All Episodes

May 2, 2024 31 mins

 Bill O’Reilly, author of the upcoming book, Confronting the Presidents, No Spin Assessments from Washington to Biden, talks about the all news of the day. From O'Reilly: 

President Biden isn't the only powerful Democrat in cognitive decline.  Former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, 84 years old, has apparently lost it completely.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:31):
All right, Leonard Skinner's simple man, and that could only
mean one thing on this radio program, and that is
all things self proclaimed simple man. That means all things
Bill O'Reilly, all things O'Reilly at billoreilly dot com before
we get to mister O'Reilly. It is a miracle, as
I've been saying that the NYPD in an hour and
fifty two minutes I was on the entire time, began

in operation to clear out Hamilton Hall that had been
taken over by these student radicals at Colle University. And
they did it without any violence, and they did it
without any injury. Even the even the New York City
Mayor Eric Adams actually is making sense.

Speaker 2 (01:11):
Let me play a couple of cuts of him.

Speaker 1 (01:13):
Uh, this is him first talking about and this goes
to on a little bit deeper level, the global radicalization
of children.

Speaker 2 (01:22):
Listen to this.

Speaker 3 (01:23):
It's been indicated by Columbia when they reached out that
the substantial, substantial number were outside influences of you know
you when you look at the wearin all black, covering
your faces completely. Uh, those methodologies. You know, our Intelligence
division study this type of behavior across the globe. We
just had a team that's just a returned from overseas

looking at some of the methods that are being used
with these actions.

Speaker 4 (01:50):
There is a movement to radicalize young people, and I'm
not going to wait until it's done and all of
a sudden acknowledge the existence of it. This is a
global problem that young people are being influenced by those
who are professionals at radicalizing our children, and I'm not
going to allow that to happen.

Speaker 2 (02:10):
As the mayor of the City of New.

Speaker 1 (02:12):
York, then Eric Adams said, those arrested in Colombia and
this police raid last night will be charged with burglary,
trans trespassing, criminal mischief. That doesn't mean they won't be
let out because of New York City's you know, no
bail laws and defund and dismantle and reimagine the police.

Speaker 2 (02:32):
But that's what he said, and.

Speaker 1 (02:34):
He did point out that a number of outside agitators
of Columbia are using tactics from around the globe.

Speaker 2 (02:40):
Listen to this, mister Meyer.

Speaker 5 (02:42):
Those forty or fifty people that were taken into custody
last night, what are they going.

Speaker 2 (02:45):
To be charged with and when are they going to
be charged?

Speaker 3 (02:49):
Well, it's it is a series of items. Number one
a former burglary trustpassing criminal mischief cameras were damaged methodologies
that were used for a typical of action just like this,
professionals used. Clearly, these children were trained on how the

barricade location would, type of locks would be used, of
all these methods we saw and have videos of the
type of training that they were being issued by these professionals.
And so they're going to be charged with those crimes.
And those who are on the lawn area, the goal
is for those students it would be summer school offenses.

Speaker 2 (03:32):
But we want.

Speaker 3 (03:33):
These schools across the city to be clear that the
property of the schools are for the students, not for
those who want to come in and be disruptive to
our way of life.

Speaker 1 (03:45):
All right, joining us now to if weigh in on
all of this is all things simple, man, our friend
Bill O'Reilly, Mister O'Reilly, My heart's a lot of troubled here, Bill,
But I will say this, you know this, and I
know this. I'm no longer a New York resident. You
still are a New York resident. But I will tell
you the fact that they were able to pull this
off in the and an hour and fifty two minutes.

It began when I went on the air at nine
pm Eastern. Straight up. We watched those cops going through
those windows, one at a time, having no idea what
was on the other side. And the fact that in
an hour and fifty two minutes they were able to
clean out that hall, no injuries, no incidents that occurred,

is a tribute to the professionalism of police officers that
never get the credit they deserve. But boy, one cop
is a bad cop. We certainly hear you know, we'll
hear that at nauseum. So a lot of kudos to
them yesterday.

Speaker 6 (04:43):
Yeah, police commisshure Khana doing a very good job. In
my opinion, he's knew on the job. They were very
well organized and they did everything they could the police
officers not to exacerbate the situation make it worse, and
they were successful. These people at Columbia University, though, even
though they are charged, brag Alvin braggby DA is going

to drop all the charges. I think one hundred percent
of them. Maybe maybe you'll prosecute two or three. And
everybody knows that. So it's not a matter of no bail.
Of course, they're not going to bail, but the cases
won't even come in. Did you know, and I think
you did know this, if I remember correctly, a couple

of years ago, you reported that less than five percent
of the looters arrested after George Floyd were prosecuted.

Speaker 1 (05:35):
You know that, Bill, It's worse than that. There were
officially five hundred and seventy four riots that took place
in the summer of twenty twenty. We had more than
two dozen dead Americans, thousands of cops injured. I say
it all the time. They were hit with bricks, rocks, bottles,
molotov cocktails, thousands of injured cops, billions of dollars in

property damage. It was on videotape. We could have arrested
every one of them. Liz Cheney and all the people
in Washington only cared about the January sixth riot. They
didn't care about the five hundred and seventy four other
riots that the media, mob and Democrats were either silent
about or lied to us and said were mostly peaceful.

There were anything but peaceful.

Speaker 6 (06:20):
Bill, Well, that's why this happened. So these organized protesters
know that they will not be held to account. So
I wrote a column called the Treasury behind the Protests
on Bill O'Reilly dot com. You don't have to be
a member. Anybody there and read it. And the organization
that's leading this as Students for Justice for Palestine. It

was founded in nineteen ninety three Berkeley, California. His leader
is a guy named doctor had Tim Bezion. He's a
lecturer at the University of California. His salary paid by taxpayers.
And this guy is the leader of the crew. And
they call out people. They have a big database of anarchists,

Antifa people or whatever. People just want to cause trouble
and they send them emails and they say show up here,
do this and nothing will happen to you. And then
you combine that with the weakness of the Columbia University president.
I mean, I don't know how she keeps her job.
That's ridiculous because you compare it to the University of Florida.

So the former was it senator or congressman? Who's running
at polace University of Florida. Now who's running it? The president?

Speaker 2 (07:36):
I don't even exactly sure.

Speaker 5 (07:37):
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (07:38):
I'm I'm thinking who is the president? I'm not really sure.
I don't know the presidents of many of these universities.
I pay so little attention to them, except when you
see insanity like this. And Bill, by the way, it's
not just Colombia, it's NYU, it's FIT, it's ut it
is have It, it is Yale, it is it is UCLA,

it is USC, it is a the country. I mean, Bill,
this is urul an anti semitism on campus, on campuses,
in the halls of Congress, all over Europe, in Australia.
I mean, it's looking like the nineteen thirties all over again, Bille.

Speaker 6 (08:17):
The point I want to make is the University of Florida.
The president there said, look, if you protest and violate
any of the schools, tenancer expelled, and so we didn't
have protests there. I don't know why this is so hard.
That's what you do. You have to give them space
to protest. I would if I were running a university.

But you say, look, you've got to stay in this area,
and if you go out of the area, and then
you have to leave by eight o'clock so you don't
disrupt the students in the surrounding neighborhoods. And that's it, right, well.

Speaker 2 (08:55):
Man, all right, I like your idea.

Speaker 1 (08:57):
Let me ask you a question, because a lot of
these universities we all know, are so hyper woke and
people get so offended, Bill and their sensibilities are triggered.
And if you use the wrong pronoun on a lot
of these campuses, you might be facing expulsion if you
say something politically incorrect, if you have a different opinion

about let's say, the LGBTQ community or god forbid, you
ever said anything racist rightly. So in that case, I
think you would be punished severely and maybe expelled from school.
Why is it okay to attack either African Americans that
are conservative or be Jewish Americans because that's what's happening.

Speaker 6 (09:44):
Well, it's hypocrisy. By the way, the University of Florida
presents Ben sas the former senator and he's a conservative. Guys,
we're not going to do this down here. Title nine.
The Biden administration just relief guidelines to the Department of
Justice that if a trans student at a university is

not called the pronoun he or she wants to be called,
that could be a criminal offense.

Speaker 2 (10:14):
Did you know that a criminal offense? You know? I'll
tell you. I'll tell you a quick story.

Speaker 1 (10:20):
When Caitlin jenn did the interview with Diane Sawyer, I've
talked on the radio. I talked about how I've known
Caitlin as Bruce Jenner for all those years and we
always got along very well. We had a good relationship,
and I didn't know at the time she was listening.
And after the show she called me and I said,

I said, Kaitlyn, I don't really understand it, and she goes,
I wouldn't expect you to understand it, and I said, like,
you're not gonna get pissed off if I call you
Bruce by accident, are you?

Speaker 2 (10:53):
And she started laughing, and then.

Speaker 1 (10:55):
She said the funniest part of the interview, Sean, is
the most shocking part was when Diane Sawyer heard me
say I was a conservative and a Republican and she
lost her mind. After everything else that she talked about
in that interview, that's what really got to die and Sawyer.

Speaker 6 (11:11):
Well, look, we're living in a time where people need
to understand the underlying principles. Today is May Day, and
congratulations all your Communists out there, you have a nice
party tonight.

Speaker 1 (11:23):
That was very thoughtful of your bill. Thanks for reminding everybody.

Speaker 6 (11:26):
I'm trying to be all inclusive, Hanndy. You know me,
I'm a dei guy.

Speaker 2 (11:30):
Well, let me tell you.

Speaker 1 (11:31):
If you get arrested for using the wrong pronoun which
may be the law of the land, at some point,
I promise this, I will come and bail you out personally,
and I'll pay the amount of money whatever it takes,
I'll bail you out of jail.

Speaker 6 (11:45):
Well, you're a very generous guy, and I don't expect
I will be arrested because when I get into a
situation like that, I start to cough and I don't stop,
so I can't say anything.

Speaker 2 (11:55):
But by the way, you can't not say anything. You can't.

Speaker 1 (12:00):
You couldn't shut your mouth if I paid you ten
million dollars.

Speaker 6 (12:03):
All right, Americas need to understand that. And if you
looked at the Harvard Harris Pool yesterday, were eighty percent
of the American public supports Israel. Very important poll that
this is a very very narrow sliver on the college campuses.
And you know who's involved with this. Do you remember

our old pal when I was at Fox leading into you,
Sammy al Arion. Do you remember that name?

Speaker 2 (12:32):
Vaguely. I have a vague recollection of it.

Speaker 6 (12:36):
Sammy was the guy who after nine to eleven was saying,
oh no, no, no, wasn't that bad? And I just
relayed them. It was one of the if you google
O'Reilly Sammy al Aria.

Speaker 1 (12:48):
By the way, no interviews better than the shouting Magic
got into a Barney Frank.

Speaker 2 (12:53):
But we'll save that for another day.

Speaker 6 (12:54):
This was close. But anyway, Sammy is back. And these
are professional agitators and they use these kids monash around.
The author called them useful idiots, and they are. I mean,
there's a clip out there now or one of these
protesters at Colombia's demanding food and water to be given

to her. Well, all you got to do is just
walk out. It's New York City. You buy your own
food and water. What's wrong with you? But yeah, these kids.

Speaker 1 (13:28):
They live in their own They took over Hamilton Hall
and they were demanding you know, food, water and supplies.
And I'm like, you're not getting anything if I'm the president,
But go ahead, finish your thought.

Speaker 6 (13:39):
No, I mean, my thought is that professional agitators are
driving these anti Israel protests. They come from the progressive left.
That's why you haven't heard Biden say much about it.
He doesn't want to alienate that crew that funds his
re election campaign.

Speaker 1 (14:00):
Last exit question we got twenty seconds. Will will Biden's
lack of moral clarity hurt him in November?

Speaker 6 (14:08):
Well, this is going to go away, this protest thing,
but people will remember. So I'm going to say yes.
And I'm also going to be on the lookout for
the not woke mug that I sent you. You should have
that on the desk of your TV show every night.
You should get it any minute, because we said I.

Speaker 1 (14:28):
Haven't got I haven't gotten it yet, but I do
appreciate the thought. All right, Bill, O'Reilly all things O'Reilly
at Billoreilly dot com. Sir, the time flies by. We
appreciate you being.

Speaker 6 (14:39):
With us always fun. Thanks for having me.

Speaker 1 (14:41):
All right, quick break right back, we'll continue now a
word from the forty six president of the United States.

Speaker 2 (14:55):
She just had to put on your rest your wifers again. Literally,
the ors look off the window. That's why I am
so damning the other people I grew up. I have
for cancer.

Speaker 1 (15:04):
Sean Hannity is on right now. All right, let's get
to Ben is in Wisconsin. Donald Trump in Michigan and
Wisconsin today, Ben, how are you glad you called Sar.

Speaker 7 (15:17):
I'm doing great, Shawn. I'm a first time caller, longtime listener.

Speaker 2 (15:21):
Thank you. What's on your mind today?

Speaker 7 (15:23):
Well, what's on my mind is as a Jewish man,
I'm disappointed and I'm advocating for a two state solution,
but not for one in guys a ri Israel. I'm
actually advocating for one here in this country, peaceful first
and foremost, I think we're going to catch twenty two.
Sean that no matter what.

Speaker 1 (15:41):
What do you mean by a two state solution in
the US? Are you talking about secession or what are
you talking about?

Speaker 7 (15:49):
I would like to see based on the outcome of
this next election, which I feel we're going to lose,
not because we didn't win it fair, but I just
feel that bite, all the previous activity and behavior, the
sorrows funding the ground game. I think that the conservatives
in this country to live through another four years of

the Biden hybrid administration. Uh, with you know, a puppet president,
we won't have a country. And I'm advocated.

Speaker 1 (16:20):
Let me let me just say this to you, and
and I'm saying this very respectfully. You can't not fight
even even if the game is not fair. I mean,
we owe it, you know, for all the people that
have sacrificed, bled and dyed uh to create this great
country and sustain this great country. We owe it to

them to give it our best. And I'm not saying
that the various things don't happen during elections. I'm not
saying that that the game isn't now rigged. They don't
want they don't want voter id uh. They they don't
want partisan observers, they don't want signature verification. DC is
now allowing in local elections illegal immigrants to vote.

Speaker 2 (17:04):
I'm not saying all of that.

Speaker 1 (17:06):
However, We've got to fight as hard as we can
and not be defeatist. You've got to give it your
best shot. You've got to fight, and you're fighting for
the soul of the country. And I think America is
seeing exactly what we're seeing. And I put our odds
a little, you know, a little higher than you do.

But I can't give anybody any guarantees. We're now just
one hundred and eighty seven days away from election day,
and I can't give you any with any degree of
certainty what's going to happen. But I believe we can
win this election, and win it by a margin that
may surprise a lot of people. We need your state
of Wisconsin, for example, and rather than being defeatist, I

would encourage you to get out there and help register
people to vote and work with the RNC. Maybe you
can be a partisan observer, watch the voting all day,
the vote counting all night. Maybe if legal ballot harvesting
exists in your state, maybe you can engage in those
efforts and match and surpass what the Democrats are doing.
And we just got to fight harder, and we got

to fight smarter. I mean, fight with what you believe.

Speaker 7 (18:14):
In Sean, I agree one hundred percent. I just I
just feel that after the fight has been fought, those
of us that have lived the good America and want
the good America I rowed an alternative.

Speaker 1 (18:28):
Listen on November sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, or December tenth.
At some point maybe you'll maybe you'll end up your
prediction will be right. But I'm not willing to concede that.
I'm not willing to get out of the fight like you.

Speaker 7 (18:40):
I want to be wrong in my in my harbinger.
But I just feel that Americans that have lived the
patriotic conservative life are rote a better America, you know,
and Trump is really the only man that can lead
us forward.

Speaker 1 (18:55):
Well, he's fighting every day, so why don't we just
follow his example? And he's fighting, you know, a fight
that none of us have to fight. I mean, they're
threatening to put this guy away in jail for the
rest of his life. Then the Democrats would like nothing
better for him than for him to never be able
to campaign and die in jail.

Speaker 7 (19:12):
Some of them, like I said, I'm going to fight
the good fight any way I can. And Wisconsin, I'm
a part time Florida man. You continue to sketch the
positive and try to.

Speaker 1 (19:26):
Fight the fight, as you say, Well, you know, if
the Green Bay Packers are playing, I'm betting that you
don't want to give up the game till the game's over.
And and I'd say the analogy fits here, and maybe
the refs are one sided. I don't know, you know,
you just never know. I think Democrats, you know, they
don't want these election integrity measures, but the only way

we're ever going to change them is to win elections
and put in place a system that has more integrity
and people, one that would give people more confidence and results.
All right, let me move on, my friend. I appreciate
your call. Thank you for being with us. Uh Steve
in the Free State of Florida. What's up, Steve? And
I'm glad you.

Speaker 2 (20:08):
Called, sir.

Speaker 5 (20:09):
Hey Sean. First, I want to thank you for just
willing to obviously speak the truth and spread the truth
on a daily basis, but in the meantime putting yourself
your family in danger and I'm sure incidents that are
uncomfortable because of what you're speaking of. So I appreciate
you really kind of.

Speaker 1 (20:28):
Well, I can I can give you some good news
and I don't talk about these incidents. And yes, I've
experienced it, and yes, my family sadly has experienced things.
And it's not it's not it's horrible. And I'm my
poor assistant. You know once got white powder. Once you
opened a letter to me, and it was the most

frightening day of her life, and thank god, it wasn't
anything bad, and and other things have happened that are
even worse than that.

Speaker 2 (20:56):
However, I will tell.

Speaker 1 (20:58):
You, you know, I just accepted as part of the job,
and I just try to keep my family out of
what I do for a living.

Speaker 2 (21:05):
And that's how I do it.

Speaker 1 (21:06):
And I can tell you since I've moved to Florida,
I would say ninety eight percent of what I used
to experience is gone. I'm not having to worry like
I did in New York. Being in New York City
not a good place for me. I can promise you that.

Speaker 5 (21:23):
Yeah, I can imagine.

Speaker 8 (21:24):
I can only imagine.

Speaker 5 (21:25):
But really, what I wanted to talk about too is
first this, you know, DeSantis just said to all the colleges,
if you get caught on premise without like a protest,
without the permit, the proper you know, authorization or whatever,
you will get expelled. We don't have any campuses with
any house. How hard is that to do, like, like

come on, you know that's that he set that rule.
And we don't have any campuses that are having any
big disruptions and nonsense.

Speaker 1 (21:52):
That's why I got to tell you something. This is
where you know, I tip my hat to Governor DeSantis.

Speaker 2 (21:57):
He's tough as nails.

Speaker 1 (21:58):
He doesn't take crap, and he keeps you know, safety
and security, law and order matters to him. And he's
not going to let the people of Florida be bullied
by by a bunch of student radicals. And he's not
going to let the inmates take over the asylum. And
he's gonna he's not going to go into this no

bail law insanity or defund or dismantle or reimagining the police. No,
he's doing the opposite. He's telling police officers and other
cities like New York, come down here. We'll pay you
a bonus to sign up and come work for us
where you where you will get the respect and the
support you deserve.

Speaker 2 (22:37):
And it's working.

Speaker 8 (22:38):

Speaker 5 (22:39):
And the other thing I wanted to say is real simple.
So we could approach all these protesters at different schools
and say, listen, guys, we understand you have a voice.

Speaker 8 (22:47):
And you know what it should be heard.

Speaker 5 (22:48):
But let's do it, you know, in a manner. Let's
have a stage, let's have an event, let's do it right.
But all you have to do is go to every
one of these people and say, all right, you're on campus,
which I think, if I'm not mistaken, a lot of
these campuses that are considered private property. So don't just
get to go on these schools. If you have no like,
you're not supposed to be there, so check their ideas.
If there's no student ID, you have them removed immediately.

They're not meant to be there. And if they have
a student ID. I'd like to know how many of
these people are on foreign aid or getting scholarships and
using you know, student loans to be at Columbia or
whatever school it is. And we know they're never going
to pay them.

Speaker 8 (23:24):
Back, then maybe I'll go back to the country.

Speaker 5 (23:26):
Whatever it is. But they're happy to use us, but
they want to say they hate us. There's four million
in twenty one, that was the last sentence I could find.
Four million Palestinians in the world. Two million live in Gaza,
the rest of them live in the Middle East somewhere.
There's like one hundred and sixty six Palestinians in the
United States.

Speaker 8 (23:45):
So how can this be?

Speaker 5 (23:46):
And I understand you don't have to be Palestinian to
believe in the cause, but the amount of people that
are all across the country that they're protesting is there's
one hundred and sixty six Palestinians. It just doesn't make sense.
I guarantee, if you pill off and why are they
hiding their face? If I stand up for something, and
I'm proud to stand up, but I believe in it,
I'm going to stick my face. I'm not going to
hide behind a mask. I'm going to stick up and

say I don't agree with this, I don't do this.
Come and get me right. So why are they hiding
that whole thing? And if you peeled off their shirts,
you'll find a Black Lives Matter shirt, find teeth a shirt.
It's all programmed to create chaos, right simple.

Speaker 1 (24:24):
In one hundred and eighty seven days, America is at
an inflection point. I don't even want to go down
the road of thinking about losing. I want to focus
on strategies that will help get this country back on track.
That's all I'm focused on now. I'm not focused on, well,
you know, we probably may not win. What's the point

I'm not there, no way, you know what. Too many
people have sacrificed way more. Then we're going to have
to sacrifice to get our ass out and vote and
vote by mail and embrace it and vote early and
embrace it and get involved with being a partisan observer
and watch polling places around the country. So there's no

shenanigans and watch vote counting up close and personal, which
they were not allowed to do in twenty twenty. And
I think right now we've got to we've got to
unite behind common sense principles to get the country back
on track. We I want the return of equal justice
and equal application of our laws. I don't want a weaponist,
weaponized justice system. I don't want. I don't want it

to be used against radical left Democrats. I want them
to get to have a fair legal system too. That's
what our founders and our framers intended, and that's what
it should be. And I stand by our constitution. You know,
these these are very tough times, and you've got a
mindset that has taken over, that has just been radicalized.

You've got an entire party that has now shifted to radicalism.
It is led by the squad. Joe Biden follows the
squad's lead. Joe Biden is cowering in a corner like
a scared little kid, afraid to take a morally courageous
stand that radical Islamic terrorism and terrorists that kill innocent men,

women and children on a mass scale like they did
in October on October seventh, that they need to be
defeated in Israel's war on terror. I'm not saying to
take it a step beyond that. Just give them moral
support for crying out loud. Let's start there. You know,
where is your moral compass, where is your moral clarity?

I mean, if this is what the world looks like
when an American president abdicates their role as the leader
of the free world, this only emboldens the worst actors
on the world stage. That's what we're all witnessing. That's
what we're living through, and four more years of it.

I can't even imagine how bad it will get. It
will get so bad that nothing is off the table
in terms of how off the rails the economy goes,
how off the rails the world goes, and how dangerous
everything is gonna become.

Speaker 2 (27:13):
Because he's Joe Biden can't think on his own.

Speaker 1 (27:16):
He's gonna he's gonna let the radicals that have been
basically running his presidency continue to do so, and they're
only gonna get worse, and they'll be more empowered and embolden.
It's scary anyway, my friend, I do appreciate your time.
Thanks for the call. All right, quick break right back.
More of your call's coming up toll free. It's eight
hundred and nine to four one, Shawn. As we continue

the final hour of the Sean Hannity Show.

Speaker 7 (27:40):
Was up next Hang on for Sean's conservative solutions.

Speaker 2 (27:52):
Right back to our busy phones.

Speaker 1 (27:54):
We have another minute, Chuck in Wyoming, it's all yours
one minute, make it count, Chuck.

Speaker 8 (27:58):
Yes, I would just talk, but the students over there,
protests on all these campuses and whatnot. Why don't the
schools just go in? You know, this protest supposed to
be non violent has turned violent. Scoop them all up,
kick them out of the school, and I mean take
your transcripts, stamp into the transcript suspended whatever due to

terrorist affiliations. Kick them no graduation this year. So they're
going to throw their last semester of school down the tubes.
They're gonna have to go somewhere to get back in
someplace to try to get their their diplomas. They've affected
their whole life for the rest of their time. I mean,
this has been a follow them if you do something.

Speaker 1 (28:41):
Like that, well, I gotta tell you this all. I
am so grateful now that my kids are out of
school as of this as of this month. I'm just
grateful because the stuff that I can tell you, I've
always kept my kids out of the program on purpose.
I'll continue to do that. And I don't bring them
into the public arena. They don't want it, and I

don't blame them. They see what their dad goes through.
But I can tell you stories that will raise the
hair in the back of your head. It's unbelievable the
things that they have to experience on college campuses today. Anyway,
I appreciate you call, my friend. Thank you for being
with us, Thanks for being so concise in your call.
We appreciate it. Look, Mother's Day is approaching, and we've

been telling you about our friends are Preborn and they
are on a mission to introduce every expecting mom to
the miracle that is birth and life growing within them.
And that's the mission of preborn dot com slash sewn,
Sea n and Linda. They're doing tremendous work and they're
having great success.

Speaker 9 (29:44):
That's right. So, guys, May twelfth is Mother's Day. There
is no excuse. The best gift to give your mom
is helping another mom who is suddenly pregnant, wasn't expecting
it unplanned? What have you let her know how awesome
it is to be a mom. It's the best gift
in the world. You can go to preborn dot com.
You can hit pound two fifty type the keyword baby,

or you can visit preborn dot com forward slash and remember,
planned parenthood is taking your money. They're doing whatever they
want with it, and they don't give a rip about life.
We have to help them. They're totally based on us
donations only, no government funding. Get out there and get
the preborn dot com guys.

Speaker 1 (30:18):
All right, preborn dot com slash sean that's szaan or
pound two fifty keyword baby. Quick break right back at
the top of the hour, we'll talk to a professor
from Cornell and a Campus Reform Higher Education fellow and
professor of political science at Suffolk Community College in New
York and what they're seeing on college campuses with their

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