All Episodes

May 16, 2024 43 mins

Donald Trump and Joe Biden have both accepted an invitation to debate on June 27th. The debate will be held on CNN, assuming all the details are worked out. Jesse Kelly goes through some of the demands being made by Team Biden and how they're designed to hurt Trump. Jesse also breaks down the results of the latest primary, honors the fallen and discusses the latest inflation report with Senator Ron Johnson. Plus, appearances from Lauren Chen and Christina Urso.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
It looks like Trump is going to debate Joe Biden twice.
I have different thoughts about that. Senator Ron Johnson is
here to talk about the inflation report, which is bad.
Bank of America deep banking people, Lauren Chen all that
and more coming up, and I'm right, all right, let's

have a talk about this debate stuff and Joe Biden
in twenty twenty four. But before we get to that,
we want to do what we always try to do
on the show. We try to catch every one of
them we can find, and sadly, they're very common military
members who die during training. We have always believed they
deserve to be honored, respected, Their families need prayer. Lieutenant

Zachary Golli, Army officer died during training in Louisiana. It's
extremely sad that young man gave his life for his country,
every bit the hero of somebody who dies in combat.
And pray for his family and we salute you to
rest in peace. All right, all right, So let's deal

with the big campaign news of the day. Everyone woke
up and saw it. Everybody did. There are going to
be debates, because there were debates about whether or not
there were going to be debates, meaning Joe Biden. He's
so old, he's so riddled with dementia. He can't talk anymore.
He definitely can't talk off the cuff. He's so bad

now he's getting worse and worse at speaking off the teleprompter.
Remember he did.

Speaker 2 (01:39):
He can't do it.

Speaker 1 (01:40):
His mind, it doesn't work anymore. It doesn't work. So
we were thinking, is he even getting debate Donald Trump?
Donald Trump, despite his age, is still pretty freaking jarp
energetic out there give an hour two hour rallies and speeches.
And Joe Biden he's not physically mentally capable of that.
So we're all thinking, God, Joe Biden is at such

a disadvantage. Surely they're not even going to let this
poor old sap debate, right, Surely they're not going to
let this guy debate. But they did. And now it
was announced today that Biden and Trump are going to
debate on CNN. Now, I need to clarify this. I

need to clarify something before I go forward here. A
lot of this stuff has not been confirmed yet. Now
we know right now there are going to be as
of right now, two debates, one on CNN, one on
ABC first one, we'll focus on that. We'll just leave
that for now because this is what we're hearing about it.
And there's a lot of reporting that this debate, if

you want to call it that, between Trump and Joe
Biden is going to take place not only on CNN,
but without a live audience at all, so in a studio.
And the rumor now, and it has not been confirmed yet,
but the rumor now is that the Biden campaign is

demanding that CNN cut off Donald Trump's microphone when he's talking. Okay,
so I want I want you to picture this, which
is picture this picture you. Let's say you're a fighter.
You're an MMA fighter, you fight for the UFC, You're

a world champion MMA fighter. And what is your specialty?
What do you do really really well? You know there
are different styles that make fights. What is it that
you do so well? You you're a striker. You're a kickboxer.
We'll call that. You do muy thai. You're a striker.
You punch, you kick, that's what you do. You want
to stand up and you want to spar with somebody

so you can knock him out. Your opponent, he not
only is not a kickboxer like you. It is well
known that this guy is one of the worst strikers
in the history of mankind. Essentially, a small a little
girl could beat this guy up. If the fight stays
standing up and striking. He has to have the fight

go to the ground. It must go to the ground
or he's gonna lose. And so you tell him I
want to fight, and he says, yeah, we'll fight, but
we have some rules. You see. We have to start
out on our knees. We're never allowed to stand on
our feet at all. If anyone stands on their feet,

they're disqualified. And the referee of the fight, he's gonna
be my dad. That's what we just did with this debate.
Why do we keep doing this? Why do we keep
agreeing to this? First of all, CNN, there's not a
more despicable media organization in the United States of America

than CNN. The New York Times, in Washington Post and
CNN are really the three headed monster of the worst
despicable evil communist propaganda you can find out there right now.
Why would we agree to debate anybody on CNN? Why?
And the Jeffrey Zucker form ahead of CNN already came

out today and said this debate will be the most
watched thing in CNN history. So not only are we
walking right into hostile territory, we are gifting the evil organization.

Speaker 2 (05:35):
Who hates Trump, We're gifting them.

Speaker 1 (05:39):
Their largest ratings in history. And on top of that,
Joe Biden can't think. And it's it's so much worse
now that he's getting older. Member during the State of
the Union address, when he lost his trade of thought
and he hasn't started yelling at Marjorie Taylor grade started
doing that animal thing and he called the guy an
illegal alien, which you know you can't now if you're

a Democrat in the country. Joe Biden can't even think.
And so we agree to this tightly controlled environment that
will be tightly controlled by essentially the Joe Biden campaign. What. Yeah,
I know we wanted to debate him, but did we
have to agree to fight on our knees with his

dad refereeing the thing? Yeah? And I saw so many
people out there today and this goes back to honesty,
It goes back to our mentality. It goes back to
you and me and how we think on the right.
And I understand this the right, and I don't mean
this as insulting as it sounds. To just stay with me.

The right has a loser mentality. Winning becomes habitual, becomes
a habit. Losing is exactly the same way you win.
For long enough, you assume you're going to win. You
know what it looks like to win. You prepare as
if you're going to win it. Ever been on sports teams,

I've been on winning ones. That's what it's like. They
Ever been on a losing one, I've been on those
two sucked. I remember my sophomore year of high school
basketball team Garbage. We used to get blown out all
the time, and about halfway through the season you could
see it set in a loser mentality. Losing became habitual.
We expected to lose, We prepared as if we were

going to lose, and we, by the end of the
season didn't even know what winning looked like. I remember
it like it was yesterday. We had a game we were
used to getting blown out by thirty points, twenty thirty points.
We had a game where we lost by eight, and
we celebrated as if we'd won. So ingrained with losing.

We don't even know what winning is anymore. That's what
the GOP is celebrating that Joe Biden's debating, well, agreeing
to play their game on their field, with their referees
enforcing their rules standard. Why are we giving ABC a
debate either there may be worse than sentence. You know, Look,

you remember last time they debated. Remember remember when Joe
Biden had a little, a little help last time.

Speaker 3 (08:18):
Because look, there are fifty former national intelligence folks who
said that what this he's accusing me of is a
Russian plan. They have said that this is has all
the four five former heads of the CIA, both parties
say what he's saying is a bunch of garbage. Nobody
believes it except them his and his good friend Rudy Gilli.

Speaker 4 (08:42):
You mean the laptop is now another Russia, Russia, Russia hoax.

Speaker 3 (08:45):
And that's exactly what this way, exactly what this is
where he's going, the LP is Russia.

Speaker 1 (08:52):
I want to stay on the issue of race.

Speaker 2 (08:54):
You have to here we go a game with the Russia.

Speaker 1 (08:59):
It was her comment that really made that. Did he
hear what she said? She said, Joe Biden tells an
outright lie. And we now know all this has been
confirmed what he just said was an outright lie. It
was his son's laptop. His son is a felon. He
is the family business, meaning Joe Biden is the family business.
The laptop revealed that Hunter Biden worked for him. All

that stuff was factual. And the second Donald Trump comes
in and drops to are you kidding me? This is ridiculous,
The moderator jumps in and says, I want to stay
focused on race. And that was in front of a
live studio audience where Donald Trump got the freedom to
speak into the microphone whenever he wanted. And today we're

supposed to celebrate because we're waltzing into enemy territory with
handcuffs on once again. Sorry, can count me out of
that celebration. I'm good. All that may have made you uncomfortable,
but I am right. Inflation makes me uncomfortable. I want
to know when's it going to stop going up? That

let's start there. I wanted to go back down. You
wanted to go back down. When's it going to stop
going up? Maybe Senator Ron Johnson has some idea of
something we can do. These people are killing us. He's
going to join us steps and we'll talk to him
about that. Before we talk to the senator, Let's talk
to you about your coffee. Your coffee choices. We all

have choices to make, and my very important choices. Buying
your coffee is one of the easiest ones because you
can buy it from one of these big coffee being
companies who hate you. You know they're out there. They're
going to take your money. They're going to promote DEI
and ESG and all the other comedy gobblygook. Or you
could buy your coffee from Blackout Coffee, the greatest coffee ever,

from the patriotic coffee company that not only shares but
promotes our values. That's Blackout Coffee. Twenty percent off your
first order. Speaking of inflation, why don't you go drop
a big fatty order at Blackout Coffee and stock up
when it's twenty percent off Blackoutcoffee dot com slash Jesse

we'll be back. Well. I mean, I don't even want
to bring you inflation numbers because what differen does it make?
You already know about them because you buy things, You
buy goods, services, you shop for groceries, you pay your
power bill. Obviously it came in a three point four

percent We know that it was going to be bad.
Prices are at nineteen point five over Biden's presidency, nineteen
point five percent. Prices are up. It's bad. Every American
is being smashed by it, and the people in DC
don't seem to give a crap. At least the leadership
in DC doesn't joining me now, the great Senator Ron

Johnson from the State at Wisconsin Senator, it is the
out of touchness of these people in DC, both GOP
leadership and Democrats, that blow me away about my emailing box.
It's not full of complaints about anti semitism at Columbia University.
It's full of people saying I can't afford groceries. Someone
helped me.

Speaker 2 (12:15):
Now we have a problem with the Unit party here,
there's no doubt about that.

Speaker 5 (12:18):
I think the better way to describe this is Moody
Analytics just came out with their analysis. Nationally it's costing
a family one thousand dollars more a month because of
Biden's inflation. That's twelve thousand dollars a year. And the
other way looking at this is a dollar you held
at the start of the Bidy ministration is now worth
eighty three point eight cents, So I don't think people

really can really convert percentages into daily living. But one
thousand bucks a month, most people can figure, well, I
could do a lot with that thousand dollars a month.
But it's just being wasted now because of Biden's inflation.
You have to spend that amount of money just to
maintain whatever stand the living you had prior to the

Biden administration.

Speaker 1 (13:02):
It is.

Speaker 5 (13:03):
It's beyond burdensome.

Speaker 1 (13:07):
It is. And when you combine that with the stories
about personal savings being in an all time low and
credit card debt being at an all time high, it's
obvious the American people are trying desperately to keep their
heads above water, and yet the spending seems to continue
without end. Senator Chuck Schumer just a couple of weeks ago,
went on the Senate floor and bragged that he didn't

have to cut a nickel. These people celebrate the fact
that they're not cutting anything at all.

Speaker 5 (13:34):
Mainly because people don't really look at the numbers. You know,
in twenty nineteen, before the pandemic, before the recession, the
federal government in total spent four point four trillion dollars.
Now that had doubled over about a seventeen year period
from two thousand and two. Okay, so it took seventeen
years to go from over two trillion to four point
four trillion. Then because of the pandemic, the next year

we spent I think six point two and we never
look back. Now our new baseline, President Biden is looking
to spend seven point three trillion dollars in the next
FISCO year. This year will probably spends six point nine.
We haven't returned to pre pandemic baseline. We've just taken
that massive cover relief spending level. Just turn that into

a new baseline. It's completely unsustainable. Now is causing us
more than national defense.

Speaker 2 (14:23):
This is completely unsustainable.

Speaker 5 (14:25):
But most people in Washington this year just we'll sit
by the graveyard. We haven't had the debt bomb go off,
although we're having the fire crackers. I mean, that's what
the two thousand and eight, two thousand and nine recession was,
the Great Recession. That's what for your high inflation. That's
what a dollar that you had started the by administration
is only worth eighty three point eight cents. These are
the little fire crackers going off. But we haven't seen

that massive debt bomb, which would be a horrific crisis.

Speaker 1 (14:52):
Senator, to your colleagues, I know this is something you
rant about often. I give you credit for it. But
the people they're Republican and Democrats who spend money this level,
do they not know about this debt bomb? Or do
they not care? I would have a hard time believing
people of that high as status, who have that much
information don't know. But maybe I'm wrong, Maybe it's just
a bunch of morons we're dealing with.

Speaker 5 (15:14):
The RATIONALEY almost always go to is run. It's not
discretion ate spending what we're in charge of. It's mandatory spending.

Speaker 2 (15:22):
We can't do anything about that. That's on automatic pilot.

Speaker 5 (15:24):
And that's that's why, because I see when people like
me say we shouldn't have two different parts of our budget.
You know, more than seventy two percent of our budget
is mandatory spending out of control. No business, no family
could budget that way. Everything has to be on budget.
But when I say that, I immediately get slandered and say, oh,

he wants to put sol Sicurity on the chopping block,
he wants to cut slash and Soli security. No, I'm
trying to save social security. The greatest threat to solid
security is not having the financial wherewithal out of the
general budget to plus up the benefits when the SOLI
Security Trust Fund runs out, which by the way, is just.

Speaker 2 (16:01):
An accounting gimmick anyway.

Speaker 1 (16:04):
Yeah, I thought about it, all right, We're gonna shift
gears because you and I. I'm sure it could go
back and forth on this for about ten years. Illegals
are they voting in this country? You always hear rumors
of their being registered given drivers licenses. They are voting,
they aren't voting. Are we worried about illegals voting in
our elections?

Speaker 2 (16:21):
I certainly am.

Speaker 5 (16:23):
We now have evidence that non governmental organizations that American
taxpayers fund, some of these NGOs are handing out a
slip of paper to illegal immigrants before they come to
America that says, when you get to America, vote for
Joe Biden. There's a push for mail in balloting, you
know APSTEE balloting while we relax all the controls over it.
You've got New York City, I believe it is it

allows illegal immigrants to vote in city elections.

Speaker 2 (16:48):
I mean, they're just setting it up.

Speaker 5 (16:49):
That's why Democrats are so opposed.

Speaker 2 (16:51):
To voter id so.

Speaker 5 (16:53):
No, I think Democrats are doing everything they can to
make it easy to cheat.

Speaker 2 (16:58):
For immigrants to vote.

Speaker 5 (17:00):
That's how President Biden is one way he's weaponized the
federal government. He's turning all his agencies into voter registration agencies.
Now they're not going to go and vote and register
maga Republicans. They're gonna go and they're gonna do everything
they can to vote or register people who are dependent
on government, probably the illegal immigrants. No, they're gonna do
everything they can to cheat to gain electoral vale advantage

because they just want power. That is what unifies democrats,
radical leftists. They want power and obtain power by growing government.

Speaker 1 (17:33):
Senator, the RNC the convention is coming in Milwaukee. It's
in July. I will certainly be there, So I guess
this next question probably applies to me as much as
it applies to you. You're going to be there too.
You have security concerns about this whole thing. Are we
going to get attacked at this thing?

Speaker 2 (17:48):
Senator? I mean, let's hope not. You know what we're
looking at.

Speaker 5 (17:55):
This came to my attention a couple of weeks ago,
is they've set up the protest zone a block from
the convention. They originally had the entrance sites cut, funneling
in on the streets immediately adjacent to that park where
there will be i don't know, hundreds of thousands of
legal protesters shouting awful things at the convention goers. So

I've met with the Secret Service director yesterday, not satisfied
with the answer she had the ability. They used their
criteria from other national security events. They applied those criteria,
they came up with a security plan. Now she says
she doesn't have the authority to change it. I'm going
to keep pressing this case, saying that this is an

obvious problem area here we can mitigate at least this risk.
You can't get rid of all risks, but to have
a protest zone where they can all gather totally uncontrolled,
they can spread out for their easily on the streets.
Right now, they're talking about putting those entrance zones just
to block away to the north through the south. Again,
this is, from my standpoint, beyond ridiculous. But we're gonna

have to apply pressure. This is you know, she works
for me. Archis by the way, and of course Joe
Biden I want to put it by those folks to
do everything they can to just keep keep it as
is and enjoy the show.

Speaker 1 (19:17):
Yeah, of course they would. Senator, I expect you to
have my back if I'm being attacked over there, jump in.
You're from Wisconsin, it's time to hit somebody. All right.
I gotta let you go, though, Senator. I appreciate you
very much. I'll see you in Milwaukee. All right. Look,
they keep doing this stuff, and every time I say
that these people are okay with you being hurt, that

they kind of want you to be hurt, get all
kinds of pushback from people. That's too far, that's too far. No,
they're not. Why do you think they denied RFK his
Secret Service protection? Why do you think they do little
things like this? They just kind of make sure everything
happens to be set up in a way that you
might end up getting hurt. Oh, whoops, did some Antifa

guys by a cinder block off your head?

Speaker 2 (20:01):
Dang, we didn't.

Speaker 1 (20:02):
See that coming. Not my fault. These dirty comedies are
all the same, man, They all act like this. It
tries to be crazy. All right. We have Lauren Chen coming.
She's gonna talk about many different things with US COVID revisionism.
We're going to talk about this Trump Biden debate stuff
before we get to Lauren, Let's talk about the timeshare.
You think you're stuck in.

Speaker 2 (20:22):
But you're not.

Speaker 1 (20:23):
It's a lie, and people believe that lie because it's
a lie. The timeshare companies tell them. You decide you're
done with your time share for whatever reason, don't use
it anymore, can't afford it anymore, whatever. Let's say you
shoot them an email, maybe call Hey, I'm done. I
want to let you guys know you can have it back.
And what do they tell you every time you're not
allowed out? You can't have it, or you're not allowed

out you have to pay your annual fees, special assessments. Sorry,
you can't have freedom. But lone start transfer is the
way to get out the family business that will legally,
impermanently set you free from the time share that's dragging
you down. Just give them a call. Ninety nine percent
of the time they're successful eight four four, three, one

zero two six, four to six. We'll be back.

Speaker 3 (21:18):
This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated.

Speaker 6 (21:22):
For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winner of severe
illness and death. Unvaccinated for themselves, their families, and the
hospitals will soon overwhelmed. We must increase vaccinations among the
unvaccinated with new vaccination requirements. This is not about freedom
for personal choice.

Speaker 7 (21:42):
We have to beat this thing. So while I didn't
race to do it right away, that's why I've had
to move toward requirements. Did everyone get vaccinated where I
had the authority to do that, That wasn't my first instinct.
My administration is now requiring treader workers to be vaccinated.
We've also required federal contractors to be vaccinated. If you

have a contract of the federal government, working for the
federal government, you have to be vaccinated. We're requiring active
duty military to be vaccinated. We're making sure healthcare workers
are vaccinated because if you seek care at a health
care facility, you should have a certainty that the people
providing that care are protected from COVID and cannot spread

it to you. You've been patient, but our patience is
wearing thin, and your refusal has cost all of us.

Speaker 1 (22:34):
I'll never forget that last moment as long as I live,
when the President of the United States of America stood
up and told me his patience with me was wearing thin.
The hell do these people think they are joining me?

Speaker 2 (22:47):

Speaker 1 (22:48):
Lauren Chen? I love Lauren. I haven't talked to her
in Agent's TPUSA contributor, Lauren. I know, I'm just probably
old and spiteful in everything and irish, but I'm never
going to let that stuff go. Still makes my blood
pressure just rise every time I see that stuff.

Speaker 8 (23:04):
Well it absolutely should.

Speaker 9 (23:05):
I mean, here you have a president who's talking down
to his fellow citizens for making personal medical decisions as
if they were petulant children who were throwing a tantrum
and not going to bed as they should.

Speaker 8 (23:16):
And like you said, who are you? Who do you
think you are?

Speaker 9 (23:18):
And I mean this was outrageous back then, but it's
even more unbelievable after everything we've seen that's come out about.
You know, the jab astrazenica is now being removed from
the market, something we've known was an issue for a
long time, about the possible.

Speaker 8 (23:32):
Health side effects.

Speaker 9 (23:33):
These are issues that people were talking about back then,
but they were smeared as conspiracy theorists and grand oculers.

Speaker 8 (23:39):
And I don't think we cord we we're wrong.

Speaker 9 (23:41):
We still have not gotten an apology from President Biden
for all of this, as far as I know.

Speaker 1 (23:47):
An apology, My goodness, Lauren, we've gotten far from an apology.
The people who pushed all the lies on us are
now The best they can do is well, we were missinformed.
I want to credit mays More and Tom Elliott for
putting this little tid bit together of well here watch and.

Speaker 10 (24:03):
To be clear, by we, I mean you who are
not protected for yourself and loved ones. Yet you guys
are the issue, not the majority of the country that
has already taken upon this task and now is being
held hostage. There is going to be a consequence for
irrational resistance. You being unprotected hurts my kids, hurts my mother.

You are having your freedom stepped on because of those
who believe freedom is.

Speaker 1 (24:29):
About putting other people at risk.

Speaker 10 (24:31):
This is a tyranny of the unvaccinated. You have to
have a vaccine passport. How are we going to know
who got the booster and who didn't. We're going to
have to have a way to track it ivermectin a
de wormer. Really, they need to be called out in shame.
Will so resistant to reason and reliant on lies that
they would rather try poison.

Speaker 1 (24:50):
You're not a horse.

Speaker 10 (24:51):
You are not a cow taking a drug that's given
to live stock as an anti parasitic.

Speaker 1 (24:57):
It doesn't work.

Speaker 10 (24:58):
Please don't take.

Speaker 1 (25:00):
It, Lauren. Now he's out there saying he's got heart problems.
He's not alone. They're all doing it. They all just
kind of moved on like they weren't evil, vicious little monsters.

Speaker 8 (25:14):
No, you're right.

Speaker 9 (25:15):
And as you mentioned, Chris Cuomo most recently on the
Patrick bed David podcast, he's come out saying, like, look, guys,
there were adverse side effects that I'm experiencing. On his
own show, he's covered this issue talking to other.

Speaker 8 (25:27):
People who have had adverse side effects. It's like, hang
on a second, I thought we were told that the
vaccine was totally safe. That if you.

Speaker 9 (25:33):
Don't trust that, then you basically hate science and your
fellow Americans.

Speaker 8 (25:37):
Isn't that what Chris Cuomo himself was saying.

Speaker 9 (25:39):
And on the issue of ivermectin, now Chris cmo is
also saying not only is he having adverse side effects
from the JAB, but that he also has been given
a round of ivermectin to deal with I'm guessing you
know a previous COVID infections.

Speaker 8 (25:52):
Like, so basically, you were just one hundred percent wrong.

Speaker 9 (25:55):
You were wrong with everything you were feeding your CNN viewers.

Speaker 8 (25:58):
And you know, if.

Speaker 9 (26:00):
Cuomo specifically was the type of person to say, you
know what, guys, I was misled. I did not do
my job as a journalist. I accepted at face value
what my higher ups and our corporate sponsors over at
Pfizer were telling us. I should have asked more questions.
I shouldn't have just jumped on the bandwagon. I especially
should not have demonized my fellow Americans, you know, for

actually doing what I should have been doing, which is
their own independent research. If he came forward and took
that stance, I think people would be open to accepting
maybe he's turned a new leaf, Maybe this is some
sort of redemption arc. Instead, Chris Cuomo from Best I
can Tell is actually saying that, hang on, we were
just lied too. It wasn't my fault the experts. They

weren't telling us what was true.

Speaker 8 (26:45):
There was no way we could have known.

Speaker 9 (26:46):
It's like, how could you say that when simultaneously there
were other people out there who did.

Speaker 8 (26:50):
Know this entire time.

Speaker 9 (26:52):
Look, I want to believe people can change, but it
kind of seems like with Chris Cuomo specifically, this is
just an attempt to kind of rebrand now that he's
part of independent media. I don't think he's actually learned anything, sadly,
and we certainly haven't gotten an apology from him, which
I think we are owed as the general public who
was being shamed out there. He's literally on videos encouraging

us to be shamed for not taking the vaccine.

Speaker 1 (27:20):
Yeah, shamed and blamed for the vaccine. I remember it.
It was all my fault. It was all your faul. Lauren,
all right, we'reving. We're switching on here because we have
other things to talk about. The announcement today. Everyone's talking
about it. Trump and Biden. You're going to have a debate, Lauren,
and I talked about it in the opening of the show.
I mean, yeah, I'm glad they're debating, But why are
we debating on CNN? Why are we allowing them to

dictate everything? No live audience cutting off Donald Trump's mike.
We accepted the only debate that that doddering, old fool
might be able to win against Trump.

Speaker 2 (27:49):
Why do we do this?

Speaker 9 (27:51):
I think it's because Republicans for as much as they
slamm the mainstream media, corpor press, and even the Democratic Party, ultimately,
what so many establishment were Republicans want more than anything
else is to be accepted by those people, which is
so frustrating because you know, if Donald Trump were to
do a town hall on x it could be a
completely opened platform that we would not have to worry

about bias moderation, which even Trump himself has complained about.
But I think too many Republicans are still in the
mindset that we have to play by the less rules,
which is why, honestly, Republicans often lose.

Speaker 1 (28:27):
Lauren. One of the things that steems me to know
and is how quickly we just succumbed to communist language.
We do it all the time. They choose language on
purpose because they're trying to lie, and we adopt it
right away. I was actually in church on Sunday and
our pastor gave a sermon about politics, and he called
it a democracy about eighty five times, and I could

just feel my blood pressure in my head about to
come out of my skull. Anyway, here's this little clip.
Anybody that votes Republican and doesn't understand you of voting
for the end of democracy.

Speaker 5 (29:00):
Just pay attention to the Sunday shows this past weekend.

Speaker 3 (29:02):
Make this sacred pledge to you the defense, protection and preservation.
But American democracy would remain as it has been the
central cause of my presidency.

Speaker 2 (29:14):
American democracy could end with the election of Donald Trump.

Speaker 1 (29:18):
IOWA apparently short for I don't want to live in
a democracy anymore. And the man has had.

Speaker 10 (29:27):
You know, he's declared open season on democracy.

Speaker 6 (29:30):
Democracy, our freedoms are what's on the line.

Speaker 2 (29:34):
Our democracy depends on you.

Speaker 1 (29:37):
It really does, folks. That's no joke, Lauren. Why do
commedies love that word? And more importantly, why does the
right adopt that word?

Speaker 8 (29:46):
Well, actually I've cracked the code. I don't know if
you're familiar with.

Speaker 9 (29:49):
This, but if they like something, they call it democracy.
If they don't like something, they call it either fascism
or insurrection. Doesn't matter if those terms are actually accurate.
That's basically how they category rise things. But look, I'm
going to come out and say it. I'm not a
fan of democracy. Democracy as the founding fathers understood in
its purest form, is simply mob rule. And guess what,

there's this lie that, like you said, commis especially love
to feed people that democracy inherently means freedom.

Speaker 8 (30:16):
That's absolutely not true.

Speaker 9 (30:18):
Life, liberty, and property, all three of our most intrinsic
liberties can be threatened and even taken away from us
because of a democratic vote.

Speaker 8 (30:26):
Okay, we see this with redistributive taxes.

Speaker 9 (30:28):
We see this all the times that abortion has been
put on a ballot. There is nothing inherently freedom loving
or safe or even good about mob rule. But the
reason why they like to fear monger and say, oh,
Donald Trump is going to destroy democracy is because they
basically want to be able to take the moral high
ground while simultaneously, ironically enough, limiting people's ability to vote

for Donald Trump on the coming ballot. Okay, there is
a huge leftist ever right now to remove him from
the ballot and make you unable to vote for Donald Trump,
whether that's you know, any number of bogus court issues
going on right now. And simultaneously they will say that
it's it's to protect democracy, that's why they're doing it,
But I mean, it's basically a huge farce. And you've

even had AOC say that not only is democracy like
a core American value spoiler, it's not, but they'll also
try to link this in with like, you know, racial
justice and climate change and all of the buzz where
it's it's like, look, let's be real, let's speak plainly here.
What you want is to remove Donald Trump from the
ballot in November.

Speaker 8 (31:35):

Speaker 9 (31:35):
What you also want is to make it basically illegal
for people to challenge the veracity of the twenty twenty election.
But what's kind of ironic is that one of the
core tenets of democracy, if you even subscribe a think
to that.

Speaker 8 (31:49):
Is the idea of free and fair elections.

Speaker 9 (31:51):
And free and fair elections are not free or fair
if they're conducted in a very opaque manner, as I
think was the case in twenty twenty.

Speaker 1 (32:01):
Opake, it's such a great word. I'm going to figure
out how to use that word in a sentence, and
I'm going to use it today. It's gonna be awesome. Lauren,
you are the best. Come back soon, all right, we're
not done. We have four talk about the system turning
on people being debanked. This is happening out there right now,
as you know that. Now I'm ready to talk about it.
Are you the reason I'm ready to talk about it?

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dot com slash Jesse Kelly. We'll be back. You know,

we talk a lot about the problems and how evil
the system is and the things that they might do
in the future. Don't we do that? I'm sure I'm
guilty of that too. They're gonna do this. Hey, down
the road. They're gonna do this, but that ignores the
things they're already doing. They're already doing horrible things right now.
It may not have happened to you or me, but

it's happening right now. I wonder what Christina thinks about
what the future might look like. JERNI joining me now
as she has before. Christina Urso, she is the one.
She's an independent journalist, She's the one who made that
outstanding documentary Kidnap and Kill about the FBI and everything
they did. Christina, what does the future of banking look
like for people on the right.

Speaker 4 (34:10):
Well, unfortunately, right now it looks like the future is
d banking, which is kind of par for the course,
especially for the big banks like Bank of America. They've
been doing this for a while now. Like you said,
this is not a new thing, right, It's new in
the sense that they were targeting people like Donald Trump's lawyers, right,

like John Eastman was de banked by Bank of America
and USAA recently. But to target somebody like me, an
independent journalist, independent filmmaker. I'm not sure why I'm getting
that treatment, but I think this is indicative of what
regular people can expect in the future if they simply

dissent from the official narrative.

Speaker 1 (35:00):
Would you walk us through exactly what happened to you?
Tell us what happened.

Speaker 4 (35:06):
Yeah, so, completely unexpected. Bank of America de banked us.
We had my husband and I had a joint account
there that we've had for like almost a decade now,
it's been a long time, and my card stopped working.
That was the first thing I noticed. I tried to

log on to the online mobile banking and my username
was completely disabled, like it said that my username wasn't
even a username. So at this point I can't even
log into my bank account and see my available balance. Also,
at this time, I'd made several deposits, so I was
waiting on a couple.

Speaker 8 (35:45):
Checks to clear.

Speaker 4 (35:47):
And so that happens. I go physically into my bank location,
thinking that maybe there's been a mistake and they're going
to fix it there. That's not what happens. I recorded
part of it. But the woman at the front desk
looks into this and she goes, your account has been terminated,
and she said, the risk department made this decision, and

she couldn't tell me why they made this decision. When
the decision was made, what prompted it? So she put
me in a cubicle and she gives me the phone
to talk to somebody else from the risk department. That
person on the phone from the risk department would not
tell me why they terminated the account. They wouldn't tell
me what the current account balance was. They wouldn't tell

me if my deposits had cleared that I was waiting
for to clear, And they weren't really giving me any information.
And then they said, I go, well, can I depositor?
Can I withdraw the balance? Then? If you're going to
terminate my account with no notice, can I just take
my funds and leave? They said no, the bank would

cut me a check in the mail, and they wouldn't
give me a timeframe for that. And for somebody like
myself who's a independent filmmaker and journalists, like every amount matters, right,
it's all important to me. So in the meantime too,
I have auto paye set up that were supposed to
go through. They all kind of hit it that time also,

which I thought the timing of it was interesting. So
I'm getting these emails saying my payments are being declined
and the bank isn't really giving me any information. So
that was the last thing I heard, and then I
talked about this on social media. I put out a
thread saying what the bank had done in putting up
the video I recorded inside the bank of the teller

telling me that they terminated the account. I did not
expect it to blow up on social media the way
that it did. And as of last night, the Bank
of America started calling my phone yesterday, blowing my phone up.
As of last night, they're telling me that bank executives
are investigating, and other parties are investigating also, and they

have restored the account, and they're still not telling they're
not giving me any information. So to me, this seems
like they made a mistake in their debanking. They've received
a ton of backlash about what they've been doing, and
now they're trying to weasel out of it by restoring it.
But that's unacceptable. It's not acceptable to me. I will

not be banking with Bank of America anymore in the future,
and I recommend everybody that has if you bank with them,
your money is not safe there. Get your money out
of Bank of America. This is routine practices by them
right now. There are fifteen different attorney generals who have
signed a letter to Bank of America requesting information about

this specific issue of de banking conservatives or dissidents. Bank
of America, by the way, has a deadline of today
or tomorrow to respond to that letter, which I also
find interesting. So that's where we stand right now.

Speaker 1 (39:00):
You have the size of the platform you do, or
you still wouldn't have a bank. But this, you know,
brings me back to normal people people watching us right
now who don't have a platform the size of yours,
who aren't going to be able to raise awareness like this,
and if it happens to them, they're gone without having
any bully pulpit ad all it's freaking evil, It's wrong,
all right. I don't want to I don't want to move.
I don't want to move past this. I'd love to
say on it all day. But you have done other reporting,

as you often do, outstanding reporting. I love the independent journalists, realm,
it's always the best stuff. Gretchen Whitmer, the fed napping thing.
You've been all over this, like white on Rice. What's
the latest?

Speaker 4 (39:32):
Yeah, so the latest is Adam and Barry, who were
the men that were framed as the ring leader and
spiritual leader of the FBI's plot. Their oral arguments were
just had at the Sixth Circuit in front of a
three judge panel. Those judges seem to be concerned about
the government's behavior, specifically regarding the use of a dozen

informants to manufacture the hoax, So they were asking the
prosecutor about these hearsay statements. This was a ruling Jude
Jonker had made in the federal case to basically prevent
a lot of exculpatory information coming in from audio recordings
made by CHSS. And so it looks to me the
government has been given two weeks to provide some answers

to the Sixth Circuit about why those statements should not
be allowed in I think right now what's going to
happen is that the appeals are going to be favorable
to these guys. They deserve a new trial, and I
think that's what's going to happen now. I'm sure the
government is going to continue to pursue these men and
go after them with a third trial. Imagine that five

men have been acquitted by two different juries who already
saw through this for what it was and they're going
to try to do this again, just to keep these
men incarcerated and continue to cover up what they did
in this case, which was criminal.

Speaker 1 (40:53):
To say nothing of the fact that they're completely financially
destroying these poor staffs, just poor dumb souls, freaking wiped
out by this evil Yeah, it's awful. It's absolutely awful
what they've done. Freging ate it. Christina, I gotta let
you go. I got other stuff to get to. But
you are the best. Thank you for joining us. Wishing
you the best. All right, Light in the mood next.

You know a phobia that is very common. You probably
have its. Most people, it seems like, have it. It's
speaking in front of people. You know, they say, and
this is it's wild to me because I'm I've spoken
in front of people enough that I'm okay with it
just doesn't bother me now. But it's wild to me
that many people are more afraid of speaking in front

of a crowd than they are of something like heights.
Maybe you're afraid of heights, maybe or not, But let's
be honest about something here. Being afraid of heights, not
wanting to go up on the thirty foot ladder, that's
a reasonable fear. Got broken legs and skulls, that's it's
it's an understandable fear. In the very least speaking in

front of people. I mean, what's the worst that can happen.
It's not like you're gonna mess up the name of
the university in front of everybody.

Speaker 11 (42:14):
Selina Isenor Mi genlu Iabri.

Speaker 12 (42:29):
F Funi, Baptista Santos, Jaysku, Lynn Boer, mur Stelen Brabazan
kar Sayre Uvun, Jean ju Read None, Victoria Lee, zuper Bross, Tom.

Speaker 11 (43:13):
Mould, may h Thomas Thomas.

Speaker 12 (43:22):
And my apologies for the fanatic spelling or pronunciation of
the names that was on the cards. That would have
been better just reading from the book. My apologies, graduates

Speaker 1 (43:33):
Huh, I'll say it all
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