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September 1, 2023 19 mins

In the first episode of "The Pulse of Ithaca," co-hosts Pete and Sean perform a sound check and discuss their podcast's vision. They share their goal of showcasing Ithaca's culture, events, and unique stories, setting the stage for future episodes that capture the essence of their vibrant community.

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Episode Transcript

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Hello, everybody. This is Pete and Sean. We're out here at Bike Bar trying out
our first podcast. Right as is.

All right. Is everyone awake here? I now am. That was our first intro soundcheck. Yeah.
It went. It's a process. We'll work on it. So, first of all,
I'd like to thank you for coming up with the idea for this.
You know, many great ideas come from booze, and this was one of them.
So, cheers to you. Yeah. Cheers as well.

So, yeah. A few months ago, you came up with the idea. Well,
you came to me and you said, Pete, there is no good local podcast.
And if there are, I haven't found you. So, my apologies in advance. Right.
Yeah it's a good point if we're wrong please let
us know yeah we'd love to listen and learn yeah absolutely and
figure out a longer way so one of the questions i had talked about a little

bit was what could we do for a podcast like what would our topic be right so
what do you what ideas did you have so uh i think a lot of the genesis of the
ideas were um what's what's popular in like like in the Ithaca area,
what do people like to do, what they want to know about.
Coming from the restaurant and beer business.

There's a lot of restaurants in Ithaca and you know a lot about the local music scene.
Those are two big things in Ithaca. So I figured that just those two alone could generate a podcast.
Absolutely. Yeah, we always have great conversations here. It seems like you
always have a lot going on. I'm always excited about something.
Yeah. Yeah, yeah, totally. I'm always excited about what happened last week
and excited about this week. Absolutely.

And we might as well try to find a way to share it with people.
Yeah. Yeah, I think I also was like the idea that you are a beer rep in town, liquor rep?
Mostly beer, but some liquor. Mostly beer? Yeah. Okay, yeah.
So I thought it would be to talk about what's on tap because we often do that when we're at the bar.
Sure. Tell me, oh, you know, I just dropped off this today here at Bike Bar.

Sure. Or Nowhere Special has this going on. And even if it's not something that
you've sold somebody or brought to somebody it's something that you're interested
in or you know Something like James at nowhere special either.
He's getting his own liquor his own whiskey.
There you go. Yeah So September we're kind of moving into from summer into fall.
So we're getting a lot of our fall barrel coming in Yeah, like love our Oktoberfest pumpkin stuff.

The stouts and porters become more popular as the timber drops.
So we're slowly making that transition. I know it's like 1,000 degrees right
now, so it's hard to talk about fall and stouts and porters.
I have seen some pumpkins out there already. Yeah, they're coming.
I'm sure you everyone, it's coming.
So yeah, I think that'll give us some good stuff to talk about there.

And then we talked a little bit about entertainment.
There's always a lot of good shows in town. sure um our friend ryan
uh always has like a nice uh agenda for
the week he usually tries to hit up two or three shows a week
so damn i figure we might try and uh you
know loop him in and see if he can share what he has going on so absolutely
but hanging out with ryan if i'm ever in town or i don't know what it's going

on i can go to him and i know he's going to be at a ryan always has his finger
on the pulse of the music scene so no it's like that's like a like relatively
new thing for for me in the Ithaca area is like the music scene.
I moved to Ithaca like right before COVID.
So like it was like the winter time and then like COVID happened.
And so like that whole music scene kind of like stopped for a while and then

like slowly kind of made its way back.
Right. But in the last year or so, like it's back.
It's thriving now. Yeah. Which is cool to see. It's great for the community.
It makes everyone happy.
But you know that scene well, like you know the places to be, you know, like bands.
Thank you. It's nice of you to say that. Yeah, no, well, it's just true.
Like, I'm totally like, not totally, but like pretty raw about that stuff.

So I just love hearing other people that are like in that scene,
like talking about it. Cause it's like, like you said, like it's always,
there's always something going on. Right. You know, some show, a deep dive.
The Bernie Milton Pavilion down here, the Thursday night concerts.
We've had a lot of fun hanging out down there. Absolutely. Which draws a good
crowd, weather permitting. Right.
And we have a few more of those coming up. Yeah. I'm not exactly sure who's

playing this week. So we have this Thursday. We have tomorrow.
I know. I feel like a lot of them got postponed because the first part of them
were always rained out or something like that.
Absolutely. I know they rescheduled at least one. So we might get an extra show
here at the end of the season.
So they go all the way until the end of September or?

Yeah, I wish I'd done my homework. So I'll have to make some notes here.
I didn't do your homework in college or high school.
But I do know that Maddie Walsh and the Blind Spots is playing the last event
of the year. I'm looking forward to that one.
Okay, cool. The Gun Poets was last week. That was great. That was a good show.
And then I got to say Sim Redmond Band is playing.
We'll have to double check. We need a fact checker here. Yeah.

Maybe we'll have to get one of the other guys here. Yeah, somebody in a booth
who can come in on a crackly microphone that sounds like they're far away.
I feel a lot of podcasts have those guys ready and willing to.
That's a great idea. Yeah. Was that my idea? Yeah. Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you, Bucket.
All right, so at this moment, we're just going to take a brief pause here,

and we'll be right back with our next topics.
That's not the right button.

And we're back. Nice. Thank you for those of you who have stuck with us this far. It means a lot.
So the other thing that I, so again, so we, just to recap what we,
what we kind of went over, we talked a little bit about things we'd like to
talk about music, entertainment, beers, and just general entertainment here in Ithaca.
One of the things that I'm intrigued about that I know that you have some experience

with, I would say a lot, I would say a lot, but maybe others wouldn't make,
but it seems Seems like you have a lot of experience, whether that's hitting
up local trails, hiking, waterfalls, biking,
skiing. We both snowboard.
Yeah. We like to have those adventures. So I would also like to dedicate a segment
of the show to like kind of what's going on. Sure.

You know, we talked before, like, you know, what cars got towed down at the dam.
It wasn't mine this week. Thank God. Right. Right.
So tell me, let's start with first, like you telling me a little bit about the
time that you spend the most in Fall Creek.
Cause I know you spend a lot of time in Fall Creek outdoors and you don't even
have to like leave really and go too far. So can you tell me a little bit about that area?

So yeah, like Fall Creek, I usually park at the Creeker Tavern bar and I just walk over.
It's usually pretty busy, but I always go to the opposite side of the path,
the trail that that everyone else is on, and I have the entire site to myself.
Okay, nice. Is that one of those things where, like, you walk in,
and there's just all the flow is going this way?
Yeah, just the trail and the creek, like, everyone bears to the right, and they, like.

Whatever they're like hang out there take their pictures and i
crossed the the creek which is not too deep bring
my chair maybe bring a couple beers maybe some other
stuff yeah a book and i had the whole side
to myself which is great and the thing that about being in like the ith area
is that we have so many really cool beautiful spots if you like nature i guess

is if you live in ithca you still live in ithca you you like you like nature
um obviously there's like the the three Three big, really popular, beautiful spots.
Steganic Falls, Robert Freeman, and Barmick Falls.
Which, if you live in Ithaca, you obviously have to check those boxes. Yeah, absolutely.
And also, I also get to, if you lived in an area for a long time,

that you may want to avoid those places because they're very touristy. Right.
But there's tons, and I'm still exploring and discovering new places in the
area that you can have a fall, a swimming hole, or a trail all to yourself.
Yeah. And kind of be totally removed from like all society, even if you're like
500 feet from like a house, which I do a lot.

Yeah, that's amazing to me. And I feel like we could talk so much about just
that little part of town.
And then there'd be so many more opportunities to talk about all the other different places.
I mean, on my fridge at home, I have this map. It's like 39 labeled waterfalls
in Ithaca or something. Really cool.
Yeah. So I think we should just number those out. have you

like checked the ones you've been to like i haven't actually
done the checking okay i should yeah totally um
i haven't really been to a lot honestly it's kind of embarrassing i've probably
been to two or three so i think that would help me like explore these more and
learn about these more absolutely and i feel like it's just an endless conversation
yeah so like i kind of go these like phases where i can go to certain spots

like a lot just because they're awesome they're beautiful.
And also like other people in the area have the same idea. So I try to force myself like.
Each week to go to like a spot that it's like either i haven't been
to like since like winter time or i haven't i've never been to
right um and then you like you fall in love with that
new spot which is really cool absolutely that's like the
really cool thing about the ithaca area is that you can always explore

like new spots and always kind of have that like a
sense of adventure and like zest to like do something different and
new and especially with the four seasons you could rediscover
your same spot four different ways 100 you can
go to the same spot four times of the the year in upstate new
york and so it's four different hikes yeah you know
or four different experiences which is so cool and then so

i think that would be really helpful what about your bike
rides and that type of thing are you involved in any kind
of biking community because i see your post on instagram and i
see people in tight pants yeah who look very professional
riding bikes that are sometimes look like they're
on fire it was on fire yesterday yes you
guys went yesterday was is what like a thousand degrees yeah

yeah yeah the finger lakes area region
is beautiful you get like a nice like mix of
like lake views and like hills and like
trees the only problem is that there's a lot of hills in the phoenix region
so yeah there's there's tons of roads i think like i so i i both uh road bike
and mountain bike um and the road biking is great because you really get to to explore like roads.

You can like drive down like a road.
Like every day and then if you experience it on a bike it's like a totally different
like sense of perception absolutely and that's a really that's like one reason
i love like bike in the country because it's like i've been down this road like 100 times in my car,
totally so now i probably shouldn't say that because i'm driving well yeah
the pattern recognition machine is yeah yeah of course and

then you ride a bike you're like oh wow look at those hills over
there like like it's so cool but yeah
that's good stuff well i'm really interested in hearing
about uh the the biking that's around here um
i have a friend at camp who likes to bike around the lakes okay
yeah and when we're all out partying the night before and i'm
like hung over you know out in front with

a headache with my hands on my knees doubled over in
front of my campsite he's coming by dressed in the full gear
yeah hopping on his road bike to go drive around
seneca lake so it's always fascinated me
yeah so yeah so i moved to ethica
in october of 2019 and i
was like we're in time and we're in time nithika can like get pretty like quiet

when the kids go home and like covid was like what like february of 2020 this
was like it started in the news and like around st patty's day it was like when
it was like locked down yeah it was a weird time for everyone yeah it was and
i was you know i'm a beer rep so like all the bars got closed.
So i had a lot of free time yeah i basically had

like the whole afternoon free and did a lot of biking it's like
my way to like social distance and this
was like you had the bike but you never really rode it
no i mean i've i've been riding for years i do
i used to do like uh competitive races and stuff but
i had like oodles of time during the
week right a lot of my riding's done on the weekends because that's my

free time but i had like tons of time after
work i was getting getting done like work at like noon if i
shouldn't say that but i was
getting done work super early and i had a whole afternoon the evening
free so i did this thing where like i biked around all the 11 finger lakes not
continuously but like i would take a certain day or weekend like bike around

this lake or this lake and if i biked around like seneca lake i would hit up
two breweries if i biked around canada lake i'd have two local breweries it
was kind of like this geographical graphical journey.
Right. It was, it was awesome. And I loved it so much.
But yeah, it was like this cool journey of like seeing. So it's like,
so, you know, we live in Ithaca, which is very far left.

Yeah. The farther right you go in the Fringa Lakes, so you go from like your
pointer, middle finger, Cayuga, Seneca Lake, to like your index and pinky finger,
the farther right the political spectrum goes. Yeah, absolutely.
So I forgot which lake was like out farthest west.
It'd be right in the country and be just like all these

Trump signs and posters absolutely yeah they're everywhere
yeah and i'm like dude i really hope i don't get flat out here because
i'm not asking these guys to like help out oh yeah
like these people like you like these houses where it's
like you're in the middle of nowhere but you have all these like private property
signs you're right like how often does like a stranger just like walk by or
drive by like you need all these signs for like yeah that's a good point totally

different country it is but so yeah it's great that you're able to explore ithaca and the greater,
148-50 area. Dude, I loved it. I loved it.
It's a great thing. I'm still exploring and still discovering new things for
me personally, whether it be biking or hiking.

There's always new places to eat or drink. You're right. New music venues to go to.
That's right. New music scenes to go to. I have to say, I have to admit this on air. Yeah.
And you might give me some stick for this, but I've never been to grassroots.
Okay. Oh, that's right. Right. Yeah, that's true.
But, you know, I will give you a pass. It's not like you lived here your whole life.

Like some people that I know who've never been to grassroots.
So at least you've only been in town here for about five years.
And there was a couple of those years with COVID.
So yeah, give you a pass. But this year, hopefully we'll get you out.
Uh you know it's funny because i i see that you camp and you have camping gear
which i also have been avid camper yeah over the years but i i'm a festival
camper so i okay i only camp at festivals okay i don't really camp in the woods

yeah you know yours is more bushcraft mine is more.
In propane and rooftop tents with my
vehicle it's like kind of the same vibe you know it's
like you and i like you just want to be outdoors enjoying the
good vibe good seeing yeah having a good coffee in the morning yeah like
you know but you know that's i think
that's what it's all about like you know like i think that's what like a lot of ithcans like

to do it's just like the ithcans like good vibes yeah
whether it be a music vibe like a bar scene activities like it's a vibe like
you and i both live in different areas yeah is it fair to say that like ithca
is like a unique vibe yeah yeah i would say yeah it's definitely you know it's
cliche to say but it's a melting pot You have the university here,

you have all the professors here, you have the local people who've lived here for a long time.
So yeah, there's definitely a huge mix. And of course having the university
here brings in a lot of cultures.
So there's a lot of restaurants to serve those different cultures.
So you get a lot of variety.
Ithaca has an Ethiopian restaurant. Yeah. You know, how many other places have

an Ethiopian restaurant, you know?
You know, if we're going to talk food, though, I have a bone to pick with Ithaca
about food, though, because I lived in Buffalo for 20 years. Yeah.
And I had great, and this is also kind of cliche, but the pizza and wings there,
specifically the wings.
I have not found really good wings here.
I mean, well, you know what? When we get wings here, like we have to like,

my wife puts them in the oven and cooks them more and then puts them in the air fryer.
Okay. We put more sauce on them. like they're well they don't come correct and
i think it's the fence being from or living in buffalo kind of came from like
the mecca of buffalo wings yes it was founded at the maker bar,
yeah okay so fair enough i guess but

but you think it would be somewhat easy for someone in town to replicate
that i don't think like like saying that
when you like said that like it made me like i'm like thinking about like where's like
the best wings in town and i can't answer that that yeah yeah
i think can you answer that can you uh chime in and vote
for this because we love to hear that yeah i would love to hear i have tried
a few places but i haven't tried everywhere but yes please let us know yeah

so wait wait so wait so how do you how do you like your wings being a former
buffalo guy how do i like my your wings like you like them like uh.
Down from like the sauces or do you like i like
my wings to be really crispy crispy okay yeah
so i i like them crispy i the best wings i used to get in buffalo they were

hot wings and with the garlic so they'd mix the hot sauce and the garlic sauce
together and they would put they mix in a bunch of butter they'd put it in a
huge ziploc bag and they would actually shake it well at least that's what we
do when we're camping yeah i'm sure they were tossing them in some you know,
that's a good idea i just do but i like crispy wings with garlic hot sauce that's my go-to too.

So you gave me an idea for my next camping bushcraft dinner.
It's wings out in the woods. A pre-made recipe.
So when you're eating wings, though, is this something like when I'm camping,
or is it just like, honey, this is what's for dinner. I want wings for dinner.
Or when I'm watching sports games. It's on Sunday.

Yeah, we're very big on wings on Sunday. Bills, bins.
We've been in Buffalo for 20 years, so we all put our shirts on and
put the handkerchief on on the dog sure make
sure the the sign out front is straight yeah and
you know not lean into one side or the other and yeah
so that's kind of it's kind of a touch it's kind of a big day for us and yeah

wings are a big part of that we don't really eat wings you know necessarily
other days of the week although in the summer we'll uh i like to slow cook wings
okay so yeah the charcoal cook them over two or three hours wow something i've
been practicing some tlc to those wings that's That's right.
Falling off the bone. Oh, yeah. Just shake that wing and that knee falls off.

All right, well, I'd like to thank everybody for joining us here on our Maiden
Voyage. Our Maiden Voyage, thank you.
And we will see you next week for more entertainment.
Yeah, stay tuned. Revelry with Pete and Sean. All right.
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