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Sclante Live from Hollywood. By Hollywood, I mean Burbank. This is two
hours of the business end of showBusiness, every Sunday on KiB from five
to seven eleven fifty on your amdial. Brady McDonald is here from the
Southern California News Group, the themepark reporter for the Orange County Register.
He is our eyes and ears onthe street things that have to do with
the theme parks here in California.Usually I talk about Disneyland most because I
live very close to Disneyland and Igo there a lot, and Brady is
always been patient with me and mymanifesto on how Disneyland could improve. And
he wrote an article just amazing thatthey're finally that people are paying attention to
things that the abuses at Disneyland thataffect people that are just trying to go
there and have a good time anddon't like long lines. And one of
the recent article he wrote, whichis one of my favorite articles he's written
in a long time, it's calledDisneyland cracks down on Disability Access Service misuses
and abuses. And this goes rightalong with my manifesto because a lot of
my manifesto is things like I believeyou should not be allowed to put to
bring a bag into Disneyland, abag of any kind if you and I
imagine people saying, what about mybaby and his diapers. I've got Disneyland
in my world will give away freediapers. How are they going to do
that? Are they going to saveenough money to give away a free diaper?
Well, I'm glad you asked methat it's not going to cost him
anything because they're going to have lesssecurity people because there will be less people
digging around bags looking for anthrax,which, to be honest, that's kind
of what they're doing, right.They're looking for ant I mean, they've
got they've got dogs sniffing for stuff. They won't say for what, but
they're sniffing for something. I mean, and they usedly got almost a minimum
wage job. And you're looking througha bag looking for a dangerous weapon of
mass destruction. It's not a goodn'twant you to have that job. And
I know there's other things that they'relooking for, but but in general,
let's take care of those security peopleand fire a few of them, and
and you'll not be the savings that'llgo in the diapers. I just at
least I recognize the faults in myargument, like while I'm in real time,
let's let's help these security guys andso they don't have to look for
So those security guards would be basicallydiaper stocking. They'd have diaper stocking roles.
In your new new world, wecan purpose these people and with new
skills of diaper stocking, and well, you know, you actually make a
good point about the bags, Likeif you go to like a concert or
a sporting event, like they're forcingpeople to bring these pretty small, steep
three bags, and you can sortof a man in a day where they're
like, no more bags. Youdon't need a bag. Just bring your
wallet and your cell phone. Youdon't need anything else. Maybe you're a
wife for your kids, you know, but just come as you are.
Well I would, I would.I'm saying no bags at all. But
that's my negotiating point. I'm tryingto come from a position of strength and
say we will allow no bags.And then they will period and they will
come back to me and say whatabout these little clear bags that they have
at Dodger Stadium. And I'll say, well, okay, but oh you
shouldn't you shouldn't bend like that.You should stick to them. No bags?
Thanks, what about what about strollers? Are gonna allow strollers and people
just carry their kids around? Ifyour kid needs a stroller, he's too
young to go to Disneyland. Imean, you know, you know me.
Doesn't your manifesto haveing no kids allowedat Disneyland. No, but it
does reduce the amount of kids thatgo. And the kids love Disneyland and
they and it provides great memories.But you you, you there's no reason
to clog up misney Land with abunch of strollers for kids who are never
going to remember the the experience inthe first place. So for the parents
to just leave the kid at homewith the dog or something like that,
uh, in the hotel room witha stranger. No, of course,
it's it's just you can bring yourkid. And maybe my negotiating point is,
okay, you can bring a stroller, but you have to use one
of our strollers. And they're they'rethey're expensive, and they're narrow, and
they they're not big fat strollers.They clog up areas and they're interchangeable.
So you just pick any stroller becauseyou don't have a bag. Right,
just grab the next stroller, putyour kid in it, and we stack
them up like shopping carts. Yes, and you just, oh, I
need my stroller back. Oh,you don't have your own stroller. You
have one of ours. Take thisand go just here and you use it
for a while, and you don't. You don't. And if your kid,
you just to get your kid toyou know, from for a short
while and a short jaunt in betweenrides, and you can't. You can't
treat the stroller like your suv thatyou packed to the gills. No.
And then I'm still seeing big wagonsthere. Even though I know they did
crack down on the wagons, I'mstill seeing them. And they shouldn't have
wagons because wagons they they promote thesins of bringing too much stuff into Disneyland
and then having your kids take napsat Disneyland and then gearing up for round
two of their day. To me, it's like if your kid needs an
app then it's time to leave.And it's not like you have a nap.
You have two bites at the Appleat Disneyland. That's what's clogging this
place up. So you're grumpy.Manifesto is anything Joe doesn't want should be
gone, No, not at all. I love children, I enjoy them
and I and I delight in seeingthem having a good time at disney.
But I believe that for the shareholdersthat Disneyland has a fiduciary duty to service
and honor, they should make theplace less crowded and less clogged, and
they will. That will increase revenue, even though people will go like,
well, I'm not coming back there. They won't bring my kids. I'll
guess for every for every person likethat, you know, ten new customers
will come in and say, hey, did you hear Disneyland isn't clogged by
wagons and triple wide strollers anymore,and they don't have lines with people looking
through bags that vacuum, you know. Walt Disney said as much on opening
day. He said, to everyonewho comes to Disneyland, including our shareholders,
who we have a produciary obligation towelcome. Yeah, Disneyland it would
be nothing without its investors, becauseWalt had to borrow a bunch of money
to make this happen, and soit has to We have to think about
them, and I'm not one ofthem. I wouldn't be here. They
would be a conflict and probably anFCC violation if I was here trying to
pump up Disney stock. I don'thave any Disney stock. I would say
that the last thing that I thinkabout when I go to Disneyland is the
stockholder. That's not who I'm thinkingabout. You're yeah, I mean some
people aren't as empathetic as I am. And I get it. I get
I have a heart that that manypeople can't understand. How do you could
say you have a heart of gold? I do? I do, thank
you. So I'm just trying tomake the place a better for people,
and I think that's that's now.But tell me about your article, though
your article deals with a different worldthat is also clogging up things and making
people have to wait longer in linesbecause of this disability access service abuse.
Can you tell me about the servicein the in the first place. Yeah,
I'm sure Disneyland, which is theyhad named it something else other than
disability Access service, and that's whatthey're trying to do now. But they're
not changing a name, and soyou know, I think they would have
liked to have narrowed down what adisability is. And I think They would
have probably liked to call it accessbecause everybody would like access to align that's
shorter, and they probably don't wantto call it a service because it sounds
like something you need or can buy, or you deserve. And so really
what they're trying to do now issort of reset the disability access service,
because you know, you could prettymuch come in and say I have a
disability and they'd have to give youthis. This essentially a free line cutting
lightning lane pass to let you gointo an any ride when you stop.
You right there. We're going totake a break and check the traffic and
we will come back. Juwiscolanti Lifefrom Hollywood with Brady McDonald from the Orange
County Register and the Southern California NewsService. I'm here with Grady McDonald from
the Orange County Register of the themepark reported there and from the Southern California
News Group, and he writes alot of Andrew seeing and articles about Disneyland
and other theme parks around Southern California. The one we're talking about right now
is the one where Disneyland is crackingdown on its disability access service. And
this is essentially every I think everybody'sheard about it. They're like, hey,
when you go to Disneyland, takeyour kid that has some learning disabilities
and bring them in and get apass where you and your entire party can
skip the lines. And evidently thishas been abused, Brady, do they
have? What? What kind ofdisabilities are we talking about? Well?
What what Disney is trying to resetfor here and to sort of narrow down
the disabilities. They want to makethe disability for this particular pass the service
for for for kids and people withautism and developmentally developmentally disability disabilities, and
so what what folks are upset aboutin the disability communities. There's a lot
of other disabilities besides that, andDisney is saying that they have other tools
that you can use if you havesome other type of disability. And so
what they're going to do is rightnow that when you when you come to
Disneyland, for example, you goto the first stop is to go to
city Hall and get and pick upthe d as dos pass. And now
they're going to put it out inthe old ticket boots out out in the
espaanad and either deal with the dealwith folks there or you'll do it online
before you arrive. Yeah, thatmakes sense. It is a weird that
big long line which getting longer andlonger as the years go by, out
in front of City Hall and thenyou're like wondering, what is this?
This must be a great thing insidethere if people are willing to wait in
this giant line to go, Oh, it's a giant line, so you
don't have to wait in giant lines. And what's what's in there? And
it's and it's like it's a goldmine in there. It's free. It's
it's free money really because they sellaccess to special lines, correct, Brady,
Yeah, they'll I mean you canbuy pretty much anything you want at
Disneyland, and you can buy accessto lines if you're willing to pay for
it. I mean, obviously themost basic way to do it is three
Genie Plus, but you can buya VIP tour guide that would get you
access to lines, and all thosethings cost various amounts. I think the
big problem with the Disability Access Serviceor what they call DOS is that people
were cheating it right, Like theywere saying they had a disability and they
didn't in order to get basically freeGenie Plus or lightning lane access, and
you know, I think we canboth agree that nobody should be doing that.
Yeah, I mean, and Imean I know lots of kids with
disabilities where I I'm like, someone'sgot to be done with this kid.
So this kid deserves to go toDisneyland, and I'm glad they have something
for that kid. And the parentsof poor parents are already hard to take
a high functioning kid to Disneyland,but a kid with problems, my gosh,
you know you want you want togive these parents an advantage as well
as the kids. But I haveheard about abuses on the streets, and
so I'm glad Disneyland is doing something. Let me ask you, this is
the line that you get in whenyou have one of these passes, a
DOS pass? Is it? It'snot in the back door like it is
it the lightning lane? Where whereare they actually going these these So you're
basically in the lightning lane, andso you know, the idea is that
you wouldn't know that you wouldn't beable to tell someone who paid forr Ginie.
Plus, if they're standing right nextto somebody who has the DOS pass,
you wouldn't know one from the other. And so they both go into
the lightning lane. But what's beengenerally happening, and this is part of
the problem for Disneyland, is thatI've heard numbers as high as more than
fifty percent of the people in thelightning lane are on a doss pass,
right, because it's not just theperson with the disability, it's their whole
family it gets to use this thing. And so they are filling up the
lightning lanes, and that has acasketting effect across the entire park, right,
because we all know that when thelightning lane is jammed up, it
slows down the regular line, andwhen both of those lines are backed up,
it sort of has a ripple effectacross the whole park. Food lines
are longer, everything, everything isworse because of one single ride being jammed
up with a lot of people.And if you do that all over the
park, it's it's you know,it quickly comes grinding to a halt.
Yeah, And if you have ifyou can bring your whole party and you
got ten people, that's I mean, it's like everybody, like within a
group, any group of ten hashas some kind of disability in one of
the kids. So it's yeah,I mean, I've heard and read that
you know, as many as onein ten people in the US have some
sort of disability. Not all ofthem are going to claim it Kisneyland as
a way to get in front ofline. But you know, there's a
lot of folks out there who dotruly need a disability access pass and rely
on I want to go to Disneyland. And those are the folks that are
kind of worried right now, islike, how is disney Disneyland going narrow
down? Who can use it?And will I still be able to use
it as I have in the past, because it's the only way that they
can go to the park. Yeah, And I especially feel bad for the
parents because when I look at thelooks on some of the parents' faces when
they're when they're trying to deal withtheir whole family and navigate the park,
it's just a look of death.It's like, somebody, somebody put me
out of my misery. This isthis is so hard. So anything they
can do for those parents is great. And if it's cracking down on the
phonies, what they're saying I'm hearingis it's if you catch somebody, it's
a lifetime ban from Disneyland. Yeah, so that is sort of the way
that Disneyland is presenting it as away to sort of discourage people from cheating
the system. And I think it'llbe pretty effective. I mean, we've
we've never really seen that too muchat Disneyland. That's much more of a
Disney World thing, a lifetime oryear band. We're starting to see more
more of that out here. Youknow, you got to do something in
Florida. I mean, so theydo that a little bit. They have
some some punishments in Florida that theydon't have out here. Yeah, like
they throw out your bands and lifetimebands like Cotton Gandy out there. It's
it's a it's a little bit morefrequent, we don't. You don't hear
about it as much here. Butyou know, later on the show,
maybe we can talk about one ofmy other big stories where someone got banned
for a year for something they didat Disneyland. All right, let's talk
about the next. First of all, I want to make it clear to
all the listeners that the lifetime banis not just for you, It's for
everyone in your party. I know, you're the silence is you're saying where
did you get that information, Joe, And my answer is I didn't really,
But I think we if we getthe word out that it's for everybody
in the party, there'll be lessof it. It's for everybody you've ever
met, man, be putty withyour DNA right. Uh, No,
it's it's just for for you.But the mom that's that thought this was
a good idea, or the thethe the not really disabled kid. Yeah,
it's the person who's gone and gottenthe DOS pass, which might be
the mom doing it on behalf ofthe kid. I think the scary part
is how Disneyland figures out that you'recheating, right like, and so that's
that's. Uh. When you whenyou stop and think about that for just
a moment, you go, oh, yeah, they are tracking me all
over the park with my app.There's cameras everywhere, there's security guards everywhere.
And so now that they've sort oflaid down the law, it will
be interesting to see how they enforceit. Now, do you think do
you think they would be looking atpeople and saying, like, this person
said that they had autism, butwe're following them around and we see no
signs of autism. So so,for example, there's a ton of fine
print on this, but here's anexample of how you could buy and you
could get a lifetime ban. Right. Is so one of the new rules
is the person who has the disabilityhas to go on the ride, right,
So like you could sort of imaginewhat the reverse of that is.
Right. Oh, so you're saying, people get this DOS pass and then
the actual person who has DOS neverrides the ride all day, and that
rides any rides all day. You'relike, yeah, that happens, and
so like eleven people are streaming intothe rune and you're like, well,
where's the guy with the actual disability. Oh, he's over there in the
stroller wagon. He doesn't want togo on any of the rides. We're
just using that to get in theride. So if they can see that
happening, right, that would beone way that you'll be sort of cheating
the system. And so that they'remaking that kind of course is grabbing the
kid and put them on the ridesecurities, and the kid might not want
to go on Star Tours, rightbecause you know it's a little too shaky,
So terror you're going on it.But but that's one of the ways
that people are kind of cheating thesystem now, So you know that's that
be pretty easy to pull him outon. Is like, where's Steve Jones?
You know it says on the disabilitypass Steve Jones. He's over there
in the shade, sitting next tothe picnic table. Yeah, with a
big, big corn dog the trickylegs. But I still have never yet.
So there's a lot of fine printlike that throughout up the new rules
where if you start looking at yougo, oh yeah, they could easily
do that. Okay, all right, Okay, I'm gonna take a break.
We're gonna check traffic again. AndI kind of say that all the
time, but it's really a bunchof commercials. Brady McDonald Orange County Register,
theme park reporter for all the parksthat we go to around here,
not just Disneyland, but you know, Disney that's the big one. All
right, Joe Ascalante live from Hollywood. Here we are back with Brady McDonald
from the Orange County Register. He'sa theme park reporter there and also rights
for the Southern California News Group andhe's always our eyes and ears on the
ground and all the theme parks andparticularly today we are talking about the crackdowns
going on to Disneyland for the abuseof these accessible ability what are they called
again, disability access service. Yeah, which I'm all for because you know,
kids and parents need a break.You go to Disneyland and you can
get a cut in lines for ifyour kid has or someone in your party
has a disability. But there havebeen some abuses, and we were talking
about the penalties. The penalties forthe abuse is a lifetime band now,
and I think you have to getthe word out that there's a lifetime band.
So if somebody is abusing this,uh, they will get a lifetime
ban at Disneyland. And that meansa You're going to be going to not
Sperry Farm a lot, which isnot bad. I like not Spray from
but I like too. They justextended their Boys and Very festival. Oh
good ide Ah, that's good.So the Boys and Berry Festival is still
going and not Spray Farm. That'sgood news. Well where would we get
this from if we didn't get itfrom Braid. So he also told me
that that there there have been somerecent bands for some abuses at Disneyland that
you that you know about, andyou shared that with us. Yeah.
So the other one that I wroteabout, which when we started our conversation,
I wasn't sure what you were goingto ask me about, is the
greatest story that I ever wrote.But one of our most popular stories was
about this guy, big Disney fan, who sold his Sweetheart Night After Our
Party tickets on eBay and got aone year band for it, and he
was all up in arms about itbecause he was trying to get it on
he was a pass holder and hewas trying to get his pass back.
They only instituted a band on him, but not his wife. So his
wife still has an annual past andand so they you know. So I
wrote a story just about how whathad happened to him. He was,
he's this huge Disney fan. Hehe had gone to Disneyland for New Year's
Day, blew to Florida to bein the half marathon out there with his
wife, then went on a Disneycruise, then flew back here did the
marathon or half marathon at Anaheim.It had lost the marathon, Yeah,
and then and then sold his ticketson e Bay and got banned right here
from Disneyland. Like this guy wasjust doing nothing but Disney stuff. And
then they're like, no, no, there's no there's no recourse for you.
You're out. So you think theygive him a break. You think
they give him a break. Hejust spent ten grand lying all over America
to spend all of the money onDisney, and they're like, nah,
you broke the rules. You're out. The rules are rules, and we
we I imagine there was some kindof admonition on the thing for on the
ticket, and so you can't there, you can't resell them. But isn't
that the way it is on everyticket and everybody's reselling everything in America?
Yeah, I think that's one ofthe big problems at Disney. Like,
I know you have your manifesto,I would encourage you to add this.
They need to come up with somesort of aftermarket right for a way for
you to do something to tickets.Everybody else has done it. They could
certainly do something that is within Disneyright where you've got I'm like, hey,
a legitimate reason he couldn't use histickets. They both had COVID,
right, and he was just tryingto there was a sole out of any
thought someone could enjoy the tickets likethat seems like a pretty legitimate reason to
get rid of your tickets. Andthere should be a way for you to
unload your tickets like you would likea Lakers game or a Fur concert,
Taylor Swift or whatever. They needa stub hub and it could be an
internal Just trust me, these musicpeople are. It's all internal. There
is a there. They are,just it's kind of an option all the
way around for tickets. And Disneylandis late to the game on that.
They'll figure it out at some point. But a year ban on a guy
that's that much of a patrons Sothis is this this became news and you
picked up on it. Yeah,I mean he was. He was reaching
out to absolutely everybody you can policiblydo. Oh. He called Bob Igor,
he called Just Tomorrow, the presidentof Disney Parks. He called Ken
Pop Rock, the president doesn't wantI mean, he was reaching out to
everybody, and I was sort ofhis last resort. But what was amazing
to me was, well I toldhim to talk to Joe, but he
didn't have your number. But butwhat was amazing that was when I wrote
the story, people started emailing andwe're like, I just got banned for
a year today for so my seconds. Like, it's not an isolated thing.
They're cracking down. Disneyland is crackingdown a lot of things right now.
I I I've heard about I'm notsaying I'm a member of this club,
but I'm saying that if you're amember of Club thirty three and you
get caught selling there's so much memorabiliathat's handed out at those parties, they
they will they will say, Hey, come and pay one hundred and twenty
five dollars to be at this event, and we're going to give you this
collectible pin or something that you cansell for one hundred and twenty five dollars
or one hundred and fifty dollars ortwo hundred if you're clever and fast.
And if you do that, you'rebanned from that club. You're going to
get kicked out of that club.They also everybody's name of all your guests,
so you can't give it to yournephew or your cousin or your brother.
They're going to track that down andthey're all is everybody's name that's ever
been into Cub thirty three in thelast you know, ten years. When
they started collecting the names. They'reall in there. So it turns out
your name is on your ticket,like essentially attached to your ticket, so
you shouldn't Like if this guy,the problem he had was there's a passolder
bought with his annual pass account.He bought his sweetheart night tickets, So
it would be the same thing forlike this this club thirty three member you're
talking about. You know, theirname is going to be attached to what
they only gave out like a hundredof these trinkets or whatever it was,
right, so it's not going tobe hard to figure out who did it.
And and they're they're sort of puttingtheir saying enough enough. Yeah,
so you how would you get ridof a ticket, like if it's already
attached your name on it? LikeI just bought a couple of tickets for
a friend of mine and and Iwas told they were emailed to me with
his name any and uh, andthen the reservations were emailed to him and
the tickets were mailed to me.So that guy's got two pieces of paper,
he's got a reservation, and he'sgot a ticket. How is he
How can he sell those tickets?How I mean, how does this even
work if you buy him on eBay? I mean, well, that's the
problem. I would say, don'tbuy any Disney tickets on eBay because you
might end up getting up to thefront door on either the Evan or whatever
is going on, and they're notgoing to let you in somebody else's name
on it, right, because somebodyelse's name on it might the simplest thing
in the world is to say,show me your driver's license and it doesn't
match, right, And so thereare trust me, as we've already talked
about, there's ways to scam andcheat anything, right, But the basic
answer to your question is you can'tget rid of that ticket, you know,
like once you've bought it, ifyou read the front printage yours.
In some instances, when you buytypes of tickets from Disneyland, you might
be able to switch it to anotherday, But when you put a ticket
to something for a scheduled event,right like you're not, you can't get
rid of it. And that's that'swhat we were talking about earlier, was
like they probably need some version oflike a stub ub for Disney. Yeah,
they definitely do. And but youknow, the horror of what a
ticket a ticket would be worth andsold for, and people paying one thousand
dollars for tickets on New Year's Eveis something they don't want to No one
wants to face that, but theconcert industry has faced that. Yeah,
and they yeah, it's it's ait's a it's a Pandora's box, right,
and they're afraid to open it.Okay, Well, we're going to
take another and check the traffic,and when we come back, we're going
to go over a couple other storiesthat are affecting the theme parks in Southern
California with Brady McDonald and back afterthis, Joe As, I'm back with
Brady McDonald from the Orange County Register, where he is the theme park reporter
and has the greatest job in America, and he is also writing for the
Southern California News Group. I hateto put you on the spot, Brady,
but what else is happening at Disneylandright now? Well? I was
actually there yesterday and this morning,and what we were there for was Pixar
Fast, which is if you area fan of Disney, you'll remember they
had a Pixar Fest back in twentyeighteen and the truth of the matter is
it hasn't changed too much since twentyeighteen. Disneyland will tell you otherwise,
but you know, basically it's asimilar type of parade, similar fireworks.
They've you know, sprust it upa little bit with some of the new
Pixar films and stuff like that.But if you enjoyed pixar Fest pre pandemic,
this is the post pandemic version.Basically, Disney doesn't have any new
ride or attraction to sell this summer, and they need a lot of clothing.
They have a lot of broken downones. Yeah they have. I
mean they could they could have aif they could have something where that you
just get to go on all therides that have been closed all all year,
you know, come on out andride our rides that we finally reopened.
But now they've got nothing to sellthis year, so they're selling pixar
Fest, which is fun. Ihad a good time. It's really cute,
And they have the first parade thatthat Disney California Adventures had since quite
a while, right, they haven'thad a parade. I don't think they've
had a parade since the pandemic.So it's nice to see the parade route
up and running again. The formersin the parade were full of energy and
full of excitement, so they wereglad to be back out there. So
it's a great parade and it's agreat firework show. The problem with Disney
is you have to judge Disney againstDisney, right, and so like they're
not living up to their own standardshere, but they're beating everybody else by
a mile, right, So like, you're still going to go and have
fun, You're still going to havea wonderful time. But it's not new.
It's just the same old, sameold. Now do you think there
is a mark? How are thecrowds? Are they worse as the crowd
management better? Has any of thisreservation stuff helped anything? I would say
yes, some days it certainly is. But you know, you can still
end up there on a Tuesday ora Wednesday and think, oh, this
is going to be light, andthen you're like, what is going on
on main Street? This is justinsane. So you can't really predict and
or figure out what days are goingto be better than others. Now,
now, if you go back tomy manifesto, there's many things that can
clear up the park and make itbetter people. Oh, I wasn't referring
to number thirteen or twenty seven.Those are clearly things that could change the
park forever. Well. Number fivehundred and twelve is adults are not allowed
to go in costume of any kind. They have to wear standard Western clothing.
Permits can be for non Western clothingas long as they can prove citizenship
in an Arab country or some otherplace. Okay, I made that part.
That's not really. Are are youopposed to Disney bounding where they dress
in just the colors of the character. Oh? Yeah, I'm opposed to
the word bounding. And then I'mupset is that that is a word,
and I always forget it. Youknow that that it is a word.
Oh you know, dis they alreadyoutlaws you from wearing a costume if you're
over thirteen. No, no,really, why do I except when you
go to like one of these afterhours event, so that's when they can
all wear their Star Wars stuff orwhatever. I seem Okay, I didn't
know that because I seem to seea lot of people. But you're saying
they're bounding, they're just kind ofwearing sort of costumes. Yeah, So
the real reason they don't let adultswear costumes is that they don't. You
can do a really good job andlook like Cinderella or something like that,
and then suddenly there's a line formingnext to you and you're posing for photos,
and that's what they don't want,because they don't want someone that looks
like a dead ringer of sleeping beautycoming in the park and pretending to be
sleeping beauty and charging a buck forYeah, kids sitting on their lap,
don't. We can't have that.So that is a rule. You cannot
dress unless you're after over thirteen,right, But what you're seeing in the
park is they sell a lot ofstuff that looks like costumes to you and
me. You can wear a StarWars cloak and walk around with a lightsaber,
yes, and have all this stuff, but there's a very fine line,
and Disney will tell you when you'vereached it, and they'll ask you
to step back out in the parkinglot and take some of that stuff to
your car. Yeah, that happeneda friend of mine's girlfriend who was dressed
like I forget the Disney character thatis a prostitute, But that's what she
that's what she was dressed like,and they told her to get to leave,
and he was offended. I wasnot allowed in Disneyland. Is there
really a Disney character that's a prostitute? Probably some sex, okay now,
but she looked like a prostitute,like maybe like Pinocchio or something like that.
Yeah, it was something. Itwas something scandalous, but I was
kicked out of this. I've toldthe story before. I was not allowed
in Disneyland because I had dyed hairin about nineteen eighty one. Yeah,
the rules used to be a lottighter to get into Disneyland. Were there
were hair length rules, there wereclothing rules. Yeah, I accepted it.
The guy told me you can't comein here with there like that,
and I go, I go why, And he goes, it's two different
colors, and I go, yoursis two different colors. It's gray,
it's black, there's none on top. What's the problem. And then he's
like, you know what, I'mnot going to argue with you. Just
get out of here. And Igo, what about my parking? I
paid for parking? And he reachedinto his pocket and he pulled out like
eighty cents or whatever. It usedto cause to park there and he goes
here, you go have funny nuts. You're dating yourself. Now, yeah
that went straight from you probably getinto fady Cent's no problem. But I
did get stabbed. I'm just kidding. So they still enforce some clothing rules
of Disneyland. If you walk intothe front gate, there's a security guard
walk up to you if you're wearingsome death metal shirt that has some curse
words on it. If you're awoman and you're walking with like a bikini
top, they're going to be nope, nope, nope, head back out
to your cargo, get yourself ashirt. There's scams related to that as
well, but we can deal withthat another day. About the women to
walk in with a bikini top andthen they forced Disneyland to buy them a
shirt. So that was a TikTokTikTok scamp for a while. Okay,
yeah, like watch me force themto buy me a shirt. I don't
have anything else. And they're like, okay, well, here's a coupon
to go get a shirt at youknow, the emporium. And they would
like, go buy a a whatare they call those jerseys? And like
an eighty dollars t shirt with theticket that was like a sort of a
TikTok stam out in at disney Worldfor a while, like watch me go
get free crap from from a fromdisney World. Here's how I do it.
I walk in in a bikini andthey make you put a shirt on.
I let's switch gears. And Iunderstand. You went to Disneyland,
I think it was, and youmet my aunt Bonnie. I did,
and she wanted me to ask youif you knew a man named Noile It
Yes, I do, and yeah, my aunt Bonnie is the one that
used to work at Disneyland in theseventies, and she should take me with
her to work every day and smuggleme in. And then I wander around
and then until I somehow got abunch of a pile of tickets and and
just spent the rest of my timegoing with my e tickets, going on
any ride. Uh and uh.And that's where I got my affinity for
Disneyland. Was I spent hours andhours and hours there with that Bonnie.
And Bonnie is referring to the firstsong I ever wrote. What she always
talks about. I think she's moreproud of me for that than writing as
a hit song. For no doubt, she she hummed, she sang a
few bars for me. I waswondering if you could do that for our
listeners. And well it was reallyjust a parody of the Beverly Hillbillies theme
and it went like this will Iwill. I'm not going to disappoint you,
except for with this song. Thisis my first song I ever wrote.
Let me tell you a story abouta man named Noilett took Ellie May,
he flushed her down the toilet.Then one day he was fishing in
the sea. Guess what he caught? Ellie May and pe so at age
five, it's not bad. Andthen one day at the movie theater,
Uh, we should go to themovie theater every Saturday and this the host
would go like, hey, kids, how are you? I can't hear
you. I was that where Igot a big movie coming up today.
Anyone knows a song? And thenmy brother raises his hand, he goes,
my my little brother has a song, and he goes, all right,
microphone in my face. And Isang that song and at the end,
I'm telling you in nineteen sixty eightsaying the word pe a on a
live mic in front of six hundredpeople. That was that was bad.
That was like they never they neverhanded that guy learned his lesson. Never
hand a microphone to someone and youdon't know what they're gonna sing. Yeah.
Wow, I have to say Ilove Aunt Bonnie. The other thing
that she talks about, I don'tknow if you want to talk about here,
was that I oh, managing Sublime, Yeah, managing Sublime. And
that's kind of why I'm just orientedlately, because it's a it's a full
time job, it's a it's abig band. It's the son Jacob,
a son of Bradley Noa who's singing. He just killed it at Coachella two
weekends in a row, and nowwe're going to Orlando this weekend. And
it's a big job, but someonehas to do it, and everybody's very
happy. It's like spreading joy aroundwith Jacob and Eric and Bud and the
DJ DJ product and Trey Pangborn onguitar, backup guitar. It's just it's
super fun. But that sounds likea lot of fun. I think I
think people are really gonna be excitedto see more of that. Yeah,
and more of it is coming.All right, I gotta go. We
will, we'll be back next weekof course, and thank you Brady,
and we'll see you at the parks.