All Episodes

April 25, 2024 89 mins

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
That's hilarious and Charlomage.

Speaker 2 (00:04):
Looking thank y'all for being like coach the back of
clubs where people get the information on the topics from
the artists and everything like that.

Speaker 1 (00:13):
Like you guys were nice. Everybody got me all nervous,
like you guys, let's not go.

Speaker 3 (00:19):
Wat Yeah, you lock this to the world's most Dangerous
Morning shows that.

Speaker 1 (00:23):
If you want to break this club, then we're gonna
bring it. One hundred and twenty min as want not
come up here. This was a god.

Speaker 3 (00:29):
That's right, Get about the bids and listen to the
greatest show on Earth.

Speaker 1 (00:34):
Good morning Usa.

Speaker 3 (00:36):
Yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo
yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo
yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo
yo yo yo yo. Hilarious, Charlamagne, the guy be to
the planet is Thursday. It's Thursday, and today is bring
your kids to work day. And I got a couple
of mine with.

Speaker 1 (00:54):
Me this morning. You actually got a few.

Speaker 3 (00:56):
I got a few, Yes, I got a couple with two,
A couple of two, I gotta I got a few. Yeah,
you got nine more the house and I got nine
more on as I got Brooklyn with me. Say good
morning to Brooklyn Jackson without and then I got Lundy too, Yes,
my kids with me today, and I got Mercedes too.

Speaker 4 (01:09):
So she's uh, she's ain't nobody. Well, she's somebody child.
She ain't your child, she's not my child. But she's
a grown woman, size thirteen shoes. She want to crazy
beside thirteen and men, you hear me.

Speaker 1 (01:22):
She stopped it, man, and that's crazy, and you five
to and we thirteen right? Crazy? That is insane. So
how y'all feel?

Speaker 5 (01:30):

Speaker 1 (01:30):
How you feeling? Just I'm feeling good?

Speaker 3 (01:32):
Everything good?

Speaker 1 (01:33):

Speaker 3 (01:33):
I ain't got my kid.

Speaker 1 (01:34):
You got your kid.

Speaker 3 (01:36):
I'm not tired. I'm straight. I don't see Pops this morning.
You ain't bring Pops this morning.

Speaker 1 (01:39):

Speaker 6 (01:39):
He went back to the bottom all to day, he said,
we too crazy.

Speaker 1 (01:42):
Is that a good thing that Pops left now?

Speaker 2 (01:43):
Or is that bad?

Speaker 3 (01:44):
Because because sometimes Pops can get on your nervous like eye, Pops,
you been here a little too long?

Speaker 1 (01:48):
Yeah, so he can go back today? Yes, all right,
I just be tired, man. I can't go out like
I used to. You went out last night.

Speaker 4 (01:57):
That's like a light like what I had like two
glasses of wine. I'm like, man, let's get the show
over which I can get back home.

Speaker 1 (02:04):
He so you got back on a nine o'clock.

Speaker 4 (02:06):
Then you tied nine thirty thirty, and then I watched
X Men last night. Well I went, I came to
dinner a couple of friends. They had a wife and
a couple.

Speaker 1 (02:15):
Of friends at the end.

Speaker 4 (02:16):
Okay, we didn't go to an end last night. Yeah,
with two glasses of wine. To have an old man
feeling like, boy, it's gonna be a long day.

Speaker 3 (02:25):
Time to get, time to get People don't understand because
we get up early.

Speaker 1 (02:28):
So when we want to leave, it's like, all right.

Speaker 4 (02:30):
You're looking at the time, and here's the beauty of
it when you're out with older people. Because the people
that we were out with were older than us. Oh,
they was like, well, you gotta get up in the morning.

Speaker 1 (02:40):
In the morning, you got kids.

Speaker 3 (02:42):
That's right, that's right, everybody ready to get home. Well,
Tank will be joining us to me this morning.

Speaker 1 (02:48):
R and B singer Tank.

Speaker 3 (02:48):
He has an album, the four album. It's out right now,
so we're gonna be kicking it with Tank. He has
a new single to featuring Fabulous. Were gonna get that
on this morning as well. All right, well, let's get
the show crack and we got front page news. We
got to tell you about Donald Trump and they're gonna
be doing something special for the airports, which is actually
going to be helping people with delayed flights and canceled
flights and bags and all that.

Speaker 1 (03:09):
We'll give you all the.

Speaker 3 (03:10):
Updates when we come back at the Breakfast Club. Go morning, everybody.
It's DJ NVJ, Hilarian Charlamagne, the God. We are the
Breakfast Club. Let's get in some front page news now.
In sports, the Heat beat the Celtics one eleven one one,
the Thunder beat the Pelicans one twenty four ninety two.
And tonight is the NFL Draft and it's happening in Detroit.
I was in Detroit a couple of days ago, and

I mean they changed the whole city and they're expecting
a lot of people out in Detroit today.

Speaker 1 (03:35):
So we'll see who your cowboys get.

Speaker 3 (03:37):
Who you're a Ravens fan on a Pittsburgh fan yep,
And who my giants get tonight.

Speaker 1 (03:41):
Are there women that still prey on the young men
who they know are gonna be in the draft. I'm
sure you think so. Absolutely, positively.

Speaker 4 (03:48):
I feel like such an old school hustle, but it works. Yeah,
it's probably older women. Yeah, at this point, probably women
in their forties, coach fifties. Still a look young out.
They're still trying to get a ball.

Speaker 1 (03:58):
That's right.

Speaker 4 (03:59):
You don't give up, ma'am. Okay, keep hope alive, ma'am.

Speaker 3 (04:03):
Now, we were always talking about, you know, there's not
much Joe Biden news, and today there is some news.
Now Joe Biden issues new airline rules which allows automatic
cash refunds and it stops surprise fees.

Speaker 7 (04:15):
Next time you run into travel troubles, you could be
eligible for a cash refund. These new Department of Transportation
rules that will be going into effect say you can
get a refund for.

Speaker 8 (04:25):
A canceled flight, but if you're delayed more than three.

Speaker 7 (04:28):
Hours for a domestic flight or more than six hours internationally,
you can also get a refund if you choose not
to fly.

Speaker 8 (04:35):
Also, bag fees must.

Speaker 7 (04:37):
Be refunded if a checked bag is significantly delayed, and
refunds must be given if any services you paid for
aren't provided, like broken Wi Fi. Airlines are also required
now to disclose what fees they charge upfront. For things
like a checked bag, a carry on bag, a canceler,
a change fee. Now most airlines in the US already
do that. These new rules will be phased in over

the next twelve months.

Speaker 1 (04:59):
What have good? I think.

Speaker 4 (05:02):
You know about time he's gonna need it between the border,
his handling Israel and Gadjia and voter suppression. Yeah, oh no,
he pulls it off in November. But you know, well
he did that thing counts, I guess, and you know.

Speaker 1 (05:12):
Something else that he did, and he was pushing that
nobody else talks about. He got a rid.

Speaker 3 (05:15):
He got rid of a lot of those ATM fees,
little ATM extra fees and the.

Speaker 1 (05:19):
Fact that it's overdrawn feest.

Speaker 3 (05:22):
He got rid of a lot of THOSETM extra fees,
like when you go to the ATM and a be like.

Speaker 1 (05:26):
They charge you ten dollars did to pull out twenty
dollars or something like that.

Speaker 4 (05:29):
He got a lot of whin I ain't see none
of those disappear.

Speaker 1 (05:31):
They still be.

Speaker 3 (05:33):
Something about that and something about overdrawn fees. He got
some of it taken down a little bit. I don't know.

Speaker 1 (05:38):
That was a while back now.

Speaker 3 (05:39):
Also, the Arizona State Grand jury has indicted several of
former President Trump associates, including Rudy Giuliani.

Speaker 1 (05:47):
Now it seems like they were being fake electors.

Speaker 9 (05:50):
Folks will recall the fact that in Georgia, Michigan, the
prosecutors in those states have already indicted individuals who were
alternate electors and those states, and now Arizona is the
latest coming from an indictment from the Arizona Attorney General
of the eleven individuals who were Trump supporters, who, folks
who'll recalled Donald Trump lost by just about eleven thousand

votes to Joe Biden in the state of Arizona. And
on December fourteenth to twenty twenty, several Republicans convened in
this room and they signed a certificate of a slate
of electors to go and potentially be counted. On January
sixth of twenty twenty one, Arizona Attorney General Chris Mays
making the case that these individuals sent sent this what

they're calling an alternate slate of electors to be counted
to with the intention of making Donald Trump the president
of the United States despite having lost the state of Arizona.

Speaker 1 (06:48):
Yeah, and also it was the late fees that's what
he slashed.

Speaker 3 (06:52):
He slashed credit called late fees in a move that
was estimated to save families ten billion dollars every year.
I wasn't atmfees. It was actually to call late feasts
what I was talking about.

Speaker 4 (07:02):
And it's amazing that Arizona story, how something like that
maybe just ten years ago would have been front page
news everywhere, would be the biggest of deals. But we
so used to just function and corruption now that that story.

Speaker 1 (07:11):
Is barely on the radar.

Speaker 3 (07:13):
And also, lastly, something else Biden is doing because they
say that, you know, there's not much Biding news out there,
so we try to put Biden news out there to say.
And millions of salaried workers in the US will soon
qualify for overtime pay thanks to a new role from
the Biden administration.

Speaker 10 (07:28):
Millions of salaried workers will now become eligible for overtime
pay thanks to a new role set by the Biden administration.
The threshold required to exempt salarate employees from overtime pay
is rising. Starting July first, employers will be required to
pay overtime to salerate workers who make less than forty
four thousand dollars per year on January first, that number
will increase to include those who make around fifty eight

thousand dollars and lower. The Department of Labor estimates that
about four million more workers will qualify for overtime by
the start of next year. This marks the largest expansion
of all over time eligibility in decades.

Speaker 3 (08:03):
You know, there's three things we talked about that we
didn't I didn't want to see thee.

Speaker 1 (08:09):

Speaker 4 (08:10):
I don't care about Democrats are Republicans, But I do
admire the fact that this morning, three things that President
Biden has done well have been highlighted, because that is
what the media doesn't do. The media talks about Donald
Trump all day long and every bad thing. He's got
a million bad things going on, but every bad thing
he got going on they talk about, they talk about,
they talk about, he sucks all the oxygen out of

the media, and then you don't even know what the
hell President Biden got going on. And then you wonder
why people say things like, well, what is he doing?

Speaker 1 (08:37):
What is he done?

Speaker 4 (08:38):
What is that administration done? Well, we gave you three
things this morning. There you go with a check got
cut or something that what happened? Because I really looked
for had he running in here passing? You know, Trump
got a memo or something. Who's on the front page
of the paper right there? This is Robert Kraft, the
Crafts stand up to j hatred right? And what about
the Daily News?

Speaker 2 (08:58):
This is.

Speaker 4 (09:00):
Or Mike Johnson talking about Columbia can't guarantee right safety.

Speaker 3 (09:04):
But usually it's Donald Trump on the front page of paper.
The only reason he's not on the front page of
paper today is because they were often caught Wednesday. They
don't go to court on Wednesday. Said, that's the only reason.
Usually it's Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Donald Trump, So I
have to search for Biden information.

Speaker 4 (09:16):
They're not a protest growing on campuses across the US
is dominating the newspapers.

Speaker 3 (09:20):
Discus's right, and we're gonna talk about that next hour.
Everybody else, Get it off your chest. Eight hundred five
eight five one oh five one. If you need to vent,
phone lines to wide open again. Eight hundred five eight
five one oh five one. It's the breakfast club the morning,
the breakfast club. Wait, this is your time to get
it off your chest. Eight hundred five eight five one

five one. We want to hear from you on the
breakfast club. Hello, who's this man?

Speaker 2 (09:49):

Speaker 1 (09:50):
Man anonymous? You don't have to be anonymous.

Speaker 4 (09:52):
You on the radio, sir, you can just change your name,
whatever name you ever wanted to be, you could be
right now.

Speaker 1 (09:58):
All right, you all right, get it over your chest, man.

Speaker 11 (10:03):
I do want to tell everybody to be painful.

Speaker 3 (10:04):

Speaker 12 (10:05):
That's a lot of people who in the worst situation,
just be painful.

Speaker 2 (10:08):
Mane somebody use me for life.

Speaker 4 (10:11):
But you know, see see I can hear the geechee
in your voice. Right, So you come from the same
thing that I come from, where your grandma told you
man will take you where money won't.

Speaker 2 (10:20):
That's right, yes, up.

Speaker 3 (10:21):
But you know you could have said your name. You
didn't say anything crazy. You just said be thankful.

Speaker 2 (10:25):
Like is that? I just want to be a matter okay.

Speaker 1 (10:30):
I always wanted to man for real.

Speaker 2 (10:33):
That's right. People, A win'm a very worthy situation.

Speaker 1 (10:38):
That's right. Okay, bro, Hell, what's up, Brandy? Get you
off your chest? Tell your man to be quiet for
a second.

Speaker 11 (10:51):
God for the morning.

Speaker 1 (10:51):
How y'all doing, king, how you of everything?

Speaker 11 (10:54):
Cause so listen right, I wanted to get it off
my chest that you know, all my lady, man, she
told my phone when I'm sleeping, and then you know,
whenever I try to go through her phone when she's sleep,
she's sleeping with her on her pillow underneath her, you know,
and she'ld she'ld have wake up anyway go through her phone.

Speaker 1 (11:13):
Why y'all don't trust each other?

Speaker 4 (11:15):
How about that? I don't hear nothing else. Why y'all
don't trust each other? That's so corny, y'all going to
each other phone.

Speaker 1 (11:19):
Listen, listen, it's not even nuts.

Speaker 3 (11:21):
You know, I don't. I don't do that.

Speaker 1 (11:23):
You just said you do it. You just said she
go through your phone, and you go through her phone.

Speaker 11 (11:27):
Yeah, but I do that because she do it. But
I'm saying I don't just randomly say I'm gonna go
thro her phone because I.

Speaker 2 (11:32):
Will to learn.

Speaker 3 (11:32):
Have you cheated before? I got caught cheating in the past?

Speaker 1 (11:35):
There you go? Has she got caught cheating?

Speaker 2 (11:37):

Speaker 1 (11:38):
Is this your guilty conscience? What do you say? Jeel
ain't trying to get either with him? Man, knock it off.

Speaker 11 (11:43):
You try to get either with me?

Speaker 2 (11:44):
Your knock it off.

Speaker 1 (11:46):
Knock it off.

Speaker 3 (11:47):
You stop going through my phone.

Speaker 2 (11:50):
I just told you she goes through my phone when
I'm sleep.

Speaker 1 (11:52):
Yeah, so that means you do it too. What's the
tip to tap for him? He's scared just like yop.

Speaker 2 (11:57):
Listen, listen why she can do tomorrow?

Speaker 1 (12:00):
I'm sweet, go through her though, you're just scared.

Speaker 4 (12:03):
She's gonna get that pool poom to somebody else because
you got a guilty conscience.

Speaker 1 (12:06):
That's all that all. You gave her a reason to
because you got caught cheating.

Speaker 11 (12:12):
No, listener, I appreciate you, guys.

Speaker 3 (12:17):
Get it on your chest five eight five, one oh
five one. If you need to vent, hit us up now.

Speaker 1 (12:22):
It's the Breakfast Club. Good morning, the Breakfast Club. It's
a new today. Is it your time to get it
off your chest? Way up? Whether you're mad or black,
time to get up and get something Call up now.
Eight hundred and five eight five one oh five one.
We want to hear from you on the Breakfast Club.

Speaker 3 (12:41):
Hello, Hey, Brittany, good morning, Get it off your chest Brittany.

Speaker 13 (12:46):
Hey, guys, I want to say last year's time time
brought up a toxic colonas uh huh, and my.

Speaker 2 (12:53):
Dad I ended up bringing up for my.

Speaker 3 (12:54):
Parents and my dad he went and when the guy's.

Speaker 11 (12:57):
Told us whatever and.

Speaker 1 (13:02):
Wow, and.

Speaker 2 (13:04):
In three years you would have had homely counsels. So
I appreciate that wowness.

Speaker 4 (13:12):
It's an uncomfortable thing, but it's something that all men
got to do, especially when they get to a certain age.
But yeah, I got my colonoscopy a year a year early.
You're supposed to get it at forty five. I got
mine at forty four.

Speaker 3 (13:23):
And we tell everybody, you know, when it's that age,
if you have it in your family and family history,
go get it checked out because it could save your life.
It was not in your family history well early. If
it's in your family history, oh yeah, yeah, but go
get it done. Uh, it's it's an uncomfortable procedure.

Speaker 1 (13:38):
Not really. You just gotta to sleep.

Speaker 4 (13:41):
By the way, the drugs are amazing. It's the same
stuff that actually killed Michael Jackson. But you know it
did give you just enough and you be out. And
the crazy thing is the doctor be like in three seconds,
you're gonna be out, and you be like yeah, right,
and he'd be like one two and you just you know,
you woke up and been in your butt all right.

Speaker 3 (13:57):
But it's worth it for guys, my kids are here.
It is take kids the workday. The drugs he's talking
about is legal drugs. The drugs the doctor gives you
because he was looking like drugs drugs in your butt part.

Speaker 1 (14:08):
You know what, forget it. Let's go to another phone line.
This guy's crazy. Hello, who's this yo? What's going on?
Is keep from Brooklyn or keep from Brooklyn? He call yesterday?

Speaker 14 (14:17):
No, I love YO. I'm loving that energy up there
right now, y'all. I'm loving that in the gup.

Speaker 2 (14:22):
There right now.

Speaker 1 (14:23):
Uh that y'all?

Speaker 14 (14:25):
You know what the seeing then?

Speaker 2 (14:27):
And who he said again?

Speaker 1 (14:29):
Charlamagne, CNN, MSNBC, who else? What were we talking about?

Speaker 15 (14:32):

Speaker 2 (14:32):

Speaker 14 (14:33):
All, y'all, None of y'all want to talk about what
what what Joe Biden is doing? But y'all love talking
about Trump every single day. Y'all wonder why people might
go to the polls or sit on the couch or
you know, might want to vote for Donald Trump or whatever.
The breakfast club is big enough to break their own stories, y'all.
I think y'all the biggest thing, and not only Black culture,

but I think y'all one of the biggest things in
American culture. So they y'all, y'all don't even have to
talk about all the stories they talking about. I think
you got can break your own stories and and and
push your own narratives in my opinion.

Speaker 1 (15:07):
But we do our part, and what you're saying is
very true. Like you're definitely doing your part this morning.
I see what y'all.

Speaker 14 (15:12):
I love in that energ You're like, Yo, look y'all
not talking about dogs, y'all, y'all talk about Donald Trump.
We're gonna talk about Joe Biden. We gave y'all three
Joe Biden stories. Well, I'm not gonna got something that
CNN and uh and as NBC is not doing.

Speaker 3 (15:23):
I had to search for those stories. So I don't
know if it's gonna happen every morning, but I had to.

Speaker 1 (15:26):
Search for those.

Speaker 4 (15:27):
And I also want to be clear, I don't give
a damn about Joe Biden, nor do I give a
damn about Donald Trump. But I you know, I am
voting in November, so I give I care about y'all
getting fair and balanced news all across the more information
as possible.

Speaker 1 (15:39):
That's right, Thank you, brother, All right, keep you a going.

Speaker 14 (15:41):
All right, I have to Friday.

Speaker 1 (15:43):
Today's Thursday. Oh my bad, it's Friday somewhere. I don't know.
I said that because it's sound good. All right, get
it off your chest.

Speaker 3 (15:50):
Eight hundred five eight five, one oh five one. If
you need the vent, you can hit this up.

Speaker 14 (15:54):

Speaker 1 (15:54):
We got just with the mess coming up.

Speaker 16 (15:55):
What we're talking about, Oh my god and light if
all this rap beat the Baby said something crazy, Oh.

Speaker 3 (16:01):
My god did all right, we'll get into that next.
It's the Breakfast Club.

Speaker 1 (16:05):
Good morning, the Breakfast Club, Morning everybody. It's the j
n V.

Speaker 3 (16:12):
Jess, Hilariy Charlamage, the God. We are the Breakfast Club.
Let's get to Jess with the mess you use real
Robber Moore, just don't do no lines.

Speaker 11 (16:20):
Don't do that.

Speaker 4 (16:26):
World why Jeff worldwid on the Breakfast Clubs the coaching ship.

Speaker 5 (16:32):
She was able to get y'all to see something and
understand something that nobody could get you to see.

Speaker 1 (16:37):
The time to set it off.

Speaker 16 (16:40):
Okay, So the Baby speaks on a recent offer he
had to turn down. He was on Shack's podcast, and
he spoke on basically like he based off of Cole
and Kendricks going back and forth what somebody called him
uh recently and asked him.

Speaker 3 (16:54):
I got a call. I won't say from who. I
got a call from a certain rapper. It's like a
lyricist to the thousand and y'all know him, right. I
got a text from him. He shot me and text
me like yo, He like, hit me, you gonna like this?
I called him like what up?

Speaker 1 (17:05):
He like, what's up with it? How you feeling? I'm good?
What's up with it? How you feeling? You want to
go up? I'm like, what's up? Talk to me? He say?
Oh man?

Speaker 3 (17:11):
At The back and forth between Jacob and Kendrick got
me fired up. Bro, I feel like we should diss
each other.

Speaker 1 (17:18):
Were cool behind closed doors. We should diss each other.
I told him. I'm like, look, I'm like, I know
for a fact what that to do? Right?

Speaker 3 (17:25):
And I'm like, at the same time, it ain't. It's
a little more personal with me, like I'm not I
wouldn't even I'll get you say certain things about you
if I don't really feel a certain way about you.

Speaker 1 (17:35):
You get what I'm saying. And I told him, I said,
that's out of respect for you.

Speaker 4 (17:38):
That would that wouldn't work with somebody like the Baby
No Where, because you know the baby is super talented
luthor Charlotte, North Carolina.

Speaker 1 (17:45):
But also we know the baby, like.

Speaker 3 (17:50):
We experience go too far exactly, we go to be
with somebody like the baby, we're gonna be like, ah,
this could go really.

Speaker 1 (17:56):
Left, and it more than likely would.

Speaker 16 (18:00):
People were suspecting that it was joining Lucas Simba or
the game and push or push the tea that they
were talking about. That's what the commentss were saying, but
it was never confirmed. He never said who it was
or whatever, but he said one thousand percent a lyricist
that we know.

Speaker 4 (18:14):
And then what happens when that person gets beat up
somewhere because the baby, the baby forgot that they were playing.

Speaker 1 (18:23):
Everybody's doing such clownery now I know.

Speaker 16 (18:26):
Anyway, So Owen Wilson turned down twelve million dollars. So
a new film is coming out soon and it's called
The Jews. The movie is a satirical thriller that will
portray oj As being innocent. The director is a British filmmaker,
Joshua Newton, one of our peoples from the UK.

Speaker 6 (18:44):
He did an interview with the Hollywood Reporter.

Speaker 16 (18:46):
He told him that he approached on Wilson to star
in the film as the lawyer named Douglas McCann who
researched conspiracy theories that surrounded Nicole simpsons nineteen ninety five
murder trial.

Speaker 1 (18:56):
So technically this.

Speaker 16 (18:58):
Is worldwide mess story as well, because Nicole Simpson was
supposed to be born in the in the UK, but
her mother had moved here last minute right before the birth,
so we almost had another u care. He said that
he had lunch with A Wilson to offer him the role,
but he thought he had it in the bag and everything,
and he said even on Wilson's agent wanted him to
take it. But at the end of the lunch, on

Wilson stood up and was like, if you think that
I'm about to play in a film that is talking
about OJ is portraying OJ to be innocent, you are
kidding and you know.

Speaker 3 (19:31):
And I I think that was stupid. He was found innocent,
Yeah he was. I mean, he was found not guilty
in criminal court, in criminal court, right. I don't understand
why he wouldn't want to play that part because he
was found innocent.

Speaker 4 (19:43):
Why are you announcing that on youthing We're supposed to
give you a medal? You want a cookie.

Speaker 16 (19:47):
Yeah, and it's like okay, and you ain't no Bruce Willers, Now,
don't be just standing up talking about you know what
I'm saying.

Speaker 4 (19:54):
But it's the end of the movie based off a conspiracy.
Technically it is a fictional movie, right, yes, yeah, so
don't get no medal for that or okay, but it's dollars.

Speaker 3 (20:06):
Congratulations million, right right, right, but this is the movie done.

Speaker 1 (20:10):
That's for that part. It's expected.

Speaker 16 (20:13):
Well no, no, no, please, no, you couldn't even be
Oj because he black. No, but the person who is
playing Oj is Boris Kojo. Reportedly, that's what they said.
Boris Kojo is gonna play him. And if you're still
interested in seeing it without on Wilson, Joshua Newton is
hoping for the movie to be ready October third, which
is the twenty ninth anniversary of Simpson's not Guilty verdict.

Speaker 1 (20:35):
Yeah, Owen usually plays like comedic roles.

Speaker 16 (20:38):
Yeah the time I said, call up Luke's brother's brother
to do something, all right, TUPACX of State threatens to
sue Drake. TMZ got some documents that Twupox of States
sent Drake and ssent desists. They said, not only is
the record of flagrant violation of Tupac's publicity and the
estates legals legal rights. It's also a blatant abuse of

the legacy of one of the great this hip hop
ALLTI of all time.

Speaker 1 (21:02):
The estate made it very clear.

Speaker 16 (21:04):
That this is something that they would never approve of,
and they also pressure Drake to take the song off
this Instagram within twenty four hours. They also want him
to reveal how he created the AI T poc verse,
which is hilarious. The lawyer said that they received full
authorization to pursue all legal remedies if he can't come
to an agreement with Drake, and as a five minutes ago,
the song is still up on Drake's page, so we'll

see what happens.

Speaker 1 (21:26):
Yeah, but he never released it for sale sale. Yeah,
I mean, I guess they don't care about that.

Speaker 3 (21:32):
I mean, he could still I guess get sued. Well
maybe not, because he never said it was TIS. I
guess it was his likeness tie, but it was never
his likeness though, right, he never said it was Tupaca.

Speaker 4 (21:43):
You in here with all your kids and you just
randomly said to you highcause you got your TI, because
you got your own family hustle.

Speaker 1 (21:48):
They got actually Tupac on the shirt today too, which is,
Oh my god.

Speaker 4 (21:52):
I would like to see how this plays out, though,
because when this is like a new president, right, because
when you say able to sue folks for AI and
when you not be able to because if isn't the
whole point of AI to be able to feel make
people and copy people.

Speaker 1 (22:05):
But you're not getting he's not getting paid form it.

Speaker 3 (22:07):
I guess like you said, he's not saying that, I'm
saying it with how I can't wait to see how
this plays out. Yeah, I can't either, but that's just
the mess bro Allegedly I.

Speaker 1 (22:18):
Got through all three stories, you know what.

Speaker 16 (22:22):
And I'm gonna tell you something, right, So, I was
watching this movie and it's called Doan Doom No Dang One,
and the star is in there and oh my god,
keep forgetting a guy named the college Jenner's boyfriend now,
but he's it's so good, y'all gotta watch it.

Speaker 1 (22:41):
Y'all got to watch it.

Speaker 16 (22:41):
I don't even usually you know, watch movies like that.
It's given like a three hundred type of situation.

Speaker 1 (22:46):
But it is so good. Y'all have seen Damn kids,
and I'm saying it. They like, what is Darren saying?
Don don't y'all never watched Doom? It's so good. Y'all
talking about this movie for two days.

Speaker 3 (23:00):
You never heard us today? Okay, all right, well please
don't watch it for you, but yes, yes, yeah, I'm
talking about it for two days. It's so good.

Speaker 16 (23:08):
And you wanted to watch X Men last night, but
it was so good. If I'm talking about it for
two days, that means it's amazing. Okay, yeah, right, it's
on Netflix.

Speaker 1 (23:18):
Want to take you?

Speaker 17 (23:18):
That was.

Speaker 1 (23:21):
All right.

Speaker 3 (23:21):
When we come back, we got front page news and
today is taking your child to Workday, So I got
three of mine here.

Speaker 1 (23:26):
I got Brooklyn Jackson.

Speaker 3 (23:28):
And London with me this morning. All right, it's the
Breakfast Club.

Speaker 1 (23:31):
Good morning, you're checking out.

Speaker 3 (23:32):
The Breakfast Club morning everybody, Seejay Envy, Jess Hilarious, Charlamagne
the God.

Speaker 1 (23:38):
We are the Breakfast Club.

Speaker 3 (23:39):
Let's get in some front page news. Let me start
up for some quick sports. Last night, that Heat beat
the Celtics one eleven one one, the Thunder beat the
Pelicans one twenty four ninety two. And tonight is the
NFL Draft out in Detroit. So Detroit. What I'm doubt
all right, Now, we got to talk about these protest
still going on in college campuses. Now they're saying more
and more colleges are joining in with the protests, and

how Speaker Mike Johnson is asking for a Columbia president
to have to step down.

Speaker 11 (24:07):
I'm here today joining my colleagues and calling on President
Trafe to resign if she cannot immediately bring order to
this chaos.

Speaker 1 (24:17):
That would immediately bring order to the chaos.

Speaker 3 (24:19):
If necessary, I would call in the nypdo I would
ask the governor to sing them in the National Guard.

Speaker 4 (24:26):
No, she don't need to bring in the NYPD and
bring in the National Guard. That's just gonna escalate the situation.
How about just you know, respect these kids write the protest.
Do they have a right to protest on campus? I don't,
I don't, I don't know. I don't know how campuses work.
Do they have a right to protest on campus?

Speaker 1 (24:42):
I don't know.

Speaker 4 (24:43):
But I don't know what to answer is But I
know the anthe is not bringing in the NYPD or
the National Guard.

Speaker 1 (24:48):
That don't never end well.

Speaker 3 (24:49):
But Jewish students saying that they fear for their safety,
that the protests have led to a bunch of arrested
Columbia University and other schools, and they actually saying that
a lot of the Jewish students need security to go
to classes, aut cafeteria, or just to walk around campus.
Billionaire donors are thinking about pulling their support to Columbia University.
Here is Robert Kraft discussing that.

Speaker 18 (25:10):
To see what's going on there now, and I think
we let it go way too far for months that
people did things that there was no accountability.

Speaker 19 (25:23):
New England Patriots owner and Columbia graduate Robert Kraft blasting
his alma mater Monday, saying he no longer was confident
that Columbia could protect its students and staff, and suggested
he'd pull his support if corrective action wasn't taken.

Speaker 18 (25:38):
I just can't believe in New York City, at Columbia University,
Jewish students are afraid to.

Speaker 3 (25:46):
Go to classes.

Speaker 18 (25:48):
It's just in the United States of America in twenty
twenty four. It's amazing to me and horrible.

Speaker 4 (25:56):
Yeah, if you have said about what's going on in
you know, Gaza, in you know the way Israel is
handling gods, that you should you know, you don't take
your anger out on the Jewish kids in the school, right,
That's that's just ridiculous. Like you should be taking that
into the Capitol Hill. You should be in front of
the White House, a should have Biden's front door. That's
right with that, Like you don't just be harassing random

Jewish kids at any university.

Speaker 3 (26:19):
Absolutely positivity if that's what's happening, you know what I mean.
I mean they're saying this happened. Yeah yeah, yeah yeah. Now,
also yesterday we tell you about the bill that was
on Biden's desk. Well, yesterday President Biden signed a foreign
aid bill into law that forces the Chinese parent company
to sell ownership of TikTok for national security reasons. And
because of that, TikTok says it's will take legal action

to try to block the New York the new US
legislation that could lead to it being banned. So it
looks like TikTok is going to be suing the US government.
They they fighting back, They are fighting back.

Speaker 4 (26:54):
You know, it's this is a great opportunity to teach
store because you see how fast they took away something
you love, something you think you need now I act
like that's the that's some of your rights, right, That's
what's happening, right, That's what happened to Roe v Waite.

Speaker 1 (27:08):
So think about that. So if you're upset about that your.

Speaker 4 (27:11):
TikTok potentially getting taken away, imagine if that's one of
your actual rights.

Speaker 1 (27:14):
That's right.

Speaker 3 (27:15):
You know, that's what's happening in our country right now,
and it's only gonna get worse now. Also, milk, If
you love milk, the USDA ordis dairy cows to be
tested because they're finding bird flu in some of your milk.

Speaker 20 (27:28):
This morning, the FDA insists the nation's milk supply is
safe after fragments of the bird flu virus were found
in some milk samples. The Washington Post reports the fragments
were found in samples taken from grocery stores in the US,
but officials have not said where.

Speaker 21 (27:44):
This may indicate that the outbreak among dairy cows is
wider than what we thought as of right now. This
does not pose any threat for the individual, meaning fragments
of a virus it's found in your milk can't actually
cause disease.

Speaker 20 (27:59):
The FDA says the commercial milk supply is safe in
part because of pasteurization, which heats milk to a specific
temperature for a period of time, Officials saying, even if
virus is detected in raw milk, pasteurization is generally expected
to eliminate pathogens to a level that does not pose
a risk to consumer health.

Speaker 1 (28:19):
How crazy is that? They said, Oh, you don't have
to worry about it, but we did find bird flu
of milk.

Speaker 4 (28:23):
That's because cows be having sex with birds. Every time
you pass a cow for years, Sometimes you see a
bird just sitting on the cow. I knew they was
having sex with the lights. When them lights go off
in those fields.

Speaker 14 (28:34):
I knew it.

Speaker 1 (28:35):
I don't think that's saying the.

Speaker 3 (28:37):
Birds just out here passing the STD onto the cows.
And now y'all can't even drink y'all milk, ladies and gentlemen,
especially during number five. I don't know if you should
be listening to what shall me say? I don't think
that's accurate. That's why I don't drink dairy no way though,
I drink almond milk.

Speaker 6 (28:51):
So that's why you're overhead playing plan. That's why you're
playing right now.

Speaker 3 (28:56):
My news can be real okaygend you should believe me
when I'm line and that is front page news all right. Now,
when we come back, R and B singer Tank will
be joining us. He has a new single out featuring
in Fave. We're gonna talk to him. What's going on
with him and him going on tours, podcast and so
much water.

Speaker 1 (29:13):
So don't move. It's the Breakfast Club. Good morning, I
drove in the work the Breakfast Club.

Speaker 3 (29:19):
Want everybody is DJ Envy, Jesse, Larry Charlamage the guy.

Speaker 1 (29:23):
We are the Breakfast Club. We got a special guest
in the balance, indeed, the brother Tank. What's something every time? Sea, Yeah,
that's I use the good et frolling. You know what
I'm saying. In the morning, You got a face routine
in the morning.

Speaker 22 (29:39):
Well, I use my wife's you know, beauty tools and stuff.
You know what I'm saying, Zena Foster beauty get over there,
got to get you, got to get you. Yeah, I
get you right. But that's about it.

Speaker 1 (29:50):
You know what I'm saying, a little dove there you go.
You know what I'm saying. I keep it clean.

Speaker 3 (29:54):
Take always happy every time you see Okay, wherever you
see take if it's a club, if it's out in the.

Speaker 22 (30:00):
Street, listen, she's apparently been listening to my music. So
I feel good about that.

Speaker 1 (30:09):
Just somebody been in therebody and didn't get out. You know,
this is serious, that's really awesome. I'm really happy for you.
Do you make your movie, I mean, you make your
music for those those moments?

Speaker 22 (30:30):
Yeah, yeah, that's I mean that was kind of a
point in the beginning. You know, like everything we do
is for the attention of a woman or women for
that matter, depending on how you playing it, you know
what I'm saying. So for me musically, like I want
to be connected to as many of those moments as
humanly possible. I want to be responsible for bringing life

into the universe.

Speaker 1 (30:55):
Have people come up to you and say that I
shot the club.

Speaker 22 (30:57):
I've met the kids, Damn, yeah, no, I was born
because I've met I'm that old now, you know what
I'm saying to where I've met the children the offspring
of my music. So I'm really proud of that.

Speaker 3 (31:12):
Absolutely, I see if it feels like R and B,
especially the nineties two thousands, R and B has picked
up a lot more.

Speaker 1 (31:19):
Have you noticed that as well?

Speaker 22 (31:20):
Absolutely, the feeling I was right. It's the feeling of
it is what's back people want to and it's what's
crazy is that. Of course, I give credit to the
women for keeping R and B in the mainstream conversation, right,
they have been kicking ass and taking names, right, But
I gotta give some credit to hip hop, to the

sampling of all of this old R and B that
they've been bringing back to the forefront and making people
take a deep dive into what those samples are and
rediscovering the original feelings and now desiring those things. Give
some example, I was just listening to Doja Cat.

Speaker 1 (32:02):
Those did it. She just had a number one Records
record with with the.

Speaker 22 (32:06):
With the Troop record. I mean it's originally Michael Jackson five,
but I was like, remember the first time you heard
true shout out the little Steve and I like Chucky
Booker and them like type of production. They don't even
do that no more. So you have to actually outsource
it by going to the crates. You know what I'm saying,

and bringing that feeling back, and and they don't know
why it's connecting. We know because we were there, right,
But it's it's something about that frequency that just makes.

Speaker 16 (32:36):
You feel good when you like, like your first you
did it with yourself, with your own music, you recreated
I deserve?

Speaker 1 (32:45):
And was it you recreated? I did a well one
of my own I deserve.

Speaker 22 (32:51):
I was like, let me samploe for somebody else SAMPLET
because they're gonna take all the money.

Speaker 6 (32:56):
And then I know it was a mnight one that
you did.

Speaker 1 (32:59):
You okay? So Chris Brown, it was Brian mean originally
Michelle and Degoceello. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 22 (33:04):
Yeah, So there there was that, and I was like,
you know what, I might as well get in on
this too, because we rarely do that. And I was like,
let me just tap into some old and of course
Brian me and I, you know, one of my inspirations
growing up, and Michelle and deg Cello is absolutely one
of my favorites.

Speaker 1 (33:18):
So I just had to get some of that.

Speaker 3 (33:20):
I was gonna ask you, man, that was one of
my questions I have for you. Is R and B
music a sound or a feeling?

Speaker 1 (33:25):
It's both.

Speaker 22 (33:27):
It's both because it's like the feeling is expressed through
the sounds, you know what I mean? Like you like
think about like Davante, like how was he feeling when
he made that when they were making Joe.

Speaker 1 (33:42):
To See music, Like what was he on?

Speaker 22 (33:45):
You know what I'm saying, he when when Casey says,
take my mother Jesus Christ.

Speaker 1 (33:50):
My house and my house and my car. You okay,
so let him work, let him work.

Speaker 22 (33:59):
You gotta mean that in order for it to resonate,
like like yes you can take my money, my house,
in my car for one hit of you.

Speaker 1 (34:11):
I mean them to this day, to this day. I
mean now, but you don't hear that now out of
that soul and that feeling.

Speaker 4 (34:20):
That a slick way of telling somebody, I'll give you
the world.

Speaker 22 (34:22):
Yeah, but we moved into this, you know kind of
you know, samp and all of these things. When it
comes to taking care of women. I just think that
men are just they've they've been programmed to not be vulnerable,
you know what I'm saying. They've been programmed to not

to not cater. I don't know who started that. You
know what I'm saying. It ain't pimping, It ain't player.
You know what I'm saying, because all the pemps on
the players. I grew up watching taking care that they women.

Speaker 1 (34:54):
But when did it end like what era did it end?

Speaker 3 (34:57):
Because even early trade songs was was singing his ass
off to the women, true expressing his love.

Speaker 4 (35:02):
I think when the RB singers started wanting to be rappers,
and when a lot of these RnB singers probably started
having sexual directors, I don't even know what that means,
but not saying that a man can't make songs about
another man and it's still be a love song, just
saying I think that they started loving on each other
so much that they really.

Speaker 1 (35:21):
Was on some f the women's stuff. Yeah, and I
think I could have seen faces like the no.

Speaker 22 (35:25):
But I also think that you know, you know, with
with the with the wanting to be with hip hop's emergence, right,
it became this really cool thing that was taking over everything,
the airwaves and radio, the clubs and all of that.
And so as R and B artists getting left behind,
we're trying to figure out how to compete and stay relevant.

And so you and the club and you you know,
you're decently hot artist, but none of your songs are
being played in here, and all the songs are about bottles,
and they're about cars and there about music. If I'm
going to survive in this new landscape, and so as
as we took that turn, or as R and B

took that turn and never found its balance.

Speaker 4 (36:11):
I think it's the DJ fault, and I tell him why,
because there used to be a time when we was
growing up in the clubs, there would be a moment where.

Speaker 1 (36:19):
The slow stongs played.

Speaker 2 (36:20):

Speaker 4 (36:20):
Absolutely, but regardless, y'all don't turn down there everybody be
on too much drugs.

Speaker 3 (36:24):
Well yeah, I mean there was a time, and usually
it was at the end of the party, but now
it comes back. Now I have a set in the
middle of my party where I play R and B
music in this set, and that's usually the biggest part
of it because people are singing.

Speaker 1 (36:36):
They feel that how it felt to be during that time.
So it does go back.

Speaker 3 (36:41):
I would say that, but I just feel like it
doesn't make it cool anymore. Somebody talks about singing in
the rain anymore, or talking about the girl hurt their feelings.
Like I was listening to the Boys the Men record
and he was telling this girl cheated. He was like,
it's okay, baby, I just want you back. I just
didn't care. I just didn't.

Speaker 1 (36:57):
But if somebody did that now, they'd be like, look
at this best, you know, I mean, I listen, I
still do it. I don't care.

Speaker 22 (37:06):
If that's what they want to call it married, if
I wasn't married, that's That's still what I'm gonna be on,
showing that you.

Speaker 16 (37:15):
Can be vulnerable as a man, like you know, you
open it up and then I'm telling you I don't care.

Speaker 1 (37:19):
That's what I guess.

Speaker 6 (37:20):
I can speak for me, but I can speak for
a lot of women too.

Speaker 16 (37:22):
Like that is attractive when a man is not only
just thinking bottles bitches.

Speaker 1 (37:28):
Yeah, that's what I'm gonna do.

Speaker 6 (37:30):
No, it's you guys speak to my soul and music
and some like a lot of older R and B
does that for me.

Speaker 3 (37:37):
I don't hear today.

Speaker 1 (37:38):
But yeah, I don't subscribe to any of that stuff.

Speaker 22 (37:41):
I don't care. I don't care what they do or
how the tables turn. I do the R and B
that I love that I fell in love with. You
know what I'm saying. I watched my my older uncles
and everybody. I still follow their model and I and
my job. I'm responsible for maintaining the line to where

we treasure and we cater and we take care.

Speaker 1 (38:04):
Of our weather.

Speaker 3 (38:05):
We got more with Tank. When we come back, don't move.
It's to breakfast Club. Good morning morning. Everybody is ej Envy, Jesse, Larian,
Charlamagne the guy. We are the Breakfast Club. We're still
kicking it with Tank, Charlomagne.

Speaker 1 (38:16):
And the other thing too. I think the art of
love making is gone.

Speaker 4 (38:20):
If you listen to you, if you listen to like
that that you and Jay Valentine did and that song
slow Yeah, you have had to have made love in
order to truly appreciate that record.

Speaker 1 (38:33):

Speaker 22 (38:39):
You have to be listen. Man, I want to say this,
I want to put this out there, and I'm gonna
say this. I'm gonna say this this way and then
we'll and then we'll fix it up later. You have
to fall back in love with hmm. You have to
fall back in love with the idea. Now, let's clean

up of making love to a woman and and doing
it at a high level.

Speaker 1 (39:13):
You have to listen. You have to study a woman.
You have to ask questions, you have to learn her
body in order to do this thing the right way.

Speaker 22 (39:27):
Every key does not start one key doesn't start AYR
cards right.

Speaker 1 (39:34):
I have to be you have to be curious.

Speaker 22 (39:37):
About that thing, right, and outside of the curiosity, you
have to have an affinity for it, you have to
have a love for it.

Speaker 1 (39:47):
Just sit it on my face. That's my type of yes, love.
Don't do it to finish, do it because you love it. Listen, listen.

My wife will tell you in beat it talk at
a high left.

Speaker 22 (40:19):

Speaker 1 (40:20):
I treat her like she knew talking about talk about
it that we were thinking each other. I don't share
when I'm you in the club, I don't care what
use it is doing. Right.

Speaker 22 (40:42):
It's listen when we used to be in the club
with Jamie Fox, and Fox will look around in his
sex way.

Speaker 1 (40:47):
It's too many dudes in here, y'all gotta move. That's
where from. Yeah, what are women at?

Speaker 4 (40:55):
That's my focus and that's not a disc that's the truth.

Speaker 1 (40:59):
That's why I got all this nice man R and
B singers. I would assume them muse is women at
all time.

Speaker 22 (41:06):
That's the point. That is the point to to to
have some type of spiritual or physical connection with a woman.

Speaker 6 (41:15):
So that's what we're getting in the vault. That's what
we're getting.

Speaker 1 (41:19):
More of that, more of.

Speaker 22 (41:21):
That feeling, the shout out, the fab fabulous is when
I say stand up, brother, absolutely, man, I mean pulled
up for me, not just on the song. And you know,
sometimes you know, when you're dealing with a you know,
an artist you know with the magnitude of fab like,
it can take you a good four to six months
to get that feature. He's moving, he's a dobby, he's

you know, he's moving around this man said, I got you.
As soon as I get back, I'll be back in
the week and a half, two weeks. I got you
not only knocked that out, said when's the video when
we shoot cool?

Speaker 1 (41:52):
I'm on the way. Then said, man, we're the assets,
so I can promote.

Speaker 4 (41:57):
Come from a different generation.

Speaker 1 (41:59):
But he's still fab you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 22 (42:02):
And so your access to him, regardless of how cool
you are, still limited, right because he's doing what he does.
And so for him to make himself available to me
and for this record, man, which is really really started
before we get started this racist it's in terms of
climbing the charts, it's my fastest record. Why do you
think that is tempo? People have been people have been

waiting for tempo from me. I got the slow in
the mid I got that, but now they don't let
me get some tempo. Now, So you did this on purpose?
You wanted a tempo?

Speaker 1 (42:34):
Absolutely, yeah, this is calculated. This is on purpose.

Speaker 22 (42:38):
I needed the right one. My guy Dirk sent me
this record. I said, you do not know what you
have just done. You get tank tempo.

Speaker 4 (42:45):
It's crazy that you're still trying to make new records
at this point. I'm not saying that you can't have
such a catalog. You really don't even have to if
you don't want to.

Speaker 22 (42:52):
I do because I don't remember that last hit record.
I don't remember it. I don't I don't live in it.
I don't live in that last outfit that I wore.
You know what I'm saying every day is Okay, what's next?
How can I beat that?

Speaker 1 (43:08):
That was cool? Because I'm watching around me. You know
what I'm saying.

Speaker 22 (43:12):
If need be, I'll drive up the CB's house, you
know what I'm saying, and let him play me a
thousand songs. Like I got more work to do, you
know what I'm saying. I'll look at the charts and
see who's on there. I'm not okay, I got work
to do. Yeah, Like that's what drives me like, it's
so many new things happening every day that I'm like this, Oh,

I got to compete with that. I gotta fight with that,
you know what I'm saying. And it gives me a
for game.

Speaker 3 (43:39):
Now, your health and how you are as far as
not drinking it and all the things that you do.
Is that from what place? Is that from a place
of you seeing people your age doing it and you're like,
damn it'll look as good.

Speaker 1 (43:51):
Or is it from a I just want to be
healthy type of place?

Speaker 22 (43:54):
It's really healthy. I mean, it's really like. I'm an
athlete first, so for me, it's very important you know
what goes into my body because what goes in is
what comes out.

Speaker 1 (44:04):
You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 22 (44:05):
I've often, I've often been in the gym, and my
model to myself is what will Floyd do? What would
Mayweather do? You know what I'm saying, Because I've watched
him by thirty bottles, You know what I'm saying. I've
watched the people around him rolling up smoke, and I've
watched the people around him just indulge. I watched him

do none of it and then grab his stuff out
the back of the truck when we leave the club
and run home. I said, that's what a billion dollars
looks like.

Speaker 1 (44:36):
I want that.

Speaker 22 (44:38):
So when me and my guy games get in there, like,
it's not a game. This part of what I do
as it correlates to who I am as an artist.
It's not why I do it. I would be doing
this anyway, you know what I'm saying, Like I want
to be one hundred and fifty. You know what I'm saying,
still pulling up to the breakfast club? Yeah yeah, because

when I pray, y'all are still here.

Speaker 1 (44:59):
But if y'all not, I'm still I got one hundred
and one. You got one hundred and one ice Why
can't we fifty? Why not? Why not?

Speaker 4 (45:10):
I'm not gonna put I'm not gonna say we can.
I'm not gonna put a limitation on it, you know.

Speaker 1 (45:13):
I mean, it's so alm what you're putting in. Did
what happened with Jamie? Yeah?

Speaker 22 (45:19):
Absolutely, And you know, you just it just goes back
to the idea of you just never know. You just
never know, and it's not something you can predict, not
something you can for his situation prevent, you know what
I mean? Sometimes your body will just you know, the

alert is is detrimental, right, your body telling you something
is wrong is sometimes you know, the alarm is damned
near fatal, you know what I mean. And that's just
that's just life. And so yeah, it's scary. I mean
just not just because he's you know, one of my
best friends, but just like it could have easily been.

Speaker 1 (46:01):
Either one of us.

Speaker 3 (46:02):
All right, let's get to takes new at single before
we get started, featuring Fab.

Speaker 1 (46:05):
It's the Breakfast Club.

Speaker 3 (46:06):
Good morning, morning everybody, v Jess, Hilarie Charlamane, the guy
we are the Breakfast Club. That was Tank's newest single
feature in Fab and Tank is in the building, Jess.

Speaker 6 (46:16):
What about to go on to it? With another og?
Carl Thomas.

Speaker 3 (46:19):
Carl Thomas one of the greatest R and B albums
of all time, not even close.

Speaker 22 (46:25):
And people I've seen people ask me, you know, people
ask me why you know, why you choose Carl Thomas,
why you choose Carry Hilson. I'm like, you don't hear it?

Speaker 4 (46:34):
Emotional is literally one of the greatest RMB albums. Like
you don't you don't top your bottom? Love making music,
you know.

Speaker 1 (46:39):
What I'm saying?

Speaker 22 (46:39):
Like when we down at them do ops with my
girl a down and down in uh in Miami, and
then Carl Thomas records come on, it's a thing absolute
really happens.

Speaker 1 (46:49):
Play some of them carry Hillson records like things happen.

Speaker 2 (46:52):

Speaker 22 (46:52):
I was like, first of all, I want to go
into with my friends. I want to go in toward
people I like. But then too, I want to I
want to be out there is it's an R and
B money tour. I want the cattalog to be expensive,
some expensive catalogs, you know, carry got Hot one hundreds.

Speaker 1 (47:05):
Carl Thomas has timeless R and.

Speaker 6 (47:08):
B and parties today right now with Summer Raine.

Speaker 16 (47:13):
They play that at the top in the middle of
the party at the end like they bring what And
I grabbed them like I don't care where I'm at,
no karaoke even.

Speaker 22 (47:20):
Playing let me give me a little Come on, you
gotta pay for that Charlamagne has given us.

Speaker 1 (47:28):
He's blessed us with his storming. Come on outside when
she keeps me home. That's my That was.

Speaker 4 (47:43):
That was my wife and college rocking with car time,
Carl Thomas emotional and Joe my name is Joe.

Speaker 1 (47:53):
I gotta I gotta do a tour with Yoe too. Yeah, Man,
the tour and a song. I love that. People have
been wanting that quite some time. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 22 (48:01):
I get you know, Joe likes to hide until it's time.
You know what I'm saying, like, well, you know I'll
be I'll be out playboy.

Speaker 1 (48:07):
You know what I'm saying. I'm a pop out of.

Speaker 3 (48:08):
The side you mentioned in Everybody with TGD. I ain't
no boy, no time reason genuine up with debt. Yeah,
but I saw you in the stud working on my
Beautiful Pain.

Speaker 9 (48:21):

Speaker 22 (48:22):
I think you know, I think we we We're at
a great place, man, We're at a great place where
I think now we all everybody collectively sees the value
in what we are and what we created. And it's again,
it's this resurgence of just that feeling of R and B.

And so you got you got two guys from the
nineties who got classical logs. You got me coming in
from the two thousand, who came came up under these guys,
and and people are hungry and thirsty for that. And
so you're going to see how You're gonna see some
T G T you know. Fortunately, thank God, you're gonna

get that album. I don't know if we have an album,
but we do have. We do have a couple of
moments that were that we're lining up that are gonna
be very special. So that's that's all I can really
really say about that.

Speaker 1 (49:19):
And I saw you the other night.

Speaker 3 (49:20):
Man, I forgot, don't know where y'all was at, but
Flavor flav was singing. He was what was so I
forgot what he was singing.

Speaker 1 (49:27):
Was it we were honoring, they were honoring. I don't
want to get this wrong to be I don't remember
me there. I don't.

Speaker 22 (49:35):
I don't want to mess up the name of the organization.
Shawana hit me. It was like, we're honoring Jimmy, Jame
and Terry Lewis and we need you to do what
you do. And I was like, cool, man, you say Jimmy, Jame,
Terry Lewis.

Speaker 1 (49:47):
I'm in I don't. I don't care what it is.

Speaker 22 (49:49):
And so we're honoring them and and and Babyface is there,
and you know, I don't want to pressure baby Face
to sing, but he's there, and I'm like, Babyface, if
you want to sing, you can, you don't have to.
And they started playing one of his songs and we
were singing in faces like na, no, let me let
me handle that. He started singing, Just Flavor Flav just

came out of nowhere and just started and just started singing.

Speaker 1 (50:13):
You look surprised that you could hold a note. No,
if that wasn't surprise, it was just like they think
about it.

Speaker 4 (50:19):
Like why did you take the mic from baby Face
to give it a flavor?

Speaker 22 (50:23):
My thing is Babyface is singing all right, and and
Flavor Flav has the gall and audacity to take the
micro to run up and started singing against the baby Face.

Speaker 3 (50:41):
Why didn't you stop it? That's why the game need referees.
You supposed to stop that, right then you're big enough
to stopping at that moment.

Speaker 1 (50:49):
Right, It only goes one way.

Speaker 22 (50:52):
It only looks like disrespect in front of that many people.
You know what I'm saying, Like to now I was,
Now it's Flavor Flake. He is Flavor Flake. Let's not
discredit him.

Speaker 1 (51:04):
He is who he is. And then I run up
on him saying baby Face singing.

Speaker 3 (51:08):
Hold on right now, hold on, hold ony facing away.

Speaker 1 (51:12):
Baby Face has to fight that battle.

Speaker 22 (51:19):
Listen, and don't think that if baby Face felt the way,
he wouldn't have handled it. Baby Faces.

Speaker 1 (51:26):

Speaker 22 (51:27):
The songs are nice and soft and meek. Baby Face
is not. He's a nice guy, but he's nobody sucking.
I promise you. If he felt the way, and he
would have, and I was kind of following his lead,
the baby Face would have looked like he wasn't feeling it,
then we would have handled that way.

Speaker 1 (51:45):
But he was. It was all in good fun. R
and B money. The Vault is out, vault. Say it again.
The Vault is out right.

Speaker 22 (51:52):
Now, and we appreciate you for joining twenty six Yes, right, yeah,
that's what's out right now right now.

Speaker 1 (51:59):
Are you gonna what do you? What are you gonna
do with this music? You already know what I'm doing.

Speaker 16 (52:03):
I got I can't ain't too much I can do
right now because I can't get pregnant twice and one.

Speaker 1 (52:07):
You know how far along are you?

Speaker 6 (52:10):
Five months?

Speaker 1 (52:10):
I'm a gonna be six five months? Yeah that's a
good time.

Speaker 3 (52:13):
Yeah, I'm still I'm still money.

Speaker 1 (52:20):
I'm still moving he believe. Let me tell you something.
My wife is rightingant some of the best, best time,
some of the best best crazy. Oh god, it's something
extra in there.

Speaker 4 (52:36):
It is can I swim in your ocean?

Speaker 1 (52:41):
That's right? I know, I put on money. It's a skip.
It's like an ointment.

Speaker 3 (52:49):
All right, take about right now, it's take It's the
breakfast Club.

Speaker 1 (52:53):
Good morning morning. Everybody is the j n V.

Speaker 3 (52:56):
Jess Larry Charlamagne the guy. We are the breakfast club.
Today is break your kids to work day. And my
kids upstairs shooting YouTube and TikTok videos right now. The
staff they are because they up here at iHeart. They
have this room or hallway where it's a bunch of lights,
looks like an old biggie video and they love it upstairs.
So they've been taking all types of videos and things. Yeah,

so let's get to jest with the message.

Speaker 21 (53:21):
You use this real weapons, clients, just carrobbing more.

Speaker 3 (53:24):
Just don't do no lines, don't do just talk.

Speaker 4 (53:30):
Talk why jests worldwise on the breakfast clubs the coaches ship.

Speaker 5 (53:36):
She was able to get y'all to see something and
understand something that nobody.

Speaker 1 (53:41):
Could get you to see this time to set it off.

Speaker 16 (53:44):
So Tennessee passed the new bill that they think will
address school violence.

Speaker 17 (53:49):
Lawmakers just passed a bill that would allow teachers to
carry concealed handguns in schools. Emotions were high as protesters
descended on the House gallery waving sign as health representatives
voted sixty eight to twenty eight to pass the bill.
Following the state Senate's lead, thirty two other states pass
legislation allowing teachers to carry guns in schools. If signed

by the governor. The Tennessee law would allow teachers to
carry guns and schools where top administrators agree. The teachers
would be required to have a permit, due training, and
get a background check and mental health evaluation.

Speaker 4 (54:27):
I got all of them coming, well, I got the
Tennessee law. Mikers coming to the front of the congregation
though this morning.

Speaker 1 (54:32):
Oh that's great. Absolutely.

Speaker 3 (54:34):
I don't think the teachers should be carried.

Speaker 16 (54:37):
No, neither do I representatives said that we're being blamed
for putting guns in schools, but we're doing it to
protect our children.

Speaker 1 (54:45):
So that's what they strongly believe.

Speaker 4 (54:47):
Well, that's what happens in a country that doesn't know
how to solve problems. In the country does not incentivize
to solve problems. We'll talk about it during Donkey Today.

Speaker 16 (54:55):
Okay, Jelly Roll quits social media over body shaming, says
his wife, Bunny x Oh, my husband got off.

Speaker 15 (55:05):
The internet because he is so tired of being bullied
about his weight, and like that makes me want to
cry because he is the sweetest angel baby. My husband
doesn't show it to you guys, but.

Speaker 1 (55:14):
I'm gonna have a very vulnerable moment here.

Speaker 15 (55:16):
It hurts him. The Internet can say whatever they want
about you, and they say, well, you're a celebrity, You're
supposed to be able to handle it. Know the we're
not it s.

Speaker 4 (55:25):
Lutha, my god, jelly Rod drop on the clues box
and jail.

Speaker 16 (55:29):
She she said, the body shame and hurt his feelings
and him being a celebrity doesn't make him a meaning patrols. Like,
we see a lot of this coming out with social
and you know, social influencers and certain celebrities. It's like, yo,
I wish like it. I wish like back in the
day still was here with social media because that was

a time with social media. Yeah yeah, that's it, like
seriously and not go to jail. But I just really
wish like social media wasn't always as bad. I would
like maybe about I would say, like six seven years ago,
it wasn't like this, Like, no, I wouldn't really say
that because I was into it and it wasn't like.

People are criticized. They will find something wrong with anything.
They will criticize anything.

Speaker 3 (56:17):
They look for something to criticized. They don't want to
do anything positive. I mean, it could be anything so
hard and people get they get a rise out of that.

Speaker 4 (56:23):
By the way, that's the point, right if even if
jelly Roll, let's just say jelly Roll decided to lose
weight and he got sexy on y'all, they would criticize
them for that. Something else, they would criticize them for
that all. You look you got too skinny.

Speaker 1 (56:36):
Oh you you and.

Speaker 4 (56:38):
I mean, oh you had the surgery. You ain't doing
it the natural. Whatever would be, they would find a
way to do it. You look stupid, skinny.

Speaker 3 (56:47):
It just it continues to really hurt society, It continues
to really hurt the kids, It continues to really hurt people.
I was watching something yesterday with a guy I can't
remember who was. I think it's a gospel singer. He
was like, I wanted to commit suicide, suicide because the
way people were hacking me and going at me, it
made me just want to shut down and not be
here anymore. So it does that to people and not
just kids adults. Yeah, no, for sure.

Speaker 16 (57:09):
And Jelly Road shot the thing with his song Save Me,
which in the song he talks about his addiction battle
and his mental health issues. So he's already battling some stuff,
you know what I'm saying before, you know, prior to this,
So I guess I bet it's very triggering, which was
he quit social media.

Speaker 4 (57:24):
So when we're getting off, because you know, we're doing
all this complaining about it, but.

Speaker 3 (57:29):
I'm already I mean, I think most of us we
already not on.

Speaker 4 (57:31):
Twitter, I don't. Yeah, I've been on Twitter in like
eighteen twenty eighteen, twenty nineteen.

Speaker 16 (57:36):
Renumber When we're getting off, since we're doing all this
complaining social media, who's complaining about it?

Speaker 1 (57:42):
The people?

Speaker 18 (57:43):

Speaker 2 (57:43):
Us me.

Speaker 3 (57:46):
What it don't matter to me?

Speaker 1 (57:49):
No, more like it doesn't affect you and me?

Speaker 16 (57:51):
No, No, I think if you if you got if
you ain't tripping about it, no, stay on there like
it a buy it if you're affected, Yes, yes, yes.

Speaker 3 (58:01):
Get off.

Speaker 16 (58:02):
I mean yeah, I'm complaining about the people because you know,
standing up for the people that it's affecting. Yeah, but Na, No,
nobody's hurt my feelings. Who I'll never see or who
You know what I'm saying, you.

Speaker 4 (58:12):
Can't be in a verbally abusive relationship with your phone
on purpose.

Speaker 1 (58:16):
Turn it off?

Speaker 16 (58:17):
Yeah, elite the app absolutely Speaking of other well, I
ain't gonna say that. Victoria Monet opened up. She opens
up about PCOS. She shared a video of herself performing
at Coachella and wrote, well, I gained a lot of
weight and it went a lot of places my face,
my arms, my tummy, and most effectively, that ass. She

then revealed that she gained so much weight because of
her PCOS. So PCOS is polycystic ovary syndrome SYS on
the ovaries and they can cause hormonal issues and common
symptoms are acne and facial hair. Severe cases can complicate
conceiving a child, and it affects a lot of black women.
So she also said, I'm usually so critical and frustrated

by it because PCOS has really messed me up. But optimistically,
at least now there's two moons on the stage. She's
referring to her bottom, So yeah, she's learning to be
okay with it.

Speaker 3 (59:12):
Just made an ass fat you know, and you said
facial yeah, facial yeah.

Speaker 16 (59:16):
So it's women out here with big beards, you know
what I'm saying because of this and guys, yes, you know,
and really bad acne pcos is.

Speaker 1 (59:27):
It's serious. But yep, there ain't nothing you can do
about it. It gotta be something, right, I mean, yeah,
I guess, but you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 16 (59:35):
I think it's one of those things where it's like
it flares when it wants, because she's been dealing with
it for a while, but it just it comes and
it like, I think it just flares, honestly, because you're
not gonna tell me she's not on medicine for it
or anything like that, but sometimes you can't.

Speaker 1 (59:51):
It just it messes you up when it wants. Yeah,
but it made her ass fat. So she just said that. Okay,
mm hmm. That's just with the mess, all right, Charlamagne
giving that donkey two?

Speaker 3 (01:00:01):
Yes, indeed, just you're absolutely right. Yeah, no kill for pcosh, Okay,
thank you.

Speaker 1 (01:00:07):

Speaker 4 (01:00:07):
Did law makers in Tennessee they need to come in
front the congregation, you like to.

Speaker 1 (01:00:10):
Have a word with them, okay.

Speaker 3 (01:00:11):
And then after that, if you have in relationship issues
and you need just to fix your mess, you can
call it up right now. Eight hundred five eight five
one oh five one. Just remember a mess. She's not
an expert than anything, but she has some experiences. He
has some experiences, and she will help you out with
your problems. It doesn't matter what your problem is. Call
up right now and she'll help you out, all right.
Eight hundred five eight five one oh five to one.
Donkey the day is up.

Speaker 1 (01:00:31):
Next wake up waol. If you're liked into the breakfast club, Damn,
but he hogged. It's time for donkey. I mean trying
to beat donkey today.

Speaker 5 (01:00:45):
No more.

Speaker 3 (01:00:45):
They should be embarrassed by what they already did. I'm
not making these people do these days called Donkey of
the day, and it really caught me off guard.

Speaker 4 (01:00:52):
Damn Charlamagne.

Speaker 6 (01:00:54):
Who got the donkey out of day today?

Speaker 4 (01:00:57):
Well, Jessica Robin Moore Donkey of the Day for day.
April twenty fifth. Gold the lawmakers in Tennessee who have
passed the bill that allows teachers.

Speaker 1 (01:01:05):
To carry guns in school. Let's go to NBC News
for the report.

Speaker 17 (01:01:08):
Police chaos erupting in Tennessee state capital where lawmakers just
passed a bill that would allow teachers to carry concealed
handguns in schools. Emotions were high as protesters descended on
the House gallery waiving signs as health representatives voted sixty
eight to twenty eight to pass the bill, following the
state Senate's lead, we are.

Speaker 2 (01:01:29):
Being blamed for putting guns in schools, but the purpose
of it is to protect our children.

Speaker 17 (01:01:35):
The teachers would be required to have a permit, due training,
and get a background check and mental health evaluation.

Speaker 7 (01:01:42):
Currently, it's just one of those gun free zones where
people know they can go there and take advantage.

Speaker 17 (01:01:48):
Of folks preastreather NBC News.

Speaker 4 (01:01:52):
Now, let the record show we have had this discussion
here on the Breakfast Club before, and I understand maybe
why a teacher would want to carry a gun in
the school. I mean, if you have a license to
carry a gun and pistol, if you're not to properly
use your gun and pistol, if you have, you know,
your gun a pistol in a secure place, just.

Speaker 1 (01:02:08):
Like you do it do at home.

Speaker 4 (01:02:10):
I don't have an issue per se with you being
able to carry your gun anywhere. And the reason I'm
giving these lawmakers in Tennessee Donkey today is because this
bill was passed a year after a shooter opened fire
and killed six people at a Nashville school. You mean
to tell me, instead of coming up with a comprehensive
plan to reduce gun violence, out of all the things

you could have done to attempt to curve gun violence,
this is the best y'all could come up with. Out
of all the collective perspectives that could have come from
this group of legislators. The best y'all could come up
with in response to a mass shooting is let the
teachers carry guns. See, the reason I believe a teacher
should be able to carry a gun is because.

Speaker 1 (01:02:49):
I don't know know better.

Speaker 4 (01:02:50):
I'm not a legislator, and because I'm not a legislator,
the only thing I can think of is self preservation.
If nobody can come up with any great ideas to
protect me, then I'm going to resort to what I
know to protect me, and that's prayer in my pistol,
God and the clock. But once again, I'm a country boy,
raised on the dirt road in monsts going to South Carolina.
I am not a legislator. Legislators in a developed country
like America, by the way. No other developed country has

as much gun violence as America. But in a developed
country like America, there has to be a better way,
and there is. But America does not know how to
solve problems. Lawmakers should be passing gun laws that actually
reduce gun violence. How about background checks for all private
sales and restrictions on multiple purchases. How about gun violence
restraining restraining orders? Yes, gun violence restraining orders. These allow

family members of law enforcement the petition to court the
temporarily bar an at risk person from buying firearms.

Speaker 1 (01:03:40):
Police may also be permitted to confiscate their guns.

Speaker 4 (01:03:43):
One of the things I found interesting, you know, was
this thing called investing in smart gun technology. President Obama
said in twenty thirteen, if we can set it up
so you can't unlock your phone unless you've got the
right fingerprint, you know, you should be able to do
the same with a gun.

Speaker 1 (01:03:58):
And by the way, all this safety technology is available.

Speaker 4 (01:04:01):
Entrepreneurs have introduced products that use biometrics to identify a
weapons rightful owner while locking it for everyone else. And
I read that once these smart guns, oh, if they
have these smart guns, they may not prevent mass shootings
with firearms purchased legally, but they can prevent crimes or
suicides with weapons owned by somebody else. A lot of
times you hear stories about a kids stealing their parents'

gun or stealing somebody's gun and going to commit these
mass shootings. They don't even fund gun violence research like
they should. In fact, they have tried to eliminate the
funding for gun violence research. And you know why because
in nineteen ninety six Congress, with a push from the NRA,
and we'll get to that past, the Dickie Amendment, named
after its author, former Republican Representative Jay Dickey from Arkansas,

which mandated that no CDC funds could be spent on
research that may be used to advocate or promote gun control.
And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why we really can't
get any proper gun legislation anywhere in this country because
so many these elected officials benefit from NRA money, if
not the NRA, other gun lobbyists. Okay, the governor of Tennessee,

Bill Lee, signed an executive order meant to scripting gun
restrictions and he urged state lawmakers to consider stronger gun restrictions.
But how can state lawmakers do that when they receive funding.

Speaker 1 (01:05:18):
From the NRA.

Speaker 4 (01:05:19):
Last year, a data from Open Secrets, which is a
research group that tracks money in US politics, found that
quite a few Tennessee senators received money from the NRA.

Speaker 1 (01:05:28):
Let's listen to some of them.

Speaker 8 (01:05:29):
These are the numbers for Senator Blackburn. The NRA has
donated one point three million dollars in direct and indirect
contributions to the senator. In all, her campaign has raised
more than eleven million dollars. Contributions from the NRA make
up about twelve percent. Senator Haggarty accepted almost sixteen thousand
dollars since his first run for the Senate in twenty twenty.

Now his fundraising totals at about eleven million dollars. Congressman
Fleischman on the House side, receiving about the same amount
from the NRAs. His campaign total is almost eight point
seven million dollars, and the NRA did endorse him in
twenty twelve. The Gun Rights Group and its support for
Congressman Burchet looks like this, just a little less than
five thousand dollars from the NRA. In all, he has

raised almost three point eight million dollars.

Speaker 4 (01:06:15):
So once again, these politicians will never vote for any
type of comprehensive gun reform because they are in the
pockets of an organization that advocates against gun restrictions. So
of course their solution will be more guns. And that's
how we've gotten to the point where Tennessee lawmakers have
passed the bill that teachers.

Speaker 1 (01:06:34):
Can carry guns.

Speaker 4 (01:06:37):
Please let remy MA give these Tennessee lawmakers the biggest
he haw.

Speaker 3 (01:06:41):
He haw, he ha, You stupid motherfuck?

Speaker 1 (01:06:44):
Are you dumb? That's the best they can come up with. Yeah,
which is sad trash.

Speaker 3 (01:06:51):
And even if you do, if you are a registered
gun owner, you're not allowed to take your gun on
school grounds. It's like certain rules and regulations you have
to have to have a guns or less you're a
police officer, or lessure of the law. So with somebody
that doesn't do it for a living, be precise enough
to shoot somebody that's doing something bad and not hit

a student by accident, bullet not go through the wall.
To move off of being smarter that emotion, I don't know.

Speaker 4 (01:07:21):
But when you have lawmakers who can't have who can't
come up with, you know, proper legislation to protect individuals
or to even slow down gun violence. I can see
where somebody would probably resort to self preservation.

Speaker 1 (01:07:32):
I want to resort to self preservation.

Speaker 3 (01:07:34):
Like you said, we spend all this money, sending all
these millions and billions of dollars to all these other nations, Yes,
we can afford. At one time I was like, well
it's going to be too expensive now, but if we
can send billions of dollars overseas, we can afford to
have security police officers in schools.

Speaker 1 (01:07:48):
Would yeah, I would rather that.

Speaker 4 (01:07:49):
If you're not going to fund you know, gun violence research,
then you know, how about fund these schools and you
know other institutions fund them to be properly protected.

Speaker 14 (01:07:58):

Speaker 3 (01:07:58):
And if you don't want you know, police officers and
uniforms in school all day protecting because you feel like
your kids will feel awkward or uncomfortable, put under covers,
just have that. Have somebody there, Oh you mean like
the fire marshal on the plane kind of Yeah, all right,
well thank you for that donkey today. Yeah, up next,
Jess fix my Mess eight hundred five eight five one

five one. If you need relationship advice, any type of
advice called Jess now is the breakfast Club.

Speaker 1 (01:08:23):
Good morning the Breakfast Club.

Speaker 3 (01:08:27):
Nay, it's the real deal.

Speaker 2 (01:08:30):
Help me.

Speaker 3 (01:08:33):
Oh my god, I'm all up in your mess.

Speaker 6 (01:08:34):
I'm gonna fix it, fix it, fix it, fix it.

Speaker 3 (01:08:38):
Just gonna fix your mess because my advice is real.
Mourning everybody, your cej Envy, Jess, hilarious, charlamage the guy.
We are the Breakfast Club. It's time for just fix
my mess. And we got Kevin on the line. Kevin,
good morning, good morning.

Speaker 1 (01:08:51):
How you doing. I'm doing good, brother. What's your question
for Jess? My question is this.

Speaker 2 (01:08:55):
I have a girlfriend and me and have been together
for about a year. My girlfriend, make a long story short,
she likes girls and once in the bloomerone, we have
three sons. So now you know, it's a lot of
stuff out here. We don't want to do that. So
she me and her came to agreement that would definitely
just have a girlfriend. So I'm like, okay, at me, personally,

I don't need the three sons, but hey, I benefit
from them, so I don't have any complaints here. I
can understand that.

Speaker 1 (01:09:22):

Speaker 2 (01:09:23):
What happened is we got a girl and we've been
dealing with this girl for about five months or four months,
or something like that. And basically I have a daughter
that's about seven years old. So now I know for
a fact that the type of life that I lived
as a father basically rubs off on my daughter. And
that's possibly, but she's going to be looking for and
I don't want to influence her in a negative way,

positive weight, whatever way you want to look at. I
just want her to make our own decisions. So I'm
not sure how this relationship is going to last because
I say about last week, me and my girlfriend and
the other girl that we are looking to be our
girlfriend and our relationship with us. Basically, my daughter came
in knocked throwing the door when we was in there,
and I came and open the door allow her in.

So I'm trying to figure out how should I handle
this going forward, because I do love the woman that
I'm with, but I'm not certain we definitely benefit from
this situation, both of us do due but I'm not
sure how to proceed with this.

Speaker 16 (01:10:20):
So is your is your daughter by your girlfriend or
is this is from a previous relationship?

Speaker 6 (01:10:24):
Okay, your daughter lives with you primarily?

Speaker 1 (01:10:27):

Speaker 16 (01:10:27):
Okay, Because I was I was trying to get at
why the girlfriend would be there and why you guys
would be indulging in threesome activity while your seven.

Speaker 6 (01:10:36):
Year old is home.

Speaker 2 (01:10:36):
Because basically, the way we're looking at it is this
might be our life, meet her and another girl. But
it didn't really dawn on me at that point when
this was happening that, Okay, I have a present this
to my daughter till I got that knock on the
door and I was about to open the door and
I'm like, okay.

Speaker 1 (01:10:54):
No, I can't do this.

Speaker 2 (01:10:55):
So now going forward, it's like I present this so
my daughter, I say this is my life and this
is how it is, or break up with the woman
I love.

Speaker 16 (01:11:06):
Possibly wasn't now if it's more than if this is
more than sex and this is polygamy, you know, you
know what I'm saying, Like, are you guys, is this
like a real full blown y'all look at right to
have like a real full blown relationship with a whole
nother girl?

Speaker 1 (01:11:20):
Or is this just sex?

Speaker 14 (01:11:22):

Speaker 2 (01:11:22):
But we had Yes, we had a conversation about it,
and basically with her is it's something I have situations
in the past when you try to comply somebody to
something that they really want and she really wants another female.
So basically, it's more than sex. It's going to be
a full blown relationship. And that's what we're looking for,
is just the aspect of my daughter being and.

Speaker 16 (01:11:41):
You know, and you're also situation and correct me if
I'm wrong. You're also doing this for your girlfriend. This
is not something that you actually want. This is something
that you're doing to make your girlfriend happy too.

Speaker 1 (01:11:54):
Oh, I have no ess, I take it. Oh, I'm
with the pause, no, Diddy.

Speaker 16 (01:11:58):
But but you're also just trying to look out for
your daughters, her well being and everything and what's appropriate
around her as well.

Speaker 3 (01:12:09):
So I get it.

Speaker 2 (01:12:10):
So you're trying to yes, yes, Like I mean, I
know my father when I was younger. He never told
you any of stuff. My mother and father married, but
my father used to say he didn't like for women
to shave their legs. I was in college and I'm
telling women I don't want them to shave their leaves,
and then I thought the lady with some shaped leads,
and I was like, I don't know why I'm saying this.
So that's the type of influence I know your parents havel.

Speaker 16 (01:12:29):
Yeah, absolutely, Yeah, Well, if this is something that you wanted,
you see a future with these two women, you know, Yeah,
you gotta break the news to baby girl.

Speaker 6 (01:12:38):
I mean, it's just she'll obviously choose whatever.

Speaker 16 (01:12:41):
You know, a lot of a lot of times our
kids are not influenced heavily by everything that we do,
but they do see it. And by her being so young, yeah,
she may think something like this is normal. Just explain
to her. Be careful how you explain it to her,
and also have your girlfriend chime into and explain because
your girlfriend is a woman too, you know, and she's
daughter's gonna grow up and be a woman.

Speaker 6 (01:13:02):
So I just just be careful how you explain it
to her. But if this is only, if this is what.

Speaker 16 (01:13:07):
Y'all want, if this is a little phase, don't even
waste that baby girl's time. But it don't seem like
it is, so I say, definitely let your do it
in on what you're doing, because you don't want to
regret not saying anything.

Speaker 1 (01:13:18):
And then, yeah, she she han't traumatic memories later on
when she.

Speaker 16 (01:13:23):
Knocked on the door when she was seven and you
was getting buck buck wild with two women, you know, Yeah, definitely.

Speaker 1 (01:13:30):
I appreciate that.

Speaker 14 (01:13:31):
Yeah, can I say one thing to DJ MV.

Speaker 2 (01:13:34):
Hey, DJ MVY. I came down here and you DJ'd
a couple of times. I'm in Virginia and you wore
a half in pirate shirt from Norfolk State. I need
you to get a green of gold, baby. I know
you really want to come home. Come on.

Speaker 1 (01:13:46):
You know I went to have the University and graduated
from Hampton University. I got my degree from Hampton University.
I love the seven five seven.

Speaker 3 (01:13:52):
I love it so much. That's my second home, my
homebody seat. But you know I'm hu all day. But
I love Norfolk, I love Old Dominion, I love all
the schools out there.

Speaker 1 (01:13:58):
But you know I'm the real huol D.

Speaker 2 (01:14:00):
All right, man, Can I give a shout out? Real quick?

Speaker 1 (01:14:02):

Speaker 2 (01:14:03):
I want to give a shout out my boy Restaurant
Canvas and Hampton and Virginia No, and Norfolk and my
boy Social and my boy Pete and Social and Petersburg.

Speaker 3 (01:14:12):
Absolutely, I want to and salute to the brothers in
Hampton that do that R and B concert. They're actually
taking it to Vegas for the lovers and friends, so
salute to them. I know those brothers been grounding for
a long time, so salute to them all right, have
a going brother, definitely, just fix my mess. Eight hundred
and five eight five one oh five one. Call up now,
it's the breakfast club. Good morning's about me for relationship problems,
acts about me.

Speaker 16 (01:14:33):
If you need to beat your coworker's ass, at about
me for your coworker needs to beat your ass.

Speaker 1 (01:14:37):
Call it up.

Speaker 6 (01:14:39):
Thank you, doctor Jess, And I'm here to fix your mess.

Speaker 1 (01:14:41):
Fix your mess.

Speaker 6 (01:14:42):
It's given very much messy.

Speaker 1 (01:14:43):
Let me fix this morning. Everybody is dj.

Speaker 3 (01:14:46):
N V Jess hilarious, Charlamage the guy. We are the
breakfast clubs in the middle of Just fix my mess.

Speaker 1 (01:14:52):
And who do we have on the line? What's your name? Mama?

Speaker 12 (01:14:54):
Hey, y'all, we have.

Speaker 3 (01:14:57):
Good morning, canil.

Speaker 1 (01:14:57):
What's your question for?

Speaker 12 (01:14:58):
Just how where you're going?

Speaker 1 (01:15:00):
I'm good baby? What's up?

Speaker 2 (01:15:01):
All right?

Speaker 12 (01:15:02):
So I got some issues?

Speaker 2 (01:15:04):
All right?

Speaker 12 (01:15:05):
So I just got out of ten years, right, and
we have kids together, but we still moving like we're together.

Speaker 16 (01:15:13):
Okay, y'all got two years two kids together. Y'all were
together for two years. We were at ten Okay, ten
years two kids, y'all. Not y'all, y'all both are single,
so y'are not together but y'all still moving like y'all together.

Speaker 12 (01:15:25):
Yes, that's just like going on trips together, going on
like the pay together. But like she's sick and I'm.

Speaker 6 (01:15:32):
Single, so why not be together? What's the problem?

Speaker 12 (01:15:35):
All right, that's the problem with there's just too much.
I can't deal with a mama's boy. And I don't
think he puts me and the kids before his mama.
I'm not I'm not doing that. Like I called up
the wedding and everything.

Speaker 1 (01:15:46):
You stayed for ten years.

Speaker 16 (01:15:48):
Now, I know you dealt with that for a decade.
You said you love you, You said what I said,
I loved him, and we did it.

Speaker 12 (01:15:58):
So I just wasted all my time. And example, like
if you brought me something, right, his mother will be like, oh,
why did you buy that for me?

Speaker 2 (01:16:05):
That's weird?

Speaker 1 (01:16:06):

Speaker 16 (01:16:07):
Have you talked I mean obviously in ten years you've
talked to him about this, right yep, and has.

Speaker 12 (01:16:11):
Not did anything at didn't do it? Okay, Well should
I stick around or should I?

Speaker 16 (01:16:20):
Just like I mean, if that's the only thing, I mean,
you already still you obviously still in love with this man.
I mean the mother is the only thing that's that's
keeping you all from actually being together, you may as
well ride it out.

Speaker 1 (01:16:34):
To be honest with you.

Speaker 12 (01:16:35):
Yeah, but like if like he's not ready mentally, I can't, well.

Speaker 1 (01:16:39):
Then that's something else. If he's not, if that's not
the mother anymore.

Speaker 16 (01:16:42):
If he's not ready mentally, then know you have to
move on because or you're going what stick it out
another ten?

Speaker 1 (01:16:49):
No, No you're not.

Speaker 12 (01:16:50):
That's why I needed to invite, because.

Speaker 3 (01:16:52):
Absolutely do that.

Speaker 1 (01:16:54):
Yeah, so now you got the mother is just a bonus.

Speaker 16 (01:16:56):
But if he's not ready mentally and you said what
if so you don't don't even know if he's not,
but see.

Speaker 1 (01:17:01):
Where he said is at.

Speaker 16 (01:17:03):
If he not ready mentally, then know that there's your
sign right there. Ten years done, you don't want to
go another ten?

Speaker 1 (01:17:09):
And your kids? Hold your kids.

Speaker 12 (01:17:11):
I have a thirteen year old, a nine year old
and a one year old dying.

Speaker 1 (01:17:17):
Okay, all right, so.

Speaker 12 (01:17:22):
That's not that's why I need to help thirty.

Speaker 3 (01:17:27):
Yeah, because you laid down to me another one.

Speaker 12 (01:17:30):
You don't listen to the boundaries. I put up boundaries.
You don't put my boundaries.

Speaker 11 (01:17:33):
I need all three.

Speaker 12 (01:17:35):
You'll help, but you but you lab but you.

Speaker 1 (01:17:38):
Let him shoot up the club just a year ago.

Speaker 3 (01:17:40):
You ain't like, yeah, you started over again, right?

Speaker 16 (01:17:48):
So nah for real, Honestly, if he's not mentally ready,
keep it pushing, no matter how old your kids are,
keep it pushing.

Speaker 1 (01:17:57):
Just don't hand no more.

Speaker 12 (01:18:00):
I'm not to get these two times I'm from Jersey,
nothing or nothing.

Speaker 4 (01:18:06):
She don't want to leave him alone. She just doesn't
want to have no more baby.

Speaker 1 (01:18:10):
You like that, man, Well she ain't got to have
no more babies, but no more kids.

Speaker 12 (01:18:15):
But as Charlamagne, as you were always staying on the radio,
some men have trauma, you know, like issues. You know,
you're talking about mental health and stuff like that, and
that's his thing. But he has a lot of mental
health issues that I try to help him get through
that His family don't understand it, don't know. And then
it's like I'm the crazy one. But he'd be going
through his own little bit.

Speaker 4 (01:18:35):
Well, you can't do the work for him. He got
to go to the therapy and you know, do those
initiatives to hell on hisself on his own.

Speaker 12 (01:18:41):
But you know what you said, he heard you. He
just money when he said, it's so funny how he
will not for the therapy. He don't feel like it's
right talking to the stranger. I said, well we can't
be together then, m well move on that lot. Yes,
thank you, y'all.

Speaker 3 (01:18:59):
Love y'all.

Speaker 1 (01:19:01):
Now, I've been hearing that a lot lately though.

Speaker 4 (01:19:02):
I mean, some of my homegirls for the years and
now I have been saying, they can't even data man
if you don't go to therapy. They don't even want
a data man that ain't doing no work on herself.

Speaker 1 (01:19:09):
That's the right way, that's the right way.

Speaker 3 (01:19:12):
Well, just fix my mess. Eight hundred five eight five,
one oh five one. Now when we come back. We
got just with the mess, Yes we did, and we'll
get into that next.

Speaker 1 (01:19:21):
Don't move. It's the Breakfast Club. Good morning, the Breakfast
Club Morning.

Speaker 3 (01:19:27):
Everybody is seeing j Envy, Jess Alary and Charlamagne the God.

Speaker 1 (01:19:31):
We are the Breakfast Club. Let's get to Jess with
the mess. You use a real weapons FS just corrobbing Moore.

Speaker 3 (01:19:37):
Just don't do no line, don't do that.

Speaker 14 (01:19:39):
TI talk the.

Speaker 1 (01:19:43):
Talk the world. Why Jess worldwide mess on the Breakfast Club.
She's the coaching ship.

Speaker 21 (01:19:50):
She was able to get.

Speaker 5 (01:19:51):
Y'all to see something and understand something that.

Speaker 3 (01:19:54):
Nobody could get you to see the time to set
it off.

Speaker 16 (01:19:58):
Okay, So American celebrity and just sending buying TikTok. Earlier
in the week, we spoke on the bill that would
band TikTok in the US. Biden signed the bill that
would require TikTok owners to sell the app to an
owner that doesn't require I mean that doesn't have any
connection to China. If they don't sell TikTok within nine months,
it'll be banned in the US. Well, and American rapper

stepped up and offer to buy social media platform, and
that American rapper is Soldjia Boy. He shared a tweet
to TikTok to negotiate the purchase. He said, how much
y'all want for TikTok, I'll buy it. TikTok he ain't
gone because they knew that he doesn't have it.

Speaker 4 (01:20:32):
Yeah, soldier boy, let me be the first to tell
you you ain't got it. TikTok is valued at like
one hundred and ten billion dollars. There's no rapper out
there that got it. I don't want you to think
that I'm personally calling you out. There's no rapper out
there that got it. No Okay, now you can put
one hundred and ten rappers together the money, Okay.

Speaker 16 (01:20:51):
Yeah, but he seems serious because before he was serious,
Yeah he did. He seem serious because before he adds
TikTok for the price. He also tweeted, I can't believe
are just gonna let uh them band TikTok like that.
And y'all think it's funny If they do this to
this app, imagine what they can do to any other
app or any other site.

Speaker 1 (01:21:08):
Not cool, for real, for real, y'all will see later.
I get it.

Speaker 4 (01:21:11):
Sometimes you're in the store and you're looking at something
and you're like, man, how much this cost? And then
they tell you and you start stretching, you know what
I'm saying, start texting I'll be right back.

Speaker 1 (01:21:20):
They never come back. Yeah again. So this is hurting
him all right.

Speaker 16 (01:21:26):
And other news, Nil's baby mother accuses him of being
a bad father. So Nil's bim went on live the
one I was no, that's the replica, not not Crystal,
the one that looked like Crystal. She actually went on
live and she was actually like trying to provoke him,

but we have the audio for it.

Speaker 13 (01:21:48):
Tell him about the freak call Daddy Diddy tell him
about the free call.

Speaker 1 (01:21:53):
He calling the police. Shah, he called give a you
know what you did?

Speaker 21 (01:21:58):
Your body slam the other foot please please, y'all.

Speaker 13 (01:22:01):
I guess what overwet overwelt because he wants over the
house while.

Speaker 3 (01:22:04):
His kids is here.

Speaker 13 (01:22:07):
He likes to have weed, alcohol, mushrooms, and prostitutes in
the house while his kids are here. Everyone has asked
them to stop, but he will not listen to nobody.

Speaker 1 (01:22:18):
Yeah, shrooms.

Speaker 16 (01:22:19):
But she continued to say Neo doesn't spend quality time
with the kids and that she needs to be there
to ensure the kids are actually being taken care of.
As she said, I even came over here to help
them watch the kids, and he ain't watching the kids,
Like look what you doing.

Speaker 1 (01:22:32):
Neil's at his house and she came to his house and.

Speaker 16 (01:22:34):
He keep telling her to move me to leave what
he will call the police, And she had begged them
at one point in the video, please said me, please
drag me, like come on, slam me, body, slam me,
like what's up? Cussing them out, calling all types of
bees and all.

Speaker 1 (01:22:45):
That type of stuff.

Speaker 2 (01:22:46):
You know.

Speaker 4 (01:22:46):
Neil was at his witch then because he was walking
around with no hat on and no hat walking around
with no hat.

Speaker 16 (01:22:51):
On stras absolutely. She also ininguated that Neo put his
hands on her before. The moral of the story is
for the.

Speaker 1 (01:22:59):
Both of them. Yeah, but who you having kids with?
Just be careful, you know what I'm saying. He's a commentary.
You're just trying to play his video games. Man, great commentary.
You got freak off. Goddamn, she tried it, She tried.

Speaker 16 (01:23:14):
And better news, Reggie Bush gets Heisman trophy back fourteen
years after forfeiting. So the Heisman Trust decision comes after
the fact college athletes can now receive conversation in the
form of and I I mean an I L deal.
The president, Michael Comerford said, we are thrilled to welcome

Reggie Bush back to the Heisman family and recognition of
his collegiate accomplishments. Yeah, back in the day, they weren't
able to receive like, you know, gifts or you know,
like money and cars and stuff like that from their
agents and coaches because they were, like they were saying,
like they were being coursed into, you know, choosing those
teams or whatever like that.

Speaker 1 (01:23:54):
But and that's why they took his stuff back.

Speaker 16 (01:23:57):
He voluntarily gave it up, but it was more so
like Yo, it's like a job saying we want you
to quit so we won't have to fire you.

Speaker 1 (01:24:05):
Pretty much like that.

Speaker 3 (01:24:06):
But he got it bad, should have it.

Speaker 6 (01:24:09):
And he's always claimed that he wasn't paid to play
football at USC.

Speaker 1 (01:24:13):
So congratulations Reggie's.

Speaker 4 (01:24:14):
Dropping the clues bombs for Reggie bush Man. Congratulations makes
all the sense in the world. And it makes me
think about uh not on the same thing, of course,
But all the brothers and sisters were in prison marijuana
in states where marijuana is not legal. Yeah, make make
things right by them too, should be out.

Speaker 16 (01:24:33):
We also got a new clout song. Gucci Man released
a new song. It's called take That. And he actually
he created the scene. He had a video and everything,
and he created the scene of Diddy in the bathtub
with Misa Hilton, Misa Hilton and the other woman from
the Biggies One More Chance video.

Speaker 3 (01:24:51):
But it's Keisha in the video with him.

Speaker 1 (01:24:54):
Yeah, it is, it is.

Speaker 6 (01:24:55):
And I call it a club song is because that's
the hottest phrase right now.

Speaker 3 (01:24:59):
No Diddy, so hop on that.

Speaker 1 (01:25:01):
And you know the plan for this is just to
have everybody singing a song.

Speaker 3 (01:25:05):
No, no, Diddy, but because that's what we've been singing
it all morning.

Speaker 1 (01:25:08):
Literally literally it is.

Speaker 5 (01:25:11):
It is.

Speaker 3 (01:25:11):
So check out the music video as well.

Speaker 16 (01:25:13):
Like I said, it's a scene recreated from the Biggies
One More a Chance video.

Speaker 4 (01:25:17):
Alright, don't don't, don't none of the Diddy team get
caught playing that record.

Speaker 2 (01:25:20):

Speaker 1 (01:25:20):
It's catchy little tune.

Speaker 4 (01:25:23):
He's not gonna like that, all right, yes, all right,
and listen.

Speaker 1 (01:25:29):
I want to remind everybody this. Well, tomorrow we'll be
at clock.

Speaker 3 (01:25:31):
Atlanda University, Sloop to Clark will be at Clocklanda University,
broadcasting live. The breakfast club will have food out there,
and we got some cash for the students too.

Speaker 1 (01:25:39):
What's the auditorm we're gonna be in? Hey, no't let
me look it up. Look it up. You're supposed to
know these things. We are hold on. What's this auditorium
we're gonna be in? You said we got cash? You
know how much? I don't know how much?

Speaker 3 (01:25:51):
You gotta ask Aldredge Outridge Auditorium, the old Ridge Auditorium, Clark,
Atlanta University tomorrow from of course, six to ten.

Speaker 1 (01:25:58):
So we'll see you guys, pull up on us.

Speaker 3 (01:26:00):
And then Saturday, the students listening like know how much?

Speaker 1 (01:26:03):
Yeah, I don't know much. I don't know how much.

Speaker 4 (01:26:05):
It might be a dollar apiece. I don't know, but
don't don't. Anything is better than nothing, that's right. And
then Saturday, the second annual Black Effect Podcast Festival happening
at Poolman Yards in Atlanta.

Speaker 3 (01:26:14):
So we'll see you out there on Saturday. Thank you
everybody that's getting their tickets.

Speaker 4 (01:26:18):
There's still some general admission tickets left, so go to
event bright dot com at Black Effect dot Com Slash
Podcast Festival.

Speaker 3 (01:26:23):
I will see you Saturday. All right, Well the People's
Choice mix this up next, let's go.

Speaker 1 (01:26:27):
You're checking out the Breakfast Club.

Speaker 3 (01:26:29):
Good morning, everybody is DJ Envy, Jess Hilarious, Charlamage the
guy we are the Breakfast Club.

Speaker 1 (01:26:35):
Today was bring your kids to work Day? My kids. Hey,
you got a good time Brooklyn, Yeah, Jack, great job Monday.

Speaker 3 (01:26:42):

Speaker 1 (01:26:42):
Did y'all have a great time? But I like working
or y'all just missed school?

Speaker 14 (01:26:46):
I like.

Speaker 3 (01:26:49):
Work both reasons. Y'all did TikTok videos and YouTube videos
all morning.

Speaker 1 (01:26:54):
Yeah, they're so key.

Speaker 3 (01:26:57):
I'm gonna say these idea its same face like sas too.

Speaker 1 (01:27:01):
Tall for TikTok. She gave it on the SCO.

Speaker 4 (01:27:04):
I just want to say that, no, MV security.

Speaker 3 (01:27:08):
First of all, she is not my security side.

Speaker 1 (01:27:12):
She's not six seven thirteen mins shoes.

Speaker 16 (01:27:18):
She do look like nor money though she anybody can
tell you look like nor money? Yes to me, very pretty? Yeah,
so six seven ain't just the waste baby A six
seven nor money?

Speaker 1 (01:27:29):
I like that. Anybody ever told you like Lisa Leslie?
All right, right, anybody look like books? Right?

Speaker 2 (01:27:38):
You know what?

Speaker 1 (01:27:38):
I hate this guy. Salute the Tank for joining us.

Speaker 3 (01:27:40):
This morning as well. Yes, m Sleute the Tank man.
He's got a new I'm coming out tomorrow. Yes, R
and B Money the Vault, that's right, yes, all right,
when we come back. We got the positive notice the
Breakfast Club. Good morning, MV. Just Hilarius Charlamage the God.
We are the Breakfast Club, not just you. Got a
show coming up a tour.

Speaker 16 (01:27:58):
Yes I do, May third and fourth. I will be
in Louisville, Kentucky. Y'all get y'all tickets from Jesselaris Official
dot com. I will be at the Louisville Comedy Club.
Some Connecticut dates for you too, third and me fourth.
That's May thirty first through June second in Connecticut. The
thing is when I promote so early, then they like
pressure me to add ed dates, ed dates make so

I listen.

Speaker 1 (01:28:21):
I know how to promote my stuff.

Speaker 4 (01:28:23):
Are you pregnant entire so you don't want to do that.

Speaker 6 (01:28:25):
Yeah, so one weekend at a time, because they set
off pretty fast.

Speaker 3 (01:28:30):
You know, not to you know, but people be wanting
to see me or whatever. So that's a business.

Speaker 1 (01:28:34):
Charlene. I you're watching hat off that pointy till come on.

Speaker 3 (01:28:38):
I'm guarantee you won. Guarantee your won.

Speaker 1 (01:28:41):
I keep telling them it's so so and it's not
a wig and it's not a headwig.

Speaker 3 (01:28:45):
Like keep trying me. All right, well, sheel theman. You
got a positive note, I do the positive notice simply this.

Speaker 4 (01:28:50):
One of the best guides to how to be self
loving is to give ourselves the love we are often
dreaming about receiving from others.

Speaker 1 (01:28:58):
People don't do that enough.

Speaker 4 (01:28:59):
They want so much from other people, but don't even
give that to give that from themselves. So learn to
give of yourself what you want from others.

Speaker 1 (01:29:07):
Breakfast club bitches, you'll finished or y'all done,

The Breakfast Club News

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