All Episodes

January 25, 2024 28 mins

It's time for episode number 45! In this episode Allison and Justin discuss networking and device connectivity, experience in network operations centers, making and running cables including Cat 6 cables, data center management including SANs and failover issues, video and audio recording equipment and software issues, professional development and certifications including CSM and ITSM, reading habits and book discussions, technical issues with Microsoft Teams and troubleshooting, personal anecdotes and experiences with Apple products and technology updates, laptop and battery issues, travel experiences and strategies including luggage management and airport navigation, hotel accommodations and preferences, household management including housework and hiring cleaners, personal health and fitness including exercise routines and injuries, recreational activities and games such as Left Right Center. #Networking #NetworkOperations #CableManagement #Cat6Cables #DataCenterManagement #SANs #FailoverSolutions #VideoRecording #AudioEquipment #SoftwareIssues #ProfessionalDevelopment #Certifications #CSM #ITSM #BookLovers #ReadingHabits #MicrosoftTeams #TechTroubleshooting #AppleProducts #TechUpdates #LaptopIssues #BatteryManagement #TravelTips #LuggageManagement #AirportNavigation #HotelLife #HouseholdManagement #CleaningTips #HealthAndFitness #ExerciseRoutine #InjuryPrevention #RecreationalGames #LeftRightCenter #LifeExperiences

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Episode Transcript

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Hi, I'm Allison. Hi, I'm Justin. And you're listening to the Otterly Allison
Podcast. Who knows what we'll talk about.
So your devices will, they'll be on one, and then they'll see there's good strength

from the other one, and so they'll hop from, and then that slows it down when
they're not properly overlapped.
Yeah. I think is what happens. Unless that technology has changed,
I don't know. I don't know.
Yeah, I'm still probably not. Networking was always my weakest strength.
I worked in a NOC for two years, but it's not my jam.

I can make a Cat6 cable with.
I've done that. Cat5, I didn't do Cat6. And I've ran cable in a wall with the
little fishing stuff. Stitching thing, yeah. I think you remember me telling you that.
I remember when I knew it was way above my head was we were,
and this is back in my data center days, we were trying to do a failover between data centers.

And it was between two SANs. So one SAN had control and the other one was being
copied to or replicated.
And what would happen was it would fail over, but it couldn't fail back.
So it would go that direction, but it wouldn't come back. And
I remember the senior network engineer got in there and
he's like in the load balancer logs and he's like
oh I see this little packet I'm like are you freaking

kidding me like you could get in there and see this
one little packet means whatever it ended up meaning yeah but that's scary wow
my video is awful what is going on let me I'm plugged directly in I so OBS studio
updated and I bet there's a setting or something that's messing up my video.

Here, talk while I troubleshoot.
Okay. What am I talking about? I don't know.
Um, how- deltas. Talk about your deltas. Ooh, I have two more to go.
Um, I have to do CSM and ITSM.
I always save ITSM for last.

I don't know why, I just always have.
And I have to do some more continuing education for my CMA points.
That one's always the hardest for me because I just don't have the time to like
sit and take like micro certs. Right.
So I can count. So at SKO, the training we're doing, I get to count that.

So the medic. The medic training.
So have you started the book yet? No, but enough people have started it that
I keep having to flip to what they're talking about instead of I'll like read
half a chapter of what they're talking about so I can converse.
I have not started it yet.
But I'm trying to finish the book I'm reading. I have like two chapters left

and then I'll hop into that one.
Yeah. I just killed my video.
I'm trying to see I'm not streaming do you want to know the crazy thing that's
happening to me right now so my teams is the new teams you know,

and if I'm in a meeting and I share,
everything's fine but then if I stop sharing my entire teams crashes.
And even if someone like takes the share from me, my entire team crashes.
And so you can imagine in the middle of a customer workshop when you're trying

to like share and do like a demo and then you need to unshare.
It's the best like meeting excuse ever, though. Like, oh, sorry, I got disconnected.
Well, literally every time. So the last, because I'm on an advisory project
right now and I'm doing like the technical side and the groups have never even seen the platform.

Like they have never even heard of it.
And so the advisory consultant does the first part. And then I go in and kind
of walk through like saying, you know, that thing you talked about that would be here.
And so every time I'm like, I'm going to pre-apologize. My team is haunted.
And when I stop sharing it crashes so they've been very nice about it but and

you're using a macbook pro right no I'm using an iMac an iMac I took David's iMac okay,
and I've uninstalled it and reinstalled it it doesn't do it on my macbook it
only does it on here and I don't know what to do about it.
Because I've done all the things I know about. If you go into the setting for

allow these applications to record and view my screen, do you know where that setting is? Yes.
Is the new Teams enabled on that one?
I'll have to look after this because I don't know.
I think so because I'm pretty sure I turned it on when. I installed allow applications

to record your record, your screen.
So when you get done search for that, it's under screen and system audio recording,
and then it'll list the apps.
And then I would just make sure the new teams is there. Cause my classic one
is there and I turned it off my new teams. I had to turn it on.
I think you just need a new, um, you need a new computer.

No, you need a new IMAX state of the art. Oh, you want to hear a,
so, okay. Okay. This is good. We're on our podcast. We're not on a meeting.
I think I said on our last podcast, I bought us microphones for recording in Vegas.
So I bought the microphones. They're supposed to be here Friday by 7pm.
We're just totally last minute in this.

Getting in by the squeak of my pants. Squeak of my pants? I don't know if that's a thing.
Squeak of your pants. The what? The seat of your pants. The seat of your pants. There you go.
Squeak of my pants. It sounds like I'm farting all over the place. Yeah.
So it's supposed to be here. And then I log in this morning. I get in my office.
And the company that I bought them from, they're called DJI.

It's where I buy most of my video equipment and stuff like that.
This i get an email from them they've released the next generation microphone.
I'm like i haven't even gotten the old
one yet and you seriously just upgraded it can
you email them back and be like hey i'm going to use

these once and i will mail them back i'm going
to email them and be like i'll pay the price difference because it's
100 more but like i'd rather have have this
last for five more years than right you know
i bought something at the end of its life cycle it makes
me think of like apple like i you know i love my apple products but every time

like you know your phone starts to get out of date and they just like it slows
down it makes me think of that with the microphones and then i saw a meet i
don't know if it was a real ad but It said like Apple was testing,
like creating EVs and someone put, man, that's going to suck when the new version

comes out and your car won't start.
That's so true. Yeah. Or it slows down. It won't go above 20 miles an hour. Yeah.
I'm going through that with my MacBook Air right now. It's from 2014.
Oh, wow. Now in the top on the way I plug it in, it goes, there's issues with your battery.

Please see support for uh and i'm just like seriously yeah you just want me
to buy a new laptop yeah but i think that's any i think any laptop that's 10 years old you're gonna,
i'm impressed it's made it this long to be honest that's not just an apple but
i'm like i i just spent money on the microphones and the i've also bought um

uh tripods that were supposed to fit in my luggage but they don't Well,
I measured them and I measured my luggage and I looked at the measurement online
and I somehow got my numbers crossed and they won't fit in my luggage.
So I'm going to try to sneak them on the plane. We'll see. I mean,
do you not have bigger luggage?

I do, but I don't have bigger luggage that I can carry on. Oh,
that you can carry on. Yeah.
The one that I want to carry on, I'm thinking of just sliding them on top of
the thing and see if I can just sneak past those.
You can buy those luggage straps and just strap it on. Yeah.
I'm hoping that. But I'll have to take them off to stow it, but I'm just hoping.

Yeah. I'm debating. So I never. I hate checking bags.
Like, I have a gift of packing.
Like, it's impressive. Even David's like, I don't know how you fit all this crap in your carry-on.
But from here to Charlotte, we're always on the little planes.

And so, I have to gate check my bag.
And my connection is, like, really, really tight.
And so, I'm like, for some reason, they always take, like, 30 minutes to get the gate checked.
When I have a tight connection. When I don't have a tight connection,
it's like right there. It's right there, yeah.
And so I'm like, do I risk it and then be stressed?

Or do I check it and be annoyed that I now have to wait for my bag?
Yeah. I have not checked a bag in years.
I have had to check a bag when I'm traveling somewhere that requires a lot of layers.
Like Toronto or Chicago. Toronto or Chicago.

Vegas is going to be kind of chilly, but we're going to be inside most of the
time, so I'm less concerned.
I'm debating right now, though. I have short connections there and back, and so I'm like...
I did. I actually upgraded my connection to Atlanta because if I can get the

first row, first seat, then I'm first off in Atlanta and get to the next flight.
So I paid for like 50 bucks for first class.
Not that I've never really a first class person, but it was strategically because
then I could just get to my next connection really fast.
Well, but see, that's if I have to wait for my bag, it doesn't matter what seat I'm in.

Yeah, you have a concern now. Yeah. you know and so this this is probably bad
but do you ever fly american or do you just fly delta,
i think that's yeah i've flown american okay so i all
my status is with american and i know a lot of people don't like
american i actually don't have any issues with american i never
had because i have status but when you're i get upgraded to first a lot which

i love but what they do is that they have to gate check your bag they give you
a yellow tag because those are supposed to be the a first out of gate check
so that because it's another benefit of being in first,
I collect them. Like I keep them.
Just put them back on. And so if I, and I only do it if I have a tight connection

and didn't get upgraded.
Because if I have like a 30 minute connection and in Charlotte,
it's, there's no plane trains or shuttles.
It's all walking, running, you know?
And so, I don't do it often, but I have a stash of the yellow tags.

That's hilarious. Airport hacks from Allison. Yeah.
But either way, that's my current conundrum.
Unfortunately, we get to dress casually. We get to dress casually,
and we need to plan out when we're going to record because I need to get to

you before you start drinking. When do you get in?
Saturday? Saturday I get in at 10.
So I'm thinking I'll have just enough time to get there, check in,
like take a breath. And then the session start. Yeah. They started at one. Yeah. Right.
Yeah. So we could always do it then. Or we just do it after.
I mean, so on Saturday. Yeah. Okay.

Yeah. I think after is apps and drinks. I guess we could do it there and like find a corner. Yeah.
It made me think of parks and rec. Did you ever watch parks and rec?
Like, I think I started it, yeah. So if you can power through the first season,
the rest gets really good.
But Aziz Ansari, I think is how you say his name, his character is hysterical,

but he likes to shorten things.
And so he calls it apps and zerts, like appetizers and desserts.
So all I can think about is apps and zerts.
This is apps and drinks, not zerts. I know.
There's lots of celebrating being planned in Vegas.

Me and Aaron haven't gotten officially to celebrate together.
We're going to celebrate.
You get to walk with me in the morning so I don't get murdered.
Oh my God, I haven't told you what happened. I'll probably still walk with you, but...

Sunday I woke up, I could not put any weight on my left foot at all. It was bad.
It was like on a scale of one to 10, it was a 10 in pain. And I'm like, what did I do?
I have not been exercising like I should be. I think we talked about that.
I have not been doing anything. We've backed off of Haley's walks because of issues with her health.

So I'm like, all I've done is not do anything and now I can barely walk on my left foot.
So I made sure Sunday I didn't have any alcohol.
I drank lots of fluids and I'm trying to rule out something called gout,
which I've heard of, but I've never experienced.
That's the only thing that really fits my symptoms of just waking up all of a sudden with pain.

And now I'm on, so I did good on Monday, it got better.
Tuesday, yesterday I was like, Hey, I think I'm great to walk around and probably
We might go for a run again, but still didn't go for a run.
This morning I get up and I'm back at like a five or a six in pain.
I'm like, what in the world is going on? You should go to urgent care today.
I'll probably go when I get back if it's still hurting because I don't know what's going on.

I had to buy, so I used to play soccer and I was okay. It was pretty decent.
I had some scholarship offers, but I was fortunate enough
to never have a major injury surgery other than
like once but never to my knees but for
some reason like my left knee i had to buy one

of those straps you know to like support your
knee and i hadn't had to use one in a really long time and last week i was like
what is happening so i had to order one and get it delivered from walmart so
now i'm back to fine you're back to where i want yeah oh i'm so old but as you
get back into shape so that's the thing as i'm like i'm telling myself i'm trying
I'm trying to use this as motivation, I'm like, you got into this situation,

Justin, because you haven't been working out like you should.
If you'd been working out like you should, you wouldn't be in any pain and everything would be fine.
That's not true. Because I might need- I need to tell myself that, so.
Old soccer ailments. You gotta flip it around as motivation, Allison.
Yeah. Hey, I got up this morning and froze my butt off in the garage with my

tiny little, so David's office is.
External garage like a single car garage and
because i prefer to work out in the morning to get it done with because otherwise
during the day i'm like i don't want to do this and i talk myself out of it
if i do it first thing i'm good so i i bought a like bluetooth space heater,

so that i could schedule it to kick on at like four okay so by the time i got
to the garage it would be somewhat warm.
Well, David stole it for his office because it's so cold.
And so I still have a space heater but you can't schedule it.
I can't even put it on a smart plug because you physically have to like hit

the button to turn it on. Which you should.
But I told him, I was like, I'm going to need a new space heater because it's so cold.
How cold was it this morning for you guys? We gotta compare numbers. Outside it was 20.
I don't know what it was in my garage, but it was not warm, so.

I got up and looked at the thermometer, it was seven. I was just like,
yeah, not running today. Yeah.
Now I did my barre class and then I did some treadmill.
I'm watching, selling the OC.
That's so bad. The real estate show? Yeah. I just love it because of the houses.

We've talked about that before, but I just love looking at the houses.
I don't want one because that's too much maintenance.
You don't want to take care of one, yeah. You got people where you are now.
Remember the cleaning ladies?
I know. They're great. And they come every two weeks.
I see the ones. We don't have them, but I see the ones come to the Airbnbs across the street.

We used to not have anyone come but it became
you know they don't charge a
ton and they do the stuff that i just like they do
our baseboards and we have plantation shutters and
like they dust all of that and i just i hate dusting and especially the plantation
shutters yeah they're paying the shutters or blinds are just a pain in the ass

yeah and so it it's worth the money to me for for them to come every two weeks and yeah.
I would do it, but the other half thinks that they are part-time robbers that
are scoping everybody's houses,
and that they're just trying to get a lay of the land to see what's valuable

so they can come by and rob you. So that's why we don't use them.
I feel like if I didn't work from home, I wouldn't use cleaners because I would
probably feel like they know how to get into my house.
But I'm always here and they've never, like, come into my house without me or
David or his mother here.

So I'm less worried about robbers.
But if they're part of some cartel that you don't know about,
like on, you know, February 1st
of 2024, they're going to go rob all the houses in Aiken. Maybe. Maybe.
Oh, man. I actually enjoy housework, too, because that's time for me to listen to my podcast.

That's fair. Not this podcast, although I do listen to it.
Yeah, I have a whole, like, I need to take PTO so I can just,
like, sit and reorganize my closet.
Because, like, on the weekends, I'm just, like, I need to do it,
but I need to, like, decompress.
So I just need to, like, take a day of PTO.
I need to go donate a bunch of stuff. Our closet is my side. David is a minimalist.

He can deal with that? He can deal with your messy side next to his clean side?
Because my partner would be cleaning both. In the closet, he's fine.
Because most of his clothes are in the dresser.
And so he really doesn't go in the closet that much. Unless we're going on a
date and he's going to get his jeans and a nice shirt.

Or a different pair of shoes. otherwise then you get a mouthful i'm sure well
then i get a are we gonna do something about the closet and it's always we and
i'm like we will when we have time,
that's better than like look at this closet you lazy slum lord like what do

you clean up after yourself i would love for him to say that to me.
But no it's it's one of those it's just when you're working and then you i'm
on like meeting burnout this week i think i was telling you earlier that just
yeah and here i book you back to back in meetings like all week it's been back to back to back to back,

I'm sorry. I'm sorry to add to the pain. This is fine. Cause I don't have to be on.
I'm never on for these. I hope you don't want me to be.
This is what you get. Everybody. You thought you were getting a good podcast,
but you're getting Alison at 35%. And that's all you're going to get.
But that's a hundred percent for today.

Wait, I read something one time that was like, if all you have is 35% and you're
giving 35%, you're actually giving a hundred percent. And I was like, you know what?
I like that. A lazy episode.
I know. I did this weekend, though. Let's see what all did I do.
I reorganized part of our kitchen.

I have somehow hit the time in my life where I hate things on the countertops that aren't used daily.
Like, I don't want a toaster on the counter.
The coffee maker can stay because i use it
every day but if it's not used every day like i don't want
it on there and so i did like a big purge of stuff that was like also david's

weird and doesn't want bread in the dark like in the pantry because it'll mold
faster so it's like then it's going in the fridge i don't care it's just not
gonna sit on the counter does he know the fridge light turns off when you close the door.
Don't bring it up because I won the battle because it was like,
I just need this crap off the counter.

And so I went through and like took everything off the counters and redid it all.
And so I did that this weekend, but my closet, I just, it's going to be a lot.
It won't be done this weekend.
It will not be, it will not be.
Oh, by the way, are you, do you know, did you get your room reservations?

Reservations are you uh staying across the street or on our side of the street,
i don't even know what that means so leadership
is staying at a different that's for sko if
you look they're staying at our hotel until service now is sko oh okay because
i did the same thing when i looked at it i was like that's yeah it's the same

thing i was like really oh no i did the same thing i was like did they forget
to remove this from the thing they shared with everybody Oh yeah,
I did the same thing. Okay, so there we go.
She sounds meaner than Haley. People can walk on the street.
We're not the only people that live here.
People are talking. Stop.

Riley's like, I live here. Come look at me.
This is hard to you. By the way, I've gotten lots of compliments on my pillow. out. Really? Good.
The best one I got was like, huh, did you have that custom made?
I was like, why? He goes, those are two interesting things to put together. I'm like, yeah.

It is interesting. That's why I was like, I gotta find something to buy in honor of.
Well, good. That means I actually didn't do as bad of a job as I felt like I
did. I still need you to try your hot sauces.
You know, I was thinking about that last night because or no,
it was actually at lunch today because I had a tomato bisque soup and it was kind of sweet.

And so my partner's like, we should put some hot sauce. And I'm like,
habanero hot sauce for Allison?
Maybe I should have done that. It was too late. I already ate it.
So, it's still on my mind. I'm trying trying to figure out what to put it in
without like bring a small thing to sko and just like slip it in people's start betting people.

Yeah yeah i am bringing so there is um this game that we play with some friends
of ours called left right center the dice game have you played it so it's a
lot of fun because it's easy and And everyone has like $3, like $3 bills.
And there's three dice that say either L, R, C, or there's a dot.

And you roll them. And if it says left, you pass a dollar to the person to your
left. If it says R, you pass a dollar to the person on your right.
And if it's center, you put it in the center pot.
And if it's a dot, you get to keep it. So there's three dice.
So you could lose up to all $3 or not. and then whoever gets all the dollars wins.

So it's just fun and easy and it's just, you roll some dice.
Someone gets the money. That's my kind of game.
I don't wanna play blackjack. Yeah, I'm not a gambler either,
yeah. Did you ever see Vegas Vacation?
Doesn't sound familiar, no. What? Like with Chevy Chase?
Yeah, I'm not into those old movies. Anything that happened while I was a child,

other than E.T., I don't really...
Well, there's a scene in Vegas Vacation where they've lost all their money and
he's trying to win it back and so he goes to this dingy casino and it's like rock, paper, scissor.
Or guess what number I'm thinking of.
And I'm like, those are the games I want.

Is there, um, what do they call that when, um, carnival games?
Yeah. Yes. Like for your school carnival. Yeah.
Yeah. I used to always trick people with how old I was.
Because you looked younger or older? I looked older when I was younger.
Not like a lot older, but I looked older when I was younger.

And then when I got in my late twenties, people thought I was younger.
And then now I feel like I just look my age.
I thought I looked older and then I actually
was doing some cleaning and I stumbled across something where
I was 16 years old and I was like oh my god
I was such a baby I will need to see a photo I was super super young it was

the modeling picture so I was trying to be a model so it was yeah I was a baby
I was blonde so can I have blonde I didn't have my blonde tips in those yeah
I was completely blonde and teeny tiny.
I was teeny tiny too, so we had something in common.

Well, we are at time. I actually have to go to another call.
Well, I will see you in like two days. Yeah, in three days. I'll be there Saturday.
Right. Today doesn't count. Two days. You're getting there Friday. Yeah.
Well, safe travels if I don't talk to you before then. Good luck on your tripods

yeah hopefully kicked off the plane all right i'll talk soon.
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