All Episodes

March 29, 2023 58 mins

On this episode, Chad, Kirk, and Zach are joined by Houston, Kirk's long time friend and an avid music listener.

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Episode Transcript

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Hello and welcome to unqualified recommendations I'm your host Kirk price.
Um another one on shad price. Um another one I'm Jack.
And we are here to give you some song recommendations.
Each of us is going to bring a song recommendation for you And we're also going to have some video game recommendations from each of us.
But today it is a little bit different than usual because today we have a very special host Houston.

Houston Why don't you say hi to everyone Hi everyone…Uh Houston's.
One of my longtime friends and um, One of him to be our very first guest that we have on the
show here I'm honored…and it's it's a very honorable thing to do
Okay So Zach why don't you start us out this week with your song?
Ah, you know I'm going to ask you every week to start us out right.

Yeah. We got a special guest here I think he should do the honors.
You should go first so that way the guest doesn't feel as awkward with his recommendation after you.
Well I mean that's fair Cause mine is the worst…It's not…shit to say.
I really didn't want to show you up…Uh they
show me up every week Anyway…All right Zach what you got for us?

Um, The song I'm recommending is fuck love by kill Jasper…I love that song
…Not really.
Not normal. Don't really have anything I'm trying to just slow.
Hoping you guys can carry me on this song. You know last week you really stepped up a little bit You had a whole like 12.

And then this week you're going back to nothing. Well the…article, cause remember he'd gave us like the story about it too and everything.
And then he forgot the story. Yeah it's true.
Because the song was like eight minutes long…Either way It was great We were very proud of you Zack.
There wasn't a whole lot of information for this song Besides the typical, they used music to

kind of uh, control their feelings, but that's like everybody who makes music.
You can mean to express her feelings…Yeah that
…Let's uh let's go ahead and uh, give the song a listen.
And then we'll get into it…All right So.

Short and sweet. Zach why'd you recommend that for us this week?
You know I don't have anything to say…You say something…Like why don't you tell me about how
you live next to a beach…Honestly I feel like that is a beach song.
I will listen to that on the beach but um, I actually have a
little bit more to say about this song than Zach does I think.

So kill Jasper…How does this cause you guys know how to express your emotions.
I'm an emotionless void. Yeah well, okay So I think that kill Jasper is really really good And
I honestly think he's underrated because he's a very very underground artists still.
And uh partially I think it's because he took a year break from music in the middle of him just

doing it Like he was going like crazy viral He had like tons of songs that were blowing up He
was on tour, he was making it and then he just took a year break because he felt like it.
And now he's down to like less than 200 K monthly listeners. Because of it.
So anyways, I think he's really really talented And I think that he has a long way to go before

he actually makes it because it just seems like he didn't want to put his nose to the grindstone
like other people do you know, Yeah What do you think about it Houston
Yeah. At least you got more to say…all right.
You know…taking all the lyrics on the first lesson was usually difficult.

Yeah. I like the beat…Short and sweet little tune.
Yeah. On the on the thing where you said like it was hard to like pick up on the lyrics was do
you think it was because like the vocals were too quiet Cause I think that was a problem with me
…Uh I think that's just me with any song
…I'm a music first lyric second kind of guy.

I'm the same way. And I think that um,
like did a good job keeping that same little tune throughout the whole entire thing.
It's still catchy. Kind of set the mood throughout it kind of like okay.
This is not going to be an intense song in your face. This.
It's going to be relaxed Listen to it Yeah. And just kind of on the beach joy to flow Oh yeah On the beach.

At the beach next to Zach's house Yeah. Yeah.
On the beach…And also it doesn't overstate Its welcome.
You know, Like I said…pretty much the entire song.
But tonight so that's good That's short You know? Yeah. He's really good with that Unlike all
of his songs they're not like…too heavy on it.
Yeah all of them are incredibly catchy though. Like he's number one song pretend was stuck in my head for months.

Like I could not stop hearing it Like it was just so good but…yeah, I'm underrated but I mean
he kinda did it to himself…But…All right Well uh Chad, my turn
Out of 10, um, out of 10 I give it.
Like a six. I dunno it's. I don't know if he's out of his

car like full catalog I think it's one of his weaker ones but.
I mean. Zach out of 10.
I gave it a seven…What about you Houston
…I'm going to Nashville Listen to it.
I would say I'd give it a seven…And I think you'd probably give a five.

I would go. I would go back and listen to it.
But just from listening to that song I don't think that I have any motivation to go through listen to the rest of this stuff.
Yeah. Maybe it's not as best song but I just.
I don't know Just didn't really feel it. Yeah. No.
I can't think of any playlists that I would add it to. I'm trying to decide if I

should play one of his songs or play the song that I already wanted to do.
Just do what you already would. Oh But he's so good Kirk.
But uh, Listen to a song after…Houston
What's your recommendation for us this week…All right.
I uh, So. All my recommendations.
I've tried to keep it. With stuff. I'm currently interacting with

…So this…is.
And then be called motorbike. Bye mama…Motorbike Bye mama.
Okay…Anything you might tell us about before we listened to it…Um
, Sure I mean it's kind of a…It's sort of a throwback to

…Nineties alternative like slacker rock.
Um, I've been listening to mama a lot I'm going to go see them.
Uh play with they're going to open for a modest mouse and Weezer.
And a couple of months…Um but yeah
…Kind of up and coming, I guess…I picked one of their like more

More poppy songs just because I wanted it to be a little bit more digestible.
Yeah, we can talk about it more afterwards…All right Just give it a listen…
Well, What are your thoughts Zack…Why don't we stop…all the time.
I just like putting you on the spot. It was just too much for me.

Um, I gotta let you talk so I can finish processing my thoughts so I can talk.
You get that extra 10 seconds to think Yes exactly…Um, When being
honest uh I didn't really pay attention to the lyrics a whole lot I was just jamming out to the music.
Who's um…I don't know how to explain it but it was a

…pretty solid beat like all the way through it was consistent.
Yeah. It didn't feel like anything was like over the top. At all like belong together.
It definitely does jam and hit those power courts a lot. Yeah.
Yeah, it's a very power cord heavy song. Yeah
…Yeah Um, I know that you said that you

really listen to lyrics but Chad pop lyrics for me so I can read through it and.
Honestly I think the lyrics are the special thing about this song.
Yeah I would say that the music itself isn't like anything super new or super unique.
the singing I think is, I think she's got a good voice.
She has some, uh, Like specific way She says certain words that's sometimes

appealing sometimes Not like here.
There's a little uh…Little weird Sometimes when she says I say with the hard art Kirk, but
that's how she said it…You know but I think that the lyrics had some very like
clever metaphors in there and…a lot of interesting wording And I think that the leaders were
really unique…Yeah mine mine became

kind of numb about halfway through So I stopped paying attention to lyrics.
Um, I personally thought that it just kept on going a little bit too much.
Like it just like it was a bit, bit too much of the same thing going on for me So then I just
kind of zoned out near the end and…yeah I.
It's not like it was bad It was just. I don't know I needed a little bit of something different

in there, but…All right Houston has.
So one of the things I like about this song. Uh…It works.
It has a really tight song structure…It plays with the Instructure.
Like it keeps the structure. Very consistent with the dynamics of.

Like putting emphasis on different segments of the chorus and whatnot.
Really uh, Like going quiet for a few different.
Spots throughout. Um just to put some of that emphasis like in the next like
…Couple lines.
The chorus when it's repeated. Uh so it like it introduces you to the

course initially and then it does something a little different with it The next time around.
You really dig that? I did notice I kind of flowed.
Like pretty seamlessly. Into the chorus.
During the towards. I think the last time the chorus came up I went straight from the verse.
They were almost like the exact same fluctuation.
Yeah. I thought the last course was the best part of the song though.

I get it just I don't know It had a hit every uh, every range perfectly It it made my brain get
tickled a little bit…I liked it.
Pickled the wrinkles. So a best song ever. Yeah…I think for me I would
uh probably give it um…I'll probably give it a.

Six out of 10 I think that or listen to other things.
But this kind of fits my style. You know, um I think that uh it kind of reminds me of uh
Mitski which is another artist I listened a lot to in it also.
Sort of like, Gives me like a S like um…Walmart version of

St Vincent's…So you can actually totally hear it Houston said that you know there's they're kind of getting popular down there.
out you know? I think that, um, They have a
lot of similarities with some of the simpler St Vincent songs.
I think that St Vincent is a lot more complex things and they did a year.

But I think that they kind of are, could I think they can get there.
Personally I think that Houston is a description of this band made it significantly better for
me Cause like, like if I was going just off of this song I don't think I would like go and check out the rest of their stuff.
But um because I know what they do I think I actually do want to go and see like what else they
have And I especially like it when they're like an up and coming artists you know I don't know It's just.

It's fun to watch people rise you know? But so what'd you give it
…Ah three out of 10.
Three out of 10…I'm sorry I just don't like things that like repeat so like…
So the show just shows recommendation…I had this like droning sound throughout the entire

song and it just kept on getting louder and it just like.
like, I dunno what it was man It just had me in a weird daze and I didn't like it in.
It was a Gibson SG…All right Uh Zach what do you give it
…Are you a five out of 10?
I'm not big on the the lyrics or the way the song but I do like the music in general…All right

And what about you Houston…Um, so.
Also give this a seven out of 10. Um, there's a lot of intentionality.
The way it sounds…Partially just cause it's trying to recreate like.
An older aesthetic And like I said it's.
It's slacker rack. Right So…you guys mentioned the way they sing certain.

Certain words…It's pretty intentional.
Yeah. We'll go back and listen. So like pavement or.
Lots of fans from that era. Yeah. There was a very or Weezer even as a good example.
Where this was like a very common thing where they like overly stress certain words.

Yeah. It's kind of like a big part of like that
California…Nineties rock scene.
Um…indie rock. Modern indie rock.
Yeah Yeah. I was just wondering cause I feel like this is like this is
perfect Like fit in with like the modern indie rock.
I think you'd love it for sure. Yeah for sure…Yeah I I mean I was basically choosing between a bunch of different.

Uh indie-alt bands…I don't blame you…All right.
Well uh Chad what'd you…Okay.
So, um, To options left me Are you…excited about the song guys?
Okay Look. This song is called mess You made…okay.

Um, And it is by um I'm forgetting the name of the band Michelle.
Okay. Is by Michelle. And it is an amazing song.
And um, I think that this is one of the first songs I ever listened to.
Thought oh my God I need to make a song like that.
And like I just had like I just I don't know how to explain it man.

The song inspired you It's so inspiring. Like it's one of those songs like when you hear you
just you get this feeling in your heart that just wants to jump out.
And that's what I that's what I love so much about the song And I think that I really hope that you guys can hear it too.
Is this is…probably. Probably actually best song ever I love the song so much So uh, anyways

…Um…is that good…I gave it a seven
…I think it is zero
…All right.
You guys ready? I'm ready…Let's listen…Oh yeah.

Oh yeah. That song is so good man…Oh you think guys
…Houston when you think about it
…The best song ever…It's not my style

, but that's not, that's not me saying…I think it accomplishes what it's trying to do really
well…I uh, Fireable performance is really great…Um
…you didn't see it but I was shaking my head
Yes And like, like in extreme like yes I agree.

They. They are so talented dog, every single one of their songs they just blew me away again.
Um it was very uh very RNB…Um which is not a bad thing.
I'm not saying that like they had a bad thing. It's enjoy. I enjoy RNB
…I've listened to a lot of R and B artists.
I would…I also really enjoy.

When an artist can use sound or not sound but
silence…Uh w very well in our song I think.
The star was like Olin I think in the silence.
Yeah. Did dad was what got me going man.
I love it so much. I'm sorry I'm really passionate about this launch.
I think they did a really good job. Using it to emphasize.

Different parts of the song. Um…They had, uh some pretty good
lyrics and obviously a lot of emotion into it It.
Are there two different singers? There are four different singers I believe.
Okay. That's what kind of threw me for a loop because like, it it was kind of a little cool
moment because you know they're obviously all harmonizing together.

And then when they go into the second verse, A different
harm Harmonizer comes out to sing the verse.
And he's just kinda like, like just kinda like walks out of the harmony to continue singing the verse which I thought was a really cool moment.
Yeah. In a song. Yeah well they what they like to do and almost all their
songs they will like they will swap out who's singing each verse.

And honestly they sound incredibly similar I don't really know
their entire like backstory or anything like that I'm not like a.
Stalker I wish though. Um…but I don't really know their entire backstory I just know that
, um, they are really really good and I've seen them perform live on like YouTube videos.
But uh one day it will be in person but yeah this is I'm showing Kirk a picture of their band.

So they've got four female singers and they've got two guys who one
plays guitar and piano and the other one plays drums.
And that's their entire band. So what'd you think about Zack…Um, it's not.
Really my style. Cause you know…The song is great I don't care what your style is.

Yeah. It's not about. I don't really get that heartbreak feeling from it or it's not a rock
song so I don't kind of vibe…I couldn't listen to it on the beach So.
Yeah. I would lose that automatic…
They're definitely like a really solid song though Like this whole style definitely fits them super well.

It's. We'll wait for me What I think is really cool about them is they they don't really
…Uh, They don't really stick to a style cause they're they're an indie pop band.
Um so they they like to experiment in different genres They they've done a song with um, If you
full homemade uh pumped up kicks who's that foster the child I think.
Anyways they've they have a very wide Uh, like range of like

genres So if that's not your style, They still got some great stuff.
I'm trying to man They they have the like craziest vocalist ever.
And like, like you could hear it like in the in the middle of that song, she like screams I was a bitch.
And uh even even with her like screaming and like screeching and stretching her voice like that

she was still like on key which I think is.
That's pretty interesting I mean like I don't I don't think I can name anyone else that's ever
done that but…I mean
…That's a shame It's not the same.
The bottom though that one was pretty solid.

Oh yeah I like that song. You've heard that. Yeah, I've heard every song Exactly.
Obsessed. I am. All right Well Zach what would you give it?
Could you put a five out of 10…Oh man.
Houston what would you give it…Um

…I guess I'd give it to different scores here.
I'll first. Enjoyment. It's…probably like
uh…Probably about a five or six.
Off of like technical skill and song fusion…I'd probably give it a like

…7.5 maybe…Yeah.
I was just getting shit on. I would probably give it a five.
Oh my God guys…And that you really love this song.
But. I listened to the song and I compare it to.

All the songs I've heard in the same genre. Oh the musicians I've heard things I haven't heard in the same genre.
And listening to this. I don't hear.
Besides the harmony thing that they did really. We had other person come out of the army and Keep singing the verse.
Besides that in here anything special. Okay so you telling me when she said.

When the the beginning of this. when the. You said.
When people use silence Good. Right. Yeah but that's not special.
For her best…I feel like it's incredibly rare for people to use silence like that.
I don't know like I have I've only ever.
I can't even think of any of those songs off the top of my head that you sign it's like that.

I feel like they they just do a good way of like, like when the silence comes in it releases
the tension But then when she starts singing again and brings it back in you know what I mean?
I think someone else would use a silence a lot And this is probably why I don't feel like it's super special.
Every rock band, Justin Vernon. I know who that is.
Bonnie bear…You know who it is Yeah I know you used to play that song a lot when we were young right.

It's a band He's done a lot of stuff He worked with a lot of artists.
But he used the science very well in a lot of his songs.
Um he was in the staves song that we listened to.
Uh for you. A couple episodes ago. That sucked.
It did not. Suck. Yeah…Um so yeah I just didn't feel like it was that I liked it.

Um, but it's definitely not something specialized for some for me to start rating things.
Above. You know a six or a seven It has to have something in it.
That really speaks to me that says, I don't think I could get this anywhere else.
I don't think you get that anywhere else Kirk. And I'm telling you that I already have.

That's why that's why. That's why it's a five.
Um, I can agree with Kirk on this…I go to town 10 obviously.
But yeah it's a wonderful song and you guys are just haters So
…All right So moving onto my song um,

So let me pull up my notes real quick…Um, so my song this week
is in time by telos.
Um Talis is an Irish indie electronic music.
he trained as an architect and actually he'd lecture Does it? Architect at so out of university for awhile.
Uh the song and timer was released in 2015. And I think a euphoria magazine describes it better than I could.

Um, This is a quote from the lyrics.
In time, fall depths with me miles apart.
In light we solve our whole lives.
The feeling of floating above cool water. That is the feeling of the altar electric RNB soloists.
Gives listener in his music. The song in time

reflects that feeling and its cover art as Irish vocalist and musician.
Or infringe…wades into water while waves echo away from his body.
The slow guitar riff slowly plucking the strings and sliding down
the neck of the guitars sets the pace and mood for the song.
It brings…Sorry I'm so sorry.

It brings the head to a calmness and prepares the listener for fringes, melodic falsetto that
comes over the you like a calm wave.
I was like we're listening to Morgan Wallen. French can be related to London grammar again and
is similarities of vocally to Hannah read.
Like her French is perfect Pitch control lyrics.

Buttery tone takes command of the sound.
We already we were already fallen in love with and reminds us of how an artist.
Wind pipe is an instrument in its own Right…So I can.
Um, chorus and the song is beautiful.

Um, erotic…No it
…Oh, I think that.
Extremely calm. and flowing. And the way that he uses his vocal
performance to elevate the song is astounding Like.
I think the music is good. But I think that what makes a song truly late to truly great is his

singing…All right So we're listening to a Morgan Wallen song I'm sorry That's such a dumb joke
but I can't stop saying it…Uh, that's the
…All righty.
So what did y'all think? Chad do you wanna start us off…No way Hold on Zack That go that Is that go ahead.

I was going to say I think I described it perfectly with erotic.
Wow…Um, so I was reading through the lyrics and I liked the lyrics but I don't
get…Um, I really really liked this one line though is a you prime me thumping from
this long drop I don't know what that means but I love it…Um, I think I think he has like a very.

unique like lyric style to me It makes me think of.
Um, uh early Tyler the creator because he used to do a
lot of songs where you would just write lines and then immediately contradict them afterwards.
And uh I feel like that's kind of what he's trying to do.
Maybe it's really hard for me to tell. What exactly the song is about.

Um…But I liked it I liked the way it sounded.
I liked the way that he layered his vocals Uh and the final course especially…And
yeah I mean that's pretty much all that I have to say about it…What are you Houston What you're saying?
Erotic or no…I mean.

It's kind of erotic…At least the, at least the instrumentals.
I'm not looking at lyrics…So I can barely tell you what the lyrics were at all.
Um…he does have a very a certain accent that does make his.

Lyric's hard to understand…Yeah he's Irish He's Irish.
It looks Irish. I pulled up a picture of him. Oh my goodness.
He looks like

It was beautiful…Really well into the chorus

…I like the extra bit of production.
When the chorus started…Uh just a really smooth.
I mean, yeah…You can definitely tell that these.
They spent a long time trying to figure out how exactly they wanted to transition it.
From the verses to the course. He's adding in that little bit of that.

Very heavily mixed Uh delay.
In right before it transitions into the course I think was a really really smart idea.
I don't know who came up with that I don't know who was sitting in there And it was like, what if we try it this way Who's.
did that. Deserves an Oscar I I don't know, like forget the Grammys They deserve an Oscar.
Yeah that was really good. And um, As far as like the songs have meaning I would say that it's

more about um…Falling in love
…And taking that, that
trip and sorta sort of like.
Uh the whole process of…You
know both of you falling in love with each other at the same time.

And how it can be both exhilarating and, you know, pretty scary.
At the same time. Uh I think a completely different interpretation.
Mostly cause like the beginning of it is like uh he says uh falling out of love or something like that at the beginning.
And so I thought that that's what the song was about but also everything else like

I said, it feels like every line contradicts itself.
So I don't know. It's really hard for me to just pick up on what.
But I see what you're talking about though. I think it'd be taken a lot of ways.
Yeah, I don't I don't think um, I know a lot of things even taking a lot of the ways Kirk.
I'm sorry. But I think. I do think that his music is open to interpretation.

Um, I haven't listened to a lot of his music in general This is this one and like two other
songs or what I've listened to And I would say that this is definitely my favorite of his music.
Uh but what I try to do with my recommendations when I bring recommendations to offer music as I
try to find things that I don't think that you and Zach have listened to before.

Well I've definitely never heard of this guy. Um I think
, I mean honestly from this song I think I am going to look up his other stuff though.
He is in he's a member of a band as well.
Um but this is sort of like a solo stuff I got you
…The Irish mend I can't do an Irish accent.
Um…I did really enjoy this song though I think in the beginning like 30 or 40

seconds and it kind of picked up like super fast for the stylist song that it is.
Yeah. But literally other than that I think the song was like, Perfect for the way he sings.
Yeah I agree. Really enjoyed this, like a 10th, give it a 10
…All right What about you Jen…I'm

tempted to give it a low score out of spite but…Um no I think.
Um, I think ten's a little generation mostly because uh I think.
On the production side they should have EQT a little bit more It was nasal NAES nasally sound.
Out of him just a little bit more. But other than that I think is pretty solid.
Probably nine. Ish…Yeah.

That was really good Houston…I was going to give it a name…Some pretty high scores I was
going to give it a nine…The guy who was really expecting you to be like I was going to give it
a five…I think it's really a three…I kind of brought
this…like, I just recommended it to throw you guys off…

All right so let's go ahead and jump right into video games I'm going to go ahead and start us off this week for video games.
Um so my video game recommendation this week is
um, Empires of the undergrowth.
Um and uh the steam description is this set in the world of ants.
Empires of the undergrowth is a real time strategy.

With extensiveness building and management features below ground workers maintain nest
operations While you control armies of ants in battle against rival colonies.
Armored in sticks hungry and Fabian's and other critters.
So. I pick this up, pick this game up on a whim Cause it was like, bucks on sale or something
like that I was like oh that seems interesting Let me try it out.

Um, and man there is so much more to this game than you would think.
Like he has the name of it again I'm sorry empire Empires of the undergrowth Okay.
So it's basically like an ant colonies ant colony simulation game.
But the music is amazing I remember this. I remember this.
Um, But uh, I do want to point that out the music for

this game is better than as any right to be.
Yeah. Like there are some bangers dude Like th this is just some like random game some studio
made, but the music is astounding.
It fits the game. Perfectly. If you do nothing
else for this game, go and listen to some of its music Cause it's so good.
It's pretty dang good. Um anyways so you manage a colony and actually.

The story mode is actually a lot of fun. For this game which is
not true for a lot of like…simulation games.
I'm sort of a Calling the games. Yeah. Storyboard for this was a lot of fun because you play as.
different. Uh types of ants that have different abilities
, like fire ants, like they reproduce really quickly.
You have like the forger aunts and a bunch of different ants.

Get really big. I'm like he's a little tiny little worker ants They're like minuscule compared to the big ones.
It's it's a lot of funny if I against different and Connie she fighted
against different insects like does giant fricking spider.
Which was really creepy because I hate spiders…
There is also a frog and that's the firing at levels that you have to go and kill the frog at the end.

Um, with like a million little fire ants.
I think it would be a fire ant. I don't last long I'm sorry.
As you're saying Kirk. All right…It's a really really fun game.
And if you like simulation games or army games or if you've ever played um, What was it that
, that really lame Uh game but actually surprisingly

fun was, uh, totally accurate.
simulator. Yeah Tabs…tabs, you can get kind of a similar feeling with this game.
Although it stops in graphic style or anything like that Yeah.
But um, kind of like. You're putting two armies up against each other.
And they have different modes too. We're going to do just like.

A bunch of ants versus a bunch of ants too If you want to.
Um but yeah, I like it a lot. Highly recommend.
Music is great…Yeah, I agree.
It does sound pretty solid…$20 on it.
Um, Do you remember the one that we listened to that we were like this is the best one.
Um no I don't have to pull it up It's one of the later ones though Yeah.

If you play the game it comes up a lot and you're like wow what is what am I listening to Why is this so good?
Yeah. I remember the battle music was incredibly unique as well.
Yeah. Yeah. Look up the music please everyone.
It is still an early access. But with that there it's
not like other early access games where they put an early access to say all the games.
garbage, you know we don't plan to fix our whaling. They are actively releasing updates and new content for it.

Like they'd just put out. Uh a new update for it like last week.
That whole added a whole nother level to it. Like a brand new level and a story about everything So.
And I ask you a question. Yes.
Have you played…Pigment Yes I have played Pikmin.
All right. He convinced me to play this instead of playing…Um

, you could have way more little guys followed you around.
Uh…how's that
…What does Pikmin.
I don't know if that convinced me. Oh, no I don't
…Y'all are like ten years younger than us.

So…you said, I thought you were saying that babies had something to do with the game And I
was like what are you playing…Growing babies on his farm I'm just new.
I was different…Pikmin…Heck man or pig man
…pick like you pick them out of the ground.

Wait. Omar. Yeah.
Oh okay I know what that is…I've never played any of the, a game.
Any of those games I just know him from smash…I feel like…I was
mostly…It's a joke but…immediately when I started thinking of

…Began describing this game I was like…I remember watching my
brother play this when I was like five…I
feel old
…What'd you say.

Four of them. Yeah…And they're coming out with a new one right Are they do they just come up with a new one?
The fourth one was coming out too. Yeah. I'm…not going to play that.
It actually seems kind of good but. Yep. Anyways.
Uh…It is cool.

Thanks for trying to…ruin it for me Houston.
Um…all right So she said what do you have that you recommending
…Well, It's not going to be disappointed
…It's another.
That's another thing…My recommendation

…It's a metric.
Primary master. Oh yeah…I've seen some stuff from it and it actually looks pretty good
…Uh it's a great sign.
Metroid prime. The first one is my favorite game.
Ever made. So you're definitely not biased…I mean.

I'm heavily biased but so is. A lot of the internet, I mean, You gotta look up.
Top 10, top 100 best games of all time list Metroid prime is.
Often. Up there. Easily.
And the ask you a question real quick Yeah. Yeah.
Basically doom but for girls…No

…Okay I've just seen screenshots of it I always thought Hey that kind of looks like doom.
Well, I mean I guess…I would say like honestly the.
The original Metroid prime did…Definitely take some inspiration from
…It's not for girls.

Main characters a girl Does that mean it's for girls or girls?
Uh, Zelda's for a guys Cause it's because this link so, okay.
Keep going Houston…Anyways.
So the remaster just came out and uh The remaster is
absolutely amazing It keeps everything that was in my core.

Gameplay in tax. Just updates the visuals.
And my opinion it's one of the best remasters ever made.
Because it just doesn't try to do too much. It just.
Takes a really great game. It makes it better…So it makes it look better.
Um, They also updated the control scheme.

The uh the original had.
It was sort of notorious for being a…Difficult.
Yeah a little bit It used tank controls because it was on the game cube and it wasn't, this was
kind of before the era of twin stick shooters.
Um…The way they compensated for that They did

beautifully I mean, The lock-on mechanics in the game.
how you just control. Same as as he plays feels.
It's clunky, but it's executed really well.
The remaster, like allows you to play with the old controls or
you can play with updated twin stick controls So.

You were somebody that couldn't. But one of the play this game but
couldn't because…the controls just weren't for you.
Now that's not really an issue if you've played any FPS on the control If you can play this game.
Easily. Um, But the biggest thing about.
Metroid prime. Just in general is it is a unparalleled.

In terms of the environmental storytelling.
The game. It's completely You're completely isolated the entire
time You'd never see another human being never speak to anybody.
The way that the story is revealed to you is that you have a scan visor that you can activate.
You can scan computers and you get.

Uh small tidbits of what's going on in the world.
Um what. The enemies to space pirates are up to
And I was loving it until you brought that up…If it makes me feel better the reading is really
sparse So like every every text entry.

Like I don't know a few compared to a game like dark souls you get like long ass text entries all the time.
These are like two, three little boxes, very quick…I actually don't hate reading
and video games I think that sometimes it's a little tedious but for the most part I don't hate it.
But there's problems. The thing that I have a problem with is like, Like when

the story solely is like surrounding what you read in the game.
And that was one of the main reasons That's my main complaint about death loop which is still one of my favorite games.
But there's a huge plot twist in the game and it doesn't reveal it to you.
Unless you just read something. And like, And it's like it's the full passage.
I'm not going to read a college essay just so I can figure out that this person is.

A different person than what I thought, you know what I mean? And there wasn't a single
college essay in that game…It was…three paragraphs.
Okay That's a nice…We don't have to interact with those scans whatsoever.
You can play the game You can figure everything out. You're not ever going to be locked out of.

Like, okay I see what you're saying. Anything important Arkham games where it's like, it's
like the environment still tells you a story but it's like it's like optional.
Yeah…I got you It gives you it flushes out the context of like oh why what's this base here?
Why. Why are they running these experiments Like I can obviously

see that they've like captured these creatures and are running some kind of experiment.
If you want to know a little bit. Going on, read the, read the computers.
Scan the creatures. Um, if you don't want to if you want to go in completely blind it's.
Still a really great experience. I would say like in its own right Doing it like a blind play

through where you just don't interact with any of the scanners.
Or the at least the non-essential ones. It is its own great experience.
Are you one more question? Okay.
Uh the remasters $40 And it's never going to drop
…And good luck getting a

physical copy…That's why I hate Nintendo right now.
They never never, ever dropped the price of something.
Isn't principle wild is still 60 bucks. Mario for…$120
…No, no…But Hey I'll lend you my game
Kim Cathy…Alright.

Well thank you to Houston. All. Uh Chad what do you have for us this week?
So um, I am fairly confident that most of us
have played Spider-Man, uh play PS4.
Um, yeah you have I know you have uh Zack have you…No no I've just
…Talk to you about every single bit of the story Okay Okay.

Um and then uh Houston have you played it? I haven't played.
I have interacted with it…Yeah Okay So So Spiderman
PS4 is an amazing game that I will forever love, but.
I like Spiderman miles Morales more, and that's a very strong hot take.
Because a lot of people enjoy Spider-Man PS4 for, I mean it's a it's a long game It's a big

game and all of it's good, except for the Mary Jane parts.
Um, and it's it's like, like I, I agree that it is
as a whole a better game for the for like, It's a full game.
Spider-Man miles Morales I would not argue as a full game. But I think the
message of that game just is so much better.

Then the message of uh original Spider-Man PS4 So um if you ever get a chance, right.
If you've played the original Spider-Man you already know how good it's going to be Like you
already know it's a great game It's fantastic.
The swingings amazing. The story's amazing Like all of it is amazing.
But I think that miles Morales capitalizes on that and improves and it just it's So.

The story just, ah all of it's so good man.
It's always going to be probably one of my favorite games but um, my oldest Miralis is like a
destiny DLC…Honestly you're not wrong.
But it's less of like a like a.
It's it's more like uh, I can't think of examples.
It's more like a witch queen DLC than it is a uh, uh what was the one where we had to go on beyond lady on light.

Because all I was terrible…Um so.
Do you think that could stand up on its own? Yeah.
Like if, if you were comparing it to other games not to the previous Spider-Man.
Do you think it's still Yeah good. Yes I still think is a good game.
Genuinely cause like okay, so you you take things like like the Batman trilogy, right?

And all of those games are good on their own It's the exact same way with the Spiderman game so
far it's like they they are like they're building off of each other, but they are still fantastic all in their own Right.
And um I mean like I said the main reason why I like miles Morales so much is because of the story.
You know and I think it I think it's really immersive I think it's, I think all the characters
that you meet throughout while doing the side missions are also like like I don't know how to

explain it other than you just grow to like the like basic side characters that nobody normally cares about you know?
And um that's why I like it so much I think that the miles brown his
character actually has an advantage over the Peter Parker character.
When you say that, uh, I think that black people know
the Peter Parker care's character way better than to do a miles Miralis.

So you can take a lot more liberties with the story Yeah.
You can do a lot more things with it and make a lot more changes in.
Fit uh whatever. Uh, you know medium you're telling the story through in this case video games Yeah.
And then you could with Peter Parker, Peter Parker you expected to see Mary Jane.
And expect you're expecting to see black cat. You know you're expected to see all those main characters and stuff.

Yeah kingpin. With miles Morales You know you've got.
I mean. I don't know what his main villain is.
Like I know who miles Morales is. I don't know who's who his main antagonist is I don't know
what his, his story plays out As I know, I know Peter Parker story from beginning to end.
Yeah. He's been around so long I've seen so many iterations for it I know it.

No So I'm expecting to see you know have those like kind of fanboy moments while playing the game.
Four miles Morales I would be playing it. To get the miles Morales story Yeah Like that'd be a
FA uh aside from you and the Spider-Man movie that came out.
Uh spider verse right Yeah Into the spider verse.
Okay So the thing also another thing. Uh that I think is interesting about miles Morales It's like.

People didn't really care about him much until spider verse.
Um cause like he basically just had no unique character traits besides Peter Parker Right Yeah.
And you're insulting Houston…I definitely…Original miles
Morales…Um before he got.

Like before the universe. The ultimate universe.
Folded in…You've got a lot going on actually.
From what I've heard is like, People read what he enjoyed reading the comments about him, but
he was like there was nothing to like truly separate him from Peter Parker other than his extra
powers…Consider this, he was so popular.

That they had to. Find a way to
pull him from a different universe And bring them into into the main one.
Yeah. Yeah…Yeah.
Well that, that was the thing is like, Like…I mean.
Nevermind Nevermind. I haven't read any of the miles Morales comics So I wouldn't really know

but, um I'm just going off of like word of mouth you know but anyway
so um, The miles Morales.
I, but also what I think is interesting is like in the game and in the
movie he's honestly I think very different characters.
Um like I feel like in the movie.
Uh he's a lot more um, timid not ready for what's happening.

But I think the, the version that you're playing in the game isn't.
I wouldn't exactly Say not like he isn't like perfectly ready to be Spider-Man.
But he's also like, I feel like he's a lot deeper in the game, you know?
And um I that's that's why I like it so much. And uh, anyways…I do think.

All right in that. Uh he just doesn't have the same baggage.
There are. Yeah. Telling a story about him. Uh, like his his
full…His character is still being defined slowly.
Right Like…like he's still building up his own like a cultural like impact.

Yeah his own mythos. I guess like he he's not, he doesn't necessarily have…Too many
qualities that are set into the cultural zeitgeists yet.
Where you can't. You can't fuck with…The formula for Peter Parker in certain ways.
This is just reiterating mostly what Kirk said earlier about it I just, I agree.

Yeah…So…Did you recommend your game Yeah you did Oh wait hold on.
Yeah. Yeah…Uh I know Chad's going to disagree.
Probably pretty hard on this one. Uh my recommendation is dying light two
…Oh I thought you about the arc of nights Like.

No…I will One day I will genuinely recommend it one day…That'll be
your last day on the show is Zack…All right So Diane like.
Recommend clash of clans one day. Yeah dang. I don't have a banger…Um, yeah
…It's not as.

Good. As the first one I think the first one definitely was
like…It brought something new.
I just like the whole aspect of like the zombies and story.
Like this on B story games. Did you hear me? Uh, yeah.
Me and Kirk didn't have any issues You were the only one. Yeah no I I wouldn't Okay So we all played dying light together.

Um to be fair it was, I literally just gotten my 30 60.
So it was my right after I've upgraded my graphics card I started playing dying light.
So if I'm being completely fair I also.
not have had the right drivers but. After updating to the proper new drivers I still could not
play through the game without getting 30 bazillion glitches Every single step.

And that's why I couldn't play it. And that's why I disagree
…But I completed sentence You know, me and Kirk.
Also I think I had like three glitches throughout the entire
time I played it and I have almost like 70 hours on the game.
And we we were playing dine light like pretty much right when it came out to.
Yeah. That was two before they patched anything This was also like the big thing When like

people were just releasing games It doesn't matter if they fixed the bugs or not Like every game
that released had their issues…Well I mean like I don't I don't want to trash.
Like if I I haven't played it since that happened you know, but
I also just have no motivation to play it since because of how many issues I had.
Like I literally couldn't climb up walls which is like, you gotta survive that way So how am I

supposed to play the game if I literally cannot do it You know what I mean?
So I was just like, I am like
certain Chad was just not pressing the space bar sometimes.
I'm not. The amount of times It's happened where I've liked just random to a wall and press
base once And it climbed the entire thing And Chad said he's in there spamming the button.

I think Chad's just doing something wrong. But no.
But it's okay Seriously though So Zach why why do you recommend
dine light to…I just think it.
Obviously like I said it's not as good as the first one but I think it just continues on with
their like…Their creation of like how they want to do these like story modes.

Big games. And I think they just, uh…I lost my words…Well so.
The way they do it is. So unique I feel like…Yeah So to say we're the
first people to do, like these certain things like when it came to like, The crafting shit and

the way the story is just all brought out…Yeah.
Cut you off. I was just going to, I was just going to add on to what you were saying, you
know whenever we say a zombie game, You're thinking you know back for blood.
Left for dead. You know all those like I we're we're we're surviving against waves of zombies.
You know, but no this is, this is a story game.

Where zombies are the hazard.
You know you're trying to interact with these people.
Where you know it. Where you know they each have their own stories I think that what dynamite
two did really good is having a lot of unique stories and alive unique storylines in it.
I'm not I'm just saying that everything was unique There obviously was like the cookie cutter

stuff you could I was like, oh I have a protagonist I'm here to save everyone.
You know the kind of thing. Sometimes but um, I think it
does fall into a lot of the traps that a lot of role-play.
open-world propylene games fall into. Um, okay.
One thing I will always praise about it is the opening to dying light to dying light to instant link gets you in your fields.

It does have a pretty good opening. Yeah. Um yeah.
And…I would also say that um, it probably it.
Uh…it's kind of close to Assassin's creed in this.
This area but I think it probably has uh the best part core in any video game.

Um during that one or two Dynalite to.
Chad I know you had issues with it Okay. We're not talking about yours…If you did not have
the issues or a complex known as Chad syndrome.
Oh my gosh. I'm not dumb Okay.
No there were multiple times when my game just crashed while we were playing So you can't defend that one Okay.
I'm just saying. I mean you did also just say. And if he didn't have…Oh come on.

But no, like even after I updated the drivers, having it but that's okay This is completely.
Besides the point. Um, Best game ever…I'm sorry That's my new favorite
…Uh I would agree that.
I would agree with SAC I wouldn't recommend this with Zach I think it's a good game.
But I would also say that it's not worth the full price…No no.

It's definitely not It's definitely like a $30 game.
Yeah. I would agree with that. Is it really that short or is it that short It's just.
It's not worth spending $60 on when you have so
many other great games are $60 or less than $60 I got you.
Yeah…Well…I guess that's it right.

Houston. Have you played dine light too…I haven't played either one of them.
I remember watching the trailer…Like…demo.
Uh for the…first one. I thought it looked really cool.
But…unfortunately, Never got around to playing…And then another one the second one

…All right Well uh thank you for joining us this week Houston I appreciated having you here
…Yeah you're welcome…Uh all right so that's going to be the episode for today.
I'm so sorry Again we did not have video this time I think that we will finally have it next week.
Um yeah. And uh so just so y'all are aware We now this is our fourth episode.

And uh we will have a YouTube page by the time this one comes out.
And uh although we won't we'll have video we'll have some visualizers stuff going on there.
So we can look at it there. Um we also will be having we'll have a Patrion up.
Uh that will be a linked in the description
of this episode If you feel like giving us some money.

Um if not we're going to keep doing it anyways So…Maybe.
uh, yeah so thank you all for this team and y'all have a wonderful day…
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