way that you put it.
You said that the Akashic records arean imprint of recorded consciousness.
And I think that was just a, Ithink that was a very beautiful,
eloquent way to express that.
So, if you could, for any of our listenersthat, might need a little bit more

unfolding of what that means, could youkind of share what that means for you?
Yes, I would love to.
So I might start big.
I might start small, but I'mgoing to really unpack that
and try to explain that.
It's a huge topic.
We're trying to
condense into a small time, but
I know.
And it's like, I'm laughing, butbecause you know, the Akashic Records

is, it is, deep and big and yetit's, it's also not because it's
just, the most natural thing for me.
So the Akashic Records being an imprintof recorded consciousness, like,
I'm going to unpack what that means.
So everything is consciousness.
I don't know if this is your personalphilosophy or not, but this is

the way that I see how things are.
So we all stem from one consciousness,which is source consciousness.
And we are individualstreams, aspects of source.
And so we are all source.
We are all divine beings, right?
And with that being said,because we are individual

streams of source consciousness.
And because we are basically one partof a whole of all that exists, all that
exists, exists within consciousness.
And so, when I say that we are an imprintof recorded consciousness, our individual

stream of consciousness is eternal.
It keeps evolving, right?
That's like why we're here, we areindividual streams of consciousness
to expand the light of source.
And because we are eternal, and because weexist in divine intelligence, everything
that we think Feel, choose the story ofour soul across lifetimes is recorded.

So meaning it is imprintedit, it, we can never die.
So we are consciousness and we areenergy and energy can never die.
So maybe that would help people or youor everyone just to understand that.
That's what I mean by that.
And that is why we exist.
We matter.

We are source.
And so we can we can never die.
And everything that we do andthink and the choices we make and
and the level of awareness thatwe exist in within consciousness
is so powerful and so important.
And we're all the same, that ofcourse, it is recorded because

we individually together.
are expanding the light of source.
So, that's what the Akashic records is.
It is a database of your soul, whoyou are within consciousness and your
soul, like we're all souls, right?
And so your soul is notjust this one human story.

It's, it's your, it's how you experienceyourself across all lifetimes.
Does that, I mean,
that's awesome.
When you're saying that, I'mlike, all these different
things are kind of coming up.
So I'm like trying to figure outwhich way I want to go first.
So if you can give just a quickexplanation to like, Where has the

Akashic Records been seen in history?
Where does it kind ofcome from in that way?
Because it's been, from what Iunderstand, it's been brought up
many times throughout history.
So I'd love you to explain that to people.
So It's less common and like Western,philosophy or history than it would
be with like Eastern philosophy.
but I believe that it has existedwithin many different civilizations and.

also possibly in different names and indifferent like interpretations of what
it is, but it's more that everyone insome way that has reached like higher
consciousness understands and knowsthat they're pulling wisdom from.
This place, which really is an invisiblelibrary and this place that they

describe is described differently, right?
So, like, like, maybe an Egyptian history.
I believe, you know, and Payton, you wouldprobably know a little bit about this.
Like, um.
I believe it's, it's Thoth is theWisdom Keeper and like they, worship.
I don't know if that's the right wordor they look to Thoth who, who like

holds, you know, the keys to wisdom.
And so it's like maybe, youknow, and I don't know the
history of the Akashic Records.
To the point where I should evenspeak to this like so confidently.
But I, I do know that, even justintuitively, I know that it's, it is
all that it exists and be, and it'snot just the imprint of our soul's
records, but it's also universal wisdom.

So I think there's differentinterpretations of it.
One interesting fact is, I don't knowhow to to say her name, but do you guys
know, I think her name was like madam.
Something she was one of those seers fromlike maybe the 1800s or the early 1900s.
And I'm familiar, butI don't know the name.

I don't know how to pronounce Sheila
would know this one.
hoping you guys know her name.
I wish I really do need to know this.
but she was a channel.
She was, someone who Who kind of firstintroduced before Edgar Cayce, the Akashic
Records, but the way that she spokeabout it was maybe not in the exact terms

of like the Akashic Records, but shewas talking about the Akashic Records.
And what's really fascinatingbecause I just learned this is that
she was a channel and she said thatthree Tibetan monks brought her
the wisdom of the Akashic records.
And that was also my experience aftermy NDE on the astral level, I woke up to

witnessing myself on my bed in the middleof the night with three monks wearing
orange clothes with like the bald head.
And they were in this, theywere talking amongst themselves.
inspecting my body.
And then they came to my head and theywhispered to my ear, but remember,
I'm witnessing it like a movie above.

And they said, this is your initiation,pour oil over your forehead tomorrow.
And then it was after that, thatthe awareness of the Akashic
records kept coming to me.
And it was like, I wasbeing pulled to open it.
And when I opened it, I started toimmediately trans channel the wisdom
of the records and a voice, a malevoice and energy came into my body

and started to speak out loud, allof this information and wisdom.
So I'm almost thinking that maybethere's like these monks that are like,
Hey, like, we're going to just, youknow, like pick some people and, you
know, just start channeling the wisdom.
And I'm not trying to make it sound.
Exclusive because everyone can readthe records, but I'm just saying

that that was interesting to hearthat we had a little bit of a
similar experience with the monks,channeling the wisdom of the records.
Well, I think that's important too,because then through that experience.
Experience then you gain the understandingof what your role is going to be with
working with them, you know, and howmuch you've now been connected to it.

And now you've learned how to guideothers through it and how to share that.
So I think that is definitely a beautifulway for the universe spirit and all
that to make you aware of what yourrole is going to be in this space.
Yeah, yeah, they weredefinitely very clear.
They were like, get 12 notebooks.
You're writing the book of life.

And I'm like, what?
And I mean, I was like in shock.
I was like in shock and I, I was,That time was just, I was a clear
channel to the point where it washard to even function in the world.
It was right after mynear death experience.
And so my consciousness was completelyexpanded and I was constantly connecting

to my guides and to these Akashicguides, hearing people's thoughts.
I was just, it was, it was soclear that it was, like I said, A
little too much to even function.
And so there was a point where my spiritguide said, we're going to step back.
And they just told me clearly, likeyour role is to teach people how

to work in the Akashic records.
But I think that now, Itake my role very seriously.
I'm very passionate about it, but I'mWay more grounded into like living
maybe in both dimensional spaces
Yeah, no that makes sense And I thinka lot of people not everybody but there
will be some people who will reallyresonate with that because there can

be a time when you're just getting intospirituality or something like happens
within you that kind of Comes up orweakens and it does feel weird You're
not really fully grounded Like you saidwhere you can't like live in this real
world and that's the thing too is I thinkthe important part about it is You We are
meant to be living in this life right now.
And so sometimes when we get toohigh up in that vibration, we can

almost forget about, okay, what arewe supposed to do in our lives now?
And I think the beautiful thing aboutwhat you're doing is you're taking the
Akashic Records and you're making it sothat people can be more in the now with
themselves and experience that life thatthey're in right now to the fullest.
So What does it look like to connect?
Because I feel like there are probablysome people that are thinking, Oh,

I have to be like in this weirdtrans kind of meditative state.
I think from what I've learnedfrom you and even just connecting
to the Akashic records myself indifferent ways is that it comes
through in a lot of different ways.
for us, but I'd like for you to kindof give an explanation on what it can
look like and maybe it looks a littledifferent for different people as well.

Yeah, so it definitely looksdifferent for everyone.
I believe, you know, thatwe're always filtering.
a connection to a higher dimensionor to divine beings through
our own lens, through justour own even like personality.
So it looks different.
And actually, even when you go intoyour records, it can be different

depending on what you're connectingto and like what the purpose of
that healing and transformation is.
so Sometimes you can have like for me, ifI'm receiving a past life clearance, I'm
receiving very visually the informationpast lives are just visual, like a
movie for the most part, I'm receivingdownloads of like telepathic thoughts

that are accompanied by energetic shifts.
so the words and the wisdom that aregiven to you that again are usually for me
more like a telepathic thought transfer.
they feel like an elevated frequencythat kind of lands in my body.
And every time I have.

a new perspective ora new layer of wisdom.
It's like this integrationwithin my body, right?
So it feels like I'm literallyenergetically transforming as well
as consciously, And so, you know,also depending on the being that
you're communicating with, like youcan feel the presence of them, like

angels feel very different than maybe,masters, teachers, Akashic guides.
So I don't know if that answers yourquestion, but I think, I think what
A lot of people wonder about is like,if they're connected to the records
and like, what is the telltale sign.
And I think that a lot of times, it canbe very impact like very powerful and

a lot of times it can be very quiet.
so I really teach people how to trustthe guidance that they're getting.
because some people think likethat they should see a library.
Or that they should, you know,have a guide standing next
to them, like physically.
And the Akashic guides are light beings.
They have no physical formand they do not have names.

I, the only time I've evergotten a name was like a vowel.
They were like, it was, uh, three lightbeings that came to me and said that
they were like the Trinity and that Theirnames were like the, the vowels, I don't
know, even know what to call it, butthey were, they were like, a, uh, ooh,
like that was what they call themselves,the expression of that frequency.

So they're not going to have names.
They're going to just,you're going to feel them.
And most people get the informationfrom like a telepathic download.
That's awesome.
I love that too, because we talked aboutthis in mediumship too, how just because
one person does it one way doesn't meanthat's how you're going to experience it.
So just you talking about that, it's like,everyone's going to have a little bit

of a different version of that as well.
and how, like you said about the library,like sometimes we, when we're taught,
oh, you have to do it this way, and thatkind of hinders us from being able to
actually Just naturally tap into it.
So I like that you said that, onequestion that I am feeling to ask,
because a lot of times when people arecoming into spirituality or exploring

that type of, part of their self,there's a lot of fear based stuff in it.
In your words, like, is there evera time where maybe you would be
connecting to something negative in theAkashic Records or, dangerous, because
I don't believe you would really.
I'd like to know your opinion on thatand just to kind of give people a little
bit of understanding into that subject.

usually the level, the, the frequency,the, the state of being the level
of consciousness that you connectwith to start is what you receive.
So I've never received anything dangerousor negative because the way that I teach
people to start to connect to the recordsis through their heart portal and through.

A higher frequency, a higher dimensionalspace, the Akashic Guides do not exist
in anything but unity consciousness.
So if you ever receive lowernegative critical thoughts,
that's just your own mind.
They, that will neverbe the Akashic Records.
They're only existing to give youguidance for the good for you and for all.

But that also goes with life.
So because we have free will to cocreate, we will attract negative
experiences, energies, if we exudethat, if that's what we're operating in.
And so, you know, by reading therecords, it is going to ask you
to align with the frequency of therecords, which is unity consciousness.

And because of that, I teachpeople how to get into that state.
space of unity consciousness, andit's much easier than people think,
because it asks you to align to thatdimensional frequency in the records.
It also teaches you to operate like thatin your daily life, and it teaches you

like what the benefits of, living in thatenergy is, which is really acceptance,
trust, forgiveness, allowing energy.
It's a whole lot of things, butlike that is what we are all
Ascending to right now, right?
As a collective, we're being asked tolive in unity consciousness, which is

challenging us to transform insecurities.
So if someone is just like reallyfearful, fear based or like insecure
before they read the records, they'regoing to have to work on their mindset.
and that's not a bad thing.
That's going to help themin any area of their life.
Just to work on your mindset firstand build trust and build faith.

and it's really just building like aspiritual connection with yourself and
then taking that spiritual connectionand opening it up to the wider spiritual
connection with what you are connected to.
Which is, you know, sourceand divine, like divinity.
in your class today, you led everyonethrough a visualization and then it

was guided in accessing their records.
And this is actually the secondtime that I've, journeyed with you
during one of those, because, uh,we were at a retreat together and
you, you shared that there as well.
For me, what I had experienced was it wasalmost like, because I too had this idea
that I was supposed to see a library.

And even as I was in that space,I kept going to a space of
like looking for the library.
And then finally it just, that wentaway and it finally started to flow
and I, I could feel what was happening.
but what it felt like was I was stillIt was like the Akashic records felt
like it was tapped into my higher self.
And it was like, through myhigher self, this was the road.

This was the way to connect therebecause our higher self, like you were
saying, is a part of source energy.
It is connected right intothat matrix of, the divine.
And it was so beautiful thathow I was shown again, cause
I was looking for guides.
I was looking for these thingsto show up, but then it was
this, this stream of thought thatfinally started coming through.

I did keep seeing a color.
I was shown this, this, youknow, a very prominent color.
I wrote it down knowing I needed toresearch that color and which to me
was a validation of what it, what Iwas being told in my, in my guided
session, which was really cool.
And, It was, you know, being someonethat communicates with those who have

crossed over, being someone that does tapin psychically, you know, it isn't quite
as foreign going into your records, as Ithink a lot of us might feel it will be.
It felt like I was still kindof using a lot of those same,
gifts and those same tools.
but something else youbrought up in the class that.

I think helps is it was the intentionthat during this session, this is what
I'm doing, this is why I wanna be here.
and really the root ofit is to help us grow.
So it's like, like I said, it wasthis journey to my higher self, which
then started bringing up things thatI needed to work on in my personal
life that didn't just apply to myspiritual world or whatever it was.

It was a, it was about growthand expansion and healing.
So that it was really beautiful.
So I do want to say thankyou for guiding that.
And please correct me if that is not acorrect, uh, description of how you see.
Yeah, no, absolutely.
I love that like you had the experienceto kind of already start to maybe

demystify like what you thoughtit had to be like, and, um, Yeah.
That's a beautiful way of describing it.
Uh, did you, did you havequestions within your journey?
Like, I'm curious, did you haveany, did the information flow or
did you have like any questions withhow you receiving the information?

it was interesting because as youwere guided, I started cause you had
prompted us that we could, this wasthe place where we could ask questions.
and, I just was, I just had thisfeeling like I needed to just let
you lead that part because theinformation I needed to hear, like
I needed to have the experience.
So I understood how it worked.
but what was interesting is onceyou got us going, cause you were

asking us questions to ask, I wasbeing given answers and I started
writing down and then I was alreadywriting down the answer to the next
question that you were prompting.
So it was like, that to me wasThat to me was validation because
I was, I was a whole question aheadof the next, you know, the next
one you were even going to ask.
So that's how I knew that Iwas, I was on the right path.

So that was, that was a cool experience.
That, so that, that's so amazingthat happens for you and it
happens for a lot of people.
And when I do readings and I'mnot doing readings right now.
I have a lot of peopleasking me for readings.
I'm just trying to focus a littlebit on the, the teaching side
and, and also make room for likemy personal life with my family.

But when I do readings, whatstarted to happen was that.
I would, you know, sit in front ofmy client usually through zoom and I
would just start channeling informationand I allowed myself to do that and
it took a little bit of time andthen I would say, okay, so I just had
to, you know, share this with you.
This was the message from your guidesand then they would say, oh, well,

you just answered all the questionsthat those were my questions.
And so because the records is yourconsciousness and it exists in higher
wisdom, it does know it knows in a way.
It knows what you're going to ask, but itstill needs you to have the intention and
to ask it in some form, even if you'veasked it the night before and set an

intention before, or, you know, even if inyour own record reading practice, you had
an intention and you opened your records,and maybe you didn't ask the question yet.
But you had already asked thatquestion with your intention,
maybe five minutes before youstart receiving the information.
So the questions unlock theinformation and your intention

is also a question, right?
It's, it's like, They, they,that, yeah, so that's amazing
that that happened to you.
and I will say, like I said, justnow, it's really important that
people know that it's a dialogue andit's a back and forth conversation.
So you're channeling withhigher consciousness, you're

channeling with your higher self.
You're channeling with the guides.
And so it's just like the most profoundconversation that you could ever have.
Like, that's what it's like.
It's just like talkingto your best friend, but.
It's the Akashic Guides that are thereand they're invisible light beings and
they are communicating telepathically.
That's how they communicate.

That's the universal language of spirit istelepathic communication and anyone who's
like, Oh, but I don't know how to channel.
Well, yes, you do.
Because this is just a little blip in yourtimeline, this little physical human life.
You are a spirit and a soul first.
And you have been communicating foreons through this universal language of

telepathic thought transfer, which is justthe energetic exchange of communication.
So we all know how to be divinechannels and it's supernatural.
We the humans overcomplicate it, eventhough like we're not humans, we're
experiencing human life, but in thishuman life, we overcomplicate it

And I love, I love that you broughtthat up about channeling too, because,
as everyone knows, I'm a hairstylist.
I've done it for a really long time.
Once I started focusing on developing myspiritual gifts, I looked back and I was
like, I was channeling that whole timewhen my client would ask me a question.
And I just, you know, it just came to me.

I just had this like flow of understandingor information that was going to help
them expand their awareness aroundwhatever the situation they were.
And so I love that you brought up that,you know, we just naturally do this.
It's once you start really focusingand working on it that you then
can, you can build that muscle, youcan start to work with it better.

And then, you know, you're able tothen facilitate these experiences where
you can go into the records and helpand help, uh, expand your experience.
So that brings me to the next thing Iwould love to ask you, as, as you've
been on this journey, How much have youbeen able to look back into your own,
you know, your childhood, you know, whenyou were younger, even, or just whenever,

and you maybe learned or you see nowhow the experiences you were having
were building up your tool set to beable to do what it is that you're doing.
And, I would love to hearkind of your experience there.
So, Okay.
So I was born the way I can describe itas maybe like, an open vessel or like

an open channel, because I have beencommunicating with beings or higher
consciousness, like my whole life, butI never knew what it was, but I do this,
I have this experience when I go tosleep and I still have it all the time
where I have somebody talking to me.
Like a higher being, I again, Idon't know for sure if it's my higher

self or my guides, but I channeledthis information all the time.
Now, when I was younger, I wouldgo to sleep and I would just
start being, it wasn't a dream.
It was like I was in another dimension.
And all the questions I had for thatday that I was struggling with these
higher beings would talk to me.

So I think I've been channeling my wholelife and I've been astral traveling.
And I had, um, I almostdied when I was a newborn.
And I don't know if maybe thatwas like an NDE experience that
maybe kind of, you know, openedmy consciousness a little bit.
I don't know if that's why, but I didlike literally almost die when I was, a
newborn from, you From double pneumonia.

And, so anyways, yeah, so I, I thinkmaybe that has helped me just take
what I've already been doing andkind of expand on it and use it in an
intentional way and say like, okay,you can channel and now you're going
to do it in this intentional way.
I also had one.
Astral travel experience.

Cause I always try astral traveled.
I always, I saw my past lives.
I was a peculiar child.
I would like listen to humpbackwhale sounds as a child.
Like I was just like very intune with like something else.
Like I was in my own world ofimagination, always painting and drawing.

And like I astral traveled a lot, a lot.
So I had this experience when Nightwhere I was just like in this galaxy.
I was just like in thestars, just like floating.
It was so beautiful, but therewas all of a sudden a podium
with an ancient book open.
And I remember being like frightenedbecause it was so intense and so powerful.

And nothing was said.
And I was so used to like havingbeings talk to me and nothing was said.
And I didn't know what it was.
And I think that that was kindof the symbolic representation
of the Akashic records.
And I do think that.
When you go to the records, a lotof times you don't see the library,

but I, I do know a lot of people whohave gone to their, their hall of
records to maybe sit down with theirguides and do like a life review.
They do say it's kind oflike books in a library.
So I think that through ourconsciousness, we create the symbolic
representation, like of what, Okay.
Something needs to looklike so you can see that.

But I don't see that ever.
I have to say, like when Iopened someone's records,
I'm not really seeing much.
It's more about the theconsciousness stream like you
kind of said to with yourself thatI'm receiving the downloads to.
but yeah, I think that thatwas kind of like a very slight

introduction to the records.
I also know that my grandfather was,was reading the Akashic records.
he passed away before I was born, butI think it's just part of my soul's
mission to work with the records.
And I think that's why in my NDE,it was like the start of that.

Realignment because I think I waslike 39 years old at that time.
And I think it was kind of like, youknow, how things happen in your life
to, to align you back to your mission.
I think that that waslike big wake up call.
And I just did a whole.
380 or 360, whatever you call that,like, and, yeah, so I always channeled

with, I, I was always seeing spirits.
I always, I had spirits, you know,constantly visiting me as a child.
So maybe that helps mein some ways do this.
It's like you were kind of being primed.
For those experiences and when youtalk about seeing that visual, it
reminds me of how like connectingfor me and the cache of records

will often bring evidence, right?
Like there is that evidence to kindof tap into very much like mediumship
or, you know, psychic stuff.
I have a few questions.
I'm like trying to figure out which wayto go with this because that whole thing
with the evidence reminds me of like whenI had a reading with you at one point.
It was really eye opening because at thattime I didn't really know what the Akashic

Records were and I had been experiencingsomething that was really disturbing that
I was seeing in my head constantly andit was causing me a lot of anxiety and
had to do with like my kids being hurt.
And I remember when you brought thatup that was like Mind blowing because
it was you just said all the thingsthat were like going on in my head
And I was experiencing that cameout of really what felt like out of

the blue And so when I was able tounderstand where that was coming from
in my consciousness and my records.
I was able to Heal an aspectof myself that I don't think I
would have really understood.
I was oh my god I went crazy or somethinglike that But the thing that was so
fascinating was like the evidencethat you tapping into the records
brought me in that reading to validatewhat I was actually going through.

So I do want to mention that'slike something that happens.
Like it can happen where you get evidencelike that to show you you're not crazy.
This is real.
This is like somethingthat's happening to you.
So that I wanted to mention that becausethat was always like one of like the
most profound readings I've ever hadbecause it was just so personal and
it just really hit me in the heart andit was something that I really needed.
So I think it's great that Youknow, you're not doing readings

right now, but you're teachingpeople how they can tap into that.
I think a lot of the times, we'regoing through these experiences
in life, and we're not reallysure where they're coming from.
I think often what can happen too is like,as we're growing up or going through life,
adulthood, whatever, childhood, doesn'tmatter, we get these like, things that can
kind of come through from our past lives.
And we don't know that they'relike past life things, right?

So I think one of the beautiful thingsabout Akashic Records is how it can
help you to really let go of blocks orthings that you're afraid of or fears.
And so in your words, I like you totell everybody like what it is about
the Akashic Records that you love thatcan help people in their everyday lives.
It's not just like this, Oh, whateverexperience and just tapping in.
It's like, it actually has.

a benefit to your everyday life.
So I'd love for you to kindof dive into that a bit.
So, so it is a modality that has thatpurpose of transforming blocks and
aligning you back into wholeness,aligning you back into your divine
presence, your true essence, andthen It's also a modality that

helps you expand your consciousness.
So once you're in alignment, theexpansion is the co creation.
The expansion is like, whatare you going to, how are you
going to show up in your light?
How are you going to serve?
How are you going to shareyour, your message, teach
and live your, your purpose.
So that's the overall overarching,Purpose of the amazing benefits of

reading your Akashic records, butI just want to touch on like the
past life stuff because it's reallyfascinating because going back to like
what our soul is, which is who we are.
So our soul is all about experiencesand our, our soul, experiences itself
across all these different lifetimes.

And so sometimes like what can happenis like you had something that kind
of came up emotionally around yourchildren and maybe that didn't come
up for you until you had children.
So like we have these certain events inour life, like when we're a mother, when
we have a, you know, a relationship.
And so they bring up memorieson that soul level, right?

That can be past lifetrauma and without having.
This modality to go to, it'slike what you said, you're
like, where is this coming from?
And yet it keeps bringingyou down or pulling you down.
And so unblocking or clearing pastlife trauma, past life wounds is like
a huge part of reading the records.

And I have something similar to thatwith my children in the records.
like a fear around myson, like being lost.
And it's like a huge thing for me.
And it comes up all the time.
And even my older son has thatsame fear with my younger son.
And I know that it's frompast like past life trauma.
so the thing is, is thatwe make these agreements.

Which is a soul contract.
A soul contract is an agreementwith another soul to heal
something in, in these lifetimes.
And so if you don't like understandwhat that, like, if you don't know
what that is and you just keep livingthis dynamic over and over again,
between other people or between, youknow, you, you know, with your life.

And so, um, So past lifehealing is a, is a huge part of
reading your Akashic records.
Also tapping into who you are inhigher timelines and maybe who you
are in higher expressions of yourselfand higher consciousness, maybe, you
know, like living in another planet.

Like I've also met, uh, I, thisaspect that of me, that is also a
guide to me called Anja, who's my.
And so, you know, there's a lot offascinating things that can happen even
beyond like healing and transforming.
But for me, I have to say the mostpractical way I use it and I use it every

day and all the time is to connect withmy desires, connect with what I want to
call into my life and co create, and thengo through a series of embodying that
desire and And unblocking what is holdingme back from embodying that desire.
So unblocking what's holding meback from truly being an energetic

match for that desire and believingfully that I am that desire.
And the thing is, is we All possibilitiesexist for us, but we block ourselves
from holding the vibration of thethings we want to co create or the
things, you know, that we want.
So just using the records formanifestation and to become an energetic.

Match to your desires and then justunblock what's holding you back from
doing that like that in itself like that.
That's just top.
That's like I could say like ifyou want to use it just for that
it's it's very practical andCompletely like transformational.
and so I don't even know if Ianswered your question anymore.

love that you, you keep sayingco create because it's a reminder
that yes, This, imprint of recordedconsciousness, this, these records,
it's all, it's all, coded somewhere.
It's all a part of something, even thoughthat is the case, and we can tap into the
future, the past, and all these things.

We still have complete power toTo in free will to create in this
life, whatever it is we want.
So, you know, even though that thisthing's here, we still have that power.
So if you're able to tap into this,you can find maybe, you know, you can
dig into some lessons that you needto learn in this lifetime, a little

deeper and start to heal those sothat in this life experience, you can
choose your adventure a little bit.
So I, I like that youkeep touching on that.
Cause I think, I think peoplecan get kind of caught up.
There too.
If it's like, well, if everything'swritten and coded already, then,
you know, what power do I have?
Well, no, that's not,that's what it's about.
It's, it's working together withthe system, to bring expansion,

bring enlightenment, bring, youknow, um, and not just for yourself,
but that since you are connectedto the entirety of everything, it
lifts up all of us at the same time.
So I love that.
I love that you keep bringing that up.
and I will say like, It's, you know,I do think our, like our higher self
helps plan our, our blueprint, whichis like maybe the destined events or

the people that we're supposed to meetand the contracts were supposed to
fulfill to evolve and grow and learn.
But like you said, there's so much.
Free will around like the expansionaround that, like, what are you going
to choose to do with that growth?
and because there's no such thing as timeand everything is happening now, it's just

in this like quantum realm of constantlylike this evolution of like, You attract
your the lessons you need to learn andthen you learn the lessons and then
you're co creating another experience.
So are you going to cocreate another lesson?
Or are you going to maybeco create more love?

And are you going to, you know,like, that's the power part.
you aligned back into your wholenessthrough that experience where you
had to learn and grow from that.
And then it's like, and then what?
What do you want to do with that?
So that's living in your light.
Like that's the, the expansion.
That's the expansion part.
And that was my exact experience today.

when you led us through, that journey,because it brought to my awareness,
an issue that has been a, a verytroubling, uh, shadowy issue that I've
dealt with since I was very young.
And it's, uh, you know, it's, it canbe very defeating at times and all of
this, and it brought that up and itrevealed to me the greater gifts that

I was given because of that experience.
That is what is going to take me intothe next level of my current experience.
So, yeah.
It was just that in itselfwas just such a blessing.
It was such a healing that I wasthat, you know, that that's what, that
exactly what you just said is exactlythe experience that I had today.
So that is even more validationof how amazing this, this tool is.

It's like, I'm just going to say itagain because you just said it, but it's
just what I feel is that I used to thinkthat, my struggles were, were painful.
And so it was like a hot, You know,stove that you don't want to touch.
Like, like, I don't know,I don't want to go there.

Like they're really painful.
And then when you're empowered to havethe pathway to like go into the pain
and go into the struggles, you havethis completely different perspective
around healing and transformation.
And then it becomes almost like.
I don't want to trivialize it, butit can become like fun and exciting
when you're like, Oh, like I, I,every time I, I transform, I actually

expand into more of who I am.
And then it's like, it's.
It's really, empowering.
Like I feel so much, like I livedso much of my life, like as kind
of like in this victim state.
And now I just feel like it's kindof like the life is working for you
instead of life is working against you.

Like what if those struggles werenot there to punish you, but just
to reveal actually your strength.
And it doesn't take away, you know,it's not going to erase anything
that's happened, but to be able to re,reconfigure your relationship with those
struggles and like you just said, beable to find those strengths in and then

use that as fuel to get you to the nextspace or to move further or, or greater.
it's, it's just a very powerful tool.
It's beautiful.
Okay, I have one question that wasactually from Payton that he suggested.
The question is, within all the readingsyou've done and like the Akashic
records that you've experienced, wasthere a moment that stands in your mind

that you're like, oh my gosh, this islike, A wow moment or incredible or
just like there's so much validationin that moment that you just kind
of like can't believe it's so kindof like your best Akashic records.
I know I got this question the otherday and it's so hard because what
it's hard because I I can't sayany details of anyone's readings.

And then also because honestly,there's so many like, Okay.
I get so excited when I get the validationI become this like little kid because
like I'll say something to someone allthe time like I'll give them names of
people, or like, you know, I say I, butit's not me right I'm tapping into the
record so, I should say that I channelinformation, and when I do that, and

anytime someone says I was just doing thatthinking that yes, that's my question.
Or yes, that's my grandma's name.
Or yes, I'm like, Oh, my gosh,like, I'm like this little kid.
I get so excited.
So everything to me just isalways like, Oh, this is amazing.
Like, I'm, you know, honestly, but, Ithink on a personal level, I'm going
to say this without saying any details.

Like that would be giving,but there was a woman.
who came to me and, and this is justlike very, I'm going to say it in broad
terms and she had gone through a similarexperience with me, like as me, she
had gone through a divorce and, youknow, I'm happily remarried, but I went
through a divorce and it was more about.
witnessing someone in a very, youknow, low space and just, just,

you know, you see them and you,you know, they're struggling.
And then through the wisdom of therecords, like she was a different person.
She was a differentperson after that session.
To witness the transformation likeenergetically and to see someone like
literally be like this and then belike alive and inspirational and I

think as a reader, that's the powerlike that's a gift like it's like
wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, butI've had, you know, also with myself.
Like, I can't even count howmany transformations I've had.
Like you Payton where you're like, Oh,you know, I got, I saw this in a new way.
Like, it's just all the timeI'm like going through this.

perspective shift to keepaligning me into my higher self
and that's, and that's a gift.
But yeah, I don't know if I, if that waslike, I didn't really, I couldn't really
divulge like too many details there,but, I mean all, I love all readings.
I really loved witnessing like theintegration of the shifts that take place.

I like that you said shifted us into thehighest, you know, version of ourselves.
Like, yeah, it's about growing.
It's about healing.
It's about, expansion.
So that's so cool.
I love, I love hearing, I know a lot ofour listeners like to hear these, like,
because then they can relate to them, youknow, then they're like, Oh, that would
be, You know, that would be a reason.
So I love the even touch, you know,on, you know, that it was a, through

a divorce and all that, because.
People think, you know, what would I ask?
Why would I go?
Why, you know, it could be any experiencethat you've had that you maybe still
find yourself struggling with, or youstill find, you know, you keep, you
keep tripping on the same stone over andover again as you're walking down your
path, you know, so this would be a, thiswould be a way to explore that and then

find out ways to, you know, figure outhow to move that stone out of your way.
Yeah, actually, you know, there's somany subtle shifts within reading my own
records, which is why I'm so passionateabout teaching people how to do that.
It's like all the littlelimiting beliefs, right?
The accumulative effect of beingable to transform a block and

That's just as amazing as maybelike uncovering a past life block.
I've had many, many past life blockstoo, though, that, when I unravel them,
it's like the expansion is amazing, butI think the most incredible part is being
able to do it over and over again, whichis why I want to give people the tool

to read their own records because likeone reading is amazing, but it's not
as maybe transformational as when youread your own records and you're able to
keep unpeeling those layers, you know?
So I've just had countless like pastlife healings and then countless.
shifts of perspective that.
In that moment, it allows you maybe toshow up like teaching my class today.

I had to go through so muchhealing to teach that class.
Like even being an Akashic recordreader, even though I had a divine
presence activation, you know, reallife starts to happen and transformation
is, is, is like this cyclical.
Constant act like we're always goingto be transforming and expanding.

So we have to have a tool to do that.
It's not like, and I said this in theclass, Payton, and so you know this,
but like, it's not a one stop thing.
Like, there's a lot of programmingthat we have gotten with how we've been
raised and how society has programmedus to operate in one way, which
that's a whole other thing, but weall know that we have programs, right?

We have a lot of programs.
So sometimes you receive a bighealing, but then you have all
this, the program of your mind.
That's not in alignment with the healing.
So in my Akashic Academy, I teachpeople how to operate with perspective,
operate in their higher mind and cocreate with perspective so that they
can like support the healing thatthey get in the Akashic records.

And use the power of their upper mind orhigher self, whatever you want to call
it to live in that state of alignment.
So I think that, like, that's whyit's hard for me to just pick one
because there's so many littleshifts that I take myself through.
To be able to do what I feel like isliving in higher purpose, it's maybe

it's a discipline in some ways, orit's like you have to learn how to do
that because we are not taught this.
In any way, shape, or form, I don't think.
Yeah, that's so true.
And I think when you're talking, onething I'm hearing too is how it really
teaches you how to trust yourself.
And, like, with the programming we havein this world, it's like, there's a

lot of saying, don't trust yourself,submit to authority, or whatever, right?
So it's just really being able to tapinto our own energy and our own love
towards ourselves too, and giving usthat kind of grace towards ourselves.
So, it's beautiful.
Like, there's just so many different ways.
that you can work with it.
So thank you for everything that yousaid, because like, I think it's going to
really tap into a lot of people's energyand like what they're asking and what

they're needing in their lives right now.
And so I just want you to take a momentto, we kind of explained a little bit, but
like your upcoming courses or you Akashicacademy, like when is that happening?
How can people find you andconnect with you as well?
Yeah, so I am excited.
I'm doing my next round of learninghow to read the Akashic records.

It is starting April 19th, and it's aseven week online live group program.
So I teach you like the nuts and boltslike the exact method and steps and
how to read your Akashic records.
The practice really of like how torecognize a block and then how to

transform it and then a lot abouthow to play in in your quantum field
and expand and co create from thatplace of alignment and unlimited
possibilities and potentials.
And then I also a huge part of it,like I said, is teaching you how to
co create with perspective, and livein alignment with your higher self.

So there's a lot to the program.
we're going to do live unblocking,sessions, I should say as a group.
And so it's very experiential.
Like people get to just be with me andask me questions and learn like hands on.
So I'm excited about it.
It's like I said, starting April 19th.
And for anyone who's interested, youcan go to my website, the Malibu medium.

com or my Instagram at Malibu medium.
And there's, you know, alink with more information.
Amber, thank you so much.
Like, I'm so grateful that you sharedsome time with us today to talk, you know,
share yourself with us and our listeners.
And I think one of our first episodes,we had went over all the different types
of readings that were out there to justkind of break them down for people that

were maybe newer into the spiritual space.
And when we got to the Akashic part,uh, Both Shaila and I were like, we
have to have Amber on and so we have,we have hinted at, we have hinted
at that over the course of our showand I've even had listeners reach
out and specifically say they cannotwait to hear this conversation.
So I'm so glad to finally have it today.

I feel like.
This was the perfect day to haveit with the eclipse and everything.
And you having your course and beingable to sit in your course and actually,
really have an experience to be ableto share and relate with what it was
you were going to talk about today.
So just thank you so much.
It means the world.
And, I very much, would advise people togo check out Amber finder, follow her.

She shares a lot of awesome informationand, she's an amazing teacher.
Yeah, for sure.
You're an amazing teacher, like, so I'vegot to see, obviously, with back end
stuff you're teaching, so, like, you justhave a very eloquent way of describing
things, and I think it's really easyfor people to understand, so, yeah,
you're definitely, like, my number oneAkashic record reader that I recommend

people to.
Wow, you guys, I'm like,oh my god, this is so nice.
Thank you so much.
I love both of you.
I, I really appreciate this.
You know, just having the conversationand being with you all in your podcast.
I love talking about thisstuff and I had a lot of fun.
And yeah, I appreciate it so much.
And thank you so much for having me.

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